Term 2 Week 8 17th June 2016 Issue No. 19
From the Principal
As a staff, this year we’ve been working through the New Hope International ‘Effective Teaching and Learning Series’ to further develop our culture as a distinctly Christian learning community, committed to excellence in Christ-centred education.
and transferable (does it make sense no matter where in the world you live?). This has been a week of the world asking worldview questions. The mass shooting in Orlando is a tragedy on many levels, with so many big questions being asked across the media and social media:
We’ve been looking at worldviews over the past couple of weeks, i.e. the belief systems that people hold and the framework that their decisions and actions are made through. Essentially, people’s beliefs will fall into one of 5 categories – Atheism (no god), Deism (a distant god), Pantheism (a god force), Theism (an essentially angry god) or Christianity (a holy, just and loving God as revealed in the Bible).
▪▪Why in a ‘peaceful country’, is there access to weapons of war that continue to be used in massacres such as these? Is the country more or less peaceful because of guns? Should gun laws be tighter? If gun laws are tighter, why did attacks such as these take place in France and Belgium where the laws are very tight? Can laws truly protect us from people intent on doing harm?
Our worldview will help us make simple decisions but it will also be the rock on which we stand in difficult times. Is our worldview coherent (can we explain it?), consistent (does it work no matter the circumstances?)
▪▪Why this senseless loss of life? Why target defenceless people when they can’t protect themselves? Almost Page 1
universally, there is agreement that it is morally wrong to see lives taken in such an unjust manner. However, if the taking of an innocent life in this way is wrong, why does America as a nation allow thousands of unborn children to have their lives taken each week?
being precious, irrespective of race, age, background, gender or location. Was this a ‘hate’ crime? I believe, “yes” but not in the way that the world uses hate. With the fall of man and the entrance of sin into the world, hate lives in the heart of all of us rather than the love that God planned for us. Hate drives our selfish actions. Hate means we don’t love God or our neighbour as we should. Hate in its extreme can be seen in the acts of violence such as Orlando and in the bad news that fill our news headlines each week.
▪▪ If the senseless loss of life is wrong, why didn’t the world respond in the same way with outrage and lighting up key symbols such as the Eiffel Tower when a group of Yazidi Christian women were mercilessly set alight by ISIS this week? Is it only an affront that such things happen in our safe western world but it’s okay for them to happen elsewhere? Are we too self-centred to truly fight for justice?
In some segments of the community there will be comments that there is some justification that both the victims and the perpetrator in some ways deserved to die, as the lifestyle choices they made were wrong (most likely those with a deistic or theistic view of god). This view is wrong. The Bible reminds us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23. We all deserve to die for our sins and need to repent of them.
▪▪ Why has the world made such a noise over this event and people’s ‘lifestyle choices’ when the internet shows stories of killing or bad treatment in other places in the world on a daily basis for other ‘lifestyle choices’ – religion, gender, social status, sexuality …?
The Bible also tells us that by sending His Son Jesus, God’s love was expressed so that each person, irrespective of background, has the opportunity to have their sins forgiven, to find hope in Jesus and to be adopted into God’s family. God is calling each and every sinner to repentance and grace. There is no good and bad sinner without the grace of God. We all stand morally bankrupt before Him without the work of Jesus.
▪▪ Is it easier to fight causes like this on social media than it is to deal with the injustices that sit in my immediate world each day? Is it easier to unload on the keyboard in social media that it is to face the challenges of injustice on our own doorstep? How do we make a real difference in this world? It is terribly hard to make sense of the futility of an act of ‘terror’ like this. The reality is that worldviews, without the God of the Bible, often come up short or fail in the coherency, consistency or transferability test when they try to address an injustice like this.
As we follow Jesus, we are called to take captive every thought and to fight empty and hollow philosophies. Yet we can never forget that we too were once separated from God and that without the love of Jesus, we’re all sinful and deserving of God’s judgement. Whilst opposing ideologies, we must love all people, including those different from us. In the way we interact with others we must be
Firstly, each and every person killed this week in circumstances of injustice is an image-bearer of God. As such, it is morally wrong to kill in circumstances like this. We must fight for the worth of each life as Page 2
Writer’s Retreat
speaking the truth in love through our words and actions or we will be providing no more than unhelpful noise in a world that needs to hear and see the love of Jesus in action as much as ever before.
In the midst of the beautiful scenery at Tahlee, some of our secondary students were gaining lots of inspiration at the Writers’ Retreat last week.
Finally, we have a hope that God is working through all things to bring about His good purposes. In the darkness of this world we can stand in hope. Satan will wage his battle against God with sin and the effects of sin which are prevalent each day. Yet the Bible tells and shows us that, in all things, God is working His big plan of salvation despite the horror of events in this world.
They learnt about writing from distinguished authors, who also supported the budding authors in their literary pursuits. A sample of their work can be seen below.
For those who love God, there is a place waiting with no more tears, suffering, hunger, pain, death or destruction. God’s kingdom will come to fruition with God’s people one day soon. In a week where such evil has been in our face, I find myself longing more and more for this peace. Yet, it is not our role to check out of the world in the light of our eternal security. Rather, we need to be shining the light of the gospel and the hope of Jesus into this world. The darker the times become, the more the light of the gospel is needed and the brighter it will shine.
The Creeping Tides by Sam Quietly creeping over the rocks A giant splash of blue Sucking up the land Lapping at the waters edge, splashing at the shore A giant splash of blue Patiently rocking the jetty A seagull shrills from overhead A giant splash of blue Soft and pink as the sun sets Matching to pink skyline A giant splash of blue Suddenly stopping, moving backwards Moving slowly, getting lower, lower A giant splash of blue The sky a marvellous dark red Cool sea air A giant splash of blue Quietly creeping behind the rocks
If you’ve found this a heavy week, immerse yourself in God and His word. Sit at His feet in prayer and find that He is good, loving and gracious. Be thankful that we have the ultimate security in being a child of the most high God and continue to shine the hope and love of Jesus into the darkness of the world as it is most certainly needed. Blessings Geoff Peet
On the Cover
The Primary Athletic Carnival on Wednesday was very friendly, with colourful decorations for the “My House Rules” competition, wonderful weather and lots of family members present. For more pictures and information, see Page 5. Page 3
Do You Know Someone Who is Interested in Enrolling in Our School? In conjunction with Grandparents’ Day this year, we are holding an Open Day from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. This will be an opportunity for people to come and have a look around Maitland Christian School,
meet some of our staff and students and see the programs on offer. If you know anyone who is interested in enrolling students at our school, please invite them along on the day.
Student Achievements Australian Champions Congratulations to our new Australian Champions for the sport of Field Archery. On the weekend Mikayla and Seth competed in the International Field Archery Association’s Australian Championships. Mikayla won the junior bowhunter recurve division and Seth was cub bowhunter compound champion.
A Team Effort Jesper from 2H and his horse Rory made a great team at the Singleton Horse Sports last month. They won 4 ribbons, inlcuding a first place in the keyhole race. Congratulations Rory and Jesper! Page 4
Coming Together for the Primary Athletics Carnival What a beautiful day we had at Metford for the Primary Athletics Carnival on Wednesday! Our students participated with enthusiasm and it was great to see so many parents getting involved in the “My House Rules� competition. The help provided by some of our high school students and parents was invaluable. Thank you for your assistance.
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2016 Term Dates Term 2: Tue 26/04/16 - Fri 01/07/16 Term 3: Mon 25/07/16 - Fri 23/09/16 Term 4: Mon 10/10/16 - Fri 9/12/16
Primary Assemblies Term 2 Date Class Week 9
24th June
Music Assembly
Week 2
5th August
Week 4
19th August
Week 6
2nd September
Week 8
16th September
Term 3
2017 Term Dates Term 1: Mon 30/01/17 - Fri 07/04/17 Term 2: Mon 24/04/17 - Fri 30/06/17 Term 3: Mon 24/07/17 - Fri 22/09/17 Term 4: Mon 9/10/17 - Wed 13/12/17
3/4L Assembly, 10th June Was that a hairdo or a chicken on Charlotte’s head, when she gave the Captain’s talk at assembly last week? There was lots of crazy hair in the auditorium, as 3/4L entertained and educated us for their assembly. They showed us some videos they made and sang, “Jesus, the Mighty, Mighty King.”
Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the assembly KB
Abraham, Jani, Jessica, Piper, Zedd
3/4L Emma, Ethan H., Janaya, Joel
Alvin, Eden, Ethan, Hope, Ruby
Jayden C., Jessica, Katie, Samuel P., Zac L.
Abbey, Grace, Logan, Oceana, Sarah H.
Brooke, Chenay, Hayley, Ryan, Toby
Deacon, Kaelyn, Paige, Seth, 1/2C Celine, Xavier
Benjamin, Denzel, Grace, Lucy, Ruby
Brielle, Cohen, Joshua, Lucas, Teyla
Emily, Hannah, Maddilynne, Montanna
Josephine, Katie, Levi, Ryan, Zoe
Ella F., Eli, Riley M., Sophie
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What’s Happening at Metford Community Baptist Church?
Special Guest Speaker: Mr Josh Vine
Metford Community Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers who love Christ, each other and their community. We have services every Sunday (9:30am and 6:00pm) and would love to see you there.
Our Contact details: Pastor: John Cook 83 Chelmsford Drive Associate Pastor: Andrew Sumpton Metford NSW 2323 (Next to Maitland Christian School) Phone: 4934 5350 admin@metfordbaptist.com.au
Church Services: Every Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm Page 7
U p co m i n g E v e nt s Term 2 Mon 20/06
Year 1/2 excursion to Tocal Homestead Sec
Wed 22/06
Primary Literacy and Numeracy Parent Info Morning
Primary Interschool Chess Challenge
Pri Thu 23/06
Fri 24/06
Auslan Parent Lessons, 7:00pm Primary Metro Cup (Soccer/Netball)
Write a Book in a Day, 8:00am - 8:00pm
High School Special Assembly
Pri Fri 1/07
Physics Experiment Festival, University of Newcastle
Years 5/6 Drama Team Movie Making Afternoon
Grandparents Day
Open Day
Last Day of Term 2
First Day of Term 3
Term 3 Mon 25/07
Pri Tue 26/07
Primary World of Maths Sec
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thu 28/07
Senior Study Day
Sat 30/07
Year 11/12 Music Excursion to Opera House
Thu 4/08
Fri 5/08
Primary Zone Athletics
Wed 10/08
Gigalees Performance, Prep - Year 2
Thu 11/08
HSC Trial Exams Commence Page 8