Design Studio First part

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Design Studio 6

Professor Maria Jose Marcos

Interview about my own knowledge by Lew Kyunghyun

interviews Lew Kyunghyun interviewer Cha JIuen

WRITE HERE ON CAPITAL,BETWEEN dots ASPECTS YOU HAVE LEARNT DURING THE INTERVIEW EXAMPLES.TOOLS.WHATiLIKE.WHATiWANTtobe. Where are you from? I m from Seoul, Republic of Korea. Where are you living during the Academic year? I m living in Bangbae-dong, Seoul. Which city would love to live in? I want to live in Chicago. Which is your hobby? I have several hobbies. Making models such as airplanes, warships. Driving and fix or tunning my car. Take a trip and take some pictures, and also fix my camera. Riding bicycle.

Which are the two building you considered as best architecture project in Korea and why? Casa del agua. I m so impress about the detail and lights. Glass House. I like a building looks like bridge of a ship. Which are the two building you considered as a best architecture project in the World and why? ST. Sophia. I love the shape of it and it s huge and high roof space with lights. Walt diseny hall. I love the shape of it.

Which is your lever of English? Middle. I m not good at English.

Which is the best project you have designed in your previous years? Tetris house, I did it at second grade.

Which are your two favorite architects in Korea and why? None. But I believe wonderful korean architect will show up soon.

Which is the best strategy you to design you have learnt in your previous years? Think the human. Just it. All my strategy is from it.

Which are your two favorite architects in the world and why? Yona Friedman. He is the origin of Metabolism and plug in architects, and his work is one of the ultimate future flexible architecture in the word. Frak Gery. He makes a sculpture and put programs in it.

What is your favorite tool to design and Why? My hand and knife. I can use 3d tools, but it has more boundaries then my hand. Why do you want to be an architect? Or what is the best to be an architect? I m happy when i m designing the architecture. That s the reason why i m still learning th architecture.

Postproduction use FANCY PLACE IS KEY OF RENOVATING Mixed-use building 01# Wapping project was a facility to send water to power station. The pump was powerd by coal. As time passes, wapping facility curtail itÂ’s operation. In 1977, Wapping facility ďŹ nally stopped. This facility was abandoned for 23 years. In 2000, Wapping facility was renovated as cultural center has gallery, cafe, restaurant, and bookstore.

Wapping project, London. United Kingdom Jules Wright. 2000

Postproduction use TRANSPORT THE ART Mixed-use building 02# Promenade plantee was a abandoned railway renovated to park and retails. Ther is a park and trails on the top, and retails are under the deck. This is successful case about renovate abandoned railway, “The High Line project” refered this case.

Promenade plantee, Paris, France Philippe Mathieux & Jacques Vergely. 1995

Postproduction use WHAT PEOPLE NEEDED Mixed-use building 03# 798 art district was weapon factories designed by German and Soviet engineers. In 1950s, factories are shut downed, and Chinese government decided to build apartments in this area. But artists and citizens in Beijing are opposed to government and renovate this abandoned area. Finally this area become meca of artists, so government gived up to build apartments.

Art district 798 , Beijing, China. Beijing Citizens, 2006


Mixed used

CLEAR PROCESS Mixed-use building 04# Bryghusgrunden is just a plan by OMA. Designing this building, ďŹ rst modify the ground for pedestrians. Second, measure the size of each programs. And put all programs on the ground. This can be a basic of making a mixed use building.

Bryghusgurnden. Copenaghen, Denmark Rem Koolhas, 2006


Mixed used

EXISTING THINGS Mixed-use building 05#

IIT student center was designed by OMA. Rem think about the existing thinsgs, such as railway and students. Rem researched the route of students, and place the masses to avoid the route. And cover the railways to make noise reduced.

IIT Student Center, Chicago, Illinois Rem koolhas 1997


Mixed used

VARIATION OF PROGRAMS Mixed-use building 06# The harvest tower is self-sufficient building. Put animals such as cows, pigs, fishs and raise them. Generate by aerogenerator . The products are sell at lower level, where is directly linked to subway.

Harvest tower, Vencouver, Canada Architect or office Name. Year building

Future flexibility

EASY WAY HARD RESULT Mixed-use building 07# Millineum dom is designed as empty space for every programs. But this has too big space to put programs. England government hard to pay lots of budget to maintain this facility. They consider to blow up this facility, fortunatly american business man take over it.

Millenium Dome, London, United Kingdom Richard Rogers. 1999

Future flexibility

DREAM BECOME TURE FOR A SEC Mixed-use building 08# Metastadt is a prefab system to make exible housing and retails. This structure can grow if users needed. This system shows in real but soon destructed because the technical skills to make prefab structures accurately. This occurs problems to not only hard to assemble but also hard to grow. The prototype was demolished at 1980s.

Metastadt Richard Dietrich

Future flexibility

NOW IT’S UP TO YOU! Mixed-use building 09# Yona s space city was a fresh idea to solve the problems of modern cities. Use the megastructures which can contains selfassembly housings and offices. This idea influenced to Metabolism, plug in city, also Metastadt.

La ville Spatiale Yona Friedman. 1957



Research by LEW KYUNGHYUN BRIEF INTRODUCING THE BUILDIGN. What do you the most important virtue that mixed use buildings must have? I think the flexible plans are the most important. If the mixed use building can t satisfy the new users, the building will be destructed by new users and replace by new building. If the new building do this again, that s really wasteful. Now I bring the case which suggest the solution of this problem. Sure there will be some problems or negative aspects about this project, but we have to admit that the La ville spatiale is the first and original solution.

Why personal freedom? LA VILLE SPATIALE Historical background - WW2 was last scream of rationalism. After WW2 people attach importance to personal freedom.

No place for NEW ONE LA VILLE SPATIALE In this historical back ground, architects are try to make a new exible building, but most of cities are full of existing old buildings which have to save.

The Solution LA VILLE SPATIALE Yona suggest megatructure can contain selfassembly housing and ofďŹ ces. this can solve the problem of preserve the existing city and satisfy the personal freedom.

Preseving LA VILLE SPATIALE This diagram shows the thinking- Preseving the existing urban structure.

What do you need? LA VILLE SPATIALE This cartoon shows the thinking that programs in La ville spatiale. ThereÂ’s no selected programs by architects. This will select by users.

Program Trading LA VILLE SPATIALE To solve the sturcuture problem, yona suggest the program prading. Put light weight programs in the megastructure, and leave the heavy programs on the ground.

Can build Anywhere? LA VILLE SPATIALE This model shows what I already explained 1. future exible 2. preserve existing urban structure

UnblockING Diagram

Unblocking Diagram Comparing Possibility by Lew Kyunghyun This diagram compares Laville spatiale with other 8 cases. The black circle means average. In this diagram, we can find La ville spatiale is most future flexible one. But just it. The other elements got bad scores. We can figure the benefit and disadvatages.

Benefits Flexible plans: This means how easy to make your home bigger or smaller, or change the plans. Can build anywhere: Does this project think about the land scape? or trees or sthg. preserve existing city: When you build new building, do you have to destruct old building?

Disadvatages Circulations: This means how easy to ďŹ nd or install the circulaition. Economical construction: When you build your house or building, does the building, is the price reasonable?

Structure stability: Can the structure easy to endure the disaster such as earth quake or ďŹ re.

LA VILLE SPATIALE DESIGNED BY YONA FRIEDMAN Conclusions by LEW KYUNGHYUN GENERAL CONCLUSIONS Laville spatiale was a clear answer of the question - Can the architectures preserve the existing urban structure and also satisfy the need which is presonal freedom. This answer give a shock to many architects in the world, and infleunce. This is the origin of plug in architectures and metabolism and metastadt. Sure there are some problems and negative aspects, but this has historical meaning. POSITIVE ASPECTS Most positive aspect that I think is the freedom for users. Most of destructed architectures are because of it s useage. Like Millenium dome, even if the architecture has fancy space, nice facade there is no fitted programs, this building can t avoid the destruction. If the building can fitted to the programs that what users wanted everytime, can avoid abandon by users for long time. NEGATIVE ASPECTS Think when the megatructure constructed, this heavy structure and full of housings may block the sun. Yona s project can preserve the old urban structure, but think the old urban with out lights. I think the old surban will be abadoned by citizens. So, yona emphasize that la ville spatiale can preserve urban structure, but if this mega structure appears in real, this doesn t work. And the second one, Yona s thinking has a big problem. Does the seld-assembled housings are easy to remove or easy to chage or cheap? Metastadt is a good case of this problem. If hard to change plans, the thinking of flexible plans are not work. This means the ultimate thinking of flexible just be a fixed building. That s the reason Metastadt demolished.

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