Sunshine Magazine August 2009

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Leisure Activities try something different

Summer Feet see our ad on pg 28


Sunshine Magazine is distributed in Puerto de Mazarrón, El Alamillo, Mazarrón (Port and Town) Camposol (all sectors), Mazarrón Country Club, El Pareton, Totana, Alhama de Murcia, Fuente Alamo, Polaris World (Alhama), La Azohia, Isla Plana, Bolnuevo, Las Palas, Tallante and we issue 5,000 copies every month.

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EDITORIAL Dear Readers,

Publisher Sunshine Mediahouse S.L. CIF: B-54428156 Camino Cementerio 3 03312 Desamparados Orihuela Alicante. E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Sales, Per Jensen, 699 501 508 Sales, Pamela Robson, 671 948 475, English Translated by: I.K.G Language Services Layout: Deadline for all advertisement and new copy is 28th of the month Sunshine Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. ©2008 Sunshine Mediahouse S.L.

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Welcome to our August edition. We are nearing the end of the summer and it’s time for the kids to get ready for school again. I hope all the kids have enjoyed their vacation and hope that they can’t wait to see all their school friends again. You will see lots of changes to our September issue of the magazine. We are merging our sister magazine, Town & Country Magazine, together with the Sunshine Magazine, making our publication even stronger and more powerful, with an even larger distribution. So look out for the ¨SUNSHINE MAGAZINE¨ next month. We would like all our clients and readers to let us know what they think about our changes. Please email us at or call. Try a new leisure activity to help you keep fit, meet new friends and more importantly, enjoy! See our feature on pages 5 & 6 for our suggestions. Summer is the time when everything dries up, including our feet! Take a look at pages 32, 33 & 34 for advice on how to keep your feet looking pretty and healthy! Above all, enjoy the weather, get a drink, relax and enjoy reading the magazine. Till next month……. From the team at ¨Sunshine Magazine¨.



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Leisure activities to try Horoscopes UK Sudoku Schumacher is on a diet Take care of your feet Crossword Puzzle answers Formula 1 Silverstone Classifieds Traders Page

Want to try a new leisure activity but don’t know what to do? Golf. There are many wonderful golf courses around offering membership, pay and play days, driving ranges and local competitions. It is amazing how fit you can get by taking up this past-time covering such a lot of ground at a leisurely pace (as an average 18 holes usually involves walking between six and seven kilometers) - you will certainly feel the benefits in the long term. Golf is a stimulating challenge combined with getting out in the fresh air in pleasant surroundings. Golf is a unique all round sport which can be: Played by people of all ages, adaptable to fit your availability, played alone or in groups and is played at different levels – social or competitive. You can meet new friends and even join a local golf group. The club houses are well provisioned for drinks and meals and are a great gathering place. Hiking. Why not take a HIKE into the mountains. Spain is certainly very mountainous and has lots of hiking trails and paths. You can hike over various mountain regions and historic sites. You can go alone, with friends or join a hiking group. Many groups allow you to take your dogs along, so good for all the family, including the four legged kind.

Paint Ball. Paintballing is the perfect solution for anyone wishing to try a new pursuit, whether it be for celebrations, companies or an amusing day you’re your family and friends. Players need to be aged 14 years or older and are fully covered by insurance. Most places include lunch in their prices. Each game usually lasts between 10-20minutes and you can play as many games as you like! You need to wear comfortable appropriate clothing with shoes having some sort of ankle support. You will usually be given head protection to wear and appropriate outer garments. Great fun for everyone so try it now! Fishing. This is one of the most popular activities in the world, and there are hundreds of thousands of anglers enjoying the sport every day. Fishing is lots of fun, a chance to spend quality time with family and friends, and an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and fascinating sights and sounds of the great outdoors. Fishing combines a nature experience with the thrill of a bobber disappearing beneath the water’s

Quad Biking. What fun. If you have not tried it before, it is a great adrenaline rush. See Murcia’s beautiful scenery from a different view. Pine forests and mountains, to rural towns and villages. Why not take a tour? Most tours are guided, giving you the opportunity to get to know the area and see places of local interest. Unscheduled stops for photos, etc. are no problem. Tours are a combination of both on & off road riding. All ages are welcome, although youngsters usually have to be over the age of 7 in order to be on the back of the bike on public highways.

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surface or the jolt of a fat trout hitting a trolled lure. It’s an activity you can do alone, but an experience that’s best shared with others. While catching fish is a big part of the fun, anglers can have a great time even when the fish aren’t biting. For some anglers, seeing what’s around the next bend in the stream, visiting a lake for the first time or exploring a new stretch of shoreline by boat is a big part of the fishing adventure. Others simply enjoy the chance to cast a line into the water, lean against a tree or drift with the breeze in a small boat, and read a good book, laugh and talk with a fishing buddy, or just relax, not really caring whether the fish bite or not. A great way to relax and enjoy yourself.

centre’s encourage people to learn about the day to day and long term care of horses/ponies so that they have a better understanding of these gentle and loving animals. Riding is also a great way of keeping fit without you really knowing it! Some riding establishments also offer Riding for the Disabled, which is invaluable, as well as residential riding holidays. The object of the Riding for the Disabled is to provide disabled people, with the opportunity to ride at the level of their ability, choice and ambition to benefit their health and well-being. Most RDA center’s are run by volunteers whose effort and commitment is greatly valued by all. Try it today, you won’t be disappointed!

Sailing. Join one of the local sailing clubs or hire a boat by the hour or day. Some local companies offer you tours around the coastline in a speedboat or catamaran. You can dive, fish, snorkel, sunbathe or just relax for a few hours or the day! A great way to have fun and see the wonderful coastlines of Spain. A great social activity for family and friends. You can even celebrate a special occasion on board. Give a birthday or anniversary gift with a difference! Some sailing companies offer 3 hour sailing trips around the bay from the Nuevo Puerto Deportivo in Mazarron, with qualified RYA Instructors at a very reasonable price, including refreshments. You can get involved in sailing the yacht or sit back and enjoy the experience! Horse-Riding. One of the oldest pastimes which is enjoyed by millions of people. This ¨sport¨ can and is enjoyed by individuals, friends and family. Riding lessons are given from beginners to advanced levels plus you can take the hands on approach to horse care and management. Most centers offer Jumping lessons, dressage, cross-country etc… including hourly, half day and full day hacks. At different times throughout the year you can partake in various activities and competitions, which are thoroughly enjoyable. Horse-riding is also a great way to meet new like minded friends. Owners of the

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Horoscopes - August Aries



Communication is important. Monday could be quite intense as you are keen to get to the bottom of an issue. If you are researching information necessary for a project, you will be willing to look long and hard to find what you want. If there is a mystery to solve or if the information is obscure, so much the better. You will relish the challenge. A Lunar Eclipse mid-week means you should expect interesting events associated with friendships.

A Lunar Eclipse may bring changes at work. New management may replace the old, or key people may be substituted for others due to the pressures of the current situation. You too many change your career goals. If you are attending a job interview or starting a new job, expect the unexpected. You are being encouraged to see a wider viewpoint. If you are newly in love, but haven’t yet told the person in question how you feel, Friday brings an opportunity.

The Lunar Eclipse takes place in your Ninth House in Aquarius and encourages you to let go of outdated beliefs. This may not be as easy as it might seem. Some of your ideas and so firmly embedded in your consciousness they have almost set like concrete. It could take a lot to get you to shift your allegiance elsewhere. It will become impossible to avoid those major issues. Open your mind to new influences and be willing to change.




You are very closely connected to your intuition this week, and as if that wasn’t enough, your dreams are more powerful as well. Pay attention to both, as they may have some important messages for you. The start of the week may be quite intense as Mercury moves to trine Pluto in Capricorn. This may coincide with a period of research and indepth conversation. You can use your very powerful focus generated at this time to resolve any outstanding issues.

You get a chance to retry an opportunity that you thought you had lost. On Wednesday, the Lunar Eclipse encourages you to ring in changes where your current relationship is concerned. It is a good time to let go and to forget and forgive issues that may be causing you problems. You may find that by doing so, even those longstanding issues seem to miraculously melt away, leaving you feeling freer and happier than before

Meetings will be intense and conversations quite life changing. If you can engage in heart-to-heart discussions on those issues that are causing you the most trouble, you could bring about a miracle. The Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday may have an effect on your work and health. Issues associated with both may come to the surface, encouraging you to reevaluate your current situation. The end of the week is good for networking. It’s time to develop a rapport with key people.




Pay particular attention as you go about your daily routines. Be prepared for a revelation. You may discover some interesting information about how your ancestral history and certain issues that have been causing you problems for some time. You may also rethink the way to heal this, too. The end of the week is good for attending events associated with your career. They will boost your professional status. You are in the mood to travel and explore new cultures!

Intense discussions may bring you a chance to unravel a problem that may have seemed impossible to solve. The Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday takes place in your home zone. Issues associated with your property and family may come to a head. You may also decide to sell your home, and perhaps to buy a new place somewhere exotic. Or, you may have to relocate due to your current job. Your love life shows promise if you can put in more effort.

Something you are passionate about may be offered to you on a plate. You may also be involved in intense discussions about a new business move. This will need 100 percent commitment to bring it to fruition. Mars is stirring things up and encouraging you to clear the air. There may be a few arguments with your partner, but there are also plenty of opportunities to kiss and makeup. On Friday an offer of a lucrative deal may be presented to you.




Something you are passionate about may be offered to you on a plate. You may also be involved in intense discussions about a new business move. This will need 100 percent commitment to bring it to fruition. Mars is stirring things up and encouraging you to clear the air. There may be a few arguments with your partner, but there are also plenty of opportunities to kiss and makeup. On Friday an offer of a lucrative deal may be presented to you.

There is a Lunar Eclipse in your sign on Wednesday, bringing a lot of emotion to the surface. Once you have let it go, you are free to do whatever seems most helpful and appropriate in the circumstances. This Eclipse may also push you to make a few changes sooner than you might have. The end of the week is a good time to talk about money and think about how you can create new streams of income.

You may be getting tired of seeing zero results from one particular spiritual discipline you are following. This is the time to switch tracks and seek something more suitable that brings you the peace and inner fulfillment you desire. The Lunar Eclipse may bring powerful dreams your way, some of which may be chaotic, and others that may be packed with guidance and profound information. Pay attention! At home you are busy rearranging your place, throwing out clutter, and getting everything ship-shape.

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Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Town & Country Magazine. Good luck! Last Month’s winner was Luc Vanlinthout

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Injured Felipe Massa Discharged from Brazilian Hospital, While Michael Schumacher Diets After a battery of tests at a hospital here, injured Formula 1 driver Felipe Massa is back at home, where he is beginning to “calmly convalesce and rehabilitate,” according to the latest update from Ferrari. As Massa heals, his replacement, Michael Schumacher, reports that he has lost almost 7 pounds and has taken up go-karting to improve his steering coordination in preparation for the upcoming European Grand Prix. “I’m currently in the midst of my preparations for the upcoming race,” wrote Schumacher on his Web site. “I already lost three kilograms even if it is also important to me to build up muscles. I only have to admit that my neck pinches a bit. We have to get a grip on that as health has priority — that’s the clear arrangement made with Ferrari and, by the way, with my wife, too.” As if to underscore his commitment to fitness — and perhaps to intimidate the competition — Schumacher also posted several shirtless photos of himself on the Web site. The legendary F1 driver, who is expected to replace Massa for the remainder of the season, also said he has taken up “karting” in preparation for his emergence from retirement. “Karting has a very good training effect,” Schumacher wrote. “There is nothing better for my preparations at the moment — in terms of steering wheel forces.” He added: “Karting is even more difficult than Formula 1. And the fact that it has been boiling hot here [Lonato] is simulating the temperatures expected for Valencia.”

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feet how to look after your feet this summer

Summer and toe-baring shoes go hand-in-hand and, while we’d all love to whip off our winter tights only to reveal beautiful toes underneath, for most of us, that just isn’t quite true.

Avoid sandls with thongs between the toes, like a flip-flop as these can be very annoying to the skin between your toes and can cause problems with blisters, corns and calluses.

After months of hiding our feet by the time summer rolls around it’s an all to predictable mad rush to rid ourselves of hard heals and tatty polish.

Persons with diabetes need to be especially careful in the summer. This is because of a common condition called peripheral neuropathy, or numbness in their feet, which means they ight not notice a cut or fissure in the skin caused by stepping on a thorn, piece of glass, splinter or other foreign body.

And then what happens during the warm weather, feet are more exposed and more vunerable to irritation and injury and one of the most sommon foot problems in the summertime is cracking in the heels. These are normally caused by openbacked shoes such as sandals.

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To ensure that your feet look as fit and healthy as the rest of your body, here are a few simple and

inexpensive tips. Soak your feet in warm water and Epsom salts or baking soda for aabout 20 minutes. it is much easier to care for your feet and nails when they are soft fro the soaking. After towel drying your feet, start with a pedicure, but remember, when cutting your toenails, cut straight across and do not cut below the toe level, i.e. the nail should protrude slightly above the edge of the toe. This will avoid those nasty ingrown toe nails. Now it’s time to work on the bottom of your feet. Invest in a pumice stome or a foot tile to work off the hardened spots on the soles and balls of your feet. Remember that your feet work harder than any other part of your body and support you throughout the day, therefore the wear and tear that they take is not going to disappear overnight. A surefire way to speed up the sole-softening process is when preparing for bed, slather your feet with Vaseline, cover them

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with plastic wrap and put on a pair of socks. This is just like a facial for your feet! In the morning you’ll already notice a difference. Once your nails are trimed and all the dead skin removed, apply a

shade of polish to your toenails to complement your summer wardrobe. If you’re not steady with the polish brush, you can purchase a set of “foam rubber” toe separators at the Euro shops. This will help keep the nail polish on the nail rather than on the toe. Once your feet are ready for the slinky slip-ons, be sure to use a foot lotion before puting on your sandals. Your feet will feel great and sell delightful all day long. Now that you’re ready to romp barefoot, make sure you keep your feet in good shape. Caring for your feet should become an essential part of your beauty regimen. Soak them as indicated above at least twice a week and don’t forget the weekly ‘foot facial’. If you don’t wand a DIY foot treatment contact a beauty therapist to perform a pedicure and a chiropodist to remove the hard skin.

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Coffee Break C ro s s Word Across

1 Perched on 5 Reporter’s viewpoint 10 Out of kilter 14 Male pig 15 Marshmallow-topped beverage 16 Pronoun like ‘’thou’’ 17 Adorable 18 Copter spinner 19 Accessories for suits 20 Period with little rainfall 22 Book’s name 23 Storm drain 24 Affectionate touch 25 Move computer-screen text 28 Lawn tools 29 Unwraps 30 Tire in the trunk 32 Bowler’s target 35 Papa 36 Trophy or medal 37 Attorneys’ org. 38 Campfire residue 39 Make a swap 40 Upper-arm muscle 42 Military opponent 44 Doctrines 45 Cooks’ cover-ups

47 Regions 49 Pub projectiles 50 Coax with flattery 54 Opera solo 55 Humdinger 56 Z __ ‘’zebra’’ 57 Mannerly man 58 Salary increase 59 Biography’s story 60 Brink 61 Take up a hem, perhaps 62 Not on time


1 Alphabet intro 2 ‘’Guided’’ vacation 3 Like many breakfast cereals 4 Apply, as a decal 5 Hard-to-read handwriting 6 Off the leash 7 Stage performer 8 Lunch time, often 9 Paving material 10 Clothing 11 Page’s unprinted area 12 Fishing-line holders 13 Affirmative replies 21 ‘’Electric’’ swimmers

22 __ apart (dismantle) 24 Ace or jack 25 Fizzy drink 26 IRS form pros 27 Misleading clue 28 Quite uncommon 30 Swing gently 31 Seat cushion 33 ‘’A likely story!’’ 34 Short snoozes 36 Weaponry 39 Change for a $20 bill 40 Defeat in a match 41 Load, as software 43 Write with symbols 44 Wobble 45 Old saying 46 Used a vegetable peeler 47 Be ready for 48 Get more value from 50 Flippered mammal 51 Largest continent 52 Elevate 53 Leg joint 55 Bikini top

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REF: 0332

REF: 0380

REF: 0366

New Duplex with 3 beds, 2 baths, garage parking etc. There are many lovely features to this property and it is situated on the edge of El Pareton within easy walking distance to the many amenities of the village. Price 150.000€ plus taxes

A beautifully renovated attached country house with 3 beds. The kitchen is very spacious with good quality units. There is a lovely courtyard, plus a garage and a garden. Price 197.600€ plus taxes

An attached country property with an apartment in El Pareton. The house has 3 beds and 2 baths and the apartment has 2 beds 1 bath. Both are in excellent condition. To the rear there is a spacious courtyard and large outbuildings. Price 175.100€ plus taxes

REF: 0383

REF: 0442

REF: 0423

Excellent value, a detached property on a fully walled plot of 600m2, situated in the small village of Los Paganes, near to Fuente Alamo. The house has 3 beds, 1 bath and a very spacious open plan living area with fitted kitchen.

In El Raiguero Alta, only 10 minutes drive from El Pareton, a plot of approx 10,000m2 with a semidetached house to restore. In addition there is an outbuilding to restore. Uninterrupted views.

Ideal family home, a spacious semi detached villa in the centre of El Pareton, close to the school, with 3 beds and 2 baths. The plot has a garden with space for a pool and an off road parking space.

Price 125.000€ plus taxes.

Price 79.995€ plus taxes

Price 155.000€ plus taxes

REF: 0443

REF: 0438

REF: 0433

A detached bungalow in Country Club, Mazarron. It has 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, and open plan living area with fitted kitchen. The property is being sold fully furnished and has solar power water heating. The plot has sufficient space for a pool. Price 125.000€ plus taxes

An immaculate semi detached furnished duplex in El Alcolar, Puerto de Mazarron with in walking distance of the beach, bars and restaurants. The property has 3 beds 2 baths, terracing to 3 sides and a roof top solarium with large storage space.

Between Mazarron and La Pinilla, an undulating plot of 135.000m2 with a ruin of 200m2. Superb views.

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Price 185.000€ plus taxes

Price 89.000€ plus taxes

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Crossword Answers

Sudoku Answers

Give A Dog A Home Daisy is a Jack russel mix she is approx 7 months old,she is friendly and a bundle of fun,she mixes well with other dogs but seems to prefer to play with the big guys. 4 ginger kittens approx 8 weeks old rescued after ther mother was killd on the road,can anyone offer them a loving home.

If you think you can offer me a home - please call us on 968431265 or 968431590 38 Sunshine Magazine

How did you do?

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Earn extra cash. Free under 500€. Over 500€ - 10€ FOR SALE Custom built computer (pc) Intel Core2 Quad processor, Gforce 8800GT high end graphics card, 22” flat screen tft monitor, 4GB RAM, 300GB hard drive, LG DVD/CD drive, built in wireless, keyboard, mouse etc, original English windows vista home premium, 1 year old. Includes Epson DX9400F printer-scanner-copier-fax. Phillips speaker system. €600 no offers. Mazarrón area. 649 353 478

FOR SALE 100 litre electric boiler 1 yr old. €80 Mazarrón area, Tel 649 353 478 dishwasher €100, 2 single beds with matress €50 the pair, pine bedisde cabinet €20, Mazarrón area, 649 353 478

FOR SALE Ladies Nike Golf Shoes, white UK size 6.5. Just like new €15 Tel 650570234

FOR SALE Baby’s Relax Chair. Blue will suit newborn to 7 months. Will rock or can be in fixed position €20 Tel 650570234

FOR SALE Two Generators for sale, both excellent condition, like new and only run a 44 Sunshine Magazine

few hours. 1.Diesel fuel, electric start 2.2K.w open frame type, Price €200 o.n.o 2.Petrol fuel, pull cord start 2.4K.w open frame type, Price €200 o.n.o Telephone Mike 610928400, Los Almagros area.

FOR RENT 2 bed villa (Fiesta) with communal swimming pool available for HOLIDAY RENTALS. Located on Sector A, Camposol. Fully furnished with gas central heating, air-con and UK tv, dvd & video. Rooftop solarium with sun-loungers and patio furniture. Small garden. Close to shops and bars. 1 bed villa also available. Tel: 646 475 367

FOR RENT Detached villa on Camposol D. Fully furnished with UK tv and air-con. €350pm Tel: 659 159 948

FOR SALE Luxury mobile bungalow in a lovely village near Antequera. This fully furnished home comprises fully fitted kitchen, with washing machine, dishwasher and microwave, lounge/dining room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, large decking with stunning views, paved area with shed/workshop. Priced

to sell at £42,000 ono. Tel:952031413 or 657 554 514


Pine dresser with glass doors €150 ono. Oblong pine dining table and 4 chairs €120 ono. Light wood TV cabinet, turntable top €120 ono, Light wood computer table on wheels €50, Oblong pine coffee table €30, 2 pine bedside cabinets €20 each. Tel: 968 199 913 or 646 444 942


Camposol – D Sector. 2 bed/2 bath detached villa. Well furnished, English TV, Central Heating, suitable for short or long term rent. Rates very competitive – special rates for long term. Viewing can be arranged, pictures can be emailed. Tel: 968 131 843 or 692 400 914


House on Camposol A or B for long term rent or possibly to buy from November/December (we have an apartment in the Port to sell or part swap). We need – min 3 bedrooms, internal stairs if Neptuno, pool, good sized garden with raised walls, central heating, air-con, glazed D, underbuild. WE are resident and have full time permanent contract. If

interested please call me on 676 113 636

FOR SALE Double axle braked Warwick Trailer with hydraulic tipper. Year 2000. 2 tonne capacity. 2.45m x 1.5m with drop sides, drop tail, ladder rack and spare wheel. €1750 ono. Tel: 968 163 769 or 600 244 345


Donations needed of unwanted electrical and household items to sell for local animal charities. All proceeds will go to various local animal charities. Can arrange local collections. Tel: 968 431 265 or 968 431 590


Landrover Discovery, Series 2. 2.5TDI SE LHD. Year

2000, 212,000km. ITV to Oct 09. VGC, €7,500 ono. Tel: 968 163 769 or 600 244 345 FOR RENT/FOR SALE. Mazarron Country Club, in a prime location. 2 bedroom detached villa. Fully furnished, UK TV, large garden & roof terrace. Communal pool. 350€ per month + electricity. Tel: 690728041

Sell anything under 500€ for free!! All property for sale 10€ to advertise Do you have something you want to advertise? A car... A job... Free for situations vacant, and personal items. Call us today or fill out the form below to get into the next issue of the Town and Country magazine. Tel: 968 429 113, or mail to: Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia, or you can email to Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Item to advertise:

Sunshine Magazine 45

Don’t be left behind! We are now taking bookings for the 2nd 2009 issue of the free Sunny Numbers guide. Next issue - published in October. We are waiting to take your call and book your listing for the next Sunny Numbers Guide so If you missed out on the 1st 2009 issue call us now on: 968 429 113 Or email us at:

El Alamillo Tel´s Bar Puerto De Mazarron El Arbol, The Tea Pot, English Supermarket Market Tavern, El Duende, Clinica Veternaria La Azohia Bodega, Camping Madrilles Isla Plana Club La Raspa, Social Bar, Pepelino, Los Torres Camping, Camping Les Delfines

46 Sunshine Magazine

Bolnuevo Upper Between Mazarron Port and Town BP Gas Station

Saladillo BP Gas Station Restaurant Saladillo

Totana Camping Bar Espana Petrol Station

Camposol Sector A Al´s Supermarket English Butcher´s

Totana Ind. Estate Gas Station Bar Bowling Alley

Camposol Sector B Consum, Quicksave Sensol Golf Club House Los Cantareros Upper, Ciao Italia

Mazarron Town Repsol Garage

El Pareton Scottie´s Bar

Mazarron Country Club Restaurante (Cafeteria)

Totana Chica´s, Centre Salud

Alhama Gas Station Centre Salud Restaurant Coquus Tourist Office supermarket Polaris World Fuente Alamo Hacienda Del Alamo Las Palas Rest. Meson Madera Tallante Rest. Los Amigos


TRADERS Dentista / Dentist p11

Clinica Dental Olivier

968 153 645

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents p43 Inmobiliaria La Pinilla p13 Ruiz & Jensen S.L. p24 Sunseekers p36-37 Villas Solmar S.L.

968 157 510 699 501 508 968 595 046 968 484 366

Restaurantes y Bars p3 p28 p30 p30 p29 p28 p31

El Saladillo La Fundicion La Piccola Italia Leonardo’s Les Enfants Terribles Rest Coquus Scot’ties

968 138 211 616 371 868 628 682 303 628 682 303 676 691 324 968 636 104 968 429 235

Servicios / Services p40 p48 p41 p10 p40 p9 p21 p26 p19 p9 p45 p27 p41 p22 p39 p40 p40 p39

Adichats II Aquabel Aranixa Torres Avance Baby Equipment Hire Bahia Sur Fitness Camposol Business Centre Chicas CM Construction Cool Solutions Costa Cálida Property Cruise the coastline Debonair Dola Papeleria Euphony Flatpaxia FLight Fantastic Formaés

653 560 423 968 595 844 968 424 819 646 475 367 968 595 812 968 199 674 968 423 060 659 159 948 600 418 220 968 199 251 638 241 499 966 712 556 968 590 592 660 326 194 902 881 121 671 902 929 968 154 401

p39 p23 p26 p48 p11 p39 p14 p42 p39 p9 p8 p7 p15 p27 p31 p28 p22 p17 p34 p19 p39 p39 p41 p41 p16 p41

Friends in Nautical Sports Hotel La Mariposa IKG Language Ser. Imetalia La Gardenia La Via Electrodomesticos La Voz Locomurcia Lords Removals M&S Food Hall Meta Max Confort Na’ura PMS Property Security Printwithus Puerto Aluminio Puerto Baño Radio Cope Espuña Rosies Toesies Sanle Sea-Klear Solar Directa T-Linea The Calida Group Toldos La Marina Viajes Iberia

645 657 094 968 631 008 968 503 183 968 422 151 968 154 204 968 592 065 968 592 459 671 682 579 608 061 872 699 262 176 636 172 198 968 960 141 902 400 313 638 241 499 968 429 113 606 462 988 968 595 145 968 631 364 639 171 835 968 591 913 677 221 159 659 315 130 807 505 770 968 152 568 686 177 868 968 333 152

Vehiculos / Vehicles p40 p47 p20

Ford Fuente Alamo Bolnuevo Cars

968 597 447 968 150 979 634 103 694

Veterinaria / Vets p11

Veterinary Clinic Puerto

968 153 931

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