Content Generation and Packaging: To enhance publication of content that supports the Kenyan exports through collaboration of content creation, storytelling, videos and images that tell the KEPROBA is collaborating with the Kenya Yearbook on developing longterm content building strategies.
Dr. Wilfred Marube, Mr. Edward Mwasi, CEO, Kenya Yearbook on areas of partnership on content generation on the export agenda
Tea Sector Projects Highlights KEPROBA in collaboration with the Tea Directorate and University of Nairobi School of Art and Design have synergised to conduct onsite coaching and training for tea sector to enhance product packaging and design towards export readiness. The programme kick started in Bomet, Nyamira and Kericho Counties and will be replicated in other tea growing counties progressively. A media briefing by the KEPROBA CEO was conducted at Mbogo Valley Tea factory in Nandi County. Click to view Dr. Marube shares insights on tea growth, the the coverage potential market for Kenya’s value-added tea during videos/374857977246255/?app=fbl https:// the launch of onsite coaching for tea producers w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / C i t i z e n T V K e / v i d e o s / 767587773991275/
County Partnerships In its continued efforts to enhance and build s t a k e h o l d e r s credibility and trust, KEPROBA engaged the Kisii County Government on areas of collaborating towards building export ready products. Seven products we identified for brand positioning and market access in the prioritized markets. The products include Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee) Speciality Tea (Orthodox, green and white teas) Soapstone, Pythethrum, indigenous vegetables, Bananas, Indigenous Chicken. Mr. Charles Tumbo, Export Development Manager displays County Analysis Report
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