Term 1 Week 10 1st April 2016 Issue No. 10
From the Principal What a blessing it was to enjoy Easter last weekend. It was a time to reflect on the central message of the Gospel; that God so loved the world that He would allow the enormous sin, guilt and shame that each of us bear to be carried to the cross by Jesus. In His suffering and death, Jesus took the punishment for our sins. Through His resurrection from the dead He has shown Himself to be the conqueror of sin and death.
The other blessing was a four-day weekend, close to the end of term. Students returned to school with stories of lots of exciting activities in the beautiful autumn weather or just an opportunity to stay home, rest and reconnect with loved ones. I pray that your Easter was a time of refreshment and reflecting on God’s goodness. Parent Teacher Interviews Wednesday evening was a positive time of meeting many parents from the school community. I am thankful for the time invested by both parents and teachers as we reflect on the start of the year for each of the children in the school. An effective partnership between home
As victorious Saviour and Lord, Jesus has opened the way for restoration of our relationship with God and adoption as His children if we are willing to come to Him in humble repentance for our sin and to surrender to Him as Lord and Saviour. Page 1
and school is an important part of the vision of our school. We look forward to the second evening of meetings coming up on Wednesday.
breakfast. If you can assist us by RSVPing (details of how to do this are later in the newsletter) that would be appreciated.
Study Skills
Our school is a ministry of Metford Community Baptist Church with a clear foundation, mission and vision to provide God glorifying, quality Christian Education.
School Governance
This week, our senior students spent a day reflecting on how to best study and prepare for the Higher School Certificate, with input from school staff and also Elevate Education. As well as working with our junior students early next term, Elevate will be providing a follow-up study day for senior students on Thursday, 19th May and a parent information evening that night as well.
The school board is predominantly made up of members of the church who are nominated from the school association. As well as the principal, the board also has two members who are part of the broader Christian community. Each year an information night is held by the Church leadership overviewing the foundational framework of the school, as well as its vision, mission, purpose and governance structure. This is held for those members of the broader Christian community interested in a possible governance role on the school board.
As parents you can already access resources to help you support your child with their school work, study and assessments at the Elevate website, au.elevateeducation.com However, I strongly recommend you plan to attend the evening on 19th May for an engaging and helpful session with the Elevate team. More details will come through next term about this evening.
The 2016 Board Information Evening will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday, 20th April at the Metford Community Baptist Church. For more details on the evening or to indicate your interest in attending, please contact the Church Office on 4934 5350 or email admin@metfordbaptist.org.au
ANZAC Day Last year we were able to have 100 students join us for the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at East Maitland, as we commemorated the 100 th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing. As ANZAC Day is the last day of the school holidays, (Monday, 25th April) we’d appreciate you marking this on your calendar so that our students can be in attendance for the march and Dawn Service.
Rich blessings Geoff Peet
On the Cover
This year, the school will be providing a barbecue breakfast at school straight after the service and, if you are attending the dawn service, we would love to have as many families as possible join us for this
The Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison, visited Year 11 this week to present Elizabeth with a certificate in recognition of her being awarded the Premier’s Anzac Memorial Scholarship. Page 2
A Memorable Easter Service Last Thursday, we celebrated Easter at Maitland Christian School, with a Kindergarten to Year 12 assembly. The TOPS team led us in praise and worship, the Year 5/6 Drama Group showed us what Easter must look like from the perspective of the merchandise and Year 11 Drama students gave a presentation about how much we need Jesus. There was a song from last year’s Darwin Mission group and Mr Vine gave a talk based on the letters of the word “Easter” which told us about the reason why Jesus died on the cross.
Dance Showcase Primary students have been learning dance all year and next week they would like to show you their moves. Dance Fever Multisport are holding their parent showcase this Tuesday, 5th of April. The times of the sessions are as follows: ▪▪Years 1 and 2 11:45am - 12:15pm ▪▪Kindergarten 12:15pm - 12:45pm ▪▪Years 3 and 4 12:45pm - 1:25pm ▪▪Years 5 and 6 2:00pm - 2:40pm Please see the note that was sent home for more details. Page 3
Some Experiences in Senior School This Week Anatomy Lab Visit
Study Skills Day
The body language of the Year 11 Personal Development, Health and PE students showed some uncertainty on their most recent excursion. This is understandable, as they were visiting the Anatomy Laboratory at the University of Newcastle. However, they pushed through their squeamishness to learn more about human anatomy, which is an important part of their Higher School Certificate course.
This Thursday, Year 11 and 12 had some excellent training in study skills to help them prepare for their Higher School Certificate. The teachers were joined by a trainer from Elevate Education who have researched the most effective ways to study and taught our students how to use these techniques.
Grandparents’ Day, Friday, 1st July
Save the Date: Canteen Helpers Needed
Parent/Teacher Interviews
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the term, our dependable volunteers prepare and serve food to our students at the canteen. However, in Term 2, as the weather gets cooler, there will be a need for more helpers than those who are currently available.
Thank you to all the parents and staff who helped to make this week’s parent/teacher interviews a success. The interviews are important for developing the partnership between teachers and parents. There are still some interview times available for next week. To book interviews or modify the ones you have, go to parent.edval.com.au and enter the code you were sent by email. Please make sure you print out your schedule and bring it along on Wednesday night.
If you would like to help, either occasionally or on a regular basis, please contact Narelle McIver on 4933 7633 or email canteen@maitlandcs.nsw.edu.au to find out more. Page 4
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Anzac Day Dawn Service Please join us to remember and honour those who have fallen Meeting at East Maitland RSL Hall, Newcastle Road on Monday, 25th April at 5:00am to march with Maitland Christian School to the cenotaph for the Memorial Service Students, staff and families who are attending the service are invited to join us at school for a free barbecue breakfast after the service. RSVP: For catering, please text your family name and number who are attending the breakfast to 0477 314 844.
Community News
Page 6
What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?
Rhythm & Dance
Every Wednesday during term at 9:30am Metford Community Baptist Church
Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.
Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350 admin@metfordbaptist.com.au
Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7
W hat ’s
S ch e du le
o n th e
Before School
After School
Supervision from 8:00am Period 1 starts 8:30am
11:03am - 11:43am
1:40pm - 2:00pm
2:51pm After 3:15pm, collect children from the school office
Primary Art/Mural Club in C1 SALT in E8 Secondary Vocal Group in M2
Secondary TOPS Meeting in M1
MiniSALT in M2 Years 3-6 Computer Coding Club in E3 K-2 Choir in B2
GIFT in E15
Primary Choir in M2
Years 5/6 Drama Club in D5 Secondary Tops Rehearsal in M1 Mission Knitting and Quilting Group in E5
Years 3-6 Chess Club in the Hope Hub
Secondary Boys Bible Study in E8
Everyone Gets More Sleep This Weekend! Although Daylight Saving was utilised across Australia during both world wars, it wasn’t introduced permanently in NSW until 1971. It doesn’t change how much daylight we have but helps us to spend less daylight
hours asleep. It now starts in the first weekend of October and ends in the first weekend of April each year. Daylight Saving will end this Sunday, 3rd April and everyone is reminded to turn their clocks back one hour. Page 8