Malvern View, Issue 12, Lent 2011

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M ALVERN VIEW Issue 12 | Lent 2012

‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’


From the Headmaster


Malvern in London There was a large turnout of Old Malvernians of all ages at the ‘Citie of Yorke’ in High Holborn, London for the gathering in March. There must have been over 60 OMs present and they were joined by Antony Clark together with his wife Brigitte, and by Martin Frayn and Ian Quickfall from the Common Room. Syd Hill, Secretary of the Malvernian Society

I am delighted to commend a publication of this nature which, once again, covers so much of the tapestry of life at Malvern. It is to the credit of the young people at Malvern College that so many of them make full use of the diverse opportunities which are presented to them. We have here a happy and productive environment in which challenges are met and in which [QWPI RGQRNG ITQY KP EQPȨFGPEG

Antony Clark Headmaster .GHV VQ TKIJV ,GP 0GYVQP &GXGNQROGPV 1HȨEGT *QNN[ 4GGF and Helen Robinson, former Housemistress of No.4

Sir Mervyn King On Friday 2nd March Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, addressed over 250 pupils in a spell-binding presentation covering the origins QH ȨPCPEKCN ETKUKU VWTOQKN KP VJG 'WTQ\QPG UNQY growth in the UK and possible solutions to the major economic problems faced by the UK and world economies. #HVGT OKPWVGU QH FC\\NKPI GEQPQOKEU Malvern pupils had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask questions of one of the world’s leading monetary economists and most senior Central Bankers. They were then treated to 45 minutes of responses, ranging from solutions to VJG 'WTQ\QPG ETKUKU SWCPVKVCVKXG GCUKPI CPF VJG economic impacts of the high-speed rail project. Sir Mervyn seemed to enjoy the questions asked of him; he commented later that the pupils had posed interested and informed questions. Stephen Holroyd, Head of Economics


Oxford, Cambridge and Ivy League Universities offers Twelve pupils at Malvern College have received highly soughtafter offers from Oxford and Cambridge and two more have been accepted at prestigious Ivy League universities in the United States, at Cornell and Yale, with three outcomes from Harvard still awaited. The Upper Sixth formers are studying either for A levels or for the International Baccalaureate to gain their required results. The 12 Oxbridge candidates are William Law (St ,QJPoU %CODTKFIG (TGPEJ CPF 5RCPKUJ *WUUGKP #NNQQ 5V %CVJCTKPGoU %QNNGIG %CODTKFIG .CPF 'EQPQO[ /KUJGN )JCUUKDG 6TKPKV[ %QNNGIG %CODTKFIG 'EQPQOKEU 'NGCPQT Hobson (Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, Land 'EQPQO[ /CTKG 6GTNKPFGP 2GVGTJQWUG %QNNGIG %CODTKFIG %NCUUKEU 0CVJCP -KPI 3WGGPUoU %QNNGIG 1ZHQTF 2J[UKEU YJGTG JG JCU CNUQ YQP C %JQTCN 5EJQNCTUJKR #PCUVCUKC 6TQRUJC $TCUGPQUG %QNNGIG 1ZHQTF .CY YKVJ )GTOCP Silviana Ciurea Ilcus (Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge,


5V %CVJCTKPGoU %CODTKFIG 225 CPF 8KEM[ /QTKV\ &QYPKPI %QNNGIG %CODTKFIG 0CVWTCN 5EKGPEGU +P CFFKVKQP VYQ RWRKNU JCXG DGGP QHHGTGF RNCEGU KP VJG 75 4GPGĂ… 4WUV VQ TGCF Architecture at Cornell and Mavila Miller to read Economics and Computer Sciences at Yale. The Headmaster is enormously pleased that these pupils JCXG YQP UWEJ UKIPKȨECPV QHHGTU *G CRRNCWFU VJGKT UWEEGUU and their determination. He says, “These are bright pupils with application and determination and they will go far in life. We are pleased that they have the opportunity to develop further academically at the top universities in the world and we wish them well in their examinations this summerâ€?.


Building bridges The Inter-House Engineering Competition Lera, Louise, Polly and Lisa designed a superb bridge in the Inter-House Engineering competition. This was a great team effort with especially valuable input from Polly! Barbara Swart, Housemistress Ellerslie House .GHV VQ TKIJV 8CNGTK[C /CVXGGXC .QWKUG *CPPGECTV 2QNN[ 9QQFJQWUG CPF .KUC -COROCPP



House Drama Competition All of the Houses put on a great show for this year’s House Drama Competition. As always there were some notable acting performances and many humorous moments. The CYCTFU YGPV VQ 5RQVVKUYQQFG 6GEJPKECN 2TK\G VQ 0Q HQT their use of a broad range of technical effects including live and recorded sound, video, spotlights, torches, and an excellent homemade lighthouse. Best Actress was awarded VQ <QÇ 8CPGUKU '* KP VJG VKVNG TQNG KP n5YGGPG[ 6QFFo CPF #NGZ -JCP 0Q YQP VJG RTK\G HQT VJG $GUV #EVQT 6JG &KTGEVQToU RTK\G YCU CYCTFGF VQ 0Q VQ #OGNKC Freeman, Caroline Meinhardt, and Hebe Morgan for their QTKIKPCNKV[ CPF ȊCKT 6JG RTK\G HQT $GUV 'PVGTVCKPOGPV went to No.6 and the prestigious Best Play trophy went to No.3. Their production was witty, well drilled, humorously directed and with several outstanding individual performances. Keith Packham, Director of Drama

Community Carols 2011 The Malvern College Chamber Choir sang carols at the switching – on of the Christmas lights ceremony in Malvern this year. They sang for forty minutes to a spellbound audience helping to create the magical spirit of the season with an accomplished performance of seasonal carols. Stephen McDade, Head of Strings


Let there be light! Cwm Llwch celebrates its 50th anniversary Malvern College has been making trips to Cwm Llwch since 6JG NQXGN[ EQVVCIG KP VJG $TGEQP $GCEQPU KU TGIWNCTN[ visited by a range of groups connected with Malvern College, from House trips, to those on revision for exams, from adventurous training expeditions to OM and prep school trips out to walk the hills. All have enjoyed this wonderful place for its rustic charm and the idyllic setting. Over the years the facilities have been improved and there is now running water and indoor toilets – we have come a long way since former Deputy Head Jock McNevin, WPFQWDVGFN[ %YO .NYEJoU ITGCVGUV UGTXCPV ȨTUV VQQM ITQWRU in the early sixties. The attraction of the place remains the simplicity and isolation that draws groups to visit at all times of the year. To mark the 50th anniversary we will begin a fund raising project to allow us to install some basic solar generated power. The aim is to replace the dated and erratic gas lighting system that has run its course. Plans are for a project with very simple objectives – no mains sockets for laptops or mobile phones are envisaged. The preservation of the charm of Cwm Llwch is of the utmost importance in the planning process. Watch this space! Justin Major, i/c Outdoor Pursuits

Lunchbox at The Priory The February Lunchbox event at Malvern Priory included a range of uplifting performances from pupils at Malvern College. Charlotte Barnfather

0Q RNC[GF 5VCTFWUV D[ *QCI[ Carmichael on the tenor horn and Aaron -KPI 4Ă…EKV FG 0C\CTF D[ %NĂ…TCODCWNV on the Priory organ. Caroline Meinhardt

0Q UCPI &QOKPG &GWU HTQO 8KXCNFKoU Gloria and cellists Rebecca Kriegbaum

0Q CPF +UCDGNNC 2GV\KPMC 0Q played the unusual Duet for Two Cellos D[ 1HHGPDCEJ 6JG ,C\\ $CPF RGTHQTOGF three items to bring the recital to a lively conclusion. Iain Sloan, Director of Music



Hart General Knowledge Quiz final No.3 v No.4 Early in the new term No.4 had the pleasure of battling it out with No.3 in VJG ȨPCN QH VJG *CTV )GPGTCN -PQYNGFIG 3WK\ |/T )QFUNCPF JCF UQWTEGF UQOG challenging questions for the teams and he chaired a very entertaining SWK\ ȨPCN YKVJ ITGCV ȊCKT 1WT VGCO EQORTKUGF 2QRR[ &QPCNFUQP ECRVCKP Rebecca Connell, Natasha Riley and ,GOKOC 9KNUQP 6JG IKTNU ICXG C ȨPG performance and were nearly twenty OCTMU CJGCF QH 0Q CV VJG GPF |9G would like to thank Mr Godsland for QTICPKUKPI VJKU OQUV GPLQ[CDNG SWK\ ȨPCN t OWEJ DGVVGT VJCP /CUVGTOKPF QT University Challenge! Anne Sharpe, Housemistress No.4

Left to right: Rebecca Connell, Poppy Donaldson, Jemima Wilson and Natasha Riley.

Classics trip to Caerleon Roman Fort, S. Wales 6JG 4QOCP (QTV QH +UEC #WIWUVC CMC %CGTNGQP JGNF KVU QYP for years against the barbarian Britons, but was successfully invaded by the combined forces of the FY and Remove Latin sets, led by Mr Harris in January. No-one came to any harm however and the visit brought to life much of what we had been learning in class. We looked at the National Roman Legion Museum, where we were able to try on some Roman armour; at the Roman Garden where we could imagine what it might have been like back in AD 100 to dine in the summer triclinium and we saw the excavated remains of the Bath-house. The 4QOCPU DTQWIJV WPFGT ČŠQQT JGCVKPI VQ $TKVCKP CPF #O[

Elias managed to drop her mobile into the depths of it – fortunately the lady who worked there was able to rescue it! At the amphitheatre the atmosphere was such that in the well-preserved surroundings some of the girls pretended to DG INCFKCVQTU KP C ȨIJV VQ VJG FGCVJ 6JGKT VGCEJGT QH EQWTUG stopped anyone from being slaughtered. We can recommend the visit to this Roman town which does bring their presence in Britain to life. And I must thank Mr Thurlow, Mrs Clarke, Mr Cook and Mr McCarry who came with us on the trip. Math Harris, Classics

Leading Philosopher visits Malvern College Malvern College welcomed one of the country’s leading philosophers to speak to its pupils at the end of January. Professor AC Grayling, the Master of the New College of the Humanities in London and author and editor of over 20 books on the subject, spoke to more than 150 pupils on the topic Why study the Humanities. The Headmaster said: “It was a privilege for us to host Professor Grayling here at Malvern College. His presentation on why the study of the humanities is essential to our society was fascinating, and has given our pupils much to think about. The reaction was very positive.�

Taylor Trophy 2012

Left to right: Gerald Roseman, Olivia Darby, Hani El Bay and Joseph Zivny

Malvern College’s success in the Taylor Trophy Junior Debating Competition this year demonstrates the strength and depth of debating talent at the College. 24 schools entered the competition and, in the second round held at 2GTUJQTG VYQ QH QWT VGCOU YQP RNCEGU KP VJG ȨPCN C UKIPKȨECPV CEJKGXGOGPV 6JG VGCOU YGTG )GTCNF 4QUGOCP 0Q 1NKXKC &CTD[ 0Q CPF *CPK 'N $C[ 0Q ,QUGRJ <KXP[ 5* 5KZ VGCOU EQORGVGF KP VJG ȨPCN KP YJKEJ ,QUGRJ <KXP[ YCU CYCTFGF VJG RTK\G HQT VJG $GUV 5RGCMGT ,QUGRJoU VGCO FGNKXGTGF their speeches in opposition to the motion: n6QDCEEQ UJQWNF DG ENCUUKȨGF CU C %NCUU # FTWIo Both of these young teams have great promise and we hope to see them in many more tournaments in the future.


National Prep Schools’ Cross Country 20th Anniversary

#RRTQCEJKPI TWPPGTU CIGF s DTCXGF VJG YKPVGT[ conditions to compete in the 20th National Prep Schools’ Cross Country Championships. Teams came from as far away as Kent, Cumbria, Lincolnshire and Dorset. The runners battled it out over a series of courses ranging from MO VQ MO QXGT VJG 9GNNU %QOOQP CPF VJTQWIJ VJG Malvern College campus. Emma Gooderham, a member QH VJG /CNXGTP ,QIIGTU TWPPKPI ENWD RTGUGPVGF VJG RTK\GU She is the reigning World 50km Road Champion and the Commonwealth 55km Trail Champion and said, “What is important is that competitors strive to improve their own performances and that through effort and training they can see the improvement they have made. Running against others is wonderfully exciting but,â€? she says, “I didn’t win O[ ȨTUV TCEG 2GTUQPCN KORTQXGOGPV EQOGU YKVJ VTCKPKPI CPF application and the reward at all levels is tremendous.â€?

Results: In the U11 Girls’ race, Kathleen Faes from Derwent Lodge was the individual winner, Cheam won the Team Competition and the Small Schools’ Trophy went to St Catherine’s. Ben Smith from The Beacon won the U11 Boys’ race, Rokeby the team event and Tockington Manor the Small Schools’ Trophy. In the U13 Girls’ category, trophies were won by Annabel Simpson from St Hugh’s in the individual event, Bromsgrove Prep in the Team Competition and Hanford in VJG 5OCNN 5EJQQNUo %QORGVKVKQP +P VJG ȨPCN TCEG QH VJG FC[ Freddie Fielding from Packwood Haugh took the U13 Boys’ title, helping his team to win the Team and Small Schools’ Competition. With over 1,200 parents, teachers and supporters attending, the day was the largest in the event’s history. Paul Godsland, Deputy Head: Logistics, i/c NPSCCC



Margarita Cesar — deceiving the eye /CTICTKVC %GUCT C .QYGT 5KZVJ +$ 8KUWCN #TVU RWRKN working on a closely observed trompe-l’oeil composition in oils. The wash-basin is not real! Just a 2D painting on canvas skillfully handled. Tim Newsholme, Director of Art

James Philip — printmaker and painter Lower Sixth Artist James Philip has produced two versions of his subject demonstrating how printmaking and painting are powerful vehicles for the same imagery source. He shows how the print takes the theme of the painting to a higher intensity of expression. Tim Newsholme, Director of Art


EH Chemists After months of competition and some closely contested rounds, Ellerslie House was triumphant and claimed the trophy. Well done girls! Barbara Swart, Housemistress Ellerslie House .GHV VQ TKIJV ,WNKC $KLN 6COCTC &CING[ <QG 8CPG\KU .KUC -COROCPP 2QNN[ 9QQFJQWUG 8KEVQTKC /QTKV\ -CVJCTKPC *QHHOCPP 5QȨC 6GTQN CPF 3KUVKPC <CKPCN #DKFKP

Unplugged concert 6JG ȨTUV GXGT n7PRNWIIGFo EQPEGTV YCU played to a full house at the Rogers Theatre this term. This is a new concept where pupils perform contemporary music on acoustic instruments, and it was a great success. The programme ranged from Guns and Roses to Adele and was impressively delivered by musicians drawn from CETQUU VJG UEJQQN %G\CT 4WICUKTC QP guitar/vocals and Aaron King on piano; Rose Reibestein on guitar/vocals; Sarah Ashcroft vocals; Tasha Bishop vocals; #NKZ 8KNNCPWGXC IWKVCT XQECNU CPF #NKFC Sielaff and Katy Tunstall, vocals; Aaron -KPI XQECNU RKCPQ %Ă…NKPG (NQYGTU vocals and Max Wong, guitar; Alix 8KNNCPWGXC XQECN FWGV YKVJ -CV[ 6WPUVCNN Josh Penrice guitar/vocals; Kate Arnold on piano and Kathryn Withnall, vocals; Emily Gray guitar/vocals and Daniela Tesfaye, vocals and a band performing KVU QYP EQORQUKVKQP t (GTFKPCPF )TQUUOCPP &CPKGN )QOG\ (TGKNG 5GDCUVKCP )QOG\ (TGKNG 0KEM 8GTEJQM CPF /CVVGQ 2CPK\\CTFK #NKZ 8KNNCPWGXC RTQXKFGF VJG ȨPCN RGTHQTOCPEG QH VJG evening, her own composition ‘Gaia’, on guitar/vocals. 6JKU YCU C XGT[ IQQF ȨTUV HQT Malvern College and a one to watch in the future. Iain Sloan, Director of Music




‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare “You’re staging it where?â€? I gasped at the end of the Summer term last year when we were discussing the forthcoming senior play production. “Glastonburyâ€?, said Mr Packham, Director of Drama, and Mr Doidge, the technical director. “What fools these mortals beâ€?, I thought. ‌ If anyone was the fool, it was me because from the moment the curtain rose it was clear that this was going to be one of the most creative productions in the history of theatre at Malvern College. The entangled, mystical, romantic plot of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ translated perfectly to the setting of Glastonbury which itself holds a certain mysterious URGNN QXGT KVU CWFKGPEGU CPF VJG VJKTV[ ȨXG UVTQPI ECUV worked superbly within this illusionary aura to combine the play’s three interlocking plots and to entertain the delighted audiences. /CVVJGY *WPVGT 5* CU VJG OKUEJKGXQWU 2WEM C TCVJGT 2WPM 2WEM VQ DQQV #N[U /CTT 0Q CU 6KVCPKC CPF 9QNG .CYCN 0Q CU 1DGTQP YGTG OCIPKȨEGPV KP VJGKT URGNNDKPFKPI TQNGU 6JG HQWT NQXGTU *CPPCJ $C[PJCO 0Q CU *GTOKC 2JKNKRRC 8CPFQOG 0Q CU *GNGPC &CP )CTPGVV

0Q CU .[UCPFGT CPF 0KEJQNCU &GPV 0Q CU &GOGVTKWU were skilful in portraying their real and their comically dreamlike feelings of love for each other. Helping to create the magic YGTG VJG HCKTKGU 8CNGTK[C /CNGPMQoU 0Q GZSWKUKVG DCNNGV performances mesmerised the audience each night. The /GEJCPKECNU YGTG C EQOKE FGNKIJV 8CNGTK[C /CVXGGXC '* %JCTNKG $QTTGNN 0Q 2GVGT 2TGUV 0Q /CVVJGY 9KVJPCNN

0Q 1NK 9CTTKNQY 0Q CPF #WUVTCNKCP GZEJCPIG UVWFGPV $GP 5VCE[ 0Q RGTHQTOGF VJGKT RCTVU CPF VJGKT RNC[ VQ perfection and all the supporting actors gave of their best. ‌ Now, this question of the setting ‌ Live music, the 2QTVCNQQ C ȊWQTGUEGPV CTEJ CPF CP CVOQURJGTKE JC\G CNN ensured that the visual and aural impact of the show was stunning. Not one person in the auditorium was left in doubt that this was a theatrical masterpiece. Mr Packham CNQPI YKVJ /TU %NQUG EJQTGQITCRJ[ /T &QKFIG VGEJPKECN FKTGEVQT /TU 5WNNKXCP OCMG WR CPF RTQRGTVKGU CPF /TU 5NQCP OCIKECN EQUVWOGU JCF ETGCVGF C VJGCVTKECN JKV YKVJ the audiences who received this contemporary version of Shakespeare’s popular comedy with enormous enthusiasm. 9KNNKCO .CY 5* 5GPKQT %JCRGN 2TGHGEV




Clothes Show 2011 Just before Christmas 55 girls took a well-earned break from studying to visit the ‘Clothes Show Live’ in Birmingham. The highlight of our trip was the sensational Fashion Show. This year the theme was ‘A Night at The Department Store’. For the second year running the show featured OM Arabella 5VCPHQTVJ 0Q CPF KV YCU ITGCV VQ ECVEJ WR YKVJ JGT CV VJG UVCTV QH VJG UJQY 6JKU VTKR KU C RQRWNCT &GEGODGT ȨZVWTG

and gives us all a chance to do a little last minute shopping. Amongst other things we came back with pyjamas, false eyelashes and dresses! It was a wonderful start to the festive period and enjoyed by all who attended. 8CPGUUC ;QWPI *QWUGOKUVTGUU 0Q

National achievements in Mathematics Intermediate Maths Challenge Twenty-two people achieved Gold awards in this competition with the following scoring well enough to proceed to the next round in March: ,QUGRJ <KXP[ 5* ,QG[ 9QPI 0Q 6QDKCU *QNN 0Q )GTCNF 4QUGOCP

0Q *CTTKGV &CTNKPI 0Q /CVVJGY *KPF 0Q 4QD[P 2QWNVQP 0Q )TGVC 4QUG 0Q 0CPE[ ,QJP 0Q CPF *GCVJGT /CEFQPCNF 0Q Chris Thomas, Head of Maths .GHV VQ TKIJV DCEM 0KEMQNCK 8GTEJQM ,CP ,WFKEMG Front: Qistina Abidal, Jacqui Li, Daniya Seitova

Senior Maths Challenge %QPITCVWNCVKQPU VQ ,KC .KP .K 0Q ,CP .Ă˜FKEMG 0Q &CPK[C 5GKVQXC 0Q 3KUVKPC <CKPCN #DKFKP '* /KUJGN )JCUUKDG 0Q CPF *CPI .QW 5* on gaining Gold awards in the Senior Mathematical Challenge. Nickolai 8GTEJQM 0Q YGPV QP VQ ICKP C distinction in the 1st round of the British Mathematical Olympiad. Chris Thomas, Head of Maths

Left to right back: Gerald Roseman, Joseph Zivny, Tobias Holl Front: Hatty Darling, Heather MacDonald


Staff Profile: Giles Hopkirk Giles started his career in Yorkshire at Aston Comprehensive School and later moved to Danum School as Head of Geography. His responsibilities developed to include the co-ordination of a Gifted and Talented Initiative and he later took charge of the programme in a cluster of schools in Doncaster. More recently Giles has been the Head of Geography at Markham College in Lima, Peru, and the Academic Deputy of St George’s College North in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He joined Malvern to teach Geography in 2011 and has recently been appointed A level Co-ordinator and the Academic Co-ordinator. LIKES: Latin America, Spanish, photography, cookery, and most sports. DISLIKES: DIY, arrogance and bad manners.

Sibling success Amelia Law and her brother William are leading their fellow pupils by example this year, Amelia as Head Girl at The Downs Malvern, and William as 5GPKQT %JCRGN 2TGHGEV *GCF QH 5EJQQN CV /CNXGTP College. That they both have leadership qualities is evident but they are very different people. Amelia excels at Hockey, Netball and Football and has become a vital part of Malvern’s U16 Girls’ Football team for whom she is a regular scorer of goals. She enjoys Latin, History and Spanish and family holidays in Italy. William is an orator and an actor of some renown and has had a major role in most recent Malvern College productions. His leading role as Truffaldino in Goldoni’s ‘A Servant to Two Masters’ was most accomplished and demonstrated his gift for timing and the ability to make the impeccable delivery of a comic line. And he is also a talented debater. Last year he won the *CTXCTF $QQM RTK\G YJKEJ TGEQIPKUGF JKU CECFGOKE and personal qualities (only 100 are offered each [GCT KP VJG 7- INQDCNN[ We wish them both luck in the next stage of their careers, Amelia as she starts at Malvern College in September and William as he takes his examinations this summer to enable him to take up the place he has been offered at St John’s College, Oxford. He will read French and Spanish.



Pick a career, any career‌ Both pupils and delegates were delighted by the success of the Careers Forum that took place in February in Big School. Among the 35 delegates were doctors, vets, surgeons, journalists and lawyers, architects, interior designers and real estate agents, soldiers and engineers, entrepreneurs in IT and 6GNG EQOU ȨPCPEKGTU UGNH OCFG DWUKPGUUOGP CPF YQOGP and CEOs of multi-million dollar companies. Head of Careers at Malvern College, Richard Thurlow said: “The delegates knew that some pupils remain undecided about what they wanted to do later in life. Others, of course, had a clear idea of what they hoped to do for a career and what they would like to study at university but it is helpful VQ ȨPF UQOGQPG YQTMKPI KP VJCV ECTGGT YKVJ YJQO VQ VCNM things through. Delegates were keen to answer the pupils’ questions and help them in any way they could. I am very grateful to the Malvern College Parents’ Society for all their JGNR KP QTICPKUKPI VJG GXGPV 9G UJCNN FGȨPKVGN[ DG JQNFKPI the Forum again in the future.â€?

Karate Black Belt %QPITCVWNCVKQPU VQ %JCTNKG 9KEMGU KP VJG 4GOQXG 0Q YJQ has been awarded his Black Belt in Karate Charlie started Karate in 2005 and has gone through 16 ITCFGU VQ TGCEJ JKU $NCEM $GNV UVCVWU .GCFKPI WR VQ VJG ȨPCN Black Belt grading he trained for nine to ten hours each week for 16 weeks, to achieve his goal. A very commendable result Charlie we admire your determination and your focus. 2CWN 9KEMGU *QWUGOCUVGT 0Q


The School House Guide to Christmas Cake Decorating by Kim Tutcher Ingredients: r %JTKUVOCU ECMG ČŠCV KEGF

*CTTKUQPU FQ C XGT[ XGT[ PKEG QPG r Fondant icing in white, red and green

You will need: r Cake decorating felt tips

KP *QWUG EQNQWTU QH EQWTUG r 5VCT VTGG CPF UPQYČŠCMG UJCRGF EWVVGTU r 1 Father Christmas r Display table next to the Christmas tree

Method: #NNQY CDQWV OKPU HQT GXGT[QPG VQ JCXG HWP YKVJ lots of giggling. Ice every boy’s name on the side of the cake. Place the SH crest on the top. Add stars, VTGGU CPF UPQYČŠCMGU .GCXG VJG ȨPKUJGF CTVKENG QP FKURNC[ HQT JQWTU HQT admiring, spotting your name and then, with the Housemaster’s permission, cut and eat. Delicious!

‌ And they can cook! 0Q KU JQOG VQ C HCOKN[ QH YQPFGTHWNN[ VCNGPVGF and brilliant young ladies who are now excelling in the kitchen too! Lower School Baking Club has brightened up Sundays and the House is enjoying tasting the culinary delights created by the girls. So far the FY and Remove have stunned us with their EJQEQNCVG VTWHČŠGU CPF EQQMKGU 2QKPVU CTG UEQTGF HQT VJG ȨPCN TGUWNVU DWV CNUQ HQT VJG (;oU EQOGFKE CPF valiant cooking efforts! We look forward to another term of gastronomic gifts from our multi talented girls! %JCTNQVVG 9KNNKU *QWUG #UUKUVCPV 0Q



Wings of Hope Fundraising for charity at Malvern College has taken off in the last two terms with initiatives by a number of key groups of RWRKNU +P RCTVKEWNCT UKIPKȨECPV UWOU JCXG DGGP TCKUGF HQT 6JG Wings of Hope charity that seeks to empower underprivileged children in developing countries through education by sponsoring their learning. At least 25 pupils at Malvern have researched their own projects, established ‘Justgiving’ websites and undertaken the projects which have so far ranged from CCF exercises in the wild, a sponsored 10 km walk of the length of the Malvern Hills to a challenging run to the top of the Worcestershire Beacon undertaken by a group of Sixth Form girls in Santa suits in the run-up to Christmas. The latest and most ambitious project has been to send a signed card of congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of Diamond Jubilee. The card, kindly sponsored by Aldine Print Ltd, was signed by 1,200 members of the Malvern community at the Waitrose UWRGTOCTMGV KP /CNXGTP 6JG ȨPCN CKO VQ OCMG KV C VTWN[ memorable memento of Malvern, was to ask the Morgan Motor Company to deliver the card and gift of a limited edition jeroboam of Holywell Malvern Spring Water from Holywell Spring, to Buckingham Palace. “It’s fantasticâ€?, said Rebecca Raby-Smith, “It was our dream to involve the school, the community and local businesses in this project and we have been overwhelmed by the interest and support we have received all the way through. Morgan is U[PQP[OQWU YKVJ VJG VQYP CPF VJG %QNNGIG YJGTG VJG ȨTUV RTQVQV[RG YCU DWKNV CPF + ECPoV VJKPM QH C OQTG ȨVVKPI YC[ VQ deliver our congratulations to the Queen.â€? The period for fundraising for the Wings of Hope Charity ends in February – teacher and Wings of Hope fundraising EQ QTFKPCVQT 5CNN[ )QFUNCPF UC[U p6JG ȨPCN VCNN[ KUPoV KP [GV but I imagine that our groups will have raised about ÂŁ5,000 since October.â€? Fundraisers selected for the WOHAA (Wings of Hope #EJKGXGOGPV #YCTF YKNN JCXG VJG QRRQTVWPKV[ VQ UGG JQY



their contribution to the charity is being used in India/ Malawi and will also be offered the chance to attend careers workshops run by the large corporate sponsors who support the charity. There will be an awards ceremony in April and the UGOK ȨPCNKUVU YKNN DG KPXKVGF VQ RTGUGPV VJGKT 91*## LQWTPG[ before a panel of distinguished judges in the House of Lords in March.

Winners of the Mercian League Congratulations to the girls’ crosscountry team who have won the Mercian League title. The runners, Lydia Sharpe, Tara Margulies, Naomi Sharpe, Laura Nicholson and Amy Cooke were individually placed 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th CPF VJ 1XGT VJG UGCUQP 0CQOK VQQM CP KPFKXKFWCN $TQP\G CPF .[FKC C 5KNXGT 5CTXK 4C\CXK &KTGEVQT QH )KTNUo 5RQTV

Football triumph for No.4 After surprising ourselves by coming a close second to No.3 last year in the Inter-House Football Competition, we were eager to take on the other girls’ Houses this year. It was a tense and exciting competition right through to the last OCVEJ YJKEJ HQT WU YCU CICKPUV 0Q but with two superb goals from Flora Paterson and Ella Cripwell, we secured ȨTUV RNCEG QP IQCN FKHHGTGPEG JCXKPI ȨPKUJGF NGXGN QP RQKPVU YKVJ 0Q Our thanks go to Mr Gauci for organising the event, and to Mr /CVVJGYU CPF /T 8CWIJCP HQT WORKTKPI the matches. Anne Sharp, Housemistress No.4




Girls’ Football South-West of England selection After performing very well in trials held in January, )CDK $GNNCKTU .QODCTF '* 5CTCJ .CQWKVK 0Q CPF 1NKXKC $CTPGU 0Q JCXG DGGP UGNGEVGF VQ play for the South-West of England Independent 5EJQQNU 7 (QQVDCNN VGCO 6JG[ YKNN VCMG RCTV KP an inter-regional tournament, against the three QVJGT TGIKQPU CV /CTNDQTQWIJ QP VJ /CTEJ +P CFFKVKQP ,QUGRJKPG 5VGKUMCN 0Q CNVJQWIJ only in the Remove, has been invited to attend the South-West of England training sessions in preparation for next season, as she is currently too [QWPI VQ RNC[ CV 7 NGXGN # PCVKQPCN KPFGRGPFGPV schools squad will be formed next season to RCTVKEKRCVG KP KPVGTPCVKQPCN ȨZVWTGU Joe Gauci, Director of Studies and i/c Girls’ Football

Sportshall Athletics 2011 Four preparatory schools, The Downs Malvern, St John’s on-the-hill, Packwood Haugh and Winterfold House made the most of the Sportshall Athletics Competition to put their athletes through their paces. This is the second competition of its kind held at the College, providing a fun approach to running, jumping and throwing skills. This year there was a particularly keen sense of excitement about taking part in the activities as the country prepares for the Olympics in the summer. In a close contest, Packwood Haugh and Winterfold House emerged as joint winners, cheered on by all present. My thanks go to prep school staff and parents for their support, to the College’s pupil sports leaders for their assistance and to Ed Parsons from Sportshall Athletics for providing all with another fabulous day of athletic activity. Mark Cox, Director of Sports Liaison


Cross country Ferrets’ Race 2012 The annual Ferrets’ Race for the Foundation Year was run on one of the coldest days in January over the Wells Common. The start of the race was delayed as an Air Ambulance landed on the Ladies’ /KNG VQ CUUKUV KP CP WPTGNCVGF GXGPV YJKEJ HQTEGF VJG TWPPGTU KPVQ DWTUVU QH RJ[UKECN UVTCVGIKGU VQ keep themselves warmed up and ready to go. Even star jumps, I hear, were in evidence. #V VJG ȨPKUJ )GQTIG $CTTGNN 0Q TQORGF JQOG CJGCF QH $GP 6YQJKI 0Q CPF ,QG *GHHGTCP 0Q YKVJ ,QPCVJCP 4KEJCTFUQP 0Q CPF 4KEJCTF $TC[ 0Q ENQUG DGJKPF VJGO 1H VJG IKTNU 4GDGEEC 9CMGȨGNF '* ECOG KP CJGCF QH 5CTCJ 9QQF 0Q +UCDGN (KGNFJQWUG #NNGP 0Q .[FKC 6JQOCU 0Q CPF 1NKXKC $WVYGNN 0Q The winning Houses were No.2 and No.3.

Junior Race There were near perfect conditions for the Junior Race this term. No.2 were the winning boys’ VGCO CPF 0Q YGTG VJG YKPPGTU HQT VJG IKTNU John Cox, Director of Boys’ Sport



Worcester Warriors master at work In November Worcester Warriors Scrumhalf Shaun Perry ran a Master class at Malvern College for our young Rugby players. The focus was on passing and kicking and Perry delivered a excellent technical session on moving the ball quickly and with accuracy away from the break down. His visit is part of the ongoing partnership between the Warriors and Malvern College. Nick Tisdale, Master i/c Rugby

Vanston wins the Pritchard Trophy The 2011 Pritchard Trophy was won D[ 9KNN 8CPUVQP 0Q YJQ DGCV CNN round sportsman Tom Kohler-Cadmore

0Q KP VJG ȨPCN (KPFKPI JKOUGNH KOOGFKCVGN[ CJGCF KP VJG ȨTUV ICOG Will never looked back. His serving strength and shot consistency proved too much for the less experienced but talented Kohler-Cadmore who played with dogged determination throughout. The Pritchard is always a highlight of the 4CEMGVU UGCUQP CPF VJG ȨPCN YCU YGNN supported by a knowledgeable crowd. 6JG ȨPCN UEQTGU s s s Noel Brett, Head Rackets Coach and Cricket Professional

Queens singles 2011 9KNN 8CPUVQP RWNNGF QHH VJG DKIIGUV YKP QH JKU ECTGGT YJGP JG DGCV JKU ITGCV TKXCN VJG HQTOGT PCVKQPCN LWPKQT EJCORKQP ,QPP[ /CNV\ QH Tonbridge, in the opening round of the National Schools’ championship at Queen’s Club. Malvern had a very good tournament and the highlight YCU WPFQWDVGFN[ 9KNN 8CPUVQPnU RGTHQTOCPEG KP VJG (QUVGT EWR HQT VJG VQR RNC[GTU KP VJG EQWPVT[ YJGTG JG TGCEJGF VJG UGOK ȨPCN CPF YCU narrowly beaten by the eventual winner. *G DGCV VJG 0Q UGGF ,QPP[ /CNV\ KP VJG QRGPKPI TQWPF QH VJG cup, arguably the hardest school boy competition to win, and he came CIQPKUKPIN[ ENQUG VQ TGCEJKPI VJG ȨPCN NQUKPI KP VJG UGOK ȨPCN s VQ the eventual winner Chris Stout. Having been 2 – 0 down Will fought back to 2 – 1 and at 13/14 in the fourth game he just couldn’t manage to overcome his opponent’s clinical shot-making; but there had been some fantastic play by both players in this match. All was not lost, however; Will’s success in this competition now means that he is ranked as one of the top four schoolboys in the country. Noel Brett, Head Rackets Coach and Cricket Professional


Ladies’ Rackets Challenge In January the College held the second Ladies’ Rackets Challenge match at the refurbished Ron Hughes Rackets Courts. Two pairs of sporting all-rounders contested the match, former British Open Real Tennis champion Alex Garside and lawn tennis star Alex Kurkjian, and former world Real Tennis champion Sally Jones from Warwick and South African 5SWCUJ RNC[GT $CTDCTC 8KPVEGPV YJQ PCTTQYN[ FGHGCVGF VJGKT QRRQPGPVU CPF NCUV [GCToU EJCORKQPU KP C VJTKNNKPI DCVVNG that went down to the wire. Until the last couple of years, few women had ever played the game but last season’s Malvern Ladies’ Challenge, the ȨTUV PCVKQPCN YQOGPoU GXGPV IGPGTCVGF UQ OWEJ KPVGTGUV that the inaugural British Women’s Open Championship was staged at the Queen’s Club in London. Growing numbers of women and girls are taking up the game thanks to support from professionals at the 14 schools where Rackets is played, and at clubs, particularly at Queen’s.

Ladies’ Rackets Challenge: $ 8KPVEGPV CPF 5 ,QPGU DV # )CTUKFG CPF # -WTMLKCP s s s s s



Inter-House cross country league #HVGT VJG UGXGPVJ CPF ȨPCN TQWPF QH VJG KPVGT *QWUG ETQUU EQWPVT[ NGCIWG 0Q GOGTIGF CU VJG YKPPKPI girls’ House and No.5 the winning boys’ House. 6JG 0Q IKTNU 0CQOK 5JCTRG 8CNGTK[C /CNGPMQ Tara Margulies and Lydia Sharpe, ran a superb last round race taking the lead from the start and ȨPKUJKPI YGNN WR VJG ȨGNF VQ DGCV CNN DWV VYQ QH the boys’ Houses. Pacemakers MaĂŻte Lefebvre and .CXKPKC &G .WEEJK TCP C HCUV ȨTUV NCR VQ UGV VJG RCEG CPF VJG IKTNUo ȨVPGUU ECTTKGF VJGO VJTQWIJ VQ C ITGCV ȨPKUJ Left to right: MaĂŻte Lefebvre, Lydia Sharpe, Lavinia De Lucchi, Tara Margulies, 8CNGTK[C /CNGPMQ 0CQOK 5JCTRG




Promising boys’ Hockey squad A strong boys’ 1st XI Hockey team have made an excellent start to the season by defeating the King’s School, Bruton CPF &GPUVQPG %QNNGIG +P VJGKT ȨTUV match of the season, against King’s, they won 3 – 0 with goals from Oli Gardner, Tobin Bishop and Amin Ipektchi. 6JGP HQNNQYGF C UKIPKȨECPV XKEVQT[ over a very strong and experienced Denstone College where the 2 – 1 score in Denstone’s favour at half-time was translated to a 3 – 2 victory for Malvern at the close. Courageous play by the boys, and good direction from coach Mark Moss, secured the victory. A successful penalty by Amin Ipekechi was scored just before JCNH VKOG 6QDKP $KUJQR RKEVWTGF scored the equaliser in the second half CPF #OKP VJG ȨPCN YKPPKPI IQCN # good save by Richard Bray in the closing stages ensured the win for Malvern. Stephen Holroyd, Master i/c Boys’ Hockey

Kelly Smith is selected for England Rugby squad

Future Activities 2012 COLLEGE OPEN DAY 5CVWTFC[ VJ /C[

/CNXGTP %QNNGIGoU -GNN[ 5OKVJ 0Q JCU successfully made the England U15 Girls’ Rugby squad. Kelly is an excellent all-round sportswoman and is also a member of the U14 Malvern College *QEMG[ VGCO YJKEJ SWCNKȨGF HQT VJG 7 PCVKQPCN competition. 5CTXK 4C\CXK &KTGEVQT QH )KTNUo 5RQTV


VJ t VJ /C[


VJ /C[


VJ /C[


30th May

Preparatory Schools’ Debating Competition

12th June

Preparatory Schools’ Tennis Tournament



YOUNG MALVERN TF s VJ ,WN[ 30th July – 3rd August

9GGM Week 2



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