1 minute read
The Beach
Luke Pajan
cooL Breeze, SaLty SMeLL We drIve Into avaLon, ready to dWeLL We unPack our BagS, We head to the Shore LayIng on the Sand, aBout to reStore
reStore froM aLL the StreSS, PrevIouS year hoPIng aLL that Before WILL juSt dISaPPear I Look to My frIendS, graBBIng theIr BoardS SPrIntIng to the ocean, aS If We juSt Soared
PaddLIng Into the BLue, PrePared to cruISe thIS IS the LIfe I WILLIngLy chooSe trottIng to Shore, exhauSted aS ever no Matter What, I WILL do thIS forever
hot ShoWer and It ’ S tIMe to reSet BIkIng Into the nIght, I WILL never forget
Daniel Simpson
When he runS, he IS So faSt; he IS a BLur he BarkS at the aIr he careS for hIS faMILy If he SenSeS a threat he goeS nutS BecauSe he careS hIS favorIte toy, a hedgehog When I throW hIS BaLL he SWIMS LIke a fISh after hIS BLue Squeaky BaLL he onLy goeS doWn the StePS of the PooL BecauSe When he WaS a PuP, he feLL In tucker dog, cute aS a PuPPy even though he IS oLder he LIkeS to LIe doWn In the Sun take In the Sun on hIS WarM fur hIS coat aS Soft aS a BLanket