Tearaway Magazine (Sept 2010)

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G N I D N A T S S D N A B T S A L l Smokefreerockquest 2010 Fina

Upbeats vs State of Mind e Th • s iam ll Wi J • er ieb el n-B No Belieber or g: POSITIVE Sexual Health nin an Pl ly mi Fa • ay Aw es bl ou Tr WIN Shopping our s• SKULLCANDY GEAR Education Special • WIN! music prize packs • Toy story gift pack AND HEAPS MORE transformers dvd and much more

TO WIN on PAGe 38

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o ok The Outl ay d e m o S For d or s a m ba s sa

Last band standing: Smokefreerockquest special


Belieber or non-Belieber: What we really think


J Williams


Kiwi Music News: The Upbeats, State of Mind and more


KIDs of 88

ieber Justin B



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.nz raway.co rain@tea Editor,

QUIZ: Know your de-materialism


Global Focus: Shopping our troubles away?


Vox Pop: Ego and materialism


CHOICES Education Options

SPECIAL FEATURES The Outlook For Someday


Recognyz Youth Awards


Family Planning: Your sexual health








GearAway (Free stuff!)



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Everyone has a right to an education. This means that you have to go to school, whether you want to or not, and your school has to make sure that you get a good education. This doesn't just mean English and maths – it also means the school should teach you how to respect the rules, other people, and yourself. Like everyone in New Zealand, you have other rights too. You have the right to express your own opinion (but teachers might be able to discipline you if your opinion is disrespectful of others), you have the right not to be unreasonably searched or have your property taken (although teachers can take items that break the rules), and you definitely have the right to be free from discrimination due


to your sex, family, religion, ethnicity, age if you're over 16, or sexual orientation. You have the right to feel physically and emotionally safe at school. However, if you break the rules, there are consequences. Teachers can keep you in detention or give you another punishment. You have to be allowed reasonable time to go to the toilet and eat your lunch though. And teachers can't keep a whole class in if only one student has broken the rules. Your right to education means that you can't be kept out of school except for very good reasons. So you can't be sent home for not wearing school uniform. In fact, you can't be sent home at all

NEWSROOM EDITOR Rain Francis rain@tearaway.net.nz Phone: +61 420 666 708 PRODUCTION MANAGER Fleur Hall ASSISTANT Carolynne Brown Hayley Brocket DESIGNERS Ian Knott Camilla Josephs Jarred Shakespeare Phone: 03 961 5050 Fax: 0800 555 054 Email: production@academy.net.nz

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unless you're stood-down, suspended, excluded or expelled, or for health reasons. Schools must follow the rules too, and they must treat you fairly. Get in touch with us if you think you're out of school unfairly.

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Got a question about the law or your rights? Email rights@tearaway.co.nz {4} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

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Know your Anyhoo – have a crack – see how you do. There are two methods of attack here. You could all conduct a mini research assignment each and Google the facts first, returning back to get an A+ on the quiz… or do what I do at uni and guess the ridiculous answer each time then hope I’m right.



b) 1 million for one meal c) 4 million for one day


How many gardeners would you need to hire in order to keep the most expensive house in the world looking good? ...If you ever own it… a) 10


What’s so special about the world’s most expensive coffee, at up to $70 a cup?

b) You get to keep the cool Starbucks warmer cup and have a lifetime of free ‘fluffy’ refills c) A wild jungle cat eats the coffee beans then poos them out for the locals to pick up and sell

5. 6.

b) 50

In 2008, what was the total military spending for the world?

a) US$25 thousand b) US$250 thousand c) US$25 million

We want a nation inspired to Keep New Zealand Beautiful! So, every year, Keep New Zealand Beautiful provides the resources needed for community groups, individuals and businesses to get out in their communities and clean up their patch. In 2009, 240,000 people participated in New World/Four Square National Clean Up Week and this year we need your help to ensure we Keep New Zealand more Beautiful than ever! Whether it’s a beach, a residential street, park, business or school, we don’t want to let rubbish represent us, and we’re sure you don’t either... so rally up {6} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

c) 0.25%


Which Asian nation was driven out of poverty in one generation, going from being an ‘aid recipient’ in 1950 to being an ‘aid donor’ today?

b) South Korea

c) US$1.473 trillion

c) Japan

How many of the world’s people live on less than NZ$1.75 a day? This is what is classified as living in ‘extreme poverty’.


How can you help to end extreme poverty? It could be solved in our lifetime! a) Buy Fairtrade products b) Talk about extreme poverty with your friends and family c) Support aid organisations (World Vision, Oxfam, Tear Fund etc)

In 1970, 20 or so rich countries said they would each take 0.7% of the money they make in a year and give it to developing countries. This kinda happened but then not really. How much money do you think the rich countries have refused to pay since 1970?


a) US$4 trillion b) US$500 million c) US$1.5 trillion

10 Clean Up Week 20

b) 3%

b) US$34.3 billion

c) 504,000

Sooooo, if you’re wanting the world’s most expensive watch for your next birthday, how much money (US dollars!) should you get your parents to put aside?

a) 10%

a) China

b) 1.4 billion


If_% of the money that has recently been given to bail out banks around the world went to the developing world instead (as it has actually been promised but still not given), we would be on track to eliminate world poverty!

a) US$50 billion

a) 104 million

c) 62



a) It has been brewing in a percolator in Italy for over 100 years

Americans waste a lot of food. How many people could be fed if 5% of the food thrown out in the US each year was given to people not landfills?

a) 300 thousand for two days


some mates, roll up those sleeves and get involved! It’s easy to get involved, simply join an organised Clean Up Event in your area, or set up your own Clean Up Event that others can join. Once you’ve registered a clean up event we’ll send you everything you need to carry out your clean up (bags, gloves and certificates) you can download the “Event Guide” with heaps of information about how to conduct a clean up, health and safety/first aid information etc. Register your event at www.knzb.org.nz, follow the simple steps, and we’ll be in touch with everything you need to make it happen!




t anything to do Got a question abou or your rights? with the law, policy ant to hear your we particularly w alth issues, drugs questions about he s and piercings, and alcohol, tattoo sites like Facebook and your privacy on into us: rights@ and Bebo. Send them d we’ll get the nice tearaway.co.nz an to fill you in. See people at YouthLaw ils. page 4 for more deta

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Global focus


r u o g n i p p es away? Shou tro b L SE SU’AD MU





Enter ethical consumerism. No, it’s not an oxymoron, in theory it’s actually a great idea. Ethical consumerism: the intentional purchase of products and services that the customer considers to be made ethically. In other words, shopping habits that benefit, and don’t damage, people and planet, i.e. purchasing fair trade, organic and local products.

But we should look closer. Sometimes these claims are totally legitimate, but more often than not these expensive ads and glossy labels that claim environmental friendliness, no sweatshop labour and no animal testing, hide the fact that nothing has actually changed. Companies who are all talk but no action are labelled ‘greenwashers’.

The most important word in the definition of ethical consumerism is intention. What is our intention when we buy ethically? What motivates us and what are we trying to achieve? Some people do it because they want to support workers and producers on the other side of the world, protect the environment, or reduce their carbon footprint. Others do it because it makes them feel good, or so they don't have to feel so guilty about their other less honourable habits and lifestyle choices. But ethical consumerism is not a selfish affair. Buying organic apples to offset your gas guzzling hummer is not ethical. Nor does purchasing a block of fair trade chocolate automatically make us better people. Doing these things because we truly care, and realising that they only start to deal with the bigger issues – that is ethical.

TerraChoice, an American environmental marketing company, found that 99% of randomly surveyed consumer products were ‘greenwashed’ to some degree. Some exaggerated their claims; some downright lied; others got us to focus on the wrong things, for example, claiming to use ‘green’ herbicides when really

herbicides in any form aren’t good for the environment; others still had no proof to back up their claims.



Our desire to do right is often exploited by corporate giants for their own selfish gains. We’ve all seen the adverts and the re-vamped labels that shout ‘green’, ‘environmentally safe’, ‘organic’ and of course, being the little ol’ do gooders, we fall hard and fast for these claims.

It may seem like a David and Goliath battle – us little guys against the fat cats with all the power. But collectively there is a lot we can do. After all, we are the consumers and such companies exist primarily to cater for us. In this position we can hold these companies accountable for claims and make sure they practise what they preach.

{8} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

We can do this in many ways. Rather than boycotting companies, which can have negative effects on workers, we can ‘buy positively’, i.e. support companies we know have ethical production methods. We can also lobby companies directly, writing letters and emails, demanding that they raise their labour and environmental standards. If we want more significant results it might mean taking it all the way up to government level and demanding changes in the law. BUYING GREEN = BETTER PERSON? A recent study titled ‘Do green products make us better people?’ conducted by the University of Toronto in Canada, found that buying green may have its downfalls. They discovered that the purchasing of green products can make people become more selfish, more likely to cheat and steal and in general act in a morally unacceptable manner. The findings are based on the fact that people who purchase (or are even exposed to) green products are generally seen as socially conscious and caring people. They then use this fact to justify their less ethical actions. The mentality works like this: “I buy fair trade coffee. I’m doing my part, so it’s OK if I take a bit of cash out of this lost wallet before I hand it in.”

We have to ask if it is really worth being ethical consumers if it results in the decline of moral decency. But is the problem actually ethical consumerism or is it flawed reasoning? If we remember that the golden rule is intention, then the answer is flawed reasoning. People who think buying ethically gives them the right to misbehave are not ethical consumers in the first place. However, they’re not bad people. They just need to be reminded that creating real change in the world is going to require more than just making good choices at the supermarket.

IT IS NOT THE WHOLE ANSWER So ethical consumerism is only truly ethical when we do it with the right intentions. But we can’t shop our troubles away. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that and the change we seek doesn’t come in shopping bags. Ethical consumerism is only one thing, of many, that can and needs to be done to rectify the current situations facing us. We can be ethical consumers, but we also need to be responsible global citizens, who strive to make changes that benefit all people, animals and the planet too.

Source: Trade Aid Meseret Mulvneh (left) and Derbitu Kebede are two of the 53 women who belong to Negele Gorbitu Coffee Co-operative in Ethiopia.

Take a sTanD 1. Buy fair trade, organic and local products when you can. And remember, don’t fall for the greenwashing trap – just because it has a flower on it doesn’t make it green! 2. Think about your motivations. Do you really want to help and make a positive change, or are you doing it for show or as a reason to slack off in other aspects of global sustainability?


BE IN ANSWER THESE QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ATE TO WIN A TRADE AID PACK OF CHOCOL AND OTHER GOODIES. Send your answers to: Jennie, Global Focus Aotearoa, PO Box 12440, Wellington.

3. One of the easiest ways to be an ethical consumer is to not consume! Ask yourself, do I really need this? You will find the answer more often than not is no. No one has ever died by wearing jeans that were one season out of fashion. No one. 4. Look at the bigger picture. Ethical consumerism is not a standalone remedy that is going to change the world. Get informed about the issues and what actions you can take. Start at www.globalfocus.org.nz

1. What is ethical consumerism? 2. What university conducted the study called ‘Do green products make us better people?’ 3. What is one question that you should ask before you buy? 4. Companies that only appear to be clean and green are what?

5. What is the name of the American environmental marketing company mentioned in this article? 6. What term is used for supporting companies that do have ethical production methods? 7. What is the most important word in the term ‘ethical consumerism’? 8. What website can you go to get more info?

This Global Focus feature is a Tearaway and Global Focus Aotearoa project. This article was funded by NZAID – a government organisation helping out with aid and development around the world. The purpose of Global Focus is to provide young people with a forum and information about global issues. For more information, visit www.globalfocus.org.nz/edservices/ www.tearaway.net.nz {9}

{10} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

t s La ds MUSIC

n a B Standing

r hing boots fo s o m r u o y p u Time to hang has eerockquest r f e k o m S – r another yea s! This year’s r e n in w 10 0 2 crowned its d ce as ever, an r ie f s a s a w competition ith to behold, w t a e r t a e r e the finals w rom folk to f g in g n a r s e musical styl iwiic/Japanese/K t a m a r d o l e reggae to “m cis nd Rain Fran a n o t s u H k c indie/Pop”. Ja . contenders.. l a in f e h t d interrogate

The winners of this year’s comp takes a way an incredible prize pack, iNcluding: • NZ On Air New Recording and Music Video Grant worth $10,000 • a place on the Kiwi Hit Disc and radio promotional support for a single • musical gear to the value of $10,000 from NZ Rockshops • recording time at York St Studio

Massad ssad Barakat-Devine Who: Ma (vocals, songwriting, guitar)

From: Sacred Heart College, Auckland Massad is pretty freakin’ accomplished for a young dude! He’s released an album, and has several big gigs under his belt, including Parachute Festival, Beats for Haiti, Play it Strange fundraiser and a concert with Ivy Lies for UNICEF Undercover. Last year he was in the finals of the Auckland University Songwriter of the Year competition as well as playing the lead role of Riff in West Side Story. Massad plays violin, piano, saxophone, guitar, double bass and more. My style is... Alternative Pop My best career moment so far... was probably performing at last year’s Coca-Cola Christmas in the Park. It was such an amazing experience. I’ve had a few highlights in the past year, but the best part has been being able to perform and meet new people – I get a buzz from that. My favourite all-time album is... Black Holes and Revelations by MUSE

• the NZ On Air Airplay award, with the opportunity to be played on The Edge • video play on C4 • a photo shoot sponsored by Schick • a promotional package from MySpace New Zealand • a trip to Fiji from Unleashed Travel • mentoring from a NZ music industry legend

My debut album, Long Story Short was... basically my interpretation of the past year for me: full of ups and downs and mixed emotions. I tried to mix in all genres of music – jazz, pop, electronic and even classical. I just wanted to get my music out there, let people know who I am. My latest E.P. is a free download available from www.massad.bandcamp.com. For my SFRQ music video, I... used my song, The Place I Know. It was really just me sitting at home watching old movies and listening to the song. I pretty much just put the song and old family films together and then chucked it up on YouTube, haha. Check me out at... www.massad.co.nz and www.myspace. com/massadbarakatdevine


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The Good Fun


Leroy Clampitt (guitar,ukulele,vocals), Jimi Mataio (drums, rhythm egg, backing vocals), Kam Chadderton (guitar, vox), From: Te Awamutu College and Hamilton Fraser MacDonald (bass) Boys’ High School The Good Fun formed way back in the ohnine and ‘have been grooving ever since’. Their proudest moments to date have been playing at the Triumph Motorcycle Club meet at the Waitomo motel, winning Best Song last year, 2nd place in the Waikato finals this year, and having another band cover one of their songs. Our style... alters every now and then, but at this point in time, it‘s Melodramatic/ Japanese/ kiwiindie/pop To explain the weird-as pic on our MySpace page... You can’t see it in the picture, but Jimi’s being attacked by a Sea Bear who is trying to get his scurvy hands on E.T. In an effort to save E.T, Jimi is trying to hand him into the warm embrace of Kam and Leroy’s hands, while Fraser tries to shoot the Sea Bear with a ripe banana.

Our plan for world domination is...By 2012 we plan to have everyone in the world wearing a shirt with Fraser Macdonald’s face on it. We double as a covers band, our best cover being...How You Remind Me by Nickleback. Nah, Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry never fails to get the crowd dancing. If covers are what you need, you know who to call. For our SFRQ music video... the concept was ‘A Night In An Igloo With The Good Fun’. We wanted our fans to come and experience that! Check us and our crazy pics out at... www.myspace.com/thegoodfun



Kriston Batistich

From: King’s College, Auckland Kriston was born in Auckland, and raised on Waiheke Island. At 11 he met blues artist Katy Soljak who inspired him to write songs and play guitar. Kriston says: “...my songs are about my friends and about things that have happened – they are happy and sad, but I try to express myself with hope and conscience.” One such song scored Kriston the title of ‘Best Song’ at the Auckland Central finals. My style is... groovy, soulful acoustic rock beats you can chill or shake a leg to My best SFRQ moment was... Winning the Auckland Central regional final as a solo artist On my iPod right now... Actually I don’t have one, but I’m listening to a lot of Alice Russell, Led Zeppelin, Fat Freddy's and Home Brew

{12} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

Lyrics I love are... “For you I'll play guitar until my fingers start to bleed/ pour my heart right out on stage for everyone to see" – Aaron Carpenter For my SFRQ music video, I... filmed one of my songs at Stony Batter on Waiheke, in a World War Two tunnel Check me out at... www.myspace.com/kristonbatistich

Te Paamu


SFRQ Te Whaiao Manga, (guitar), Matariki Styles, (drums), Carne Doyle, (vocals), Rongotai Bevan, (bass, keyboard) From: Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rito, Whakatipuranga Rua Mano, Aotea College (Otaki & Porirua) These guys practise in a shed at Te Whaiao‘s family farm, hence the name, Te Paamu, which means ‘the farm’. They’re inspired by bands like Katchafire and Nesian Mystik, and took first place in the Wellington/Hutt finals. Te Whaiao says: “Our sound was just a bit different from the others .... We had a bit of energy and we really tried to get the crowd into our music.” Our style is... Roots/rock/reggae

What sets us apart from other bands is... Our stage presence, and being a very good, polished act. We have tightness as a band, clarity with vocals and instruments, and maturity with simplicity and sophistication. Our best gigs so far have been... Guy Fawkes ‘09 and Smokefreerockquest ‘10 For our SFRQ music video, we... Used the native plants on the farm and the Tararua ranges as a back drop to reflect our environment.

Peasants of Eden


ss and electric Joseph Corban-Banks, (Ba ic and acoustic ectr guitar), Caleb Nott, (El ad Vocals), Abbey (Le , tt No gia or guitar), Ge ls), Chris Phillips, Phillips, (Backing Voca n) (Drums and percussio

From: Garin College, Nelson Peasants of Eden are four fifths a family band. The two sets of siblings are first cousins, plus they’ve got a mate thrown in there to mix things up a bit! Previously they’ve played in a church band, but they formed this line up for SFRQ. They kicked it at the Nelson finals, winning first place as well as Best Song. Our style is... Indie /Pop /Rock Being mostly family... has a positive effect on our vibe. We all get along great, practices are enjoyable and performing together is a total blast! It’s a good, natural understanding between us. We love hanging out so playing music together isn’t a chore. Our SRFQ history... A few of us have previously been involved, but we’ve never got this far! We’ve had so much support from parents, teachers, students, family

and friends which has been fantastic. We’ve matured hugely in the way we look at music, our songwriting, performance and how we handle pressure. It’s been a totally positive experience to date, but it’s far from over bring on the finals! For our SFRQ music video, we... didn’t want to do anything too ‘gimmicky’, we just wanted to do something close to what we look and sound like on stage, because we felt like that was what the judges wanted to see.

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Custard Bear k Harré (Drums, misc), Who: Jac / Callum Devlin (Bass/vocals

misc), Oli Devlin (Guitar, vocals) From: Christchurch Boys’ High First place getters and winners of Best Song at the Canterbury finals, Custard Bear is three years old! According to their SFRQ bio, they are “the kind of band with sass, style and ample superlatives. They abound with recklessness, showing in every quaver and semiquaver they yield upon the ears of anyone careless enough to listen to them. You have been warned”.

Drummer Jack Harré adds: “With three years’ experience in entering Smokefreerockquest, our pop-funk sound was pretty tight. We had rehearsed until we were sick of the sound of our songs but we knew they would stick together. Our songs are about random things, like pie and milk and a tree called Jessica.” Our style is... Loud, jazzy, danceable pop stuff Our favourite music personalities are... Paul Roper (Jack), Pete Wentz (Callum), Bach (Oli)

Our best SFRQ moments so far are... Meeting the true identity of Props Boy, and making Nationals! Our concept for a music video is... Jack, dressed in a bear costume, chases us down the country through famous New Zealand landmarks / quaint kiwi scenes: past the Moeraki boulders, a kiwi babercue Christmas, a parlimentary caucus meeting, and local celebrities, like Bob Parker. Finally we arrive in Christchurch, dive into the Chalice, and appear on a mountain playing the end of the song. With fireworks – Yeaah!

MALCOLM JACK ” Anderson (lead Who: Barry “BJbas s), Mat Patrick

From: Otumoetai College, Tauranga

vocals, Bay of Plenty winners, Malcolm Jack are a (mandolin, drums, vocals, super talented bunch. All playing a variety g Yon glockenspiel), Josh of instruments at once, it’s hard to believe (keyboard, glockenspiel, n their music is only coming from four people. percussion) and Nick Newma n). The boys are all good mates. BJ, Mat and (guitar, vocals, percussio

Nick are in Year 13, while Josh is only in year 10. According to Mat, the big age difference is not a problem because ‘Josh is the best kid’ and takes everything on his chin. The band often take their instruments down to the beach or the park and have a jam.

Our style is... alternative-folk with impressive vocal harmonies and upbeat tunes. We’re inspired by... Bower Birds, Fleetfoxes, Joni Mitchell and Cat Stevens. We put a lot of emphasis on ... our vocals – we all sing in harmony. Our songs are about.... things we like, such as summertime, giraffes, travelling and girls - of course.

DG R ( Dinosaur Goes Rawr)!) Who:

Alexander Reid (synth, vocals), Kelsen Findlay (guitar, vocals), Benjamin Smith (bass), Bradley From: Hamilton Boys’ High School Parkinson (drums).

The DGR boys are no strangers to Smokefreerockquest, having won the Hamilton regionals two years in a row. This indie-pop band is made up of an extremely tight group of friends, and have become a Hamiltonian favourite, playing shows with bigger bands like Alex the Kid and The Earlybirds. Our style is...indie pop We are influenced by... The Killers The secret to our success is... We practise a lot and we have been playing a lot Our ultimate dream is... to make a career in music

{14} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010


ists, all the final Congrats to ONE who entered and to EVERY u’re all superstars this year. Yo or more details, in our eyes! F q.co.nz see www.sfr ? the finals see pics of to t n a l W gita TAL: MORE IN DIGI .tearaway.net.nz/di ww Head to w



WINNER is...




Congratulations to The Good Fun, who smashed it at the final showdown on September 11. Battling through groupies and other people wanting a piece, we managed to get a quick chat with guitarist, vocalist and ukuleleist, Leroy Clampitt. Describe the buzz of finding out you were The Ones. So flippen mean! It’s like the feeling you get when a nice package arrives in the mail but times 700!


What will you do with your Rockshop prize money? Hmm ... Probably get something ridiculously Badass.

Do you know which NZ music industry legend you are to be mentored by? What was the buzz like at the finals? No idea! But this is something we are really The vibe was just fantastic, it was such a privilege looking forward to and I’m not sure if it’s the right meeting and hanging out with all the other acts. word but we feel that it is a ‘priceless’ award. A lot of good times back stage ;), and the crowd Have you ever been to Fiji? What are you was beautiful. looking forward to doing there? What was Jimi’s inspiration for wearing that I feel really budget for saying this but I got back shirt? Word on the street is, it was a stunner. from Fiji a month ago, after tour with my school When Jimi’s on the drums he gets into his own jazz band. But that was like the highlight of my special zone. It’s like he’s a fish in an aquarium life, so I’m so, so happy to be going back! We’re and Fraser (bass player) is the human knocking looking forward to nice evenings on the beach on the glass. Jimi just locks into that beat. Hence cranking out new matarial and catchin’ up with the fishy shirt. some of the locals I met on my past Pacific adventure. What do you think made you winners? More than likely our witty puns...? What songs did you play on the night and why? That was one seriously unreal prize you won. A song called Krasnjeckov, a song actually about What part of the winnings are you most someone I met in Fiji, and a song called Karaoke. excited about and why? So deep and meaningful, I’m embarrassed to Holey moley, it’s so amazing! We feel so hooked tell you what it about. Haha. I guess they were up by the cats from SFRQ. Tough question, but I our newest so they were the ones we were most think touring Fiji’s a pretty legit prize. excited about.

Did you get a rockstar reception when you got home? Haven’t been to school yet as I have exams, but my music teacher rang me up shortly after we won and said that he’d throw us a full school assembly, which is breaking a record as they only normally have them for rowers and rugby players. Our families are booming! Even Gus the dog was psyched. Considering the fact that everyone says that winning rockquest bands always change their names and go global, what do you see yourselves being called in the future? Probably something exotic. Which soppy US drama could use your songs as an opening title? All of them! The Good Fun screams soppy US drama. What’s next for The Good Fun? Dreams of Dubai, a lot of hard work, and a lot of Fun Times.

Runners up! 2nd place: Peasants Of Eden 3rd place: Malcolm Jack The Lowdown Best Song Award: Massad APRA Lyric Award: Theo Jacobsen, St Kentigern College in Auckland

THE GOOD FUN CATCH GRANNIES OFF - GUARD by leah garcia-purves This year was quite a departure from previous years, where tone seemed to be more rock, more GRRRR, lots of teenage angst and girls wearing studded bracelets. But with all this happy-go-lucky-popmelody, dancey-dancey guitar jittery stuff going on, I began to ask questions. Are people starting to enjoy being in high school? Does this reflect on their songwriting? So anyway, just like a mushroom farm, the long standing institution that is the breeding ground for New Zealand’s newest musical talent sprouted once again. For 2010, the organisers decided to move the shindig to Hamilton, after previously staging it in Auckland throughout the years. Smart move. Teeming with screamers armed with banners and Sharpies, Founders Theatre made an ideal home for this year’s instalment. Parents quietly sat up the back, the business was done down the front and halfway was Samantha Hayes from TV3.

From the swooning, harmonic melodies of Nelson group Peasants of Eden, to the swaggering electronic... thingies of Dinosaur Goes Rawr, the music was awesome. All extremely danceable, toe tapping beats, made for good times. However one artist that really stood out in a category all of his own was Massad BarakatDevine, or Massad, as he made himself known. After making himself at home at the piano, he promptly threw on his guitar, taking everyone by surprise and leaving the stagehands a bit worse for wear as they swept the mighty grand off the stage. Beautiful melodies, stunning voice, talented as, and most importantly able to keep his composure while a girl shrieked “I think I love you!”. True musician. Keep an ear out for this guy. The Good Fun took out the competition in the end. The well dressed and suave Pirongia foursome managed to thrash out some bum-swingingly good songs, infectious tunes catching a few grannies off

MAINZ Scholarship for Outstanding Musicianship: Luke Aekins-Reilly, Kamo High School, Whangarei

Leah Garcia-Purves guard up the back, whilst working those down the front into a sweat. A job well done and a prize well earned. J Williams moved his way over the stage, smoothly. “Who likes RnB?!” he says. The crowd roars. But questions don’t need to be asked by dapper and energetic Auckland troop Kids of 88. Past Rockquest winners, formerly known as Incursa, they set an example to all the bands there who wished to attain masses of groupies in the near future. Die! Die! Die! did superbly, managing to creep out the last remaining teenyboppers from the crowd. There surfaced the self-professed music connoisseurs, finally nodding their heads in relief after the flurry of wiry guitars and Macbook beats subsided into the green room. Overall, an awesome night out. Let’s do it again next year.

Smokefree Women’s Musicianship Award: Mahalia Simpson, Marian College, Christchurch

A word from Smokefreerockquest n... mo Com nn Gle or ect Dir “The Good Fun are doubtless a standout, but there are seven other bands from a range of genres who are also capable of success in the Kiwi music industry just like finalists from previous years,” said Common. “And we should not forget the other 800 bands who entered the competition this year – they all gained experience from the opportunity Smokefreerockquest gives young people to perform their original music to a live audience.”

www.tearaway.net.nz {15} {16} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010


. S v r e Beliebelieber NON B






So, when I was given the opportunity to photograph him at Strathallan I jumped at the opportunity. Literally. I was jumping around my design classroom like a lunatic. BY JONO PERKINS

ONE WEEK BEFORE THIS SO-CALLED ‘FEVER’ HIT OUR SHORES, I HONESTLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT A ‘JUSTIN BIEBER’ WAS. AND IN THAT ONE WEEK BEFORE HE LANDED AND LEFT AGAIN WITH JUST ENOUGH TIME TO BREAK EVERY TEENAGE GIRL’S HEART, ALL THAT I HAD (OVER)HEARD ABOUT HIM WAS FROM A CONVERSATION THAT THREE ST PETER’S BOYS WERE HAVING ON THE TRAIN. According to them he was a “16-year-old jock that looks 13”, that he “has some pretty nice chicks in his video but they’re all taller than him”, and that he “asked out Rihanna but got denied” yet still “sings about love”. So, before heading out to Strathallan College I thought I’d better do some solid research and see what the big deal was. (Thank you Twitter, Wikipedia and my sister). OK – research done and I still could not understand the hype! Ten Sydney girls were hospitalised after hyperventilating and such a large number of teens show up to a mall appearance in the US that his manager gets arrested? He’s just a kid! Anyway, I thought I should take up the offer and go out to the school. Besides, I kinda liked the idea that there would be thousands of girls around the world who would kill to have the opportunity. I pulled up at the school where a meagre four-girl welcome party were quickly asked by the principal to move on, which they did without argument. Not quite the same scene as in Sydney but then again, this was Karaka. The school bell rang for lunch and the quad that we were unfortunately walking through exploded. The kids were obviously excited to see Drew from C4 or something because there was no sign of the little Biebernator anywhere. Although I did see one kid that looked like him. But he was so little that he was trampled in the stampede of ‘I love JB’ faced girls. After a while, we managed to make our way to the tranquillity of the school library. A small music class nervously practised the Dragon song they were going to teach the Canadian friend and, once we’d heard the song four or five times, we heard screams coming from the quad. It sounded like The Beatles had arrived or something and before long Justin Bieber and his entourage {16} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

walked into the library. He was ACTUALLY just a little kid?! I don’t get it! He pretended to look at some books that were on display, somehow trying to pretend there weren’t 40 cameras in his face from every news programme, music channel, kids’ television show and magazine our country has to offer. So he sat down with the class and the teacher told him that “the class will play the NZ song through once and then you can join in the next time through”. So they played us the song for the sixth time and when they finished Justin Bieber told them he was “not sure about singing that… do you know any other songs?” The class was crushed. All their practice and excitement went out the window in one sentence from a Canadian ‘superstar’. Before it got too awkward and David Farrier’s laughs got too loud, Justin dug himself out of his hole by saying he’ll “jump on the drums”. And so he played the drums rather than singing. He wasn’t too bad to be honest but it was amusing to notice that all he did the entire performance was dart his eyes between all the different girls in the class. I guess it would have made their day but to me it just made the 16-ness radiate even stronger. After finishing up with a drum solo he stood up and said “Thanks guys – I had fun playing. Keep rocking out and next time we’ll play One by Metallica”. It was time to head over to the gym for the performance to the whole school. More rushing through the crowds and girls screaming “I touched him” and we made it into the empty hall where sound check was taking place. In pure North American jock form, out came the basketball and Justin and his friends started shooting some hoops. Justin Bieber sucks at basketball. I didn’t see him land one shot yet his entourage still yelled

encouragement in the form of “you got this JB” and “make it rain Justin”. Before long the gym flooded with excited kids and the quiet private school was experiencing scenes they had never seen before. Justin ran up on stage, dressed in his very own All Blacks jersey with his name on the back. Of course, the school went mental. I had never heard screams so loud. Until the screams got louder when he said that he was single and was looking for a girlfriend. What were these girls thinking? That he would actually see them in the crowd and whisk them back to LA in his private jet for the high life? He’s 16! Anyway, the performance got under way and Justin sang a few songs with an acoustic guitarist. I can’t say what they were because I don’t actually know, but he had a pretty good voice. Yet I still can’t see why he has won the heart of every girl under the age of 15 and maybe some older (there were a few mums standing around with big grins). The heartthrob finished off his set and made a quick exit through a back door. He was in the van and off towards the city before any girls tried their luck at stealing his new hat. The school was left in disarray. Hundreds of girls were left in a heartbroken trance and the boys couldn’t understand why. Maybe I’m five years too old? Maybe I’m the wrong gender? But I honestly do not get what is so standout about this Justin Bieber. If anything, I feel sorry for the kid because in nine months, no one will give a rat’s caboose about him. He’ll probably end up on an MTV show about his life after fame or something. Girls – he doesn’t love you, he never will and in a matter of months you will be onto the next teen celeb. I am definitely a non-Belieber! But ah well – the girls at Strathallan had an afternoon that hundreds of thousands around the world can only dream of.

First impression? My goodness, he is SMALL. He’s almost exactly my height and weight. That, and his shoes were awesome. You’ve got to admit, the kid has style. Never mind stealing his hat, if he’d journeyed any further south of Auckland we probably would’ve nicked his entire get up. I found it kind of offensive that Bieber completely shot down the very talented students of the Strath music class, but I guess he had his reasons not to sing their slightly depressing rendition of Rain. JB was actually very good live, which I suppose is a given considering he was discovered winning a singing competition. All in all, the day was a really good experience and I quite enjoyed being all VIP with my zoom lens. I can’t say I’d pass out at one of Justin’s concerts, or even squeal like a little girl at one, but I am most definitely pro-Bieber. And hey, maybe one day the kid’ll grow into his age and really become something to photograph. Need more Bieber love? We’ve got loads more pics from Jordan ‘super-papp’ Harrington at tearaway.net.nz/digital

lan What the strathal : id sa s er belieb te” “Cute. Short but cu fe” “Best thing of my li uch him” “My friend got to to


and hip-hop Up-and-coming singer-songwriter up a storm at dancer J Williams sang and danced ock tracks The Edge Winter Jam in July. Zane Poc him down for a bit of a chat. Zane Pocock

You have said that you and your siblings grew up like the Jacksons. Do you think that everyone’s development from child through to adult, particularly as teenagers, strongly influences their lives? Also, how did Michael Jackson’s death affect you? I think that your family upbringing has a big impact on your identity as an adult – for instance, if your family is musically orientated or sport orientated. However, regardless of the environment that we grow up in, it’s about the choices we make in life that define us. We can say we are a product of our environment but I’ve seen many use that as an excuse. When Michael died I was shattered. That guy had set the bar as an artist/ performer and no one has surpassed him and I don’t think anyone can (maybe me? Nah, jokes). You’ve written most of your own songs. What inspires you? Do you like to write in a particular setting? I’m inspired by a few things like movies, conversations, but mostly by my own experiences, whether good or bad. If I can make an impact on a listener’s life in a positive way, it is one of the key things I strive for. In terms of settings, I write anywhere – on the couch, in a movie or talking to a friend – if a random title comes up in my head I chuck it on my Blackberry and finish it at my little studio I have at home. What would you say to NZ teens who aspire to careers in performing arts? I say strive for the best and don’t limit yourselves to just your school or town or talent quests. If you think you can, ‘know you can’ take your talents to NZ, then the world. What’s it like to break through on the music scene? Does it take a while to adjust? It does take a lot to get used to. I didn’t think walking out of my house I would have fans there, but they are supporters so I try to give time and be courteous. Adjusting is quite hard because there are a lot of kids looking up to you, so I always have to be on my toes to bring across positive messages. But we are all human and I do have slip-ups here and there. How does it feel to you to be making a living off something you clearly love? Surreal. I’m glad all the hard work is paying off but it does not stop here. I’m thinking the world is my oyster and if I approach everything right then hopefully I can do this in other parts of the world. The power of the mind is strong and if you’re confident, you will achieve! What do you think of smoking? How about drugs? I don’t think much about smoking to be honest. I have slipped up in the past but I have kicked it in the butt now and try and encourage my friends to do the same. Drugs? Hell no! Not me and will never be me! As an artist, what’s your view on illegal downloading? Can’t say I’m a fan of illegal downloading. Some people are proud of it and tell me they do it, but it’s not cool. C’mon, support NZ music guys, ‘cause that’s how a brother or sister makes their money. It’s like all your hard work being stripped away from you. What do you make of the ideas of materialism and ego? They must be hard to avoid with fame? I have always been a quiet guy and what I have is enough for me to get by. J Williams is my alter-ego so I keep him on stage and, when I’m off, I’m back to me. It’s about balance. To avoid ego and materialism is easy for me, but sometimes screaming fans can be a bit much, when I just want to go shopping or to the movies, so me being a little intolerant might come across as having an ego. I’m working towards being successful in all facets, yes, not only for myself but my family and friends also. What’s the biggest animal you could take on in a fight? Haha good one. Well, I’m a pretty strong guy, so watch out animal. Nah, I think I can take on a pig. www.tearaway.net.nz {17}


Kiwi MUSIC News Soundclash Homegrown drum and bass fans rejoice. Two giants of the genre, The Upbeats and State of Mind are coming together for a very special New Zealand tour. Soundclash is an All Ages gig and will be hitting four venues, starting with Sandwiches in Welly on September 18. State of Mind is Patrick Hawkins and Stu Maxwell. The Upbeats are Jeremy Glenn and Dylan Jones, a.k.a Terror Snake and Downie Wolf. We spoke to Stu. And Terror Snake. What’s been happening? Jeremy: We’ve been playing every weekend this Winter – we’ve played 40 shows in four months and it’s gone really, really well. We did a small, five-day tour around in NZ to promote Phat, with Diesel Boy from the US and a few local artists as well. Stu: We’ve been working on a new album. It’s coming along nicely, it’s about 75-80 per cent done, so we’ll release that early next year. We’ve also been touring – we completed another tour of Australia and also Europe. What can we expect from Soundclash? Jeremy: We’re friends with State of Mind, but there’s definitely a little bit of rivalry there. We’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. We probably won’t play normal sets, we’ll probably do shortened sets in spurts, and then maybe go back to back at the end. Stu: It should be a really good night, but you never know! This is the first time we’ve done a tour together. We’ve played the odd party together, but promoters will usually either book one of us or the other. Hopefully people will leave going “that was really different, I’m probably not going to see that again”, which is what we’re after. Is drum and bass pretty healthy in NZ right now? Jeremy: It’s been really solid for the last ten years. It’s definitely the strongest form of electronic dance music in NZ. How’s the State of Mind label going? Stu: Really well. We released our last album on it, and it did better than expected.

{18} www.tearaway.net.nz

Who would you love to work with that you haven’t already? Stu: There are a few artists whose production style I really admire – Adam Freeland, Justice, Trent Moller. I think it would be really interesting to work with them – you could really learn a lot from those guys. How about The Upbeats’ third full length album, Big Skeleton? Jeremy: Big Skeleton has been received really well, I’ve been really impressed. What’s next for you guys? Jeremy: We’re starting to think about a new album now. For the last two we’ve had a concept or a specific sound, so we need to sit down and come up with one for this. We’ve got four or five shows in Australia coming up, then Bali in Novmeber, Europe in February and the US in March. Stu: We’re doing another bunch of live shows over the summer. It takes awhile to practice and get up to date with what we’re going to do, so we’ll be doing a lot of work preparing for that. Towards the end of the year we’ve got some guests coming over – Stigma from the UK and Chris Fu from Hungary, so we’ll tour with them. And then we’re just working on finishing the album.

WIN ! We have four crazy-good Soundclash prize packs up for grabs, each containing: A State of Mind T-shirt An Upbeats T-shirt

’s Faster Than Light A copy of State of Mind Skeleton A copy of The Upbeats Big sh gigs the All Ages Soundcla A double pass to one of September 18: Sandwiches, Wellington September 24: 10 Bar, Dunedin September 25: Ministry, Christchurch October 1: Fu/Zen, Auckland

www.theupbe www.stateof



Simply email promotions@academy.net.nz with Kiwi music in the subject line - before the 30 September 2010

Is there any international spot where you go down really well? Like the way the Hoff is massive in Germany for some reason? Jeremy: Budapest in Hungary is always amazing, and Porto in Portugal. And the crowds at all the UK shows are always really strong. Stu: We go to Europe twice a year, so we know it pretty well by now. We always have a good time there, and we’ve got some favourite spots – Berlin and Vienna for hanging out – they’ve got a really laid back pace – and Eastern Europe for the big, crazy drum and bass parties. What would be your ultimate gig? Stu: Maybe something like Glastonbury – one of the big legacy festivals. We did Big Day Out, so something like that would be the next step up.

Scratchy the Cat not included. Sorry.

IN OTHE R NEWS Kids of 88 plus The Naked and Famous

Above: The Naked and Famous

Kids of 88 pair up with The Naked and Famous to play four dates – three of them being All Ages, woohoo!

Kids of 88

You (The Naked and Famous). We repeat: So. Hot.

Kids of 88 have come a long way since their Smokefreerockquest beginnings – this New Wave duo have lately been kicking it with the likes of Scissors Sisters and Passion Pit. So freakin’ hot right now! And The Naked and Famous (who get our vote for coolest ever band name), have only been playing with, oh, you know Nine Inch Nails, Florence & The Machine and The Temper Trap!

All gigs except the Dunedin one will have an All Ages option. Don’t miss out:

Both bands have debut albums fresh off the press: Sugarpills (Kids of 88) and Passive Me, Aggressive

Tickets: ticketmaster, undertheradar.co.nz, Real Groovy and Cosmic Corner Dunedin

30 September: The Urban Factory, Dunedin 1 October: The Bedford, Christchurch 2 October: San Francisco Bathhouse, Wellington 16 October: Powerstation, Auckland

WI N !

We have three albums of “Sugarpills” by Kids of 88 to give away. To enter email promotions@academy.net.nz

w Ne from Drew Hey people!

You miss me? Silly question. Of course you have! For those of you saying “No”, you need an attitude readjustment! Only Joking! Have you entered the C4’s Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards Party People competition yet? If not, what are you waiting for? You and all of your mates could be hanging out with me on the red carpet and partying in the mosh pit later on. All you have to do is make a video of you and your crew going mental! Upload it to our website C4tv.co.nz and you’re in the draw! Do it! Do it now! Right now! Leave school right now and make the video! If a teacher asks you why you’re leaving, tell them Drew told you it was all good! Have you missed the latest episode of ‘New Zealand’s Next Top Model’? Remember

Hollie Smith’s Remix Competition

you can catch up with the repeat on C4 every Wednesday at 7:30! Our favourite soul queen is giving you the chance to remix her latest single, Hiding, from the #1 album Humour and the Misfortune of Others. The winning remix will be featured on a repackaged album, which will be on sale in all good music stores, so this could be your chance to become a published producer! Head to www.holliesmith.co.nz for the lowdown. The competition closes on October 10. Hollie, with special guests, is currently on a nationwide tour with Hamilton, Auckland, Christchurch and Wanaka still to play in September and October.

New album for Concord Dawn As if a Soundclash between The Upbeats and State of Mind wasn’t enough, we’ve got yet more good news for fans of Kiwi drum and bass: Concord Dawn’s new album, The Enemy Within, is out on September 20! Plus, if you feel any mad vibrations this month and next, fear not, it’s probably just the boys pulling into your town as part of their NZ-wide tour. So keep an ear out!

QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. C | 2. B | 3. C | 4. C | 5. C | 6. B | 7. A | 8. C | 9. B | 10. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Make sure you’re watching all new episodes of ‘Heroes’ and ‘Dollhouse’ too! For more information, hit up our website C4tv.co.nz! Booooyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa! Most importantly, don’t miss the greatest show ever! ‘Select Live’ 4-6 weekdays on C4! Till next month,

Chuuur Drew

{22} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

Me Vox pop

E N I M D N &A


We asked

1. Who has the world’s biggest ego? 2. What’s your most valued possession? 3. How much do materialism and ego shape our lives as teenagers? 4. What is the worst consequence of a world controlled by ego and materialism? 5. How important is it to think highly of yourself?


PATRICK HUNN, 17, WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1. People like Fred Phelps and his flock are so selfassured that they are able to believe wholeheartedly in their own ridiculous, hateful agenda – which is what makes them so dangerous. Lady Gaga's artistic message is built around glamour and fame and self-confidence so I suppose that she essentially bases herself around her ego, but it's totally justified. 2. Well I could probably say something meaningful about the things that inspire me (which are important!) but really I'm quite superficial so the answer is basically everything that I own? Is that cheating? 3. Materialism is probably the basis for what teenagers think of each other – which is then built upon with social interaction. Because groups and cliques are such a vital part of being a teenager, the things you have and the way you dress are what end up defining the way others categorise you. Ego is a factor in the way you fit into whatever social circles you fit into, I suppose. 4. The worst consequences are probably the ones you find in every other Hollywood movie these days – placing people below money and possessions. I'm not sure that I agree that the world is 'controlled' by ego and materialism though, I'd like to have a little more faith in humanity than that. 5. I think that it is enormously important. I think that thinking ill of yourself can only affect you adversely because, well, thinking differently takes you down all sorts of paths that can only end badly. Obviously I'm not saying that we should all be arrogant losers and walk around being self indulgent.

MAX TAYLOR-SMITH, 17,SCOTS COLLEGE 1. Lil’ Wayne, only a complete tool could look like that and still think he’s a hit with the ladies. 2. Phone – stereotypical, but teenagers thrive on communication and I am no exception. 3. It has a huge impact on our lives, because commercialism has become an integral part of Western culture. 4. A loss of individual thinking, propagated by the linking of material possessions with happiness. 5. Confidence and thinking highly of yourself are important in maintaining a good image and reputation, and this is how other people perceive you. So very important indeed.

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Vox pop

LARACUSTANCE, 17,CHILTON ST JAMES 1. This would have to be Gregg Sulkin, he was on the UK Disney show As The Bell Rings with a friend of mine and thinks the world of himself. He added me as a friend on Facebook then asked me out. That boy thinks he’s a god. Large ego? Check. 2. Without a doubt my family. Not that I own them, but they are the greatest value to me. We have our issues, but I just went though Africa with them and seeing the poverty there made me realise that you can have nothing except family and still love life. But if I had to choose an object I think I would say my iPod. I love music. 3. Well, I think it depends on how much you care about objects and who you associate yourself with. Ego is good until it becomes obnoxious. People with large egos I find tend to have weak friends because being the best is most important to them. Though I think as teenagers we like to compare ourselves to others a lot. 4. When what we have and what we look like becomes more important than a personality. I think that happens way too often for teenagers. 5. I think it is really important to think well of yourself but it’s more important to not think of yourself as too much better than others. I was actually talking to some girls last night, a year younger then me, who are a great example of people who believe themselves to be hotter and cooler than most others. Funnily enough they didn't impress me or the boys I was with. So girls – it's your mistake.

TOM NORTON, 17, NELSON COLLEGE 1. Kanye West. 2. My car. 3. Materialism and ego play a huge role in our lives as teenagers. They produce and shape the general trends these days and, being self-conscious teenagers, we just naturally want to fit in. 4. Less variation and originality within society. 5. It's very important to maintain a balance between thinking highly of yourself, but also being critical as well. If there isn't a balance then it would be easier to become either too egocentric or too critical which could result in our human performance decreasing.

{24} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

JAMES BUTCHERS,17, WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1. Donald Trump. After basing a whole TV show around his success he has to top the list. 2. My life. 3. Materialism shapes NZ teenagers so much in today’s society but there has been a shift in the nature of materialism. Instead of everyone conforming to the same ideas and styles, it’s a constant battle to express your individuality which is at the forefront of current materialism. It’s from this that people’s egos are derived. 4. People who are too caught up in themselves being so selfconceited lose sight of what’s really important. They can’t see past their own agendas and threaten others’ wellbeing for their own personal gains. 5. I think it is important to be confident and have a positive image of yourself. However, there is a vast difference between this and being bots about yourself. Although unfortunately, despite it being very easy to tell the difference between someone else in whether they’re cocky or confident, it’s a lot harder to make that same judgement about ourselves.

ELEANOR DAY,16, WELLINGTON GIRLs’ COLLEGE 1. Donald Trump. 2. A photo. 3. They shape our lives hugely. As teenagers we are massively influenced and, whether conscious of it or not, our lives seem to revolve around materialism and if we have the latest phone, iPod etc. Materialistic items such as previously listed are deemed 'cool' so teenagers purchase them in order to feel more socially accepted. Having a large ego is commonly thought of as a negative and arrogant trait, although recently, particularly amongst teenage boys, it’s thought to be 'cool' and almost revered in some social groups, which encourages such behaviour. 4. It vastly reduces the happiness and positivity in the world as egotistical behaviour causes negativity towards others, and materialism leaves us with poor values and always in want of more. 5. It's important to have faith in yourself and believe in yourself, but not in comparison to others. I also think it’s important to appreciate your flaws as well as your abilities, and to always behave with humility.

LOULOU CALLISTER-BAKER,18, WELLINGTON GIRLS’ COLLEGE 1. I think, to themselves, nearly everyone (aside from a few monks) has the biggest ego therefore those who express their ego externally are just the ones being honest (despite how frustrating these people are). 2. I like having my very own brain. 3. Materialism? Often, for most teenagers, it's about having the latest technology and brands. Ego? Teenagers are all about the 10-feet-tall and bulletproof ego; growing up is about taming that ego. 4. No one could take criticism and people would have a great want to possess many materialistic goods – which would result in some sort of war... Hmm wait... that's what's happening right now... oh. 5. Sometimes it is essential in getting jobs etc but ALWAYS in moderation – there's self-confidence and then there's narcissism.

G I VE A LOW FI VE\ TO ZANE POCOCK,17, WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1. I'm currently obsessed with... music and literature 2. My first thought in the mornings is... that I should go to bed earlier 3. My all-time favourite poet is... John Keats 4. My all-time favourite guitarist is... Slash 5. I couldn't live without... my guitar, writing materials, camera and books



















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A Modern Apprenticeship in Infrastructure Pipelaying The networks of pipes for utilities such as water, gas, sewage and waste water are an important part of New Zealand’s infrastructure. They are installed by people like Faalili Ah Lam, who works at Russell Roads in Hastings. Faalili, aged 21, is working towards a Modern Apprenticeship in Infrastructure Pipelaying. He has already completed a National Certificate in Road Opening (Trenching) as part of his Apprenticeship, and is now working towards a National Certificate in Infrastructure Pipelaying. A Modern Apprenticeship means that Faalili can gain specialist industry skills through on-job training while he’s in full-time employment. He explains, “My Apprenticeship covers areas including plant operation, opening and closing road trenches and traffic control. At the moment I’m focusing on Pipelaying and I’m working on a project for Napier City Council, laying stormwater pipes.” Faalili says he enjoys the variety of work involved in Infrastructure Pipelaying, and the satisfaction of seeing a job well done. He says, “We work for different councils and private clients. Concreting is my favourite thing. I really enjoy laying the concrete around the pipes once they’ve been laid, and making it look good. I take a lot of pride in my work.”

{26} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

A career in the infrastructure industry appealed to Faalili because he was interested in operating machinery. He got into the industry when he left school, and since then has learned how to drive compactors, diggers and rollers. He now holds Full Class 1 and 2 Driver Licences, as well as a Wheels Tracks and Rollers endorsement. InfraTrain Training Advisor, Bruce Craft, says Faalili has made great progress. “Faalili is working hard to complete his Apprenticeship and he has a very strong work ethic. His achievements so far have earned him a place on the InfraTrain Outward Bound Scholarship 2010. As well as looking at his personal development, the course will help Faalili to develop his leadership skills, which will benefit him in his future career.” Faalili’s first priority is to complete his Modern Apprenticeship, then hopefully a higher level qualification in the future. He says, “I’m really keen to progress in my career, and qualifications are the best way to get ahead. One day I’d like to do a Level 6 National Diploma.”


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{28} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

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Special features

By Zane Pocock

Whether you’re a greenie, a film-making hot-shot, both, or none of the above, this is a great opportunity to have a go! Winning films will be broadcast on TVNZ6, and there’s a stack of mean-as prizes up for grabs, including video cameras, mobile phones, a TV production training course and a guided tour of one of New Zealand’s special conservation areas. Last year’s Standout Winner and Audience Favourite was The Break Up by Charlee Collins and her team from Kaitaia College. The film has gone on to achieve outstanding success internationally, and is a shining example of how much talent and potential lies in the minds of New Zealand youth. A Panda Award finalist at the upcoming international Wildscreen Festival, The Break Up was chosen from 446 entries spanning 45 countries as a Judge’s Special Selection for Screening and will be competing for the Jury’s Choice Award in October. Charlee says: “it’s really great that our film has made it this far, and that even more people are going to see it, get the message and hopefully enjoy it.” Charlee made the moving 3.5 minute drama using five teenagers in a “Dear John” telephone conversation. Check it out, along with all the other winners from 2009, at www.theoutlookforsomeday.net.nz/ winning-films/ This year, eight well-known New Zealanders have become Ambassadors for The Outlook for Someday 2010: Kirsten Morrell, Oliver Driver, Te Radar, Lanita Ririnui-Ryan, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, Liesha Ward Knox, Olly Coddington and Wendy Douglas. Their testimonials, which you can watch at www.theoutlookforsomeday.net/about/ testimonials, are full of motivation and enthusiasm. As Te Radar points out, by entering The Outlook for Someday, “you have a chance not only to make a film, but to make a great film with a message”. So, how do you go about it? The focusing statement for 2010 encourages us to think expansively about the concept of sustainability: {30} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

“Sustainability is... •

our environment, our biodiversity, our life

The Outlook for Someday 2010 ambassadors (L to R) Kirsten Morell, Te Radar, Wendy Douglas, Olly Coddington, Lanita Ririnui-Ryan, Liesha Ward Knox, Oliver Driver, Jennifer Ward-Lealand.

• community

development, social justice, peace

• health,

human rights, cultural identity

• science,

innovation, creativity, diversity

• leadership,

enterprise, citizenship...



What does this mean to you? How can you show your take on it to others? We all know that sustainability is a huge issue for our generation – our Earth is in desperate need of some TLC! This is a great opportunity to showcase your thoughts and creativity, and help create some awareness. “After 3 years of road-testing and refinement The Outlook for Someday is coming of age. It has become part of New Zealand’s film landscape and it is also creating a buzz overseas,” said David Jacobs, Project Director. “It is a compelling eco-arts-youth mix, an opportunity for anyone under 25 to contribute their creative voice, via a short film, to the big issue of their time.”

What you need to know • The challenge is to make a sustainabilityrelated film, any genre, filmed with any camera, of any length up to 5 minutes • Anyone up to age 24 can enter, either individually or in a team • 20 Winning Films will be celebrated and Special Awards will be announced at The Outlook for Someday Awards red-carpet ceremony in November • The Winning Films will be broadcast by TVNZ 6 on both Freeview (channel 6) and SKY Television (channel 16). And there will be a vote for Audience Favourite • The closing date for entries is 17 September • Information and entry forms are at www. theoutlookforsomeday.net • You can catch The Outlook for Someday on Facebook too!

Need some extra inspiration? These Special Awards briefs might give you some starting points: • Connected Media Film-making Achievement Award For a film with outstanding creative / technical quality • UNESCO Sustainable Future Award For a film which promotes dialogue on sustainability through a new perspective and/or critical thinking • TEAR Fund Social Justice Award For a film which addresses social justice as a sustainability issue • Department of Conservation Biodiversity Award For a film focusing on biodiversity and conservation in New Zealand • Ministry of Youth Development Youth Participation Award For a film with strong participation by young people among themselves and/or at a community level • Te Puni Kokiri Te Reo & Tikanga Maori Award For a film making use of Te Reo and Tikanga Maori • WWF Secondary School Film-makers Award For a film made by young people of secondary school age • Enviroschools Primary / Intermediate School Film-makers Award For a film made by young people of primary or intermediate school age

Their testimonials, obs which you can watch David Jac www.theoutlookforsomeday.net/ about/testimonials, are full of motivation and enthusiasm.

Tearaway is stoked to be supporting The Outlook for Someday sustainability film challenge again this year.

Charlee Collins and David Jacobs of Connected Media at The Outlook for Someday Awards 2009

Special features

The 2010 Recognyz Youth Awards showcase the outstanding achievements of young people in Hamilton. There are seven categories, which acknowledge performers, environmentalists, achievers through adversity, inventors, volunteers, and those with leadership qualities. There are great prizes on offer with 2,000 dream dollars going to one lucky Supreme Award winner to further their dream! This year, Tearaway is super proud to sponsor the Innovation category. And the nominees for Innovation are....

The Recognyz Award ceremony takes place at The Founders Theatre, Hamilton, on September 17

Into their Void

Daniel Matthews, 20 and Sam Willoughby (Chumz), 22 Creators of Void, an All Ages venue in Hamilton We made Void because Hamilton hadn't had an AA venue for a few years. We had shows most weekends at our house, which became fairly well known as the party house in the hardcore/ punk scene, and was dubbed ‘The Palace’. While we had a rad time, after almost two years of parties and shows every Friday and Saturday, we needed a change. What also had to change was the mentality of the kids coming to the shows. We are all for having a good time, but people started coming for a place to get wasted, not to see the music, and as Gawj so poetically said: "if you’re not in it for the music, then f*** off". So ultimately, we made Void as a place that kids could come and just enjoy themselves. Void is important for many reasons. It’s purely about the music, the bands and the people who give what they can to it. It’s also important to me (Daniel) because I left 7th form half way through 2007 to open an AA venue. While it may not have worked for me then, I now have exactly what I wanted. It just took two years. The reason for our success is the bands, and the people who support the scene. All Void is, is a black room and a stage built

Tobin Banks, 14 out of crates. For an event, we have people organising and promoting, while others bring and set up the PA. Mates put up posters at crazy hours of the morning, and then there are the bands and the people who work the door. It’s a real big group effort and everyone helps. Shows have been the main events, but we try to have as many different types of bands play here as possible. We even had a hip hop night, with MC Storm Trooper and Animal Instincts. The biggest challenge so far has been noise control. It took us six months to prove to the council that we were operating within council noise limits. It was extremely frustrating and draining. We had shows and practices shut down, and had the noise control officers at our door every two days. I think they liked us a lot. In the future we want Void to be seen more as Void Studios, with art spaces, a full recording studio and practice spaces. We have a lot of plans but they will take their time. Personally, our goals are to be self employed, play in a lot of bands, travel and tour. Check out our upcoming events at www.void.org.nz

WIN a FANTASTIC BURTON PRIZE PACK OR SKULLCANDY PRODUCTS Write to us promotions@academy.net.nz with the word “Burton� in the subject line – tell us what you think of our Bigger, Better, Bolder issue of Tearaway and our plans for the future. Special thanks to Rain the Editor who has worked really hard to reassemble the team of Tearaway contributors and control the content, we couldn’t do this without you! Extra special thanks also to the hard-working design, production, editorial and admin team in Christchurch who had the trauma of the recent quake to deal with, but still had to come into the central city to our offices (3 floors up) and work amongst the destruction and wibblie wobblies to get this first issue out! As the new publishers we need your feedback so we can continue to improve this publication for you – the reader.

Creator of Aemic Technology, which involves importing electronic products Business has always appealed to me, but up until now it’s only ever been an interest. I created Aemic because I wasn't old enough to stop schooling and begin working, so for a home-school project I started a business. I have always enjoyed selling things, as well as having a passion for computers and electronics, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity. The idea of importing and selling products came to me when me and my grandparents went to buy a cow off these people who were importing stereo equipment. I saw their storage room and instantly wanted to do the same. The demand for good quality, high functioning products is increasing. Aemic Technology's first product, the Aemic LO20 has many functions, such as analogue TV, music player, FM radio, camera, video camera, motion games, internet browser etc. All of Aemic Technology's products will meet the consumer demand allowing for a successful business. So far the biggest challenge has been starting up the business. It has taken many hours of hard work as well as taking a very

long time to get to the point I am at now. This had included contacting Chinese manufacturers, writing a business plan, designing logos and flyers, creating a website, making cash flow statements and various other spread sheets. Aemic Technology is going very well. The Aemic LO20 is completely ready for sale and is now on the market. Also, the Aemic website is almost up and running. My interest in computers and selling goods has definitely played a big part in the success of my business so far, as well as my motivation to keep going. My success would not have been possible without the help and support from my family and investors. My personal goals are to sell good quality, high functioning electronic products at a reasonably low price, to know my products very well and to make it much easier and more pleasant to purchase products from Aemic rather than buying from other major electronic stores. I am very happy about being nominated for a Recognyz award. Four months ago, when I began working on Aemic Technology, I never expected to be a finalist for an award.

Here’s why we think we’re doing a great job;

t 8F WF HPOF CJHHFS o TP ZPV HFU CJHHFS QPTUFST t 5IF QBQFS VTFE UP QSPEVDF UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO DPOUBJOT &MFNFOUBM $IMPSJOF 'SFF &$' QVMQ BOE ĂĽCSF TPVSDFE from well managed and legally harvested forests. t 5IF QSJOUFST BSF "1/ 1SJOU 5BVSBOHB XIP BSF FGGFDUJWFMZ DPOUJOVJOH PO UIF iHSFFOw QSPDFTTFT BMSFBEZ instigated by suppliers in the ink and paper industries. They are committed to protecting the environment, for the second year, achieving Gold level in the Enviro Mart program which enables them to achieve iB USVMZ DMFBO HSFFO TVTUBJOBCMF /FX ;FBMBOEw t 8F SF QSJOUJOH BOE EJTUSJCVUJOH NPSF DPQJFT BOE XJMM IBWF JU NPSF FBTJMZ BDDFTTJCMF t 8F IBWF GBOUBTUJD HJWFBXBZT BOE QSPNPUJPOT MJOFE VQ GPS UIF DPNJOH NPOUIT BOE t 8F MM CF QSPEVDJOH 0DU /PW BOE %FD JTTVFT UIJT ZFBS UIFO JO XF MM CF QSPEVDJOH JTTVFT QFS TDIPPM term so there is no wastage or unread copies lying around during holiday periods.

now you tell us what you think

JO MFTT UIBO XPSET XIBU ZPV XBOU NPSF PG BOE XIBU ZPV XBOU UP TFF IBQQFO XJUI UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO JO the future: Email us promotions@academy.net.nz XJUI UIF XPSE i#VSUPOw JO UIF TVCKFDU MJOF o XF MM QVU ZPV JO UIF ESBX UP 8*/ " '"#6-064 #6350/ 13*;& 1"$, PS 4,6--$"/%: (&"3

Thanks for taking the time to do this, after all we’re producing this magazine for you guys, you need to tell us what you want! 14 8F LOPX UIF XFCTJUF XXX UFBSBXBZ OFU O[ TUJMM OFFET XPSL UIBU T PVS OFYU TUFQ Thanks for your patience!

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Simply visit www.redbull.co.nz and tell us in 25 words or less how you would spend $1000 in 72 hours in Tokyo, then you’re in the draw to win return flights for you and a friend to Tokyo, 4 nights accommodation, airport transfers, $1000 spending money and 2 VIP tickets to Red Bull BC One: Tokyo! Draw closes 29th September 2010 and winners will be announced Thursday 30th September.

{32} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

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POSITIVE Sexualth Heal Family Planning

What’s the deal with Family Planning – is it just for people wanting to start a family? No – the people at Family Planning are there to help you with any questions you have about your sexual and reproductive health. You might just need to be reassured that how you look or feel is just a part of growing, or you might want to make sure you’ve got really good contraception. Maybe you’ve become pregnant and are unsure of your options, or maybe you’re worried that you have an infection. The nurses and doctors at Family Planning are able to help you with all these issues. They believe it’s really important for us to understand how our bodies work, to know where we can go for help if we need it, and to get advice and treatment for our sexual and reproductive health. Oh, the shame! What will they think of me?! Don’t worry! It’s basically impossible to shock these guys – after 74 years in the business, they’ve seen everything! Their services are also confidential and non-judgmental. But remember, it’s always good to talk with your parents or another trusted adult. So I wouldn’t have to involve my family, if I didn’t want to? Families are never contacted without your knowledge and permission. Family Planning staff will check that you understand what you are doing, and that you aren’t being pressured, or forced to do something you don’t want to do. All your questions will be confidential and the doctor or nurse will assist you to get whatever help you need. What can I expect when I walk through the door? Visits to the clinics are free for all New Zealand residents under 22. If you’re 22 or over and have a Community Services card, it’ll only cost you a fiver. You can expect to be treated by a nurse or doctor who’s an expert in sexual and reproductive health. {34} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

You can also be sure that whatever is said in the clinic, stays in the clinic! Doctors, nurse and other health workers are not allowed to give out information about you without your consent or agreement, unless they think that you’re in danger. So.... STI check-ups, contraception – what else do Family Planning do? If it’s about sex or sexuality – their nurses and doctors can help. What they want is for you to be safe and happy and to be making good choices for yourself. You can get a test to tell if you’re pregnant and advice and information about what to do next. If you’re worried about having an infection, you can get a test and any treatment you need. If you’ve had sex and you didn’t use protection, or you’re worried your protection didn’t work – you can get the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (sometimes known as the Morning After Pill. You’ve got up to 72 hours to take it – but the sooner the better). There’s a lot more to contraception than condoms and the pill – you can talk to a doctor or nurse about all sorts of options including long-acting reversible contraception that lasts for three to five years. You can get contraception at any age. If it’s condoms you’re after, ask Family Planning about a prescription – you can get up to 144 condoms for $3. Family Planning also run sexuality education courses around the country – you may have met some of their health promoters on a visit to your school. If it’s freaking me out a bit, can I bring a mate? Always – it’s your choice! You can bring a friend, a family member or a support person to a clinic visit. Actually it can be a pretty good idea – to help you remember all the information you’ve been given. The nurse or doctor may ask to see you on your own first, to check that you do actually want to share all your information with your friend.

Check out ‘Our Clinics’ on www.familyplanning.org.nz to see a video of what happens when young people visit a clinic for the first time. Do many young people go to Family Planning clinics? Each year there are about 180,000 visits to the clinics, and about 120,000 of these visits are by people under 22. It’s really important to know that you can go to these clinics for advice and treatment. The staff there want to make sure you have all the information you need to protect your sexual and reproductive health, so you can be safe and happy. How do I find out more? There are 30 Family Planning Clinics across NZ, with another 27 clinics in schools and on some polytechnic campuses. For all the details, and any other questions you have, check out www.theword.org.nz

Kiwis are known for their ability to fix things with nothing more than No.8 wire. But in last year’s national clean up only 241,000 registered, that means less than 5% of us are keeping New Zealand beautiful. Now that’s something we really need to fix.

17 – 24 September 2010 Play your part by registering at www.knzb.org.nz

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ALBUM REVIEWS GORI LLAZ PLASTIC BEACH Note to self: different does not always mean good. Plastic Beach continues the Gorillaz tradition of using animation to create awesome music videos, one in which a deranged Bruce Willis is locked in a lifeand-death desert car chase with the group, but this is where the Gorillaz of old end. When the Gorillaz are just the Gorillaz, the music is catchy, melodic and downright smart. It seems that when you enlist the help of lazy, burnt-out rappers and a washed-up ex-Velvet Undergrounder, then you run into problems. Like Primus with Antipop, too many collaborative artists in addition to the main artist equals mayhem. While Gorillaz get it right with Stylo, Superfast Jellyfish and On Melancholy Hill, it’s pretty much hit and miss from then on. Instead of the usual upbeat, happy feeling I have gotten from Gorillaz’ previous efforts, I am left slightly dull and even morose. Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn has also taken on all producing duties this time around – I’m left wondering if he has spread himself too thin. Where directors and producers of movies blame a flop or box office bomb on Alan Smithee, Gorillaz had better come up with a scapegoat should they ever churn out another album like this – TGR


BY TAY LOR LEBARON AND JACK & MARY BRANSON This is an inspiring book about Taylor LeBaron, an obese American teen who decided to use his addiction to video games to lose weight. He calls his invention UFG (Ultimate Fitness Game) and it is a lifelong programme. Taylor weighed 135kg, and through his fitness game he lost 68.2kg. He talks about the different rules of the game and how he overcame many different obstacles. The first half of the book is about his experiences and then the second half is devoted to teaching the reader how to use the game successfully. This has been written for overweight people who want to lose weight. Even if you do not like UFG, Taylor still offers a lot of good advice and understanding about obesity and alternative ways to overcome it. It is very well written, and you get the impression that Taylor really does care about helping people to lose weight – that he is not just another moneymaking scam. I would encourage you to definitely check this book out if you or your friends or family struggle with obesity problems, whether it is from genes or habits – SHARON McCOSKRIE {36} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010


If this is an album you would normally have gone straight past, turn around and buy it. It’s absolutely amazing! This is the debut album by the NZ emcee known as JDubs, and the opening track Introjuice sets the scene for a truly outstanding experience. Cut with speeches which show the current world situation of those in power manipulating society, the political message is strong from start to finish. What makes it so fantastic is that JDubs does this in a completely different way – he’s not vicious and his message hits you gently but surely, caused by a fusion of jazz and rap, a couple not often seen fraternising together. What he’s managed to do is blur the conventional line drawn between tried-andtrue genres (jazz) and the more recent hiphop culture – as such this album has a lot of potential to soften the hard-nosed anti-rap opinion of older people and also introduce youth to some great music. What’s more, it’s surprisingly nice to relax to!

After AC/DC's latest disappointing effort, Airbourne are sounding more like AC/DC than AC/DC, and AC/DC are sounding more like an Airbourne cover band. No Guts, No Glory, the latest offering from Airbourne, proves that the band have really put it in another gear. Sleeping in the studio until the album was finished, Airbourne have produced a followup album to 2007’s Runnin' Wild which is by-the-book rock'n'roll – but why would you change what works? Now that everyone has heard Airbourne it is much harder for the band to match the excitement of their debut. But where Runnin' Wild left off, No Guts, No Glory takes it further. Standout tracks on the album have to be No Way But the Hard Way and Blonde, Bad and Beautiful, which sound just like Razors Edge-era AC/DC. While Airbourne might not have the longevity of AC/DC or Motley Crue, they sure are filling the void those two industry heavyweights have left. While I don't see Airbourne shaking off the AC/DC comparisons anytime soon, they are a breath of fresh air in a music industry long dominated by R&B rubbish – AJ MILNER

ALKALINE TRIO THIS ADDICTION Alkaline Trio have been going strong since 1996, and This Addiction is their seventh studio release. This punk rock trio have always stood out because of their morbid and macabre lyrics, delivered by the husky voice of guitarist Matt Skiba and also by the cleaner melodies of bassist Dan Andriano. While previous albums Good Mourning and From Here to Infirmary had a harder punk edge to them, This Addiction is a little more pop influenced, similar to 2008’s Agony and Irony, and complete with the catchiest hooks they have come up with to date. While old-school fans may not favour this new pop direction, this album reflects how Alkaline Trio have changed with the times – their fresh tweaked sound will attract new fans as well as providing enough of that Alkaline Trio charm to hold on to the old – ASHLEIGH HOPE

BOOK REVIEWS When reality sucks

This is genuinely original work. Whether you’re into rap or not, The Keynotes is a must-have, and represents some of the genius in NZ music – ZANE POCOCK




BY MORRI S G LEITZMAN From reading the blurb on the back, I assumed this novel would be about war, so when I began to read, I was shocked to find out it wasn't. Now follows the story of Zelda, who wants to help others, just like her parents and just like her grandfather, Felix. Zelda finally gets her chance to prove that she is capable of helping others and, as a result, the girl who bullies her realises how much of a friend Zelda really is. This book is different to Morris Gleitzman's other books. Sure, it has the usual kid wanting to do right, like in Misery Guts, but this story seems to think more about things and the consequences of people’s actions. We are told how Zelda feels about everything and how she wants to help others and why. This is when we are told about how Felix was affected by the war and why he means so much to her. However, it's hard to put yourself in Zelda's shoes – it seems she thinks the way she does because she feels as though she should, due to how she’s been brought up. So if you prefer to read stories when you cry with the character, you won't love this book. If you are looking for a book that's short, sweet and straight to the point, but is also a book you'll want to read till the end, then this book's perfect – JADE MORRIS



Move over vamps, angels FTW! Gosh, no matter how similar the storyline, no matter how alike the characters are, there’s nothing like a sappy fantasy story about a girl falling in love with a gorgeous superhuman to make you realise how lame your own life really is. After a terrible tragedy occurs that questions her innocence and her sanity, Lucinda Price is sent to Sword and Cross Reform School. At this dismal, decaying, disturbing excuse for a school she meets a rainbow of colourful characters, including Cam, gorgeous, alluring, perfectly kind, and Daniel, whom Luce immediately feels an unknown but intense and impenetrable connection to. Torn between the two, and surrounded by mysterious happenings, Luce is suddenly thrown into a world far beyond her understanding; so far it could destroy her. Fantastic writing, amazing romance, breathcatching suspense, Fallen is one of the best fantasy novels I have read in a long time. Sure, this fantasy romance is not unlike every other fantasy romance but let’s face it, the story is timeless and beautiful, and the perfect scene to lose yourself in when reality just isn’t good enough – JORDAN HARRINGTON

Edgy and full of sexual innuendo, this novel about how 16-year-old loner Evie’s world changes after telling one seemingly small lie, is absolutely fantastic. Her former childhood friend, Zabet, has been murdered and Evie sets off with Zabet’s best friend Hadley to discover the murderer. This book doesn’t just stick to the usual murder investigation. It is in a genre all of its own, stuck between thriller and coming-of-age, as the two new friends struggle to come to grips with the world and themselves. The book is written as a stream-of-consciousness narration by Evie, so the language is unusual but attention-grabbing. Katie Williams holds you right through to the end, and in the closing chapters it’s hard to put the book down. The end is somewhat surprising and abandons any clichés, subverting the usual ‘discovery of a murderer’ ending to emphasise that this isn’t the point, rather it is to confront the challenging circumstances which often pop up in teenage life. Although its target market is teen fiction, it would appeal to a wide audience from teen to adult. The story stays stuck in your head for days after reading it. Highly recommended – ZANE POCOCK

Tearaway’s Gaming Guru Ian Knott reviews the latest games - it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it!

Mafia II (Xbox 360) Developer: 2K Czech Rated: R18 Also available on: PC, PS3 From the excellent original PC gam e to its horrific release on Xbox, the Mafi a series has seen both the highs and lowe st of lows. The long awaited sequel has arrived and for the most part is a worthy follo w-up. The game begins with your characte r Vito Scaletta getting caught for a pett y crime and given the choice, in lieu of jail time, to join the US Military in Sicil y during WWII. During combat (the first leve l of the game) Vito gets knocked unconsc ious and sent back home to Empire Bay for some R&R. While there he hooks up with his old pal Joe who is trying to make a name for himself in the Mafia. Joe arrange s for a fake medical report that excu ses Vito from returning to military serv ice and introduces him to some influ ential characters that show Vito that join ing the ‘family’ is the only way to get ahe ad. While some may have been expecti ng a sandbox game in the vein of GTA or The Saboteur, but Mafia II, despite havi ng a decent-sized city to play in, isn’t by any means a sandbox title. The stor y is mission based, fairly linear and stra ying from the mission at hand is definite ly frowned upon. However you do get chances to supplement your inco me by extorting store owners or just stra ight out

stealing their cash register. Sadly though this extra cash is essentially cosm etic as it can only be used for buying new clothes, items from vending machines, food , and fixing or modifying vehicles. It wou ld have been brilliant if there had been som e kind of real-time economy running thro ughout the game as EA’s The Godfather did. Hand to hand combat in the gam e is one of the standout features – it’s cine matic in presentation yet very simple to exec ute. Pressing A causes Vito to sway bac kward and avoid being hit, B throws som e light punches while Y lets loose with some haymaker combos. When you r foe is almost defeated, pressing B when prompted has Vito perform some classy finishing moves. The weapon combat and cover syst em is also a polished affair with Vito being able to slide into cover and pick off the enemies form there. The enemy AI isn’t terribly smart and they usually cho ose to pick a spot and just duck out occa sionally for some pot-shots. They’re easy pickings for most of the game but if they land about half a dozen hits on you then it’s curtains unless you can take cove r long enough for your health to regenera te. The other main variation to gamepla y is the driving model. There are som e amazing period cars scat tered arou nd Empire City and you can drive all of them. You’ll need vehicles a lot for gett ing across town in a hurr y or stealing them to order. Your cars do take damage and


you can also run out of petrol so making regular visits to the mechanic and gas station is essential – unless you just ‘acquire’ a new vehicle of course. As you rise though the family rank s, a fantastic stor y unfolds which will, without giving too much away, undoubtedl y be somewhat extended and have all the loose ends tied up in the upcomi ng downloadable content. All in all, Mafia II could have been a lot more, yet it’s under no illusions abo ut exac tly the game it wants to be. It’s linear but allows you a little bit of leeway on occasion. It holds your hand yet lets you believe you’re forging your own path through the game. The graphics are stunning (althoug h the PS3 release suffers considerably from a clumsy conversion), the soundtra ck as iss good as you’ll get in any game, and the stor yline enthralling enough to play the game through to the end. Having said that, and with the game being sing leplayer only, there is absolutely no reason to pick up the game and play thro ugh it again unless you’re hell-bent on gett ing that 100% collectables achievem ent.

RAPID FIRE Pearl Harbor Trilogy 1941: Red Sun Rising From: Legendo For: Wii (WiiWare) As any Wii owner will testify – any game that comes close to the visuals of the Xbox 360 or PS3 must be sacrificing something important in another area of gameplay. This somewhat rings true in Pearl Harbor 1942: Red Sun Rising with the heavy use of mist to mask an awful draw distance and horrid pop-ups. But to be fair that doesn’t detract from the rest of the game which looks and plays very well indeed.

SingStar Chart Hits From: Sony London Studios For: PS3 The latest in the SingStar series to hit a microphone near you is SingStar Chart Hits. Many of the 30 tracks included are indeed Chart hits from the last 5 years, a couple from way back in the day and a handful that never even made it into the New Zealand charts at all.

You get to play as either the US Marine Airforce or Japanese Imperial Airforce and have a choice of 2 planes for each (with 1 more unlockable). There are three gameplay modes including campaign, a challengetype mode and free-roaming.

Standouts (in terms of an enjoyable singing experience goes) include songs from The Pussycat Dolls, Lady Gaga, 3OH!3, La Roux, OneRepublic, The Living End and Guy Sebastian & Jordin Sparks. Then there are the random inclusions such as Wes Carr, Katie Miller Heidke, The Last Goodnight and Vitamin C.

This downloadable WiiWare title is available for a measly 700 Wii Points or about $10. That’s fantastic value for money as this game is no push-over, in fact it had me conceding defeat about halfway through it.

Perhaps best of all though is the delicious irony in the inclusion of Milli Vanilli’s Blame It On The Rain and the fact that you can sing along to a song that they never actually sang in the first place.

Limbo From: PlayDead For: Xbox Live Arcade This 2D puzzle platformer is designed in film noir style and has you controlling a young boy who, with no explanation whatsoever, wakes up in a forest. All you know is that you can only go one way in the hope that more will be revealed along the way. You can walk, jump, climb, push and pull your way through this world where you’ll be presented with various puzzle elements sometimes involving inanimate objects and others involving giant spiders or other beings. With no flashy graphics (there’s barely any colour at all), no dramatic musical scores, no frenetic action, no dialogue, no backstory, no tutorial and hardly any sound effects, Limbo still manages to be engaging yet relaxing, beautiful yet uneasy, stupidly simple yet mind-numbingly frustrating. Is Limbo a game, or an interactive piece of art? Whichever you decide, one thing’s certain – it’s pure genius.

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 (Xbox 360) From: Ubisoft Also on: PC, PS3, Wii Based in the “very near future” world of several Tom Clancy games, H.A.W.X. 2 definitely improves on last year’s lacklustre yawn-fest. Early stages of the game prove to be a promising showcase as the often confusing plot is revealed. Cutscenes drift in and out of regular gameplay seamlessly and you’re lulled into a false sense of wonderment. Before the game reverts to its true flying combat roots and becomes a “fly to waypoint, kill some enemies”, ‘wash’ rinse and repeat affair. Which is an inevitable shame, but nevertheless H.A.W.X. 2 has plenty of ‘improvements’, subtle variety, new settings, stunning visuals and frantic action to keep most flight combat fans happy. Tom Clancy fans will most likely turn their noses up at H.A.W.X. 2 but they can be a fickle bunch at the best of times. www.tearaway.net.nz {37}




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{38} Tearaway SEPTEMBER 2010

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