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StudIo artWork By henry StreItWIeSer
Broken or Bent
R. Becket
Broken or Bent? WhIch one have you Meant? Broken to PIeceS, Many In nuMBer LIke reeSe’ S. unreStoraBLe, a Book Burnt By fIre, Beyond recognItIon, dePLoraBLe, a heart Burnt By a LIar. thIS IS Where confuSIon Be had, often tIMeS confuSed By the Sad. Bent can Be MangLed, But can aLWayS Be fIxed, SoMetIMeS overLooked, SoMetIMeS nIxed. But Bent can Be reforMed, ShaPed agaIn neW. SoMe InSPIratIon and a tIny BIt of gLue, can create a revISed PoInt of vIeW. froM the eye of the MInd, a SItuatIon changed. a BeautIfuL thIng, once rearranged. More reSILIent at MInd, More reSILIent at heart, IMPLanted deeP, BurIed LIke a dart. the Incorrect target dIScovered In PaIn, the Path revISed for reneWed gaIn. 20
Eyes Ahead
R. Becket
a deScrIPtIon, a Word, SoMethIng to Be heard. Whether a cry for heLP, or the StateMent “oh WeLL.” can Peace Be found In Peace of MInd? or IS It found In actIonS kInd?
actIonS, SMaLL and SuBtLe, StateMentS, deBate and reButtaL. hoW can one Seek truth, WIthout Peace at MInd? thIS PoeM IS aIMLeSS, a MedItatIon of SortS. Poetry can Be coMPared to SPortS.
WhILe BLoWIng off SteaM, dIfferent aPProacheS Be had. SoMe Seek a BuBBLIng StreaM, otherS Seek to Be Bad.
aLL I knoW for Sure, aLL have the cure, for heartache and SorroW, Look to toMorroW.