1 minute read
the Lake By aIdan regan
The Big Catch
Ennis Udo
a cooL Breeze hItS My face on a WarM SPrIng day WhISPerIng In My ear SendIng a ShIver doWn My SPIne the Sun, a BLanket on My SkIn the BIrdS together SIngIng a tune
hearIng the trIckLe of a StreaM In the dIStance We knoW We are cLoSe to our deStInatIon BackPackS heavy WIth rodS In our handS We are eager to catch the PrIze We Seek
caStIng our LIneS Into an aBySS tenSIon on My LIne, I Start to reeL In the fISh throWIng PuncheS WhILe I Punch Back fInaLLy I WIn, trIuMPhant WIth My catch
Background Photo by Chris Krein
How I Love Oreos
Alex Gueriera
I WaLk Into the SuPerMarket WIth one thIng on My MInd doWn the deSSert aISLe I SPot chocoLatey greatneSS I graSP a Box of oreoS oPenIng It So carefuLLy a WhoLe arMy of oreoS the Inch of vanILLa creaM SLathered BetWeen the tWo chocoLatey cookIeS I graB one of the oreoS Stuff It In My Mouth taSte BudS fLIPPIng out InSIde I feeL aMazIng I take another and another next thIng I knoW I eat the entIre Box of oreoS I don’ t feeL guILt at aLL onLy Pure joy What’ S next?
Studio Artwork
Ben Franzone