Malvern View, Issue 10, Summer 2011

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M ALVERN VIEW Issue 10 | Summer 2011

Drama: ‘The Boy Friend’

From the Headmaster


Malvern View • Summer 2011

The Summer Term is always an exciting one and one in which the work of the two previous terms comes to fruition. We are able to reflect in this publication on the varied and wonderful talents of pupils and their achievements across a wide range of activities. We are also able to celebrate the successes of some OMs and to enjoy reading of life beyond Malvern. May I wish you all a summer to remember!

Leah Henßge (EH)

Worcester Competitive Arts Festival — 60th Year Congratulations to all of the winners at this year’s Worcester Festival Sonnet Class 13 and over: Sam Goldblatt (No.2) Prose Reading 16 and under: Alex Leunig (No.2) Verse Speaking Open Class: Leah Henßge (EH)

Antony Clark Headmaster

Duologue Acting 16 and under: Finja Finster and Georgina Weiss (both in No.8) Verse Speaking 16 and under: Sam Goldblatt (No.2) Solo Acting Open Class: Leah Henßge (EH)

Verse Speaking 16 and under: Duologue Acting 14 and under: Alastair Brookes (SH) Florence Mayo (No.3) and Natasha Shakespeare 14 and under: Bishop (No.4) Natalie Seagar (No.3) Robert Huguenin, Teacher of Speech and Drama

Wheeler-Bennett Society The Wheeler-Bennett Society meets three times a term at the Headmaster’s house. This Sixth Form society was created to promote the stimulation and exchange of ideas across intellectual disciplines and each meeting starts with the presentation of a paper by one of the pupils which forms the basis for the discussion. The Society currently has about twenty-two members. Martin Frayn, Head of Sixth Form

The Boy Friend – by the Remove The Music and Drama departments magically transported us back to the ‘Roaring Twenties’ this term in staging an impressive production of Sandy Wilson’s musical comedy The Boy Friend. Originally staged in 1953, The Boy Friend is a pastiche of a bygone era with a large cast of characters who revel in their eccentricity. The famous period musical includes such well known numbers as ‘Won’t You Charleston With Me?’, ‘A Room In Bloomsbury’, ‘It’s Never Too Late To Fall In Love’ and the unforgettable title song. Featuring: Olivia Barnes, Leah Butt, Amelia Wall, Katy O’Rourke, Kathryn Withnall, Emily Humfress, Natalie Seager, Clare Ho, Marcus Emmerson, Aaron King, Will Corscadden, Oliver Warrilow, Rupert Hayward, Matthew Withnall, Henry Henshall and Rupert Harris, in a cast of 35 drawn from the Remove, the production certainly left the audience toe-tapping their way home. ‘How ripping!’ Production was by Director of Drama Keith Packham and Iain Sloan was the Musical Director, with Daniel Spencer on Percussion. Keith Packham, Director of Drama



Malvern View • Summer 2011

The Headmaster Antony Clark and Chairman of Council Lord MacLaurin of Knebworth with the incoming and outgoing Chapel Prefects at the Priory church. Back Row: Felicity Blackburn, Rebecca Tweddell, Sam Goldblatt Third Row: Harriet Sale, Charles Bridge, Caroline Varga Second Row: Hebe Morgan, Headmaster, Antony Clark, Chairman of Council Lord MacLaurin of Knebworth, Julia James Front Row: William Law, Arthur Wakeley, Oli Gardner

Commemoration Day At the Priory church, by kind permission of the Vicar the Reverend John Barr, Malvern College gave thanks for those whose vision has founded and sustained the life of the College. Readings were made from the Pensées of Blaise Pascal and from the Journals of Søren Kierkegaard, from Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 14 and Colossians 3: 12 – 17. The preacher, a welcome guest of the College, was The Very Reverend Nick Bury, who until his retirement last October was the Dean of Gloucester Cathedral. The service included music impressively delivered by the College choirs and musicians under the leadership of Iain Sloan, Director of Music. Parents and visitors returned to the College campus after the service to listen to solo performances of music and to see a drama production in addition to viewing the various exhibitions of pupils’ work. Prize-giving followed in the College’s new Sports Complex where the prizes were presented by The Lord Broers, former ViceChancellor of the University of Cambridge.


Cwm Llwch has a Makeover For those who do not know about Cwm Llwch, it is a remote old Welsh stone farmhouse in the Brecon Beacons which the College uses regularly for camping and walking weekends and it has recently had a make-over. Forty Lower Sixth pupils who will all be taking part in the expedition to Ghana later this summer, spent much of a weekend cleaning and painting in a phenomenal effort to give the much-loved cottage a face-lift. Years of cobwebs, grime, rubbish and old mattresses were removed before the teams set about painting. This was part of the Ghana group preexpedition training because much of the time in Ghana will be

spent working on charitable projects. Given the time available the make-over was something of a challenge but the place now looks fantastic, and has since been enjoyed by many more College visitors. “It was a great privilege to be the first house to experience the gentrified Cwm Llwch farmhouse,� say the boys of No.1, first to make the trip after the transformation. Big thanks go to all of the senior pupils involved in this worthwhile project. Cwm Llwch is a palace once again! Justin Major, i/c Outdoor Pursuits


Malvern View • Summer 2011

House Music Competition 2011 Adjudicating this year, Mr Richard Knight from Bromsgrove School spoke of the art of performance and gave some useful tips to individual performers. His task was to nominate five winners in each of three categories and Mr Knight told us that he had found the task of selecting winners very difficult indeed, especially in Category A where the standard was exceptionally high. Worthy winners in Category C (up to grade 4) were: Marcus Emmerson (SH) saxophone, Amelia Wall (No.3) piano, Noëlle Sieg (No.6) oboe, Alida Sielaff (No.8) voice and Lydia Thurlow (No.8) piano. In Category B (up to grade 6), Henry Henderson (No.5) ‘cello, Annika Schöhl (No.8) violin, William Raby-Smith (SH) trumpet, Rupert Harris (SH) voice and Kate Arnold (No.3) clarinet were all winners. The competition in Category A, for the most experienced and accomplished, at grade 7 and above, was played out to a packed St Edmund’s Hall. In the end the winner was Isabella Petzinka (No.6) ‘cello, followed by Sarah Kriegbaum (No.6) violin, Jennifer Simpson (No.6) voice, Jennifer Liu (EH) piano and Aaron King (SH) flute. Finally, once the points had been awarded to each contestant from the heats to the finals, the winning House was deemed to be SH with No.6 a close second and No.8 third. “This was a fabulous competition,” says teacher of Music Stephen McDade. “The Music Department is delighted with the commitment and dedication of the pupils who took part.” Stephen McDade, Teacher of Music


Art Scholar Laura Nicholson (No.4) who joined the College this year, is the only pupil in the Lower Sixth to be awarded an Honorary Art Scholarship. The scholarship was awarded to Laura for her outstanding performance in drawing and painting. An example of her work is pictured here, entitled ‘Adam’s Rib’. Tim Newsholme, Director of Art

Junior Inter-house Debating The FY and Remove boys have been enthusiastic debaters this year and in the semi-final, the boys vigorously opposed the motion that ‘This House advocates using proportional representation in the UK voting system’. Although the debate took place on away turf in EH, the boys were very much at home in the cut and thrust of debate. Their arguments were clear and concise, showing an excellent understanding of the main points; Sebastian Engert’s summing up was singled out for particular praise. Drawn against defending champions No.2 in the final, they were charged with opposing the motion ‘This House believes that brawn is more impressive than brain’ and after a long and anxious wait while the judges considered their verdict, No.9 were declared the junior champion debaters of 2011. Paul Wickes, Housemaster No.9


Malvern View • Summer 2011

FY Lakes Expedition This year’s FY took to the Lake District in May where the 71 pupils and 10 staff in the party were in for an actionpacked few days. Arriving at Ullswater we divided the pupils into groups and headed straight off to the different activities. Whilst some kayaked and canoed, others climbed; some trekked off to a distant campsite and others jumped across waterfalls into the pools of an icy beck. Their accommodation was in a variety of bunkhouses on the slopes of Helvellyn, above the small village of Glenridding and at a campsite near Brothers Water. These intrepid FY pupils (and staff) spent four days throwing themselves at whatever challenges were presented to them. Some even spent a day underground in the limestone caves of Yorkshire. Although the weather was not always kind to us, pupils and staff remained undaunted and the trip was a great success. A big thanks goes to everyone involved with the trip — we are already planning for next year. Photograph by Stephen Poon (No.1)

Justin Major, i/c Outdoor Pursuits


No.7 Birthday BBQ The boys decided that this term’s birthday supper celebration in No.7 would be a barbecue. Predictably, as soon as you say ‘BBQ’, the weather deteriorates, but the odd spot of rain did nothing to dampen our spirits. On the menu, chilidogs, hamburgers, sticky ribs and seared pepper steaks and the theme for the evening was ‘A Texan Cowboy’. We usually add in a few party games and these, together with the birthday cake and candles, created a very happy atmosphere. Harry Children, the youngest boy present, had the honour of blowing out the candles. Thanks to our chef, James, and his team for some fantastic food and thanks also for the tutors and staff who joined us to make it a really great occasion. Dan Eglin, Housemaster No.7


Walking with the Wounded The ‘Walking with the Wounded’ expedition reached the North Pole on Saturday 16th April, ahead of schedule, and entered the record books in its quest to raise funds for injured troops. Their Norwegian guide said it was the “fittest team he had ever taken”, but it was also the quickest team taking the longest route this year. One of the team of four wounded servicemen who made this historic trek to the top of the world was Old Malvernian, Captain Guy Disney (No.2, ‘95 – 00), who lost the lower part of his right leg in Southern Helmand, Afghanistan in July 2009. Early in 2010 when the details of the expedition were published, he applied immediately and, through a series of rigorous selection procedures, was one of four chosen. Before the expedition left he said, “I saw this as a phenomenal opportunity and a great chance to show what is achievable. It would have been hard to say ‘No’ if I had both legs; now I have one, I must do it.” The expedition has been followed throughout by HRH Prince Harry, their patron, who joined the team at the start. The men were supported by a

dedicated medical team without whom their achievement would not have been possible. The servicemen who took part were: Capt. Mark Hewitt, 30, whose right arm is paralysed; Capt. Guy Disney, 29, whose right leg was amputated below the knee; Sgt Stephen Young, 28, who suffered a broken back; Pvte Jaco Van Gass, 24, whose left arm was amputated and has injuries to his left leg. Walking with the Wounded has raised £500,000 so far, and these funds will be shared between other service charities, most notably Blesma, Help for Heroes, Skill Force and The Warrior Programme. Donations to Walking with the Wounded can be sent to:

Guy Disney (OM, No.2) leading the team.

Walking with the Wounded, Stody Hall Barns, Stody, Melton Constable, Norfolk, NR24 2ED

The Walking with the Wounded team at the North Pole.


No.4 Sculpture Kirstie Wombwell was the first in No.4 to finish her International Baccalaureate this year, which was cause in itself for celebration. When her mother Elizabeth came to pick her up however, there was another. The Wombwell family had come up with the idea of asking Martin Keeley, a local artist from Rutland Willows, to design a No.4 sculpture in willow to give us as a thank you gift and a memento of Kirstie’s time in No.4. The beautiful sculpture, in the shape of a number four, is hanging from our mulberry tree in the front garden and we would like to say a big thank you to the Wombwell family for their kind and thoughtful gift which we will treasure for many years to come. Anne Sharp, Housemistress No.4


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Confirmation Nineteen pupils from the College and The Downs, Malvern were confirmed by the Bishop of Dudley, the Rt Rev’d David Walker in the College Chapel this year. The service, shared by family, friends and members of the College, was the culmination of a course of preparation which began in January. In the months of dark evenings and snow, we all met at the Chaplain’s House to discuss the nature of God. As spring arrived we were reflecting on the life of the Church and our place in it, and on the Thursday before the service there was the usual Quiet Day held at Gloucester Cathedral. At various stations in the Cathedral, from the nave, to chapels, to the crypt and the high altar, we reflected on the journey of faith. After the Confirmation service a reception was held in the Gryphon Room. Our thanks go to all involved in the events on the day of the Confirmation and the events involved in preparing the candidates for this significant step in their lives. Fr Andrew Law, College Chaplain

Pupils join in with the Royal Wedding Celebrations Friday, 29th April was not only a special day for HRH Prince William and Catherine Middleton but also for pupils and staff at the College who themselves had a special day with an extended break in the morning to allow everyone to watch the ceremony on television in their Houses. A special buffet lunch was served in each House and dining rooms were decorated with bunting and union flag serviettes. We felt part of the historic occasion and, in our own way, all wished the couple well on this momentous occasion. Anne Sharp, Housemistress No.4


QinetiQ Young Engineers Congratulations to both QinetiQ Young Engineers’ teams for their presentations to the Gold Crest Award Assessors.The QinetiQ staff were very impressed with work that had been completed here at the College and with the way the presentations were delivered.

Amelia Freeman wins First Prize in Public Speaking Competition

Darren Stokes, Head of Design & Technology

William Law, Matthew Drury and Amelia Freeman represented Malvern College in the annual Malvern Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition. Amelia, on her debut outing, scooped the trophy for Most Entertaining Speaker with her speech about ‘To what extent do gypsy women deserve our sympathy?’ Delighted to win a trophy as well as some cash, Amelia will donate the money to the fund raising for community projects in Ghana. Amelia and a group of forty others from Malvern will spend time in Ghana this summer, the second group of pupils who have visited Ghana to lend their support to some very worthwhile community projects. Lynne Hallett, Teacher of English

Victoria Moritz scoops full marks in Maths SAT exams Well done to Victoria Moritz (EH) for her results in the Maths Scholastic Assessment Test in which she has gained full marks! SATs are the standard test for college admissions in the United States and were first devised in 1901. Victoria is hoping to attend an Ivy League university and is well on the way with this superb start in the American university entrance examinations. There are many more exams to sit but this is a great beginning. Sarah Angus, Housemistress Ellerslie House

Inaugural College Maths Challenge The No.7 boys demonstrated their appetite for numbers and mathematical problems by winning the inaugural House Maths Competition this term. In second position after round two, they just pipped Ellerslie House by two points to win in the final round. Dan Eglin, Housemaster No.7


Malvern View • Summer 2011


New No.

Miraculously refurbished after the fire in April 2010, No.6 reopened its doors this term to the girls who had been relocated in the Lees throughout the building work. The transformation is incredible. Isabella Petzinka (No.6), Junior Chapel Prefect says, “Losing No.6 was like losing our second home, we’ve missed it so much and it is absolutely wonderful to come back now and be able to feel like nothing has changed about it. It still is our home.”

Lea-Smith Reading Competition The final of the Lea-Smith Reading Competition was held in March. No.3 were fortunate to have five girls in the final; Hebe Vosper-Brown (FY), Amelia Wall (R), Alys Marr (100), Sofia Storer (100) and Bryce Birkhead (U6). It had been clear from the start that the competition was strong but in the FY category Hebe read magnificently (extract from ‘Warhorse’ by Michael Morpurgo) and was placed second to Jemima Wilson from No.4. Next, competing in the Remove section, Milly thrilled us all with a stirring delivery of a speech made by Queen Elizabeth I at Tilbury and was placed first. Alys and Sofia performed very well against others from the hundred and Sofia was awarded first place (extract from ‘Why I am not a Christian’ by Bertrand Russell). It was Bryce’s performance of ‘The Ruined Maid’ by Thomas Hardy however, that won the Upper Sixth prize and also won her ‘Best Overall Speaker’; a fabulous achievement. As a result No.3 was awarded the impressive Lea-Smith Reading Trophy. Fiona Packham, Housemistress No.3


Naomi Sharpe is Head of Malvern’s CCF Naomi Sharpe (No.6) is this year’s Head of the Combined Cadet Corps and has great plans for her future. She would like to be a doctor in the Navy and wishes to serve with the Marines. A talented all rounder, Naomi was one of the first girls to take part in the Army’s Military Skills competition and the Royal Marine Pringle Competition. She has been successful at running cross-country competitions this year reaching county level and is delighted with her new appointment.


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Sixth Form Classicists’ Trip to Greece All the pupils studying Latin and Greek or Classical Civilisation had the chance to be included on this trip to Greece to visit some of the most famous classical sites in the world. We travelled in the Easter holiday and were blessed with beautiful weather — but the itinerary was busy. We began at Athens, exploring the Acropolis and Agora, their museums and the many other traditional aspects of the city. We visited the Parthenon, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Theatre of Dionysus and the National Archaeological Museum which was full of precious treasures, including the famous golden mask of Agamemnon. At Delphi we visited the site where the Oracle would have prophesied and admired the theatre and the stadium and the marvellous view at the top.

Olympia was one of the highlights of the trip. We ran the 200m ‘stade’ race on the original track that would have been used in the days of the very first Olympic games and saw the magnificent temples of Zeus and Hera and the place where the Olympic torch is lit for the modern games. At Nestor’s Palace those of us studying Homer’s Odyssey were able to see Telemachus’ bathtub, and a museum containing Bronze Age armour like that described in the Iliad. The trip to Greece was not only a chance to see the monuments and enjoy ourselves; it brought everything we had learnt in lessons to life, and provided a much deeper insight into what Ancient Greece would have been like. Everybody had a fantastic time, and we all returned home with fond memories of our wonderful experiences of this diverse and beautiful country. Poppy Donaldson (No.4)

Room for the Rossers in No.1 This term No.1 welcomed back former Housemaster Norman Rosser, and his wife Myra, to dedicate a room in their honour. Norman and Myra were in the House from 1962 – 1977, “A good innings by House-mastering standards!”, says the present Housemaster Adam Wharton. At the beginning of lunch the House paid tribute to the Rossers’ services to No.1and the boys gave them a terrific round of applause in appreciation. Norman was Master i/c Squash and Rackets during his time at the College and later became the College Archivist. Another room in the House was dedicated to Syd and Jane Hill who were in the House from 1986 – 1995. Syd was Master i/c Football during his career at Malvern and is now Secretary to the Malvernian Society.


Sports Day Coming at the end of the first half of the Summer Term, this afternoon of inter-House sport is perfectly timed to be an antidote to revision stress. Chey West, Girls’ Sports Coach says, “This was a very good event which was undertaken in great spirit both on and off the track. A total of twelve sports day records were broken from both track and field competitions. In the Senior Boys’ category records were broken by: John Guilbert (No.9) in the Hurdles, Chris Brewer (No.7), in the Shot and Discus and Toby Hurdle (No.2) in the Javelin. Nathan Groves (No.1) established a new record in the Javelin competition. In the Senior Girls’ category records were broken by: Lydia Sharpe (No.6) in the 1500m, Vicky Moritz (EH) in the 800m, Rebecca RabySmith (No.4) in the 300m, Susannah Hunt (No.3) in the Javelin, Polina Kuzmina (EH) in the Discus, Johanna Roth (No.3) in the Shot and Julia James (No.8) in the High Jump. The overall results were as follows: Junior Boys’ Junior Girls’ Competition Competition 1st Place: No.7 1st Place: No.3 Senior Boys’ Senior Girls’ Competition Competition 1st Place: No.2 1st Place: No.6 Well done everyone! Chey West, Girls’ Sports Coach

Staff Profile : Sarvenaz Razavi Director of Girls’ Sport Sarvi joined Malvern College in 2009 and is intricately involved in all the sporting activities offered for the girls at the College. She coaches and is in charge of teams for Netball, Hockey, Rounders and Cricket. Sarvi is currently training with the Welsh indoor cricket team in preparation for the World Cup which will be held in South Africa in October. LIKES: Cricket, Netball, Hockey, all sports really, Photography and Music DISLIKES: Rain and flying


Malvern View • Summer 2011

The Ledder Summer temperatures reversed the muddy, damp and chilly conditions that are usually a feature of this event and we had to ensure, in particular, that all the runners were well supplied with water. After a few encouraging words from Dr Lister a hundred and five pupils (plus several members staff) and a few brave OMs set off at 3 o’clock precisely from Mr Wilce’s field near Ledbury Station. It is seven and three quarter miles from there to the finish and the first in would get there around about 53 minutes and 31 seconds later. Almost immediately, Tim Brook (No.5) pulled away from the crowd,

and he steadily increased his lead over the others as the race progressed until at the finish he was 4 ½ minutes from his closest rival. This was a magnificent performance from the lad who was second to Jamie Paterson (SH) in last year’s race, taking eleven seconds off Jamie’s time on this occasion. The other boy Ledder Cap winners this year were: Ed Cooke (No.5), Will Wright (No.9), Adam Flattery (No.5), Petr Tikilyaynen (No.1), Will Vanston (No.9), Adrian Cabrera (SH), Michael Ashcroft (No.5) and Henry Ma (SH). In the girls’ race, the winner was Tara Margulies (No.8) who completed the

Peter Martin runs the Ledder for Charity There was a warm welcome for finisher number 66 in the boys’ race: Peter Martin (No.9) who in the challenging summer conditions ran the entire route wearing 4kg boots and carrying 20kg on his back. Peter was aiming to raise money for two Forces charities; ‘Swift and Bold’, which provides immediate support and assistance for the families in the devastating first hours and days after the loss or injury of a loved one, and ‘Forces Children’s Trust’, a charity devoted to helping dependent children who have

lost a parent serving with the Armed Forces. Hoping to run the course in under two hours, Peter made it home in a time of 1hr 59mins and has so far raised £650 with the total growing all the time. Peter ran this race with his black Labrador ‘Griffy’ alongside him — they both caught the imagination of those who watched along the way. The Ledder is a hard race at the best of times, and this run is to be much admired. Richard Hookham

course in 65 minutes and 41 seconds. Again, this was faster than last year’s winning time: by fifty seconds. Tara’s nearest rival was 15 seconds behind her and this was Lavinia de Lucchi (No.8) who finished in 69.56, with Louise Hannecart (EH) winning the last of the three girls’ Ledbury Caps. No.5 was the winning boys’ team; their 48 points put them comfortably above rivals SH and then No.9. For the girls, the winning team was No.8 (29 points), followed by EH (43 points) and No.4 (122). Well done all of you! Richard Hookham


Help for Heroes — Yorkshire Three Peaks During the Leave-out weekend, on what has become an annual CCF expedition to raise money for the Forces charities, a group of Malvern College pupils and staff set off to accomplish the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. The group set off at a strong pace and kept their spirits high by sharing songs and stories. As the day drew on, legs grew wearier and the pace slowed. By the time we had reached Ingleborough, the final and steepest peak, we had already been walking for nine hours. We finally reached camp in 11 hours and 25 minutes, within our target of 12 hours, to receive the best of rewards — a hot roast meal. Badges of achievement were presented to: Ben Chandler (No.5), Henry George (No.2), Rupert Harris (SH), Rory Hopkinson (No.2), Nathan King (No.5), William Kitching (No.2), Anna Llewellyn (No.6), Simon Macdonald (No.5), Wulstan Nixon (No.5), Alice

Paterson (No.4), Kavita Purohit (No.6), Harry Rees (No.5), Natalie Seager (No.3) and Amelia Wall (No.3). The funds raised will go to the Rifles

Casualties charities and to Help for Heroes (which hit the £100 million mark in June). Lt Simon Bradley

EIGHT8 Cricket Competition Malvern College held its EIGHT8 Cricket Competition for U/11 year olds at the end of May. This junior form of the TWENTY20 game is a very successful formula for youth cricket and has become a feature of the Summer Term at Malvern. The U/13 competition takes place here in June. Over 100 junior cricketers from ten schools played in coloured kit supplied by Ram Cricket. Packwood Haugh claimed the A J Murtagh Trophy and Birchfield won the Plate competition. Birchfield pupils Callum Lea and Arjan Uppal were awarded the individual batting and bowling awards respectively, with scores of 130 runs across the whole tournament, and 9 wickets for 48 runs. Mark Hardinges, Master i/c Cricket


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Prep Schools’ Tennis Tournament Andy Murray may have been frustrated by rain at the Aegon Championships, but 40 children managed to dodge the showers at Malvern College’s annual Prep Schools’ Tennis Tournament on Sunday 12th June — because it was held in the College’s Sports Complex. Seven schools from across the region (and beyond) entered competitors into the tournament, which has been running for over 20 years. “It was great to be able to hold the tournament without being affected by the dreadful weather,” said tournament organiser Richard Thurlow. “The young players obviously enjoyed playing ‘short tennis’ — and using the climbing wall and other facilities in our Sports Complex.” The prizes were presented by local sporting celebrity Jane Poynder, who has played tennis in the Wimbledon Championships, and now divides her time between tutoring around the country and coaching tennis in Malvern and the surrounding area. The winners were: The Downs, Malvern (U/13 Girls) Birchfield (U/13 Boys) Richard Pate (U/11 Girls and U/11 Boys)

The Downs, Malvern, winners of the U/13 Girls’ Competition with Jane Poynder.

The Downs, Malvern Schools’ Aquathlon The Downs, Malvern hosted the fifth annual Schools’ Aquathlon at Malvern College this year. Competitors were required to swim 100 metres, and run 800 metres around a course that traced its way through the beautiful Malvern College grounds. There were 110 competitors drawn from 10 schools and prizes were presented to: AJ Renton from The Downs, Malvern for the Boys’ U/13 race and to Helen Jubb from King’s St Albans for the U/13 Girls’ race Abigail Saker from Bromsgrove came first in the U/11 Girls’ race and Sam Osborne, also from Bromsgrove won the U/11 Boys’ race. The winning team was Bromsgrove with Abberley Hall second and The Downs, Malvern third. Sam Cook, Headmaster, The Downs, Malvern


Successful National Preparatory Schools’ Cross Country This large event brings more than a thousand people to Malvern College each year. March can be chilly but the day dawned fine and perfect for running. This year 602 runners completed the courses and 50 schools took part. Teams come from all over the country to compete. In the U/11 Girls’ race Saskia Millard from Newton Prep (London) was the individual winner and Spring Grove (Kent) won both the team competition and the Small Schools’ Trophy. Angus Dennison-Smith won the U/11 Boys’ race, helping his Buckinghamshire School, The Beacon, to retain the team title, and Haslemere Prep School won the Small Schools’ Trophy at their first attempt. In the U/13 Girls’ category trophies were won by Sophie Rumble, from Danes Hill Prep (Surrey) in the individual event, Spratton Hall (Northamptonshire) in the team competition and Abberley Hall (Worcestershire) in the Small Schools’ competition. In the final race of the day Harry Spawforth, also from Danes Hill Prep, took the U/13 Boys’ title and Maidwell Hall (Northamptonshire) were victorious in the team and Small Schools’ competition. It had been a wonderful day with good courses and an impressive new style finish and was widely felt to be the most successful championship to date. Christina Boxer, Triple Olympian and Commonwealth Champion


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Rosslyn Park Sevens

Malvern College Sevens squad at Rosslyn Park.

Malvern’s senior Rugby players finished the season by competing at The Rosslyn Park National Schools’ Sevens tournament, the largest Sevens Rugby Tournament in the world. The squad was trained by Nick Tisdale, Malvern’s Head of Rugby and Ryan Watkins, Boys’ Sports Coach. “We set the lads the target of gaining at least one win in what was a hard group,” said Nick Tisdale. “They achieved this and made a good fist of the other matches in the group, almost gaining another win against Perse, a match in which James Wootton and Charlie Lacey each scored a try. They lost to Plymouth (who eventually lost to the tournament winners) and to St George’s Harpenden. Finishing on a high — a victory over King’s Rochester 40 – 19, we felt that they had played some tremendous sevens Rugby.” Other try scorers in the tournament were Hugo Hollis (two) and one apiece for Paloch Krisanaracha, John Guilbert, Bar Bartlett and Murat Arkallaev. Bar Bartlett covered five out of his six kicks. Squad from: J. Killick (No.5), H. Hollis (SH), B. Bartlett, Captain (No.2), J. Wootton (SH), C. Lacey (SH), J. Guilbert (No.9), M. Arkallaev (No.7), P. Krisanaracha (No.2), H. Salmon (SH), C. Borrell (No.7), D. Williams (SH), F. Burke (No.2). Mark Cox, Director of Sports Liaison

Jamie Killick (No.5)

Fives — Colquhoun Trophy Congratulations to Jamie Killick (No.5) who triumphed in the annual Colquhoun Trophy played between the leading Fives players of Malvern, Sherborne, Blundells and Marlborough.

No.7 Late Charge Seals Victory in the Senior House Swimming

Final Relays Give No.3 the Title A final demonstration of great swimming resulted in the Senior Girls’ Swimming title being awarded to No.3. They won both of the relays, the final two races, with fine No.3 team work and managed to secure the title. Very well done indeed! Fiona Packham, Housemistress No.3

The senior boys pulled off a momentous victory to win the Senior House Swimming. After two rounds of the individual races over 25m and 50m distances, we were lying in joint second place. With double points on offer in the Team Medley and Freestyle Relay, the team psyched themselves up for one last big effort. And it worked! They came first and second in these two events, adding 22 points to their total and taking them past No.5 and No.2 to take first place! Well done lads. Dan Eglin, Housemaster No.7


Football last Season We started pre-season with a tough training schedule to get the boys fit for the opening match against Marlborough College. This proved to be a difficult first match but, thanks to a second-half goal scored by Adrian Cabrera, a victory — we were underway. The squad played some wonderful football all season to remain unbeaten in the league at the close, but alas, missed winning the league by one goal! “Trying to console the boys in the changing rooms, I attempted to point out that we had had a very good season, putting our second position in the league into some sort of perspective. “Lads we didn’t lose a game, we only conceded two goals, we had a young squad drawn mainly from the Hundred and Lower Sixth, we must be proud of what we have achieved here. And we only missed the top spot in the league by one goal.” These words of wisdom were met with a deathly hush. OK lads I really do understand, but we live to fight another day. Matt Cleal, i/c Football

Girls’ Football Competition It was exciting to see a good turn-out from every House for the Girls’ interHouse Football Competition in March. No.’s 3 and 4 proved to be the strongest and No.8 was not able to replicate the form of two years ago when they won the competition. EH and No.6 played well but No.3 emerged the eventual winners.

No.5 ‘Do the Double’ On a weekend of high drama, both the No.5 Senior and the No.5 Junior football teams conquered all that lay before them. With a dramatic 3 – 2 win for the Junior team — goal scorers were Alex Milton (capt), and Liam Smith (2 goals), and a more gritty 2 – 0 win with goals from Alec Godsland and Dan Garnett, in the Senior match, both cups finally came to rest on the shelves of No.5. What a fantastic achievement and such a great atmosphere! The House showed its true spirit when, at the end, the Senior boys led by Odge Davey, came to celebrate with the younger boys. It was certainly a weekend to remember and the second time in succession that the Junior boys have won the final! Tom Newman, Housemaster No.5


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Girls’ Success in Regional Hockey Selection An amazing 23 pupils have been selected for Herefordshire or Worcestershire Junior Academy Centres this season, the equivalent of county selection. 12 have competed for Worcestershire and 11 for Herefordshire. Both counties have done well this season bringing their players to the attention of regional selectors, especially the girls in the U/15 and U/17 Worcestershire squads. Sibyl Beaumont, Hattie Darling, Hebe Vosper-Brown, Lydia Brand and Shi-nan Zhang each competed in a tense final for their age group, for the title of County Champions. The next level of selection is to the Junior Regional Performance Centres and 10 of our girls have been selected to attend Tier 1 training at these JRPCs. Congratulations to Emma Good (U/15 Bristol), Amy Elias (U/16 Bristol), Katherine Berry, (U/17 Bristol), Harriet Darling, Hebe Vosper Brown and Shi-Nan Zhang (U/16 Birmingham), and Alice Paterson, Emily Humfress, Kirsty Imm and Rebecca Raby-Smith who will all attend at U/17 level at the JRPC at Birmingham. Erin Preece, teacher i/c of Girls’ Hockey is delighted with these selections and says “England Hockey’s Single System has started to pay dividends for our committed girls. They have worked so hard this season and their selection to the next stage has capped off a very exciting year for Girls’ Hockey at Malvern.”

International Equestrian

Kirsty Imm (No.4) represented Great Britain in an international equestrian event at Compiegne in France during half term. She had to compete against 42 top riders in the dressage and turned in her best performance ever at international level. Her score of 67.8% was very high indeed and gained her eighth position. All the more impressive when you consider that Kirsty is only in the Hundred and is in the middle of her GCSE examinations! Sibyl Beaumont (No.4) U/17 Hockey playing for Worcestershire v Leicestershire at Warwick.

Anne Sharp, Housemistress No.4


“Over — and that is Lunch, Gentlemen!”

As we reach the halfway stage of term, we can be very pleased with the results, so far, across the board. The 1st XI has had a particularly good start, winning five games already this season. Tom Köhler-Cadmore has been in fine form with the bat, scoring four unbeaten centuries and looking hungry to score more. The XI won in the final of the Chesterton Cup against Cheltenham College; Odge Davey made a glorious 185 not out. (Malvern: 314 for 3 in 40 overs and Cheltenam 209 for 8 after 40 overs.)

The 3rd XI has scored over 200 runs in each of their two games so far this season, scores that were particularly deserved. The U/14A team had a real nail-biting win over Repton and have also advanced into the second round of the Lord’s Taverners’ Trophy and have a real chance this year of advancing further as they continue to develop as a team. The U/15A team had a comprehensive win against Dean Close but unluckily lost out to Rugby in what must be the game of the season so far, losing off the last ball in a closely contested game. Mark Hardinges (OM), Master i/c Cricket

Malvern College Cricketers flying high Recently two cricketers from Malvern College have been dominating the school scene. Tom Köhler-Cadmore (No.5, 100) and Liam Smith (No.5, FY) have both produced match winning performances over the last few weeks and the future looks very bright for these boys. Both are with the Worcestershire Cricket Academy and also benefit from the excellent facilities and coaching at Malvern College where they are at school. Tom has scored 4 unbeaten centuries already this season and looks set to break the school record for runs scored in a season. His last hundred helped the Malvern 1st XI to advance to the final of the Chesterton Cup. Liam produced one of the best bowling spells from a schoolboy in a match where the The Royal Grammar School Worcester’s U/14 team was bowled out for 7 runs. Liam ended with

figures of 7 wickets for 5 runs: a truly remarkable effort. Malvern College now moves to the U/14 final of the regional section of the Lord’s Taverners’ Trophy. The future definitely looks very bright for these two and for Malvern Cricket and

the county as these two boys continue to develop their cricketing skills.

Liam Smith

Tom Kohler- Cadmore

Mark Hardinges (OM), Master i/c Cricket


Malvern View • Summer 2011

Malvern College wins two Singles titles Malvern College claimed both the girls’ tennis and boys’ tennis singles trophies in the Smyth and Scott Cups at Malvern St James in early May. The tournaments comprised an entry of the top independent schools in the county and the victorious Singles winners were Sebastian Schönholz (No.2) and Johanna Roth (No.3). Sebastian, a finalist last year, went one better this year and won convincingly 6/1 6/1 and Johanna, showing great determination, saved five match points to win the Smyth Cup in a lengthy and nail-biting final 1/6 7/5 11/9. Richard Thurlow, i/c Tennis

College hosts County Rugby Trials Nearly 300 talented youngsters and their parents came to the College’s Court Road playing fields this term, to take part in the U/15, U/14 & U/13 County Rugby Trials. The day was organised by Simon Lane (Warriors Community Coach) and Nick Tisdale (Malvern’s Head of Rugby & Warriors Academy Coach). Assisting on the day were members of Malvern’s 1st XV Rugby team.

Future Activities COLLEGE OPEN DAYS


8th October 2011

Pre-Prep: 14th October 2011

5th May 2012

Whole school: 15th October 2011

4th July – 2nd September 2011

Mini Malvern —

19th – 21st July 2011

Summer Cricket Camp —

25th July – 5th August 2011

Young Malvern —

8th – 12th and 15th – 19th August 2011 Worcester Warriors Residential Rugby Camp — 15th – 19th August 2011

Aston Villa Football Camp —

30th August – 1st September 2011

Summer Hockey Camp —

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