MOG Magazine 1

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m a g a z i n e

magazine a Youth Initiative Cover Story Janet Manyowa. 2019 and 2020 have been good to her as she scoops multiple awards.

Also Inside: Tino Chiguba

Garnet Mujuru



Altars Modern Day Meet Drugs, Sex, Money,

Gabriel Chakanyuka Editor

We are proud to introduce to the world a Christian Ezine by a team of youth, we believe will be educative, entertaining and inspiring. Men of God have over the years have advanced the Kingdom of God and it is our desire to take part, we named it MOG as we will be following them in their journey. We hope you enjoy this first issue and please do post us your comments on all our social media platforms Thank you

The Team

Fans can subscribe on our social media platforms, for all the latest news and blogs. Join us on our whatsapp platforms and if you would like to have your story published do get in touch with us, send us an email, whatsapp or call us today, we will cover it. join our whatsapp group today and get latest scoops on the next issues and freebies.

Publisher: Greaterlife Embassy For Submissions contact

whatsapp us or to join the group +263 776689109 MOG Magazine




To the music fraternity she has become an icon, an inspiration, a definition of worship through music. Really who can resist humming along and be taken away into worship as she sings. Janet Manyowa, a multi-award winning gospel musician based in Zimbabwe is hands down a blessing to the world and an asset to the kingdom of God. In 2019 alone, she scooped four awards at the PERMICAN 2019 which was themed ‘Creatively Touching Souls’ after earlier on being awarded the Best Female Musician at the NAMA 2019.

When she was 10 years old, her parents saw the talent in their daughter and sent her to music school. She led the praise and worship team in a local church in her hometown in Chegutu, Zimbabwe. Besides her musical career, she is a qualified accountant, a mother of two children and a loving wife On the awards night, her husband was present to support as he always does in her career. Janet boasts a solid support system which she says gives her strength, from her parents, Husband, family and friends. She released a debut track titled Amazing God in 2014, her official entrance into main stream music, which was widely accepted. She scooped her first awards in 2015. Janet Manyowa has the wonderful ability to construct heart touching lyrics. That was proven as she took home the best songwriter award with the song ‘Grateful’. In that category she was up against amazing

songwriters the likes of Minister Michael Mahendere, Mambo Dhuterere, Kuda Mutsvene and many others.

social platforms.

She received the Video of the year award for the song Nyasha Nengoni, where were blown away by the Also on the four awards she simple yet amazing colourful production. The video took home were Album of the year award for her pop- did wonders on youtube for ular most loved work on the her, it almost could’nt be left out on many people’s album titled Grateful, playlists considering it was which can be easily purchased online. It is an exhil- up against Nigerian, Ghalarating offering, one of the nian and South African best gospel music out there. gospel music videos and With the title track Grateful their quality. It is really up receiving an award. We did there, as the saying goes, the a review of the album which cream rises to the top. will be uploaded on to

She also received the Best Female Artist of the year award where she was up against other very remarkable artists the likes of Marbel Jeanry, Sharon Manyika and others. Her album was produced by Andrew Baird who also was nominated for the Best Producer award. She has perfomed on stage with musicians like Minister Michael Mahendere and Mai Suluma. To purchase her music go to:












Meet Faffa, all the way from Ghana.

She may probably be one of the most trending gospel musicians in Ghana. The influence she has built up since the start of her musical career and her involvement in humanitarian work is outstanding. Real name Faith Fafa Goba is a gospel musician from Ghana, she has become a household name and a big influence to many young African women. She is dubbed as an achiever, a fashionista, an inspiration as she was admitted at Koffi Annan International Peacekeeping and Training Centre in 2019. Activism attracts a lot of attention but the character defines a real activist. Faffa grew up in a Christian environment which eventually molded her into the singer she is

today. At an early age, she sang in school and at various functions. Her first album was titled ‘Father’s House’ released in 2011. This was her debut album, announcing her presence to the world. She went back into the studio and delivered another album in 2013 titled ‘Nobody but you’. Fans can enjoy three videos including an interview where she perfomed live which are available on youtube. Her music can be best described as very mature, natured and she has a beautifully controlled voice. The second album titled ‘Nobody but you’ was released in 2013 carrying the popular song ‘ You are’ She won an award at the National Gospel Music Awards 2017 (NGMA) for the best gospel hip hop


song of the year with the track ‘You make me wanna’. She stepped out of her comfort zone to deliver an award winning Gospel Hip Hop track.

a UN Youth Goodwill Ambassador for Ghana to help promote the Strategic Development Goal 16, which is targeted at peace, justice and strong institutions.

Faffa is not only a musician To hear her music log on to but a Humanitarian activist. or go The singer was appointed as to youtube today.


ALTAR ALTAR 1 From the beggining of Man’s time, Altar’s are most probably one of the most important aspect of life. Life is given, taken, changed, manipulated and preserved through altars. Who better understands this mystery than its creator, God himself. In Africa generally speaking every living person is connected to an altar from as long as anyone can remember. Its part of culture and it is strictly observed. What about the modern day Christian, do they believe in an Altar, do they service it, do they know what it is. An interesting topic which Men of God are preaching and pray it does not

land on a deaf ear. The modern day age is mostly controlled by social media. One interesting post which revealed the belief of many devout christian showed that an Altar is the least considered tool in the walk of a Christian. The post went on to ask “ If i take my tithe and give to the poor or a street kid, will i not have paid my tithe”. The responses were spectacular. In this issue we try to tickle someone’s senses so as to make aware how important an Altar is. Lets use the above question which was posted on Facebook sometime in march

2020. In the book of Malachi it says bring all the tithe into the store house. At this point consider your place of worship as the store house. For an exchange to happen there has to be a giver, a receiver and the place of exchange. You are the giver and the place of exchange is the altar. Besides tithe, all types of offerings are done at the

altar. An altar is basically a portal into the spiritual realm. Picture it like a counter in a shop, you pay a fee and you receive the goods you pay for.

altar. The altar is a place of exchange. It is a principle. God laid out many principles and Altars function using these principles.

The commonly practiced Hannah didnt have a principle of giving and receiving is one you will child, in a bid to receive one, she activated a princi- find at an altar. In the old testament all offerings ple which enabled her conceive. She was bound were done at the altar and in return God blessed by the principle until she them. fulfilled her part of the deal. All this she did at the

‘ there is no Worship without sacrifice, there is no Sacrifice without an Altar’ - Apostle Try Immanuel

AFRICAN IDOL WORSHIP THROUGH ALTARS Black people’s culture is colourful and nothing exists without a spiritual assistance. Africa has totems and ways which are done to identify, protect and bless its people. This is done through Altars. This proves that altars existed way before colonisation took place, before the advent of missionaries.

Ancestral worship is a strong belief and a way of life for many people in Africa. Ancestors constantly recquired offerings which were officiated by priests. They would speak through mediums giving direction and how sacrifices should be done. Once or twice a year families would gather

in the rural or reserve areas to give their offerings for protection, harvests, thanksgiving and guidance. The ritual would be perfomed by a priest who knows the ways. Offerings are usually cows, goats, chickens or grain. Beasts were slaughtered and traditional beer made to ap-

The Priest, The altar, The service pease the spirits. An Altar may basically be made of large stones and or clay pots. What is interesting is the similarity to the ones described in the bible. At this point lets introduce a new definition to the word Altar.

ficing on an Altar is worshipping and acknowledging who you God is. Altars foreshadowed the person and sacrificial work of Christ.

altar is serviced by a priest, in the book of Leviticus we see the inception of this practice.

The priest is your Prophet, Pastor, Apostle, etc. These How then is it practical people are set up for this for the modern day chris- purpose. To service the tian. Altars are still as im- altar, day and night. They are so much acustomed to portant as they were Genesis 8.20-22, Noah it that when you give sacrificed clean animals as during the times of Cain and Abel up to the time of them a gift, you are actiburnt offerings and a vating the principle of sweet savour went up to the Apostles. Altars them servicing the altar. remain a principle as God. The smae God we believe in. Through this he much as giving and receiv- Interesting enough, ancesing are a principle. An toral worship in modern expressed worship. Sacri-

‘ You activate covenants through Altars’ day recquires a priest. The spirits recognise the existence of a “Covenant” with you through activation on an altar. If it has been a while since you renewed your covenant, the priest or medium relays the message.

have been destroyed, robbed or atacked. Through the same way by way of principles in the spirit many lives were upgraded, saved, changed and protected.

What one may not see during church services is the existence of the altar Altars are very important in front of them but in life and through an chose to see a pulpit or a altar or spiritual portal person. The Lord Jesus by way of spiritual maChrist was the ultimate nipulation, many lives sacrifice when he was

nailed to the cross and delivered up. That is one part which many understand very well, but the other secrets or mysterys of Heaven are yet to be known. The mystery of Altars is one of them. In part 2 we go into a bit more detail concerning Altars.

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‘ What about condoms, are they safe’ A question which was possed by a young male from the youth group recquired an answer after a conversation about marriage, life, drugs and many other things. This instantly turned into a heated topic prompting a sermon on Drugs, Sex, Money and Love. What was interesting to note in

this conversation was the fact they acknowledged the Apostles teaching about Sex during a youth seminar held in Harare. This means they know about sex and they have been taught concerning it. How then is it possible it resurfaces time and time again.

- annonymous

Are we doing enough as Pastors to care for the flock and by care we mean imparting knowledge to them. It seems a bit tricky to keep up with the younger generation, so energetic and all over the place. The answer to the question brought a moment of silence, something you

wish you had on camera. A wise man asked the question, “Why, are you doing something you are not supposed to?”. The whole mentality towards Sex and Sex education was addressed then and there.

in marriage, which in other words is a vow you make in front of God.

different kinds of love if i should say relationships rather. Love is an intricate word and very broad. So the question about Many have had their condoms should not really hearts broken because they did not understand it be asked by a believer in Christ who has been imall. parted this wisdom. Rather trust the word of “Sex is for married people, God than your heart, are you married?” It sometimes it fools you. Be dawned on them, they sure to define the kind of had not asked the queslove and not mistake it for tion Why. The whole - annonymous youth infatuation. Hormones as sermon about sex boils well play a part in love There was a sermon by down to one point, it is hence just trust in God for married people specifi- Apostle Try Immanuel and have faith in Him. cally a man and a woman where he explained the

‘ Love, I love him he loves me’

‘ Take a little Whine for your stomach’ The most interesting part about growing up in Christ is the challenges you face and how you react to them. There are many verses in the bible people use to justify their desires. The word of God is very clear about alcohol intake, and being drunk. During youth days many will want to experiment, prove a point, become cool and many other excuses that may come up. Run away

from such, look into the word of God. In MOG issue 2 we are going to address these in depth. ‘Marijuana is a healing herb?’ - annonymous youth

Jesus heals without smoking, have you tried that before marijuana. Marijuana fleshly desire which is said to make you feel good is actually harming you. Drugs is a topic which needs no introduction but will be dealt with in issue in depth.

- annonymous

‘Masturbation, i am shy to address the issue’ - annonymous youth

There are many great man who were inflicted and got help from the Man of God. Best way is to approach him and let him pray for you. This specific condition does not only affect men but women also. Admitting you need help is the first step then approach your pastor for help. Such conversations are delicate and the Man of God is discrete about it.


DESIGNS On and off the runway everyday fashion QPD_designs is a Zimba-

clothes they wear. Character is defined by the style of the garments. The brand designs special events clothes for both men and women as well as everyday streetwear. Although standard designs are shown to the public, the differentiator is that clothes are unique and specific to the client as they are modified as per order.

bwean based modern fashion style brand founded by Tadiwa Muronda (Cupid) and her co-designer Thomas Mulande (Tomingo). Their style secret is Quality, Precision and Definition; which in turn abbreviates the brand name. They are not restricted to a genre but inspirations usually eminent from vintage and AfriQPD designs has been feacan styles, without being tured in many articles like common or basic. magazine and Model Guide Zw. Cupid the When wearing QPD, one founder and co-designer is a feels confident and their brand ambassador and personality reflects from the

Tadiwa Muronda

member of the Model Guide Zw. As a freelance commercial model, she maximizes on marketing her brand as both the ambassador and owner as she dressed herself at her own graduation. Cupid is a passion-preneur who believes in empowering young and vibrant creatives. She participated in the Miss Pre-Teen Young designers competition. The segment was centered around waste recycling. Eco-friendly fashion is the future to secure a healthy environment for the

next generation and QPD aspires to be a part of this movement as their corporate social responsibility.

added to the brand's ambassadors and will be dressed in QPD at the Miss Twins Pageant on the 14th December 2019.

have in store for us in 2020 and beyond.

Social media: (QPD designs) Instagram - @QPD_deIn the past, as an emerging signs As a growing business, brand; QPD designed for Facebook - @QPD_depageants like the JCI Miss QPD has many plans for signs/ @empireboutiqueZw Peace Is Possible pageant in the brand and wishes to Email - tadiwamichelleraise more awareness 2017, following other runway features. Their first through their social media platforms mentioned below Website - coming official and independent showcase was at the Harare and in 2020 plan to show- 2020 Fashion Week themed Illu- case, host a website launch(Cupid the designer) ing event and sponsor mination in 2018. Many Instagram - @tadiiebear pageant representatives and many other artists and Facebook - Tadiwa Micauses. Partnerships with showcase presenters have chelle Muronda (Cupid) been dressed by QPD. Ex- poets, musicians, media LinkedIn - Tadiwa Mihouses, fashion houses, amples being at the Jechelle Muronda rome-Yolk Festival in 2019, other emerging designers Email - tadiwamichelledressing Tanatswa who was and corporates are way. We look forward to an MC at the event. seeing what QPD designs Tanatswa has safely been



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