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WHAT IS YOUR GREAT PERHAPS? So you’ve come to seek a great perhaps and in fact you are right in the choice you’ve made . The Great Perhaps is the turning point in your life , it is the feeling of completeness, the aim you strive to achieve during your lifespan . We all have our own Great Perhaps, the quest we all individually seek . And it can be proudly said , that EYP is the place where you discover yourself, your unlimited abilities and once you take a step towards this path , you realise how much you’ve changed as an individual . Achieving great perhaps is the main principle of human life , It ’s human nature to look for something much better, so try to grab the best from the opportunity. Life is full of possibilities, there are thousands of different paths in your life and the Great Perhaps is finding the right one , being the best version of yourself. However, whichever path you decide to take , EYP will be your guide to your final destination . As far as you are reading this issue , you are amongst the chosen ones and you are attending Rustavi 3rd Regional Session of EYP Georgia and as the editors of the session , we promise that media team will make the session more cheerful , pleasant and memorable for you. Media team has been already working hard for weeks and journalists are going to work harder during the session , they’ll support you and cheer you up during three days and they’re never leave you alone . In this first issue you will find some interesting content, including interesting interviews the session officials, articles about your committee topics, which will help you to be more prepared for committee works and GA and some interesting games. We wish you an amazing teambuilding, productive committee works, fruitful debates at the GA and three days full of fun , fun and fun . … and lots of food . Enjoy Reading With Dedication ,

Mako & Zura.




We, EYPers, have got a great potential and a boundless energy and are very passionate about everything we believe is the right thing to do. For being idealistic and courageous, there are no barriers for us, nothing that can‟t be done and as impossibilities aren‟t acknowledged, we often achieve great things. Those, who have attended more than one session, will agree that there‟s no exaggeration in my words, as EYP is the place where you think, analyze, discuss, share, and develop. It‟s all about improving and moving towards your aims and goals. Every event, I have taken part in, has its own speciality and uniqueness, still, I want to outline significance of the regional sessions. As subjective as it may sound, I strongly believe, regional sessions remain the most important and valuable events of the EYP Georgia. They resemble the unity of cooperation and mutual understanding as well as conviviality and friendship. Though, the very own characteristic, which makes them essential, is the opportunity given to youngsters from different regions of Georgia to participate and contribute themselves into decision-making process and become active citizens of the country. Regional sessions, therefore, lead to discovery of brave, dedicated, and enthusiastic young minds, who aren‟t afraid to face up to new challenges and play crucial role for the organisation‟s further development. As for the newcomers of Rustavi 2014, my very first session also took place in this city, that‟s why this particular event is so valuable for me. Only now, as a member of the media team, I realize how much I have developed from shy, inexperienced delegate into motivated and committed EYPer. Though, not only for me, but also for some of my friends Rustavi 3rd Regional Session has served as a beginning of their career in the organisation.

As the vice-president of the session, Giorgi Gugenishvili, states: “I wasn‟t really sure whether I would enjoy session or not. I was quite skeptical after attending such events from other organisations, however, EYP proved me totally wrong as I am still to this day passionate about it!” Member of the organisers‟ team, Nino Papunashvili, says: “I have not even planned to get involved in this organisation. It was my friend who filled in application form for me and urged me to attend Rustavi Regional Session. At first, I felt a bit awkward as I found myself in a completely new environment, along with people whom I had never known before. Eventually, I came into realization that I was very lucky to become part of the EYP Georgia. Looking back, I would never imagine myself attending so many sessions, both at national and international levels. For me, going back to Rustavi as an EYP official- in the city where I have been a delegate before- is probably one of the best feelings I have ever experienced in my life!” Impressive, right? Now, I want to welcome you, the newcomer, to the wonderful, lively society, full of unforgettable memories and great experiences! Just remember, don‟t be afraid of your first steps. Opportunities don‟t often come along, so when they do, you have to grab them. Enjoy and good luck!

Tatuli Dolbaia



The super HerOes of the session Mari Kapanadze because of their frequent visits there)

Welcome to the Rustavi Regional Session 2014 of EYP Georgia. I am delighted to have privilege of introducing to you the Head organizers of the session, people who have been planning this amazing event for a long time to make it unforgettable experience for all of us. Giorgi Elisashvili and Tamuna Mchedlidze first met each other a year ago on 8th International Istanbul Youth Forum. They differ from each other very much but if you ask them about conflict or disagreement during the session preparation, be sure they will immediately answer that they have been working in a complete harmony. Let’s know them a little bit closer… 

Describe EYP in 3 words Giorgi: აი ყვე‟ლ‟აზე მაგარია! Tamuna: Happiness, Laughing, Friendship What skills have you gained, while planning the session? Giorgi: Before I was not self-confident and official meetings always scared me, but the session helped me to become more fearless and serious, as I had to meet a lot of important people. Tamuna: I found out that I can take obstacles, without despair. It helped me in overcoming my explosive character. Which song best describes your collaboration? Giorgi, Tamuna: Pharrell Williams – Happy What‟s your future plan or dream? Giorgi: My dream is to have my own wine company. (Giorgi secretly wants to work in Wendy‟s Georgia and he proudly emphasizes the fact that he and his friend Koka Kapanadze are the VIP guests of Wendy‟s

Imagine you wake up in morning and you realize you are invisible, what is the first thing you will do? Giorgi: I have been interested since childhood what presidents and ministers are doing at official meetings so I will definitely go and spy them, see how they live. Tamuna: I will find out what others think and talk about me. Pick two superheroes to be your parents Giorgi: Spider-man, Superman (Turns out Giorgi always wanted to have two fathers) Tamuna: Batman, Catwoman Imagine you are 80, surrounded with your grandchildren, how would you remember EYP? Giorgi: I have gained essential knowledge, skills and other integral benefits from the organization. I would remember Tbilisi IS 2013, the most memorable session in my life. Tamuna: I would say that EYP became turning point, which brought a lot of new experiences and impressions that have completely changed my life. I have met many dedicated, intelligent people which positively influenced on me.

Tamuna and Giorgi assure us that the Rustavi Regional Session 2014 is going to be the BEST session in EYP History; they have taken into consideration tiny details, which will make it special for everyone. They have sacrificed a lot of time and energy, Giorgi confessed that he is even ready to give up his beloved car in case there are some unforeseen circumstances during the session.



We start with the people who provide you with an everlasting impression to help you remember the session. The role of a press team at EYP sessions is to document and preserve the session. The press team works hard to make sure that nothing that happens at the session is missed and that all the unique moments as well as session spirit are captured. At the upcoming Rustavi Regional Session press team will put together a session paper, which will provide delegates with both academic articles and fun features. During the session you will see us creeping around with our cameras , but don‟t worry, that‟s our job! We will be taking lots of photos and videos of you all with a view to involving the delegates in order to create a lasting memory of the session. In the next few days, you may notice the introductory articles on the session topics that will appear. The aim of the press team is to enhance the delegates‟ experience of the session. Most participants will return home after the session

And here's about the organisers the people who are responsible for all the practicalities of the session. This Rustavi Regional Session is organized by EYP members ,who have experience of organizing and/ or participating in previous EYP events. Actually they are the people who have started working on the session nearly 2 months before these upcoming several days. They discuss about all the organizational details, they have to care about even what kind of flip charts and ball pens, even what kind of coffee breaks and lunches delegates are gonna have. They have the greatest contribution in session‟s awesomeness. Organisers have to go through sleepless nights only for your safety and comfort during the session days. They care the most about the tiniest details and deserve the best from you – at least Smile, Love and Respect. Sooo Meet our organizers team who are putting so much effort in order to make the Rustavi Regional Session of EYP Georgia unforgettable !!!

Keti Pkhaladze


The role of a Chairperson at EYP is an exciting one. It is no surprise that being in a room with 12 strong minded and opinionated teenagers is quite a daunting prospect for anyone, however at a National session, that is precisely what happens. Each delegate is placed into a group containing themselves, 11 other strangers and their Chair. The role of a Chair is to use a variety of ice breakers and teambuilding games to effectively ensure that what starts out as a room full of strangers, ends with them becoming a room full of friends. Once everyone knows one another, it is the Chairâ€&#x;s job to essentially facilitate the 12 delegates in debating a given topic. The Chair is there to communicate well and encourage all delegates to participate and contribute in some way to the debate. The Chair is there to listen to everyoneâ€&#x;s ideas, whilst ensuring that they themselves are both impartial and efficient within the debate. The idea is not encourage arguments about the topic, but to give people the opportunity to give their opinions in order to reach a general consensus together.



We have finally come to the session, which will be led by an extremely experienced and enthusiastic team of board members, who have been working selflessly to make sure that every single person, attending the session, gets the best out of it. Besides the fact of how committed to work our board members are, they also have whole lot of characteristics you might find surprising and funny. The following interviews are going to be pretty helpful to have an idea of how creative, funny, motivated our board members are, what their future plans and their values are:


3) A panda wearing a Tamri Matiashvili (President) sombrero walks into the room, 1) What is your favorite EYP what does he say? game? - Where is Koka? (joking - It would be Zulu, because obviously). it was the very first game I played in EYP, signifying the 4) What are your expectations new era of my life. from the session? - By the time of the 2) Which superhero are you interview, I am familiar with relating yourself most to? absolutely everyone and as it - I do not really know many seems, with two awesome superheroes, but I guess Prince Head-organizers and Zuko, from Avatar the Last Organizers, my amazing viceAirbender, would be my presidents and the chairs team, favorite; he always seeks the thrilling editors, assistant right path and makes mistakes editor and the journo team and all the time, but eventually he most importantly the most finds his own path and that diverse delegation, everything essentially shows what life is will be superb. all about for me: finding the right path, making mistakes, learning and then making it all perfect.

not, because my first International Session was way 5) Where do you see yourself cooler and it was the very first in 10 years from now? 4) If you had to pick two - Conquering the world? celebrities to be your parents, InternationalthEYP event I attended, 69 IS in Istanbul.


again joking ‌ I am not sure I have a precise picture in my head, however quoting Matthew McCounaughey, as a character and a person, I will be the person I deem as perfect at this point.

Giorgi Gugenishvili (VicePresident) 1) Which superhero are you relating yourself most to? - Cyclop, because he is a good leader, always tries to do good, but sometimes ends up making mistakes and values brains. 2) A panda wearing a sombrero, walks into the room, what does he say? - More drugs. 3) What was the most embarrassing EYP moment of yours? - When I was debating with one of the delegates during the session and she ended up

who would they be? - Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina.

5) Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? - In Strasburg, working at the European Union court of human rights.

4) How has EYP affected your life? - EYP has not affected my life, it became my life. 5) Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? - In the Netherlands.

Veriko Devidze (Vice-President) 1) Which superhero are you relating yourself most to? - Rapunzel, if she can be considered as a superhero. She does have superpower. 2) I heard you are a huge fan of Game of Thrones, so, which house would you be from? - Probably Starks, I know people tend to like stronger families with more money and power, but I like to root for the good guys. 3) Which was your most memorable session and what was so memorable about it? - I would say my first session, as it was the first one, but I will

Mariam Demetrashvili


Elisabed Gedevanishvili


A Short Guide Into The EU As the socialists of the EU stand disappointed as the right parties gain votes the Georgian public awaits 27 June to sign the European Union Association Agreement (AA) which is going to allow the country tighten its relations with the EU in political, cultural, and economic aspects.

For the ones who are not very familiar with European Union: EU is a union made up of 28 member states. Seven branches operate under the union: the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank, the Court of Auditors, and the European Parliament. In the parliament members are elected every five years by the citizens of EU. In 2014 just a few days ago new members were elected and others were left in disappointment. The session you are attending, organized by European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a recreation of the real process of nothing less than the real European Parliament. The EU has come a long way from being an initiative after WWII, similar to that of the League of Nations, to one of the most successful platforms in the world. As the countries withdrew their troops from frontlines, they started to ponder about the peace that would help Europe avoid another conflict, economic recession and division. First steps were taken at the Hague Congress, which led to the creation of the European Movement International, a lobbying association with the goal of promoting European unity and integration. As time went the ties of the union amongst European countries strengthened, the union grew larger and larger; the last country, Croatia, entered the European Union last summer on 1 July as the 28th member of the union. On what was said to be a “historic day” by Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament the country stood together to celebrate, and stand united as the new member of the EU. From the breakdown of the Soviet Union, Georgia has aspired to one day share the fate of Croatia and become the 29th member of the European Union. Misconception of the union‟s nature and aims has been rooted in Georgian society, until this day a minority of Georgian population wishing to move away from Europe remains. Many steps have been taken by the old and the new government to help the country move towards achieving its goal. The antidiscrimination law passed on in the beginning of May and marked yet another step towards the AA and Europe in general. Surprisingly a step towards easement of the visa process for Georgian citizens entering the borders of EU member states frustrated some parts of the Georgian population, resulting in protests and a stand against the “legalization of Mamatmavloba”. At this moment Georgia awaits 27 June, in hopes to create a historic day, similar to that of Croatia‟s. European Union and Georgia have never been so close to being close; a union with a history of less than a century and a country with a history of more than 15 centuries work in cooperation to achieve a consensus, which hopefully is going to mark the crossing of an important threshold.


Editors Tatuli Dolbaia The fundamental purpose of EYP Journalism, which reflects organisation’s values and goals, is to educate and inform. It is designed to answer demands of youngsters, raise their awareness of important and interesting worldwide issues and get them into critical thinking as well as serve as a form of entertainment after tiring day of intense committee work. That’s why the media team of the EYP Georgia is always staffed by motivated, creative, sometimes even a little bit eccentric individuals (trust me, eccentricity is essential for this position) and supervising such kind of group is connected to a great responsibility. Our editors, though, do not fair any troubles or challenges. Their devotion and enthusiasm make the whole team function together in order to achieve foreordained goals. To keep it short, ladies and gentlemen, I present you witty, brave, and cheerful editors of Rustavi Regional Session 2014!

Name, Surname: Mako Lashkhi I would describe myself to a stranger as a high-achiever person who hates lies and enjoys doing what she likes and believes in. Oh and I loooveee chocolateee!!! My first EYP session was School Session 2013. And thinking about it, the first thing that springs to my mind is that I was very determined and nervous at the same time, but soon became aware of what EYP really means to people. The person who has influenced my development and personal growth in EYP is…aah, that‟s a tough question, I‟m not gonna answer it :P The most stressful situation I have ever handled and an EYP Georgia official is… generally being an official takes a lot, so I think the most stressful situation I have ever handled was being an organiser of Tbilisi School Session 2014. Three things connected to the position of an editor that excite me the most are: 1. Creating the session spirit 2. More responsibility 3. My most amaaaazing journo team ever! I believe, in order to make a team function successfully we should all mind our own business. My co-editor can be characterised as a simply a nice guy. He can get a little bit weird from time to time, but after all, surprisingly we have managed to cooperate together in a good way. In the news story of my life, the headline would say: “UFO inda town.” If I could have a dinner with a historical figure, it would be Elisabeth I, definitely ! as I respect the qualities she possessed and believe, that we would have a nice chat :))))


Name, Surname: Zurab Giorgobiani I would describe myself to a stranger as a boring person with whom you can find nothing in common (I believe, exaggerated self-criticism and unimaginable shyness has made our dearest editor say these words. T.D.). My first EYP session was confusing. I was just talking about my committee topic and, frankly, couldn‟t quite understand what some of my team members wanted to state, define and include in the resolution, but general assembly lighted up my mind. That was more than two years ago, but I still remember how happy and satisfied I was after the GA. People who have influenced my development and personal growth in EYP are Tornike Zurabashvili and Vivek Gathani. Generally, there are a number of EYPers who have affected on my involvement in the organisation, but these two have motivated me in a great way. Tornike was my very first chairperson and if I had been placed in a different committee, I might not have attended any more sessions. Vivek was my chair at the International Session held in Riga, Latvia. I remember, his dedication and enthusiasm as well as high-level of professionalism had made me come into surprise till the end of the session. In my opinion, chair has the most important role in EYP and it‟s crucial for the newcomer to have a supervising person, who is cheerful, energetic, and committed to the committee itself. The most stressful situation I have ever handled and an EYP Georgia official is connected with Telavi 2nd Regional Session. The position of an editorial assistant, which was associated with tons of work, made me extremely tired at the end of each day. In the end, sleepless nights resulted in a quite unusual, comic situation, as I ended up sleeping in the bathroom near a toilet bowl while the showerhead was turned on. When I opened my eyes I saw my roommate, Giorgi Metskhvarishvili, standing in front of me with somewhat confused facial expression. Well…what can I say? EYP is the place where unusual, weird things always happen. Three things connected to the position of an editor that excite me the most are: speech at closing ceremony, not obliged to wake up early, and a chance to be interviewed for the issue. I believe, in order to make a team function successfully, I should give my team members cookies…but I won‟t! My co-editor can be characterised as motivated and hard-working, but sometimes a little bit too motivated. There are times, when her motivation and enthusiasm make me think that she's a serial killer and that one day she's going to kill me in a sleep. That‟s why I'm not going to fall asleep at the session, as I‟m afraid that I'll never wake up!!! In the news story of my life, the headline would say: “Zurab Giorgobiani has finally found the way to never grow old.” If I could have a dinner with historical figures, they would be Adam and Eve, as I would show them that besides a single apple, there are much more delicious meals to taste!









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Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs II (LIBE II) As relations between the Spanish government and the region of Catalonia constantly recede and a referendum on possible independence of Scotland is months away, what stance should the European Union take and what respective steps should be made in regard to regions seeking independence within the territory of the EU? Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) While e-learning and social networking continuously increases, how can institutions of higher education meet the demands of the digital generation at the same time guaranteeing academic relevance and meeting educational standards? Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs I (LIBE I) The Common European Asylum System: although criticized by human rights organizations, the System is still being overwhelmed by continuous and increasing numbers of refugees entering its borders. How can the member states ensure fair asylum application processes and humane treatment of all refugees entering the EU? Committee on Human Rights (DROI) Many Roma people, who constitute Europeâ€&#x;s largest ethnic minority, are subject to deep-rooted human rights violations and discrimination in public and private life. What steps can the EU take to promote Roma inclusion? Committee on Public Health, Food and Environment (ENVI) In recent years, the European Union has been faced with an energy crisis. Carbon dioxide emissions are soaring despite efforts to use more sustainable energy sources, and it seems that with our rising energy needs, nuclear energy is the only way to ensure continuous energy supply. Should the EU promote and research nuclear energy and power plants in order to combat rising carbon dioxide emissions or not? Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE) Following the constant cuts of European defence budgets and the military crisis in Ukraine, should the EU member states further integrate their defence policies and work towards a common military strategy or not v?


Hey you gotta independence? or nah? What defines a unique nation? its Borders? its capital city? Or maybe its culture? Although the sovereignty of a certain country is highlighted by borders and a capital, the main reason for the country’s independence is the people and their culture. We, Georgians, clearly know what it’s like to have a region of the country demand independence and work towards achieving its goal. In the modern day Europe, regions with distinguishable identities often tend to take a separate stand from their parent government and demand independence. As we know from our own history these demands can result in an outbreak of the conflict and war, so what do you think should the organization bringing together 28 countries of Europe, the European Union, do to prevent the development of such demands into large scaled fuss?

A perfect example of the small part of a country craving for independence is Catalonia. If you look at the map of Spain, you will see that Catalonia is located on the north-eastern corner of Spain. Barcelona, the second capital of the country and the host to 76th International Session of EYP is located at the heart of this region. Some people might wonder why would Catalonia out of seventeen regions suddenly decide to create its own state? These critics will be surprised as they find out that the division between Catalonia and the rest of the Spain has its beginning in the 1930s as the socialist government was established in the country. It can be said that Catalonians are significantly different from the rest of Spanish people by their culture and language.


The main reason for the ongoing argument is whether or not does Catalonia qualify to be granted a right to self-determination. As Catalonians desire independence, the effects of the newly established state may turn out to be negative for both Spain and the rest of Europe. Only through the close analysis can one deduct the best choice for both of the parties. Catalonia is not the only one in the battle against the state whose name is largely engraved on the world map. Scotland, the land of men in kilts and women in pants is protesting against her majesty‟s Great Britain and is demanding a fully independent government. Although a survey carried out by BBC suggests that the support for the notion of Scotland‟s independence is slowly declining, the extremist nationalists are far from backing down. The Scottish Independence Referendum is scheduled on 18 September 2014, only 2 months from now. The official beginning of pursuing the purpose of independence was marked by the formation of a minority government in 2007 on the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union that brought England and Scotland together. The established head of the government, the First Minister has since then initiated different movements for Scottish Independence. Like Catalonians and Spanish, English and Scottish are also quite different in many ways; most importantly the stereotypes of a Scottish and English person vary. But is cultural diversity necessarily a bad thing for a whole country? Summer‟s approaching, September, more specifically the crucial decision of Scotland‟s fate is just one month away from summer. As the opposition continues in Spain, Scotland tends to take a role of a passive aggressor and await for the results of the referendum. Thinking about EU one wonders what would the possible decision of the establishment of Scotland as a separate country mean for all the other regions craving sovereignty. Would it cause problems? Or Would it prompt the governments to finally fulfill peoples‟ right to self-determination? What will be the role of EU in this growing issue? Or will it have any role at all?

Elisabed Gedevanishvili


Does nuclear energy deserve our trust? Nuclear power is once again considered a prominent alternative, despite the disregard it was met with in the 1970s. This is because it‟s now being touted as a more environmentally beneficial solution since it emits far fewer greenhouse gases during electricity generation than coal or other traditional power plants. It is widely accepted as a somewhat dangerous, potentially problematic, but manageable source of generating electricity. Radiation isn‟t easily dealt with, especially in nuclear waste and maintenance materials, and expensive solutions are needed to contain, control, and shield both people and the environment from its harm. Climate change, resulting from increases in Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), is considered one

of the biggest environmental dangers facing the world today. Reducing atmospheric GHG concentrations have become an international priority as evidenced by the signing of the Kyoto Protocol. Electricity is a clean energy carrier, but to a large extent coal, oil and gas are burned to produce it. In the future, the emphasis in the power generation sector will have to be on cleaner production methods, such as wind, solar, biomass, hydro and nuclear. This change in emphasis will be needed to meet future electricity demand in a way that is low on CO2 emissions and compatible with sustainable development objectives. Nuclear power is the single most significant means of limiting the increase in GHG concentrations in the power generation sector, while enabling access to abundant electricity at a stable and low cost. But the dialogue about using nuclear power – and expanding it – centers on weighing these risks against the rewards, as well as the risks inherent in other forms of power generation.


Nuclear power, unlike fossil fuel, does not generate GHG directly. For nuclear power and renewable fuels, there are no CO2 emissions at the point of generation, but there are releases during the mining and processing of the fuel, construction of the plant, disposal of spent fuel and byproducts, and waste management and decommissioning. The emissions from these stages depend, among other factors, on the national mix of electric power production. For example, the CO2 emissions from a nuclear fuel cycle are due to the fossil fuel-based energy and electricity needed to mine and process fuel and for the construction and materials of fuel cycle facilities. Nuclear energy makes a significant contribution to the lowering of carbon emissions from the energy sector in the EU and worldwide. The current use of nuclear energy (accounting for about 15% of the worldâ€&#x;s electricity generation) avoids the emission of about 2.1 billion tonnes of CO2eq every year. In the EU as whole, the avoidance levels amount to 675 million tonnes of CO2eq per year, taking into account the current (2006) energy mix. By comparison, the EU has a GHG emission reduction target of 446 million tonnes of CO2eq below 1990 level by 2008-2012. To make savings equivalent to those from the use of nuclear power, all passenger cars in the EU (212.5 million) would have to be taken off the roads. Switching to less carbon intensive or low carbon fuels such as gas, nuclear and renewables will play a major role in reducing emissions. But this is only the first side of the medal. Surprisingly huge amount of people regard that nuclear power is dangerous, costly, and will create more problems that it could ever hope to solve. Here is why the rest part of society thinks nuclear power is bad for the environment and for the nation. Firstly, there is No Safe Way to Mine, Store, or Process Nuclear Materials: Even though energy moguls claim that nuclear energy is safe, the truth is that there is no guaranteed safe means for containment of nuclear materials. The risk of an accident and exposure increase exponentially through each step in the process of mining, transportation, storage, refinement, and use or nuclear power which then leaves you with enormous amounts of nuclear waste that must be contained and disposed of. Every step of this process carries great risk for the environment and the community. While people are proving that EU should promote and research nuclear energy and power plants in order to combat rising carbon dioxide emissions, others regard, that Nuclear Power Will Not Reduce Carbon Emissions: While the plant itself at the point of producing energy may not be emitting as much carbon pollution as a coal plant, it does create equal or greater amounts of carbon emissions during the entire process leading up to that point. Society members from the opposition always mention that Viable Sources of Clean Renewable Energy Already Exist: We already have the technology available for clean and renewable forms of safe energy that have lower costs than nuclear power including wind and solar which could create thousands of new jobs, boost the economy, and give us a safer solution for the future. Besides, Nuclear power is extremely costly. Building or restarting the number of nuclear power plants that the industry is pushing for would cost trillions of dollars. For example, there was an estimate created by the Florida Power and Light company to create a new reactor plant with a price tag of between $12 and $18 billion dollars for a single project. To sum up, here are all the points people discuss nowadays about the given issue. Trust or not? Should the EU promote and research nuclear energy and power plants in order to combat rising carbon dioxide emissions ? Lets wait for the awesome resolution of the awesome committee on Public Health, Food and Environment (ENVI)

Keti Pkhaladze


France’s Policy Of Rejection For Roma

Leaning against the tree and holding his sister‟s hand before dawn on a winter‟s morning, is 18-year-old Alex who has been woken up by armed French policemen half an hour ago. “Everybody out!”- They said-“We are going to smash this camp.” Watching tractor trampling down piles of planks which used to be his home, Alex smiles confusedly and confesses that he isn‟t surprised or shocked at all as “they‟ve done it for multiple times, anyway”. Like thousands of Roma people, Alex‟s family migrated from Romania in the hope of finding better work and housing. Though, France hasn‟t met vagrant communities with opened arms. Despite the fact that in 2000, the European Union introduced the Race Equality Directive to eliminate and combat discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, most of European countries violate Roma communities‟ rights, prevent them to access proper education, sanitation, or household. Among the EU Member States, France uses one of the strictest methods while dealing with Roma people.


According to official statistics, approximately nine thousand Roma were forcibly evicted by authorities in 2012 and the number doubled in 2013. For asking what has led them into taking such kind of harsh measures, French officials answer that their aim is to remove filthy, unsanitary, and unsafe sites which have no water or electricity. Even if it‟s the main reason for destroying Roma‟s huts without warning them beforehand, government shows no willingness or minimum effort to ensure evicted ethnic minorities by permanent household. As a result, Roma take care after themselves as other shacks are being built a few hundred metres from the last. Despite Roma‟s indefatigable efforts to integrate into French society, they are continuously being rejected and suffer discrimination in everyday life. Due to their origin, which is often associated with careless, irresponsible way of life, they are unable to find a permanent job. In addition, local authorities have detained Roma teenagers at schools. Alex, unlike peers of his age who worry about final exams, has different problems and worries as his primary duty is to earn money for living. Without doubt, life of these oppressed ethnic groups can only be called “struggle for existence”. Discrimination is a terrible disease, it‟s the source for social inequality which leads to hatred, aversion, and conflicts. By violating Roma‟s basic human rights, France provokes the ongoing tension between government and Roma people to overgrow into severe dispute based on disgust within country‟s ethnic majorities and minorities. What should be done in order to avoid further complications? How can the modern world ensure rights of vagrant communities without rudely interfering into France‟s home affairs? Or, are we allowed to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the importance of the problem? These are the questions that haven‟t been answered yet.

Tatuli Dolbaia


Segregated refugee rights

In 1951, during Geneva Convention, which was related to the protection of refugees, Asylum, granted to people fleeing persecution or serious harm in their own country and therefore in need of international protection, was first recognized. Which was followed by signing Shengen Agreement in 1985, it proposed the gradual abolition of border checks at the signatories' common borders. Member states soon realized that the already existent framework was not working efficiently, so since 1999, the EU has been working to create a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and improve the current legislative framework. Between 1999 and 2005, several legislative measures harmonizing common minimum standards for asylum were adopted. In 2006, the 27 EU member states received 192 300 applications for asylum and the number has been only increasing since then, which was caused by ongoing crisis in Middle East and North Africa. The increasing number of asylum seekers set antiimmigration sentiment going in EU, expressing their strong desires to stop acceptance of immigrants, by extreme actions, resulting in violation of refugeeâ€&#x;s human rights. These statesâ€&#x; national policies on labour migration and bilateral agreements between states tend to focus on economic interests and security matters, neglecting migrantsâ€&#x; human rights.


Migrant workers, especially those in an irregular situation, are victims of multiple human rights violations, in countries of transit as well as arrival, where they are abused by unscrupulous native employees, who do not tend to be in favor of the increasing number of asylum seekers. Despite, efforts towards establishing the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) , by the end of 2012, asylum seekers continue to experience gaps in accessing asylum and poor reception and detention conditions, including the unaccompanied children. 300 asylum seekers have died during the boat migration, due to the low quality surveillance system of EU, resulting in admittance of EU Boarder Surveillance, that it lacked clear guidelines and mechanisms for ensuring rescue of asylum seekers at sea. However, EU citizens do not tend to be in favor of the increasing number of asylum seekers as well. They are imposing restrictions on asylum seekersâ€&#x; movements, causing in human rights violations. Natives are not willing to have asylum seekers in their eyes, thrust upon them. Some Swiss towns actually keep asylum-seekers away from public places such as swimming pools, playing fields and libraries. Mayor of the town of Menzingen, said asylum-seekers should be banned from "sensitive areas" such as the vicinity of a school as well as from church areas. The statistics of affected victims are raising day by day, existent regulations and directives are failing to protect Asylum seekers from their rightsâ€&#x; violations. Organizations targeted at stable and effective social framework for the inclusion of Asylum seekers and refugees are working inefficiently. Most importantly member states are not willing to enforce principle in reality. How should member states ensure more humane treatment and improve application processes for refugees entering EU? Sacrificing human rights is not an option!

Mariam Demetrasvili


We can be next! The crisis in Ukraine is an international crisis principally involving Russia and Ukraine over control of the Crimean Peninsula, which until February 2014 was administered by Ukraine. Currently, the Crimean Peninsula is controlled by the Russian Federation, a status which is not recognized by the United Nations. The question is the following: should the EU Member States further integrate their defense policies and work towards a common military strategy?

Most people think that EU must do everything to prevent this crisis even if help Ukraine with the military. The EU's military crisis management has been developed based on experiences gained from the crises in the Western Balkans in the 1990s. The Union was not then capable enough to act proactively and prevent crises and solve conflicts. The EU's military crisis management has been developed based on experiences gained from Crisis management capabilities have improved also as a result of participation in the resolution of conflicts and crises in Africa. The EU is trying to contribute to overcoming them by means of closer cooperation with the UN and national and regional organizations in Africa, such as the African Union. As part of the European Unionâ€&#x;s Common Foreign and Se-curity Policy (CFSP), the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) covers the Unionâ€&#x;s military operations and civilian missions.


The CSDP includes a number of permanent political and military structures and organizes operations abroad.. EU-led EUFOR ALTHEA operation, EU NAVFOR Somalia - Operation ATALANTA, EUTM Somalia operation, EUTM Mali operation: this is the only a few list of operations of CSDP. We can say that it‟s the one of the most important structure we need to solve following problem. Another main actor in this problem is EEAS. The EEAS assists the High Representative in ensuring the consistency and coordination of the Union's external action as well as by preparing policy proposals and implementing them after their approval by the Council. It also assists the President of the European Council and the President as well as the Members of the Commission in their respective functions in the area of external relations and ensures close cooperation with the Member States. The network of EU delegations around the world is part of the EEAS structure. Herewith is NATO. . NATO is an active and leading contributor to peace and security on the international stage. Through its crisis-management operations, the Alliance demonstrates both its willingness to act as a positive force for change and its capacity to meet the security challenges of the 21st century. Today, just under 100,000 military personnel are engaged in NATO missions around the world, successfully managing complex ground, air and naval operations in all types of environment. These forces are currently operating in Afghanistan, Kosovo, the Mediterranean, off the Horn of Africa and in Somalia. The European Union does not have one unified military. The predecessors of the European Union were not devised as a strong military alliance because NATO was largely seen as appropriate and sufficient for defence purposes. There are several aspects to this issue that need to be considered. Without the close cooperation of this organizations and structures with Ukraine, this problem can‟t be solved.

If we don‟t pay attention, we are likely to be next!!! Aren‟t we?

Vazha Chanchibadze


EVOLUTION, NOT REVOLUTION A decade ago, access to technology was limited and wiring schools was one of the nation's highest education priorities. Ten years of substantial investments have vastly improved this picture The Internet and computer has become a part of our daily life. The way we share our lives via Internet with other people has changed a lot in the way we work and study and spend our free-time. Traditionally, people have been learning by absorbing and soaking up information that is presented by people who are known to be more scholarly educated in the specific subject matter. Nowadays technology can have a reciprocal relationship with teaching. The emergence of new technologies pushes educators to understanding and leveraging these technologies for classroom use. Undoubtedly, without these recent technologies in the classroom, strong lessons can still be achieved, but there‟s a sharp disconnect between the way students are taught in school and the way the outside world approaches socialization, meaning-making, and accomplishment . Today the practice of using technology has moved on. Technology is not being used as the person in front of the class. It is being used as the tool to engage enquiry within the collaborative classroom, to personalize the learning and to break down previous learning barriers. Technology has helped to unlock the nature of learning. E-learning is the use of electronc media and communication technologies (ICT) in education. Electronic learning or E-learning is a general term used to refer to computer-enhanced learning. It is used interchangeably in so many contexts that it is critical to be clear what one means when one speaks of 'eLearning'. The potential and capabilities of modern ICT systems are still growing exponentially. With the appropriate interpretation, quality assurance agencies could use the ESG as a backbone document and create additional material that would aide quality assurance agencies in monitoring the progress and development of E-learning. At the moment, it is quite difficult to predict the evolution of new technologies that can be used in teaching and learning. They are changing so fast that even specialists find it difficult to make a general composition of what can be expected in the next 20 years. It is clear from many national examples that schools are also increasingly being equipped with ICT. Elearning in the European Higher Education Area has stampeded its way to the foreground of the Quality Assurance (QA) forum, and has become a key issue among quality assurance agencies and institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), Key advantages of E-learning are flexibility, convenience and the ability to work at any place where an internet connection is available and at one‟s own pace. Eclasses are asynchronous which allows learners to participate and complete coursework in accordance with their daily commitments. This makes an E-learning education a viable option for those that have other commitments such as family or work or cannot participate easily e.g. depending on a disability. There are also transportation cost (and time) benefits with not having to commute to and from campus. But still it‟s controversial if e-learning is beneficial or not. There are lots of disadvantages which should be taken into consideration in order system to be increased and to be more effective. Much has been written about the use of film, radio, telephones, and television in education, because access to digital tools, applications, and networks continues to grow worldwide and media are increasingly available in digital form, ICT-use in education can be expected to increase dramatically.


Mari Kapanadze

WANNA PLAY A GAME? he first day of T emotions for every to get known to and they have to be energetic in order to brain teasers, committee work. opportunity to meet feel comfortable with during the another game, from delegates to become participants from different committees.

the session is full of participant; delegates have their committee members extremely motivated and survive through games, puzzles, brainstorming and EYP games give delegates an array of new people and talking to and debating session. Here comes press team which will help acquainted with

Game will start at the end of the first day and will long until there are two winners. „‟TREAD LIGHTLY‟‟ is the only key to success. Everyone has to obey the following RULES 1) Everyone gets one piece of paper where is written name of their victims. 2) When you get your paper you have to find and „‟KILL‟‟ the person written on it. 3) You have to KISS YOUR VICTIM ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD in order to kill him. 4) While committing crime you should be as invisible and careful as BATMAN. 5) If you are caught while carrying out your mission you LOSE. 6) When your victim is dead you have to get the name of his victim that should be killed automatically by you. 7) While „‟killing‟‟ others do not forget that you are someone‟s victim too and remember your aim is to survive as

Death does not wait for you to be ready! Death is not considerate, or fair! And make no mistake: here, you face Death. The winners will be awarded personally by one of the editors, Zurab Giorgobiani.


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