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Really bored? Forget the surveys, try these ... Body: Things you can do with absolutely nothing... Push your eyes for interesting light show: (Amusement Potential: 1­5 minutes) See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out things ­ is your subconscious trying to send you a message? Can you control what you see by pressing different areas with different forces? Would it be possible to somehow see the same effects on TV? Or for that matter, watch TV with your eyes shut doing this? (I SEE TATTOOES ­stars, demons, a flashy guitar) See how long you can hold your breath: (Amusement Potential: 4­20 minutes) Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Some tips: hyperventilate before hand, and stay as still as possible. (NOT BREATHIN' is FUN ­­name of a song, by MAGNOLIA THUNDERFINGER­­duh, how long have you known me?) Try to not think about polar bears: (Amusement Potential: 1­5 minutes) This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about polar bears anyway. (ok­this one has nothing to do with a band, or a tattooed band dude) Scratch yourself: (Amusement Potential: 1­3 minutes) Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good? (SCRATCH N SNIFF­a tape from Lost City­which is on e­bay going for $98!!!) Hurt yourself: (Amusement Potential: 1­3 minutes) What is pain? Why is it unpleasant? There's nothing physical about it ­ it's all in your mind. Plus, after pinching yourself for awhile, boredom will seem nice next to being in pain. (another cool band from Sacramento ­"hurt" me , Baby) Try to swallow your tongue: (Amusement Potential: 1­3 minutes) There's not much to say about this one. It is possible. (I got nothin') Look at something for awhile, shut eyes, study after image: (Amusement Potential: 2­5 minutes) Another great time waster. It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time. Fun to combine this one with pushing on your eyes. (not a waste of time if you saw the tattooes I'm seein') Get yourself as nauseated as possible: (Amusement Potential: 5­10 minutes) Best achieved by looking straight up and spinning around. Try to be so dizzy you can't even stand up. This is also entertaining due to the "makes boredom seem a lot better" effect (see "Hurt Yourself").

Things you can do with very little: See what's in your neighbour's trash: (Amusement Potential: 20­30 minutes) You can learn a lot about people by what they throw out. You might uncover some dark secret about them. Plus, they might be throwing out something with value that still works, like a VCR. (lots of porn gets thrown out) Watch TV, repeat everything said in Italian accent: (Amusement Potential: 5­10 minutes) Sort of entertaining. Fun to pretend the people on the screen are actually talking that way. (or turn the sound down, play your favorite cd to give it a new soundtrack­give 'em new dialog­

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