Current mood: Category: LIPS OF AN ANGEL Music
My brother is Eddie Getty, "Percussion Like No Tomorrow" in one of Little Rock's most popular bands, The Gettys. Needless to say, I am one very proud sister to all the members of this dynamic, inyourfaceand onyourtable kinda band. Fueled by Jager, this band will rock your world all night longwhatever you like to hear, they probably know itor can wing it like few others dare. Thanks Matt for "screaming me a love song" Buck Cherry's Crazy Bitch was THE PERFECT SONG and Nickleback's Animals, Hinder's Lips of An Angelall the songs I was hoping to hear on my birthday! OMFG. Eddie sang a Sublime tune and one by Green Day, which is always something I look forward toexcept he neglected to sing Hits From the Bong by Cypress HillI know you heard me ask for it. He plays the guitar, too, by the wayand while he's singing, Matt's whaling away on the drums. This band is extremely versatilethey all sing, and you can expect to hear anything from Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy (ending with ..."Ride a Getty") yeah,right, like You never considered it....and Friends In Low Places, You Never Even Call Me By My Name, to Flock Of Seagulls "I Ran" (a song I could NOT get out of my head after spending a couple of hours with my Pops..."couldn't get away...") and other 80's classics like "Jesse's Girl' only it's now "Getty's Girl", "Purple Rain" "Jenny" (you remember8675309) to Elvis hits (If you haven't seen Matt in action as Elvis, then you haven't seen Elvis) to Crazy Train and Every Rose, Figure You Out, Bad Day,Talk Dirtyas well as a couple of originals "Here" (a really cool song about their practice trailer we've got holes in the floor, Milton (their pet/mascot spider who lived on the ceiling fan) hanging out, we have to pee off the porchBut, we don't pay no rent hereI have experienced the place first hand and can tell you it's exactly like the song describes. Destined to become a Gettys Classic. "The Road To Damascas" is a very moving song with spiritual overtonesnot what one would expect from a band that excells in perverted lyrics and a "party naked" attitude. They love to flirt with The Gettys Girls who come out to every show in every town and are a show all their own once they hit the dance floor. We must have taken 200 photos that nightif there are girls getting naked for the band, my husband is right there with his camera (and NO I'm not usually one of them. What were Y'all thinking? I'm not flashing anything with my BROTHER right there at the drums! Besides, you are all like BROTHERS to methat would have just been weirdEVEN for Arkansas) I had a really great time dancing with The Gettys Girls ( You get SPECIAL TREATMENT when you're Eddie's Sisterpics posted) and I got to know Matt's beautiful and very tolerant wife Tamara. They're the kind of band where all the guys want to BE a Getty, and all the girls want to make a pet of a Getty...Don't sweat the petty things, but feel free to pet the sweaty things....