Been Seen
More than 30 organisations signed the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter at a Worksafe event at the Rydges Christchurch, where draft results of the first round of the self-awareness tool were released. WorkSafe New Zealand Chair, Gregor Coster and Council of Trade Unions President, Helen Kelly also spoke briefly about the safety charter.
1. Richard Jack (Southbase), Slawn Cunningham, Quin Henderson 2. Aaron Levack (Worksafe NZ), Kevin Oldham (Navigatus), Clive Anderson (Golder Associates) 1
3. Penni Hlaca (Randstad NZ), Rob Sloan (Jennian Homes), Mark Tinning (Graham Hill Roofing) 4. Mark Frame (Frame Contracting), Mark Idiens (Hazard Co) 5. Mike Toxopeus (Bridon Cookes), Professor Gregor Coster, Neale Kendall (Acrow Ltd) 6. Derek Wood, TomBretherton (Envivo)
At Canterbury Today, we would like to express our thanks for the support that the advertisers have shown in this supplement and their commitment to a safe rebuild of Canterbury.
(MBIE) EDITORIAL: Kate Wright DESIGN: Sarah Betman PRINTING: Guardian Print
Strong support for health and safety changes Employers overwhelmingly support law changes to improve our health and safety record, according to the Employers and Manufacturers Association Annual Employment Round-Up Survey. EMA employment services manager David Lowe says “Employers are fully on board that changes are required to our health and safety laws. Seventy nine percent of the survey supported a change to health and safety legislation,” he says. “Employers are taking a keen interest in the changes proposed… this is excellent given the early stages of the reform process. “On trial periods we can now state categorically they are responsible for creating jobs, and people are being hired who otherwise would still be unemployed. “Employers plainly support them strongly. The evidence is clear the job opportunities are especially benefiting are young people and those with limited skills or chequered histories. “Employers confirmed they expect to take on more staff this year. Sixty percent reported taking on more people in 2013 with 66 percent expecting their businesses to grow further this year.
“But there is work to do to ensure the right skills for the future are available. Over half of respondents (55 percent) believe there is already a skills shortage, or soon will be, though just 57 percent of this group have a plan to deal with it. “Topping the list of the most helpful changes a future Government could make to assist the employment environment was the desire to be able to have an honest conversation with an employee about a workplace problem, without the threat of a personal grievance and a drawn out and convoluted process hanging over them. “But close on the heels of that was the challenge to our education system to deliver young people with work ready skills and good abilities in the 3 R’s, along with the apprenticeship system. “The third biggest issue was the way immigration is managed. For example, businesses are concerned that once they have identified and recruited new skilled migrants they can find their new staff have their visa renewals declined after only a short time in the workplace. “Long standing issues raised that are still proving too hard, though a series of governments have tried, were the Holidays Act, the effect on business and jobs of an anti-business approach pursued by some union factions, drugs in the workplace, and tax compliance.
T H E R E B U I L D S A F E T Y & T R A D E S U P P L E M E N T– A P R I L 2 0 1 4
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 47B Birmingham Drive, Middleton, PO Box 1879, Christchurch, New Zealand POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1879, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140 PHONE: +64 3 961 5050 | FAX: 0800 555 054 (New Zealand only) +64 3 961 5112 (International)
Creating safer work sites What does excellence in health and safety in construction look like? Well part of it is the mapping of best practice leadership and this is exactly what has occurred with the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter – its signatories have committed themselves to safer work site futures. The Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter’s vision for the rebuild is to demonstrate leadership and create a legacy to be proud of – and Site Safe NZ Inc is assisting with that. Site Safe is embarking on a health and safety leadership project with the Charter’s Leadership Working Group. The project, funded by Worksafe NZ, will map out best practice leadership in the Canterbury Rebuild - developing case studies around what is happening and make recommendations to assist the Charter signatories to improve their safety leadership. This project will build on work already undertaken to rebuild Canterbury safely. One of those is ‘AppCon – the health and safety pre-qualification tool’. AppCon enables a way to visibly and jointly set minimum standards of health and safety requirements for those working in the rebuild and to provide co-ordination.
Rilean Canterbury measuring a new site for health and safety fences
With so much work going on, and so much collaboration – it’s an exciting time to see how high the bar can be raised on health and safety in construction. Site Safe NZ Inc is a not for profit, membership based, health and safety in construction excellence organisation that officially endorses the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter.
Who is Site Safe NZ? Site Safe NZ is an industry-wide organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of health and safety to prevent deaths and injuries across New Zealand’s construction and related industries. It has an extensive network through its membership, partnerships, industry groups, and nationwide team of health, safety and environmental advisors.
the culture of health and safety in the New Zealand construction industry.
The mission Site Safe supports, promotes and inspires a culture of health and safety in New Zealand construction.
The vision Construction – Proud to be Safe
What does Site Safe do? Its origins are in the construction sector and its roots are in health and safety. The organisation exists to provide best practice safety leadership, behaviour and systems to support a positive change to
Safety Charter gets the thumbs up The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, Te Kauae Kaimahi, has endorsed the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter. “We see this as a useful mechanism to ensure that the voices of workers are integrated thoroughly in the rebuild process,” the organisation says. Workers in Christchurch voted to support the CTU’s endorsement and are keen to ensure that their workplace experience and knowledge is maximised. The front line of construction is full of risk and these workers have critical and crucial experience which can add tremendous value to the rebuild. “We are pleased that the leadership of workers will play such an important role. “These workers know that things like hours of work are significant when considering health and safety, but so
is the importance of earning a decent liveable wage.” The construction industry is high risk and has an unacceptable record of accidents and this must change, says the CTU, citing that it is necessary that all possible steps are taken to combat harm. Health and safety is not something optional, it is paramount and fundamental. Anything and everything that can be done to prevent just one accident at work is action worth taking. The CTU believes that the Canterbury rebuild is an exciting opportunity to lead both New Zealand and the world in ensuring that the health and safety of workers is taken with utmost seriousness and commitment.
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Competitors unite for safe rebuild With safety top of their minds, a multitude of organisations from the Safety Charter Group who have a significant stake in the rebuild have undergone a review of their safety processes. It’s a ground breaking partnership - construction, insurance, central and local government leaders have either signed or endorsed a safety charter to help keep everyone working on the Canterbury rebuild safe. There are now in excess of 100 signatories, many of whom are competitors, who have all committed to 10 Charter actions (which are listed on page 7), to create a consistent and collective approach to health and safety on all rebuild worksites. The Charter was developed by the Canterbury Rebuild Senior Leaders’ Group, which was formed late in 2012. There are three working groups reporting to the Steering Group, each with significant work plans underway.
Positive steps forward Signatories to the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter have completed a self-awareness tool, measuring their performance against the Charter’s 10 actions. The preliminary results show many organisations report that they are generally meeting the Charter actions in areas such as providing PPE, reporting and site safety risks, but that they need more support with fatigue management and health monitoring.
“This is the first time we’ve been able to see where our signatories are doing well, and where they need tools and support to help them meet the Charter’s 10 actions,” says Chairman of the Charter Steering Group, Graham Darlow. “It’s a unique process in that we’re asking these organisations to provide their own, in some cases confidential, data to ensure that as an industry we’re on track to rebuild Canterbury safely,” he says. The tool asks signatories a series of questions based on the 10 actions and asks for practical examples. It is the first step in a package of measurement tools being developed for signatories. Results are displayed in an aggregate, so each organisation will be able to measure how they’re doing against their peers, without disclosing particular information. “If we are to lift safety performance across the rebuild, we need to be able to target our resources and support to the areas it’s most needed. This tool helps with that,” Darlow says.
Rebuild Safety Charter continues to grow Recently a further 32 organisations, including the Council of Trade Unions and WorkSafe New Zealand, signed the Charter, following on from its launch in July 2013. “We now have more than 90 signatories and endorsees to the Charter which is excellent progress,” he says. “Over time these new signatories will also complete the tool, adding to the preliminary aggregated results released recently. “Work is also underway to develop a peer-assessment tool for release later in the year.”
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Leaders make a public commitment when they sign the Charter. They’re expected to hold themselves, and the people who work for them, to account for implementing the Charter. Who has signed up to the Charter? The Charter has beensigned by all six project management offices, major construction companies including group builders, key insurers, recruitment companies and central and local government. It is also endorsed by a wide range of industry organisations including industry associations and training bodies. Why is the Charter needed?
What is the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter? The Charter is an agreement on health and safety between the leaders of a number of government organisations and companies leading the rebuild. The Charter includes a vision, 10 aspirational commitments and detailed actions designed to meet those commitments. What does the Charter seek to achieve? The Charter will help us to raise our standards of safety across the rebuild. In doing so, it will help prevent people working on the rebuild from being killed, seriously injured or suffering life changing work-related illnesses.
The Charter will set the standards for a consistent and collective approach to health and safety on Canterbury worksites. Everyone will know what’s expected of them, and what they have to do to keep themselves and others safe. By reducing the rate of injury and illness the Charter also supports an efficient and successful rebuild. What do leaders commit to when they sign the Charter? By signing up, leaders agree that they and their organisations will implement the Charter’s actions. They also give their backing to the Charter’s vision and commitments.
If we don’t act it’s estimated that on past performance, one to two construction workers may die each year on the rebuild and many will be seriously injured or will suffer a life-changing work-related illness. This could cost more than $80 million in ACC costs and 600,000 hours in lost time – putting an unacceptable time and cost pressure on the rebuild. Injury statistics already show a worrying rise in injury rates in Christchurch. In early 2013 Christchurch accounted for about a quarter of the serious injuries reported by New Zealand’s construction industry, up from about 11 percent two years ago. What do organisations get when they sign up? They can download posters and brochures about the Charter to use in their workplace. They will also receive a poster-sized copy of the Charter, for their leader to sign and
display at work. The names of all companies signed up to the Charter will be displayed on the Charter website. How can other people sign up to the Charter? For general information visit: Leaders wanting to sign or endorse the Charter should contact:
Industry leaders in providing safe and healthy environments for all in the workplace
COMMITTED TO THE SAFE REBUILD OF CANTERBURY Pleased to be a signatory of the Safety Charter
22 Baigent Way, Middleton, Christchurch Ph. 03 338 1048 Fax: 03 338 1014 0800 SCAFFOLD (0800 722 336)
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T H E R E B U I L D S A F E T Y & T R A D E S U P P L E M E N T– A P R I L 2 0 1 4
Unsafe use of site vehicles comes under the spotlight With nearly 40 percent of construction deaths related to mobile plant accidents, WorkSafe New Zealand got in front of more than 250 rebuild workers at a WorkSafe breakfast to raise awareness about the hazards. The presenters at the breakfast from Roading New Zealand, Downer, Fulton Hogan and WorkSafe New Zealand, focussed on helping construction workers understand the risks involved with working alongside moving machinery and vehicles on site, also known as mobile plant.
New Zealand showing the good, the bad and the ugly.
“Our inspectors are starting a series of planned assessments on sites across the rebuild focussing on the issue of mobile plant,” says WorkSafe New Zealand’s Canterbury Rebuild Health and Safety programme director Kathryn Heiler.
Statistics show that between April 1, 2008 and March 31, 2013, 38 percent of the deaths in the construction industry were related to mobile plant.
“The two hour breakfast session was an opportunity to hear from the industry about the issues they’re facing, to share lessons from past incidents and to look at international best practice,” she says. “It was also a chance for WorkSafe New Zealand to share some insights from its recent mobile plant assessments across
“With construction activity in the rebuild due to peak later this year, we cannot afford to be complacent about the hazards from mobile plant. We all have a role to play; industry, workers and the regulator.”
WorkSafe New Zealand has also released two factsheets on mobile plant safety – one on traffic management and the other on hazards involving quick hitches. “These factsheets will be useful to all those working on sites where mobile plant is present. They provide clear guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the plant operator, the site supervisor and other workers,” Heiler says.
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With construction activity in the rebuild due to peak later this year, we cannot afford to be complacent about the hazards from mobile plant. We all have a role to play; industry, workers and the regulator
The 10 Charter Commitments To achieve our vision of a safe rebuild we're committed to the following:
Our leaders demonstrate a visible commitment to health and safety.
We have systems in place to encourage and support worker engagement in health and safety.
All critical risk activities are identified, managed and mitigated.
We implement and monitor site-specific safety plans.
We have robust, proactive and accurate health and safety reporting.
All our workers receive health and safety training.
Everyone is made aware of hazards so they an look after themselves and keep others safe.
PPE is worn at all times by everyone.
The safety of our people isn't compromised by anyone under the infulence of drugs, alcohol or fatigue.
- No exceptions - No excuses.
We actively promote the health, safety and wellbeing of our people
With 60yrs of industry experience, we know the importance and value of healthy and safe work practices to our business. That’s why we commit to industry recognized Health and Safety regimes that are robust and deliver on the promise of providing the best work place practices and environment for the benefit of all.
Contact us today for a FREE QUOTE Phone 0800 555 025 Email
Christchurch 19 Saxon Street, Phone 03 379 8861,
T H E R E B U I L D S A F E T Y & T R A D E S U P P L E M E N T– A P R I L 2 0 1 4
CAN A TABLET SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY? A Christchurch company has developed a tablet based site mangement system that is designed to take the worry, time and paper out of the paperwork, while helping make the workplace OSH compliant. VisTab allows you to manage your sites at anytime from anywhere.
VisTab is an online management system - it replaces paper, saves time, saves double entries, transmits information immediately and can provide a very cost effective OSH and security solution. From as little as $7.00 a day (plus gst) VisTab can provide your organisation with a range of solutions tailored to your businesses individual needs. It could be just a simple sign in/sign out tablet on the front desk to a comprehensive procedure that replaces a pile of manuals and a series of clip boards. The immediacy of accurate information at your head office can mean decisions can be made on data that is only minutes old, not days to weeks.
Can the tablets run a full Hazard and Health and Safety reporting system? - Yes, we can put customised section onto the tablet that can included the full manuals for your own Health and Safety policy, as well as running your own reports that can be emailed directly from the tablet.
At VisTab they are there to help making running your business easier and more efficient for you, so you can save time and money. If you want to know if VisTab can help you, just call them today.
Can we run reports from the VisTab system? - Yes, from the VisTab back end you can run your own reports, including photos.
Whether you’re a one man band or a multi national organisation with a fleet of vehicles like some of VisTab’s clients, there’s a high likelihood that VisTab can help reduce your costs and increase your productivity. The cost efficiency and technology offered by VisTab is not available elsewhere in New Zealand.
VISTAB FUNCTIONALITY Induction - Able to provide a digital induction, displaying information, then collecting input or questioning the user before they can be inducted and allowed to enter the site. Site management tools - Any paper documents on site can be replaced with a digital equivalent, which can be edited remotely and instantly to reflect site changes. Documents can be edited on site or back at the office to ensure a digital version is always available and filed in an easy to access system. Photos - The system is able to take photos so contractors needing to document progress, variances, hazards or other issues can capture these digitally (sketch/edit on tablet as well) and have them available instantly the world over through the VisTab system. Accident / Near miss forms - We offer forms for accidents / near misses, meaning you are able to run reports on these without any double handling. They are always available and easily searchable, as well as easier to fill in on the tablet with accuracy, speed and reliability. Permit Management - Able to manage work permits through an intuitive touchable form on a site by site basis, mirroring to the website giving instant, world wide access to who is currently working on what on each site. Site Audits / Inspections - Able to do a digital inspection of the site, with rating systems for each task, through an easy to use, touchable form on the tablet, including notes and photos of each area. Able to generate weighted scores and all easily searchable through the VisTab web portal. Other forms - Able to generate touchable forms from any existing document for use on the tablet, generating company specific data depending on the requirement from each client.
Can you have any Health & Safety messages displayed on the tablet? - Yes you can; you can update or change these as required, or as legislation changes.
Can you use the tablet system to time manage our staff? - Yes, as any point you know where a staff member or contractor is on any of your different sites. Can I view documents on the tablet, eg a PDF? - Yes, you can do this from our easy to use web interface. Can we change any questions at any given time? - Yes, these can be changed from any internet connected PC, tablet, phone or laptop from anywhere in the world. How long does the battery last if it is disconnected from the power? - The battery can last up to 10 hours; more than enough time for you to get any information you may require in case of an emergency. You can also purchase car power adaptors from VisTab. How secure is the data on the tablet? - Very secure, the tablet is password protected and all data is transferred over a secure SSL connection, backed by 256-bit AES encyrption. Can the tablet be secured to anything? - Yes, we use a ClickSafe Lock System-this anchors easily to any fixed structure. Can you have multiple tablets in one building? - Yes, this means you can sign in on one, and sign out on another from different entry and exit points throughout the building or site.
0800 VISTAB (0800 847 822)