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Broken or Bent By r. Becket

Notre Dame

Aidan Regan

I Sat doWn on our oLd Leather couch, aS My faMILy WaS WatchIng the gaMe I Watched nuMBer 11 notre daMe PLay nuMBer 18 LSu In the cItruS BoWL they PLayed at caMPIng WorLd StadIuM, WhIch IS aS BIg aS a caStLe notre daMe had the BaLL on the 20, and ran It for 12 yardS hoW fun WouLd It Be to PLay for notre daMe In theIr goLden heLMetS even on the tv Screen, notre daMe´ S goLden heLMetS ShIned aS If they Were Made of goLd I aLWayS dreaMt of goIng to notre daMe, and PLayIng for theIr IncredIBLe footBaLL teaM My dad WaS a notre daMe fan BecauSe hIS coLLege dId not have a footBaLL teaM But MoM, dyLan, and caroLIne LIked tenneSSee voLS’ footBaLL BecauSe My MoM Went there My WhoLe Body WaS StIff aS a Board aS the cLock tIcked doWn notre daMe Scored agaIn to enSure theIr vIctory and I Began to reLax a LIttLe notre daMe ended uP ScorIng 15 PoIntS In the 4th quarter and LSu Scored 10 notre daMe ended uP BeatIng LSu 21-17 Background Photo by Matt Hess

Don’t Forget

John Neary

LotS of PeoPLe forget dIfferent thIngS SoMe forget theIr car keyS or Where they Parked other PeoPLe forget aBout theIr StrIngS froM the MoMent you are Born, you are Marked

juSt BecauSe you Make BIg doeSn ’ t Mean that you can’ t juSt forget aBout your PaSt you are joIned WIth otherS of the SaMe gene atteMPt to Be SucceSSfuL and SteadfaSt

But don’ t dIScard PaSt LIke other’ S future you ShouLd aLWayS have connectIon to hoMe thread hoLdIng to the PaSt, LIke a Suture you ShouLd aLWayS Look Back, Back to your hoMe

the PaSt IS forever, So eMBrace It the PaSt IS unchangeaBLe, eMBrace It

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