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Samurai Sudoku Compeition pg 39

Relax, improve your fitness and see some stunning scenery

SLOW COOKING Makes a come back plus 2 great recipes


S Factor Spain has got talent

see our ad on pg 15

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MAY 2009

EDITORIAL Publisher Per Jensen Sunshine Mediahouse Sunshine Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia Office Tel 968 429 113 Office Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 am - 2 pm E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Sales, Per Jensen, 699 501 508 Sales, Pamela Robson, 671 948 475, English Editor Wendy Darby Deadline for all advertisement and new copy is 28th of the month Translated by: I.K.G Language Services Layout & Graphic Design: No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. ©2008 Per Jensen / Sunshine Mediahouse 4 Sunshine Magazine

It´s hayfever time! Itchy eyes, tickly throat and runny nose. The plentiful rain, coupled with the odd sunny days have brought the pollen and grasses out. I have tried the chemist bought remedies but to no avail so if you have a more natural solution please do email me so I can try it! The delivery of the Sunshine Magazine to the houses will have stopped by the time you are reading this. Customer feedback reflected the fact that most people would be happy to collect the Sunshine Magazine from a distribution point. In the past we have had complaints about magazines being left in the rain, at empty houses and blowing down the streets! We also feel that with regular pick-up points we get to the people who actually want to read the magazine. Have a look at page 62 to see your local pick-up point.

Wendy Darby Editor



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Navarre Horoscopes UK Golf—just for fun? Slow Cooking makes a come back Wild Mushroom Open Lasagne Blueberry & Lime Loaf Cake S Factor—Spain has got talent Another 1–2 for Team Brawn-Mercedes Crossword Sudoku Competition How’s your business image? Pet Passports Movie: Hotel For Dogs Classifieds Music Maze for the Kids Traders Page

Autonomous Communities of Spain

Spain is divided in 17 parts called autonomous communities. Spain has fifty smaller parts called provinces. We continue our series with a look at Navarre


The region of Navarre is an ancient land that shares a 130km frontier with France and is bordered by Rioja, the smallest region of Spain. There are 9 crossing points into France and as a border region, Navarre has had its fair share of conflicts and signs of this are evident everywhere, with ruins of castles and fortified buildings. Romans, Christians, Muslims and Jews have all made their mark on the region and its architecture is as diverse as its landscape. Navarre is a land which has been inhabited by the fiercely independent, and totally unique, Basque people for thousands of years. In medieval times it was a powerful, independent kingdom ruling almost all of Christian Spain and all of the Basque territories on both sides of the Pyrenees. These days, Navarre is a separate autonomous region from its western neighbour the Basque Country (Pais Vasco). But it retains many obvious traces of

Classic cars in Santiago de Compostela its Basque heritage including the strange language of Euskera still spoken by many people in the region and a greater degree of independence from central government control than most of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions. Navarre’s location as the gateway to France has given it great strategic importance since Roman times. The famous Roncesvalles pass through the French and Navarrese Pyrenees has proved a godsend through the ages for everyone from Roman foot soldiers and pious pilgrims to solitary shepherds and Smugglers.

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Roncesvalles is the main starting point in Spain for one of the world’s best known walks, the Santiago Way, which for more than 1,000 years has been leading pilgrims to the holy shrine of St James in the Galician capital of Santiago de Compostela. Various monasteries, inns and humble lodging houses have sprung up along the “Way of St James” over the centuries, all designed to ease the journey of weary travellers determined to reach the alleged final resting place of one of Jesus’ 12 apostles. The Augustine monastery at Roncesvalles is still offering a place of prayer and a cheap bed for the night to 21 st century pilgrims, nearly ten centuries after its foundation. There are many local festivals, such as Corpus San Miguel, as well as the more traditional fairs with sheep dog competitions (Artzai Eguna) and trials of strength in local sports like log cutting( Aizkolaris) and stone lifting (Harrijasotzailes). As well as the much photographed bull runs there are strong traditions of music played on ancient instruments such as the Txistus and Tamboriles. Most festivals conclude with the Nabarran Zanpantzarrak.

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The San Fermin Festival: the running of the bulls

Navarre’s greatest claim to fame is that its capital city is host to one of the world’s best known (and most hazardous) festivals. The San Fermin fiesta, held in July each year, entices dare devils from across the globe to risk life and limb in the annual running of the bulls through the streets of Pamplona. It’s an event which fired the imagination of American journalist and author Ernest Hemingway who lost his heart to this little known corner of Spain back in the 1920s. Successive generations of Hemingway fans have since been drawn to this ancient medieval kingdom to savour the culture, cuisine and special beauty of a region which has been immortalised in some of his best loved novels including For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Sun Also Rises. It’s an event which fired the imagination of American journalist and author Ernest Hemingway who lost his heart to this little known corner of Spain back in the 1920s. Successive generations of Hemingway fans have since been drawn to this ancient medieval kingdom to savour the culture,

continued on pg 8

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World Championship of Spades race on the steep cobbled streets of Artajona cuisine and special beauty of a region which has been immortalised in some of his best loved novels including For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Sun Also Rises. Even when it’s not awash with bulls and boldhearted young blades Pamplona is still well worth a visit for anyone interested in Navarre’s glorious past. The city boasts a wealth of monumental buildings including the magnificent 14 th century cathedral one of Spain’s most important religious buildings which houses the tombs of the 18 th century Spanish king Charles III and his queen Eleonora. Its beautiful towns, like Artajona which is surrounded by medieval walls, Estella, Olite, formerly seats of Navarre’s kings, Tudela and Roncesvalles are always worth a visit.

A land for mountain lovers

The Navarrese Pyrenees lure “off the beaten track” travellers with picture postcard mountain villages, wonderful walking territory and the largest and oldest beech forest in Europe (the Irati Forest where

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Hemingway went fly fishing for trout). Many foreign tourists make a beeline for the Pyrenean village of Burguete to enjoy the traditional dishes of vegetable soup and freshly caught trout stuffed with ham. The location of Navarre makes it something of a climatic clearing house. It has four distinct systems – Atlantic, Submediterranean, Mediterranean and Alpine. This has, in turn, produced a great variety of vegetation and species which mankind has managed for its own purposes. That is, more or less, the countryside we have today. Much of the wildlife countryside is found within protected areas. The most important sites are – Parque Natural del Seório de Bértiz, las Sierras de Urbasa y Andía (with a spectacular rock formation) and the arid zone of Bardenas Reales. Such geographical diversity produces a lot of choice in what to do. The valleys and mountains offer hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain-biking, horse riding and much more. If you would rather take to water you could try rafting, canoeing and boating. If you don’t want to keep you feet on the ground then try para-gliding, delta-wings, or ultra-lites. And if you can’t handle mountaineering or rock climbing,

Pamploma bunging jumping is one way out. However, if you want to turn your back on it all, there’s pot-holing and if you want to come back in the winter you can enjoy skiing in the Navarre Pyrenees.


Local dishes are judged firstly on the quality of the ingredients and here local vegetables such as, asparragos, green beans, lettuce (cogollos from Tudela), broad beans, beans of SangĂźesa (las pochas de Navarra) and peppers of piquillo, stand out. Other well known local dishes include stews,

Beans and Duck lamb, rabbit, trout, cod ajoarriero and game dishes. Local wines have now established a prestige market, as too have some cheeses, such as Roncal an Urbasa.

The only airport in Navarre (built in 1972) is at Noain, which is close to Pamplona. This provides domestic flights to the major international airports, such as Barcelona, Santander.

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Horoscopes - May Aries



You’re making up for lost time! While your love life has been complicated recently, and others may have undervalued your worth, you’re now strutting your stuff. Extremely magnetic, the world is appreciating your unique and straightforward style. Gifts may be forthcoming, and friends delight. It’s time to review your finances, especially with a potentially high-spending month ahead of you.

While you’re certainly getting noticed there is a lot going on behind the scenes. A deliciously private love affair might figure this month. Support for your career, or a whole new vision of where you want your professional life to go, comes now. Professional charisma runs high, but try to avoid situations that could lead to gossip.

You have a lot of energy to pour into friendships, group projects, or goals. Personal charisma and creativity in group settings is powerful all month. Singles might very well meet their match through friends and group associations. Attached Geminis will find much joy and understanding with their partner. A business partnership is a strong possibility, and travel through business especially rewarding.




Professionally speaking, you’re enjoying an invigorating and creative peak. Your charisma is brilliant this month, and singles might find opportunities to meet a special someone through business events. Those of you looking for a job will find this a strong period for getting noticed in a most positive way.

Relationships are likely to be deliciously complicated this month. Professional pursuits get a lot of attention, but you still manage to find time for exciting adventures that break the routine. It’s a strong month for creative communications, whether they involve promotional efforts, creative writing, or simply reaching out to others in an especially personable way. Avoiding risks on a financial level is especially important in May.

Financial creativity runs high this month. You’re in a position to come up with unique and powerful ways to increase your income. Career matters might challenge you with occasional complications and the need to sacrifice more of your time. You’re entering a period in which attracting what you want on the job front is easy.




This is a close to idyllic time for enhancing or attracting a romantic relationship. Your major focus is on a partnership, and putting your own personal agenda aside for the time being. Stimulating and spicy moments are par for the course. On a romantic level, the potential to be starryeyed is great. However, you should watch for keeping your expectations reasonable, or you’re liable to gloss over facts.

Wonderful energy is with you for work and health. Charisma on the job can mean getting noticed for your creativity or opportunities to socialize through work connections. Some of you will find an office flirtation or romance is heating up. Negotiations or conversations with a partner may be revisited this month, perhaps with some frustration.

An exciting, playful, and stimulating month is ahead. May brings abundant opportunities to enjoy hobbies, entertainment, and romance. Your charm is natural and finds an adoring audience. Recently there was a lot of talk and “busyness” on the job and this month you’ll be revisiting them, and perhaps redoing tasks that you thought were completed.




Your home and family life is lively and spirited. You’re in demand and more than willing to help out a friend in need. Money-making ideas are abundant and you’ll have to take the time to sit down and judge how realistic each is before acting upon them. Singles will find romantic opportunities close to home.

Focus on family and communications feature strongly. Conversations with family members are revisited but care should be taken in expressing yourself with clarity, as misunderstandings are likely. However, in general, your conversational skills are superb this month, attracting more than one admirer! Romantic or creative communications figure strongly.

You are likely to expand your career pursuits and business connections. Opportunities on the career front can seem to arrive out of the blue, and could come from past connections. Impulsive buying is a real tendency this month. A partnership requires attention, and going over recent conversations could be frustrating but necessary in order to clear up confusions.

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Golf is a great way to relax, improve your fitness and see some stunning scenery. Although at times it can be very frustrating it can also be very rewarding. A quote from Winston Churchill who stated “Golf is a silly game played with implements ill-suited for the purpose.� He obviously did not enjoy or understand the game.

Golf, me just a ga ? n e v a e h or

It can be played by young and old, male or female and is a great way to socialize, do business and meet new friends. The social side plays a very active and important part in the concept of golf. Etiquette is also very important. They say a person who plays the best shots, knows how to carry themselves well and behave on the golf course; will succeed as a good golfer.

Basically in theory, the game of golf is easy; you just have to get the little ball from the tee to the hole you are playing in as few shots as possible. So why does it seem to be the hardest game in the world to play? Because it challenges your hand to eye co-ordination, dares you to go for the challenging almost impossible shot, go over water or hit straight for the green (avoiding the ruff), and makes you choose the right club(s) to use to get you out of trouble, that you alone put yourself in!

14 Sunshine Magazine

Most golf courses normally consist of 18 holes, sometimes 9. Plus the all important 19th where you can discuss the day and your game, together with the trials and tribulations. There are many golf courses in the area; Murcia 16, Alicante 18, Almeria 10. Some designed by the likes of Dave Thomas and the great Jack Nicklaus. The various courses in the area are more than suited to all levels of players; young to old, beginners to experienced and the pro-am tours. The Resorts include excellent clubhouses, restaurants, bars, hairdressers, banks, golf shops and some providing star hotels and Spa’s as well as wellness centers. The accommodation choice is of the highest quality ranking from villas, penthouses, apartments and golf studios mostly furnished to a very high standard. Most of these golf resorts offer

packages that more than cater for all your needs making your stay as pleasurable as possible. The region now has many new infrastructures including new motorway links plus a new high speed train coming soon to the area. This alone proves the region is more than ready for a great golf experience and has enough quality accommodation to fit the demand. Although we are all hit by the current financial crisis, the popularity of golf does not seem to be waning. This region does offer some great golf packages and is still cheaper than the Costa del Sol and the Algarve. The courses in Murcia are more than a match which the pro-am tour will more than verify as once upon a time they would have had to go long haul for good seasonal golf. The European tours now have excellent facilities on their door step. So come and experience the enjoyment, relaxation, fitness and social side of playing GOLF, you won’t be disappointed!

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Slow Cooking Making a welcome return to the kitchen SLOW COOKING IS BACK! It´s retro image is being replaced by one of practicality and simplicity in a demanding world where we are all working harder, but wanting to relax and play hard too. Slow cooking allows for both - while the food cooks people are out getting on with their lives and it´s ready and waiting to be served to guests or family on their return. 20 Sunshine Magazine

Celebrity chefs have also begun to extol the virtues of slow cooking at ultra-low temperatures to create meltingly tender results. However while chefs are able to use high-tech equipment that reduces temperatures most of us in the real world can replicate these low temperatures by using a slow cooker. With the increased use of slow cooking comes those food stuffs particularly suited to it, such as cuts of meat previously deemed to be slightly “old fashioned” like shins, hocks, necks and brisket, to name but a few. Slow cooking turns these undervalued and underused cuts into beautiful tender pieces of meat. These cuts are much more affordable than the ever popular cuts like rump, fillet and sirloin. Slow cookers are also very energy efficient; again allowing you to save money, plus they cook in an environmentally responsible way. Some slow cooking methods can save up to 5 times the energy of stove-top cooking since heat is retained rather than being lost to the air, and that has to be a good thing for the planet. Most slow cookers use as little energy as a domestic light bulb. From a practical point of view this also makes cooking more pleasant as the kitchen doesn´t steam up and get as hot as it would during conventional cooking. Slowcooked foods such as stews, casseroles and soups are popular during the winter months but the advantage of a cooler kitchen makes slow cooking in the summer just as appealing. Slow cooking suits the needs of many of us who have little time; it reflects popular trends in the restaurant industry, as well as supporting farmers and making a small contribution to the environment. But, most importantly, slow-cooked food tastes great! Long, gentle cooking allows food to develop flavour in a different way to rapid cooking. It coaxes out flavours that are slower to develop and encourages the flavours of individual ingredients to marry together and blend in a unique way. Slow cooking achieves three main things - it tenderises (the different proteins in meat are affected by heat at quite low temperatures, far below the heat of a normal roasting oven), it flavours and it kills harmful bacteria. When meat in particular is cooked for a long time at a low temperature, the tough protein, collagen, which holds the muscle fibres together slowly disintegrates and gelatine that is produces dissolves into any liquid added which helps to make a rich gravy.

Although this article mainly mentions cuts of meat, you can also use your slow cooker to cook fish, pasta, rice, cakes, bread, chutneys, jams and sauces. See this month’s recipes for a slow cooked pasta dish and a mouthwatering cake recipe.

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Wild Mushroom Open Lasagne 100g (3½oz) chilled butter, cubed, plus extra for greasing 750g (1lb 10oz) mixed wild mushrooms, such as morels, ceps and shiitake, wiped and cut into large wedges or thick slices 2 tbsp olive oil Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp dry white wine 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 16 sheets fresh or dried lasagne 200ml (7fl oz) créme fraîche 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley 50g (2oz) freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra to serve Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 4 hours Serves 4

Butter the inside of the slow cooker dish. Place the mushrooms in the dish, add half of the butter, olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, the wine and garlic and mix well. Cover with the lid and cook on low for 4 hours or until softened. About 30 minutes before you wish to eat, bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil over a high heat. Place a clean tea towel onto a clean surface. Drop each lasagne sheet into the water for 1 minute or according to the packet instructions, then remove with a slotted spoon and place onto the prepared tea towel. Repeat with the other sheets, placing them in a single layer on to the tea towel and interleaving them with more tea towels as required so that the lasagne sheets do not touch each other. Place the créme fraîche and remaining butter in a small saucepan and warm over a medium heat until the butter has melted, then whisk the mixture until combined. Season the mushrooms and add the parsley.Preheat the grill to it´s highest setting. Place a sheet of lasagne onto a warm deep serving plate. Top with a spoonful of the mixture and a drizzle of the créme fraîche sauce. Repeat three times finishing with the sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and cook under the grill for 2-3 minutes or until golden. Keep warm while you repeat with the other plates.

While you could certainly fry these ingredients togther quickly and create a very tasty dish, slow cooking them encourages the mushrooms to gradually absorb the flavours of the other ingredients, giving them greater intensity and making them utterly more-ish! 24 Sunshine Magazine

Blueberry & Lime Loaf Cake Butter a non-stick 500g (1lb) loaf tin and line the base with parchment paper. Place an upturned saucer or trivet into the slow cooker dish and pour enough cold water around it just to cover the top (about 250ml/9fl oz).

100g (3½oz) butter, softened, plus extra for greasing. 100g (3½oz) golden caster sugar 2 medium eggs, beaten 50g (2oz) self-raising flour, sifted 50g (2oz) ground almonds ½ tsp baking powder 4 tbsp semi-skimmed milk Finely grated zest of 1 lime 100g (3½oz) blueberries

Cream the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Slowly add the eggs, beating well between each addition. Fold in the flour, almonds and baking powder, then slowly stir in the milk and the lime zest.

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 3-3½ hours Serves 4

Place enough blueberries in the base of the tin to just cover the bottom. Fold the remainder into the sponge mixture, then spoon the sponge into the tin and level the surface with the back of a spoon. Place the tin in the slow cooker on top of the saucer or trivet and cover with the lid. Cook on high for 3-3½ hours or until risen and spongy to touch. Remove the tin from the slow cooker and leave to stand for a minute or so before turning out. Run a sharp knife around the sponge before inverting and leaving to cool completely on a wire rack. Using a serrated knife, cut into thick slices and serve with lashings of cream.

This simple cake is fabulously light and full of flavour, and it also looks great. Blueberries work brilliantly with the lime but raspberries, blackberries and loganberries also work well too.

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S S. FACTOR — ‘SPAIN’ has got Talent!

Beagles also made a guest appearance. Throughout the evening the audience and contestants were entertained by music and singing from ¨El Tel¨ and Bernie Mac. The audience votes were counted 3 times by 3 independent people. It was a close call but the winner was Sue from Mojacar. Sue won 1,000euros and a bottle of champagne. Sue will be singing at the Camposol Fiesta and will receive summer bookings from Chris Cross. It was a night to remember and I for one look forward to the next competition in 2010. Anyone wishing any further information about this competition should ring Chris Cross direct on 666 907 986.

The final of the S.Factor was held on Friday 24th April at Rumours on Camposol B. Hosted, or- Chris is now running the BINGO on Tuesday ganised and the brain child of Chris Cross, it was evenings and Saturday lunchtime at Kennelly´s a fantastic evening and was a complete sell out. Camposol B. Chris never fails to deliver to his audience and they were not disappointed. At the start of the evening there were 6 remaining contestants. Sue, Mel, Kirsty, Kayleigh, Michael and Georgina, who sang their hearts out to win the coveted title of ¨S.Factor winner, 2009¨. Each contestant sang 3 songs, one of which was selected by Chris himself. The audience had the hard decision of choosing a winner from amongst the final 6. During the interval there was a guest appearance by ¨Meat Loaf¨. As you can see, this was Chris Cross who gave a funny, entertaining and captivating rendition of the all famous singer. The

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Congratulations Sue

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It’s About


No longer with Honda, Button and Team Brawn Mercedes are on a serious winning streak for the 2009 Formula 1 Season 30 Sunshine Magazine

Button Coasts To Victory In Barcelona Jenson Button underlined his championship credentials as Brawn Mercedes scored a dominating 1-2 finish in the Spanish Grand Prix. Button’s fourth win in five races this year. Button’s only serious challenge came from teammate Rubens Barrichello, who three-stopped his way to second place, after taking the lead into the first corner. While the Brazilian attempted to give himself enough of a gap to keep the lead it was ultimately unsuccessful. However, it was still enough to keep him ahead of his main rivals, Red Bull’s Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel. Webber was able to clinch third place, ahead of his German teammate, who spent most of the race stuck behind a fast-starting Felipe Massa. Vettel only managed to get ahead of Massa as the Brazilian desperately conserved fuel late in the race, after his team failed to put enough fuel into his car at his final stop. It also cost him fifth place, as Fernando Alonso passed him on the last lap. Massa was able to make it around the final lap to finish sixth, ahead of BMW’s Nick Heidfeld and Williams-Toyota’s Nico Rosberg. Mclaren’s Lewis Hamilton suffered the ignominy of being lapped in ninth place. Meanwhile, Massa’s teammate Kimi Raikkonen had another disappointing day, coasting to a halt on lap 17 with a suspected throttle failure. The race started with a spectacular first lap crash, when a spinning Jarno Trulli eliminated Adrian Sutil and the Toro Rosso duo of Sebastien Buemi and Sebastien Bourdais exiting turn two.

Spanish Grand Prix Result

1 Jenson Button (Brawn Mercedes) 2 Rubens Barrichello (Brawn Mercedes) 3 Mark Webber (Red Bull Renault) 4 Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Renault) 5 Fernando Alonso (Renault) 6 Felipe Massa (Ferrari) 7 Nick Heidfeld (BMW Sauber) 8 Nico Rosberg (Williams Toyota) 9 Lewis Hamilton (Mclaren Mercedes) 10 Timo Glock (Toyota) 11 Robert Kubica (BMW Sauber) 12 Nelson Piquet (Renault) 13 Kazuki Nakajima (Williams Toyota) 14 Giancarlo Fisichella (Force India Mercedes)

Not classified:

Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari) Heikki Kovalainen (Mclaren Mercedes) Jarno Trulli (Toyota) Sebastien Buemi (Toro Rosso Ferrari) Sebastien Bourdais (Toro Rosso Ferrari) Adrian Sutil (Force India Mercedes)

Championship Driver Standings Button 41 points Barrichello 27 points

Constructors’ World Championship Brawn-Mercedes 68 points Red Bull-Renault 38.5 points Its an educated guess at to which team will win the Constructors’ World Championship for 2009! For rmore standings and the F1 Minute daily news and updates visit

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REF: 119

REF: 259

REF: 0350

Excellent value in Gañuelas village, a pretty country property with 4 beds. The property is on a steep plot of 2000m2 and has distant sea views. It is approximately 15 minutes drive from the beaches of Puerto de Mazarron. Price 140.000€ plus taxes

Lovely detached 3 bed, 2 bath villa with large underbuild on a 5000m2 plot. The property is set at the foot of the Sierra Espuña Natural Park and yet only a few minutes drive from Totana. Price 299.000€ plus taxes

In the centre of Totana with the Sierra Espuña Natural Park only a 5 minute drive, a 2 bed 1 bath apartment with a terrace of 22m2. The property has central heating and is fully furnished. There is a lift and 2 parking spaces. Price 128.750€ plus taxes

REF: 0381

REF: 0413

REF: 0414

In the countryside only a few minutes drive from the centre of Alhama, a detached 3 - 4 bed property with swimming pool on a plot of 13,000m2. There is a solar energy system with generator back up. Spectacular views. Price 275,500€ plus taxes

Only 2 minutes walk from the sea, a good size duplex with 3 beds and 2 baths. There are paved terraced areas and a garden with space for a pool. The property is being sold furnished and has a modern wood burner. There is an off road parking area to the front of the plot. Price 257.500€ plus taxes

In Cantereros, El Pareton, a duplex with 3 beds and 2 baths. It has a terrace of 15m2 and a balcony of 12m2. To the rear there is a garden and swimming pool. The property is being sold fully furnished and has a log burner and hydro massage bath. Price 203.975€ plus taxes

REF: 0425

REF: 0430

REF: 0427

On the edge of Las Palas, with mountain views, an extremely spacious family property with 4/5 bedrooms. There is a swimming pool in a large enclosed private courtyard. Garage for 4 cars.

On a corner position, a semi-detached property with 2 beds and 1 bath. The property has a garden with Jacuzzi and terrace and to the rear a private courtyard with storage shed.

In the centre of El Pareton, a 3 bed 2 bath property. To the outside there is a garden area with pool, grass and terrace. The property is being sold partly furnished and has air conditioning and satellite TV

Price 195.700€ plus taxes

Price 85,000€ plus taxes

Price 226.600€ plus taxes

36 Sunshine Magazine

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1 Nile reptiles 5 Cough-syrup amts. 9 Reunion attendees 14 Hand-tied fly 15 Aloe __ 16 Not prohibited 17 Appear to be 18 Head honchos: Abbr. 19 “The Sopranos” actress 20 ‘50s sitcom couple 23 Sch. term 24 Dined 25 Waikiki neckwear 28 President Walesa 31 Churchillian symbols 36 Sicilian smoker 38 Mouth part 40 French landscape painter 41 Davis/Sarandon film 44 Novelist Puzo 45 Darth’s daughter 46 Scissors sound 47 Signs up for 49 Gulf War missile 51 Who and Watson 52 Kernel 54 __ instinct 56 Comics’ tot-tiger team 65 Shark’s habitat 66 Ill-gotten gains 67 Seep 68 Nonstandard speech 69 To be, in Paree 70 Author Ephron 71 They’re stored on iPods 72 Prepare tuna, perhaps 73 Ages 38 Sunshine Magazine


1 Besides 2 Egyptian seaport 3 Veep’s boss 4 Eighteen-wheelers 5 Closed-circuit device 6 Glimpsed 7 Give a nudge 8 Olympic skater Cohen 9 Out-of-doors 10 Regan’s dad 11 Hybrid citrus 12 Ceremonial club 13 Coin drop 21 Sushi fish 22 Off-rd. wheels 25 “I’ll do that for you’’ 26 Hawke of Hollywood 27 Immobile 29 Newcastle export 30 Uses a whetstone 32 Chits

33 Use a whetstone 34 “Aye, aye’’ opposite 35 List of instructions 37 What George couldn’t tell 39 Bank-window letters 42 AMs 43 Comedian’s feedback 48 Solar-system center 50 Pair 53 Beatrix Potter products 55 Chophouse choice 56 Tag figure 57 Citizens’ rights org. 58 Very efficient 59 Rooftop device 60 High C, for one 61 Toon explorer 62 Clod 63 Poet Pound 64 Vast expanses

n: ng tries o i i t n i n pe r wi m en m o c ze fo fro ne d i r A p picke 1st Ju ry y ent ved b ie rec This sudoku grids works in just the same way as a normal sudoku: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Sunshine Magazine.

How to enter: Send us the 5 numbers that are in the coloured boxes. The number order should be left to right, top to bottom. Fill in the form and send to: Sudoku Compeition. Sunshine Mediahouse, Avda. principe de Asturias s/n, Apartado de correo 1039, 30858 El Paretón, Totana (murcia) Or Email your answer, name, address and contact number to:, subject: Sudoku Competition

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For all of your advertising requirements or advice, please call

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Located at Camposol B, at the roundabout intersection with the RM-3. Opening Hrs: Mon to Sat 10am-2pm, 3-6pm. Sun 10am-2pm. Call ROY on 629 455 104 or pop in and see us.

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Pet Passports

Give your pets a thought! You do n’t need to abando n them if you ha ve to move away.

Most UK residents in Spain, have moved here ¨permanently¨, however most of us have left family, friends and loved ones behind. In case of an emergency return to the UK, do you know what you need to do to take your much loved pet with you? Too many times, people have had to leave Spain at a moments notice and have not thought about their ¨cherished pet¨ and have either left them behind as strays or taken them to a ¨rescue society¨ for re-homing. How sad

You can never sa y “I will never go back to the UK to live.”

for the pet who does not understand. I once saw a dog abandoned by its owners at a roundabout near the country club in Camposol. I came back to the roundabout 5 hours later and the dog was still there, looking scared and ¨waiting for its owners to return¨. It was a lovely friendly dog, but stayed where it was left and was probably thinking, ¨they will be back for me soon¨ as would any lost child. The dog was taken in by a local family who fostered the dog until a permanent home was found. A happy ending, but so un-necessary. To help keep you all as ¨one happy family¨, get your pet a passport and keep it up to date.


To bring your dog or cat into the UK or to another EU Country, you must have it micro chipped first, then vaccinated against rabies and then blood tested. You can check out the Defra web site to obtain all the relevant details. Although this is a UK site, the procedures from Spain are the same.

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THE PROCEDURES Have your pet micro chipped

Your pet must be fitted with a microchip so that it can be properly identified. Your local vet can do this for you.

Have your pet vaccinated

After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. There is no exemption to this requirement, even if your pet has a current rabies vaccination. This can be done any time after it has been implanted with a microchip.

Arrange a blood test

After your pet has been vaccinated, it must be blood tested to make sure that the vaccine has given it a satisfactory level of protection against rabies. A satisfactory blood test result must show that the rabies neutralising antibody titre was equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml. Make sure your vet gives you a certified copy of the blood test result with the microchip number correctly shown. If your pet’s blood test is satisfactory, you should ask a vet to issue you with an EU pet passport. You will not be able to bring your pet into or out of the EU under the Scheme until 6 calendar months have passed from the date that the blood sample was taken that gave a satisfactory result.


The entering or re-entering the EU:

Pets may not enter or re-enter the UK until 6 calendar months have passed from the date that a vet took the blood sample which gave a satisfactory test result. Your pet requires only one blood test and 6 months wait provided Sunshine Magazine 47

all subsequent rabies booster vaccinations are given by the required date. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary documentation for your pet to enter or re-enter the EU. Make sure that it is correctly completed and your pet meets all the rules. If you do not, your pet may not be able to enter the country or may have to be licensed into quarantine on arrival. This will mean a delay and cost you money.

HOW TO GET AN EU PET PASSPORT For animals in EU countries, a vet in that country will issue the passport. When you go to get the passport take your pet, its vaccination record and, if applicable, the blood test results. The documents must show your pet’s microchip number. Also take evidence of the date your pet was micro chipped. Make sure that the vet correctly completes sections I-IV of the passport, and V if the animal has had a satisfactory blood test.


Do the honourable thing Now! Remember, Pet’s are for life. They ask for nothing but love! 48 Sunshine Magazine

The passport will become valid for entry or re-entry to the EU 6 calendar months from the date that the blood sample that gave a satisfactory test result was taken. The re-entry date is not shown on the passport so you should make a careful note of it. For example,

if the blood sample was taken on 1 January, the earliest your pet would be able to enter the EU is 1 July. The passport will remain valid provided your pet is re-vaccinated by the “Valid until” date in section IV.


For EU countries where more stringent entry requirements do not apply, the EU has introduced a wait of 21 days from the date of the first rabies vaccination before a pet can enter those EU countries. However, if the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet requires more than one vaccination to complete the primary vaccination protocol, the 21 day wait applies from the date of the final vaccination of that protocol. Your vet will advise you further. Booster vaccinations are valid for entry from the date given provided they are given on time (according to the instructions in the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet where the previous vaccination was given).

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Orphaned siblings Andi (Emma Roberts) and Bruce (Jake T. Austin), have been forced to hide their ownership of their beloved dog, Friday, as they move from one foster home to another. They deceive a pawn shop to get money for hamburgers for themselves and the dog, but are caught. Their social worker Bernie (Don Cheadle) reprimands them, but helps them to minimize the damage. They secretly turn a closed hotel into a home for Friday and any other strays they can find. They are joined by a guy named Dave (Johnny Simmons) and a girl named Heather (Kyla Pratt), both of whom work at a pet store; Dave and Andi soon develop crushes on one another. They are later joined by a kid who lives nearby named Mark (Troy Gentile), who likes Heather, although she does not return the feelings.

they might be forbidden to continue their care for the dogs. One night while Andi and Dave are at a party, the machines fail and go wild and cause so much noise that the cops are called. The dogs are taken to a pound and Bruce and Andi’s foster parents kick them out for stealing, and as predicted they are sent to separate foster homes. The pound prepares to put the dogs down, but Friday escapes and gets to Dave.

The kids rescue many dogs, and Bruce invents and constructs many ingenious machines, using parts he steals from his foster parents, to help feed the dogs and provide sanitary facilities, exercise and entertainment to them. The dogs are quick in learning how to use the machines.

The two reunite all of the kids and they decide to save the dogs despite the fact that they are going to get in big trouble. They break the dogs out of the pound and try to lead them over the county line to an animal shelter there that has a no kill policy, but as the dogs get close to the hotel, they turn and run there as that is their home. The kids and a massive crowd of people follow. At first Animal Control tries to take them back, but Bernie, having seen what the kids did, makes a speech in favor of the dogs as the kids rescued so many strays and gave them a home, something he had been trying to do with the kids he dealt with.

Bernie is pleased to tell them they can move from the foster home they hate to a new one that is a few hours away. Even though this may be their last chance to be placed in a foster home together, they decline as they care too much about the dogs to abandon them, but they cannot tell Bernie this reason because

With donations from the people of the city the hotel ends up fixed up and turned into an actual hotel for dogs named The Hotel For Dogs. The kids all work there, Andi and Dave kiss, and Mark starts to win Heather over. Bernie and his wife end up adopting Andi and Bruce and let them keep Friday whom they had to hide from all of their foster parents.

54 Sunshine Magazine

g o D A e v i G A Home Rusty is approx’

2 years old. He is fully inoculated and castrated and is a beautiful medium size cross bursting with love and affection he would dearly love a home and family to call his own.


Lost is a German

shepherd cross Doberman approx. 2 years old, inoculated and castrated. He was found wondering on the motorway. He is a medium to large dog with a big heart and wonderful nature. He is strong on the lead and needs further training but his recall is excellent. He mixes very well with other dogs and loves to be with people.


Lola Cammie is a crossbred

3year old spayed and innoculated female. She was found abandoned, thin and undernourished. She is now well fed, is looking great and is very affectionate. If you are looking for a companion pet, look no further

If you think you can offer any of these dogs a home please call us on 968431265 or 627118738

Sunshine Magazine 55


CALL 699 508 501

56 Sunshine Magazine

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CALL 699 508 501

58 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 59


Earn extra cash. Free under 500€. Over 500€ - 10€ FOR RENT 2 bed villa (Fiesta) with communal swimming pool available for HOLIDAY RENTALS. Located on Sector A, Camposol. Fully furnished with gas central heating, air-con and UK tv, dvd & video. Rooftop solarium with sun-loungers and patio furniture. Small garden. Close to shops and bars. 1 bed villa also available. Tel: 646 475 367 EMPLOYMENT Are you English? Can you speak Spanish? If so Naura Garden Centre are looking for you to come and work for them. Call for more details. Tel: 902 400 313 FOR RENT Large storage unit. Ideal as a garage or furniture storage. Good price Tel: 669 420 101 FOR SALE Mountain bike, Emmelle Equater. 18” frame and 26” wheels with 18 speed Shimano gears. €30 Tel: 635 885 062 (Camposol)

FOR SALE Log effect Calor Gas fire. Excellent working order and condition. Can be seen working. Cost €1650 from Chimneas in Mazarrón. Will be removed but will need collection. €400 Tel: 968 199 350 (Camposol) FOR RENT Detached villa on Camposol D. Fully furnished with UK tv and air-con. €350pm Tel: 659 159 948 FOR SALE Pair ladies authentic Country and Western leather boots. High quality. New (wrong size purchased). Size 6 narrow fit. Cost £125, sell for €60 Tel: 968 199 350 (Camposol)

FOR RENT 2 bed/2 bath detached villa. Very well furnished with enclosed terrace, central heating. UK tv. Pool with large patio. Suitable for short or long term rent. Excellent rates. Tel: 968 131 843 or 692 400 914 FOR SALE 2004 FORD FOCUS 1.8 TDCI, Diesel, 90,000 km, manual, 115 cv New model engine. 6,495 ovno. Photos available Call 649 353 478

FOR RENT Detached 3 bed villa for long term rent. Fully equipped. Sat UK tv. South facing lounge & terrace. Large garden. Pets welcome. Non smokers only. €395pm Tel: 699 107 072

DELIVERY DRIVER WANTED. To deliver magazines, once a month to various areas. Approximately 12 hours work. Good rate of pay and fuel paid. Must have own vehicle to carry weight of magazines. Call Per on 968 429 113 or 699 501 508.

FOR HIRE Baby equipment, inc travel cots, high chairs & car seats. Free delivery to MCC and Camposol. Tel: 646 475 367

FOR SALE Mountain Bike, Emmelle Equater, 18” Frame and 26” wheels with 18 speed shimano gears. 30 euro Tel 635885062 camposol

Sell anything under 500€ for free!! All property for sale 10€ to advertise Do you have something you want to advertise? A car... A job... Free for situations vacant, and personal items. Call us today or fill out the form below to get into the next issue of the Sunshine Magazine. Tel: 968 429 113, or mail to: Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia, or you can email to Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Item to advertise:

60 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 61

El Alamillo Tel´s Bar Puerto De Mazarron El Arbol, The Tea Pot, English Supermarket Market Tavern, El Duende, Clinica Veternaria

La Azohia Bodega, Camping Madrilles Isla Plana Club La Raspa, Social Bar, Pepelino, Los Torres Camping, Camping Les Delfines

62 Sunshine Magazine

Bolnuevo Upper Between Mazarron Port and Town BP Gas Station Mazarron Town Repsol Garage Mazarron Country Club Restaurante (Cafeteria)

Saladillo BP Gas Station Restaurant Saladillo

Totana Camping Bar Espana Petrol Station

Camposol Sector A Al´s Supermarket English Butcher´s

Totana Ind. Estate Gas Station Bar Bowling Alley

Camposol Sector B Consum, Quicksave Sensol Golf Club House Los Cantareros Upper, Ciao Italia El Pareton Scottie´s Bar Totana Chica´s, Centre Salud

Alhama Gas Station Centre Salud Restaurant Coquus Tourist Office supermarket Polaris World Fuente Alamo Hacienda Del Alamo Las Palas Rest. Meson Madera Tallante Rest. Los Amigos

MAY 2009

TRADERS Dentista / Dentist p18

Clinica Dental Olivier

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents p59 Inmobiliaria La Pinilla p52 Spanish Property Rentals p32 Sunseekers p36-37 Villas Solmar S.L.

Muebles / Furniture p17

Muebles Marpe

Restaurantes y Bars p3 p22 p23 p23

El Saladillo Scot’ties La Fundicion Rest Coquus

Servicios / Services p13 p19 p27 p64 p57 p52 p10 p41 p49 p41 p62 p34 p61 p53 p27 p27 p41 p9 p62 p58 p50 p41 p26 p58

Alley Palais Armaryco Ana Garro Salon Aquabel Aranixa Torres Autoescuela Sobre Ruedas Avance Baby Equipment Hire Bahia Sur Fitness Bare Necessities BC Services Mazarrón Bolnuevo Cars Calida Technical Services Camposol Business Centre CM Construction Conchyta Newell Cool Solutions Costa Cálida Property Debonair Dola Papeleria Eco-pro Electro osmosis damp proofing Eric Daly

968 153 645 968 157 510 968 199 025 968 595 046 968 484 366 968 590 464 968 138 211 968 429 235 616 371 868 968 636 104 968 131 970 686 733 405 968 425 504 968 595 844 689 209 109 968 424 819 646 475 367 968 595 812 646 475 367 676 672 942 968 150 979 968 131 950 968 199 674 634 103 694 659 159 948 696 895 147 600 418 220 968 199 251 966 712 556 968 590 592 664 287 099 686 107 292 608 366 074

p42 p56 p57 p57 p56 p58 p43 p14 p44 p35 p45 p64 p56 p57 p18 p57 p16 p49 p45 p58 p7 p42 p11 p2 p52 p50 p34 p56 p19 p57 p57 p51

Eriks Metalwork Flatpaxia Flight Fantastic Formaés Foto Cat Friends in Nautical Sports Garden Boutique Great Golf Co. Hotel Costa Narejos Hotel La Mariposa IKG Language Ser. Imetalia Jardineria Alcayna Kohn Pool Service La Gardenia La Via Electrodomesticos La Voz Leisure Lawns Linea Directa Locomurcia Max Confort MB Gómez-Abogados Na’ura Printwithus Puerto Aluminio Puerto Baño Radio Cope Espuña Rotulos Canovas Sanle Solar Directa T-Linea Toldos La Marina

Vehiculos / Vehicles p56

Ford Fuente Alamo

Veterinaria / Vets p18

676 152 500 902 881 121 671 902 929 968 154 401 679 134 555 645 657 094 629 455 104 968 575 419 968 586 980 968 631 008 968 503 183 968 422 151 680 374 230 968 138 638 968 154 204 968 592 065 968 592 459 662 319 622 902 123 967 671 682 579 968 960 141 649 818 363 902 400 313 968 429 113 606 462 988 968 595 145 968 631 364 968 427 385 968 591 913 659 315 130 807 505 770 665 762 530

968 597 447

Veterinary Clinic Puerto

968 153 931

Sunshine Magazine 63

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