7 minute read
Security & Dress Code
Safety & Security
The safety and security of the Malvern Prep community are of the highest priority for the school. Malvern Prep makes every attempt to ensure that its students, teachers, staff, parents, and visitors benefit from a safe environment.
I.D. Cards
I.D. cards serve as “swipe cards” and offer access into locked school buildings, so keeping them with you at all times is essential. For security reasons, lost cards must be reported immediately to your son's Student Academy Leader. Replacing a lost card will cost $5.
Text Alert System
Malvern Prep's Text Alert System allows us to send school closure or school emergency information to you quickly by text and, in some cases, by email and phone call as well. If you are not subscribed to the text alert system, please contact communications@malvernprep.org.
Visitor Check-In Procedure
Between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. visitors to Malvern Prep are required to park their vehicle in the visitor parking lot and check-in at the Welcome Center. You must sign in and obtain a temporary visitor pass with the school receptionist.
Visitors who have not checked in will be directed to the school receptionist in the Welcome Center by school security or employees of the school. Please note that the school is under video surveillance.
Restricted Areas On-Campus For Students
During school hours (7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) no student is ever permitted to be in a building or classroom without faculty supervision.
When outside of the buildings, students must remain inside the Ring Road at all times, unless accompanied by a teacher, and are not permitted in parking lots. To prevent class disruptions, students should always observe silence in the hallways while classes are being conducted.
Gymnasiums may only be used if there is faculty supervision.
If you have any questions about security and safety at the school or require assistance, please contact Mr. Steve LeStrange, Director of Safety & Security at slestrange@malvernprep.org or 484-595-5775.
Dress Code
The goal of Malvern Prep’s dress code is to instill pride, confidence, and unity in our students. A proper manner of dress signifies respect towards oneself and the academic community. This dress code should be simple to follow and flexible enough to allow individual expression. Additionally, we aim to prepare our boys for modern professional settings as well as formal occasions by requiring a more traditional dress code on Mass
Standard Dress Code
(most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays)
• Clean, closed-toed shoes or sneakers with socks
• Dress pants • Belt • Key Card
• Any Malvern Prep polo shirt or a buttondown. Shirts must be tucked in
In colder weather, students may wear any Malvern Prep-issued quarter-zip, sweatshirt or jacket, over their polo. MP colored (Navy, White, Gray) quarter-zips are also allowed, over the MP polo.
days and special events. Students are required to arrive at school neatly and properly dressed and clean-shaven with hair clean, neat and out of your face. Every student must report to his homeroom in their proper dress code. Uniform pieces can be purchased in the Campus Store or via B & E Sportswear www.malvernprep.org/malvern-parents/campus-store
Formal Dress Code
(Wednesdays and other special occasions)
• Clean, closed-toe shoes or sneakers with socks
• Dress pants • Belt • Key Card
• Button-down dress shirt with Malvern tie
• Blazer
In colder weather, students may wear any Malvern Prep-issued or MP colored (Navy, White, Gray) quarter-zips over their button-down shirt and under their blazer.
BASH: B.A.S.H. is the acronym for "Building a Scholastic Heritage," and with this goal in mind, its success expands Malvern Prep's margin of excellence. B.A.S.H. was started in 1975 by Malvern's first president, Father David Duffy, and a group of determined parents, teachers, and alumni. It is Malvern's biggest social fundraiser with an emphasis on fun and it is celebrated with the entire Malvern community.
Brotherhood: The Malvern Brotherhood is something that needs to be experienced rather than defined. Malvern brothers express loyalty, hold each other accountable, pick each other up in times of sadness, and celebrate each other’s achievements. Malvern brothers are truly brothers for life.
Christian Service: In addition to in-class opportunities for reflection on their social impact, all students will participate in the Christian Service Program. Christian Service is a concrete way to put faith into practice and is one of the hallmarks of a Malvern Prep education. Whether students are delivering hot meals to people experiencing homelessness or hosting a Christmas party for underprivileged children, these shared experiences help students put their faith into action and generate life-changing insights.
Core Values: concern devotion, compassion, caring), “Caritas” is that impulse of the Spirit of Jesus that is expressed in hundreds of kind and gracious ways. It is “active friendship” that encompasses both love of God and neighbor. It is when the head and heart move into action, often with sacrifice, for the good of another or a community.
Faculty Academy Leader (FAL): Faculty Academy Leaders guide their respective teams to create and influence grade-wide experiences, and activate appropriate student support resources throughout the academic year.
Fathers’ Club: The Malvern Prep Fathers' Club provides specialized opportunities throughout the year and promotes the community atmosphere of the school. All Malvern Dads are encouraged to participate in meetings and events throughout the year.
Friar: A Friar refers to the Augustinian priests on campus. It also serves as the mascot of our school. A friar belongs to a religious order, a group within the Catholic church. The word friar developed in the thirteenth century from the Old French frere, "brother or friar." The Latin root is frater, or "brother."
Unitas (Unity, Community): Union
with God and Others in the School Faith Community
The Christian understanding of being one with one another is based on our common origin in creation by God and re-creation in Christ. The relationships within the community are nourished by the oneness of Christ with each of us and His presence in the community.
Veritas (Truth): The Search for God through the Pursuit of Truth
We are rooted in the truth about ourselves, we are aware that God is the source of all truth. With faith and reason, like two great wings, we fly to Truth. Augustine insists that we are to “teach the truth in love.”
Caritas (Love): Union with God through Love
The school community and relationships within it are a special place where this love finds expression. More than any one word can express (be it love,
Inter-Ac: Malvern is a member of the Inter-Academic Athletic (Inter-Ac) League and embraces the philosophy that competitive athletics programs strengthen the excellent academic tradition of its member schools. Additional Members (Boys) include: Episcopal Academy, Germantown Academy, The Haverford School, William Penn Charter School, and Springside Chestnut Hill Academy
MECO Retreat: A hallmark of the Malvern experience, this retreat takes place during the 12thgrade year. MECO (Malvernians Encountering Christ in Others) is a long-standing tradition and reinforces the strong bonds of brotherhood among classmates.
Mothers’ Club: The Malvern Prep Mothers' Club provides specialized opportunities throughout the year and promotes the community atmosphere of the school. All Malvern Moms are encouraged to participate in meetings and events throughout the year. Some traditional events are the Merry Markets, Mother/Son Communion Mass & Breakfast, Mothers’ Club Flower Sale, and so many more!
MyMalvern: MyMalvern is our internal system for students, parents, faculty, and staff. Parents/ Guardians can check grades, homework, view important reminders, sign and submit forms, and more. You can find a link to log in to MyMalvern in the lower right corner of the Malvern website homepage.
Order of St. Augustine (O.S.A.): The Order of Saint Augustine includes some 2,800 Augustinians in 47 countries throughout the world. The Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, founded in 1796, comprises the East Coast of the United States and international missions in Peru and Japan.
Peer-to-Peer Learning Center: The Learning Center provides support for both writing and math. Students become tutors for their peers. Students of all grades can be tutored either virtually or in person by fellow peers.
Quad: The Quad is the heart of Malvern’s campus. Completed in 2020, the Quad serves as an outdoor meeting space, lunch space, and even outdoor classroom space. Most buildings on campus can be accessed from the Quad.
Ring Road: Ring Road is the colloquial name for the drive around campus. This “ring” is a one-way road that encircles the heart of campus, keeping in mind the safety of students.
St. Augustine: Augustine was a prolific writer, an accomplished preacher, a monastic leader, a theologian, pastor, contemplative, and mystic. None of these titles, though accurate, would please him, however, as much as the simple one he used to describe himself: 'servant of God'. For whatever we achieve in life, whatever gifts and talents we have been given, are of little value unless they lead us, as they did Augustine, to know, love, and serve God ever more deeply. He died on August 28, 430 at almost 76 years of age, as North Africa was being invaded by the Vandals, and the Church there was being devastated. Feast Day: August 28
St. Monica: Mother of Saint Augustine. Augustine acknowledges that he was brought to faith in the Church through the prayers and tears of his saintly mother, Monica, who, in turn, was led to confident trust in God through the prayers she offered continually for her wayward son.
Feast Day: August 27
St. Rita: Rita is venerated today as The Peacemaker, not only for her courageous act of forgiveness at her husband's death, but also for the continuous, though futile, encouragement of her sons to follow her example, and the reconciliation of Paolo's family with that of his assassins. This latter was the great 'miraculous deed' that gained her acceptance into the convent. She is also known as the Saint of the Impossible for the many challenges she faced in life and the many graces she has obtained since death.
Feast Day: May 22
Student Academy Leader (SAL): This individual works cooperatively with their respective academy teams, counselors, students, and parents towards achieving a positive school climate - embracing Malvern’s mission and culture.