Our mission is to work in partnership with families and churches by offering a sound Christ-centred education which encourages the fullest possible development of the spiritual, academic, physical and social characteristics of each child. Maitland Christian School is a school that strives to develop individuals so that they may be able to verbalise, articulate and think critically, develop healthy inter-personal relationships, develop strategies to improve their own learning and have a realistic concept of who they are in Christ. We encourage all students to develop their gifts and talents, while nurturing them in their faith and guiding them towards spiritual maturity. Through quality educational facilities and resources, and caring staff, we aim to help each student reach their full potential. The school motto, "Do all for God's glory", encourages each member of the school to strive for excellence in every aspect of their life.
Maitland Christian School is registered to deliver the NSW Board of Studies curriculum from the first years of school to Year 12 and accredited to prepare students for the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) and Higher School Certificate. This provides a well-rounded selection of subjects with emphasis on basic skills in primary. As a Christian school and member of Christian Schools Australia, we present all the curriculum from the perspective of a Biblical Christian world view.
A smooth transition to school assists students academically and socially. In the year before commencing kindergarten at Maitland Christian School, students have the opportunity to attend Prep, where they come to school for one or two days a week, become accustomed to the routine of school life and begin learning pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills.
As well as creative arts, physical education and sport classes, students can choose to participate in a variety of extra-curricula activities such as music, drama and sport teams. As a member of the Christian Schools Sports Association and Combined Independent Schools, teams from Maitland Christian School are involved in zone and state-wide competitions. Each year we also host a musical or concert, involving students from throughout the school.
Maitland Christian School has well-equipped modern facilities and an abundance of grassy and shaded playground areas for the students to enjoy. Students have access to excellent resources and high school students have iPads or laptops for their study at school and home.
All children at Maitland Christian School are valued as unique. Caring staff seek to nurture the needs and gifts of each child academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. We encourage students to have the highest personal integrity through their conduct and care of others. Emphasis is placed on developing co-operation and self-discipline, through students showing respect for authority, other students and their property.
Parents are important! We encourage an environment of partnership where families are welcome in the school. Parents are invited to give voluntary assistance in classrooms, the library, the canteen or the office. Information evenings and parent/teacher nights are held regularly and an important part of communication is through weekly newsletters. We welcome parental contact and opportunities to develop our partnership in Christian education through meetings with individual teachers or executive staff.
To obtain an enrolment pack, please call the school office on 02 4933 7633 or go to the enrolment page on our website at www.maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au . When you have completed and returned the application form, you will be contacted to arrange an interview with our Principal.
75-81 Chelmsford Drive Metford NSW 2323 PO Box 618 East Maitland NSW 2323 Ph: 02 4933 7633 Fax: 02 4934 1120 office@maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au www.maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au ACN: 002 679 638 ABN: 72 162 995 104