Tearaway February 2011

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! N O E M A G : 1 1 0 2 Hungry d an ng ?! | You iews s v k Re | ea L s i r k | Caree the Wi t ion a h h s W a | F Ivy Lies | Sport | y a d For Some k loo t u The O ,

ISSN 0113-3403

DV Ds , s e i d o o g e ybellin Albums, Ma Products y t u a e B & r i ,Ha Mo vie tickets

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{02} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

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2011: GAME ON! Vox Pop: Let’s Do This!


Pimp My Balance: Keys to Successful Goals


UNICEF: A Vision With Action



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Careers - Aviation

What’s On


WikiLeaks: Good or Evil?


Ivy Lies


The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell


Kiwi Music News


GET CREATIVE Sirens Viewmaster

Dear Yo u Guys ,

Mentoring for Young Writers


The Outlook for Someday film challenge


Quiz: Sexy Prime?


Fashion: Hokanui Fashion Awards


Food: Healthy food guide


Careers: Aviaton


Sport: Softball, rugby union, rugby league



Head office Academy House 818 Colombo Street PO Box 1879 Christchurch managing director Gary Collins General manager Rebecca Harris

PS… When yo u do eventuall y crank that tim really bad hairc e machine up, ut I need revers let me know. I ed. got a



I just love new stuf f. An uncrin kled new book pair of socks. I . A hilarious ne love the old st w friend. A cle uf f too – book an leave the old so s and friends th cks. at is; I could ta ke or But new is good . The New Year is especially go about it; so muc od. It has that h possibility, lim cloudless sky vib ited only by th e some might ar e imagination. (A gue). nd physics, So I’m hoping you all had a br illiant summer whatever it is yo holiday and ha u’re going to co ve starting plot nquer this year ting Sketching out . Planning to ac a draft of your e all your class fir st no es? ve l? Thinking of vo your commun lunteering to he ity? Tinkering aw lp ay ou on t th at time machine to make? you’ve been m eaning You can do it! I think it was He nry Ford who sa ‘Think you can, id something to think you can’ the ef fect of: t – either way, you’re right ’. Grab 2011 by th e face and yell GAME ON ! Anyt blue sky is the hing is possible limit. . That cloudless

RAIN FRANCIS, Editor rain@tearaway.co.nz

Young. Hungry. Talented

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ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Kylie Moore admin@academy.net.nz SUBSCRIPTIONS Kimberley Wells Kimberley@academy.net.nz

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Many of you will have started New Year’s resolutions for 2011; “I will be a better person this year” or “I will spend more time with my family”. Another popular one is “I will get fit”. A lot of people sign gym membership agreements without knowing what they’re signing and soon they get into some problems. While you have some protection if you’re under 18, it’s important to know what you’ve agreed to, so problems can be avoided. A contract is a promise between two people that’s legally enforceable. This means that if one person doesn’t keep their end of the deal, the other person

can force them to by taking legal action. Regardless of your age, it’s really important that you read over anything that you sign. Many contracts, like those for gyms or mobile plans, may have early termination fees (fees you have to pay if you want to quit early) that can be difficult to understand. If you need help, someone at YouthLaw can look it over for you for free.

PRODUCTION MANAGER Fleur Hall ASSISTANT Carolynne Brown Hayley Brocket DESIGNERS Ian Knott Camilla Josephs Jarred Shakespeare Kirsty Opie

by any such a person in reliance, whether wholly or partially upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. Advertising feature articles are classified as advertising content and as such, information contained in them is subject to the Advertising Standards Authority Codes of Practice. Contents Copyright 2010 by A-Mark Publishing (NZ) Ltd. All rights reserved. No article or advertisement may be reproduced without written permission.

been excluded. School fees are always voluntary in public schools, and schools should make this clear. And if you happen to be taking broken Christmas presents back to the shop, you’re entitled to a replacement or repair first, then your money back. The law covers you even if the store returns policy doesn’t. You’ll probably need a receipt though.


For many the New Year also means enrolling in a new school. You’re guaranteed a place at your local school. Other public schools have to accept you if they have room, provided you’ve not

NEWSROOM EDITOR Rain Francis rain@tearaway.co.nz Phone: +61 420 666 708

Do you have a question about the law, or you rights? Email rights@tearaway.co.nz and we’ll publish some answers. Coming up

we’ll be looking at things like the age of capacity, piracy and copyright, so get thinking about questions on these topics and others. From the team at YouthLaw, have a great 2011!

Ph (09) 309 6967 info@youthlaw.co.nz | www.youthlaw.co.nz 10am-4pm Tues, Thurs, Fri

GOT A QUESTION ABOUT THE LAW OR YOUR RIGHTS? Email rights@tearaway.co.nz {04} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

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Dragons, rugby, clone attacks, elections, frickin’ lasers: Things are happening this year. Or are they? This month’s Guest Quizmaster, HEY-ZEUS JONES does his best bamboozling.

The UN has named 2011 which TWO of the following?

A five-yearly NZ Census is scheduled for March. At the last Census, our population was recorded as 4,027,947, an increase of what percentage since the previous Census?

The number 2011 is a what? a) Negative number b) Natural number c) Outgoing prime number d) Sexy prime number

a) International Year of Forests b) International Year of Mystery c) International Year of Physics d) International Year of Chemistry

In September this year, NZ will host which major event? a) Cricket World Cup b) Rugby World Cup c) The resurrection of MJ d) Mens’ World Ice Ping Pong Champs

According to the film Aeon Flux, what will happen to 99% of the world’s population this year? a) Get wiped out by a mysterious virus b) Get brainwashed into thinking Miley Cyrus is cool c) Get simultaneously attacked by our own clones, which have been being trained in a secret desert base d) Forget to put the bins out three months in a row - ew.

In January this year, swimmers were warned about something which was spotted at Wellington’s Worser Bay. What was this thing (or things)?

a) 50th Parliament b) 60th Parliament c) 70th Parliament d) 100th Parliament Some people may be slightly excited that Katy Perry is coming to NZ this year. Katy’s real name is Katheryn Hudson; so what’s with ‘Perry’?

February 3 marks the Chinese New Year, which in 2011 is year of the what?

a homeschooler from Putaruru 1. Biking 35 km in one day, more than 80kms over three days, and not dying! 2. I really want to go on the Spirit of Adventure and therefore complete my Queen’s Guide Award 3. Brooke Fraser – I love her new album. Also The Frisk. Mainly anything on LifeFM at the moment 4. Lady Gaga going religious…

YOU SAID... Jordan, 18,

1. Becoming a prefect, which I kinda sucked at, TBH. And meeting the best guy ever! 2. Learn to skateboard and get into (and pass) Uni. 3. 3oh!3 – We Are Young

Josh, 24, a web developer from Christchurch (via Wanganui) 1. Making it through the Christchurch earthquake unscathed 2. Hitch a ride on a flying saucer to the Pleiades to see if their McDonald’s cheeseburgers are any better than ours 3. Katy B – On A Mission 4.OK, this is an actual prediction. If it happens, remember you saw me say it first! “MAMMOTH EARTHQUAKE HITS USA ALONG THE NEW MADRID FAULTLINE” – this should happen in May


Zane, 18,

an Otago Uni student, from Wellington 1. I was very disappointed with how a lot of things went, but if I were to choose... achieving Scholarship Physics a year early, or setting up an Amnesty International group at school? Or writing for Tearaway. That’s been the most rewarding fun I had all year!

Want to conduct a vox pop for 2. I’m hoping to get into Medicine at Otago Tearaway? (Klaus and Stu but that’s a back-up to starting a career can be pretty unreliable). Email editor@tearaway.co.nz {06} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

Answers on page 19

Big plans for 2011? Classroom domination? World domination? Intergalactic domination? Sure, why not.... We sent our special correspondent Klaus (and his mate Stuart) around the country to find out what you’re cooking up.

a full-timer from Pukekohe

Lisa, 16,

a) The world’s first self-contained artificial heart was implanted in a human b) Almost 3,000 people were killed when planes crashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. c) There are four terror attacks in London – three on the Underground and one on a bus. 52 people die (not including the bombers) and over 700 are injured. d) The Netherlands become the first country in the world (since ancient times!) to allow same-sex couples to marry legally.

a) It’s her middle name b) It was her mum’s maiden name c) She was once married to Matthew Perry (Chandler from Friends) d) She just really, really likes perry, the alcoholic beverage made from fermented pears

a) Golden Rabbit b) Golden Dragon c) Water Buffalo d) Water Dragon

1. What was your proudest moment of 2010? 2. What do you hope to achieve in 2011? 3. What’s been the soundtrack to your year so far? 4. What’s your prediction for the weirdest headline of 2011?

Which of the following things DID NOT happen ten years ago, in 2001?

There’ll also be a general election this year, which will determine our what?

a) A giant jellyfish b) Frickin’ sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their frickin’ heads c) A shark. No laser beams d) A guy dressed as Dr Evil, chasing people around with jellyfish


a) 24.3 b) 2.9 c) 14.6 d) 7.8

in writing. It could very well be incredibly intense doing both and I’m a teeny tad worried. 3. Freelance Whales – Weathervanes. They’re one of the sweetest indie bands I’ve heard in ages; melodious and calming yet heavy and energetic. 4. “NEW PRIME MINISTER PAUL HENRY SWORN IN”

Annie, 21,

a Teachers College student from Christchurch 1. That time I didn’t die 2. To finish my degree and score and awesome job, whilst writing a novel 3. Taking Back Sunday. Or Light Up the Sky by Yellowcard 4. “MAN SWEPT AWAY BY WAVE OF GIANT DOGS”

If you can dream it, you can do it!

set it & GET IT 6

Keys toSuccessful Go als

How many times have you kicked yourself for not following through on a New Year’s resolution? Do your mates and family roll their eyes when you announce (yet again) that you’re going to get fit, give up desserts or even - gasp! - earn more money? Not this year! Our money guru, STUART FLEMING steers you onto the path of success.

3. Goal setting is a skill and a discipline “I tried goal setting once but it didn’t work!” Huh? That’s like trying to DJ once, and deciding that you’re no good at it! Like any skill, developing mastery at goal setting takes practice, practice and more practice. But it is learnable!

The stronger your ‘why’ and the more compelling your reasons, the greater your chance of reaching your goal. It’s your ‘why’ that will keep you going when that little voice says “It’s not worth it - just give up!”. It’s your ‘why’ that gives you courage when you don’t know what step to take next.

6. You don’t need the HOW to begin

We all logically understand that setting goals is beneficial – they help us make use of our potential and create a life we enjoy. But time and time again we stumble when trying to reach our goals. Did we make them too hard? Are we being unrealistic? Were we truly passionate about the end result?

Where would people from your parents’ generation be today if, as a teenager they understood the secrets of goals? How many of their dreams would have been saved from the dusty ‘maybe one day but probably not’ shelf?

The biggest brake to reaching your money goal is the belief you can’t begin until you know exactly how you’re going to achieve it. Life isn’t like that! How do you get good at a sport? You play it! Do you always win? No – but you’ll always lose if you never step onto the field.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to know exactly what steps are required to achieve ANY goal?

4. Beware of overestimating and underestimating

When working towards your goal, something is always better than nothing. Even by taking a tiny, seemingly insignificant step, the often-daunting journey to achievement has begun. Yes, change can be stressful and stepping into your courage zone makes your heart race, but confidence comes from action. Even if the action doesn’t produce the results you expected, at least you’re off the mental couch and have taken the first step. Build on that energy!

If you’re ready to get different results by doing things slightly differently, then here is Set It and Get It – the six keys to successful goals!

1. Your goal must be written down When your thoughts are in your head they are nothing but wishes and daydreams. As soon as you commit them to paper, you’re telling your subconscious mind “This is the result I want you produce.” When you write your goals down, you activate a mental filter system which makes you aware of the opportunities, resources and people available to turn your goal into reality. Even if you struggle with words you can cement your goal with pictures and drawings. A goal on paper is a goal almost half-finished!

2. You will be rewarded for being specific Your goals absolutely must be specific. If you write your goal as “I want more money”, how does your subconscious create that? Finding a coin behind the couch cushion achieves that goal. So does receiving a small pay rise or receiving a huge inheritance. “I want a new car” could see you squeezed into a hatchback when you were dreaming of a chunky off-road truck! Describe in precise language what you want to achieve, and give it a time-frame. A goal without a deadline is still just a dream. A time limit lets you monitor your progress and can give that sense of urgency to keep you moving! How will it feel to achieve the goal? Will you be proud, excited, happy, relieved…? Write that down too. Describe the entire goal as specifically as possible.

You read a financial literacy book or go to a seminar… you get fired up… you’re convinced that you can actually bring your money dreams to life… so you enthusiastically set some inspiring goals… a couple of weeks pass… nothing seems to be happening… your action list doesn’t look to be getting any smaller… the first little flicker of doubt appears… before a month passes you’re kicking yourself for actually thinking you could reach your goal… and so another dream dies a tragic death.

Without action, your dreams will never become real. You will never have a 100% failsafe plan for how to reach your money goal, so just start where you can – today!

This is a common scenario, because people regularly fall into the trap of overestimating what they will achieve in the short term. Yet they also underestimate what can happen in the long term. Just like your money growing in the bank thanks to compounding interest, your little baby-steps and mini-successes in the next twelve weeks will have an enormous pay-off over the next five years!

5. Your WHY is more important than the HOW Will there be days when you would rather stay in bed or watch TV, instead of working towards your money goal? Oh yes! Will there be people who stomp all over your dream with their words or actions, hoping you will join them in the crowd of mediocrity? Absolutely! The one thing that will get you through these trying times is a compelling, vivid, super-strong reason WHY you want to achieve your goal. “Because I should” and “He/She thinks it’s a good idea” are completely useless reasons. Get personal – why is it important to YOU? Uncover the emotion behind the dream and list the benefits of achieving it.

Abo ut Stuart

people how Stuart Fleming shows bank account. to put bounce in their r, he created As a coach and speake b to get teens the Money Mindset Mo talking about money. ob.com www.MoneyMindsetM

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ACTION It’s a new year! Full of new opportunities – to make a difference, to make the smallest or biggest change to our lives or perhaps to achieve something out of this world. FRANKY MASLIN asks: What BIG change are you going to make this year? Whatever the goal may be, many people do not actually achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. As I was reading the front page of the Otago Daily Times on the first day of 2011, I was interested to see peoples’ goals, which included “I want to get a job” or “I want to be healthy”. This led me to think about how many times we have said we are going to do something different or magnificent for ourselves. Why not set out to do something for someone else?


As I reflect on 2010, I wonder, what has the last year actually brought to me, or to any of us? Whether it is an overseas trip, new friendships, happiness or good news, we have also been affected negatively in some way. Unfortunately, sadness, bad news, death or disasters do occur in peoples’ lives – it is the reality in which we live. Christchurch has and still is experiencing earthquakes which have literally shaken up the lives of thousands. The Pike River mine disaster brought tragedy to many families. The Franz Josef tourist plane was the worst aviation disaster the nation has seen since the Mt Erebus tragedy. And still New Zealand has many children in the country falling victim to abuse and family violence.

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Outside of our own country, Haiti was hit by earthquake and disease; Fiji and the Solomon Islands felt the disasters of hurricanes; and Pakistan experienced terrible flooding which worsened the living standards and the ultimate survival of millions of its people. Disaster and tragedy can have a huge impact on those directly affected, especially the children involved. The pain of the many lost miners to the Pike River tragedy resulted in the loss of many fathers to Kiwi children. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, Advertiser hurricanes and floods experienced in 2010 left many children both here and around the 6x4 world without shelter, warmth or food. These events affect children and their rights, such as the right to play, to clean water, and to life. No matter what the catastrophe, the rights of children are impacted. So what can we do about it?

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{08} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

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After years of many of us making New Year’s Resolutions which often revolve around ourselves, I think it is time for a change. Let us be selfless and aim to do something good for somebody else, like other children and young people. This is a fresh year so why not make the most of it? If each of us decided to make a positive change in others’ lives then we would all live in a better world. Early in December 2010 I worked with a group of kids from Longford Intermediate in Gore, on their community project. The children’s project aimed to stop graffiti in our town and promote a clean environment by getting everyone in the community to put their handprint on a section of an alley wall. During the planning period of their project, a leading member unfortunately passed away. However, the other members continued with their project for the love of their friend. The saying “many hands make light work” came to mind as all of us worked together to continue the project.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? You may be thinking - this all sounds very good but how on earth am I, a young person, a teenager, supposed to actually do this? Only you can know your own limits. There are many ways in which you can do your part to help someone else. Schools across the country have different projects to learn about, support and raise awareness of other young people from around the world. And if your school doesn’t then maybe you could be the driving force behind getting it started. You could sign up to be a part of a buddy mentoring or junior support program in your school. If you’re looking for something a little more diplomatic, perhaps you could involve yourself in the student council of your school. Most secondary schools have this however, if you find your school doesn’t have one, then get it started. Student councils can have a lot

of input into the decision making process and take a leading role for the student body in the school environment. Ask your teacher or principal about what your school’s council is actually capable of doing. At my school, we were able to suggest various mufti days in support of young people in our area or assign certain themes or topics to talk about in our weekly student-led assemblies. Maybe you could do the same.


An inspiring man once told me a story of how he went to visit a secondary school. He had a friend who worked at the school who had asked him to come Every year there are days and sometimes weeks set aside for specific causes like poverty and talk to the students. The school was trying to raise money for week or children’s day. You could even make a national change and create your own special an important cause close to home. week which aims to promote awareness specifically for children and their rights, raise money to support other children around the world and let others know what they can do to help. Want to do more outside of your school boundaries? Most towns have a youth council or some kind of youth group. Look at how you can sign up or give a helping hand. Many of these groups can have a significant impact on the wider community if they want to.

IT WON’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT... We should never give up hope or faith that one day we will achieve a world where children are better off and can live to their full potential; where opportunities for tamariki are endless and, universally, every child has the rights that they are entitled to. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” We need to make sure that we, together as a collective, go about our mission the right way. We can start by thinking about what affects us and is important to us as young people, and learning about these issues. The desired outcome may not come straight away. No, first we have to work hard, putting in the effort with passion and drive.

UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund. We are proud to be the world’s leading aid agency dedicated to children. We have saved the lives of more children than any other humanitarian organisation in the world. UNICEF operates in over 150 countries. Our work is diverse and includes maternal and child health, nutrition, HIV and AIDS, water and sanitation, education and child protection. Get your voice heard and Campaign for Change with UNICEF! Find us on Facebook – Campaigners For Change

When he got there, he asked how much money the school had raised so far. The response: Less than forty dollars. Utterly disappointed, he went and talked to the students. The man knew that the school had just had their school ball and so discussed this with the students, asking what it was like, how much it had cost and so on. After a while he wrote the figure of how much the school had raised on the whiteboard. He asked the students if the amount looked familiar. The students looked at him puzzled. Finally, one student answered and said something along the lines, isn’t that the amount we raised recently? The man replied yes. He went on to ask the students how much they each spent on the ball altogether. The girls in particular: hair, make-up, dress, shoes, jewellery. The man said to the young people that if they are able to spend that much on their ball then surely they can raise more than forty dollars. Say there were roughly five hundred students that attended your school ball, (probably more if you live in the city). Imagine that EACH student spent on average two hundred dollars. That’s $100,000 spent in total JUST on the ball. Surely then, we can look into our pockets and raise an amount which we are proud of.

“A vision without action is merely a dream” [Marist Youth Leadership Course, St Bedes College, Christchurch, January 2010]

mo 99-0482/Giaco 19 Q H Y N / EF IC © UN

GROUP HUG! Meet Franky Maslin, 18, from Gore, Southland. Franky is a UNICEF NZ Year of Youth Ambassador. Her song of the moment is Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder and she aspires to work at a government/organisation level in a role related to helping young people.

ndrade 35/Patrick A YHQ2003-02 © UNICEF/N



There’s been a wave of fantastic Kiwi movies made in the last few years, and here’s another one to add to the list. The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell is a coming of age drama with a difference: it’s the story of an ordinary, infuriating, charming, obsessive, suburban dad who, finally, grows up. TOMMY LIVINGSTON has a quick chat to Josh McKenzie, who Tommy Livingston What do your friends think now that you plays Marc, the eldest son of that are a movie star? ordinary dad.

They don’t really care too much, they just give me a bit of stick, that’s all. At just 19 you scored the role of Marc – your What was it like working with big names first feature film. How did this come about? like Robyn Malcolm and William McInnes? It was through my agent here, and seven different auditions. It is a pretty long process. You studied at Toi Whakaari, the New Zealand Drama School. What experience did you have acting during your high school years? I couldn’t do Drama as a subject, because my school didn’t offer it, but I always took roles in school productions. In the film your character plays a race car driver. Did you get to do any racing? No we had a couple of stunt drivers. I was gutted, haha.

{10} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

Working with those two was a real highlight; they are really great actors. I worked more with William and it was really cool. Where do you get acting tips from? I watch a lot of movies; more to look at the actors than anything. I am really into my old school film at the moment. I love to watch anything really. What advice would you be willing to give to aspiring actors? I think it would be to just let go and open yourself up to the role; lose your inhibitions really, and have fun.

The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell is in cinemas now! We have five double passes to give away. Email promotions@academy.net.nz with “GAZZA SNELL FEB” in the subject line. Remeber to include your full name, date of birth and physical address. For full terms and conditions see page 38



The ASB Polyfest is the largest Students will compete on five stages - Cook Islands, Maori, Niue, Samoan and Tongan. Maori & Pacific Island’s cultural festival in the world. In 2010 it There will also be a Diversity stage featuring attracted a record crowd of over performances from a range of cultural groups including Chinese, Korean and Indian. 90,000 spectators, and 9500 students competing from 65 schools. The ASB Polyfest is an iconic Auckland event that celebrates the pride and passion of our Maori and Pacific Island communities through song, dance, speech and art. It is a place where we celebrate youth and all they bring to the future.

Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate return as the host school for festival. They have selected the following theme for the 2011 ASB Polyfest is – “Diversity is the Magic, Unity is the Joy” http://www.asbpolyfest.co.nz/

The 2011 festival takes place from the 16th – 19th of March at the Manukau Sportsbowl. It features traditional music, dance, costume and speech and is an important showcase of New Zealand’s diverse cultures.


MON T H February is Bike Wise Month! It’s an initiative which aims to encourage all New Zealanders to give cycling a go. There are hundreds of events happening around the country, including:

Go By Bike Day: Wednesday, 16 February New Zealanders are being encouraged to bike to work or school instead of going in the car. Breakfast events, including free food and entertainment, are being held in more than 50 locations around the country. Mayoral Challenge: Held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the month: New Zealand towns and cities will compete for the honour of the most ‘Cycle Mad City’ by getting as many people as possible to follow their Mayor on a gentle bike ride.


Deep nin th Cautio nary e fo rest a Cabaret

FRINGE The second ever Auckland Fringe runs from February 25th – March 13, it will sprawl its way around the Auckland region from the Waitakere ranges to Waiheke Island.

For two electrifying weeks over 100 events will be squeezed into theatres, gardens, galleries, lounge rooms and alleyways. Artists from across the country and from the international stage will present fresh, creative work that is guaranteed to entertain audiences from Auckland’s North, South, East and West. The shows will range from the hilarious and absurd, to the touching and heart warming to the just downright entertaining!

For more info, check www.bikewisechallenge.co.nz/. On ya bike!

2011 Great Lake Relay Don’t miss being part of the Annual New Balance Great Lake Relay around the largest lake in Australasia - Lake Taupo. Renown as being the best team building exercise of all time, the ultimate Team Relay has been described by participants as the most social and scenic event in New Zealand. The Mental Health Foundation is the official charity recipient of the event, and New Zealand muso Angelo Munro is on its team of celebrity Ambassadors for the Relay. Each of the Ambassadors has chosen to support the Foundation by either running a leg of the relay and/or by promoting a lifestyle that encourages activities that support your mental health and wellbeing. They are also using their celebrity to encourage others to run, and fundraise through, the February event. Get down to Taupo and race Angelo on February 19! For more info, go to www.relay.co.nz

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Sirens View


The adventure of Alvin Spitnik - Deep sea explorer

Know the law, know your rights If you’ve got a question about anything to do with the law, or your rights, email rights@tearaway.co.nz and we’ll get the nice people at YouthLaw to answer it for you! See page 4 for more details.

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EVIL? WHAT IS WIKILEAKS? WikiLeaks is a non-profit organisation that leaks information through its website. While it is called a ‘Wiki’ because originally the website could be edited by readers just like Wikipedia can, it has no connection with the online encyclopaedia.

WikiLeaks has continued to capture international attention for publishing top secret documents from anonymous news sources. VICTORIA YOUNG investigates whether the website is good or evil and who is supporting which side.


Opponents of WikiLeaks say the site is WikiLeaks is upheld as the embodiment irresponsible and its actions illegal. They of free press in the world. It has won a UK Amnesty International award for human rights believe that by revealing top secrets the website puts peoples’ lives in danger. In reporting and rumours continue to circulate particular, critics argue that the release of that Assange could win a Nobel Peace Prize military documents that give insight into The kinds of information that WikiLeaks for his efforts. military strategies jeopardises the safety exposes is usually concerned with the WikiLeaks claims it can do what it does of military campaigns overseas. American actions of governments around the world. because it is exercising Freedom of Expression Politician Sarah Palin says that Assange ‘has In particular it has revealed that the US rights under Article 19 of the Universal blood on his hands’, and Julia Gillard, the Military did not allow the Red Cross access Declaration of Human Rights. Australian Prime Minister has stated she to detainees at Guantanamo Bay, although ‘absolutely condemns’ the actions the US repeatedly denied these claims. It has Around the world, many celebrities are of WikiLeaks. also revealed the secret bibles of Scientology, supporting WikiLeaks and Assange. a highly controversial religious movement Controversial documentary maker, Michael The site has also been condemned by promoted by actor Tom Cruise. Just last year it Moore pledged bail money for Assange on his journalists who believe that WikiLeaks is not released a video of a Baghdad Airstrike where arrest in London, and UK sociality and charity scrutinising documents carefully enough two journalists were shot by US forces when worker Jemima Khan appeared in court to before releasing them. Reporters Without their cameras were mistaken for guns. support Assange, claiming that she was there Borders, a non-governmental organisation because she believes in the fundamental right who previously supported WikiLeaks has Most recently, the website has released now expressed concerns about the way that diplomatic cables. While these are confidential of freedom of information. WikiLeaks dumps documents without any as opposed to top secret, they are documents Here at home, Wellington journalist Nicky editorial control. that reveal the candid opinions of US officials Hager, author of The Hollow Men and Seeds around the world. The documents reveal of Distrust has met Assange in person. He Furthermore, since the release of the President Mugabe of Zimbabwe was thought says that his instincts told him that Assange diplomatic cables, several large organisations of as ‘the devil’, the Prime Minister of Holland is ‘funda have withdrawn support for WikiLeaks. The a ‘Harry Potter look-alike’ and reveal our very funds processor for Amazon, PayPal, has cut own Marion Hobbs, a former Labour MP, was off the account which transferred donations nicknamed ‘Boo-Boo’ after repeatedly making to WikiLeaks. MasterCard and Visa followed diplomatic errors. suit, and the organisation’s Swiss bank account has been closed.


The reputation of WikiLeaks has been clouded by sex charges against its founder Julian Assange. Assange has just been bailed out of prison, having been accused by two women of rape charges in Sweden.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. www.un.org

Brittany, 16 ‘Things are secret for a reason, [Assange] shouldn’t be able to do what he has done.’

Back home, our Prime Minister John Key’s stance is unclear, but veteran broadcaster Paul Holmes says Assange is not worthy of martyrdom. He has written that ‘Assange has upset the entire world’ and that ‘they will soon be scrapping over him’.

Julia Gillard: Anti-Wiki

Assange has recently announced that he will write his autobiography, as he insists that his story needs to come out.

Jemima Khan: Supports Assange Nicky Hager: B Assange is a goelieves od person

Michael Moore: pledged money for Assange’s bail {14} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011 {12}

WikiLeaks = Worrying


There has been much speculation as to whether there is substance to these accusations or whether they are politically motivated. There are suggestions that the accusations have just been made in order to stop Assange and ward others off using the website.

Paul Holmes: not an Assange fan


er eaks fo und iL ik W , e g an Julian Ass

Sarah Palin: B elieves Assan ge has blood on hi s hands

Michael, 21

‘It is hard to tell because the issue is what information is really important, but the government has to keep secrets’

WikiLeaks wonderful= Stevie-Lee Coll, 16 ‘I haven’t heard a lot about it, but it sounds like something good’.

Ed Gunn, 20 ‘I’m sceptical, but in an ideal world, every secret should be known’

www.tearaway.co.nz {15}

t u o b A h t u The Tr

S E I L Y IV The girls from Ivy Lies are gorgeous, talented and smart. Plus, they rock! In 2010 they recorded their debut album, Little Mind Games in LA, with megaProducer Clif Magness, who’s worked with massive names like Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson. We talk to singer and guitarist, Emla Palmer, about their time in LA, and where to get a good haircut.

Congrats on recording your debut album! What can we expect from it? So stoked to finally get the album out for people to have a listen! It’s fast-paced and honest. Lots of catchy hooks and fun, poppy rock tunes, but the songs still have a lot of meaning that we feel people will really be able to relate to.

What was it like recording in LA? We had an amazing time. We originally went over to do a couple of songs and ended up doing the whole album, so it was a quick process! We went into a rehearsal place for a few days and just nailed all the songs, getting them all ready to record. We got to spend a couple of days in the private studio of one of the top mixers in the world, Bob {16} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

Clearmountain, and also work with our Grammy-winning producer [Clif Magness] at his home studio. We feel so privileged to have been able to experience that and work with people of such a high calibre.

What was the biggest challenge in writing and recording the album? Finishing it! All those final touches take a lot of work. You have to think about everything to do with the final album and everything in it. This is such a long, involved process but we have learnt a lot.

that had transvestite prostitutes working in them. Arranged and rehearsed the whole album in two days. Chilled in VIP booths at The Roxy and The Viper Room and spent the nights strolling Santa Monica’s 3rd Street Promenade. Next time...Vegas!

You started off as a three piece band, became a four piece and are back to a three piece. What happened there? We started out in Christchurch as a three piece [Starlett} then moved to Auckland and changed our name to Ivy Lies. We met Mihka who joined the band a few years ago after six or so years of us as a three piece. She is married, so has other priorities in her life. It’s going on ten years now for the three of us in Starlett/Ivy Lies. It’s our priority and what we love.

Is it true what they say about LA being full of really really, ridiculously good-looking people and/or surgically enhanced people? Has your sound changed much Was that surreal at all? with the loss of one member ? LA has a very different vibe about it. I guess Hollywood and those areas are full of ‘extreme’ looking people and it does make you want to be a lot more expressive with clothing and attitude in everyday life! The whole experience was totally surreal and we had the best time.

What curious incidents from LA stand out in your memory? Um, Lisa had a knife pulled on her (sort of) by a guy on a bus. We stayed in cheap hotels

Too soon to tell!! But it’s exciting for us to work new material. It’s also been fun working

with different guitarists over summer playing shows. Each brings something different to the songs. It’s funny how differently people play the same passage of music.

Are you full time musos now? Wish! We try to keep as much time as we can available for music but occasionally have part time jobs and/or go to university.

You guys have been friends for ages, right? Yes! We go way back to when Lisa and I where about two years old. We wanted to be singers together and trained ourselves up to the Sound of Music, hahaha. We all became good friends in third form at school and started a band not long after.

Do you still hang out socially or do you see enough of each other when you’re making music? We live together! We live and breathe Ivy Lies.

Do you think popstars You’re all experienced musicians - (females in particular) have a did you have formal training? responsibility to be role models to their young fans? I had singing training and sat grades in classical singing. We have all had tuition in our instruments at some point. It’s important to always learn something new and develop your skills.

Yes and no. How we engage with fans is changing as social networking becomes more popular. You are a lot more accessible to fans, which is great, but it also breaks down that mystique that has traditionally surrounded Is there anything you’re really bad at? musicians and helps create the ‘rockstar’. Musically? Nah, we are all extremely talented Because it is so easy to see into someone’s and amazing at all our endeavours. Haha, lies... life these days, I think you do have to be a lot more aware of what you say and do if you What do you think of the current choose to let people in.

What was the best thing to happen to Ivy Lies in 2010? We had so many great opportunities come our way. We all really enjoyed the opportunity we had to tour with Coca-Cola at the start of the year. Playing two or three shows a day does wonders for your live show!

What are you most looking for ward to in 2011? Homegrown and the release of Little Mind Games.

Who inspires you the most? Our families

pop music scene, here and overseas? Which artists do you love right now?

Do you have a favourite quote?

We were listening to The Subways last night and loved that. Jimmy Eat World is coming to NZ soon so super excited about that! The music scene is always exciting because it’s always evolving.

“Keep on rocking in the free world”

“Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments”

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or other wise, who would it be? Hard question! Would be cool to collaborate with Jimmy Eat World. I’ve always wanted to sing on a Jimmy track; love the music.

When you are home alone do you sing into your hairbrush like the rest of us? No hairbrush but in the shower or just walking through the house I find I sing about what i am doing. It’s usually a cheesy song that pops into my head or something fun you can put on a weird singing voice too. The other day I found myself singing What’s Up by Four Non Blondes. Good song!



Britney or Gaga? Gaga Outrageous Fortune or


Go Girls?

The Beatles or The Ston es? ah! Beat les...

LA or Chch?

CHRISTCHURCH! First album you bought ? Buddy Holly tape First job? Ticket girl at a park/ca mping ground. First gig you played? Smokefreerockquest comes to mind, when we where 14 Last film you saw? Paris, Je T’aime Last book you read? The Girl in Times Square Last regrettable haircut ? I haven’t ha d one of th ose in a while! Stephen Marr is an AMAZING hairdresser that we all go to; I’m happy to sa y haven’t ha d any disaster haircuts there! When I was ten, Mum took me to th e salon and I got all my hair cut off . For a while I got toId I looked like a boy at school!

We have some RAD prize packs up for grabs, each containing a copy of Little Mind Games as well as girlie goodies from Maybelline. Email promotions@academy. net.nz with “Ivy Lies February” in the subject line. Remember to include your full name, date of birth and physical address. For full terms and conditions, see page 38.

Ivy Lies are from L-R:

Lisa Blatchfor d (bass/vocals), Emla Palmer (lead vocals/rhythm guitar), & Rosie O’Co nnell (drums).

www.tearaway.co.nz {17}



and the summer of 1966, Dylan created a body of work that remains unique. Drawing on

folk, blues, country, R&B, rock’n’roll, gospel, British beat, symbolist, modernist and Beat poetry, surrealism and Dada, advertising jargon and social commentary, Fellini and Mad magazine, he forged a coherent and original artistic voice and vision. The beauty of these albums retains the power to shock and console.”


1 1 0 2 L I R P A

Mr Bob Dylan – celebrated poet, artist, singer, writer, actor and radio announcer – will send legions of fans back once more to all those wonderful songs and albums, as he returns after close to four years for one show only, at Auckland’s Vector Arena on Saturday 30th April. The man with more than 50 recorded albums, a career spanning six decades, listed in Time Magazine’s ‘100 Most Important People of the Century’, Grammy award winner, and Academy award winner – presents a deceptively simple proposition. To keep performing where he is most comfortable: on stage year after year on his ‘Never Ending Tour’. In fact, Mr Dylan turns 70 years shortly after he leaves our shores this year. Not bad for a gent who has played roughly 100 shows a year for the last 22 years – never quite the same. But some clues: Speaking about a 2010 concert, influential music journalist Jim DeRogatis said in the Chicago Sun-Times, “Among the standout high points: a revved-up Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum; Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again, which was turned inside out and

-Bob Dylan upside down; a rollicking and rambunctious Highway 61 Revisited, and a tense and dramatic Ain’t Talkin.” Meanwhile Irish music staple Hot Press reported after a July 2010 Dylan show that, “He sang passionately and buoyantly… generous guitar riffs and exuberant keyboard playing set the bar for what was to be a first-rate concert. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues, a frequent inclusion in live shows, was as heavily rearranged as Lay Lady Lay and Just Like A Woman, much to the crowd’s enjoyment… the gruff lyrics of ‘Ballad Of a Thin Man’, were as raw and pertinent now as they were in 65.” With landmark recent albums like Together Through Life (2009), Time Out Of Mind (1997), Love and Theft (2001) and Modern Times (2006) – not forgetting the charming 2009 album of popular Christmas songs, Christmas in the Heart –

This Bob Dylan concert is destined to be one of the year’s major shows and a musical event of depth, grace and greatness. Make sure you secure your tickets as soon as possible to avoid missing out on being dazzled by a true songwriting master and concert performer.

Dylan’s legacy only seems to grow. His ever popular Bootleg series of rare recordings has also cemented the legacy – the latest being another revelation of very early material: The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 – The Witmark Demos: 1962–1964. Martin Scorsese’s penetrating and brilliant 2005 documentary No Direction Home no doubt also helped fuel a popular resurgence that shows no signs of slowing down and deftly crosses each and every generation. With a string of albums throughout the 1970s and 80s that were alternately revered (Blood on the Tracks, Desire, Oh Mercy), or criticised (Self Portrait, Saved), it is of course Dylan’s work from the 1960s which established him as an unparalleled force in popular songwriting.

TICKETS GO ON SALE MONDAY 7th FEBRUARY 9AM BOB DYLAN’S ONLY NEW ZEALAND SHOW: Saturday 30th April Vector Arena, Auckland 09 358 1250 www.tickmaster.co.nz 09 970 9700 For more information go to:

For many, Dylan’s mid-’60s trilogy of albums — Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde — represents one of the great cultural achievements of the 20th century. In noted writer and cultural commentator Mike Marqusee’s words: “Between late 1964

www.bobdylan.com www.chuggentertainment.com


Jstar imaginative place colour theme to an e th ke ta acters, can represent char re near Auckland where the colour e th If you’re anywhe d hing goes an , don’t miss 12 ns, animals – anyt d ico an 11 ry ua on Febr wilder the better”. urban outdoor an ’s It . ty Ci ernational re lo Sp anding local and int tst ou be l g e’l in er Th br , stival ery medium, music and arts fe ts present from ev tis ar l ua vis lesque/ colour’ into eo to trapeze/bur from graffiti to vid a ‘kaleidoscope of musical ing tion an amaz cabaret! Not to men . re ribou, ua Ca , lis Sq a Ke e te lud Ao p. Highlights will inc eu lin e, Tet, as well as our lleruche and Four a big part of the vib is Be n r, ta tio J-S ac er int e Audienc dress up etties. are encouraged to very own Fly My Pr lfand festival goers se d an om ed ted to “ensure sense of fre to help add to the ht is Tickets have been restric rig W da an from Am r l Directo so get yours now expression. Festiva in blocks an intimate vibe”, ing riv ar ds en k fri of .nz. Chec imagining groups ation and www.the-edge.co r, so take this inspir lou r details and info co fo e m et sa .n e re th lo e of www.sp to add to th ing go all ’s “It e! hu choose your ey will anda. “We hope th party vibe,” says Am


{18} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011



TrinityR Part of this yeoo ts: Homegro wn linar ’s e-up

Country music songwriter Jackie Bristow released her latest album, Freedom in 2010. She has lived, playing music in both Australia and the USA and she often comes home to NZ to tour the country.

Jackie Bristo w

Kiwis Overseas

The last two months have seen her tour through both NZ and Australia, and the latest adventure to be announced is that she’ll be the support slot for Tommy Emmanuel on his tour of the States. There are thirteen shows booked and she’ll get to play through California, Washington, Oregon, Alabama, Florida and North and South Carolina before heading home to her new hometown, Texas. Go Jackie!

Welly’s Homegrown Festival Back for 2011, the Homegrown festival is bigger than ever this time around, with 6 stages and 45 local bands. It is the country’s largest all-NZ music festival and will be taking place March 5th on the Wellington waterfront. Homegrown sells out every year, and with such a high standard of artists on the bill, it’s no surprise. They’ve upped the ante this year, adding the new Pop and R&B stage, which will see ten extra acts on top of an already massive bill. Bands include TrinityRoots, Savage, Scribe, The Feelers, ElemenoP, Blindspott, Midnight Youth, The Phoenix Foundation, Tiki and the Dub Soldiers, Katchafire, Shapeshifter and loads more.

Fancy floating to a gig?

ell: Kirsten Mo rrive At L t a g in y Pla The Islands

On Saturday 12th Feb, Motutapu Island will host Live At The Islands, a fabulous day of live musical entertainment for your enjoyment. There will be performances by Anika Moa, Nathan Haines and the Dream Band, Minuit, Kirsten Morrell, The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, The Earlybirds, Lisa Crawley and more. The concert is hosted by Ark, supporting local conservation projects like Project Kiwi Care and Project Island Song, where they plant trees and release rare endangered birds to the environment. This isn’t the only gig in the series though – there has already been a show in the Bay Of Islands and on Saturday 19th February, there will be a Live At The Gardens concert in Hamilton. It’s a great way to support the environment while enjoying some tunes. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.co.nz

The Inaugural Grass Roots Festival

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

Iva Lamkum , playing with the crea tures

For the full line up check out www.homegrown.net.nz

For the eighth year in a row, you can enjoy sweet Aotearoan tunes alongside the animals at Auckland Zoo over the next month.

Zoo Music is brought to you by Wild Bean Café, who will be raising money to support the Zoo’s conservation work. It kicked off on January 21st and will run through until March 4th with a concert every week.

Can’t believe it’s 2011 already, where did 2010 go!? I’m really excited to be working on the new channel FOUR this year! There’s gonna be heaps of sweet new shows like Total Wipeout as well as new episodes of two of my old faves - The Simpsons and Family Guy. The good news is that Animation Station will also be on FOUR with American Dad, Futurama, The Cleveland Show and South Park still hitting your screens every Thursday night. Tyra and her line-up of beautiful ladies also move to FOUR with the new season of America’s Next Top Model. This is the season where they come to Aotearoa so be watching to see some of the world’s most beautiful sights (and I don’t just mean the hot models) and Shrek the sheep! Shannon and I have been flat out prepping for our new show: Drew and Shannon Live which airs on weekdays at 4.30pm. It’s a pop culture entertainment show with a little bit of everything from movies, interviews, music, gaming and fashion! But I’m not gonna spoil the surprise by telling you what to expect, you’ll have to tune in to check it out for yourself!

Tickets are $45 for adults ($40 pre-purchased), $25 for children ($20 pre-purchased) and children under four are free. And the line-up is... Friday, February 4 – Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, 7pm til 9pm. Gates open at 6.30pm. Saturday, February 12 – Che Fu and The Crates, Young Sid, Iva Lamkum Saturday, February 26 – Sola Rosa, Knives At Noon, Rio Hemopo Friday, March 4 – The Phoenix Foundation, Liam Finn, The Thomas Oliver Band

There’s a new festival coming to NZ and There’s more info at hopefully it’ll be here to stay. It features www.aucklandzoo.co.nz some amazing international talent such as BB King, Elvis Costello and Ben Harper alongside some exceptional local acts, all Auckland. There are options to camp out for fused together to make two days of love both days or just get day passes. The Kiwi acts not to be missed. include Paul Ubana Jones, Ticket, Cairo Knife Fight, Don McGlashan and Sola Rosa. The Inaugural Grass Roots Festival will be taking place on Easter Weekend at the Puhinui There is going to be a second Reserve, looking out over Manukau Harbour, announcement so keep your eyes on www.grassrootsfestival.co.nz Cairo Knife Fight, playing at the

Inaugural Grass Roots Festival

Answers: 1 – a, d; 2 – b; 3 – a; 4 – d; 5 – c; 6 – a; 7 – d; 8 – a; 7 – b; 8 – c

What’s happening in Kiwi music? Lots. We ask the font of all such knowledge, Kiwi FM’s FLEUR JACK, to share the love.

www.tearaway.co.nz {19}


TALENTED Young and Hungry’s Festival of New Theatre happens every year in Auckland and Wellington (and hopefully soon in Christchurch and Dunedin too). First off, the Playwrights’ Initiative allows for the creation of three new plays, written specifically for people aged 15-25. Established and emerging talent submit their ideas to the Young and Hungry trust. The ideas are reviewed by a panel, and the top four successful applicants commissioned to write a 60 minute first draft script. The final three plays are then selected to be produced for the two-week Festival of New Theatre the following year. Mentors guide the playwrights, offering key skills that will help them produce a script of a professional standard. Professional theatre practitioners guide the young actors and technical crew in producing the festival themselves.

Meet ...

ACUSHLA-TARA SUTTON Having studied drama through high school until Year 13, Acushla-Tara Sutton is a passionate actress. Her involvement with Young and Hungry started off as a hobby, but she likes to think there may be a career in theatre after finishing her university studies. She says that “to be able to perform for a living would be a dream come true.” In 2010 Acushla-Tara performed in her first Young and Hungry performance, with a role in Sick! – part of Wellington’s Festival of New Theatre. A unique and memorable experience was being directly involved in the creation process – something which gave her great satisfaction when hearing her lines developed. Acushla-Tara encourages you to jump at every opportunity to audition for roles – no matter how big or small.

Do you dream of becoming an actor, a playwright, or even Generation I’s answer to Peter Jackson? Get involved with Young and Hungry! The charitable trust provides hands on theatre experience within a professional environment, in acting, lighting, sound, costumes, set design, stage management and publicity. EMILY SPINK tells all.


Registration for this year’s Young and Hungry productions are now open, for both acting auditions and techie roles. For all the details, go to: www.youngandhungry.org.nz/festival-of-new-theatre/get-involved

FROM YOUNG AND HUNGRY TO STARDOM! Here are just a few people who were involved with Young and Hungry, and have gone on to achieve amazing things: • Bret McKenzie (Flight of the Conchords) • Taika Waititi (Boy) • Loren Horsley (Eagle vs Shark) • Michelle Ang (Outrageous Fortune, Neighbours)

Meet ... ELI KENT

Eli made his Young and Hungry acting debut in 2006 in Generator. More recently, he entered the Playwrights Initiative, where he was commissioned to write Thinning, which ran during Auckland’s 2010 Festival of New Theatre.

Sick, one of the Young and Hungry plays from 2010. Acushla-Tara Sutton is on the left

A scene from Thinning, the 2010 Young and Hungry play by Eli Kent

Young and Hungry has offered Eli valuable connections and exposure and having just finished his film based Scriptwriting Masters at Victoria University, we can no doubt expect to hear more from him in the future.

{22} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

“New Zealand’s great isn’t?” Sometime in June last year, I was sitting in a Unitec rehearsal room chasing the opening line of Lauren Jackson’s Exchange around my head. In fact if I dug round my head a moment, the complete first scene was just sitting there. None of the lines were mine of course. Nerdy much? No. Simply me doing my job.

In April we were given scripts. A Stage manager or two and Assistant Director were assigned to each play (being performed back to back during the season). Through May and June I watched the play grow, each actor bringing personal energy and life to the characters, text and space. My job was dynamic too, one day making a props list, the next reading lines. Before I could be lulled into the rhythm of rehearsals we had moved to the theatre. Concrete floor. Gaffer tape swatches. Props with legs of their own. Uncooperative lights and projector. And every night at 6.30 the irreversible call to “Open House…” Around the end of July, having been sweetly mobbed by nine actors in a group hug I headed home thinking:

Thinking of following the same path? Eli recommends getting involved in Young and Hungry as it is the best way to network and make contacts while gaining exposure in the industry. Eli is keen to return to Young and Hungry in 2011, so keep your eyes peeled for his next project!

by Henrietta Bollinger

When I first had the concept of StageManagement explained to me, I was told there was no solid job description but that you got to be in touch with a host of people, involved in theatre-making. Sounded exciting. There must have been something it that because here I was a second year running Stage Managing for Auckland Young and Hungry.

Theatre has always been a big part of Eli’s life, but it wasn’t until high school that the realisation hit that it could become more than just a hobby. Eli won the Chapman Tripp Award for Outstanding New Playwright of the Year in 2008, and in 2010, the Bruce Mason Award. He was first introduced to Young and Hungry when, as a young boy, he went along to watch an older friend in what he can recall as an “awesome” play: Confessions of an Adolescent Stormtrooper.


New Zealand theatre’s great isn’t it?

Sick, one of the Young and Hungry plays from 2010. Acushla-Tara Sutton is in the centre


Welcome Emily Spink, 19, to the Tearaway team

I’m studying a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major in Media Communications and English, at Canterbury Uni. I love op-shopping and I have to admit – I’m a pretty avid rollerblader.

Fill your paper with



Love writing? Here’s a chance to take your writing to the next level. The New Zealand Society of Authors is offering young writers an opportunity to be mentored by your best loved authors and expand your creative writing abilities. In 2010, HENRIETTA BOLLINGER was one of three young Kiwis to be given this unique opportunity.

Henrietta Bo llinger. ger llin Bo se Eli by oto Ph

Famous Qoutes Such stuff as dreams are made on – William Shakespeare They think I’m going to be a schoolteacher but I’m going to be a poet – Janet Frame Write in recollection and amazement for yourself – Jack Kerouac Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart – William Wordsworth

I’m 17 and currently at Western Springs College in Auckland. I was recently told that my name sounded like a poet’s one. This, (along with the support of school, friends and family, not to mention receiving this mentorship) has done nothing to abate my crazy love of words!

I’m a writer first and a woman after – Katherine Mansfield

From a poem

u and I o y s d r o w Trading change e s r e v i n u e Watching th pe change sha change size These four lines are ones I’ve had for a while, just scribbled somewhere. To be honest it was the way they sounded which first made me write them down as opposed to their carrying any particular meaning. Since beginning this mentorship (with poet Janet Charman) I have developed them into a poem for a friend of mine. In the piece the “trading [of] words” is two people talking – swapping sentences, responding to each other. Or at least that was my initial intention. When Janet read this lonely little stanza she saw in it what we were doing; and what is this mentorship but an exchange of words? My lines of poetry were sent off into cyberspace, to receive a response and advice on how to better themselves. Each time I send a piece to her, Janet replies through annotation of my work. One note I remember was about my use of the word “lying”. I had used it to mean being in a horizontal position. She noted that it also had the connotation of “lying,” as in to tell an untruth. This made me feel a lot more aware of the weight of words. As words can have several meanings, I think it is important to consider your choices and the many ways in which this will affect how the work comes across. Meaning can be derived from not only the choice or combination of words but also the context, text type and layout. It would also be naïve to assume that a reader would, themselves, be a blank canvas at the time they come to read your writing.

I call Wild Orchestra: From a poem I call Wild Orchestra: Go on, take a handful Take a handful of words

Having a mentor to read my work and be prepared to analyse my work to such a high level has made me see how little control a writer has over how their work is interpreted.

Words to pick up and carry Words to stir into the coffee Words to leave hanging Leave in the air Leave on placards Leave in letterboxes Down telephone lines

To have any chance of ensuring what sort of a reaction your writing will get, you would need a very precise idea of what you want to say, and use one-sided words with only a single meaning. But where is the fun in that? Readers will come to a work looking, in some way, to understand it or take something away. A reader will relate to pieces within their frame of reference. Just as a writer has penned something influenced by their individual experience, culture, dreams and ideals, so a reader will bring with them a unique set of influences to the reading. I used to think that my works were finished when I decided they were. I now believe that they are not complete until they have been read. More important than a piece saying what the writer wants to say, is perhaps that it speaks to the reader, maybe giving them something they need or can use, anything from enjoyment to help to inspiration. I mean, there is a name for people doing all this. Wordsmith. Just as a blacksmith works with metals, crafts them, the same can be done with words, by a wordsmith. In both cases tools are created.

You! Skimming your eyes over this page, welcome to the word trade. The NZSA Youth Mentor Programme 2011 is now taking nominations. Successful students will work alongside one of New Zealand’s best-known authors in a 10 hour mentorship to take place during Terms 2 and 3. If you are in Year 11, 12 or 13 and want to develop your skills as a writer, take this page to your English teacher and ask about being nominated. Nominations close April 1. For more

Trading words you and I Waiting for life to happen Everything pinned to potential: possible, probable maybe, might chance and fate Die Möglichkeit... Henrietta Bollinger

www.tearaway.co.nz {23}


Just before Christmas, TVNZ6 aired 20 short films made by young Kiwis. Those 20 were the winning films created for The Outlook for Someday, a sustainability film challenge which we at Tearaway are proud to sponsor. Viewers were asked to vote for their favourite film, and 700 did so, resulting in State of Community being named 2010 Audience Favourite.

Film-makers: Anna Prestidge and Aisling Rayne (ALP Creations) – Darfield High School Genre: Drama Description: A relationship between two friends is used to symbolise the relationship between humans and Earth, showing the move from nature towards technology, and the constant need that humans have for Earth’s resources.

We caught up with the film-makers responsible for State of Community, as well as some of the other winning films.

The most valuable thing I learnt from this process was... well, looking back there are so many things I [Anna] would change, things like repetition. There wasn’t really one big thing I learnt but lots of little things here and there.

The best part of participating in The Outlook for Someday was... going up for the awards was heaps of fun, as was making the film. Overall it’s been a really great opportunity. Our prize was... a goody bag with things such as Levi’s and Body shop vouchers, t-shirts, magazine subscriptions, chocolate and other goodies! My favourite directors are... Steven Spielberg has always been a favourite of mine, and how can I get past our own Peter Jackson? My three favourite films are... The 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland, The Terminal and Inception. Three very different movies!


Jo sh White & Emily Martin

AUDIENCE FAVOURITE: “STATE OF COMMUNITY” Film-makers: Emily Martin and Josh White – NZ Broadcasting School, Christchurch Polytechnic Genre: Documentary Description: An emotive short that captures the experience of the Canterbury earthquake – and how we responded to it – through our student eyes. We think we were named Audience Favourite because... perhaps it was the way we captured the experience of such a massive natural disaster through the eyes of a young person. That’s something no other medium did after the quake; it was all images of collapsed buildings and shaking living rooms. Nothing about the positive response that was made. Our biggest challenge in making the film was... the earthquake happened less than 2 weeks before the deadline for Outlook entries, and both of us are big perfectionists! The film was due on a Friday night, which was also the last day before the holidays, so I (Josh) was flying up to Auckland to see family. I ended up editing the film on the plane (and Jetstar’s seats don’t even have enough room to open a laptop properly) then burning the DVD in the airport carpark, before hand-delivering the film right on deadline. Talk about stressful! {24} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

“CROS SFIRE ” Film-makers: Stallion Productions – NZ Broadcasting School, Christchurch Polytechnic Genre: Drama Special Award: Connected Media Film-making Achievement Award Description: A thrilling ride that makes the world news worthy. We think our film was a success due to... the original twist at the end and the technical quality. The most valuable thing we learnt was... If you get the chance, always grab your mates and make a movie! It will be worth every second. Participating in The Outlook for Someday was... amazing. The organisers were brilliant and it was a fantastic reason to just enjoy making films. We won... a Panasonic Handycam, a mobile phone, subscriptions to a bunch of NZ magazines and a few more goodies.

Film-makers: Mike Nicholas – Papanui High School Genre: Documentary Description: A film about the Canterbury earthquake, including helpful tips for surviving an earthquake. I think my film was a winner because of... the real footage of what happened during and after the earthquake. The most valuable thing I learnt during this process was... we just don’t know how lucky we really are. I would love to meet... Peter Jackson, as he is a great film-maker who has put New Zealand on the map. My favourite film is... Boy. In the future I would love to... be either behind or in front of the camera. I also have the dream to be a radio announcer.



Film-makers: Picklethugs – Saint Kentigern College, Michael Park School and Botany Downs Secondary College Genre: Drama

Film-makers: Susan Wardell (nee Smirk) – Otago University

Description: A dark film about the dangers of drink-driving.

Genre: Documentary-with-a-difference

The biggest challenge in making this film was... Shooting at night! Most of the film is at night time, so we always needed lots of lights, which took a long time to set up. When we were filming the driving scenes inside the car, we had quite a lot of fun when Tay would take some fast corners, and everybody would hold their breath because we were scared he was going to crash – even though my [Producer Calvin Sang’s] dad was sitting in the front seat with him. Luckily, the car is still in one piece. Good job, Tay. Some of my favourite films are... Saving Private Ryan, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Usual Suspects, No Country For Old Men. One of my favourite directors is... Christopher Nolan. I like the way his films are structured like a jigsaw and how they always have you on the edge of your seat. My aspiration is to... get into the movie industry and get as far as I can.

Special Award: TEAR Fund Social Justice Award Description: A film about a refugee camp in Northern Uganda, and how tired old genres and formats can become excuses for our blindness to real problems. My biggest challenge in making this film was... how to best tell a ‘typical’ story of poverty and war in Africa, in a fresh way. The story of Kotomor (which I witnessed firsthand, and made a promise to share) was very close to my heart. I know my friends in Uganda are grateful that I’m telling their story. The Outlook for Someday is... inspiring! I love seeing the creativity in all the other films. I especially love watching the ones done by primary school kids, and realising that they really do GET the problems the world is facing. The world looks brighter with that in mind! The film-makers that impress and inspire me the most are... the amazing documentary film-makers that come out of NZ. Check out Jinty McTavish, Nick Holmes and Guy Ryan – these guys have the skills AND the vision.

My favourite film is... Life is Beautiful

An image from Kotomo r: Three Stories

I’m passionate about... storytelling. Our stories are the most precious things we have, and the best way to learn and gain perspective on the world, and other people’s lives. I enjoy writing, photography and film, so I hope to always use these as part of non-profit work around social justice issues.

An image from The Green Dot

“THE GREEN DOT” Film-makers: Lujia Lu, John Oliver Tait, Jason Wordsworth, Andrew Wordsworth, Jennifer Wordsworth – Whangarei Boys’ High, Genre: Drama/Music video Description: “No matter how small a rope is, you can still hold on to it” (a small film about a small plant that makes a big difference). The keys to the success of our film were... subtlety, ambiguity, appearance, visual/audio linkage and creative ideas. One particular challenge we had was... continuity. I can’t control the weather – one minute it was raining, the other minute sunshine, so we just sort of chucked it together and made it look like a game.

Some directors I admire include... Michael Bay, who is more of a special effects person, and James Cameron, is more of a poetry person. Every director has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The Outlook for Someday is... a great challenge which open young minds to the global issues. During this challenge, I learnt ll (left), with the makers of Techno The Outloo k for Someday 2011 Ambassador Kirsten Morre McVeagh and Kevin Ng. Léah , Davis the importance of... resilience Lust, Allen Shih, Karalisa Dantas, Tara Clare . and team work. It’s always better Techno Lust won the UNESCO Sustainable Future Award to share ideas with a group to develop something unexpected. We had to overcome so The Outlook for Someday 2011 is coming soon! Watch this space for many things.

details on how to enter. In the meantime, get together with your mates and start brainstorming ideas for your sustainability-related film! www.theoutlookforsomeday.net has lots of helpful information and inspiration, and you can check out ALL the winning films from 2010 there too. Remember, you can make your film with any camera, in any genre, of any length up to five minutes. Anyone up to age 24 can enter, either individually or in a team.

www.tearaway.co.nz {25}


HAIRDRESSING A career for both young women and young men I have been in the hairdressing industry for 38 years and I love it more today than I did when I started. There are not many careers out there where you are told everyday you are fantastic several times a day, and that you make a difference in people’s lives. Most think it to be a path of glitz and glamour, bling wearing people with outrageous personalities, arty, and cool fashion, fun loving. “This is true” but only if you have put in the hard yards. Always think about the ‘Star’. This is your boss – the salon senior operator /owner You will be:

Head you say!! Did you not think you would have to use it? Well think again! Special awareness is a key to success, multi tasking a skill, Analysing everything from growth patterns, hair texture, body shapes, personality and pictures to make them all fit together to create a visual symphony of fashion all while you have an exceptional memory. Take a look at the makeover programmes on the TV, Facebook, YouTube you don’t see the gains until the hair is done. Think of a wedding cake without icing

Cleaner for the stars

Messenger for the stars

Customer service expert to the stars

If you want to be a star in this industry go for it but only if you truly want to be a star and have passion. This means living and breathing hair styling, day and night, always on the lookout for inspiration. This is what will carry you through the high times and the low times.

Time keeper for the stars

Good Luck

Appointment manager for the stars

Cherie McIntyre

Telephonist for the stars


Assistant for the stars

Providing nourishment for the stars

Required to manage on a very low budget

Find it hard to maintain a social life, late nights early mornings

Always pleasant, open, helpful, flexible, punctual, and agreeable

Hard working, fashionable, smiling, pleasant, caring, fit, well presented, multi tasking savvy people

The model for the next latest cut and colour

Studying for three years and attending training nights when you have already worked for two late nights attending to the stars every need

Entering competitions, practicing until your feet and fingers are sore and dry and your head hurts

{26} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

Visit: http://www.nmit.ac.nz/courses/ areaofstudy/mid/12245/a/43/hair.aspx

i HokonnDu esign Fashio Awards 2011 . Fashionphiles, pencils at the ready! With a little under four months until the 23rd Hokonui Fashion Design Awards, it’s time to start thinking about your creations. Executive producer Heather Paterson is once again inviting entries from all creative people of all ages. “This is an ideal opportunity to showcase your creative design talents and have them judged by a panel of top New Zealand fashion identities,” she says. Enquiries about the Awards have again been received from throughout New Zealand, along with a few from Europe and Australia and “it would be fantastic” if these overseas enquiries translate into actual entries, Mrs Paterson said. This year, there are plans to run a Secondary Schools competition within the Awards. This will be open only to current secondary school students to give them the opportunity to compete against designers of similar age and experience. The winners of sections in the Secondary Schools section of the Awards will also be eligible to take away overall prizes, such as the Young Designer Award and the Overall Award of Excellence.

do hope that secondary schools will give the support we need to make it a part of the Hokonuis,” Mrs Paterson said. Fashion design competitions such as the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards play a very important role in aspiring designers’ careers. The competition consists of numerous categories, including a new one for 2011, Steam Punk – a revival that is currently popular worldwide. Entrants will be vying not only for category honours, but for the coveted ‘Award of Excellence’ which carries a prize package valued at $12,000. Other major awards include the ‘Young Designer Award’ open to those under the age of 21 at June 30 this year, and the ‘Southland Award’, a great incentive for local Southland designers. The total prize package is more than$26,000. The Hokonui Fashion Design Awards are held on the last weekend of July in Southland. In the past they have sold out, with audiences of over 1200 over two nights, which is awesome exposure for young designers.


For more info, go to www.hokonuifashion.com

“We are very excited about the potential that the Secondary Schools section has, and we



What types of braces are there? Metal Brackets

Having a grin you are proud to flash can give you extra confidence. For the record, we think you are perfect just the way you are, but if you are considering getting braces to improve your smile, your teenage years are the best years to get them. Your permanent teeth have just come in and the surrounding bones are the most flexible.

Q. Why get braces? A. One of the main goals of getting braces is to straighten your teeth, but they can also treat other issues, including a deep overbite or underbite. Having a bad bite makes you vulnerable to wearing down your teeth. Straightening your teeth also makes it easier to clean them, so that you don’t develop pockets, which harbour plaque and bacteria.

Q. How long does it take? A. Usually between 12 and 36 months. The bulk of the time is spent fixing the bite and

These are the traditional brackets glued to the front of your teeth and connected with metal wire. Orthodontists consider them the best

and strongest type for straightening crooked teeth or correcting bad bites. Typically, the wire attaches to the brackets with small coloured bands that let you customise and add personality to your braces.

Ceramic Brackets These are similar to metal brackets but are made of tooth-coloured ceramic material. They blend in with your teeth better than metal braces do and do not distract from the rest of your face. Ceramic brackets also have small bands connecting the wire to the braces, but you can use white or clear bands to help them blend in better.

Invisalign Invisalign braces are thin, clear trays that fit directly onto your teeth, and are less noticeable. These work best for mild orthodontic treatments.

Lingual Brackets Lingual brackets are typically made out of metal and glued to the teeth like metal brackets, but they are placed behind the teeth instead of in front. Not every orthodontist offers this type of placement, and treatment can take longer and cost more.

holding the teeth in place, which allows the bone to solidify its position. The first appointment, in which brackets are bonded to the teeth, will take about an hour. Every month or so you’ll have a check up to adjust the wire. When the braces are ready to come off, you’ll get a retainer to wear in the following months. You’ll also have follow-up appointments.

Q. Will it hurt? A. Having your braces adjusted can cause some discomfort. You might find it difficult to bite into anything tough. The soreness will usually subside in a couple of days. If you find that the metal brackets are scraping against your cheeks and lips, you can use some orthodontic wax to protect the surface of your teeth.

Q. Where can I get more info? A. Go to the New Zealand Association of Orthodontists website: http://www.orthodontists.org.nz

A “leading-edge” Practice, creating exceptional results, service and overall experience for our patients

Dr Marguerite Crooks Dr Peter Fowler Dr Russell Lovatt

AMI House 116 Riccarton Road, Christchurch Ph: 03 348 2858 www.braces.co.nz info@braces.co.nz

www.tearaway.co.nz {27}



great Be ready for school with ane d to selection of essentials desig e keep you focused and on th ball this summer and taste


Terenzo Bozzone is an Ironman triathlete who won his first world title (in duathlon) at just 16! He is lining up for the third time at the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain NZ Ironman on March 5th, this time, he doesn’t want to come second to reigning champ, Cameron Brown ! Email in your entry to be in to win some fabulous Nutrigrain packs.


Check out new zerowate r – it tastes amazing (choose betwee n mandarin twist, exotic berry or natur al spring) and it has zero sugar, zero carbs and zero artificial sweetners. Perfect! We have 5 mixed cases to be won, simply find zerowater on Facebo ok, suggest to a friend and you’re in the draw. Available at all good supe rmarkets, service stations and dairie s.

with ox at school b ch n lu st e sh Have the fre aurants! UBWAY® rest (think Ham, S m o a Sub fr ng favourite filli r u IE o y se o o h C na or a VEGG Tu y, e rk Tu s, ces Chicken Strip lads and sau sa h it w p u it ll . Get a DELITE™), fi chbox lovely n lu r u o y e k $4.30 ! and ma ub from only S ® H C N -I 6 SUBWAY Card. Subway Sub a in w to r te En

We need about 8 glasse s of water daily to keep us hydrate d and to enjoy a healthy life. With SafeBottles ther e’s no better way of doing th is, and by not using plastic bottl es you’re avoiding any potential toxic chemicals. Enter today and be int o win a fabulous SafeBottle !

Email promotions@academy.net.nz with the words “Lunchbox Essentials” in the subject line and you’ll go in the draw to win, win,win a selection of these essential items. {28} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

Eating 5+ A Day is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to stay healthy. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the best to fill up your lunchbox, handbag or even your manbag. Slice carrots, celery and tomatoes into containers and keep in the fridge for snacks on the run. Remember a serving is about a handful. Send in your entry to promotions@academy to be into win some super cute 5+ A Day T-shirts and aprons.

w us on and follo ways z .n o .c y t givea w.5ada visit ww win grea o t in e b k to Faceboo One Square Meal Bites The perfect lunchbox filler or snack on the go ! Available in two great flavours, Apricot with Manuk a Honey or Cranberr y with Blackcurrant.

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS OF GEARAWAY & COMPETITIONS IN THE DECEMBER/ JANUARY EDITION Debbie Yoi Faleola Napa’a Melinda Nicholl Michelle Argyle Matthew Dodd Peter Roach Rebecca Nash Belinda Thelm Jess Wallis Sally Eames Vinnie MacMillan Linda Ferretti Matai Kelsall Hamish Van Dyke Sylvia Samuels Zoe Atkinson Peter Kinner Nikki Wickham

Joshua Kendall Rachel Hickling W Savage Candice Sherborne Joanne Paul Jo Parson Richard Greenwood Maria Williamson Jeff Griffith Pip Malcolm Bev Bush Leanne Clarke Kane Porter Dee Grey Nick Asher R Upland Collin Fletcher Melissa Reid Caroline Hana

Ivan Fleming Carter Hislop Abbie Mason Keith Ratcliffe Sharn Brenchley Duan Russell Katrina Gray Jerome Sears Deanna Grant Jordan Knight Amy Wang Rochelle Redman Belinda Campbell Lisa Mullin Jenny Lee Laura Kirkwood Marinah Mohd Zaini Jayden Clark

Email promotions@academy.net.nz with the words “Lunchbox Essentials” in the subject line and you’ll go in the draw to win, win,win a selection of these essential items.



WhoAre Yo u?

en and Mangere 2 double passes to the Glen Ed shows to giveaway! From nearly every walk of life, from all over Auckland, young dancers between the ages of 16 – 21 are led through a demanding and often life changing creative process to voice their concerns, face their fears and express their hopes for their generation. 38 for entry details. See the GEARAWAY page on page www.tearaway.co.nz {29}


cipe Check out this awesome re d nutritious, easy, healthy an . fun to wrap your chops around New recipe each issue Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 1 small carrot, grated 2 sticks celery, finely sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 500g chicken mince 410g can tomato puree or tomato pasta sauce 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 cup flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped

n fomatio In e ip c e R 4 Portions: s 0 minute 3 : e k a m Time to ts: ingredien ll a f o t s Total co serve 2.70 per $ / 0 .8 0 1 $ bre 3 High fi on 3 High ir t 3 Low fa ojoule 3 Low kil

500g dried spaghetti

i Bol ognese t t e H g a p S n e k Chic

A tasty variation on an old favourite. Chicken mince is low in fat and makes a nice change.

Instructions heat. ing pan over medium Step 1 Heat oil in a frylery and garlic and cook, Add onion, carrot, ceinutes or until vegetables are stirring often for 8 mmince and cook, stirring, for tender. Add chicken browned. 8-10 minutes or until half ree, basil, thyme andixture Step 2 Add tomato pu m d an well combined the parsley. Stir until duce heat and simmer for 15 Re il. comes to the bo minutes. water a large pan of boiling Step 3 Cook pasta in directions. Serve pasta topped according to packet remaining parsley. with bolognese and

http://www.healthyfood.co.nz/recipes/2008/july/chicken-spaghetti-bolognese Recipe by: Dixie Elliott

• Styling Trish Heagerty • Photography: Andre Martin • First published July 2008

“Written by New Zealand’s nutrition experts, this monthly magazine is packed with practical tips and delicious, healthy recipes. Using everyday, affordable ingredients, Healthy Food Guide makes it easy to eat well and feel great!”

Email promotions@academy.net.nz with the words “Healthy Food Guide” in the subject line and you’ll go in the draw to win, win,win a copy of the latest edition of Healthy Food Guide {30} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

© Reproduced with permission from Healthy Food Guide magazine. On sale in supermarkets and bookstores for only $5.70.


Before the age of 25, Sebastian Burke had worked in two African countries, Papua New Guinea and the Australian outback. Now resident in Twizel, the 26-year-old commutes daily to Glentanner to service the varied helicopters that fly tourists through the spectacular Mt Cook region. For someone who hates routine, working as an aviation engineer is the perfect job, says Sebastian. “If it wasn’t varied I wouldn’t have lasted. I require quite a lot of variation to keep myself interested.” Five years ago, Sebastian graduated with his Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering from the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology’s (NMIT) Aviation School. Within three years, he was working overseas just six months of the year and earning more than $80,000. Today, while he’s taken a pay cut to return to NZ for more of a lifestyle job, he still earns over $100,000. “The more ratings and licences you get, the more you become in demand.” After several years with Airwork NZ Ltd, Sebastian has seen first-hand the global demand for aviation engineers. “There’s plenty of work out there. In fact there’s a huge shortage of aviation engineers. It’s just a matter of working with the right companies.”

A SKY-HIGH CAREER It’s a career he recommends, especially for those who like to problem solve and take on challenges.

From fixing a medium twin-engined helicopter in Gove, a Northern Territories mining town, to providing crew support and Medivac assistance in Tanzania and elections work in Angola, Sebastian has been fortunate to work and live in some unique areas. “You have to be prepared to work hard and like variety and travel. But it’s well rewarded and you’ll get out of it what you put in.” Sebastian says aviation engineering is a diverse industry and many people aren’t aware of the career options that can follow. “If you are mechanically minded it’s a good trade to have. It teaches you good skills in metal work and general maintenance, in some ways similar to car maintenance. And if you have any aviation interest, that’s a bonus. But it’s not necessarily required.” “It comes down to what drives you. The pay will depend on where you want to live and what interests you, but there are plenty of options. Your job can be as broad as you want it to be.”

Sebastian Burke

E T A M I ULTEXPERIENCE WORK Q&A What’s your ultimate work experience? If you’re thinking about a career in aviation, then flying a Boeing 777 would be right up there. Ok, so it wasn’t a real plane, but – according to Grace Ahokovi and Will McJorrow – spending a day with Air New Zealand late last year was still pretty ultimate. The pair of senior students flew to Auckland Airport with www. NZSkillsConnect.co.nz and Air New Zealand. As well as flying the Boeing 777 simulator, they toured the airline’s engineering workshops, cabin crew training facility and saw behind the scenes at New Zealand’s busiest airport.

What excites you about a career in aviation?

NAME: Grace Ahokovi

Having an office 30,000 feet above ground, where every day is different.

AGE: 17

What have you done so far to prepare for your career ?

Dream Job: Flight attendant Ultimate Work Experience Highlight:

I’ve completed my Private Pilot License theory subjects as a NCEA Level 3 subject and 15 hours flying at the Canterbury Aero Club. I’ve been on the jump seat (third seat in the flight deck of a plane) with Pacific Blue and Air New Zealand, flying over 20 hours.

Definitely operating the Boeing 777 flight simulator.

What’s your next step now you’ve finished school?

NAME: Will McJorrow SCHOOL: Christ’s College, Christchurch AGE: 18

Dream Job: Captain of Air New

Zealand’s new Domestic Airbus A320 fleet

Ultimate Work Experience Highlight: Flying the Boeing 777-200 simulator - I was given the chance to fly out over the Tasman Sea, land the aircraft and do a circuit over Auckland.

SCHOOL: Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt

I am working for an engineering firm before commencing study at the International Aviation Academy. Over the next few years I aim to gain my Private Pilot License, Commercial Pilot License, C-Cat Instructor rating, and Multi Engine Rating, which will give me a Diploma in Aviation Science. Then I want to go to Massey University to complete their Bachelor in Aviation. [Will plans to get a part-time job as an instructor or pilot for a small commuter airline, to help him get more flying hours while he studies]

What excites you about a career in aviation? Travelling to different places around the world and meeting different cultures.

What have you done so far to prepare for your career ? I took tourism classes at school.

What’s your next step now you’ve finished school? Complete my study at Travel Careers and Training, then move on to work in the tourism industry. Map your aviation career at www.NZSkillsConnect.co.nz. Follow NZSkillsConnect on Facebook to keep up to date with competitions and the chance to win your Ultimate Work Experience. www.tearaway.co.nz {31}

OVER the


Over the Line (OTL) is a Length of Game variation of Softball from the • 4 innings; if tied after last inning, play beaches of California. An action an additional inning to break the tie packed game taking only 30 • If still tied, the team with the most homeruns is the winner. If still tied, the minutes to complete ideal for team with the most 3 point hits and the beach, grass or indoors. Unlike Softball, the batter and pitcher are on the same team. The batter stands at home, the pitcher stands to the side of the hitter and pops the ball up to be hit. Fielders (defence) stand behind the lines, in fair territory. The batters objective is to get a hit in fair territory without being caught; three outs and the half inning is over, fielding team can start batting as soon as the last out is taken from the offensive team.

Quick Start Rules 1. 3 players per team, 4 innings 2. Fair hit - any hit over the line, in bounds, without being caught 3. Homerun - any hit over the line, in bounds, past the fielders on the fly 4. Outs - any hit caught by a fielder in any area on the full and a combination of 3 strikes or fouls 5. 3 outs, change sides.

Team • 3 players per team. Must bat in order.

Positions • Team A = Batter x 2, pitcher • Team B = Fielders x 3, positioned anywhere within the 3 zones.

What sports were you good at in High School? I grew up playing as many sports as I could. Through my childhood I played tennis, cricket, soccer, swimming, athletics, karate and finally settled on triathlons when I was fifteen.

Terenzo Bozzone Terenzo Bozzone is an Ironman triathlete who won his first world title (in duathlon) at just 16! He is lining up for the third time at the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain NZ Ironman on March 5th, this time, he doesn’t want to come second to reigning champ, Cameron Brown! {32} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

then 2 point hits shall be the winner

Scoring • 1 Point = fair hit over the 1st line into Zone 1 • 2 Points = fair hit entering into Zone 2 • 3 Points = fair hit entering into Zone 3 • 4 points (Homerun) = A ball hit past last player in fair territory, on the full, without them touching it • The point will be calculated from the zone the ball is fielded from not where it first lands • Intentional throwing of the bat is a three-run penalty • Balls landing on the 1-2 and 2-3 zone lines are awarded in favour of the batter.

A Hit

You’ve been really successful at the Half Ironman distance including a world title in 2008, why the switch to Ironman? Ironman is where the future of the sport is, it is where the legends of our sport are made. The half ironman distance is a

• A ball landing outside “Out” or “Fair” areas on the fly. On the line is fair; • A ball bouncing before the first line (field of play); • A pitch not swung at • A false pitch (Baulk) NB: A ball caught on the full by either the batter or pitcher counts as a foul.

Outs • A combination of 3 fouls / strikes consists as an out i.e. 2 strikes, 1 foul = out) • A ball caught by fielders on the full while standing in the field of play including the homerun area • Batting out of turn • 3 outs, change side

Equipment Balls • LiteFlite with a soft foam construction, available from Exclusive Sports (0800 112 985). A softball maybe used for those with softball experience.

• Ball hit into “fair” territory on the full without being caught by fielders • A ball touched and dropped by fielders in “fair territory” • A ball that lands in fair territory and goes foul (either off a player or bouncing) is classified as a hit • A ball that is going into fair play territory but knocked out into the foul zone, on the full will be taken as a professional foul and classed a hit.


suitable distance for me but I believe the experience I am gaining from racing the full distance races will prove to be most valuable in the years to come.

because it is easy to fly anywhere in the world, there is heaps to do when you are not training and the people are crazy in a good way. My girlfriend and I love it.

What is a typical training day for Terenzo Bozzone?

What music do you like to listen to?

Wake up, eat a bowl of Nutri-grain, head You first became a world champion as an to the pool for a 6km swim, then jump on the bike for anything up to 7hrs under 21 duathlete how did that feel? with a 60min run later in the day. Most First world title was in 2001 when I was days I try and get a nap in as this helps 16. It was an amazing feeling standing with recovery and 3-4 times a week I do on top of the podium hearing your pilates to help with injury prevention. national anthem being played. It is like the whole world freezes and I believe it is Also 2 massages a week, meetings with the greatest honour of all to be standing my coach, media commitments and sponsor commitments. there representing all the people who have helped you over the years. Cameron Brown has won the NZ Ironman 9 times, and you’ve come Who or what first inspired you to second twice, do you think you can become a tri-athlete? beat him? Long story but here is the gist of it. I was Hell yeah, maybe! He is a legend but I will 13 and wake boarding behind a boat, be doing everything I can to put myself in tried to do a backflip, that went a bit wrong and I landed on my head bursting the best position to win. Third time lucky my eardrum. At the time I was a national breaststroke champ and swimming pretty seriously, I had to have an operation that lasted for 7hrs and I was not allowed back in the water for a few months. I couldn’t sit and do nothing, I saw a duathlon advertised (run, bike, run) borrowed a bike and gave it a go. I didn’t win but I did enjoy it. Eventually when I was allowed back in the water I started doing triathlons and was hooked.


What is it like racing Ironman in Hawaii? Hawaii is a different beast altogether. The temperatures get into the late 30’s with 80+ % humidity. The heat is reflected off the lava rocks on the side of the road and it feels like your blood is boiling, not to mention you are racing against all of the best athletes in the world. Where is your favourite overseas destination? LA is our home away from home. We usually spend 6months in NZ through the summer then 6months in the northern hemisphere in our winter, this is when most of the racing happens. LA is great

• Gloves optional.

Bats • Regular softball bat. Download ‘OTL’ rules and scorecard from www.softball.org.nz.

I like to listen to a bit of everything. At the moment I’m into Naked and famous and the Earlybirds. What do you like to do in your time off? I enjoy Snowboarding, going to the beach and catching the latest flicks at the cinema An athlete like yourself must have a big support crew, tell us about who they are and why they’re important to you. A supportive Family and girlfriend make life a lot easier for me, I have a great coach Jon Ackland & massage therapist Ian McKellar who travel to the big races with me, a great team of sponsors who make it possible for me to travel around the world and compete like I do. And heaps of people behind the scenes who all contribute in some way. Do you think anyone can be a triathlete? Anyone can do triathlon, it is a great way to meet new people and learn to set goals for yourself. To be the best like anything in life you have to put in a lot of hard work and make sacrifices if you want to be the best in the world. You’re 25 now, what would you like to have achieved by 35? I would love to have a few more world titles under my belt and be one on my way to becoming the Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods of triathlon!

Get into the game! Tamaki College - partnering with Auckland Netball Club to engage more Yr 9 and 10 students into the Game KiwiSport is a government funded initiative to promote sport for school aged children, it was launched in December 2009. KiwiSport provides funding to schools from Year 1 – Year 13 students through the MOE and SPARC who funds the Regional Sports Trusts. The aims are to: 1. Increase the number of school aged children participating in organised sport 2. Increase the availability and accessibility of sport opportunities for all school aged children 3. Support children to develop skills that enable them to participate confidently in sport Sport Auckland set up a contestable and non contestable fund for Auckland Secondary Schools. Tamaki College was one of the schools that were approached to become part of the non contestable fund, which they accepted and as a result partnered with AMI Auckland Netball as the Sports Co ordinator identified that Netball was a sport that had the biggest drop off but has the potential to grow in the school if the right support systems were put in place. The partnership started in T4 2010 and has been a huge success 36 students have been involved in a 8 week skill development session with AMI Auckland Netball.

Feedback from Tamaki Sports Co ordinator What has been the biggest benefit since partnering with AMI Auckland Netball? Putting Netball out there to the girls making them aware of how easy it is to go there. Girls are more aware and comfortable now with netball, highly motivated and interested to go further with the coaching team and want to learn more netball.

Feedback from AMI Auckland Netball What tells you that the girls are enjoying the programme? The fact that they want to be at the sessions each week even when the teachers were on strike the students came to school to be able to attend the netball session. The students on going feedback during the sessions show that they are getting a lot out of it.

Feedback from Students What has the programme taught you? New skills – block, defend, rules, communicate with the team, not to waste time on court, improved my attitude towards netball

SECONDARYRT SCHOOL SPO URY IN CANTERB results in recorded good ls o o h sc y ar d n held ury Seco ol competitions o h sc y Several Canterb ar d n co d national se l year. South island an the 2010 schoo f o s k ee w w fe during the last ary School Athletic and performed well at the NZ Second Athletics: Canterbury students er claiming 16 firsts, 17 in Hastings, 11th and 12th Decemb Road Race championships held to win titles were: seconds and 21 thirds. Athletes 400m 1st Junior Boys St Bedes College Thomas Martin 1500m s Boy ior 1st Jun Papanui High School Ben Musson 80m Hurdles Girls ior Jun 1st St Margaret’s College Lauri Watt 2000m S/chase 1st Boys Open Christchurch Boys’ HS Sam Mills 2000m Walk n 1st Girls Ope Burnside High School Courtney Rusk Long Jump s Boy ior Jun 1st St Bedes College Jesse Bryant High Jump Girls ior Jun 1st Middleton Grange School Erica Winton High Jump 1st Junior Boys St Bedes College Patch Harnett Discus s Boy 1st Senior Kaiapoi High School Hayden Hall 4x100m relay s Boy ior Sen 1st Christchurch Boys’ High School 4x400m relay 1st Senior Girls St Margaret’s College 400m CP 1st Boys AWD Riccarton High School Mark Lewis Long Jump ID AWD s 1st Boy Allenvale School Bradley Garner Shot Put ID AWD s Boy 1st p 1st Boys AWD CP Long Jum School lin Cameron Hepburn Allenvale Jave ID 1st Girls AWD Rangiora High School Samantha Troon ool Girls Cricket title School won the NZ Secondary Sch Cricket : Christchurch Girls’ High of the NZ Community l fina the r Hillcrest High School in ove win run 15 ht foug hard a with players Hana Taupo in December. Christchurch Trust cup tournament played in nament team at the tour the in ed nam e wer ra Hughes Mauafu, Emma Hartland and Lau conclusion of the tournament. ool, Boys, were the Girls, and Middleton Grange Sch Volleyball: Burnside High School all championships eyb Voll es at the South Island Junior winners of their respective grad to 2 December. played in Dunedin 29 November

Olympic Preparations on Track

18 Months Out

London is already well on track to be ready in time for the games with a number of venues including the Weymouth/ Portsmouth sailing venue, the rowing venue at Eton Durney and the purpose-built Lee Valley White Water Centre which will host Canoe Slalom already complete. There are currently more than12,000 people working on the Olympic Park and Athletes’ Village construction sites and all permanent venues are on track to be completed by July this year, one year out from the games. New Zealand Olympic Team Chef de Mission Dave Currie is delighted that preparations for the London Games are on schedule. “We are looking forward to a top quality games,” he said. ”Selection into the Olympic Team represents the pinnacle of sporting excellence and New Zealand athletes can be confident venues and facilities will be of the highest standard as they take on the rest of the world.” Current Olympic, Commonwealth and World Champion Valerie Adams is pleased with

how things are progressing allowing her to remain focused on her 2011 campaign. “It’s going to be an awesome games for New Zealand. I’ve got a bit to do this year first, but with New Zealand Olympic Committee and the London organisers so well prepared I can stay focused on my own build up”. New Zealand National Sporting Organisations will provide a ‘long list’ of athletes in the running for the Olympic Games in July this year and the nomination and selection process will commence at the end of 2011. New Zealand Olympic Committee representatives have visited London twice to date and a three more trips are planned to monitor progress before athletes begin arriving in July next year. The New Zealand Olympic Committee will launch its London 2012 Olympic campaign on March 15 2011, which will mark 500 days out from the games.

How would you like to write New Zealand’s soundtrack for the London Olympic Games? In conjunction with Play it Strange, the New Zealand Olympic Committee is singing out for your schools entries to the 2011 Anthem in Black Song writing Competition. The competition is open to Primary and Intermediate School Ukulele Orchestras and we’re looking for a song that a stadium can sing!

“song of the games” along with the top Anthem in Black entries from high school students and professional musicians around the country. Visit the Anthem in Black website at www.playitstrange.org.nz/juniorcomp for more details. Get your entries in by the 25th of February

The two best songs will feature on the Anthem in Black CD and be recorded in a professional studio. The winning entry will then compete for the honour of becoming the official

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THANKS HEAPS TO ALL THE TEARAWAY READERS The cupboards were sorted, the library itemized and reviewers kept busy over the summer holidays. You’ll find below a good catch up on book reviews, there are a couple of oldies, and some new must have goodies.

Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares

Awakened Ho use of Night


By Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The great authors of Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist are back for another go at novelisation with this intellectual, funny, comforting, sometimes frustrating and above all interesting novel of love, friendship and Christmas.

By John Mayhew Age group: 12 – 16

By P.C. and Kristin Cast The next exciting instalment in the bestselling young adult “House of Night” series! “House of Night” is the thrilling New York Times bestselling book series that follows 16 year old Zoe Redbird as she is “Marked” by a vampyre tracker and begins to undergo the “Change” into an actual vampyre. She has to leave her family in Broken Arrow and move in the House of Night – a boarding school for other fledgling vampires like her.

Mortlock is a gripping novel written by the esteemed author John Mayhew, it is a book that’s sole purpose is to grasp and captivate the reader in seconds. This book will keep any aged reader on the edge of their seat through every chapter. The story follows Josie a young teenage girl whos life takes a turn for the worst. Josie works as a knife thrower in a magicians stage show, that is until her life is thrown into turmoil at the appearance of her three ‘Aunts’. Now Josie is running for her life meeting tradegy and despair around every corner, on a quest to solve the untold secret from her past that has come back to haunt her. This novel kept me highly attatched to the story and wouldn’t let me go. The book is a fast paced thriller that would be a great read for the early teenage group to read, testing their understanding and concept of books.

WIN WIN WIN – we have copies and carry bags of Awakened to give away. Simply email: promotions@academy.net.nz by the 1st of March with the word “Awakened” in the subject line.

Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a shelf in her favourite bookshop, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept them. But is Dash that right guy? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions? This book is great for the everyday person to delve into. It’s comedic side merges with the underlying truths and serious tones of this novel, and it will certainly leave you wanting to find your own little red notebook when perusing your favourite bookstore. We could tell this book would be stellar purely because of the fact that all of Rachel Cohn and David Levithan’s co-authored books have been optioned for movies. So go out and grab a copy – enjoy the wonderment of the fate of these two teens and the little red notebook. Review by Gemma Henderson

This book truly shows that “Death is not the end. . .” Review by Nathaniel Campbell, 16

THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK – well worth the read, Tearaway is stoked to have the opportunity to give this book away to readers!

If you want to be a reviewer simply email : promotions@academy.net.nz with the word REVIEWER in the subject, tell us your likes and dislikes and your postal address, we’ll keep you entertained that’s for sure! {34} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011


Lord of the Changing Winds

The Gift When Whitford and Wisteria Allgood are imprisoned by the wicked New Order, they’re barely able to escape with their lives. Now, living in an abandoned department store with a group of teenagers like them, Whit and Wisty become the leaders of the resistance and risk their lives to save kids kidnapped and imprisoned by The New Order. The One Who Is The One, has other plans for Wisty though, because she is the one who has ‘The Gift’. While trying to figure out what ‘The Gift’ is, Whit and Wisty endure a suspense-filled, breath taking journey that leads to a heart-stopping cliff hanger. . . The second book in The Witch And Wizard series definitely lived up to it’s expectations. An amazing read and I recommend you drop what you’re doing and run as fast as you can to the nearest book store! Review by Jordan

By Rachel Neumeier Age group: 10 - 15 The story Lord of the Changing Winds by Rachel Neumeier is the first book of a 3 book series. The book follows the journey of Kes a timid young village girl from a small town. This book grabbed my attention instantly with its gripping twists and turns all throughout the book. This book introduces a new type of meaning to the non-fiction, fantasy genre. Rachel gives the book an easy to follow text flow, although some of the names given to the characters and countries are hard to read at first but are easily picked up after a while. I really enjoyed reading this book, the descriptive wording Rachel uses let me see the land the characters lived. When I closed my eyes to imagine the scenery this tale is set, the images came vivid and strong. This book would be a great read for anybody who is into the medieval, fantasy genre of books. A gripping novel that changes your idea at every page. Review by Nathaniel Campbell, 16


Animal & Cannibal Ke$ha is someone the public finds absolutely fascinating and ridiculous at the same time, and that is exactly what this album delivers. Her absurdly interesting lyrics have prompted such Facebook pages as “I hate it when Kesha kicks you to the kurb ‘cause you don’t look like McJagger.” – but it’s lyrics exactly like these that keep us hooked. Ke$ha, claiming the world belings to her in “We R Who We R” is indeed tearing the world apart, by exploding onto the scene with a bang. She’s the second most popular female on earth, according to google (following people such as Rihanna at number 5, and Justin Bieber at number 7), not surprisingly, because we can’t wait to see what she’ll cook up next. This album screams everything we love to love about Ke$ha, and it leaves you wanting more of her… erm… “charm.” Review by Gemma

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Tearaway’s Gaming Guru Ian Knott reviews the latest games - it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it! Xbox Live & PSN Gamertag: Notian

Ian Knott

From: Sony Computer Entertainment For those that remember or have played Sony’s Little Big Planet game, you will know that the game allows the player to create characters and levels almost to the point of the imagination being the only limit. Well the sequel, entitled Little Big Planet 2 (funnily enough) takes this premise and ramps it to the next level. Not only can you create characters with an almost unlimited supply of options (starting off with a blank canvas like our friend Sackboy on the right here), and not only can you create/upload your own platforming levels and download others from hundreds of thousands of usercreated ones, but you can now design your own mini-games too! LBP2 puts some powerful game creation tools in the palm of your hands and you don’t need to know a single word of code or techno-speak.

Sony’s PSP has been a constant staple in my gaming diet since its release. My interest tends to drift in and out of other consoles depending on their release schedules but my PSP is something that I always have within arm’s reach for movies, gaming and sharing content. Speculation about the PSP’s successor has been rife for quite some time and just {36} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011

For: PS3 Sackboy’s new set of simple but wonderfully powerful tools lets you create contraptions whose behaviour you can control, and populate new landscapes with Sackbots - automated characters who can help or hinder players. You can make intelligent machines, vehicles and puzzles, create cinematic cutscenes, and reassign the game’s controls to control any element of what you’ve made. Then you can upload your levels and games for others to play - and who knows, you might become a bit of a design legend! If you’ve ever wanted to play God, then Little Big Planet 2 is about as close as you are likely to get.

recently Sony set the gaming industry abuzz with the announcement of the PSP2 which is currently codenamed ‘NGP’ which stands for Next Generation Portable.

touch screen and a rear multi-touch pad, a flash memory-based storage medium for games, two cameras, a gyroscope, accelerometer and an electronic compass. It also has a quad core GPU and CPU and Wifi and 3G connectivity. First-person shooters has always been a genre that has suffered on the PSP, but the inclusion of dual thumbsticks on the NGP will open up the format to a whole new world of games and multiplayer options.

Whatever the final name turns out to be, the NGP sounds like it will revolutionise the portable gaming industry more than any iPod or mobile phone has ever done.

The NGP will also support Android games and Sony will be rolling out classic PS1 games in Android format so they can be played on Android mobiles (whether they only support Sony Ericsson mobiles remains to be seen).

The NGP will have a 5-inch organic light emiting diode (OLED) display (16:9, 960 x 544), two analogue thumbsticks, a front

The rear touchpad is an interesting addition too, allowing the player to perforn certain tasks in the game with their redundant

fingers while keeping their thumbs on the sticks. What remains to be seen though, is the price. With a quad-core CPU I would imagine the price point to be right up there with mid-high end mobile phones. I guess we’ll just have to wait as Sony begins a phased roll-out of the ‘NGP’ late this year or more likely 2012 for little old Aotearoa.


Title: Mass Effect 2 From: BioWare For: PS3

ng with an included on the disc alo k-story made excellent interactive bac cs. by Dark Horse Comi

ng -why the I know what you’re thinki nth old mo hell am I reviewing a 12 e of the on se cau be game? Well that’s t been jus has 0 201 of es biggest gam released on the PS3. D”, there’s a lot Before your cries of “OL sion and the that is new in the PS3 ver it. rth wait has been well wo ous game Mass Effect 2 is an enorm ble era sid that will take up a con t’s just tha and e, tim amount of your main the ing low fol h ug tho playing it ns ctio tra dis storyline, let alone all the n’t wa t tha if t Bu and side missions. comes with enough, the PS3 version s missions! an extra 6 hours of bonu s, Overlord, rie Kasumi: Stolen Memo ker are all Bro w do Sha and Lair of the


Title: The Sly Collection From: Sucker Punch For: PS3 If you’ve never had the pleasure of playing a Sly Raccoon game then now is the time to treat yourself. Perhaps one of the most underrated series on the PS2 has been completely remastered in 720p with new and exclusive mini-games for PlayStation Move, Trophy support and also effects for those lucky enough (or unlucky enough – depending on your point of view) to have a 3D TV. The Blu-Ray disc includes the original Sly Raccoon, Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves. All three look amazing in their hi-def, cell shaded, platforming goodness. Our kleptomaniac-for-hire protagonist Sly Raccoon and his band of thieves are presented with varying tasks that often involve stealthily hiding in shadows, laying distractions and running, climbing and jumping across rooftops on their way to stealing something valuable. Each of the gang of playable characters has their own set of skills and you will need to swap between them (performed back at your safe-house) to get the job done. The Sly Raccoon series is platforming action at its very best and this handy collection of the whole series is a must-have for any PS3 collection.

Title: Epic Mickey From: Disney Interactive For: Wii You know, there just haven’t been enough video games involving Disney’s core stable of beloved characters. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto etc seem to have unfortunately missed out on a whole entertainment genre. It’s been slim pickings apart from fleeting appearances in Kingdom Hearts, until now. Mickey Mouse finally has his own epic adventure game and you would think that with such a major character in a major starring role, Disney would have spent the time to make Epic Mickey a flawless gaming experience. Unfortunately flawless is not a word that can be associated with this particular game. While Epic Mickey shows very clever implementation of the Mickey Mouse character and contains innovative gameplay and a thrilling storyline, the control method just lets the game down completely. As does one of the most frustrating ingame cameras I have come across in a long time and some very repetitive combat that seems like fun initially but soon becomes a major chore. It really is a shame. Epic Mickey could have been something really special in the annals of gaming history, and it gets about 75% of the way there. But its flaws are inexcusable and drag the game down to a weekend hire at best with no replay value.

Title: DC Universe Online From: Sony Computer Entertainment For: PS3 and PC DC Universe Online gives PS3 owning MMORPG fans the fix they’ve been looking for. What’s an MMORPG? That’s Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game to the noobs out there. If you’ve ever heard of the likes of World of Warcraft or Everquest you know, those games that people play for 7 days straight while the family dog feeds the kids and takes them to and from school, then you get the idea. DC Universe is an online game only so you need a decent broadband data plan if you’re going to get into it. That’s not just for playing the game either as the PS3 version requires an 11GB update before you can even start playing! If you’re playing the PC version then the download is about 20GB. Then there’s the ongoing monthly or annual costs of playing the game, just like WoW - it’s not cheap in my opinion and that needs to be taken into consideration before purchasing the game. It’s a no wonder people get so involved - it’s just to get their money’s worth! I enjoyed playing DC Universe, it’s well made with it’s comic-style interludes and frenetic action and side-quests. The character creation is pretty comprehensive and there’s a huge list of DC superheroes and villans on display. Personally I won’t be renewing my subscription to the game - but those of you with deeper pockets than I will no doubt get great enjoyment out of it.

doesn’t The game unfortunately ks loo l support 1080p but stil ess. hel net no p incredible in 720 ng Mass Effect 2 is an amazi was the as ing achievement in gam ’d have you and ect Eff ss original Ma tle bat -weary to be a very cynical and lled by the hra gamer to not get ent out like ys pla t tha ry immense sto almost the and vie mo e ctiv an intera ls. tro con flawless gameplay and g for a PS3 Seriously, if you’re lookin the winter gh game to get you throu r. the then look no fur

Title: Dead Space 2 From: Visceral Games For: Xbox 360 Also on: PS3, PC The original Dead Space provided some genuine scary moments and had several disorientating levels in zero-G conditions. The eagerly awaited sequel proves no different and brings engineer Isaac Clarke back once more to do battle with the alien infestation of Necromorphs, and this time around he’s really angry. This time around Isaac not only has to survive the relentless onslaught of hideous enemies but do so while battling dementia and haunting visions of his dead girlfriend. Not to worry though as Isaac is armes with his trusty Plasma Cutter and an array of new weapons that provide inventive ways of dismembering the attacking hoardes. The single player mode is amazing, but I’d have to say I found the original Dead Space to be more freaky. Perhaps it was just due to familiarity with the enemy and environments. The biggest addition to Dead Space 2 is the inclusion of online multiplayer for 4-8 players. It works very well and slicing and dicing your buddies online is somehow quite satisfying. If you’re getting the PS3 version then you also get Dead Space Extraction which has been modified from the Wii game to be used with PlayStation Move. Having only played it on the Wii, I can only imagine that the precise controls of PS Move will only make this a better game.

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Simply email: promotions@academy.net.nz • With “(which prize pack) GEARAWAY” in the subject line. • You must include your full name, date of birth and physical address. • You must be prepared to produce proof of ID for age restricted products. • All entries for products to win and gearaway need to be in by 8.00am 1st March 2011.

(not transferable for cash).

Become a member of Hospotrade to enter, its easy to become a member and it’s FREE! Follow these easy steps: 1. Go to www.hospotrade.co.nz <http://www.hospotrade.co.nz> 2. Sign up using your email address to become a member of Hospotrade. 3. Search under hospitality jobs for the Tearaway Competition. 4. Find the answer to the simple question: Who is the contact email address? (Make sure you are logged on to see the answer) 5. Email the answer to promotions@academy.net.nz

Competition closes 31st March 2011

CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: One entry only per person and must be sent on the official entry form or as otherwise stated. Entry is free and open to all residents of New Zealand. Proof of identity and date of birth may be requested. Employees and their immediate families of Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication are ineligible to enter. Winner(s) will be notified by e-mail/phone. The judges’ decision is final, no correspondence will be entered into. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected mail. Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash. Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or personal injury suffered or sustained, during the course of prize winning travel or in connection with any other prizes won. Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication accept no responsibility for health, luggage, insurances, travel, personal expenses and transfers other than specified. Entries remain the property of Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication and cannot be returned. Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication reserves the right to photograph and publish winners. Entries may be used for further marketing purposes by Academy Publishing, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication but are not made available to any third party.

{38} Tearaway FEBRUARY 2011


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