刘勃麟 光和眼睛的距离
刘勃麟 光和眼睛的距离
刘勃麟 光和眼睛的距离 God said, Let there be light: and there was light.——Bible
我的新的个展题目叫做《光和眼睛的距离》,新的作品里在探讨什么 是真实?在国家权力虚拟化的时代,作为个体在讨论在我们眼睛看到 的东西,什么是真实的命题? 在新的作品里我将用黑客技术把自己的隐身的作品《光和眼睛的距 离》替换掉原有的图片,在一般的观展方式就是打开浏览的网页,在 各个国家政府的网站上观看我的作品。而我的作品也是把本来就有的 照片拿下来,把自己隐身进去,身体依然看不清,看得清楚的只有手 里拿着的一盏灯光。
图像的权力属性的思考和重构 图像的权力是图片属性之一。图像中存在权力,而图像的权力都 来自外部世界的所有信息。 图像具有巫术的功能,所以更加接近原点和本质,所以从这个角 度讲,照片会让人更迷乱自己的本真状态。哪个才是真的?哪个图像 才是自己?哪个最后这个自己认为是自己的这个真的是自己吗?类似 的询问一直贯穿在图像本身的发展当中。 就像在巫术中的图像是具有和图像差不多的功能性一样,我们的图像 真的可以有精神性或者灵魂性探讨的可能,当然我说的图像是广义上 的图像,图像的阶级性,就像文艺复兴时期的形象由神到人到从贵族 到平民,有一个很长的百年的思想的积累对图像的阶级性有一个逐步
演化的过程,而我们的道教、儒教都是把神性的图像摆在一定位置, 而没有逐步走下神坛的时间,让我们在内心把阶级性的图像认清,这 是东方和西方完全不同的宗教和哲学系统造成的。 其实我们都没有感觉和意识到,图像对于我们生活的意义,图像对于 人类的意义仅仅是在开始,图像的基础是人类更多的个性表述的欲 求。数字化、虚拟化的时代将为人类的本质的需求提供更多的素材, 让人类的存在更受到质疑,对于什么是真的的追问,更加扑朔迷离。 图像背后都会有一个深深的主题或者说是问号,都是带着对人类灵魂 或者精神来源的探索的询问。我改变图片成为我的作品,这是在挑战 具有了权力的图片,试图在图像之间的发动一场战争的游戏。
在网络时代语境下的针对国家权力虚拟化的思考,图像游戏是利用黑 客技术对互联网上的虚拟权威国家政治游戏的消解。 对于网络时代下的国家和个人的关系的质疑和尝试,我重新思考,个 人、国家、安全等的词汇的价值和意义,骇客在艺术作品中充当了技 术支持的作用,设有网络后台的破解技术,就不会有作品的产生,所 以网络骇客技术应该是艺术作品里很大的艺术语言可能,是这作品的 核心,是属于网络的行为艺术 任何的研究都是为了总结和更好地指导现实的思考和解决现实的问 题。 个人对虚拟以及现实世界的宣战,艺术家个体的精神是唯一支持这场 游戏在虚拟世界和现实世界里传递可能。
互联网时代国家和个人维系的方式是什么?我们否定了什么?我们的 对手是谁?我们又将要被什么否认?未来一段时间人类的灵魂将接受 一系列拷问。 但无论怎么样网络改变了人类的交流方式和信息获取方式,是新的世 界的引入级的开始,网络数据时代为人类的改变准备着条件, 克隆、照片、电话、汽车、计算机、我们的照片、视频 意识在瞬间 就可以从地球的一端传到另一端,现在的邮件和互联网技术,完全做 到了用意念来传递信息。这一切似乎在预示着什么,似乎在等待着什 么。当看到意大利人在尝试首例换头手术的时候,我猛然意识到他们 在等待现代生物以及现代医学。
人类一直在尝试解决的信息传递贯穿了整个人类发展史,而现在的生 物克隆,基因技术,图像信息的传递,互联网技术,以及现代医学里 的器官移植都在说明一个方向:我们人类的传统的哲学、伦理、法制 以及人的定义都在面临一个新的前所未有的挑战。我们在未来将要遭 遇人类历史上的一次新的可能,我仿佛感觉到我们都是在为了传递人 类身体做准备,,人类在试图去证明自己就是上帝,人类在试图成为 自己的主宰者。 由于意念的传递,我们照片已经完全做到了信息的传递,而我们会为 以后的灵魂的瞬间传递做了准备,所以,未来宗教、艺术、哲学将 会消失,因为每个人都可以成为上帝来创造和掌握创造的可能,人类 需要更为稳定的大脑和对命运的接受状态。为了这个技术的可能,我 们将用更长的时间来印证我们人类的本性是否还能适应人类科技的发 展。 互联网时代,国家正在消失,人类原有的欲望正成为新的统治者。
在互联网提供了艺术可能的时候,疯狂就是艺术! 艺术与人有关,艺术和人类内心的纠结连接在一起,对于现实世界, 我们只有敬畏和思考。疯狂只是一种表达方式。当疯狂就是艺术的时 候,所有的形式都将消失。 艺术家不仅仅只能和现实世界的强劲对手互动,虚拟世界提供了更宽 的舞台。 艺术不应该是回味,艺术应该是预言和挑战,艺术是上帝赋予人类的 挑战的工具,艺术不是有关政治而是心怀全人类的未来。
人类处于一个被自己的欲望和国家游戏挟持的境地,艺术有时候会显 得无能为力,但针对于人类的灵魂和精神的未来艺术却是无所不能。 在现实的世界里每个人都是未来空间的黑客。因为每个人都能改变未 来。 刘勃麟 2015/04/30北京
LIU BOLIN THE DISTANCE TO THE EYES God said, Let there be light: and there was light.——Bible
“With this new step I am no longer the “Invisible Man”, I am more an art whistleblower trying to raise the awareness of people about the power of images”, adds Liu Bolin. By hacking institutional websites and changing one of their images Liu Bolin wishes to reflect upon the internet era and where the real power lays. The series is like a performance inside the worldwide web. Internet changes the way people communicate and how they get the information. It is the beginning of a new world, says Liu Bolin, the “Network Age” will have the humans change. Digital imagery, computer science, cloning, lead us to a new set of rules, a new ethical but also a new way of thinking. In opposition to our traditional philosophy, people are now facing a new challenge in terms of ethics and legal values. It is a dive into the unknown. For Liu Bolin, Art is not made to be a contemplation of the past. Art should be able to make predictions and face the modern challenges. Rather than being about politics it is concerned about the future of mankind.
Liu Bolin adds : “There is always a deeper meaning to an image, it questions the human soul and spirit. In this new series I challenge the power of the images changing the original ones. It is an attempt to start a war against the images. In the internet era, nations are disappearing; human desire and imagination are becoming the new rulers. Artists do not only fight their opponent in the real world. The virtual space provides an even bigger stage for those combats. As an eye opener art can free the human soul and spirit in the future. Today hackers act as artists in the sense that whistleblowers are also concerned with the clash between the so called virtual space and reality. In the future, everyone with a conscience will become a whistleblower, because everyone can change the future.� Liu Bolin is part of this generation of Chinese artists who are very sensitive to political, economic, social and environmental transformations of their country. With his series "Hiding in the City", started in 2005, he became a national and international symbol, sometimes admired, sometimes controversial. From this period he is still working on this approach and he brushes himself from head to feet with the aim to hide himself in various places. Each time he chooses supermarkets, historical monuments or jewels of architecture which become symbols of the contemporary society. His works, between "photography and performance" according to art critic Philippe Dagen, reveals the delicate balance of our modern world.
In this exhibition, Liu Bolin continues his own thinking on the evolution of the society and gives us a look particularly relevant on the contemporaneity. Here he links himself to the cultural and pictorial Chinese tradition hiding sometimes in a portrait of Mao, sometimes in front of an iconic gate of the Forbidden City. Through his photographs, Liu Bolin raises the question of the place of the individual in our contemporary society. He suggests to the viewer some key issues: what is the place of the body in the current social environment, how to merge or, otherwise, stand out in such or such other socio-cultural landscape? He also says "my clairvoyance prevents me to be happy and as an artist, my only way to express my feelings is to reveal them in my work and try to use them to wake up everyone around me." Nowadays recognized all over the world as one of the most famous photographers of his generation; Liu Bolin doesn’t lack of daring. This exhibition is an opportunity to discover all the talent of this great artist, from historical works to his most recent pieces.
The website before
The website after
Next Page : Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 1 (Hacked website : Sea Shepherd, Australia)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
The website before
The website after
Next Page : Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 2 (Hacked website : CentQuatre, France)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
The website before
The website after
Next Page : Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 3 (Hacked website : Sea Shepherd, France)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
The website before
The website after
Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 4 (Hacked website : MusĂŠe des Suisses dans le monde, Swtzerland)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
The website before
The website after
Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 5 (Hacked website : AssemblĂŠe Nationale, France)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
The website before
The website after
Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 6 (Hacked website : Volklinger Hutte, UNESCO Site, Germany)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 7 (Hacked website : Sophal Phamaceiticals, Algeria)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 0 (Hacked website : Mairie de Paris 13ème, Paris 13 City Hall, France)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015
Next Page : Liu Bolin The Distance to the Eyes 8 (Hacked website : French Embassy, United Kingdom)
Photography, 100x150 cm Unique size, ed. /10 2015