FRAMES (Issue 2)

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9th National Selection Conference Of EYP Georgia


At the end of the session saying Goodbyes is always so hard. And the ones who made this particular session so special are you. With your brightest personality, dedication and enthusiasm each and every one of you made Kutaisi’15 significant and unforgettable for all participants. It is worth mentioning, that you all are just one step closer to PED (post EYP depression), but bear in mind, that at the same time you are Follow us Facebook

one step closer to new opportunities, that lie ahead of you. We hope after the tiring days our issues served as source of energy and joy. Enjoy the last issue of FRAMES!

Mako Lashkhi Tamar Simonishvili Keti Pkhaladze Efe Ünlüoğlu 2

Mariam Margiani Erdoğan Ata Gezen Nako Edisherashvili

Tamuna Chipashvili Giorgi TsoTsoria Ece Çakır

…………………………………………………………….. Meet Board Members Of The Session

> Zodiac Sign: Libra Nako Edisherashvili > Quote about Georgia: this is life this is Georgia. > Why is the grass green? - Sorry, I only look through pink google. Fictional character you look like the most? - Elle Woods from ‘legally Blonde’. We are both sorority girls who want to go on Ivy league university for grad school ! > Your definition of EYP? - home > What does caged bird think about during the day? - The reason why it lost sleeps at night > The most comfortable role for you at the GA? The sum-up speech. As a delegate I had a nickname of the ‘sum-up girl’ > Which house do you belong to? (Game of thrones) Ravenclow. > Naturally blonde VS legally blonde? - Legally blonde, duh ! introduced the concept of the legally blondes to EYP > What would you do if a delegate starts singing serenade for you during his/her speech? -I would probably dance in the background > If you were to be reincarnated which public figure would you want to pursue your life as? - I would really like to be a pony.

> Zodiac Sing : Leo > Quote about Georgia: If you want to get free WI-FI at the airport –Go to Georgia > Why is the grass green? - Because it is nature’s will. > Fictional character you look like the most? - Harry Potter > Your definition of EYP? - Personal development and meeting interesting personalities > What does caged bird think about during the day? ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ > The most comfortable role for you at the GA? - Actually I enjoy being a president. > Which house do you belong to? (Game of thrones) Starks. > Naturally blonde VS legally blonde? - Naturally. > What would you do if a delegate starts singing serenade for you during his/her speech? - I would listen and feel much honored. > If you were to be reincarnated which public figure would you want to pursue your life as? - Kofi Annon.



ART IN FRAMES A lot has changed since the very beginning of humanity: values, communications, even state boundaries... But one thing remains the same: Expressing visions and emotions in something that is called as art. Described as an expression or application of human creativity and imagination, the core aspect of art is to share your personal attitude and feelings towards anything you like or dislike. Since the art is free from any interference from authorities or influential forces, artists are free to reflect their protest or devastation in a creative way. But expressing your feelings and emotions was not an easy thing for the people living in the period, in which the world was divided into two spheres of influence, where big Soviet Brother was “watching you” and every artist felt the way once Winston Smith had felt discovering that his beloved Ministry of Truth was not so true at all. To paraphrase Woody “Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.” If we replace the bad television with the Soviet Brother, as a result we will see official policy dedicated that artists depict socialist realism as interpreted by the Government. The workers were to be shown as glad that they were able to toil for the good of the socialist homeland. The leaders of the socialist state were to be glorified. The objective of official policy was the use of art to educate the masses. Socialist artists were informed of the correct manner in which to further their efforts to reach the masses by statements. Let’s us face the fact how this ideology worked on the artists and how they tried themselves to survive as every incorrect move meant being doomed to death. “A commissar with only one leg, one arm, and one eye wanted his portrait painted. A Soviet painter painted him with one leg, one arm, and one eye - and was shot for bourgeois naturalism.

Tamuna Tchipashvili A second Soviet painter painted the commissar with two legs, two arms, and two eyes and was shot for reactionary idealism. A third Soviet artist posed the commissar in profile, showing the good leg, good arm, and good eye and was given a medal for socialist realism.” It’s interesting how people under such heavy pressure managed to share their protest and personal attitude towards the aggressive actions governing bodies use to express. Let’s, meet one of the inspirational film directors, Andrei Tarkovsky, whose visionary approach to cinematic time and space is breathtaking. Although he never tackled politics directly, the metaphysical preoccupations of films, in particular The Mirror, provoked ongoing hostility from the Soviet authorities. Like many other artists in the Soviet Union, his career was marked by constant struggles with the authorities to release his vision. Although this meant he completed only seven features in his 27 years as a director, each one is strikingly uncompromising in its thematic ambition and formal boldness. Although he never admitted using political hints into his luminous films, If we look deeply we will definitely find out that his creations are full of chronics that perfectly reflected ongoing political processes in the Soviet Union. I guess Palblo Picasso’s words “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth” Perfectly matches the tactic Tarkovsky used to represent his inside protest against the soviet regulation. However, Andrei was not an ordinary director, he surely was an extraordinary one, whose mystical and metaphysical working style was so deep that even Soviet Brother could not understand the hidden truth beneath films. No matter in which period you live, releasing yourself into art always means waking on a path full of obstacles. One thing stays the same

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”


“Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.”



Just Friends? Erdoğan Ata Gezen We have friends from the opposite sex, but are they really our friends? Yes, you have probably had long conversations on this question but always left this

topic unresolved. So maybe we can let psychology give us the answer to the question Can men and women really be ‘just friends’? Before answering this question, let’s have a look at how men and women benefit from the opposite sex friendship and what are the costs of these benefits. According to a survey published by Bleske and Buss in 2000, there are some common benefits in such a friendship. Both men and women like to have conversations with the opposite sex. They have significant boosts in their self-esteem, just from having someone from the opposite sex around. Moreover they get access to more information about the opposite sex, gain social status and respect. The last common benefit of men and women is the access to the pool of the same-sex friends of your opposite-sex friend. However, all the pros of such a friendship comes with many problems and much drama. Men and women become jealous of each other and are not sure where they stand in their relationship. Such friendships are sometimes one sided in love or often one side feels like he or she isn’t loved as much as their partner. These problems often reflect to the mean behaviors of the sides. Furthermore having a friend from opposite sex is bad news if we also want to date others.


…………………………………………………………….. Potential daters are often intimidated of the friend and think twice before dating with you or starting a relationship. The real obstacle between you and your friend is what you don’t have in common. Men see sex and romanticism as benefits of the friendship and women see it as a cost. On the other side, women like being taken onto a date and treated with a dinner or some other outside activity. Apart from the financial benefit, women also see the physical protection feeling men give them as a benefit. However men see these as a loss of time and money, especially when their desire for sex and romance is not fulfilled. As you can see, one’s benefit is the other’s cost. With this conflict of interest, it is very hard to make a relationship work. A study in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which was published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology emphasizes on the interpretation of the signals your friend gives. Men tend to over-perceive women’s signals and mistake friendly signals with sexual interest. On the opposite side, women tend to under-perceive men’s intentions of sexual intimacy and interpret them as friendliness. The misunderstandings in the communication between men and women lead to false interpretations and make it harder to make a friendship, in which both sides can be happy. You might not be convinced; maybe you still think you have good opposite-sex friends. However you might be suppressing your feelings and desires or consuming yourself emotionally to keep what you have. If this is the case, what you have might not be real. But then, there might be exceptions.*

Alexis Tsipras, the current prime minister of Greece steps down from office and you are the new prime minister of Greece. What measures would you take to end the crisis in Greece and lead your country to brighter days? Here are some of the answers:

Irakli Popkhadze: The main thing I would do is to fight against corruption.


Tamari Khardziani: I would cut the salaries of the parliament members.

Lela Kankadze: I would take into account the perfect and the strong resolution created by the ECON Committee during the 9th NSC of EYP Georgia in Kutaisi. I would thank ECON members for this amazing resolution and hard job they’ve accomplished. Is social stability dependent on economic growth at all times? Lela Kankadze: It is in most cases, but if a country is experiencing a recession and if the people trust their government and their ability to improve the situation, then social stability could be kept without an economic growth, only if it is for a short period of time. Gvantsa Dolbaia: Yes, because money rules the world and the society. Yeva Musayelgan: Yes, I think that the economy cannot grow without social stability and social stability without economy. if you were to choose one, which one would you want your country to have? The delegates were equally distributed between these two choices.

Erdoğan Ata Gezen

Zeroing in on finding a new approach on balancing economic growth and social stability, the members of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs agree on the damage caused by the austerity policies, which lessen countries’ spending. ECON thinks austerity policies hurt the economic growth since imposing public sector cuts will keep the economy from stimulating and investors away from the country. All of these will lead the country to recession, so the social stability will be disrupted. Greece is currently the most fashionable country in this position and GREXIT is a perfect example for the topic. So we asked the delegates:

“Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytail”

Once upon a time there was a kingdom where even people and dinosaurs lived happily together. The place was called Afcoland. The kingdom was a very different place from others onces, because the only thing happening here was a kindness . A kingdom was surrounded by a high wall so that no one dared to go into it. The king of Afcoland was called Alesandros. A guy with a beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. Pricess from all over the world visited the land to see his beauty . Brother of Alessandro had long in vain wished for becoming a king of Afcoland, so he decided to imprison Alesandro and arranged his coronation as he announced that Alesandro was dead. One day when he was figuring out the topic with his servant one of the knights who was Alesandro’s childhood friend heard what Alessandro’s brother’s was going to do.


Nako Edisherashvili

The story of AFCOland

Knight Lukaz decided to gather the best warriors in order to save the life of Alessandro, but they had only 5 hours till coronation. This brave knights were: George- different from everybody for his charisma and motivation. Giorgi, dedicated to the land, for the king. Shalva, the first speaker of the land. He participated in negotiations with the other countries during the hardest moments in Afcoland’s life. Bacho, the most intelligent knight who could keep calm and decide wisely even during the most stressful situations. Two most influential ladies had a strong desire to join the campaign. NIni ,who was the mayor of the capital of Afcoland and Rusa, who owned fifty schools of music there. Lukas painted a map of the whole castle , two of the knights started searching for a secret room where Alessandro was imprisoned. Meanwhile the other ones went to the coronation to speak up the truth. There was a following rule in Afcoland – before the coronation one of the knights should summarize all the good and bad points of a potential king to become a king. The process was called GA – General Accession. Shalva decided to take the lead. He started make his speech so remembering, emotional. -‘Alessandros is alive. It means that you, you and you are the only ones who can decide which kind of life to choose. To live in a cruel world or to stand together for Alessandro to become a king again.’- People started shouting the name of Alessandro and the name of Shalva. Suddenly Lukaz, Giorgi and Bacho appeared with Alesandro. They insisted Alesdandro’s brother to leave the land. Alessandro became king again. The sun was shining brightly in Afcoland. The beauty of the splendid garden could be seen again, which was full of the most beautiful flowens and herbs. And people…


……………………………………… People lived happily ever after.

successful committee in EYP history? Well, you have to read out useful information about the best delegates and the adorable members of committee of LIBE! The first one on the list is Tato Garuchava. Though she is very young she is quite experienced alumni and active participant of the session. Despite her age she is more than aware of every political or social ongoing issue and is actively involved in youth affairs. I can confidently say, that Tato has huge potential to succeed in every field of social or political branch of country.

Nino Panjakidze— I could not help but notice, that she has pretty interesting hobbies like playing tabletennis, knitting, volunteering and reading books. When I asked her what would she remember from the session after 10 years she answered at once General Teambuilding and one and one and only, dedicated organising team. Narek Ghazaryan — delegate who is definetely in his “Golden Age”, having huge potential of succeeding in his future career, field of which is pretty unpredictable according to his immense abilities and knowledge. Giorgi Metskhvarishvili is a 20year-old delegate from Tbilisi, Georgia. Frankly saying, he is one of the most reliable and helpful person I have ever met in my life. There is directly nothing, that you might fail in with Giorgi’s support and it definitely deserves appreciation.


Damina Gasanova is another noticeably active and erudite newcomer, whose contribution to her committee was definitely immense. Her favourite hobby appeared to be smiling and making people pleased and happy even in the hardest moments, and I must admit that she has unconditionally charming smile, using of which she encouraged her committee during the whole session.

Giorgi Tsotsoria

Have you heard of the smallest but the most erudite, motivated and

Wanna know more about the super-duper committee of 9th National Selection Conference of Georgia 2015? Here you are! Ladies and gentlemen! Please, welcome the committee you’re gonna love the most. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy chaired by intelligent, sweet, cool, awesome, beautiful, like ‘how are you real?’ person with the most ‘exotic’ name Ms. Flora Mavry.

This beautiful and unbelievably sweet girl is sooo smart and intelligent with her very own appropriate comments and precious ideas that she should be called the WIKIPEDIA of ITRE committee. Have you ever seen a girl who can be talkative, educative, cute and adequate at the same time? If not, here you are. Ladies and gentleman, the coolest Po from KunFuPanda – workaholic, friendly, funny, charming-Beyonce girl Ms. Ani Machaidze. Maybe this is the only LAZY guy I respect in the whole universe. The guy that loves being alone, travelling alone, enjoying himself, playing/listening to the music aaaaaaaand the breathtakingly impressive – astronomy and taking photos of different stars and galaxies while observing them with his own telescope. (the moment when my wishes come true for other people, such a bad world). Soooo here he is – hipsterish grunge, gorgeous but lonely Hades from Hercules, creative guy with the strangest name – Mr. Tbel Abuseridze. Oh who’s turn is it? The Prettiest princess of ITRE committee and the session itself . You really think that a beautiful girl can’t be that smart and intelligent enough? That’s where you make the biggest mistake of your life. We do have a great combination of 2 B’s /Brain & Beauty/ here. Please, welcome – very experienced EYPer, brave and pretty Disney princess Mulan, who adores everything about Japan, pretty lady – Ms. Elene Ambidze. One of our international delegates here – peaceful, smiley, hardworking guy. There is not even a tiny thing he will refuse to do for you. The person you can ask for help, rely on and just be impressed by his mysterious mind and positive attitude. Our workaholic BEE, skinny guy, kind and caring but still somehow confused Pluto from Disney characters - Mr. Argishti Avetisyan or just ARGI. Another cutie from our committee – the girl I really observe all the time since she came here. Very very calm, open-minded, elegant, intelligent and sweet girl, which someday will definitely impress you. Why? ‘cause she’s gonna be the top tennis player and win the Wimbledon championship. Please, welcome – little, sweet, calm and very serious girl with green eyes, Ariel princess living under the sea, still positive and optimistic, our future champion – Ms. Ekaterine /Kato/ Orjonikidze.


Keti Pkhaladze

Innovative Talented Rebellious Enthusiastic

This quite and caring prince of our committee with his own specific skeptical face impressions and attitudes toward the things happening here. Attentive and observing one who can definitely collaborate with the whole committee anytime it’s needed. You know, it’s useful to have that kind of calm and harmonious, tranquil person in the group while Teamworking. Dear friends, determined and peaceful cutie Winnie the Pooh but still a handsome prince of our super-duper committee- Mr. ‘Staidness’ – Nikoloz Shamugia. The last girl of our amazing committee. Very active and careful one with this dizzy-hair, patriotic spirit, determined character , absolutely smart and talented, a little kind penguin of us. You just couldn’t believe how this tiny girl can have so much energy, motivation, cheerfulness and positive mind. Really hardworking and sweet person who concentrates on even very specific details and processes happening around, cute but psycho Turkish princess Elza from ‘Frozen’ – Ms. Bahar Lian Unar. aand the last but not the least, our gentlemen (that’s why I’m writing about him at the end of my article) and MR. politeness, guy with the sweetest smile and the most positive vision. Lionel Messi of the ITRE committee, devoted fan of Barcelona, very helpful, caring, attentive guy you just can’t not to be impressed with. I can write all the positive adjectives about this guy and this fact won’t be annoying for anyone, ‘cause Mr. Iva Kurua is the person everyone adores and respects. ITRE is so happy to have this handsome gentleman here in the committee.

Mariam Margiani

Members of DROI tried to raise the spirit. The integration of team members went successfully, friendly atmosphere and kind attitude towards delegates was visible since the very beginning.


Firstly I was fascinated by how these young minds managed to solve such big problems. The committee on human rights, orientated to go through how EU can handle minority rights in the EAP countries . It was a great experience for the delegates to work and meet other socially developed and already experienced EYPers and exchange ideas and present innovations, that they are trying to include in their solutions. Team faced challenges and difficulties, fun and harsh brainstorming, maybe also stress and anxiety. Time-management was the biggest matter. But luckily, the team was cohesive and successful. Team members were so devoted that they tried their best to overcome any barrier to achieve their goals. The chairperson has obviously the lion’s share in this. She was the one promoting understanding and trust among team members. Inspiring and enthusiastic. Such a great leader at that young age? Yes this is possible and we have vivid example. ‘Drums roll please’ , meet our bright Ann Iosebidze. Kutaisi 9th NSC was her first experience to be a chairperson and obviously this start-up will lead her to a roaring success.

Leadership is not just an ability for everyone, but it’s a gift from the fortune. Some people say that you should be a born leader, but I believe that this kind of skill could only be acquired and developed by hard-working on yourself. It requires enough wisdom to be accomplished. The nice thing is that this young lady as a chairperson managed a lot more . It was respectful how she made feel her delegates during the whole session and how she helped them not to get stressed. Her acting with calm and at the same time strict determination had huge influence on quality of delegates’ work. The sweetest and the kindest person alive on the planet and at the same time dedicated and smart. These words are not enough to describe the personality and abilities fully. But fact is that on the example of this person every dream and goal can become reality with hard work. The only price of success is dedication to job. From that point of view EYP provides the open doors of possibilities and freedom to delegates to use their chance and take next step to success.




On the 16th of August the committee of AFET I came to the beautiful city of Kutaisi just like everybody else. In the very beginning I saw only cold and shy faces. After all, these 7 people didn’t know each other. As the first day came to an end the shy faces left their places to talking and smiling faces. My committee thinks that teambuilding is a great way to break the ice in the very beginning of the session. They liked the ‘’giant,wizards and dwarfs’’ game at most. They also played Snowball in which they learned each others funny and embarrassing memories. From the first day on I can say that AFET I broke the ice real quick. This leads to intensive debates. There are always many ideas to a certain topic but this is probably the greatest thing about EYP that you have to convince everyone in your team. At the very end everybody should agree on what goes in the resolution and what is not.


Efe Ünlüoğlu

No Membership, No Partnership ? Or…

There is always competition in National Selection Conferences. As far as I saw the delegates in AFET I compete with each other like most of the delegates in other committees. They are trying to convince each other in long and effectual debates. The bond between the delegates of AFET I which was established during the teambuilding and in games like ‘’spiders-web’’ or ‘’drunken bottle’’ give them a polite and respectful way of debating which is something that many politicians in many countries can’t do at all. AFET I focuses on the lack of motivation in EaP countries towards making closer ties with the EU since EU does not promise them a membership in the Union. They approached to the topic by coming up with four questions : ‘’What are the main obstacles in the EaP countries ? How to fund the potential reforms ? How can EU revise its policy towards EaP ? How was the Riga Summit become a disappointment ?’’ I can see that every delegate in AFET I did some researches before the session since they really understand the problems EaP countries and EU faces today. They think that the inefficient funding to EaP countries, the political and economic pressure from Russia and the social problems like healthcare, education and human rights are the main obstacles EaP countries and EU faces today.


and unite their finest superheroes and super villains against evil power. According to FRAMES Media, all the companies and factories within the European Union, in which young people were employed, were taken by unknown dark power threatening to wreck every possible employment source down for youngsters. The alarming situation was worsening day after day. Being tortured and humiliated, every human being under 30 was fired and starved into committing crimes. People were burgled, robbed, even murdered ‌ Having lost all the impacts, the EU could not take any preventive action to keep the situation under control. There was no sign of salvation. Every heart was losing its very last hope as once Gothem people had lost it and it definitely was no crying wolf. Only European Youth Parliament ridded the situation out by initiating to create a team of superheroes, in which every member could dice with death without hesitation. The mission was launched under the leadership of Anna Roinishvili, a charismatic and inspirational superhero, A.K.A Wonder Woman, whose alluring skills gave rise to forming a deadly squad. As the squad was in desperate needs of accomplishing mission in the short run, the heroes were chosen for their specific abilities applicable to win the war against dark side. It was strenuous for Anna to find such bright minded people as Nikita Salukvadze, A.K.A Iron Man, whose technical support and inventions gave a solid foundation for team strength. However, since all the possible sources of getting technical materials were invalid, even Stark was doomed to failure if not Misha Shamugia, A.K.A Saviour, capable of creating objects from his imagination. An influential Parandzen Mikayelan , A.K.A Poison Ivy, had a talent the gang could use for getting all the crucial information by manipulating other people’s minds. But who could imagine this magnificent villain girl without her rommie and a dearest friend, Narmin Gasanova, A.K.A. Harley Quinn, together with whom she created a perfect crime duo. Stealing information from other people would definitely be impossible even for DC ladies, if not Tamuna Geldiashvili, A.K.A Invisible Woman, who could disappear and reappear promptly observing the opponent sides. It is said that playing with fire is one thing superheroes like the most and Vazha Sanava, A.K.A Human Torch, is no exception. Absorbing fire or flying from one place to another could be tougher even for our dearest lord of the fire without the support of Arda Burak, A.K.A Groot, whose contribution in the mission was enormous. A gang without wise and dangerously energetic lady like Nata Aspanidze, A.K.A Black Widow, is like Gotham without Batman. Her overwhelming energetic field could freeze anybody in a wink that created strong defense for every member of the team. However, strong defense is not enough when you are in the war with the dark powers. Searching for the last but definitely not the least hero, small but surely deadly, the youngest member of the squad, Datka Kikoria, A.K.A Ant Man, was not an easy thing even for Marvel as his size and abilities are in a vivid contrast with each other. Since the squad was finally completed with the very last deadly member, it was time for action. The tremendous battle between superheroes and evil powers lasted for four days. The gang used every possible arrow in the quiver to take down the enemy. They rescued young European hostages and located them into a secret land called as EMPL, where there was no discrimination on employing people by age, no companies and factories that used foreign countries for a cheap labor. All the start up ideas, initiated by youngsters were strongly encouraged and implemented. Since then the traces of evil powers were no longer in sign and young Europeans began writing new chapters of their lives in a peaceful environment.

Tamuna Tchipashvili

When young Europeans’ rights are fraught in danger even Marvel and DC can batten down the hatches




Ece Çakır

Journey of the Bischka AFET II,the legendary committee in most of the sessions, known with its reputation of unwillingness. Because no one, seriously no one, demands to be in this committee due to its difficulties, harshness in terms of discussing the most controversial topics. However, these youngsters had the power to face with this solid issue of ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine bringing violence and economic recession to country. You know what they came up with? Adequate and acceptable solutions. But, was that all? Of course,not. They had to come through an unbelievable journey, journey of Bischka. Bischka is one of the most important elements in the committee. Bischka is the one that keeps the others linked. Bischka is needed in taking the control of the committee sustaining the peaceful environment. Bischka is the penguin. Yeap, it is the mascot of the committee, yet a fruitful one. Kutaisi’15 headed the start with the Team Building, the indispensable component letting delegates to round up. At first sight, they were all strangers to each other but then that boring atmosphere faded out to flourishing joy. When Guga first gave the plush penguin to the committee they got no idea how useful was it going to be. Actually it was the first thing they shared together. They named it paying attention to each others’ ideas. Afterwards, the shared aspect transformed into ideas, even presentations. And...other than feeling awkward when playing pass the orange, or when trying so hard to pass from the tight spider web, the other bizarre concept was talking in English with people who you share the same mother-tounge. Back in the team-building, it was troublesome to have a conversation with them. Constantly hearing Georgian was so arduous for an international journalist like me. Only thing I could do was smiling and stand near to them listening to minority who were speaking English. However, after the committee work kicked off English was officially accepted. I could comprehend what was going on thanks to practicing English. Occasionally there are bilateral conflicts in the committee not everything is perfect. Frequently the delegates are super passionate concerning the topic so that they can interfere when another one is speaking. If they start to shout at the same time Bischka arbitrates and sustain silence in the room. Whoever receives the penguin gets the round to voice him/her opinions. When they cannot have the power to debate they just grunt with vexation. Just a breathe of sigh denotes their fatigue. As we can all see, Bischka always stands next to the delegates. Actually they,the committee on Foreign Affairs II accept the Bischka as one of the committee members so they even take him to lunch just to spend pleasing time with him.


With the power and control Bischka provides them with, the AFET II is capable of accomplishing anything even the Ukrainian crisis. .

…………………………………………………………….. YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED, EVERYDAY


Erdoğan Ata Gezen

eading or not reading news, the decision is given the moment you read its headline. It could be very little truth or no truth at all in the headline, but that doesn’t prevent the editors from presenting the news with a little distortion and much exaggeration. As the 36th president of USA Lyndon B. Johnson once stated:

”If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim." It doesn’t matter for newspapers or websites if the headline represents the actual text, as long as it gets the actual text read in some way, through the exploitation of the wonder or doubt of the readers. Even in fictional news, in the upcoming countdown, I gathered a bunch of extremely manipulative headlines. Enjoy!

5. Nicaragua sets goal to wipe out literacy. It’s completely opposite, I assure you.

4. Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says. It’s not what you think, I promise. After falsely advertising the consumer product “Tour Accuracy” balls as being owned by Tiger Woods once, they lose the lawsuit and the appeal, Nike has been forced to publicly admit that the balls are far from being Tiger Woods’ and add “ Tiger's balls are not for sale. Not to anyone, at any price.” I told you you weren’t expecting this.

3. Army vehicle disappears. This headline belongs to a piece of news about an Australian army vehicle, which was painted with camouflage. Could you think of any other headline, very lacking yet so powerful?

2. Abraham Lincoln was a woman. There are many powerful claims, mostly supported by the photos of the Lincoln photographer Matthew Brady that Abraham was Lincoln was born a girl with the name of ‘Abigail Lincoln’. The headline is an explicit presentation of allegations as a fact.


…………………………………………………………….. 1. Obama calls Libyan President to thank him after US Ambassador murdered. The truth behind this is that Obama calls Libyan President to thank for the steps the Libyan Government has taken after the murder of US Ambassador.



Wanna live forever? – wonder of 3D organ

Keti Pkhaladze

’m more than 100% sure that nowadays you already have no idea what kind of medical breakthrough scientists can still do. You may think all cards have been opened and all the secrets are revealed. Don’t be so naïve. Can you imagine an organ transplanting process without any additional lists, queues, financial needs and incompatible donors? 3D bioprinting is that kind of achievement I can’t leave without special interest and attention. 3D bioprinting is being applied to regenerative medicine to address the need for tissues and organs suitable for transplantation. Compared to nonbiological printing, 3D bioprinting involves additional complexities, such as the choice of materials, cell types, growth and differentiation factors, and technical challenges related to the sensitivities of living cells and the construction of tissues. 3D bioprinting has already been used for the generation and transplantation of several tissues, including multilayered skin, bone, vascular grafts, tracheal splints, heart tissue and cartilaginous structures.

Other applications include developing high-throughput 3D-bioprinted tissue models for research, drug discovery and toxicology. 3D bio printing of human tissue has been around since the early twothousands. Nowadays scientists are in the midst of moving from printing tiny sheets of tissue to entire 3D organs. The technology involves the creation of replacement tissues and organs that are printed layer-by-layer into a threedimensional structure. This rapidly developing market raises many questions. Which technologies are developed yet? What are the costs of the production of bioprinted tissues and organs? Which effects does tissue engineering cause? Which markets are influenced by the innovative 3D printing technologies? And how quickly can those customized products be manufactured? Let’s wait for the answers and try somehow to keep calm. Because if this method works for human organism there won’t be any medical death cases. And personally I cant imagine this overloaded earth with its ‘permanently-living’ humans.



What happens after the session has ended?

Ece Çakır

Do all participants

have their plans set up? Have they already applied for the upcoming sessions? Most importantly, how do they understand they are satisfied with EYP and conitnue doing sessions?

Sessions have some astonishing moments that amaze you somehow. In those moments, you just flash backwards and magnify by the glorious memories you had during the session. You think about Euroconcert consisting of traditional dances and songs, singing Imagine all together. You iterate the first day of the sessison and how everyone welcomed you with great sense of willingness and enthusiasm. You (think) about the happy faces and smiles of your committee members,and often delegates full of anxiety since they were unable to express themselves fully. Frequently, during the GA when you are about to live the very last moments of the session, you immediately find yourself pondering about the time when you are going to repeat all of these beautiful memories. That’s the time you decide to keep going on the journey. Once you enjoy every single minute of your journey, you want to feel it again. Therefore, you apply for more sessions not to become distant from the EYP atmosphere. Concerning its positive aspects, EYP is the organization that connects you with the youngsters from all different backgrounds, develops you to sustain the cultural integrity established by young people. EYP pushes you out of your comfort zone, making you confront with completely different ideas, debate about the topics maybe you have not heard about before. Consequently, yes, people have their plans set up, they organize themselves according to the session programme. They run after the opportunities they benefit. So why not develop yourself even more, enhance your English skills, redefine your limits, become a professional debater, get familiar about politics, science, cultural diversity, economical progresses, human rights, industry, sustainable energy, innovasion. Learn about Europe, learn about the world, and most importantly learn about yourself, get to know yourself. EYP helps you accentuate all of these three aspects regarding your limits and personalities. So, think about the moments you enjoy, think about the moment you realize you are about to share this passionate union. Remember you become best friend with people you did not know 4 days ago. To feel the satisfaction you had during the session, it is now your chance to become one of those people with busy agenda travelling through Europe and attending sessions.


Supported by:

Initiated by:

EYP Georgia is a National Committee of the European Youth Parliament

The Schwarzkopf Foundation is the umbrella organisation of the European Youth Parliament

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