TA February 2010

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$3.90 I SS N 0 1 1 3 -3 4 0 3 (P r int ) ISSN 1175-7140 (Online)


Switchfoot • The Outlook For Someday winners Study Graphic Design • Dane Rumble poster

Mean as Lovemusic.co.nz packs FIFA World Cup match balls Skullcandy • Plus heaps more!


Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010


4: Leap into 2010!

20: Be a good tourist

18: Switchfoot

22: Outlook for Someday

26: Movies

SPECIAL FEATURES Happy February dudes! So, my own New Year’s resolutions crumbled spectacularly on January 2. That’s a new personal record for me. But I didn’t beat myself up about it, no no. I read our new writer, Saphiya’s inspirational article and I thought, “whatevs, I’ll just give it another crack! And maybe with something a little more meaningful than dressing as a spaceman for the month of January”. So now, 2010 is the year that I become more observant, and more inquisitive. Instead of being baffled by life, I’m going to grab it by the cheeks and shout ‘But WHY?’ There are things I’ve always wondered about but never investigated. How are mosquitoes justified in the circle of life? What does ‘sankalpa’ mean and why do I want one? Why don’t McD’s do a veggie burger? And how come when people brush their teeth on American films, you never see any toothpaste foam?* I’m going to increase my brain size by at least 200%. Do not ever play Trivial Pursuit with me, unless you’re on my team! So anyway, roll on 2010 I say.

RAIN FRANCIS, Editor rain@tearaway.co.nz


Leap into 2010!


What you had to say about summer, teenage boozing, and Big Day Out


Be your best: our A-Z guide to natural health

12 Our World, Our Future: climate change 20 Global Focus: summer holiday goodness 22 The Outlook for Someday: the winners!

MUSIC 14 Kiwi music news with Kiwi FM 15 New from Drew and C4 Vodafone Select Live 16 POSTER: Dane Rumble 18 Talking to Switchfoot

CHOICES AND CAREERS 24 Social Networking 26 Computer graphic design

REVIEWS, PREVIEWS AND GIVEAWAYS 27 Games 28 Movies 30 CDs 32 Books

REGULARS * You can find the answer to at least one of these questions on page 4

10 News quiz 33 Grabbag

Tearaway Magazine is an independent publication of Tearaway Press Ltd. The opinions expressed within these pages are those of the individual writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Tearaway magazine. Head Office:

Ask for more copies of Tearaway at your school!

PO Box 27480, Marion Square, Wellington Phone: (04) 894 3613

Schools Manager: Katie Chilton, katie@tearaway.co.nz

CEO: Josh Kosmala, josh@tearaway.co.nz Editor: Rain Francis, editor@tearaway.co.nz Sub-editor: Jonquil Brooks Sales & Marketing Manager: Kane Salanoa, kane@tearaway.co.nz Operations Manager: Anita Smart, anita@tearaway.co.nz

Contributors to this issue: Jason Antill, Isaac Banks, Lisa Bentley, Alexander Donohue, Leah Garcia-Purves, Regina Green, Annie Hawker, Gemma Henderson, Ashleigh Hope, Phoebe Hunt, Fleur Jack, Rhian Lawrence, Jess McAllen, Sharon McCroskie, Travis Mills, Drew Neemia, David Osten Gifford, Munaf Patel, Meredith Paterson, Jono Perkins, Chris Traill, Erana Walker, Abby Ward, Rachel Ward Allen, Kelly Williams, Erin Young, Saphiya Zaza, Rick Zwaan

Designed by: Leo Francis Distribution: Anita Smart

February ‘10 cover artist: Michael Fikaris

Printed by: Webstar, Masterton

It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question – Eugene Ionesco Decouvertes




JESS MCALLEN hit The Mount for New Year’s (arguably the most notorious axis for teenage boozing) and asked...

1. What do you think about the way the media portrays youth drinking at this time of year? 2. In what ways are these messages correct? 3. In what ways are they false? 4. What do you think of the alcohol bans of places such as The Mount? 5. What is the longest time you have been sober for? 6. How can we avoid the pressure to drink at parties but still have fun?

Cameron Langdon, 16, Tauranga

Samantha Short, 17, The Mount

1. What they portray is negative and then the negative vibes will create negativity among drinkers – teenagers will mirror what they are being told 2. Some of the things that go on are pretty negative so that is true 3. Not so much false as misleading, they don’t portray positives – it is all don’ts and no dos but there are positives, ie. the new slate that the start of a new year brings and the teenagers that do not even drink 4. They are pretty good to be honest because there is such a large concentration of people that nothing good can come of it 5. Two months 6. Energy drinks are a good substitute. Peer pressure is a very personal thing, you can’t avoid it, they (your friends) won’t think any less of you for it and if they do then they are not your friends. You don’t need alcohol to have fun

1. The messages that the media portrays are wrong and they stereotype teenagers 2. Some teenagers do get extremely drunk 3. They only show teenage drinking in a negative light. They don’t focus on the positive things that youth are doing such as volunteer work 4. I think the bans are sensible because there are just too many people 5. Six months 6. Teenagers are not necessarily pressured to drink. This image is all created by the media

Vicki-Lee Carter, 16, Hamilton 1. People think that New Zealand youth drinking culture is really bad because the media always go on about it 2. To the extent of it, it is kind of true as people think that New Year’s is the time to get trashed 3. Not everybody is really drinking – you don’t have to drink to have fun 4. It is like a safety thing, it’s not possible for that many people to drink in a public place without something going wrong 5. Two months 6. Watch everyone else get drunk – it’s really funny!

Scott Higby, 17, Ngahinapouri 1. It is a terrible message – they portray us as people who drink heaps 2. Some people can’t handle their alcohol and can drink too much; this can result in mishaps such as liver damage 3. Some people are responsible drinkers 4. They are good because people will not take their beer into Burger King; I don’t want to eat my BK with some drunk person smashing glasses in the place 5. Two months 6. Just having fun with your mates


Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Ricardo Ellingford, 17, Hamilton 1. I think the media gives the general public the wrong impression of youth because there are only a few people who drink irresponsibly 2. It is true in some ways as drinking at New Year’s is a very popular part of youth culture 3. They make it seem like everyone who drinks at New Year’s is going to end up in a jail cell 4. I think that drinking at places that everyone enjoys being at is good, there is not a need for a ban, they should just take the people out that spoil it for everyone 5. 2—3 weeks… or a month… 6. Be the sober driver, all your friends will love you for it!

Roseanna Stanton, 17, Tauranga 1. It gives the impression that all NZ youth are drinking and that it is the expected and accepted behaviour 2. Sometimes the media exaggerates it but when shows like Shortland Street show teenage binge drinking, this is often a true example of what is really going on… binge drinking does occur within NZ 3. Sometimes the stories on the news can be a bit farfetched and sensationalised 4. It is a sensible idea in order to control and look after NZ’s youth; it also ensures that mass drinking doesn’t take place as this could lead to violence 5. Four months 6. Get a friend to help you by also staying sober. Just have confidence in your decision to stay sober

As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you – Fran Lebowitz

Introducing... Jess McAllen, 17, Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Hamilton

In 2010 I want to... learn how to multi-task This is pretty weird, but I... am a vegetarian who misses chicken but will not eat it (animal rights) I feel at my most Zen when I... am sitting under a tree reading

Introducing... Gemma Henderson, 17, St Mary’s College, Auckland

I aim to be... some kind of musician, probably classical. Cello ftw! The last time I lmao was... when I fell down some stairs backwards on a chair in slow motion This is a bit wrong, but... I spend about 10 hours a day on the computer :/ My favourite form of procrastination is... going for long walks to obscure places with a good book and a flask of tea

Daniel Atkinson, 17, Hamilton 1. That we binge drink too much 2. Well, a large population of New Zealanders are binge drinkers. However this does not just apply to teens 3. They make it that every teenager in NZ is a raging drunk, that all young people are immature with alcohol. This is not the truth 4. Unnecessary, they should just lock up people who go a bit over the top 5. One month 6. Bring heaps of Lift Plus!

Michelle Carrington, 16, Hamilton 1. They portray it badly and exaggerate the truth 2. Well, people under age are drinking and getting drunk – just not as much as everyone thinks 3. They focus more on youth drinking than adults, and adults do drink as much, if not more, than youth 4. It is a good thing so it doesn’t get out of control 5. Six months 6. Chat up cute guys with the advantage of the dignity that other drunken girls will not have!

Nico Patchay, 17, Hamilton 1. They give a very negative image 2. Youth do get drunk and make fools of themselves; they can forget what happens while drinking… 3. It is false in the way that it makes every teenager sound like they get drunk all the time 4. It is a bit restricting 5. Four months 6. I personally have no idea!

Grace Walker, 15, Hamilton 1. 2. 3. 4.

The media portrays us all as ruthless drinkers These messages are not correct We can drink responsibly They are good because people are irresponsible at the beach and in public places while drinking 5. Five months 6. Play games like spin the bottle and pass the parcel and Monopoly… and chess

Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness – Seneca quotes

At this year’s Big Day Out, GEMMA HENDERSON asked...

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What kind of music are you interested in? Who have you come to see? What’s your favourite stage/area? What essential items did you bring with you today? How many Big Day Outs have you been to?

Laura Ford, 17, Pukekohe 1. All sorts. I’m into a wide variety of music 2. Muse, Kora, Ladyhawke, Lily Allen, Dizzee Rascal, Calvin Harris 3. Main stages and the rides 4. Money, sunblock and sunnies 5. This is my first

Nathan Champion, 24, Mt. Victoria, Wellington 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Country music Silent Disco Lilyworld Handkerchief (Nana gave it to me) Five out of 10

Brooke Callan-Bartkiw, 16, ‘Tity City’ (Titirangi) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Indie/alternative/cool music The Checks, Kasabian, Jet, Muse Boiler Room Phone, money, ID, candy This is my second, for schnitzel my pretzel!

Ella Pearce, 16, Titirangi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Alternative Muse, The Checks, Kora Rides, Boiler Room, main stages Phone, money Two




Your A-Z guide to natural health (Part 1) D is for vitamin D A is for avocado This magical wee fruit not only tastes amazing, but it’s packed full of goodness to keep you healthy in the summer season. Avocados contain ‘good fats’ – which help your entire body work properly and keep your brain active and healthy – as well as minerals like potassium, and vitamins B, E, and K. They’re like a ready-packed takeaway meal, too – just cut it in half, scoop it out, and away you go. Alternatively, use these babies as a spread for crackers or bread when they’re ripe and soft, or whip up a guacamole to impress your friends.

B is for berries Berries are some of nature’s little wonders. They’re bursting with nutrients and chemicals like vitamin C and flavanoids to make you healthy and strong, and they taste incredible too! Berries are full of chemicals called antioxidants, which help your body fight another kind of chemical called a ‘free radical’, formed in extreme exercise and from eating a poor diet and smoking. These race around your body and speed up the ageing process, damage your cells, and are potentially linked to cancer and heart disease. The darker the berry, the more antioxidants they contain. They’re small, easy to eat, and taste incredible too! So go on, grab yourself some of nature’s lollies and have a feast – your body (and taste buds) will love you for it.

C is for chocolate Yes, really! Dark chocolate is usually classed as a superfood these days. Dark chocolate has less sugar in it than milk or white chocolate, and contains high amounts of cocoa, which is – excuse the pun – choc-full of antioxidants, just like the berries I mentioned above. Not only this, but chocolate contains minerals like iron, magnesium and potassium and, as we all know, is great for boosting your moods as well. Chocoholics, rejoice!


Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Also known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, it’s receiving lots of attention at the moment for its potentially cancer-preventing, bone-strengthening, depressionbusting, body-boosting properties. Vitamin D is made by your body when sunlight hits your skin directly (that means no glass in the way, and no sunscreen on) and gets absorbed into your body, where it gets to work. Despite our roasting summers, most people are lacking this vitamin, probably due to us being so ‘sunsmart’. While it’s essential to not get sunburnt and to cover up during the middle of the day, 10 to 15 minutes in the sun in the morning or afternoon daily, without sunscreen, will boost your levels of vitamin D.

E is for exercise Whether you like it or not, one of the best things you can do to keep yourself healthy is to do some exercise several times a week, for at least half an hour. It doesn’t have to be team sports, either – try walking, swimming, yoga, martial arts, or hitting the gym to keep your body active and muscles strong, and to keep your weight where it should be. Your heart and muscles will love you for it, and you’ll feel so much better too.

F is for fruit While it may seem very basic, a lot of people don’t eat as much fruit as they should do. Fruit is full of vitamins and minerals, essential for our bodies to function properly, and the flavours and tastes and textures are endless. It’s full of water to hydrate you and fibre to keep you, erm, regular, and you can eat it on the run! Summer is the best time to start eating more fruit because of the variety available at this time of year – so I challenge you to try a new kind every week for the next three months, and add some flavour to your life.

G is for gardening There’s nothing like planting some seeds, watching them grow, and then picking your own vegetables fresh from your own garden a few months later, ready for your dinner. Gardening is a great activity for relaxing, and with many people looking for ways to save money, gardening is suddenly cool again. Dig up a patch of earth, plant some seeds, add some water and sunshine, and reap the rewards! Never eat more than you can lift – Miss Piggy

Whether you’re at school or uni, out in the workforce or just trying to work out how to conquer the world, you’ll function at your best if you look after your body and your brain. Here, our naturopathy and medical herbalism guru, ERIN YOUNG, brings you the first in a two-part series on easy and natural ways to be your best. Start incorporating this amazing alphabet into your life and get ready to kick some serious behind in 2010!

H is for herbal medicine Herbs are a lot more than just the things we use to flavour our foods – many of them have fantastic healing properties, and have been used as medicine for millennia. Many medicines come from concentrated chemicals found in herbs, but herbalists say that you need the whole plant – not just a single chemical from it – for your body to really heal, as they contain natural substances that protect the body from side effects and have evolved alongside our bodies for millions of years. Remember though, herbs are still a kind of medicine, and you need to be very careful with them. Always consult a herbalist when using herbal medicine.

L is for lipids ...a fancy way of saying fats. There are lots of different kinds of fat, and it’s very important to get enough of the ones you need. Your cell walls are actually made of fat, which means you need to keep eating the good fats and avoid the bad ones to keep your whole body strong and working properly. Good ones include Omega 3, from fish and flaxseed oil, and Omega 6, from most vegetable oils, but you should get roughly the same amount of each in your diet – too much Omega 6 can lead to problems. Other good oils include coconut oil, olive oil, and small amounts of saturated fats from dairy, for example milk or butter. Bad fats are the trans fats and hydrogenated fats found in processed foods and margarine, and should be avoided as much as possible to stay healthy.

I is for your immune system This is the part of your body that defends you against invading bugs and viruses, helps destroy ‘foreign bodies’ that shouldn’t be there, and keeps you from being overrun with ‘bad guys’ while keeping the ‘good guys’ where they should be. Your immune system is one of the most important systems in your body. There are lots of ways you can boost it, but the main ones are to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water, sleep enough, and if you’re sick, using ‘immune-boosters and helpers’ like olive leaf, garlic, echinacea, vitamin C, and zinc to get better.

J is for joy There’s nothing better than a fit of giggles to help lift your mood and bring some joy into your life. Stress is a huge problem these days, with our fast-paced lifestyles and busy school and work lives, and it’s often argued that stress is the biggest killer. It affects every function in your body in a really bad way – so that means that a bit of laughter, with its stress-busting properties, can do wonders for your health, both mental and physical. There’s even a famous doctor known for his pro-laughter practices, Dr Patch Adams. Watch a comedy, tell some jokes, and have a giggle – laughter is the best medicine.

M is for minerals Minerals are a lot more than the rocks you find on the side of the road! They’re natural substances the body uses to carry out essential functions in the body. For example, calcium makes your bones strong; calcium, magnesium, and potassium are all used by your muscles to keep them working properly and to prevent cramping; and iron is essential for your blood to carry oxygen around your body. Minerals are found in fruit and vegetables, which means it’s time to eat more greens.

K is for kiwifruit These furry green fruit are packed full of vitamin C, which is one of the most essential vitamins around. Vitamin C is great for boosting your immune system, works as an antioxidant, and is used to make collagen – a substance used to make connective tissue like ligaments and cartilage. Vitamin C is also important for helping you absorb iron from other foods. The greatest wealth is health – Virgil

Argh! What about N to Z?! Fear not, we’ll be back next month with the rest of the alphabet. Till then, time to start hoeing into some salad, people...



NEWS QUIZ Well, we gave you a bit of time off over the summer break! We didn’t make you read our CD reviews, answer our quizzes or enter any freebee comps – BUT I hope you’ve been keeping up with the world’s current events between BBQs and swims!

JONO PERKINS puts your news nous to the test

1. Haiti is a country of extreme poverty and is currently experiencing a situation that a lot of us will never be able to imagine. The loss of life is comparable to a decent sized NZ city and the number of people with no homes to go to is beyond belief. A nation that already had ‘nothing’ now has even less. What natural disaster caused this? a) Tsunami b) Hurricane c) Earthquake 2. When a seven-year-old boy from England heard about the Haitian tragedy, he told his mother he wanted to complete an eight km bike ride, get sponsors online and donate the money to Unicef to aid their work in Haiti. He was hoping for around $NZ1000. Take a guess at how much he ended up with… a) About $20 b) About $200 c) About $200,000 3. A recent flight put one wannabe terrorist in the hot-seat when his underwear bomb didn’t explode but only burnt away at his manhood. Epic fail. What day was this on? a) No one cares b) Christmas Day c) Boxing Day 4. No one’s really sure who to blame for the collision between a whaling vessel and an anti-whaling vessel last month. All that we know is the anti-whaling vessel is now on the bottom of the deep blue and the whales are still being harpooned! What does/did the Ady Gil (anti-whaling boat) most resemble? a) A whale b) New Zealand c) The Batboat 5. Depp’s dead?! Na bo. He’s still kicking. What was the alleged internet rumour over Johnny’s death? a) That he died in France in an alcohol-related car crash b) He dressed up in his Jack Sparrow outfit, tripped over and landed on his sword c) He went crazy from method acting as the Mad Hatter, a friend was late for dinner at the Depp’s house and he jumped of the cliff near his Beverly Hills home! 10 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

6. Sixteen-year-old Jessica Watson is now more than halfway through her journey around the world alone! If she makes it, she will be the youngest person to ever ____ the globe alone. a) Sail b) Row c) Swim 7. An Italian father and son were playing FIFA 2009 on PlayStation last month when the father offered the son some advice on how to improve his game. What happened next? a) The son took the advice, cleaned up in the next round and went on to be the world #1 at FIFA 2009. He has now been invited to attend the World Cup this year and will be playing for Italy! b) The father’s advice was useless, it didn’t help him at all c) He went to the kitchen, picked up a knife and stabbed his father in the throat 8. Home and Away’s Todd Lasance, who we (secret H&A fans) all know as Aden Jefferies, was arrested at the show’s Christmas party in December, for what? a) Punching over Alf Stewart b) Being in possession of cocaine c) Being found guilty in the case of the missing puppies 9. Power was cut to around 50,000 Auckland homes last month. This seems to happen all the time! But why couldn’t Transpower fix the fault this time around? a) They had NO idea what was wrong and didn’t know where to start, so they had a candlelit game of Cranium b) An angry farmer in the Waikato wouldn’t let the maintenance guys onto his farm to fix it c) An Auckland man was so over the humidity and heat that he went to Bunnings, purchased over 100 cooling fans and overloaded the power sockets by plugging them all in at once. This, of course, blew the whole city’s supply 10. An entire mountain has been renamed ‘Avatar Hallelujah Mountain’ because it inspired the animation and scenery in the film Avatar. In what country was this? a) New Zealand b) USA c) China Answers on page 31

I was a peripheral visionary. I could see the future, but only way off to the side – Steven Wright

CLIMATE CHANGE RICK ZWAAN, ERANA WALKER, ABBY WARD, PHOEBE HUNT and TRAVIS MILLS were in Copenhagen in December to attend the week-long UNICEF Children’s Climate Forum, before the big UN climate change conference started (the Copenhagen Summit). The Forum brought together 164 young people from 44 countries to discuss climate issues from a youth perspective

Photo credit: UNICEF

We were particularly moved by the opportunity to hear firsthand from people at the front lines of climate change and compare our lives. A Nigerian delegate told us how he had to walk for hours to get water because it has stopped raining in his town. While we can watch a movie about the impact of climate change on developing countries, it doesn’t have the lasting effect of talking to someone who is

From left: Irina (Switzerland), Abby (NZ), Jenna (China) and Phoebe (NZ) with the solar car they created

living the consequences of climate change every day.

The young people at the Forum agreed on a Declaration that set out their views on climate change and outlined what they saw as priorities for the future. The Declaration was presented to the president of COP15 [15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] for world leaders to consider. One of the key messages was the importance of education. Education is essential in preventing catastrophic climate change and should be mandatory in the school curriculum. We not only need education to learn about and understand the complexity of climate change, but also to gain skills and knowledge in order to mitigate and adapt to its effects. The Declaration also pointed out the need for more research and investment into green and energy-efficient technologies, along with sustainable transport infrastructure. A recent youth survey carried out by UNICEF and Enviro-Challenge found that 96 percent of respondents favour some changes to NZ’s current transport system. We found attending the Forum to be a real inspiration and it showed us what young people can do to ensure that we create a healthy society. While the world ‘leaders’ continue to debate the big issues, we as individuals have the power to make real changes in our own lives and communities. We urge you to join us on this journey. You can start small by hitting the streets cycling, and eating local food. It is possible to do as the Copenhageners do, riding their bikes in sunshine or snow. It will mean positive changes to our lifestyles, and will ensure that we create not only a prosperous and positive society, but a secure future. 12 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Ever wondered what it’s like to talk to someone and they have no idea what you’re saying? Well it happened to me in Copenhagen. Not only did I get the chance to meet people from across the world, I also had the chance to experience a diversity of cultures, languages and stories.

From left: Phoebe, Erana and Travis, arranging climate change display for NZ

You and I, right now, we’re creating a network. Sure, it’s one where currently I talk and you sit there thinking about what I’m saying. But nevertheless, it’s still a network.

I can share information, ideas and thoughts that can inspire you. It wasn’t even hard to create was it? You picked up a magazine, I sat down and wrote. Easy. So why then, do we not use networks more often? During the CCF I created 163 networks. Sure, I won’t use them all. Nevertheless, that’s 163 ways I can connect and share ideas with people. We can connect in many different ways – Facebook, bebo, MySpace, even going down the mall or going to the movies. We can use these networks to get a job, money, or even a date. So why is it then that our governments can’t create these networks? Networks that can save lives, share information, or even make the world a better place – TRAVIS MILLS

Throughout the conference I heard stories about how climate change was directly affecting these young people’s lives. In some countries, water supplies were turning salty due to sea level rises, these being the only water sources on the island; others were being affected by diseases that are spread through heavy rainfall and flooding. Even though these people are feeling the harsh effects, they hold strong to their cultures, which, to me, is how they persevere through these harsh times. We were privileged enough to get a glimpse of their cultures on the last night of the conference when people felt confident enough to perform in front of the 164 delegates and chaperones. I personally found this to be one of the exciting parts of the conference, seeing firsthand the stories of their homes and the history of their people through their performances. I might not have been able to understand their language, they obviously didn’t completely understand me, but because we were striving for one goal we were able to connect. I learnt a lot throughout that week, but what really stood out for me was holding onto what you believe in!! Even if you do get funny looks from others – ERANA WALKER

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal – Arthur Schopenhauer

Before the world leaders sweated

From my recent experience in

How do you influence someone? When

over text in Copenhagen, discussions

Copenhagen I have found a huge difference in the way youth live

you want something how do you get it?

in the Children’s Climate Forum

across the globe. This has a strong

also heated up. To present recommendations to the adults, we, 164 delegates from 44 different countries, had to come to an agreement ourselves.

I was lucky enough to play a part in the drafting of this message, which gave me a taste of the difficulty of diplomacy. The final stages became extremely challenging when votes were initiated, one every second word. However, our two page document, which we presented to Danish Climate Minister Connie Hedergaard, was strong and successful. Despite huge cultural differences and language difficulties we produced an all-encompassing agreement, making more progress in one week than our leaders offered us in two. While our governments continue fruitless negotiations, I see the potential of our generation to be the real leaders on climate change – ABBY WARD

Seeking solutions, in a global context, is exactly

influence on our environmental

what’s needed when advocating on a political

awareness and environmental impact.

issue. Keeping it simple is the best approach

Growing up in NZ, turning 15 means getting a driver’s licence. Licences and cars are cheap and easily accessible. In Denmark this is not the case as licences are obtained at 18. Licences cost about $2,000 NZD and ‘cheap’ cars cost about $30,000 NZD. This sparks a huge change in transportation culture between our two similarly-sized countries. In Denmark it is incredibly common to bike. It is usual for citizens to have numerous bikes; for example, a commuting bike, a bike for fitness and a going-out bike. Biking not only reduces emissions but greatly increases fitness by working exercise into daily life. Just because we can afford to drive cars does not mean it is the best option. Perhaps instead of looking for technology to support our behaviour we should look at an alternative method – a method that cuts emissions and promotes a healthy lifestyle – PHOEBE HUNT

in advocacy. So how does convincing your mate to get you an ice-cream translate into influencing world leaders? Well, they both work on the same principle, that if you can get someone to see the personal positive gain from doing something, then they’re probably doing it. Advocacy comes down to making personal connections; relating a big idea to something that we see every day. It’s summer, we see ice-cream everywhere and get disappointed when it melts all over our hands. The oceans don’t appreciate it when Greenland’s glaciers overfill them with fresh water. The challenge we still face is convincing leaders that we care about this issue; for this to happen we must start by convincing each other – RICK ZWAAN

Read the Declaration at www.unicef.org.nz/store/doc/childrens_climate_forum_declaration_FINAL.pdf The future has a way of arriving unannounced – George Will

www.tearaway.net.nz 13

MUSIC Catch up with some of the big music haps this summer with Kiwi FM’s FLEUR JACK

Bic Runga, Tim Finn and Dave Dobbyn

Miho Wada

Pack a picnic, your sun hat and a blankie, grab yourself a ticket

All of this month and next there will be a bunch of musical

to get along to the Winery Tour 2010 and witness some NZ music

performances happening across Auckland.

legends in action in a relaxed and friendly environment.

There’ll be Jazz at the Rotunda featuring Miho Wada (who performed with Iggy Pop in last year’s Orcon competition), Karen Hunter, and the Lewis McCallum Band; Summer Sounds, which features The Datsuns, Dimmer, The Bats, LA Mitchell, SJD, Sweet and Irie, The Warratahs and Hammond Gamble; The Culture Garden, showcasing Carolina Moon, Steve Abel, and The New Zealand Opera; and there will also be Movies in Parks. For full details of where to be, head to: www.musicinparks.co.nz

This is the fourth year that the event has been running and every year the line-up is strong. Past acts have included Opshop, Anika Moa, Goldenhorse and Brooke Fraser, and this year’s line-up is every bit as strong, with Tim Finn, Dave Dobbyn, Bic Runga, Boh Runga and Che Fu all performing on the bill. It kicks off on February 5 with 18 shows lined up around the country. Tickets can be purchased from www.thewinerytour.co.nz and the shows are all ages.

Gig ‘n’ kai

Wanna catch a live gig, but don’t want to leave the house?! Check out Guess Who’s Singing For Dinner every Tuesday night @ 8pm. Burger Fuel puts on some food, a band comes in to play three live songs and have a chat about life on Indie Alt New with Fleur Jack. “I wanted to have a band on my show every week and I thought what better way than to lure them in with the promise of a darn tasty kai” – Fleur Jack Thanx Burger Fuel!!

14 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing – James Brown

The Datsuns


from Drew What is up people? HAPPY New Year! Hope everyone has had a great break.


Wellington waterfront will be a hustle and a bustle this month as the country’s top performers hit town for the best one-day festival that the capital offers.

The best part? It champions ONLY NZ music. The line-up is bigger than ever with Kora, The Black Seeds, The Feelers, Shihad, Salmonella Dub, Katchafire, The Datsuns, The Mint Chicks, Liam Finn and loads more – 32 acts in total. There will also be an underground band that will open the day and is being voted for at www. myspace.com/homegrownnz. You can win tickets to the gig by voting too. Earlybird tickets sold out in 24 hours and the festival has sold out every year of its existence – which is pretty good going.

Anika Moa

Auckland Zoo’s Zoo Music is in its

The Annual Fringe

seventh year running and this year there

Fest is coming your

is a delicious array of performers for

way this month

you to pick through.

with entertainment

Award winning Opshop kick off on Waitangi Day and they’ll be supported by Jonny Love. February 13 will see a double headline bill of Anika Moa and Sola Rosa, supported by Lisa Crawley. Midnight Youth and Artisan Guns will play on February 19, and February 28 will be a family affair with The Topp Twins and The Sami Sisters. The big finale show is on March 12 with Opensouls and Batucada Sound Machine, supported by An Emerald City. Tickets available from www.ticketmaster.co.nz. Prices: Adult $35 (gate) / $30 pre-purchase, children $20 (gate) / $15 pre-purchase (under 4 free).

in all forms of creative goodness.

From February 12 right through to March 7 you’ll be able to catch one of over 100 productions happening in theatres, pubs, clubs, parks, homes, harbours and the streets – no doubt you’ll only have to walk outside and down the road to find something going on. There will truly be something for everyone, with music, art, dance, comedy, buskers, visual arts and theatre. The shows will either be free or you will be able to give a koha upon entry. Full details and schedule at www.fringe.org.nz

I’ve spent heaps of time at the beach, and managed to get over to Gizzy for New Year. How cool is this summer! So many great gigs, and heaps more to come. I can’t wait for Homegrown in my hometown Welly on the 20th of February. The best Kiwi bands in THE best place in the world – and it IS the best so let’s not argue! 2010 has started with a bang on the show. Man, people are loving Justin Bieber at the moment. He’s the new kid in town, signed to Usher’s record label. His songs are pretty catchy! You can check out his vid at c4tv.co.nz or watch Select. We have a new person around the office – her name’s Shannon and man she’s cool. Even cooler than me. I know what you’re thinking... “Drew, that’s not possible”, but yes it is! Just this once though! You guys will love her. She’s the new Official New Zealand Top 40 presenter. She loves Big Macs so feel free to send her one. And one for me too. Who is keeping up with Glee? Those peeps are pretty amazingly talented, aye? I’m really looking forward to the new Melrose Place which is starting on C4 on the 17th of Feb. I can’t wait to see Ashley Simpson-Wentz’s acting abilities... Make sure you’re watching the show this week for your chance to win some mean prizes! Also, hit up our website to win even more! I will see you at 4 on C4. Don’t be late! Seriously! :) Drew x

WIN! Check out Lovemusic’s giveaway pack, including an iPod shuffle and more, in Grabbag, page 31. I’m not trying to be cosmic, it’s just that everything’s on a roll and that’s how it is – Robert Plant

www.tearaway.net.nz 15

MUSIC Alternative, faith-based band Switchfoot played at the Christian festival Parachute recently. LISA BENTLEY talks with their bassist Tim Foreman about Hello Hurricane, wardrobes, Mexican food and God

Congratulations on the album! You must be proud to have it out?! Yeah, I’m really proud of it, it was the hardest we’ve ever made, and it really means a lot to us. Do you feel your sound has changed since you first began? I think so; this album in particular, we didn’t want a bunch of obstacles blocking the horizon, we wanted an album where every note that’s played really belongs there. What was the drive behind Hello Hurricane? The album title comes from the idea that we were up against the biggest challenge we’d ever faced and it felt like a storm; and it was around the same time we embarked on this journey that we had the privilege of going down and working on some homes in Baton Rouge and Louisiana and where Hurricane Katrina ravaged most of the houses. And we met a lady who had lost her leg in the evacuation process so she was learning to walk on a prosthetic limb, and she said, “I walked out of my old house, I’m going to walk into this one.” She wasn’t bitter, she didn’t see herself as a victim at all, she was encouraged and pretty thankful for what she had and I thought that was incredible. You know, the idea that, yeah storms

18 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

come for all of us , and there’s no telling how big they come; our part in it is how we respond in the path of that storm. So I think of her and the hurricane, and I wanted this to be a collection of songs that were singing into the storm. What would be the most meaningful Switchfoot song to you? This new album is a collection of 12 very meaningful songs. The very first track on the album, Needle and Haystack Life, is one that I always come back to – there’s a line that really resonates with me: “In this needle and haystack life/I’ve found miracles there in your eyes/it’s no accident we’re here tonight/we are once in a lifetime”. I love that these are all songs that cast a story behind them, and with that song, I think of my family; and in the midst of the chaos we have in this world, all the hurt and unanswered questions, the fact that life exists and that we can have these meaningful relationships and moments, is something that often amazes me. What do you like about NZ? Oh gosh! There are so many things we look forward to in New Zealand! We [had] a few days before Parachute to go surfing, and we’ve got

some friends who take us to secret spots. You know what’s funny, there’s a surf spot called Spot X, so we named our studio after it: Spot X Studio. Who is God? God is someone I don’t have in my back pocket, and I don’t have a neat slogan for, because I am defined by him not the other way round, and he tells me who I am, I don’t tell him who he is. The journey of faith that I’m on holds truths along the way. And I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I feel very grateful to have found a saviour in Jesus Christ. It’s a journey that I hope to be on for the rest of my life, so I can find out more about who he is. What are you most scared of? Um, I think maybe the fact of what I’m capable of. I’m human just like the rest of us; I know I’m capable of great good and harm and that’s a heavy responsibility.

Quick-fire Favourite food? Anything Mexican. In the band who’s got the best wardrobe? I think I do!! If you could be a fruit what would you be? I’m going to go with being an avocado, because not many people know that that is a fruit. www.switchfoot.com

God gives us the ability, but rock ‘n’ roll was created by men – Little Richard

We Kiwis love our


summer holidays! But at what cost? MEREDITH PATERSON of just write tells us how we can reduce our impact on climate change and make sure our holidays don’t violate other people’s human rights

Scorching sand, ice-cream, cold waves, sizzling barbeques – these are the elements of the Kiwi summer holiday. After a hard working year, we can’t wait to relax at the beach, holiday bach or our favourite camping spot. Some of us load up the caravan, strap the kayaks to the roof and head to the other side of the country. Others catch a cheap flight to a different corner of NZ. Wherever we go, family, friends and relaxation are usually on the agenda. We just LOVE our summer holidays!

As we live on a relatively isolated island nation, overseas travel has also become important to many Kiwis. In particular, the ‘Overseas Experience’ (OE) has become a rite of passage for younger generations. It is a way for us to experience the big wide world, meet new people and learn about other cultures. But overseas travel isn’t just for young adventurers. Around the world, more and more people go on overseas holidays every year. It is estimated that in 2010, tourists will take 1 billion trips abroad. However, not everyone gets to go on holiday and only a tiny percentage of the world’s population travels overseas. Most of these people come from rich, developed countries (the minority world). Going on holiday puts us in a privileged minority, but we don’t even think much about it. After all, we deserve a break. We rarely consider the impact we have on people and places by being there. But photographs and footprints are not the only reminders of our holidays. Our travels do have effects beyond ourselves.

Tourism and climate change Climate change may well be the biggest threat the world will see, and the impact of tourism and travel on this issue is coming to light. Air travel is recognised as the most polluting form of transport and accounts for 3-5% of carbon dioxide emissions released internationally per year. Sustainable Travel International calculates that even a relatively short flight, Auckland to Sydney, will release 2.06 tonnes of carbon dioxide for two people. Several strategies, including taxing airlines and getting airlines to buy ‘carbon credits’, have been suggested to reduce emissions. Many airlines are countering their pollution by offering carbon offsetting. Carbon offsets seek to cancel out the carbon emissions from flights by donating money to environmentally focused organisations, which support renewable energy and reforestation projects. Air New Zealand offers customers the option to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing Trust Power wind-farm credits. Critics argue that carbon offsetting is only prolonging climate change. “The only way to reduce emissions is not to create them,” argues Pamela Nowicka, author of The No-Nonsense Guide to Tourism. “We must use and develop non-harmful forms of transport.” Ecotourism has become a popular guilt-free alternative to mainstream travel. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” In New Zealand, guided walks around the Catlins and diving in the Poor Knights Islands are a couple of activities offered in the name of ecotourism. Evidently, making your holiday environmentally friendly does not mean taking the fun out of it.

Is holidaying a human right? We take holidays for relaxation, pleasure, family time and new experiences. Some travel to ‘rediscover’ themselves or as religious pilgrimages. In minority world countries, like New Zealand, holidays are considered necessary for ‘the 20 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Although the connections are not always obvious, personal change is inseparable from social and political change – Harriet Lerner

But the WTTC are right. Travel and tourism can help fight against poverty. However, it is up to us to find out how our money can be used to best impact the local community and ensure our environmental damage is minimized. Become an ethical tourist. Find locally owned and run lodges, restaurants and activities whose profits stay in the community. Use the least damaging form of transport. It’s difficult to avoid flying if we want to go overseas. We can’t take a train under the Tasman Sea to visit our Aussie neighbours! But, we can take direct, longer flights, which are more fuel efficient. And we can use local transport, buses, trains and ferries when we are in a country. Next year, instead of loading up the caravan and crossing the island to your regular beach, why not try something different? There are many cycle paths that allow you to explore a different side to the country. The Department of Conservation also offers well kept walkways and informative signs throughout the country. A national park is never far away. Ecotourism adventures are also widely advertised on the internet.

Majority world – The developing world is increasingly being defined as the majority world. It refers to the countries that make up the majority of the world’s population but have limited access to the world’s resources. Minority world – The developed world is increasingly being defined as the minority world. It refers to the countries that make up the minority of the world’s population but utilise the majority of the world’s resources.

good life’. But not everyone has the means to go on holiday. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states in article 24 that “everyone has the right to rest and leisure… and periodic holidays with pay”. Article 13 also states that “everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country”. Unfortunately, these human rights, along with others, are really only available to the minority of those who can afford it. In developing countries (the majority world) not only do most people miss out on the benefits of a holiday, but they often pay the price of other people’s holidays. Tourist developments can destroy natural environments, create waste and exhaust natural resources. There have been many cases where the tourism industry undermines human rights. Prime beach front land has been snatched from locals who are forced to find new homes, locals working in hotels or resorts are commonly underpaid, and forced labour has been used to make tourist areas presentable. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) believes that travel and tourism “can help raise living standards and alleviate poverty in undeveloped areas”. This is a mighty claim. We can’t assume money paid by tourists stays in the country and benefits the locals. Pamela Nowicka claims that “from 50 to 95 % of money spent by a tourist will leave the country it was spent in”. This is known as ‘leakage’. Nowicka cites Thailand as an example saying it is “estimated that 70% of all money spent by tourists ended up leaving Thailand via foreign-owned tour operators, airlines, hotels, imported drinks and food and so on”.


Complete the travel puzzle and go into the draw to win a Trade Aid pack. Send in your completed puzzle, along with your contact details, to: Jennie, Global Focus Aotearoa, PO Box 12440, Wellington 6144

Across 2. A form of non-polluting transport that keeps you fit 4. The group of people who should benefit from tourism 6. A word used to describe the kind of tourists we should be 7. A way to cancel out the negative impacts of air travel 8. Word used to describe how tourism dollars leave the country

Down 1. Where most tourists come from

1 2


3. A kind of tourism that seeks to preserve the environment and benefit local people 5. The least environmentally friendly form of travel







This Global Focus feature is a Tearaway and Global Focus Aotearoa project. This article was funded by NZAID – a government organisation helping out with aid and development around the world. The purpose of Global Focus is to provide young people with a forum and information about global issues. For more information, visit www.globalfocus.org.nz/edservices/ To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance – Buddha

www.tearaway.net.nz 21


The Outlook for Someday is a nationwide film challenge encouraging young New Zealanders to ask themselves exactly that. Across the country, young people (up to the age of 24) are invited to script, shoot and edit a short film to demonstrate their understanding of ‘sustainability’.

Jonathan King, director of Under the Mountain, presented the winning filmmakers with their awards. “This year’s entrants demonstrated a clear understanding of how climate change is affecting them, a strong desire to bring change to their environment, and remarkably strong filmmaking skills to communicate their message and passion,” commented the judges.

The 20 winning films covered a range of topics, from local sustainability initiatives like farmers’ markets and school conservation projects, to alien perspectives on how humans treat the world. The contestants used a range of genres to convey their message, from dramas and documentaries to music videos and animations.

The Break Up

Natural NZ

For the first time in The Outlook for Someday history, the judges named a Stand Out Winner – The Break Up by Charlee Collins, 18, from Kaitaia College. Charlee’s film tackles the issue of climate change via five teenagers in a ‘Dear John’ telephone conversation. “I wanted to make it relatable for people my age, teenagers. I thought about our relationship with sustainability and the global warming issue. I thought it would be funny to just take it literally and there was the idea for our film. “I had heaps of fun with the actors. It was particularly funny because they had to pretend to break up with global warming which brought about a series of lame yet hilarious puns.” The Break Up was also awarded the Sustainable Future Award. “The film shows a natural flair for storytelling and filmmaking,” said the judges. Charlee has won a year’s membership to the Screen Directors Guild as a ‘welcome to the industry’ prize.

Three Musketeers Productions, from Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, was awarded the NZ Focus Award for a film focusing on sustainability in NZ. Their film, Natural NZ, looks at how a local farmers’ market helps to promote a sustainable future. “We chose to do a documentary because we wanted to project the good, positive aspects of what people are doing to help be sustainable and this way we felt was the best,” said Rebecca Sawyer, 13.

Home Calvin Sang’s team, Picklethugs, of Saint Kentigern College was awarded the Filmmaking Achievement Award for a film with outstanding creative/ technical quality. Calvin, 15, says his inspiration for Home came from considering peoples’ differing opinions and perspectives. “For instance, some people love the Twilight movies, but others don’t think that much of them. So just like movies, people have different opinions of the earth – and that’s how the idea of Home came to me. An alien, who has never been on Earth before must see it in a massively contrastive way than a human who has lived here all their life.”

Freshwater Crayfish in Pukekura Park Devon Intermediate of New Plymouth won the Youth Participation Award for a film with strong participation by young people, among themselves and/or at a community level. Their documentary, Freshwater Crayfish in Pukekura Park, demonstrates the school’s involvement in preserving local ecosystems. Megan Smith, 13, felt she learnt a lot from The Outlook for Someday experience: “I learnt how much there was living in the stream at our local park. It was amazing seeing how some of the smallest changes can affect the way all the little critters in the stream survive. I also learnt how to use editing software and that will be a great thing to remember for future films.”

“Each year the 20 winning films get better and better – and this year they are really impressive,” said David Jacobs, Project Director at Connected Media. “Some of them are very moving emotionally, which is hard to achieve in a short film. So these young filmmakers are making a big contribution to public awareness and engagement around the issue of their time – sustainability.” 22 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself – Andy Warhol

Twenty young filmmakers and their teams were honoured recently for their efforts to capture the essence of sustainability in a short film.

Special vote The ‘Special Award’ winners vote for their favourite film…

KELLY WILLIAMS reports on the third annual Outlook for Someday Awards held in Auckland

Charlee Collins (The Break Up): “I would vote for Tina Suns’ Just Another Bottle. I think the art is really impressive.” ‘Sustainability’ as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development: Calvin Sang (Home): “Either The Break Up or Just Another Bottle. The Break Up… the idea behind it is fantastic. Just Another Bottle…I liked that all the images were painted by hand, as it adds to the theme of sustainability.” Emmy James (The Visitor): “I liked Home, because it has good editing and effects.”

The Visitor Emmy James, 16, from Morrinsville was awarded the Secondary School Filmmakers Award for a film made by young people of secondary school age. The Visitor is an animated film, looking at meat production and global warming from an alien perspective. Emmy had a strong message she wanted to express through her film: “Since going vegan three years ago I have been learning about the impact farming animals has on the environment. It’s shocking how many of the earth’s problems today are caused by meat production – deforestation, extinction of animals, flooding, water pollution, world hunger, and more. “I really wanted to spread the word about this because I believe that if you really want to help the world and all the problems it’s facing, the most important thing to do is stop eating animals.”

Our Whare and Stumpy The Te Reo & Tikanga Mäori Award was won by The Matthews and Riwai-Couch Tamariki of Te Kura Kaupapa Mäori o Wairarapa, Hutt Intermediate School and Pomare Primary School for Our Whare. Andrew Duncanson, 13, of Otumoetai Intermediate School was awarded the Primary/Intermediate School Filmmakers Award for his animated film, Stumpy.

Charlee Collins thoroughly recommends taking part in the Outlook for Someday challenge: “If you don’t know a lot about sustainability – which I surely didn’t – you will be surprised by just how much there is to learn, and just how much this knowledge will affect you. But if you already know the ins and outs of sustainability, you should definitely be making a film about it. Seriously, filmmaking is a total blast!” Are you keen to see more? Check out all the films at www.theoutlookforsomeday.net and vote for your favourite. The deadline is March 4 so get your skates on! Don’t blow it – good planets are hard to find – quoted in Time

Rebecca Sawyer (Natural NZ): “Definitely The Break Up as it was such an interesting and funny film.”

Megan Smith (Freshwater Crayfish in Pukekura Park): “The Break Up. They did a fantastic job with the script and they stuck to a simple plan so that it was easy to understand for all ages.”

Sustainability is... We asked the winners for their definition of sustainability.

Megan Smith: “To be able to maintain your life, and the environment around you.” Charlee Collins: “I guess to me it’s just about being aware. Understanding that most things won’t truly last forever. Whether it’s where we live – or the way in which we do – resources or even relationships. Sustainability is acknowledging that and then moving forward to prevent these things from changing, or preparing for the changes if they prove to be inevitable.” Rebecca Sawyer: “Sustainability means keeping our environment natural and clean but in such a way that we don’t have to be extreme about every action we take.” Calvin Sang: “I see sustainability as people not just living peacefully with the earth, but with each other. The main factor that threatens sustainability is people. If people damage the earth, then it fights back at them. But it’s not just environmental issues that affect sustainability, it’s also the relationships that people have with each other. People, as one, need to change their ways, because we’re influencing everything that’s happening – it’s our responsibility.” Emmy James: “Teaching people about sustainability is very important to me. The laws of nature have been disrupted and the world is slowly being destroyed because of us humans, now it’s our job to change it. We only have one world, and we need to learn how to take care of it.” www.tearaway.net.nz 23

CHOICES Social networking seems to be here to stay whether we like it or not, but what are the larger effects on the way we interact, and why are opinions on this so divided? This issue was the basis of a survey, produced by WELLINGTON EAST GIRLS COLLEGE students, which found that college students are spending up to nine percent of their waking hours on social networking sites.

The study, part of a technology assignment where students were required to create their own webzine, found that the majority of students surveyed used a social networking site every day, with 86% using a social networking site at least once a week or more. Among this group, the hours per week spent on social networking varied, with 15 percent of the group spending 10 hours or more, 28 percent spending six hours and the remaining 57 percent one to three hours per week. “What this shows is that social networking really is finding its way into the lives of most teenagers, which is a huge change from our parents’ generation,” student Nileesha says.

Aussie virtual conf Another element was added to the project with the use of virtual conferencing facilities, with the girls communicating their findings and conducting surveys with another class from Warrandyte High School in Melbourne. The girls added a separate page to the webzine design to report on their virtual conferencing experience. The seed of this trans-Tasman project began when the girls’ teacher, Cris Roughton, saw a request on an online forum from an Australian teacher to start a virtual conferencing relationship with a NZ school. “I answered her email, started talking, and from there we just came up with the whole social networking idea,” Cris says. The girls were excited on hearing the idea and were keen to establish contact

Ashleigh and Amanda Nileesha and Janoo

Generation gap The study also compared the social networking habits of three different generations showing that students generally used social networking sites every week, parents every two or three and grandparents not at all. Student Poppy put the disparity among the generations down to several factors. “Social networking wasn’t around when our grandparents were younger, whereas for students today it’s an everyday part of our life. Parents use social networking occasionally, as their children have introduced it to them but our grandparents don’t have that connection. “Another reason is that our grandparents’ generation don’t know how to use social networking sites, along with other similar technologies, which are almost second nature to students.”

Fav sites As far as site choice goes, the data showed a clear preference for Facebook, with the site being used by students, teachers and parents. “We found that Facebook was the common site between both students and parents, being a good site to use to keep in touch with family, upload photos, and talk to old and current friends, which is of interest to all groups, ”student Deanna says. Among students, Bebo was also popular, coming a close second, with MySpace coming third. Sites such as Hi5, LiveJournal, Windows Live Spaces and Twitter were the least favourite sites. Of the students polled, 35 percent felt that social networking was quite important, 27 percent thought it had some importance and 22 percent thought it had little importance. Only two percent thought it was of no importance while seven percent felt it was very important.

Poppy and Deana

with the Australian class as soon as possible. Initial timing and software issues slowed the project but a move to the Skype system got things underway. When creating the surveys, the students decided to target three different age groups to get a broad range of perspectives and to identify how attitudes to social networking differ amongst the generations. The surveys were sent to the teachers, parents and grandparents of the students involved. Once the data from local sources was collected, the girls interviewed their Australian teammates via Skype and email and swapped their results with them, effectively doubling their pool of data for a more conclusive study.

Great experience Teacher Cris Roughton feels that the project created more understanding between the generations. “It got some of the girls thinking at a deeper level about social aspects, like the generation gap, why their grandparents have a negative view of social networking sites or are nervous or a bit threatened by it, and what’s driving that feeling. So, in the end, I think it helped them to understand their parents and grandparents better.” The virtual conferencing element of the project also had positive effects on the girls. “I found that working with people across the Tasman was a great experience. Virtual conferencing should be used for educational purposes more often as working with other people kept me motivated and encouraged me to expand my knowledge to create a webzine of equal standard or even better,” student Ashleigh says. “Overall the project was a great experience and I felt we learnt a lot from it.”

For more information about studying technology head to www.techlink.org.nz 24 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010


Munaf was seeking an internationally

Computer graphic

recognised qualification when he chose

design ticks all

to study for a Diploma of Computer

the right boxes

Graphic Design at Natcoll.


Munaf’s artwork form Natcoll

In-depth training Natcoll met all his expectations and more. The course offered in-depth training using industry-standard software and all projects had to be completed to commercial standards. Munaf particularly appreciated the support and guidance of his tutors. “They challenged me creatively and encouraged me to think outside the square. They really helped sharpen my design instincts,” he says. “I worked hard – very hard. I stayed focused on my studies, always did my homework and never missed a deadline.” “Munaf was a dream student when it came to research, the use of his visual diary and how he was so eager to learn,” says graphic design tutor Michelle Fineberg. “He was always striving to be the best and settled for nothing less than perfect. His work was clean, neat and well thought out – and he was able to change styles from brief to brief, which is not common among students. He had good reasons for everything he did and worked really hard on refining his ideas until he was happy with the result.”

One of the best Munaf’s Fine Arts background and previous work experience had given him a solid base of usable skills. At Natcoll he built on this foundation, gained confidence and produced some outstanding work. “His final campaign was 26 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

one of the best we have seen,” says Fineberg. Munaf now works as a Mac operator for large format digital printing firm Omnigraphics, a company specialising in the production of billboards, banners, bus and truck imaging, vehicle graphics and displays. He uses InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, ColorBurst and Color Gate RIP software. The job is busy and demanding and Munaf says he relishes the challenge of working on a grand scale and always aims to improve his skills.

Gaining the edge Omnigraphics production manager Lokesh Wadhawan says Munaf’s expertise with industry software really made him stand out when he was looking for a new staff member to join the team. “Munaf came to us through Seek [employment website] and, among all the applicants, he had the most knowledge regarding colour correction, PMS colours and Photoshop tools, which were the basic requirements of the position. On the job he continues to show a good work ethic and learning ability.” Lokesh says he’s impressed by the way Natcoll teaches industry software. “We have hired a few other Natcoll graduates, they were all good.” Munaf is sure his Natcoll training gave him the edge and is delighted he was able to make such a smooth transition to the industry. “Natcoll gave me so much support in so many ways; I had a really great experience at Natcoll. I believe it’s the best place in New Zealand to learn computer graphic design.” The more you understand, the less you have to remember – Craig A. McCraw


Heavy Rain

Final Fantasy XIII

DEVELOPED BY: Quantic Dream PUBLISHED BY: Sony Computer Entertainment AVAILABLE ON: PS3


In 2004, developer Quantic Dream released Fahrenheit. It was an incredibly ambitious title that aspired to meld the interactivity and immersion of video games with the psychological complexity and narrative depth of great cinema. The finished product did have some memorable moments, but is generally regarded as something of an artistic failure due to a confusing and convoluted plot – including an incomprehensible ending that was clearly a rushed job – awkward gameplay systems and a graphics engine that wasn’t quite up to the task of rendering complex emotions. Fast forward six years, and Quantic Dream is having another shot at creating an interactive movie with Heavy Rain. Technology has improved an awful lot, with the impressive test footage that has been released so far suggesting that the PS3 may be able to convincingly render emotional states in a way that last-gen consoles could not. Unfortunately, it’s too soon to tell if the game’s plot will be an improvement on that of Fahrenheit, as few details have been released other than the fact that it revolves around a serial murderer known as ‘The Origami Killer’. One thing that has been confirmed is that there will be no supernatural elements in Heavy Rain, which is a relief to those who remember the numerous what-the-hell moments that filled Fahrenheit, such as a scene where your character is inexplicably attacked by ectoplasmic space fleas.

The thirteenth instalment of what is quite possibly the world’s most popular console RPG series is due to release soon. Notably, it will be releasing simultaneously on the PS3 and the Xbox 360, suggesting the days of Final Fantasy being a Sony exclusive are well and truly over. Gameplay-wise, the Active Time Battle system that has been used in previous series entries has been refined, with a new emphasis on stringing together powerful combos. Early reviews from Japan, where the game has already been out since before Christmas, suggest the combat may be one of the strongest aspects of Final Fantasy XIII as a whole. The game’s concept sounds... interesting, being replete with the sort of mystical jargon (what the heck is a fal’Cie?) and vaguely New Age-ish sentiment so beloved of the Final Fantasy series. It also sounds too complex to try and summarise in a 200 word preview, so I’m not even going to try! The game’s soundtrack is also taking an interesting, if slightly bizarre, direction. Not content to rely on the elegant orchestral scores of previous Final Fantasy instalments, Square-Enix have instead decided to license a Leona Lewis song as the game’s main theme. Which worries me – as anyone who has seen Avatar can attest, adding Leona Lewis to a fictional work tends to make it worse, not better...

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing DEVELOPED BY: Sumo Digital PUBLISHED BY: Sega AVAILABLE ON: PS3, X360, Wii, PC, NDS

Sega has gone through some rough patches since it decided to quit the hardware business in 2001, and at times has appeared to be little more than a shadow of its previous self. Now, however, the company seems to have somewhat regained the kickass attitude that once made it one of the biggest game companies in the entire world. It has been both looking to the future, acting as publisher for great new games like Valkyria Chronicles and Bayonetta, and paying homage to its rich past with titles like the Mega Drive Ultimate Collection. Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing is a game that straddles both poles of this strategy, being a modern racing game that stars characters from Sega games of years gone by, with a little bit of Sega’s trademark self-referential humour thrown in too. Admittedly, the actual gameplay concept – the time-tested kart racing game – is not hugely original, but where else are you going to have the chance to match up Knuckles the Echidna against zombies from House of the Dead in an automotive battle for supremacy? A line is a dot that went for a walk – Paul Klee

www.tearaway.net.nz 27


Directed by: Lee Daniels Starring: Gabourey Sidibe, Mo’Nique, Mariah Carey, Paula Patton and Lenny Kravitz Rated: R Reviewed by: Leah Garcia-Purves

As the generation of underdog-worshipping Napolean Dynamite fans grow up and shake off their silliness, many filmmakers have scrambled to fill the void – in the hope they’d someday be able to hear their scripted one-liners in a group of inside-joke-starved cliques in their local cafés. It would be safe to say that this film will have oneliner lovers rolling in content. The film centres around gifted, yet illiterate 16-year-old, Bronx dwelling Claireece (Sidibe) who is subjected to years of physical and psychological abuse by her parents, and responds to every incident by zoning out into her own little world of fantasy. She is suspended from school after revealing she is pregnant. Her principal then refers her to an “alternative school” and light gradually

starts to shine through the stench of her abuse, via effort from her jovial peers and her teacher, Miss Blu Rain (Patton). Through its effective cinematics and lack of subtext, it is somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster for the viewer, in which happy and tragic play off against each other in a rather cruel game of tag. While Claireece gets her own back, much to the satisfaction of viewers, it seems whatever is against her usually gets the last laugh.

Predictability in this movie is at a high at the beginning, but slowly eases off towards the end, and yet still has that Cinderella feel about it. Acting-wise, Lenny Kravitz debuts as a credible actor in his role as Nurse John McFadden, while on the other hand Mo’Nique plays Claireece’s vaguely convincing, almost too melodramatic, psychotic mother. This movie has come a long way and there’s a very good reason for that: it’s actually good.

Next month in Tearaway

The Mint Chicks are running three hot competitions this month: Remix or cover their hit song Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No!, direct the new video or design the new official T-shirt. All three competitions involve awesome exposure for budding artists and music lovers alike, as well as great prizes – including supporting the Mint Chicks on tour, DJing at an after party, Rockshop vouchers and more! Get onto musichype.com for all the details. And... look out for the Mint Chicks playing in a town near you later this month. Stay tuned to themintchicks.com and twitter@the_mint_chicks

28 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive – Steven Spielberg

MOVIE REVIEWS Feeling rebellious, but not sure how to vent it? Whether its politics or Auschwitz, these films chosen by Leah Garcia-Purves, will pull you out of your seat and inspire you to go against the system (without you actually having to stick it to anyone).

The Counterfeiters (2007) The film is set in 1930s Germany and follows Sally (a guy) on his happenings as a currency counterfeiter within Auschwitz. Along the way, he grabs some mates and gradually tries to overturn the brutality within the concentration camp where he lives. A must-see for all foreign-movie buffs who need some historical inspiration.

Private Parts (1997) From small-town little man, to radio shock-jock, the story follows popular US radio host Howard Stern on his successful quest to become famous, while juggling his family life and generally being an arrogant (insert appropriate noun here) and going to every extent to push everyone’s buttons. It’ll be sure to push yours too.

Legally Blonde (2001) Don’t be fooled by the hair colour, Legally Blonde is the movie that will help all girls just stick it to the man. If you don’t know the story already, Elle, an understated rich girl, gets accepted into Harvard law after pursuing her ex-boyfriend. She discovers herself and proves everyone’s “just a dumb blonde” judgements wrong... sometimes. Tip: Don’t bother with the sequel.

School Of Rock (2003) Poor, down-and-out Dewey Finn steals his best friend’s identity as a temp teacher and takes a job at the local private school. He discovers that the kids in his class have good minds for moulding and starts to mould them to be the new face of rock, much to the dismay of the parents. You might get a little jealous that someone half your age can play the guitar that well. Yes, they’re actually playing!

Kill the Messenger (2005) This film follows ex-FBI-translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds on her quest to out the US Government on their errors leading up to the 9/11 tragedy. While it’s not your regular movie, it’s an inspiring tale of a woman’s unrelenting ‘stick it’ attitude. It’ll float your political conspiracy boat. I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100 – Woody Allen

The Boat that Rocked (2009) When Carl the no-hoper escapes to his godfather’s boat in the hope of finding a different avenue on life, he finds that the boat he’s travelling on has a pirate radio station which breaks a few laws. This hardly fazes the people on board and they continue with their rockin’ off shore. The story is very similar to the happenings of a popular NZ radio station which did the exact same thing. Take a guess...

The Longest Yard (1974 & 2005) A movie about prisoners playing football against their prison guards, and their fear of winning – because they were threatened with longer sentences if they did. Both versions are intensely good, so watch both, please. Not a fan of Adam Sandler? Maybe keep to the original.

Accepted (2006) The story follows a group of college rejects who rebel and start their own college. Bartleby, the leader of the movement, gets in some legal trouble with the education accreditation centre because of it. Although average in quality, it’s a heart warmer for anyone who’s ever been rejected from anything school related.

Trainspotting (1996) The story follows druggie Mark on his journey to make something out of his life, beyond his friends’ scorn and society’s scrutiny. One of the best movies of all time. And if you’re not in the same position as the characters, at least you know you watched an awesome movie.

SLC Punk (1998) Stevo and Bob are in pursuit of being different and standing out in the conservative town of Salt Lake City, by listening to punk and causing a ruckus. But are they really being different? www.tearaway.net.nz 29


Kittie In the Black

Various Post No Bills

Kittie is a band that was once one of the most famous and influential grrrl power groups (peaking in 1999 with Spit). Therefore, I liken their recent downturn to assassination. They’ve gone from thrash metal to watery little goth girls with too much focus on their hair. If you look at the cover art itself, you can almost feel the self-conscious images ooze over you (and feel a little greasy afterwards). Nothing about their current Avril Lavigne look even resembles what original fans would want to listen to. Their music doesn’t offer the pleasant surprise I hoped for: it’s a bunch of half-hearted attempts to recreate the original feel of earlier albums, at the same time covering stuff that has already been done to death by more inspiring bands. I guess this could have resulted from both the band member change over the last few years, and this album being the first under their new record label. Whatever the reason, Kittie are losing their older fan base through their unsuccessful attempts to go mainstream. Sad to say it, but goodbye Kittie. It’s not me, it’s you – DAVID OSTEN GIFFORD

Alternative rock, dance, hip-hop, punk, hardcore, indie, and many other crossover subgenres in between, can be found on this 21-track compilation put out by Shock Records. This summer’s must-have is full of stellar artists from 2009 who may have slipped under the radar for many of us, such as Australian indie-pop treats Oh Mercy; or the new pop-rock project Spinnerette from punk rocker Brody Dalle; or perhaps hip-hop heavyweights N.A.S.A, whose track features Talking Heads’ lead singer David Byrne and Chuck D from Public Enemy. This compilation gives us a taste of several artists performing in NZ this summer, such as Simian Mobile Disco and Sugar Army at the 2010 Big Day Out, and also NZ’s very own Cut Off Your Hands who played at the Laneway Festival. On this mostly indie rock album it is refreshing to see a couple of punk rock tracks sneak in, in the form of The Bronx and Alexisonfire, and to have a couple of dance and pop tracks, like The Prodigy and Phoenix, which perfectly round out the album. There is definitely something for everyone here, no matter what your musical preference. And hopefully it will inspire you to check out some new artists you never thought you would like, or maybe a bunch you’ve never even heard of before! – ASHLEIGH HOPE

Boys Like Girls Love Drunk Fresh, fun and downright addictive. That’s the sound of Boys Like Girls’ second studio album – undoubtedly a must-have summer record to rock out to in the car, in the shower and on the iPod. The catchy and powerful lead single Love Drunk paves the way for the head-bopping direction this album takes. If you’re a fan of All American Rejects then this is definitely for you. The ‘watevz’ attitude we’ve all come to know and love from mainstream poprock permeates here. Lyrics such as “I used to be love drunk but now I’m hung over” demonstrate this quite nicely. The opening track Heart Heart Heartbreak sets the standards high with its upbeat, singalong rhythm. The ballad Two is Better than One featuring Taylor Swift lets the album down a bit. This track stands apart from the rest as the weak one… Perhaps it’s Taylor’s fault? The best song on this album would have to be The First One, a slightly more mellow sound, telling the tale of a first love gone wrong. All in all, Boys Like Girls: I like you – JASON ANTILL

30 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

Dead By Sunrise Out of Ashes Anybody who would like a Linkin Park record can stop reading now. Artists do side projects to generally get away from the music they are signposted in. Out of Ashes signals this departure for Chester Bennington. Gone are the technical based sounds of old Linkin Park, and the more clean cut sounds of new Linkin Park. These are replaced with what seems like very raw angst, which Bennington has wanted to get out of his head for a while. The result is something a bit different. Starting with a guitar riff that would not sound out of place on U2’s Greatest Hits, the album opener Fire is one of the stand-out tracks. In saying that though, it is a bit of this/bit of that song, like most of the album. The album seems to lack real cohesion, and as a conceptual piece it is quite hard to listen to.

It would be great to see somebody like Kid Rock kissing a man. But I’m sure that he wouldn’t like the prospect of it put to him, and I won’t even go there with Eminem – Robbie Williams

It seems very tentative in places, and you get the feeling that Bennington himself is not so assured by his surroundings as he is in Linkin Park. For such an accomplished songwriter, the lyrics seem to be flat and uneventful, and many are bordering on the edge of emo: “come beat me, happiness from misery, feeling pain.” Overall, this album unfortunately misses the mark. While Bennington has stated that these songs “were not right statistically” for Linkin Park, one can only hope he has this out of his system for their next record – ISAAC BANKS

Rhian Sheehan Standing in Silence So I’m sitting here right? Trying to think of the words to describe one of the most surreal albums I’ve heard in my life. In 14 eclectic parts, Rhian Sheehan tackles the modern world and contrasts its technological blasphemy to a past which seems to have been forgotten. Diverse and abstract instrumental noises, including bells, wine glasses and playgrounds, create the bust of each of the songs, leaving behind the strong electronica influence his previous albums held. It’ll leave you soaring in the clouds, yet surprisingly grounded in syncopation with what surrounds us. It certainly is worth the listen. Dare to be challenged by yet another great offering to NZ music – RACHEL WARD ALLEN

Tyson Tyler Reality Cheque Bursting from the NZ hip-hop scene, Tyson Tyler (previously known as Kronik and Kronikal) already has an excellent reputation, with plenty of rave reviews calling his music ‘authentic’, ‘strong’ and ‘hot’. This is not my kind of music scene normally, but even I have to admit that this is pretty good, especially for a brand new Aucklander. Tyson Tyler’s new album reeks of potential on more than just the NZ music level. His songs are unique, with beats that will have you bopping along in a most fashionable way.

Like most hip-hop acts, there’s the booming bass that fogeys like to complain about when they hear it blasting from the array of lowered and done-up cars, but the lyrics and rhythm will have these songs blasting on the radio soon enough, along with other acts like Timbaland and his group. An all-around prestigious album for NZ hip-hop, Reality Cheque is something most hip-hop/rap revellers will enjoy, and I’m sure we’ll all be seeing him sometime in the future – RHIAN LAWRENCE

M ore in digital Reviews of The Robba The Robba, Hannah Montana 3, Bat for Lashes Two Suns, Farewell Run It Up the Flagpole tearaway.net.nz/digital

Join www.tearaway.net.nz and log in to win heaps of prizes and have a rant in our forums. You can also check out our virtual magazine (with extra pages of goodness) at www.tearaway.net.nz/digital

Panther and the Zoo Think About It Not Exploding So it opens with the drool of Graham Panther’s oh-so-sexy vocals, in rather the style of Julian Casablancas from NYC’s The Strokes, which is a skill to be applauded on its own. The songs are cute, not fantastic, but this is their first EP and much potential is yet to be discovered. Voices, a personal favourite of mine, showcases a sweet, lulling voice and soothing acoustic guitar – actually it kind of reminds me of the songs you sang at Playcentre which you shook maracas along to. The EP has received a bundle of praise from bFM and it’s hard to think about them NOT exploding on to the NZ music scene with a whizz and a bang. I expect many great things to come from these zoo animals – RACHEL WARD ALLEN

I don’t want to name names, but the least I can say about rock and roll is that I’m suspicious – Manuel Puig

www.tearaway.net.nz 31


Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar Wow. Move over Twilight – your sparkly vampires and over-written romances have nothing on this! Don’t worry, there are no vampires in here. With the wave of Twilight imitations streaming through the publishers, any mention of ‘sultry children of the night’ would have seen the book back on the shelf. No, this book is just werewolves... and magic, and clan feuds, and an elemental warrior queen who bursts into tears if she doesn’t have the best clothes in her dimension. Sounds cheesy, especially with the unusual title, but this is the most absorbing fantasy I’ve read since Tolkien. A modern-day werewolf tale of clan lineage, assassinations, ill-fated romances, drug abuse, and self loathing, it’s as gripping as it is humorous. The characters are developed, the situations as exciting as they are believable, and even a cynical Cullen-hater like myself can once again find enjoyment in mythical creatures. This book was initially self published, but has been picked up for mass publication thanks to fans spreading the word and increasing demand. That’s how good it is. Probably the best novel I have read in a year, and I would encourage anyone (whether team Jacob, team Edward, or team Cedric Diggory) to buy a copy. You won’t be disappointed – DAVID OSTEN GIFFORD

Surf Ache by Gerry Bobsien

Boom! by Mark Haddon

This book is about a 14-year-old girl who has recently moved from Melbourne to Newcastle. In Melbourne her whole life revolved around ballet and so she’s horrified to find that Newcastle is full of surfing addicts and nothing much else. As she gets used to the place she realises that maybe she’s not a ‘born to be’ dancer after all and surfing might hold more for her than she could ever imagine. For me, the beginning of the book is a bit clichéd, when she starts her new school and there’s the snobby ‘plastic’ waiting to plot against her and the hot guy who just happens to be single and friendly. I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I was wrong. I actually found this book a great read because it was fast paced and well written. There was a plentiful supply of humour and romance and it was all topped off nicely with a good dose of family fun. It was also enjoyable because it wasn’t full of technical jargon about how she rode each wave, but there was enough description to make the reader understand what the character was experiencing. This is the perfect book to read if you’re looking for something light hearted and relaxing – SHARON MCCROSKIE

Boom!, formally called Gridzbi Spudvetch!, has had a makeover. This book was originally published in 1992 under the semi-odd title. As most people couldn’t read the title it didn’t sell very well. Seventeen years later, it’s back to take over the world. A few alterations made, such as floppy disks taken out and iPods added in, and it’s looking for a new generation to read it. The story follows a boy called Jimbo who, with his friend Charlie, think two of their teachers are in fact aliens. To prove or disprove this fact they end up breaking into one the teacher’s houses. As they dig further into their teacher’s strange life the more dangerous their own lives become. This book was really clever and so easy to read. It’s a quaint story with a lot of twists and turns. It was really cool to see how well this book fits in to today’s lifestyle with only a few tweaks (to be honest with you, the author did state that not one sentence in this book has been left how it was originally). If you’re after a lazy afternoon read with humour, aliens and sulking adolescents, then this is your book – ANNIE HAWKER

M ore in digital Reviews of Life Swap by Abby McDonald, and Chanda’s Wars by Allan Stratton tearaway.net.nz/digital

HUNGER BY MICHAEL GRANT Finally! The sequel to Gone is here. If you read the first one, you no doubt loved it – and you won’t be disappointed with the follow-up.

The kids of Perdido Beach have been living in the FAYZ (Fallout Alley Youth Zone) since everyone over the age of 14 vanished at the same time, without a trace. In Gone, sides were formed and leaders chosen, and children suddenly found themselves at war. In Hunger, as the name suggests, supplies are beginning to run out and the situation becomes even more dangerously desperate. The mutations causing some kids to gain special powers are still developing, and now they must also fear the insects and animals of the FAYZ. It’s Lord of the Flies meets X-Men meets Day of the Triffids: a healthy dose of both sci-fi and ‘psychfi’. Despite being ‘out there’ conceptually, there’s plenty of real everyday life stuff happening in the subplots – bullying, eating disorders, binge drinking, and even romance – this book has it all. Some parts are pretty brutal, so don’t expect a nice cruisey read – but do expect to read well into the night. This book will mess with your head, in a good way, and really get you thinking – and possibly having to sleep with the light on! – REGINA GREEN 32 Tearaway FEBRUARY 2010

We have FIVE copies of Hunger to give away. Head to www.tearaway.net.nz to be in the draw!

There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts – Charles Dickens

Enter online at www.tearaway.net.nz


1. Lovemusic


Lovemusic.co.nz brings together – in one place – news, competitions and info from the record companies, artists and music providers in NZ. Every month this year we are giving away a pack that includes an iPod shuffle, a Lovemusic t-shirt, a Lovemusic tote bag, CDs, Lovemusic guitar picks, stickers and temporary tattoos! Check out their awesome website: www. lovemusic.co.nz

2. Skullcandy headphones

Headphones have never been more dialled. Check out these Skullcandy ‘on ear’ and ‘in ear’ headphones to suit your every listening need. LOWRIDER pink for your wardrobe – candy paint to match all those sneakers. ICON ultra light sport headphones, with a super powerful 30mm audio driver and an overall weight of less than 45 grams – these will never slow you down. Or go with the INK’D ear buds – big sound, little price, no visible scarring. We’ve got one pair of each to give away. www.skullcandy.com

FIFA World Cup adidas ‘Jabulani’ match ball 3. Since the All Whites scored a place in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, this official replica match ball is set to become a collectors’ item. The name Jabulani means ‘to celebrate’ in Zulu, and the ball features a South African inspired design and radically new technology. There are only 500 of these bad boys for sale in NZ, and we have five to give away!



New Zealand International Arts Festival 4. 2010 Experience the buzz of the 2010 New Zealand International Arts Festival. One of the largest multi-cultural festivals in Australasia, this celebration brings you the world’s best dance, theatre, film, music, literature and visual arts. We have 10 double passes to the Mahler Symphony Number 8 Dress Rehearsal, Friday February 26, 10.30am at Wellington Town Hall, valued at $36 each. Get yourself some culture, and let the NZ Symphony Orchestra, joined by some of the world’s best soloists, blow your mind. Conducted by world-renowned Vladimir Ashkenazy, this sold-out concert is one of the greatest musical experiences of our time. Also, stay tuned for more mean giveaways from the nice people at the NZ International Arts Festival later this month. www.nzfestival.nzpost.co.nz

5. MusicHy.pe Prize Packs

We have three MusicHy.pe prize packs to give away, each


6. 5.

containing a MusicHy.pe T-shirt and a limited edition USB of the Mint Chicks new EP, Bad Buzz. Plus, turn back to page 26 for a Mint Glassons Breast Cancer 6. 5. Research t-shirt vouchers Get yourself one of this year’s Breast Cancer Research Trust t-shirts from Glassons, and BECOME A SUPERHERO. The tees are selling for $29.99, with $10 from each sale going to the Breast Cancer Research Trust. Not only will you be supporting an awesome cause, you’ll be adding a designer piece to your wardrobe, with designs by Karen Walker, Trelise Cooper, Zambesi, Cybéle, Stolen Girlfriends Club and Lonely Hearts. We have two $30 Glassons vouchers to giveaway, which you can spend on your new designer tee. I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying – Oscar Wilde

How to Enter WEBSITE: register at www.tearaway.net.nz to go in the draw and get your mitts on some of these great giveaways. SNAIL MAIL: on the back of an envelope, write all of the products you’d like to win, along with your name, age, address, email and phone number. Send to Tearaway February Grabbag, PO Box 27480, Marion Square, Wellington 6141. ENTRIES CLOSE February 28 Answers to news quiz, page 4: 1-c,2-c,3-b,4-c,5-a,6-a,7-c,8-b,9-b,10-c

Chicks competition not to be missed. www.musichype.com

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