Sunshine Magazine September 2009

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DRIVING IN SPAIN What you need to know!

how SAFE is your home?

see our ad on pg 43


Sunshine Magazine is distributed in Puerto de Mazarrón, El Alamillo, Mazarrón (Port and Town) Camposol (all sectors), Mazarrón Country Club, El Pareton, Totana, Alhama de Murcia, Fuente Alamo, Polaris World (Alhama), La Azohia, Isla Plana, Bolnuevo, Las Palas, Tallante and we issue 5,000 copies every month.

We are waiting to take your call and book your listing for the next Sunny Numbers Guide. So if you missed out on the 1st 2009 issue call us now on: 968 429 113 or email us on:

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EDITORIAL Dear Readers,

Publisher Sunshine Mediahouse S.L. CIF: B-54428156 Camino Cementerio 3 03312 Desamparados Orihuela Alicante. E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Sales, Per Jensen, 699 501 508 Sales, Pamela Robson, 671 948 475, English Translated by: I.K.G Language Services Layout & Design: Deadline for all advertisement and new copy is 28th of the month Sunshine Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. ©2008 Sunshine Mediahouse S.L.

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Welcome to our September issue of the Sunshine Magazine. As you will see, we have now joined our two magazines together (Town & Country with the Sunshine Magazine) giving us a much larger distribution area and we now print 7,000 copies. We should all be thinking of securing our homes as there seems to be a wave of criminal activity in all areas. Please read our feature on page 36 to gain information on which is the best system for you. Driving in Spain and the legalities involved are a minefield! Our feature on page 5, should help to point you in the right direction and advise you of the best solution for your individual needs. We hope you will all enjoy reading our “new” magazine and would ask all our clients and readers to let us know what they think about our changes. Please email us at or call. Till next month……. From the team at ¨Sunshine Magazine¨.



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Driving and living in Spain Horoscopes UK Sudoku Boat safety tips and check list Home Security Camposol News For the kids Crossword Puzzle answers Classifieds Traders Page

Driving and Living in Spain Did you know...? Driving You can bring your UK vehicle to Spain, whether you are a resident or not, but eventually you will have to put it on Spanish plates if you wish to use it here full time as a resident. There have been cases where the police or Guardia Civil have issued fines of up to 300euros for the use of a foreign plated car for more than one month where

they can prove that you have taken up legal residence in Spain.

Summary of the laws on Foreign EU Driving icences. 1.A driver may use a vehicle in Spain as a resident (or a visitor) using a current foreign current EU driving licence (DL)

2.There is no legal need to change it for a Spanish DL. 3.Drivers may easily change it for a Spanish DL if you wish, but cannot be punished if it is not done, as long as the foreign DL remains current. 4.It is very important that‌. A) The date of expiry as printed on the DL has not been passed. B) The periodical medicals have been satisfied as for Spanish drivers. If not, then the DL will be deemed to have expired, which means the driver has no valid insurance. 5.When the foreign EU DL has expired as shown on the date on it, if the

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driver is resident in Spain, it must be changed for a Spanish one. 6.The medicals may be taken at the specified periods and the record certificate kept as proof that the driver is satisfying the law in Spain. 7.The driver may register a foreign UE DL at Trafico, BUT DOES NOT HAVE TO, even vocational (HGV, buses, etc) and DLs. THE DRIVER CANNOT BE PUNISHED FOR NOT DOING SO. 8.When registered, the driver should receive the avisos (advice letters) with temporary 3 month licences from Trafico when a medical is due, or it the foreign EU DL is about to expire if it has been registered at Trafico. But DO NOT DEPEND ON IT. As with the expiry date e.g. UK DL at age 70 (60 years for vocational DLs), KEEP A DIARY. 9.REPEATED AGAIN, legally, if a driver has not taken the required medicals, THE FOREIGN EU DL HAS LEGALLY EXPIRED IN SPAIN. Very serious if a Court case is pending. 10.If stopped at the roadside for an offence for which a charge results, where the police

an prove or be reasonably suspicious that you reside in Spain, the driver is subject to the same laws as are the Spanish licence holders, that is, if the offence is muy grave (very serious), depending on the arresting officer’s decision, the DL may be impounded. If not so serious, the DL details will be noted and the facts recorded at Trafico along with any fines. 11.If a future offence occurs, the previous offence will be taken into consideration especially as far as the DL being withdrawn is concerned. In Spain that means it is confiscated. 12.It is expected that from 2010 the standardisation throughout the EU of DLs will start and be fully implemented where all have an EU DL by 2032. However, drivers with current DLs will not have to renew them until they expire, hence the 2032 date. This will mean that, for example, if a driver is banned from driving in one EU country, it can be picked up electronically in all countries, even at the road side.

Validity of Driving Licences

In Spain, there are validity periods designed to ensure that drivers are fit physically to drive, and the table below shows these details. Renewable

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Every 3 years

Every 2 years

Classes LCC, LCM, LVA, A!, A, B, B+E BTP, C1, C!+Em Cm C+Em D1m D1+Em Dm D+E

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Until the holder From 45 to 70 reaches 45 years old Until the holder reaches 45 years

From 70 years old From 45 to 60 years

From 60 years old

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Driving and Living in Spain continued This means that regardless of what legal driving licence you have in Spain, as a resident (more than six months, 183 days per year) you must follow the instructions as stated in the table, even if you have a foreign EU driving licence. From the ago of 70 there is no Trafico charges for renewing your licence in Spain. To renew your licence, a very simple medical must be passed to test especially eyesight, physical reactions and general health as far as, for example, serious heart problems etc.. Clinics called Centro De Reconocimiento Medico De Conductores, where the medical may be taken are usually near the place where you renew your driving licence, however most towns have an approved clinic. If you need to renew your driving licence or register your car to Spanish plates, you can contact a local Gestoria that will do this for you, at a nominal cost. Most Insurance Companies can advise or help you with your driving licence issues, where a small fee may be payable. They can also advise you whether or not you need to change your licence to a Spanish one, and offer you assistance. It’s worth asking them if your insurance is valid due to the type of driving licence you hold. They know all the rules, its well worth taking their advice. The above rulings may have been changed since the publication of the book (where this information was gained *). It would be better to take advice from a Gestoria, Insurance Company or any related business. * The majority of this information was taken from a book, MOTORING IN SPAIN written by Brian J Deller. Most book stores in Spain will have one, or you can order one. If you do not have one, it is well worth buying a copy. IMPORTANT NOTE. If you are a permanent resident in Spain you SHLOUD either change to a Spanish licence or take your EU licence to Trafico and register it with them. You will need to give your Spanish address to register your EU licence with Trafico. If you are a resident of Spain and are driving on an EU licence it will have a UK address on it, registered with the DVLA. Spanish Police have been known to fine people driving on EU licences, because if they stop you for any motoring offence,

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they cannot put points on your licence if it is an EU one, because the licence is not registered in Spain and may not be registered with Trafico. The Spanish Guardia have been stopping people and telling them that if they are a resident in Spain, you MUST have a Spanish licence. In a lot of cases a fine has been issued. I WOULD ADVISE ANYONE LIVING IN SPAIN AND DRIVING ON AN EU LICENCE, TO CHANGE IT TO A SPANISH LICENCE. THIS WAY YOU AVOID GETTING FINED and aggravation from the Guardia!!!!

Are you a permanent resident in Spain but do not have a residencia, NIE number or Padron? If you have decided to make Spain your permanent home, it is important to apply for your residency straight away along with your NIE and pardon. There is a chain of procedures to follow. You must have all 3 certificates to become an official resident in Spain. First you should know that there are two types of Residencia here in Spain: the first is that if you are here for more than 3 months of the year, then the law says that you should register at your local foreigner’s office. This has to be applied for in person. The second is that if you are living here for more than six months per year then you should be paying your income tax in Spain and once you have registered to do this, then the Hacienda office can provide you with a fiscal residency certificate. 1.You need to apply for a pardon (equivalent to being on the voting register). You apply to your local town hall for this. You need this before you can apply for your NIE. 2.An NIE number is essentially a tax number for foreigners in Spain. You need one if you are going to buy a house or a car, if you are going to work for a Spanish company or if you want to apply for residencia (a residency card). Non-EU citizens continued on pg 10

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still need to apply for an NIE number. To get one, you need to go to the extranjeros department at your nearest Comisaria (the police station for the national police force, not the local police). You will need to take your passport. The forms are fairly straightforward and you will have your NIE number within 2-6 weeks of applying. 3.Once you have your pardon and NIE Number, you can apply for your residencia. This can either be done on the day or some offices give you a date and time to return to collect it. A small fee is payable. You can apply for these documents yourself; however, a local Gestoria can usually do this for you, for a small fee. With regard to applying for your residencia, a Gestoria can only help with copying all the documents and completing the necessary form so that the client then only has to present the papers themselves to their Residencia Office. A fee of around 10euros is payable for this service. This article is for infomration purposes only. All reguslations should be checked as suggested. Prepared by Pamela Robson, Staff writer

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Horoscopes - September Aries



Work responsibilities and challenges are highlighted this month, particularly in the days surrounding the 18th. Review of projects you thought were complete becomes necessary. You possess much energy for work on and in your home, as well as activities with family. Although your main focus is on work and organization in September, others are easily charmed by your warmth and sincere approach to the world.

Hobbies, enjoyable pastimes, activities with children, and romance are all top priority for you in September. Getting serious about a romantic relationship or creative project is likely in the days surrounding the 18th, leading to a fresh start or sense of renewal. The Full Moon on the 4th brings the need to help out a friend. Your home life is satisfying and heart-warming this month, and you might find domestic activities especially rewarding.

September is a strong month for harmonizing, collecting yourself, and peacemaking for you Your larger focus is on your home, family, and domestic activities. The need to assume more responsibility with family arises mid-month, leading to a sense of renewal on the domestic front. Increased awareness of your need for a solid, functional home base comes now. Moneymaking activities and plans are energetic this month, although you might not always agree with others regarding these matters.




A sociable and energetic month is in store. You have big plans and plenty of spunk in September, sometimes surprising those around you. You are feeling especially independent and determined, and you receive an energetic boost from the cosmos that helps you to accomplish much. Your need for healthy and light social interaction is clear. However, a serious discussion midmonth helps to renew your focus on what is most important in your life.

September is a month in which your desire for pleasure and comfort tends to rule. The goddess of Love, Venus, is occupying your sign until the 20th, and you’ll find that others are especially appreciative of your sense of style. Although you are typically a straightforward go-getter, this month you’re in a more receptive state, taking a little extra downtime and perhaps engaging in more private activities and passions.

Its a strong month for making your intentions known and making an impression. You may be feeling misunderstood at times, but are nevertheless getting noticed and appreciated. Love affairs, activities with children, and creative endeavors are especially rich and rewarding. Challenges with increased responsibilities and unexpected changes of course figure now. A partner might be hard to rely upon.




Focus is on career, friendships, long-term goals. A serious assessment of your attitude towards life mid-month brings you to a whole new life plan and motivates you to start completely fresh. Rigorous honesty with yourself is necessary now. The strength you derive from this assessment is especially clear by the last week of September, when others begin to take note of your newfound confidence and positivity. Friends are especially supportive, and you of them.

Your social circle, community, and more goals come into strong focus this month. Connections may be surprising and especially rewarding, both on personal and professional fronts. You might find yourself creating bridges between others and enjoying the process. The need for adventurous excitement and mental stimulation is strong, and impels you to reach out for new experiences, fresh ideas, and interesting friendships.

September is a time to shine on a professional or public level. The more responsible and competent side of your nature is activated, and others more easily place their faith in you. It’s a good time to ask for what you have been wanting from a higher-up, or for promotion and sponsorship. While your personal life may be on the backburner much of September, your family and domestic life requires special attention around the Full Moon on the 4th.




Impatience is something to watch for this month, in your drive for new experiences that take you far beyond the ordinary. With that in check, you could enjoy a rich, playful, and spirited month. Intensity in a partnership or other close relationships is likely in September. Business matters begin to take more priority towards the end of the month.

Work, research, and partnerships are big themes for you in September. relationships are especially rewarding. Significant others and their agendas are assuming more importance in your life than your personal goals now. You have much energy to pour into work, health routines, and taking care of business. Drawing up a budget, or seriously assessing shared finances, loans, and debts, is favored mid-month.

You attract strong, supportive, and powerful people to you this month. Relationships with others are spirited, dynamic, and in strong focus. You are especially willing to please a partner, but not afraid to take the lead either. Emotions run high in the days surrounding a Full Moon in your sign on the 4th. Responsibilities to others, and especially a partner, are magnified mid-month, and could be frustrating or felt to be limiting.

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Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Town & Country Magazine. Good luck! Last Month’s winner was Luc Vanlinthout 18 Sunshine Magazine

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Boat Safety Tips and Check List Boating can be a fun time whether it’s for pleasure or for a fishing tournament. Do you know the safety precautions you need to take to operate your boat in a safe and well mannered way? In this article I’m going to cover some basic common sense that you can use while operating your watercraft. First I want to cover some basics that we all should know. 1 - Carry only a coast guard approved life vest. Each passenger should have one. 2- Operate your boat at a safe speed and have someone looking out for other boaters or swimmers. 3 - Make sure to obey all signs and barriers, they are there for a reason. 4 - Do not jump your boat over a wake. If you cross them slow down and look out for others. 5 - Always have a passenger with you while boating. You never know when you may have something go wrong and need an extra hand. 6 - Always be polite and respect other boaters. Give them the same respect you would like. 7 - Make sure to put your boat in the water at designated areas.

Second let’s talk about checking the safety of your boat before entering into the water. 1 - Make sure to carry a charged fire extinguisher. 2 - Carry a referee whistle. Make sure your boat cleats are bolted and that a backing plate is used. 3 - Make sure your engine is in good working order before you leave. 4 - Always have a device to pump out water in case of an emergency.

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5 - Lines and docking equipment should be in good working condition. Check them periodically for damage. 6 - If you plan to boat at night, make sure all lights on your boat are in working order. If you see a boats red light and white light you generally have the give way position. If you see red, green and the white light that means you are meeting the boat head on. Seeing only the white light means you are running into the stern of the other boat. Seeing the green and white means you are the boat or privilege. If you see yellow lights it usually means a boat is being towed or is very large. Rule of thumb, night boating is always more dangerous, so slow your speed down. 7 - Carry spare bulbs in case one goes out. 8 - Have boating registration on board with you at all times. 9 - Having floating devices on board. 10 - Make sure to keep paddles on board. 11 - First aid kit for emergencies.

12 - Tools and spare parts you may need in case of boat problems. 13 - Extra clothing in case you’re gone longer than expected. 14 - Make sure someone that is not going with you knows where you will be going and the time frame in which you are to be gone and expected to return. 15 - Always carry your personal identifica-

tion. If you were to have an accident, emergency workers will need to know who you are.

Lastly: Do not drink and operate your boat. Many accidents can and will happen due to drinking on the water. Boating is supposed to be fun and end fun not tragically. Be safe and enjoy a great time on the water.

Supplied by N. Judson (ex RNLI)

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A new A2 licence The Spanish government has recently passed new general driving regulations, introducing important changes which motorists will now have to take into account. One of the most significant measures is the introduction of a new licence, the A-2, valid only for riding motorbikes not exceeding 500 cubic centimetres. The A-2 is an intermediate licence which has been introduced to help bridge the gap between riding low and high cylinder motorbikes. From now on, in order to qualify for a type A licence required for riding motorcycles of any power, the motorist must have held the new A-2 licence for at least two years. The new scheme does away with the power limitation system which was in operation before obtaining the permanent licence, because previously a licence could only be held after riding a motorbike not exceeding 34hp for two years. In addition, in order to ride motorbikes exceeding 500 cubic centimetres cylinder capacity, the Spanish authorities have increased the minimum age to 20. Both measures are designed to help motorists gain experience prior to dealing with more powerful machines, which are very often responsible for a large number of fatal accidents. The new legislation transposes the European directives into Spanish law and also includes several other changes which the Spanish government had previously been introducing, such as raising the minimum age for riding mopeds from 14 to 15 years old. The licence for riding a moped, which will subsequently be called an AM licence, will also undergo modifications, such as making it illegal to carry passengers below the age of 18. Another significant development is the change in the period of validity of licences. Licences AM, A1, A2, A, B and driving licences which have to be renewed every 10 years until the age of 65 will now have to be renewed every 5 years. Changes in legislation to be taken into account


- Age: 14 - Theory exam and practice test on a closed circuit. - Age required for carrying passengers: 18

- -


Theory exam, test on a closed circuit and on a road open to traffic.

Theory exam, test on a closed circuit and on a road open to traffic.

A1 (motorbikes up to 125 cc)

Age: 16

Age: 16


Age: 15 Theory exam and practice test on a closed circuit. Age required for carrying passengers: 18

A2 (motorbikes up to 500 cc)

Age: 18 or must have held A2 for at least 2 years.

A (motorbikes over 500 cc)

Progressive access. Age 20, must have held A2 for at least 2 years and completed specific training.

Age: 18

Source: Spanish Traffic Department. For more information call 902 123 104.

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Home Security

Protect yourself from unwanted intruders! Most of us do not consider the implications of a break-in or the need for a home electronic security system, such as an intruder alarm, until it’s too late. Not only do we suffer the financial loss and disruption, there’s also the

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emotional impact. You can protect your home and family with a number of electronic security measures. These include various burglar alarms and CCTV systems.

However, it is not only identifying that you need an intruder alarm or CCTV system, but who you choose to install it. Choose only those companies that can professionally install and maintain your electronic security system to the highest standards and can prove it.

Wireless alarm systems

Wirefree alarms have grown in popularity as they are simple to install and are ideal for properties where running cable would be either impossible or disruptive to existing décor. The advantages of wirefree alarms include: No wiring is necessary - simply place the system where required. Many wirefree systems are dual powered, i.e. they operate from solar power but are backed up by battery power on overcast days. Wirefree systems can easily be expanded to suit larger properties by adding extra PIR sensors (movement detectors) and door/ window contacts. Sensors can be fitted to outbuildings such as sheds, garages and caravans. The control panels can be either solar powered or require a 240v supply with 12v rechargeable battery.


Technological developments in Closed Circuit Television/CCTV have greatly increased its popularity over recent years. Digitally recorded images are now much better quality, specific clips can be recalled at the touch of a button plus CCTV security systems can be integrated with existing computer networks meaning PCs can be used to monitor footage. CCTV is now far more accessible as a security solution for homeowners and small businesses, as well as commercial and industrial customers. The range of products available gives you the perfect solution for any situation. Monochrome or colour, whether you need the highest digital quality or a simple observation system, there’s a solution to meet your needs


Dress your windows and doors with Iron Grills and enjoy the secure feeling they provide.

Wired alarm systems

Wired systems are generally considered as more reliable than their wire-free counterparts and are especially suitable for business premises. A standard domestic system would consist of a 7 zone control panel with remote keypad, passive infra red detectors, door contacts and PA alarm with an external siren and strobe. All systems have fully programmable zones, different user codes and event memory log. Part wired systems give greater flexibility being able to use both hard wired and wire free technology. They give the high security and variety of a hard wired system but also the capability of being able to offer protection to areas where running cables is difficult thus making all options available to this type of system. No matter what type of property or premises you are looking to have alarmed a solution can be found.

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Elegant designs Welded solid steel grilles Heavy duty fixings Made to measure Protection for your family Security grilles are designed to be easy to live with, easy to operate but very, very difficult for the burglar to break-in through. In fact most burglars won’t even try.

SECURITY LOCKS Consider these facts: In 83% of all burglaries, the front door is compromised. The chances of your house being burglarized are 1 in 6. Houses on a corner suffer 40% of all break-ins. And you’re more likely to be burglarized if you live close to a major thoroughfare, on a cul-de-sac or on a dead-end street. If you just moved into your home and did not change your locks, you have no way of knowing who has a copy of your keys. About 37% occur during the day, when entry by duplicate key is more likely.

not wish to draw attention to themselves by making excessive noise. Burglaries are extremely common by entry through a window. Window locks for all types of windows can be found. Insurance requirements are for “locks on all accessible windows”; this usually means near flat roofs and down pipes, however, if a ladder is used to break in your home, that window is then classed as accessible. It is recommended that all entrance doors be fitted with a mortice lock, the most secure being those certified to BS3621 British Standard. A cylinder lock should also be present on the door. There are wide ranges of rim locks available all with different locking features. A mortice lock is normally accompanied by a pair of key operated security bolts fitted a third up from the bottom and a third down from the top of the door. French doors (double) require security bolts to the final closing door locking vertically up and down to the fixed frame. For all your security requirements, it is best to consult the experts who will help and advise you professionally, to protect your home or company.

Thieves often force the door in or pry it open. They also resort to physically attacking the lock by drilling, hammering, wrenching or sawing the bolt. Most burglars are opportunists and the best way to avoid theft is to ensure your property is secured in the most vulnerable areas. Most doors and windows that have good quality security will deter a burglar, as they do

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This article is for infomration purposes only. All reguslations should be checked as suggested. Prepared by Pamela Robson, Staff writer

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Camposol News Communtity Group of which he is Secretary/ Treasurer. It was agreed that due to the very real possibility of homes being flooded this winter that the group would fund the clearance of these drains for the benefit of home owners on Sector D. Funds would be made available from monies raised by bucket collections, dances, raffles, bring and buy sales etc. raised mainly from Sector D residents.

THE STORM DRAINS that divert water falling on the surrounding hills under Sector D through three very large pipes have been the cause for concern. Last winter because of a build up of silt and vegetation debris over the last five years the pipes didn't cope and rainwater overflowed on to the open land adjacent to D7 and then down Calle Guadix and beyond. Bob Owen who lives on Calle Guadix realised that unless action was taken to clear these drains flooding would occur again this winter.

Mario was enlisted by Bob to find a suitable contractor to carry out the work which he did at no charge to the Committee.

He first raised his concerns on CAMPOSOLERS. Everyone's answer was to get MASA to clear them. Bob approached Greg Green for help and despite every effort on his part it became obvious that MASA were not going to do anything about it. Bob then raised the matter with the Sector D

On Friday 4th Sept the contractor cleared over 100 tonnes of silt, soil and debris which had accumulated over the last five years.

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The storm drains are now clear and hopefully will not cause problems again in the future. Annual

DOG DEATH CAMP FUNDRAISING EVENING On Friday 14th August, a fun evening was held at Kennelly’s in Camposol Sector B, to raise funds for this terrific cause. Over 1,000 euros was raised and the organisers would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their generous donations of raffle prizes which helped make the evening a resounding success.

maintenance needs to be carried out to prevent this happening again. The cost of the works was 900 euros.

Finca Herrdura Riding School Gateway to India La Piccola Italia Restaurant Primera Opticos Imperial Pools Garden Boutique Images Hair Salon Hotel La Mariposa Scot’ties Bar Oz Kennels New Life for Spanish

Animals Happy Pets Quicksave Mountain View Kennels Stallones Bar Legs & Co Bare Necessities Ken Sherman Bill and Brenda Sandra Chris & Jan, sold raffle tickets

Special thanks go to Sean at Kennelly’s for donating the use of the room and to Chris Cross who hosted and arranged all the fun entertainment on the evening. The organisers of the evening would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the evening for their support.


Y Thank

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answers on page 57

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Coffee Break C ro s s Word Across

1 Adjust, as wheels 6 Milky Way unit 1 0 Lobster relative 1 4 Math comparison 1 5 Not wild 1 6 Humdinger 1 7 Clock-radio feature 1 8 Chopped down 1 9 Eye-color area 2 0 Human dynamo 2 2 Create 2 3 Ump’s relative 2 4 Aesop’s stories 2 6 Holy 3 0 Paper fasteners 3 2 Post-workout feeling 3 3 Pickling solution 3 4 Tree juice 3 7 Stand firm 4 1 Drink slowly 4 2 Cowboy’s loop 4 3 __ and crafts 4 4 Oven gloves 4 5 Most wise 4 7 Ritzy residence 5 0 Acted as a guide 5 1 Annoying insect 5 2 Complaint for discussion 5 9 Oxen’s harness

6 0 General region 6 1 Don, as clothing 6 2 Hunter’s quarry 6 3 Precious stones 6 4 Native American group 6 5 Change for a $20 bill 6 6 Chimney dust 6 7 Sight or smell


1 Mideast native 2 Singing syllables 3 Slanted typeface: Abbr. 4 Young lady 5 ‘’That’s enough!’’ 6 Office personnel 7 Metered vehicle 8 Part of USA: Abbr. 9 Give a new meaning to 1 0 Goes to the top of 1 1 Of farm life 1 2 Identically 1 3 Public transports 2 1 Gave a meal to 2 5 Chimps, for example 2 6 Talk back to 2 7 Start of a play 2 8 Serving-dish defect 2 9 __ room (play space)

3 0 Intersect 3 1 Checkout-counter backup 3 3 Cowboy’s foot covering 3 4 ‘’You bet!’’ 3 5 Picnic pests 3 6 Hushed ‘’Hey!’’ 3 8 Create with yarn 3 9 Tourists’ carryalls 4 0 Comic’s one-liner 4 4 Sailor’s pals 4 5 Complete collection 4 6 Takes as one’s own 4 7 Land of the pyramids 4 8 Sleeper’s sound 4 9 Spoken for 5 0 Slightest 5 3 Creme-filled cookie 5 4 Jules Verne captain 5 5 Chaste 5 6 Pack __ (quit) 5 7 Corn holders 5 8 Leg joint

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REF: 0446

REF: 273

REF: 294

Totally reformed village house in the historic village of Aledo. This beautifully restored property has a unique glass wall and partly glassed ceiling providing the most superb views. It has 3 double bedrooms 1 bath and 1 cloakroom, fitted kitchen etc. Price 114.000€ plus taxes

With superb views, a detached property, near Montisol, Aledo. Situated on a manageable size plot of 1000m2 the villa has a large under-build , 3 beds, 2 baths, fitted kitchen and lounge/diner leading to a terrace where you can enjoy the spectacular views. Price 299.000€ plus taxes

Situated in the countryside surrounding Totana, a detached bungalow with 3 beds, 1 bath, on a plot of 5000m2. This very attractive property has a mature garden with decorative lighting and an irrogation system. Furniture is included in the price.

REF: 0328

REF: 0393

REF: 0402

A newly built detached bungalow on a plot of 8000m2. Part of the plot is fenced and has a purpose built store, the rest has productive fruit trees with an irrogation system. There are 3 beds 2 baths, lounge/diner with chimney and a kitchen with utility room. Price 215.250€ plus taxes

Building plot of 5000m2 at the foot of the Sierra Espuña Natural Park, only 5 minutes drive from the bustling market town Totana. Peaceful location with superb views.

With a very large under-build an attractive detached property close to the village of Aledo. This newly constructed villa has 3 beds, 2 baths etc. The villa is built on a 5000m2 plot and has extensive views.

Price 63.000€ plus taxes

Price 260.000€ plus taxes

REF: 0443

REF: 0444

REF: 0445

On a corner position, a detached 2 bed, 1 bath bungalow on Mazarron Country Club. It has a lovely garden area with space for a pool. The property has a solar heated water system, and it is being sold fully furnished.

Overlooking a small park, a pretty bungalow on Country Club with 2 beds and 1 bath. The property has air conditioning and it is being sold fully furnished. There is a garden to the front and an enclosed patio to the rear.

In La Azohia a lovely apartment only a short walk from the beach. This fully furnished property has 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, fitted kitchen etc. The terrace has open views and the small complex has a pool and tennis courts. Under-ground secure parking.

Price 125.000€ plus taxes

Price 95.000€ plus taxes

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Price 252.000€ plus taxes.

Price 129.995€ plus taxes

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Give A Dog A Home

Rusty, 2 yr old male cross - has been castrated and fully vaccinated. Very loving, gentle little guy that needs a stable and loving home. Lucy, 6 yr old Pointer bitch, spayed and fully vaccinated. She was found 4 yrs ago in the middle of the road with a broken hip and in a dreadful state. She was homed for 3 years, but for personal reasons Lucy needs a new loving home. She has a fantastic temperament and would make a great companion dog or an all round family pet. Philipe is a male Dalmatian cross, 7 months old. He is a playful young man and would suit a family home. He has lots of energy and loves to be around people and other dogs. Jessie was found abandoned and alone near Fuente Alamo, it is thought she is about 4 or 5 yrs old and in very poor condition. She has had her blood test done and is clear of any disease, all she wants is love and affection and a home to call her own.

If you think you can offer me a home - please call us on 968431265 or 968431590 54 Sunshine Magazine

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Judson Design Web sites from 150â‚Ź (La Managa area and beyond)

Graphic design and Web design... See our online portfolio or call us on 649 353 478 649 353 490

Sunshine Magazine 55

Your Business Card here Call Today for more information

968 429 113 or email

56 Sunshine Magazine


Sunshine Magazine 57

58 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 59


Earn extra cash. Free under 500€. Over 500€ - 10€ Full set of mens right handed golf clubs with bag and travel bag. Inc gloves, balls, tees, towel, umbrella. 190€ ono. Tel. 968 431 590 or 669 960 548 Pair gents golf shoes (worn only once) size 44. 15euros. Tel. 968 431 590 or 669 960 548. 32” TV Stand, modern Chrome with glass shelves. Excellent condition. 45€. Antique Pine Plant Stand. 1meter high. Vgc. 15€. Low energy Orbegozo Oil Filled Electric Radiator. 23inches high x 35 inches deep. Perfect working order, 45€. Tel 697 871 038 CD RACK WROUGHT IRON & WOOD 10. € GAS HOB SUIT A OUTDOOR KITCHEN 15€. ROMAN BLINDS DOOR & WINDOW (CIBILES VILLA)COST 300 €60€. DUVET COVER & PILLOW CASES FLORAL PATTERN & SATIN 135 10€. DUVET COVER & PILLOW CASES FLORAL PATTERN135 7.50€. 968131843/692400914 € 2 sets of good quality pine bunk beds only used once complete with mattresses cost 400€ each, selling for 100€ each set. Phone Paul on 676030559 full english TV satellite system with round 1mt45 dish, 200€ o.n.o. orange gas cylinders 15€ each, five available or 60€ for the lot. both items open to reasonable offers. 60 Sunshine Magazine

Lorca area. telephone number 968491526 Golf laser rangefinder for sale, un-used. Accurate to 1 metre from 15 to 600 metres. Cost new €249 will accept €100. Delivery possible. Tel 679573643 or e-mail X Box Games- 10€ each. 9 to choose from. Also Play station 2 Games 5€ each Choose from 10 games. Tel: 618 022 073 Marble Top for Double Vanity Unit for 2 sinks, including Plinths.45€ Dolphin 90cm. shower Door with Surround. 45€ 3kw. Log Effect Electric Fire with Tall Canopy. 145€ Phone 696 399 947 2 x inkjet printers 15€ each. 1 Masa pack wicker coffee table 20€. 2 x battery operated drills 20€ each. Mans Alloy frame mountain bike 50€. 1 electric cement mixer 200€. 2 x large free standing electric fans 25€ each. 2 x electric convector heaters 20€ each. 1 free standing hot and cold air conditioning unit 40€. Travel Cot 25€ Tel 968199234. 28” sanyo televison, 60€. 2 sky boxes(no cards) price each 35€. electric water heater, 30€. electric hob 15€. oil filled radiator 20€. fan/ light 15€. Tel: 968-537-213 mob 678-108-507 Two Copper effect lampost style candle lanterns 6 and 5

foot tall, ideal for garden or terrace bargain at 20€. Tel 635885062 Camposol mobile Air Contitioning unit cost 500€, used only once. 100€ o.n.o. Tel:968 138 332 or 686 431 409. Camposol, Sector A. All proceeds to MABS. 2007 Kia Rio Diesel, still under Warranty and with full history. 8,750€ O.N.O Phone 696 339 947. Seat Cordoba 1.4. Year Oct 2000. 4 door saloon. Air-con. Nice condition, 2,500€ ono. Tel. 968 431 590 or 669 960 548 Apartment for Rent. With 2 Double bed rooms, 2 Bathrooms (one en-suite) Open plan Lounge, dinning room and full fitted Kitchen. A/C, English TV. Lovely Views from Roof top Terrace and walking distance to shops and bars etc. On Camposol A. Own private Entrance. Water included in Rent for 300€ P.C.M. plus electric and gas. Phone. 696 339 947. VILLA FOR RENT 2 bed /2 bath, well furnished detached villa - Camposol, Pool, English TV, Central Heating, Driveway Suitable for short or long term rent. Rates very competitive - special rates for long term. Viewing can be arranged, pictures can be emailed Email: Phone: 968131843 or mobile 692400914

FOR RENT 3 bed, 3 bath villa with hot tub. Garden terraces and solarium. Available now. 450€ per month plus bills. Tel 628 216 414 or 968 199 544 FOR RENT 1 Bedroom Studio house in El Pareton. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/diner, hallway. Fridge/freezer, washing machine, gas hob. Garden with patio. Tel. 671948475 WANTED FOR RENT Commercial unit, approx 150 square meters, with running water and electricity. Preferably in Mazarron or surrounding areas. Tel 626 678 840 or 609 244 566 Wanted for Long Term Rental 3 or more Bedroomed house for Long Term Rental in the Mazarron area, current contract ends December 2009. I work from home so Internet and phone access is essential. Call Me on 968 956 083.

For Rent Detached villa to let, long term, large garden, southfacing lounge and terrace, Sat UK TV, 3 bedrooms, well equipped, Camposol, €395 pm. Contact Tracey on 699107072 or email camposolvillas4rent@yahoo.

enter park for Tescos, Matalan, Next and into the Centre of Blackpool. Staff very helpful on Marton Mere. View to appreciate. Tel: 01795503755 or 07742514767. Price £19,500 or nearest best offer.

For Sale Mobile Home. Marton Mere Blackpool. Premier Plot. Corner private position. 3 bed, plus double bed in lounge. new fitted carpets throughout, heating, good size lounge, kitchen,

INTRODUCERS / TELESALES PEOPLE NEEDED Join our expanding. team. Excellent commission paid. Call 608 880 661 or email britishbusinesspagesinspain@ for full details.

shower room. fully stocked including garden shed, picnic table, chairs. Parking alongside. Owners on Marton Mere have their own Private Members Lounge Bar. Good site with plenty of facilities. No need for a car as buses

Professionally built websites - 17 years experience - from 150 euros. Call 649 353 490 The only place to sell or buy cars, boats, bikes, vans, caravans. Only 15 euros till it sells.

Sell anything under 500€ for free!! All property for sale 10€ to advertise Do you have something you want to advertise? A car... A job... Free for situations vacant, and personal items. Call us today or fill out the form below to get into the next issue of the Sunshine magazine. Tel: 968 429 113, or mail to: Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia, or you can email to Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Item to advertise:

Sunshine Magazine 61


TRADERS Dentista / Dentist


Hotel La Mariposa

968 631 008


Clinica Dental Olivier

968 153 645


IKG Language Ser.

968 503 183


Clinica Dental San Agustin

968 598 481

p64 Imetalia

968 422 151


Clinica Dental San Jose

968 589 691


Imperial Pools

965 731 310


Jennifer Cunningham

902 373 444


La Gardenia

968 154 204

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents p59

Inmobiliaria La Pinilla

968 157 510


La Tona

965 151 525


Ruiz & Jensen S.L.

699 501 508


La Via Electrodomesticos

968 592 065



968 595 046


La Voz

968 592 459


Costa Calida Property Man.

966 763 672


Linea Directa

902 123 978


Villas Solmar S.L.

968 484 366



671 682 579


Lords Removals

608 061 872


Max Confort

968 960 141

Restaurantes y Bars p3 El Saladillo

968 138 211


MC Consulting

968 137 407


La Fundicion

616 371 868


MSC Insure

968 429 129



628 682 303



902 400 313


Les Enfants Terribles

676 691 324


P & P Services

659 732 962


Novo Carthago

968 134 777


PMS Property Security

638 241 499


Rest Coquus

968 636 104


FC Car hire

968 199 156


Rest Peyma

968 154 597


Puerto Aluminio

606 462 988



968 429 235


Puerto Baño

968 595 145


Radio Cope Espuña

968 631 364 622 359 278

Servicios / Services


Reliable Clima


AD Camposol Alarms

968 199 240



649 871 307


Adichats II

653 560 423



968 591 913


Amanda udson Design

649 353 490



677 221 159


SLS Locksmith

968 974 031

p64 Aquabel p57

Aranixa Torres

968 595 844


Solar Directa

659 315 130



968 424 819


Spanish Solutions

966 761 741



968 171 005



807 505 770


Baby Equipment Hire

646 475 367


The Calida Group

968 152 568


Bahia Sur Fitness

968 595 812


Toldos La Marina

686 177 868


Camposol Business Centre

968 199 674


Translation & International


Cool Solutions

600 418 220


968 153 707


Costa Cálida Property

968 199 251


Viajes Iberia

968 333 152


Cruise the coastline

638 241 499



966 712 556

Vehiculos / Vehicles


Dola Papeleria

968 590 592


Ford Fuente Alamo

968 597 447



902 881 121



968 596 189


Flight Fantastic

671 902 929


634 103 694



968 154 401


Friends in Nautical Sports

645 657 094

Veterinaria / Vets


Hotel Costa Najeros

968 583 980

p11 Veterinary Clinic Puerto

62 Sunshine Magazine

968 153 931

Sunshine Magazine 63

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