Essendon Fields News Issue 10 SUMMER 2013

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ISSUE 10 > SUMMER 2013


It’s hard to believe that 2012 has gone by so quickly. As we compile our summer issue it seems a little surreal that the season of giving and merriment is upon us once more. As Essendon Fields continues to grow in its second decade as a vibrant and assiduous hub attracting a continuous and increasing flow of visitation,


Essendon Fields News, a publication aimed at informing and servicing residential and business communities within the municipality, is set to embark on its third year of circulation in 2013.

In previous years our summer issue has provided readers with an update of the year in review. This year we focus on the community and Essendon Fields involvement and commitment to the people and organisations that make up this progressive area of Melbourne’s North West.

Essendon Fields started off 2012 offering a fabulous opportunity to win a brand new car of choice from the extensive AutoCentro line up of car dealerships, up to the value of $18,000, just by simply shopping at the centre and collecting tokens from one of the nine participating retailers over a six week period. For lucky winner Margaret Brown, this just required her usual weekly visit to Essendon Fields Shopping Centre. “I didn’t feel that I was buying anything extra that I was going out of my way to buy. It was just a matter

of visiting the shops I normally go to and getting a little sticker for my entry form” said Margaret.

Margaret drove away in a brand new Mazda 3 with added extras that has made life taxiing her two young sons around quite a bit easier and in style. The competition to win a car courtesy of Essendon Fields was publicised on billboard scooters and through the Essendon Fields website and Facebook Page, but most of Essendon Fields community involvement is not widely known but provides

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