Sunshine Magazine July

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Formula 1

RECIPES 14 Mississoppi Mud Cake


Sizzling Summer Fashion Trends


Film: Hancock



Brave Heart - article in Spanish by 20 Cinnamon Rolls Juan Sánchez Part 2 21 Elvis´favourite Sandwich What´s my USP? REGULARS Will Smith 13 Gastronomy Section


The Mummy 3


Graceland & Elvis Quiz



Southern Fried Chicken


June Cross- word Solution


Horoscopo SP

For the kids




Amazing Sunshine Magazine Competition








Logic Puzzle

SPORT 30 Extreme Sports


Samurai Sudoku


Palabra del mes




Puzzle answers


Traders list


Bus Timetable & Important Numbers




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EDITORIAL Hi Folks, This morning, all the news is of Nadal´s triumphant win at Wimbledon. Add last week’s brilliant Euro 2008 final and our very own Alejandro Valverde, who was born in Las Lumbreras, winning the opening stage of the Tour de France it’s turning out to be a great year for our adopted country. It’s nice to have some good news for a change even if it is sports (I´m usually not that interested in anything that generates a sweat). I´m tired of economics and politics... the current world situation is something we´ve seen before - everything cycles! For our recipes this month we honor the 31th anniversary of Elvis´death with good ole southern food. I have included his favourite sandwhich but not sure I am brave enough to try it. Good luck with the Elvis quiz on page 63.

Amanda Judson Editor

Published by: Advertising: Asst. Editor: Editor/ Graphic Design: Office Tel: Magazine email: Sunny Numbers: Office: Office Hours: Snail mail: 6 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Media House Per Jensen 699 501 508 Wendy Darby 968 429 113 Amanda Judson Design 968 429 113 Above El Cine Bar, El Pareton Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 am - 2 pm Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 EL Paretón, Totana, Murcia

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Of all the regions of Italy, Sicily covers the largest land area at 25,708 km² and currently has five million inhabitants. It is also the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, several much smaller islands surrounding it are also considered to be part of Sicily. Along with Sardinia, the island is officially classified as a region of Insular Italy. Throughout much of its history, Sicily has been considered a crucial strategic location due in large part to its importance for Mediterranean trade routes. The area was highly regarded as part of Magna Graecia, with Cicero describing Siracusa as the greatest and most beautiful city of all Ancient Greece. Although a region of Italy today, Sicily was once its own country as the Kingdom of Sicily, ruled from Palermo. The kingdom originally ruled over the island, the southern Italian peninsula and Malta before the Sicilian Vespers. It later became a part of the Two Sicilies under the Bourbons, with the capital in Naples rather than Sicily. Since that time Sicily is now an autonomous part of Italy. 8 Sunshine Magazine

Sicily is considered to be highly rich in its own unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, cuisine, architecture and even language. The Sicilian economy is largely based on agriculture; this same rural countryside has attracted significant tourism in the modern age as its natural beauty is highly regarded. Sicily also holds importance for archeological and ancient sites such as the Necropolis of Pantalica and the Valley of the Temples. Sicily is directly adjacent to the Italian region of Calabria, via the Strait of Messina to the east. The early Roman name for Sicily was Trinacria, alluding to its triangular shape. Sicily has been noted for two millennia as a grain-producing territory. Citrons, oranges, lemons, olives,


olive oil, almonds, and wine are among its are the three dormant volcanos of Vulcano, Vulcanello and Lipari. Off the Southern other agricultural products. coast of Sicily, the underwater water volcano The island of Sicily is drained by several of Ferdinandea, which is part of the larger rivers, most of which flow through the central Empedocles last erupted in 1831. It is located area and enter the sea at the south of the between the coast of Agrigento and the island island. The Salso River flows through parts of Pantelleria (which itself is a dormant of Enna and Caltanissetta before entering the volcano), on the Phlegraean Fields of the Strait Mediterranean Sea at the port of Licata. To the of Sicily. east the Alcantara in the province of Messina, it exits at Giardini-Naxos. The other two main The island has a long history of producing rivers on the island are to the south-west with a variety of noted cuisines and wines, to the extent that Sicily is sometimes nicknamed Belice and Platani. God’s Kitchen because of this.The ingredients Mount Etna is the only volcano on mainland are typically rich in taste while remaining Sicily located in the east; with a height of 3,320 affordable to the general populance. The m (10,900 ft) it is the tallest active volcano savory dishes of Sicily are viewed to be healthy, in Europe and one of the most active in the implementing fresh vegetables and fruits, world. As well as Etna, there are several non- such as tomatos, artichokes, olives (including volcanic mountain ranges in Sicily, Sicani to olive oil), citrus, apricots, aubergines, onions, the west, Eeri in the central era and Iblei in the beans, raisins commonly coupled with sea south-east. Across the north of Sicily there are food, freshly caught from the surrounding three other mountains Madonie, Nebrodi and coastlines, including tuna, sea bream, sea bass, Peloritani. cuttlefish, swordfish, sardines and others. Perhaps the most well known part of Sicilian The Aeolian Islands to the north-east are cuisine is the rich sweet dishes including ice volcanically significant with Stromboli creams and pastries. Cannoli, a tube-shaped currently active, also in the Tyrrhenian Sea shell of fried pastry dough filled with a sweet

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Temples, volcanoes, natural wonders and delicious pastries... The typical colours of local pottery, sage green and yellow, are the colours of Sicily itself, of its sun and breathtaking beauty.

filling usually containing ricotta cheese, is in particular strongly associated with Sicily worldwide. Biancomanfiare, biscotti ennesi (cookies native to Enna), braccilatte a Sicilian version of doughnuts, buccellato, ciarduna, pignoli, bruccellati, sesame seed cookies, a sweet confection with sesame seeds and almonds (torrone in Italy) is cubbaita, from the Arabic sweet qubbayt, frutta martorana, cassata, pignolata, granita and cuccĂŹa are

amongst some of the most notable sweet dishes. Like the cuisine of the rest of southern Italy, pasta plays an important part in Sicilian cuisine, as does rice; for example with arancini. As well as using some other cheeses, Sicily has spawned some of its own, using both cows and sheeps milk, such as pecorino and caciocavallo. Spices used include saffron, nutmeg, clove, pepper, and cinnamon which were introducted by the Arabs. Although commonly associated with sea food cuisines, meat dishes including goose, lamb, goat, rabbit, and turkey are also found in Sicily, it was the Normans and Hohenstaufen who first introduced a fondness for meat dishes to the island. Sicily has long been associated with the arts; many poets, writers, philosophers, intellectuals, architects and painters have roots on the island. The history of prestige in this field can be traced back to Greek philosopher Archimedes, a Syracuse native who has gone on to become renowned as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Gorgias and Empedocles are two other highly noted early Sicilian-Greek philosophers, while

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the Syracusan Epicharmus is held to be the inventor of comedy. The golden age of Sicilian poetry began in the early 13th century with the Sicilian School, which was highly influential. Some of the most noted figures in the area of Sicilian poetry and writing are Luigi Pirandello, Salvatore Quasimodo, Antonio Veneziano and Giovanni Verga. On the political side notable Sicilian philosophers include: Giovanni Gentile who wrote The Doctrine of Fascism and Julius Evola.

the “father of Surrealist art” and founder of the metaphysical art movement.

Palermo hosts the Teatro Massimo, which is the largest opera house in Italy and the third largest in all of Europe.Sicilian composers vary from Vincenzo Bellini, Sigismondo d’India, Giovanni Pacini and Alessandro Scarlatti, to contemporary composers such as Salvatore Sciarrino. Many award winning and acclaimed films of Italian cinema have been filmed in Sicily, amongst the most noted of The art of ceramics on Sicily goes back to the which are; Visconti’s “La Terra Trema” and “Il original ancient peoples named the Sicanians, it Gattopardo”, Rosi’s “Salvatore Giuliano” and was then perfected during the period of Greek Antonioni’s “L’avventura”. • colonisation and is still prominent and distinct to this day. There are two prominent folk art traditions on Sicily, both draw heavily from Norman influence; Sicilian cart is the painting of wooden carts with intricate decorations of scenes from the Norman romantic poems, such as The Song of Roland. The same tales are told in traditional puppet theatres which feature hand-made wooden marionettes, this is especially popular in Acireale. Famous Sicilian painters include Renaissance artist Antonello da Messina, Renato Guttuso and Greek born Giorgio de Chirico who is commonly dubbed

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1 Preheat the oven to 140°C/gas 1. Grease a cake tin with the 2 teaspoons of butter, then dust lightly with the cocoa powder.

Scrummy Mud cake Preparation time 30 minutes Cooking time 1 hr 5 minutes Ingredients 200g plus 2 tsp unsalted Butter, cut into 1cm dice 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 230g plain flour 1 tsp Baking powder 1/8 tsp Salt 115ml Bourbon 335ml strong brewed coffee, cooled 125g plain chocolate, chopped 300g Sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 large Eggs, lightly beaten For the Bourbon fudge sauce: 125g unsweetened chocolate, chopped 100g brown sugar & 50g granulated sugar 200ml double cream, 90ml light corn syrup 2 tbsp Butter, ½ tsp vanilla extract 3 tbsp Bourbon (Whisky) 14 Sunshine Magazine

2 Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl, warm bourbon and coffee in the top of a steamer or a stainless steel bowl set over a pan of simmering water for 5 minutes. 3 Add in the chocolate and remaining butter and heat, stirring, until melted and smooth, remove from the heat. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Cool slightly. 4 Using a whisk or an electric mixer, stir the flour, a third at a time, into the chocolate. Add in the vanilla extract and eggs, whisking to mix well. 5 Bake for 1 hour, when the cake will still be slightly soft in the middle. Remove from the oven and leave to rest in its tin for 20 minutes, turn onto a wire rack to cool before serving. 6 Just before serving prepare the Bourbon fudge sauce. Place the chocolate, brown sugar, granulated sugar, double cream and corn syrup in a microwaveable bowl and microwave for 3 minutes, whisking every minute or so. Once the mixture has thickened whisk in the butter, vanilla extract and Bourbon. Serve the cake with the fudge sauce.

1 For the marinade, combine all the ingredients for the marinade and coat the chicken in a shallow dish. Cover and leave to marinate overnight in the fridge. 2 Combine all the ingredients for the coating. Remove the chicken from the marinade and dip into the spiced flour. Coat thoroughly and return to the fridge for a further 45 minutes. 3 Heat the vegetable oil to in a deep heavybottomed saucepan, until a breadcrumb sizzles and browns when dropped in it. (CAUTION: hot oil can be dangerous - do not leave unattended!). Add the chicken and fry until golden all over. Remove and place on a baking sheet. 4 Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Transfer to the oven and cook for 15-20 minutes until cooked through.

Southern Fried Chicken Preparation time Overnight Cooking time 10 - 30 minutes Serves 4

Ingredients For the marinade 600ml/1 pint buttermilk 6 tbsp coriander, chopped 6 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 shallots, finely chopped ½ tsp dried chilli flakes 1 tbsp salt 4 x 175g chicken breasts, skinless For the coating 6 tbsp plain flour ½ tsp celery salt ½ tsp cayenne pepper ½ tsp ground black pepper ½ tsp paprika To cook the chicken 200ml vegetable oil

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The perfect strawberry daiquiri 2 glasses crushed ice, 1 cup rum (light or dark depending on your preference) about 16 oz of frozen strawberries (thawed), ripe banana Combine all ingredients in a large blender that can crush ice. Blend, pour, and garnish. Warning - this is a delicious drink and goes down really easy.

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Cinnamon Rolls Preparation time 40 minutes, plus proving Cooking time 15 minutes, plus cooling Makes about 10 For the dough 40g fresh yeast 550ml tepid Milk 190g unsalted Butter, melted 2 Eggs 150g caster sugar 1 scant tbsp green cardamom seeds, ground 1kg plain flour, plus 50g for rolling the dough For the filling 250g unsalted Butter, softened 125g Muscavado or demerara sugar 1 scant tbsp ground cinnamon 1 egg, beaten

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1 For the dough: add the yeast to the milk and bring up to 37C (about blood temperature) to activate the yeast. 2 Mix together the melted butter, eggs, sugar and cardamom in a large bowl. Stir in the milk and add the flour in 3 batches, mixing well between each addition. Mix with your hands for 8-10 minutes until the dough holds together, coming away from the bowl edges. 3 Leave the dough to prove in a warm place, covered with a clean tea towel, until the volume doubles. Lay the dough on a table which is been sprinkled generously with flour, and divide in half. Roll out each piece to a 1cm thick sheet. 4 For the filling: mix the butter, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla seeds. Brush each sheet generously with this mixture. Roll up the sheets of dough into a Swiss roll shape. Cut each into 5 pieces, at an angle, and lay out on a baking sheet. Press them down with your thumb to help the layers spread out. Leave to prove for another 25-30 minutes in warm place until the volume doubles again. 5 Preheat the oven to 170C/gas 3. Brush the buns evenly with the beaten egg to glaze. Bake for 15 minutes until nearly cooked but still slightly undercooked inside. Brush with the stock syrup (optional). Leave to cool for 10 minutes before serving as the dough will cook to the perfection during these last 10 minutes. Serve while still warm.

Elvis’ Favourite Sandwich 1 Spread the butter on 1 side of each slice of bread. On the other side of half of the slices spread peanut butter. Place banana slices on top of peanut butter. Drizzle honey over bananas. Place 3 bacon slices on top of the banana, then place the remaining buttered bread slices on top, butter-side-out. 2 Place sandwiches on a preheated grill pan or griddle. Flip them over when they become golden brown and crispy. When the sandwiches are browned on both sides, remove to plates. Slice in half and serve immediately.

Preparation time 5 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4

2 tablespoons butter, softened 8 slices white bread or waffles for an extra treat smooth peanut butter 1 large, ripe banana, sliced honey to tastes 12 slices bacon, Sauteed until crispy

There is a bit of a debate whether he actually enjoyed these sandwiches with the bacon or without - guess will never know.

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JUNE 22 Sunshine Magazine

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SUMMER trends Of the many new fashion trends, just 3 or 4 will probably have some real impact on your wardrobe. VOLUME Short full dirndl swishing skirts. Belted volume, fluid dhoti trousers cropped or long ROMANCE Tiered ruffles, frills and roses on skirts, dresses, tops, blouses, necklines UNDERWEAR EFFECTS Transparent chiffons - layered sheers, see through construction dresses, jackets DECORATION - TRIMS or BRAIDS Folkloric embroidery, cutwork, laser cutting, bead embellished fringes LUXURY MATERIALS & FABRICS Leathers, satins and silks, fine embroidery, fabric flower roses ACCESSORIES - Clutch/small handbags, cuffs, bangles, big sunglasses, scarves, skinny belts.

This limited edition dress from M&S has it all - sheer satiny material, soft romantic ruffles and plenty of bling. 24 Sunshine Magazine

AMERICANA Traditional stripes, spots and celestial stars. Navajo and Rockabilly looks

ARTIST BRUSHSTROKES PAINTERLY PRINTS Graffiti like scribbles and smears, Ombre dip/tie dyed FABULOUS FROCKS Asymmetric draped dresses, tea dresses, maxi dresses TRIBAL EARTH - AFRICAN Traditional prints - Earthy Asian textures, animal and feather fabrics TOP COLOURS - PURPLE REIGN Violet to lilac - sugar almonds - soft tints - neon shocks ECLECTIC PATCHWORK Multi coloured mixed materials in frocks, t-shirts and footwear, jarring to exquisite CITRUS BLOCK COLOURS Orange, tangerine, mandarin, peach, yellow, gold, lemon, yellow, citrus green

Tiered Maxi Dress from Next can be worn as a skirt and 100% cotton. Next are now delivering to Spain.

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MILITARY OR SOFT SAFARI Practical pockets, easy shirt stand summer dresses, military touches, animal prints

hot happening hip

SHOES Colour & print, wedges, Gladiators, espadrilles, peep toes, cone wooden heels, straps

LE JARDIN - BOTANICAL DOLLY PRINTS Retro florals, 40, 50s, 70s flower print blouses

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JULIO 2008

Aries 21 de marzo - 20 de abril

Libra 22 de septiembre - 22 de octubre

Tauro 21 de abril - 21 de mayo

Escorpio 23 de octubre 21de noviembre

Los problemas laborales comenzarán a mejorar, manteniendo una actividad intensa que entregarán excelentes resultados. Nuevos proyectos, y posibilidades comenzaran a aparecer. El apoyo de tu pareja será fundamental para solucionar los conflictos, pero también de todos aquellos que te rodean. Debes tener ciudad con alergias o enfermedades respiratorias. Algunos problemas laborales mejoraran gracias a la creatividad que te acompañará durante este mes. Y para los solteros no será fácil encontrar pareja, por lo que se las deberán ingeniar en sentirse acompañado con los amigos.

Géminis 21 de mayo - 21 de junio

El compañerismo de sus colegas aparecerá, le ayudará a mejorar en su situación laboral y en los negocios comerciales no obtendrá los resultados que espera, pero algo le aportarán. En el amor, el apoyo de la pareja es esencial, y se sentirán destinados a compartir una vida juntos.

Cáncer 22 de junio - 22 de julio

Mitad del año, es el momento perfecto para analizar lo que se viene en los próximos meses. Organizarás tu futuro financiero, y podrás encontrar un nuevo trabajo o cambiarte de área y comenzar un trabajo independiente. Los enamorados seguirán enamorados, pero será el momento ideal para planear el futuro.

Los nuevos proyectos comienzan a tomar forma, y su tiempo lo dedica en tratar de concretarlos. La familia y seres queridos le reprocharán su obsesión por el trabajo, tiene que lograr combinar ambas cosas, lograr una armonía.

El año pasado tuvo que postergar muchos proyectos, pero el dinero y estabilidad que lo acompañan por estas fechas le darán el pie para retomarlos.

Sagitario 22 de noviembre 22 de diciembre

La rutina alborotará su cabeza, en el trabajo todo sigue igual y en el amor también. Muchas dudas que lo harán pensar en la ruptura con su pareja.

Capricornio 23 de diciembre 21de enero

Cuando todo marcha bien y tranquilo, los nativos de este signo sienten que les falta algo. Es por eso que este mes aparecerán ciertos malestares que no tienen razón de ser.

Leo 23 de julio - 22 de agosto

Acuario 22 de enero - 21 febrero

Virgo 23 de agosto - 21 de septiembre

Piscis 22 de febrero - 20 de marzo

El trabajo sigue sumando bonos, lo que le brindará un mes estable y beneficioso para todos los nuevos proyectos que desee emprender. La idea es aprender del pasado y para que la rutina no vuelva a inundar su vida, estos nativos deberán cambiar su enfoque de la vida diaria; sólo así superarán el aburrimiento.

Tomar decisiones no es fácil, y hay que aprender a confiar en el criterio de cada uno. Ante esta incertidumbre la confusión se apoderará de los virginianos. En el amor las cosas parecen marchar mejor, los enamorados continuarán así y los solteros se sentirán con ganas de comenzar nuevas relaciones.

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La comunicación seguirá funcionando en el trabajo, los compañeros le pedirán consejos y entre sus cercanos lograrán un gran entendimiento.

Los problemas respiratorios los ha acompañado todos estos meses, es el momento de ir al médico y diagnosticar el real problema.

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Extreme Summer Sports?

YOU CAN GO ALL A-TEAM ON YOUR BATH AND FASHION IT INTO A SPEEDBOAT – HUNDREDS OF RACERS DO EACH YEAR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BATHTUB RACE JULY 27 NANAIMO, CANADA Nobody ever said bathtubs had to be reserved solely for the purposes of hygiene and selfindulgent laziness. You could, after all, go all A-Team on your big vat of water and fashion it into a speedboat. Which is exactly what hundreds of bathtub racers do every year at the World Championship Bathtub Race in Nanaimo Harbour, British Columbia. Having somehow converted their tubs into boats – it costs about £1,500 to do so, if you’re tempted – complete with outboard motors of up to 8hp, the racers zip around a 36-mile course in their new high-octane bathtub boats. Much more fun, surely?

as well as the theme for the “SAIL PAST on WHEELS FUN PARADE” on the Saturday of the Bathtub Weekend. The “Spirit of Tubbing” competition encourages the entire business community to get in the “Bathtub Spirit” by decorating their business in the Marine Festival theme and having their staff dress in the “Official Bathtub Race T-shirts. Judging takes place mid-month and awards for different sized businesses are handed out during the Marine Festival week and proudly displayed.”

This years Nanaimo Marine Festival’s salute is to the “150th anniversary of the Province of BRITISH COLUMBIA”. The salute will also be the theme for the city wide “Spirit of Tubbing” competition sponsored by the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce 30 Sunshine Magazine

2008LUMBERJACK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS JULY 25-27, US SUMMER REDNECK GAMES EAST DUBLIN, US This sawdust-filled celebration of the logging industry, held at Lumberjack Bowl in Hayward, Wisconsin each year, sees more than 100 lumberjacks and lumberjills (er...) showing off their exquisite range of tree-slaughtering skills in a bid to earn a share of the lucrative $50,000 prize pot. Competitors battle it out in 21 different events – cue furious amounts of woodchopping (above), sawing tree stumps, log rolling and clambering up 90ft cedar trees. Because that’s what lumberjacks do.

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JULY 2008

Aries 21 March-20 April Your main focus in July is work and family. Only towards the end of the month are you feeling more sociable and playful. Your energy increases for work projects, and your job environment is especially lively. It’s a fabulous month for joining a gym or stepping up exercise and health routines. The 23rd brings professional concerns that you handle eloquently; and the 26th could bring a promotion or job offer.

Libra 22 September-22 October Career matters take center stage for most of July and uou possess extra charm and verve in your professional life. Behind the scenes projects also capture your interest, even if your life feels very public just now. Strong opportunities for love and fun occur and friendships are rewarding. Attention to home and family is necessary and an important meeting with a person who influences your career choices occurs.

Taurus 21 April-20 May Romance has recently become a rather serious matter for you. Responsibility and maturity are themes this year when it comes to your romantic life. This may also be true of relationships with children. Love intensifies and having fun is a priority. July may be one of the most interesting and lively months of the year for you.

Scorpio 23 October-21 November Even if you don’t have solid travel plans, your mind is certainly focused on “getting away from it all” in July. Social life takes priority in your life. You have recently become very serious about your long-term goals, and this month you are especially motivated to put your plans and dreams into action. An important conversation with a friend occurs.

Gemini 21 May-21 June Money matters come into focus for you when discussions and ideas about finances and material security figure strongly. You may be tempted to spend money on things that will make your life more comfortable and pleasant, and work that needs to be done in and around the home becomes a priority. A quiet month is in store and you have opportunities to boost your feelings of security and comfort.

Sagittarius 22 November-22 December You pour more energy into self-promotion or business activities this month. While you are generally showing patience and developing strategies in most areas of life in July, impatience is likely when it comes to your professional life. Competitive energies run high, and ego conflicts with those in authority could result.

Cancer 22 June-22 July July is a power month for you. It’s time to go after what you want with confidence. Opportunities to increase your income find you this month, and you are likely to receive gifts and other favors. July is an excellent time to work on intellectual tasks with more vigor and passion.

Capricorn 23 December-21 January Negotiating and one-on-one relationships figure strongly for you in July. A love affair may become a little more serious now. Spending time with someone special is a focus. Some restlessness and hunger for adventure is experienced this month and you are looking to expand your activities.

Leo 23 July-22 August Life winds down for you and you are able to get the rest you need before the power weeks ahead. Although closing projects and withdrawing a little from the busy pace of your life is in order, you are highly motivated to make money. You have much energy for new money-making projects, or for stepping up existing ones.

Aquarius 22 January-21 February Taking care of business is a focus this month and practical matters are especially strong when you have opportunities to increase your income or influence on the job. Taking pride in your work figures now, and it’s a great month for improving your efficiency. A health routine started now is likely to be successful.

Virgo 23 August-21 September Friends and lovers take priority for most of July. Your energy is seemingly boundless this month andothers might be surprised by your ability to assert yourself and your needs. You don’t find yourself lacking in opportunities to socialize. You’re moving at top speed, but wind down in the last week of the month, when you are in need of some down time.

Pisces 22 February-20 March You are enjoying a pleasure peak and romantic relationships heat up, and partnering matters become very lively. Conflicts are a likely part of the picture, but generally lead to greater mutual understanding--and they certainly make for a lively time! Any disgruntlements that you or a significant other have been harboring are likely to surface now and demand attention.

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John Hancock (Will Smith) is an unhappy

superhero who is living in his own world. He is depressed and drinking very heavily. He has saved many lives in Los Angeles over the years, but in doing so, he has no regards for damaging buildings, trains, roads, cars, or anything that gets in his way to get the job done. The last time he captured several criminals, it cost the city $9 million to fix the damages. The public has had enough of Hancock, and they want him to stop or go to another city. Then one day, Hancock saves the life of Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman) from being run over by a train. Ray feels he owes Hancock his life, and he makes it his mission to change this superhero’s image and have the public cheering him. He persuades Hancock to go to prison so that the public will miss him and see that they need him. He reluctantly agrees and after a month the Chief of Police calls him to help save an officer who is pinned down in a bank robbery. Hancock saves the officer, removes 36 Sunshine Magazine

the gang then cuts the hand off the leader (Eddie Marsan), as he is holding a dead man’s switch on a detonator. After the rescue the crowd begin to cheer Hancock, as Embrey had predicted. Embrey and his wife Mary (Charlize Theron) go out to lunch with Hancock and afterwards, while Ray is asleep after passing out from drinking too much, Hancock discovers that she is like him. Mary reveals that they are members of an ancient race and are at least 3000 years old. The race eventually died out because of their weakness which causes them to lose their powers when in close proximity to one another. Members of this race were created in pairs, and are inevitably drawn towards

each. Ray’s wife and Hancock have a brief fight scene and during this scene tornados and other weather disturbances wreak havoc on the city. Hancock starts to lose his powers, and is attacked by the one handed bank robber. But when he is about to be killed Ray chops the robber’s other hand off and saves Hancock. The movie ends with Hancock accepting his role as a hero, and letting Ray and Mary live a normal life, while remaining their friend.

alcoholic that then ends up hitting on my wife. It was a fun thing. To play the victim is funny.”


Also, Jae Head ... Aaron Embrey Eddie Marsan ... Red David Mattey ... Man Mountain Maetrix Fitten ... Matrix Thomas Lennon ... Mike Johnny Galecki ... Jeremy

Will Smith as John Hancock, an alcoholic, down-and-out, incredibly sarcastic superhero. He is invulnerable, does not age, possesses superhuman strength, and can fly at supersonic speeds.To give a realistic appearance of superhero flight, Smith was often suspended by wires 60 feet above the ground and propelled at 50 miles per hour.

Charlize Theron as Mary Embrey, Ray’s wife, who initially does not think Hancock can be made likable, but really wants him to succeed for her husband’s sake. She is later revealed to be a superhuman as well, sharing Hancock’s powers as well as some degree of Weather control.

Jason Bateman as Ray Embrey, a corporate public relations consultant whose life Hancock saves. Bateman said, “[It] was a fun thing to play, a very idealistic guy that’s trying to build up this suicidal, homeless

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Alpha 1 Alpha 1 has three qualified hairdressers including Alison a Toni & Guy trained funky stylist, and two stylists, Julie and Vanessa who have around 50-years experience between them specialising in hi/lo lights and colour correction, spiral perms and hair extensions. A fully qualified beauty therapist offers manicure/ pedicure, massage, various facials and waxing etc.

A shinning new English hair and beauty salon is now available in Las Palas on the High Street. For more information call Alpha 1 on: 968 159 012

Alpha 1 is only twenty minutes from the Port of Mazarr贸n and 10 minutes from Camposol and Hacienda de Alamo. Alpha 1 can be found on the Las Palas High Street opposite the Tobaccos shop and about 200 yards from Meson Madera restaurant.

38 Sunshine Magazine

If you don´t find what you are looking for here, then try theSunny Number telephone book and If you are a business owner and are not listed in Sunny Numbers, then please call us today to make sure your business is listed in the 2009 issue. Tel: 968 429 113 or email us at info@sunnynumbers. com and we will be in contact with you. Sunny Numbers, brought to you by the publisher of the Sunshine Magazine, Sunshine Mediahouse


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Formula 1 Silverstone

Flawless Hamilton triumphant at sodden Silverstone McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton gave his adoring fans exactly what they came to see at a sodden Silverstone on Sunday. A brilliant British Grand Prix victory in often treacherous conditions lifted him right back into contention for the world championship, on a day when Kimi Raikkonen failed to shine and Ferrari team mate Felipe Massa and BMW Sauber’s Robert Kubica were the ones who came home pointless. The race started on a damp track, with the promise of more rain to come. Hamilton touched wheels with pole-sitting team mate Heikki Kovalainen on lap one at Copse after making a terrific start, and edged ahead of him at Becketts on the fifth lap. Thereafter it was his race to lose, and the most crucial point came when both he and Raikkonen, an apparent threat at this stage, pitted on the 21st lap. But where McLaren gave their man another set of standard wet-weather Bridgestones, Ferrari kept theirs on the same set. Hamilton rocketed away from the red

car, and Raikkonen slipped steadily down the order as strong mid-race performances from Nick Heidfeld and Robert Kubica put BMW Sauber into the frame for podium finishes. Heavy rain in the middle of the race created further havoc, however, as driver after driver slipped and slid off the road. This was where clever strategic thinking by Ross Brawn at Honda saw the team risk bringing in both Rubens Barrichello and Jenson Button for extreme wet tyres on the 35th lap. The Brazilian made great use of them and was able to push up into second place until a late switch back to intermediates. As Heidfeld clung on to a good second place, after making the right call for fresh intermediates at his first stop, Barrichello recovered to a podium finish that was a great boost to the Japanese team. Behind them, Raikkonen finally fought his way out of a late-race battle with Renault’s Fernando Alonso and Kovalainen to finish fourth. That means that Hamilton, Massa and Raikkonen now lead the world championship Sunshine Magazine 43

fight with 48 points apiece, with Kubica fourth on 46! Kovalainen fought his way past Alonso in the closing stages for fifth, as Williams’ Kazuki Nakajima and Toyota’s Jarno Trulli closed in on them. On the last lap the Japanese racer’s attempts to pass the Spaniard dropped him a place, as Trulli saw an opening and pounced. Nico Rosberg was ninth after a terrible race, in which he started from the pit lane and later damaged yet another nose and front wing after rear-ending Timo Glock’s Toyota. Mark Webber also had a terrible day, spinning on the opening lap after starting from the front row. He spun several more times on his way to 10th, ahead of Toro Rosso’s Sebastien Bourdais, Glock and Massa. All of them spun at least once, with Massa talking the award for the most spins (around six) and the dizziest driver by the end. The extreme wet tyres did not turn the trick for Button, who ended his day off the road in the second Honda, as did Renault’s Nelson Piquet after a decent run. Both Force Indias also spun out of contention. And Sebastian 44 Sunshine Magazine

Vettel’s mistake on the first lap helped to put David Coulthard out of his last British Grand Prix. “That,” Hamilton said afterwards, “was the toughest win of my career, but definitely the best.” Courtesy Official Formula 1 news release

British Grand Prix POS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

NO 22 3 17 1 23 5 11 8 7 10 14 12 2

DRIVER Lewis Hamilton Nick Heidfeld Rubens Barrichello Kimi Räikkönen Heikki Kovalainen Fernando Alonso Jarno Trulli Kazuki Nakajima Nico Rosburg Mark Webber Sebastian Bourdais Timo Glock Felipe Massa

David Coulthard announces his retirement from competitive Formula One racing at the end of the 2008 season. Coulthard, who started his F1 career back in 1994, will continue to work for the team in a new testing and development role.

TEAM POINTS McLaren-Mercedes 10 BMW Sauber 8 Honda 6 Ferrari 5 McLaren-Mercedes 4 Renault 3 Toyota 2 Williams-Toyota 1 Williams-Toyota Red Bull Renault STR Ferrari Toyota Ferrari


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Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There´s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Sunshine Magazine. 46 Sunshine Magazine

ACROSS 11 Bob’s top treatment 12 Atomic research centre near Wantage opened in 1947 13 Snow village in the fell area of Yllas in Lapland 14 Beethoven’s Archduke 15 Australian dame and housewife 16 Fair or soft girl from Cornwall 17 Strict interpreter of RC doctrine 18 Smoky, according to the bard 19 The company created by dressdesigner, Daniella Helayel 20 The most advantageous running lanes 22 A bunker for Tiger 24 A bundle of brushwood 26 A sports car with a folding canvas roof 28 In filming, an outdoor scene 31 He “lands hatless from the air”, according to Betjeman 32 It became the capital city of Northern Rhodesia in 1935 33 Oil-rich emirate 34 A makeshift or last resort 36 London park, opened in 1842, a “pastural eminence” and scene of C19th duels 39 Ready in Rouen–before “to wear” 41 Where “a dipping totally annihilates bashfulness”, according to Francis Grose 43 New Orleans’ nickname as a city 45 Approximately in Amiens 46 Computer programming language used in scientific calculations 47 What “silence leaves”, according to Keats

21 The treacherous king of the Lapiths bound to a revolving wheel 22 Where, in 1835, a crowd gathered to protest against Lord Robert Grosvenor’s Sunday Trading Bill 23 Location of Ballykissangel DOWN 25 Garlic-flavoured mayonnaise 1 Challenge or set in battle 27 The granadilla array 29 An uncut precious stone 2 A rocky ravine in the USA 3 National park with the USA’s 30 TV, as opposed to the cinema highest waterfall 4 Scott Joplin’s rag in The Sting 35 His selfless concern for the well-being of other people 5 Given by Simon Preston, E. 36 Garment for the Lass That Power Biggs or Judith Weir 6 Women who apply cosmetics Loved a Sailor? 37 Dagger worn by a liberally Highlander in his stocking 7 Oratorio first performed in 38 In Germany, a count with Birmingham in 1846 jurisdiction over a territory 8 Author of A Question of 40 100 sen Attribution 42 Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin 9 An extreme sceptic who 44 Portuguese poet who wrote maintains nothing has a real Oaristos existence 10 Nickname of the football team from Bayview Park 48 Forename of the former South African cricket captain accused of match-fixing 49 Of the crow family 50 Heads on a square base, usually doublefaced

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2ª Parte Struan Norte de Escocia

“BRAVE HEART” Juan Sánchez …Y haciendo caso omiso de mí, algo obsesivo, sentido de la armonía y el buen gusto, me adentré en los secretos de aquella casita de “Hansel y Gretel”, que no era más que un hotelito encantador y escrupulosamente distribuido, en sus interioridades, con todos los aditamentos y el singular sentido de la decoración típicamente inglés. (Muy recargado y pasado de “plasma”) Aún así, me gustó mucho, muchísimo: las maderas nobles de la barra con altillo de diminutos balaustres del rojizo “Alerce” muy trabajado, los estilizados taburetes, que fortificaban el mostrador, de asientos de piel escarlata y bruñidos adornos , el repensado recibidor de entrada al establecimiento, que daba acceso al bar, Púb, o lo que fuera. Un saloncito muy recogido y discreto, aledaño a la barra, donde daban buena cuenta de unas “pintas” varias simpáticas y jocosas mozuelas, que supuse eran de la aldea, (Pero que vaya usted a saber de donde mamaron su primera leche). El final del bar se cerraba en una añosa puerta de roble que franqueaba el paso a lo que se entreveía como el salón comedor, y al asomarse se descubría una estancia donde predominaban los colores cálidos, quizás como contrapunto al gélido ambiente dominante en la región. Destacaban los ventanales guardados por unos visillos de evidente labor artesana, mobiliario típico y 50 Sunshine Magazine

mantelerías a juego con el entorno. Más debo decir que el conjunto tenía un entrañable aire de íntima salvaguarda, como un escenario preparado para los amoríos clandestinos, escapadas de <<neoenamorados>> (Párvulos de la escuela del amor y las artes amatorias), nidito de arrumacos y complicidad para con sus huéspedes. Después de fisgonear un poco, o un mucho (Se tuvo que notar que soy de pueblo, concretamente de “Santiago y Zaraiche”), después de saludar a la muchachumbre del lugar presente en el bar, con un inglés de torpeza en grado sumo, ortopédico y oxidado, quise pedir una buena cerveza, fresca, sabrosa, espesa y bruna, una Guinness por ejemplo, que aunque no sea escocesa a mí siempre me lo ha parecido, será quizás por mi apego emocional por aquellas tierras tan recónditas e idealizadas por mi, siempre laboriosa, imaginación (¡Es irlandesa!, Dublinesa, la Guinness, lo anoto aquí para que sirva de orientación a los barrigudos cerveceros faltos de ilustración al respecto, aunque dudo mucho que, dichos gourmets del zumo de cebada, desconozcan ese dato). El caso es que no había presencia alguna tras la barra, un vacío típico, por lo general, en los pueblos más desconocidos y menos hollados por el, siempre carroñero, turista urbanita, o, talvez fuese, que el pobre hombre que ponía las copas había ido a satisfacer alguna necesidad intestinal muy acuciante. Las mozalbetas, que realmente no lo eran tanto, avizoras y muy cotillas ellas, se percataron de mi desazón y mi desorientación sobre las costumbres del lugar. - ¡Ring the bell! .Dijeron, ellas, al unísono - What bell?. Pregunté, algo confuso. A lo que ellas respondieron señalando el

mostrador. Y allí, en el centro de la barra, había una evidente campana de bronce, de las muy usuales en los barcos de pesca de todo el mundo. Hice ademán de cogerla para hacerla sonar (Ring the bell) y las <<ladys>> se partieron el culo de la risa…. La jodida campana estaba pegada, atornillada o soldada al puto mostrador. Pero yo no debía ser el primero en picar, eso se notaba en la cara de aquellas pánfilas. Y me vinieron a la mente dos explicaciones diferentes para lo sucedido: o bien era una muestra del típico humor inglés, o por aquellos lares también pululan elementos mangantes, y desaprensivos amos de lo ajeno, (Como en todos lados, ¡coño!, como en todos lados. Eso decía mi buen amigo el camionero), o ambas cosas a la vez. Junto a los grifos de cerveza, había un pequeño “Gong” (Ese curioso artilugio oriental), que desentonaba enormemente entre aquella decoración decimonónica, y era esa la <<Campana>> que había que zamarrear, pero las hijas de la gran bretaña aquellas, solo te lo decían tras haber hecho el pardillo con el otro batintín. Con más ganas de cachondeo por mi parte, hice uso del platillo metálico en varias ocasiones, llamando, así, la atención del mesonero escocés. Se presentó en la barra, al oír el escándalo, una figura bajita, regordeta, tocada con una espesa barba mofletuda y canosa, y ataviado con la indumentaria folclórica de aquel país: falda escocesa (Kilts), de un llamativo <<Tartán>>,(Tejido a cuadros que da forma a la prenda y cuyo dibujo define la pertenencia a un determinado <<Clann>>), largos y gruesos calcetines con la misma trama, camisa blanca, chaqueta con

botonadura dorada y gorrito con pompón y toda la parafernalia. Lo cual no me extrañó ni un pelo. Todo, por aquellos lares, estaba pintado a cuadros escoceses. Conteniendo mi risa, alentada por la cizaña de aquellas mindangas angloparlantes, pedí una caña, mejor dicho, media <<Pinta>>, que viene a ser lo mismo, - Half a pint, please. Me sorprendí, a mí mismo, chapurreando un inglés sacado de aquellas entrañables películas de Alfredo Landa. Pero surtió efecto, y el gnomo vestido de fiesta me puso una caña de una enturbiada cerveza rojiza, que parecía…, bueno no voy a decir lo que parecía. Hacía un relativo calor, y la cerveza entraba de muerte: - one more please, other, and other…. No sé cuantas, se estaba en la gloria en aquella terraza cubierta por las horrorosas sombrillas playeras, donde me aposente para mejor observar aquel paisaje rural tan diferente (Tan Guiri), pero tan familiar a mi imaginación… Y cogí el teléfono móvil, era el momento exacto de hacer una llamada, una llamada que llevaba posponiendo siete inacabables años, siete años de yerros y absurda obsesión, ochenta y cuatro meses, trescientas setenta y ocho semanas, dos mil quinientos cincuenta y seis días con sus tantas noches. Una llamada que iba a vencer todas las tormentas pasadas, una voz que, desde los tres mil quinientos kilómetros que nos separaban, acercaría nuestras palabras, que no nuestros distantes corazones. Un discurso mil veces repensado, unos sencillos pensamientos afinados, pulidos, concretos, directos y reveladores de mi verdad. Verdad con letras de neón, destellantes ideas que no se habían disuelto en el mar de la indiferencia que separó nuestras vidas. En todo eso pensaba mientras saboreaba la enésima pinta, aquel néctar divino, madurado en la ignorancia de mis tribulaciones. Cogí el teléfono, busqué su número en la agenda y, antes de darle a la tecla de llamada, miré aquella - half a pint de cerveza, tan <<turbia>> como ella… ¡No merece la pena!, pensé… y colgué. Y, no sé como, se coló en mi reflexión lo del valeroso corazón Escocés: << Brave Heart >>, a la vez que sonaba, en mi mente, aquella famosa copla Española de mediados del siglo pasado: “Están clavadas dos cruces/ en el monte del olvido/ por dos amores que han muerto/ si haberse comprendido…” ¡La cerveza estaba cojonuda! - ¡One more, please! Un saludo para, casi, tod@s Juan Sánchez – 20/04/2008

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WHAT’S MY USP? by Amanda Judson MBA I recently had a conversation with two of my clients, separate occasions, and the acronym USP came up. I thought it would be a good topic to cover for this month´s business article. USP - Unique Selling Proposition One way you differentiate your business from direct or indirect competition is by offering some distinct and appealing feature, benefit, or idea that sets you apart from the rest of the ‘me-too’ herd. This is your Unique Selling Proposition or USP. The concept of a USP has been around for a long time, but many business owners are unaware of its incredible value. Your USP is something you can offer your clients or customers that is of benefit to them and gives you an advantage over, or sets you apart from, the competition. If you can’t answer the following question, you are losing out on business you could be getting and should be getting, but aren’t. And that’s the biggest “expense” in your business. Why should people do business with you not go somewhere else? What do you have to offer that’s different, and is of a distinct benefit to the people you are trying to serve? And we don’t mean the usual yada, yada about “we have great quality or “we’re very reliable.” Everyone uses those - even if they don’t deliver. So that’s hardly UNIQUE. When I lived in the US, I had business owners from a variety of businesses and industries attend my marketing workshops, Very few of them have been able to state what their USP was. It really stumped them. But to their credit, they immediately saw the value and necessity of working this out for their businesses. A pizza company, in its early years, was literally built around this USP: “We deliver within 30 minutes or you get it free.” This lifted the company out of the herd of other pizza “me-toos” and increased the company’s sales by millions.

Amanda Judson Design An advertising & marketing consultancy, located in Mazarrón. With my unique small town view & big-city agency experience I understand what clients - large & small need. Whether its Graphic & Web Design or planning your Advertising & Marketing campaign:

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small but amazing Once you are clear about your USP you have to really live up to it. It can’t just be lip service. You have to embody it. You have to be it. You have to deliver on it. Remember, you are NOT trying to appeal to everybody. Your USP should be aimed at, and appeal to, your target market. So you’d better know who they are, and how to reach them with your message. If not, it’s time to survey and find out. Your advertising and special promotions should feature your USP. So should your fliers, business cards, print ads, etc. Often the USP is all anyone can remember about a company. But that’s all they need to remember to keep them coming back.

To advertise in the Sunshine Magazine, Sunny Numbers 2009 or www. call on 968 429 113 or send an email to Sunshine Magazine 53

54 Sunshine Magazine

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Will was born and raised in West Philadelphia and Germantown in Northwest Philadelphia. His mother, Caroline was a school administrator who worked for the Philadelphia school board, and his father, Willard Christopher Smith, Sr., was a refrigeration engineer. Smith’s charming and sly demeanor in school resulted in the nickname “Prince”, which eventually turned into the “Fresh Prince”.

Will Smith While still in his teens, Smith began rapping and eventually began collaborating with Jeff Townes (a.k.a. D.J. Jazzy Jeff), whom he met at a party. He attended Overbrook High School in West Philadelphia. D.J. Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince was born with Smith handling the rhymes and Townes overseeing the mastery of mixing and scratching – the combination was a pop and hip-hop hit during the 1980s and early 1990s. While it is widely reported that Smith turned down a scholarship to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he never applied to MIT, although he was admitted to a “pre-engineering program” there. According to Smith, “My mother, who worked for the School Board of Philadelphia, had a friend who was the admissions officer at MIT. I had pretty high SAT scores and they needed black kids, so I probably could have gotten in. But I had no intention of going to college.” 56 Sunshine Magazine

Smith started as the MC of the hip-hop duo DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, with his childhood friend Jeffrey “DJ Jazzy Jeff” Townes as turntablist and producer as well as Ready Rock C (Clarence Holmes) as the human beat box. The trio was known for performing humorous, radio-friendly songs, most notably “Parents Just Don’t Understand” and “Summertime.” They gained critical acclaim for winning the first ever Grammy in the Rap category (1988). He had a line in “Voices That Care”, a 1991 Gulf War song by a celebrity group. Smith spent money freely during his

ended May 20 1996, Smith began a successful solo music career while simultaneously starring in a series of films. The first two films were hugely successful summer blockbusters: Independence Day (1996), in which he played a fearless and confident fighter pilot, and Men in Black (1997), where he played the comic In 1993 Smith was nearly bankrupt in 1990 when the NBC television network signed him and confident Agent J against Tommy Lee Jones’s deadpan Agent K. Smith’s acting in to a contract and built a sitcom, The Fresh Men in Black won critical praise. He originally Prince of Bel-Air, around him. The show was rejected the lead role in Men in Black, but successful and launched his acting career. wife Jada Pinkett Smith coaxed him into Smith set himself the goal of becoming “’the acceptance. The two films established Smith’s biggest movie star in the world’,” studying commercial reputation as a bankable star box office successes’ common characteristics. whose appeal across age, race, and gender Although he made a notable dramatic film lines could “open” a film at the box office, a debut in Six Degrees of Separation while still reputation Smith would begin to term a “Big appearing in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Smith’s film Willie Weekend”. Smith turned down the role career took of Neo in The Matrix in favor of Wild Wild off with his West. After the failure of Wild Wild West and watching Keanu Reeves’ performance, he role in the believed that Keanu was “born” to play the buddy cop part, but admits not regretting turning down action film the role. He then gained lead roles in several Bad Boys (1995) along box office successes including Men in Black II, with co-star Bad Boys II, Hitch, and I, Robot. Martin Smith is one of only two hip-hop artists to Lawrence. receive an Oscar nomination in an acting category (Best Actor, Ali, 2001), for his After The Fresh Prince portrayal of the boxer Muhammad Ali, formerly known as Cassius Clay, in the of Bel-Air early career and underpaid his income taxes. The Internal Revenue Service eventually assessed a $2.8 million tax debt against Smith, took many of his possessions, and garnished his income.

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biopic. He once more was nominated for Best Actor Oscar – this time for his role in another true-life movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, where he played Chris Gardner in his rags to riches story. Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith created the UPN (later CW) sitcom All of Us, which was loosely based on their lives. The show debuted on UPN in September 2003 and aired there for three seasons before moving to The CW in October 2006 for one more season. The CW cancelled All of Us in May 2007. Smith also released a string of hit singles, often associated with his most recent film, throughout the late 1990s. The most notable of these were his #1 hit theme song “Men in Black”, the #1 hit “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” (which made jiggy a catchphrase for a while in 1998), and a cover of “Just the Two of Us”, an affectionate message to his young son. His first two solo albums went platinum, but his third, on Columbia Records, was a sales disappointment compared to his past efforts, and after a quick Greatest Hits release that was almost not advertised at all, he was dropped by the label. He signed a 58 Sunshine Magazine

recording contract with Interscope Records and released the successful Lost & Found in 2005. The album was propelled solely on the smash hit single, “Switch”, which appealed to the mainstream a la “Summertime”. The single stayed atop the charts for months and returned Smith to the forefront of hip-hop. In 2005, Smith was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for attending a record breaking three premieres in a 24-hour time span. Smith married Sheree Zampino in 1992. They had a son, Willard Christopher III, also known as “Trey”, but divorced in 1995. Trey appeared in his father’s music video for the 1998 single “Just The Two Of Us”. Smith married actress Jada Pinkett in 1997. Together they have had two children: Jaden Christopher Syre (born 1998), his co-star in The Pursuit of Happyness, and Willow Camille Reign (born 2000). Along with his brother, Harry Smith, he owns Treyball Development Inc., a Beverly Hills-based company named after his first son. •




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Sunshine Magazine 59


he blockbuster global “Mummy” franchise takes a spellbinding turn as the action shifts to Asia for the next chapter in the adventure series, “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.” Brendan Fraser returns as explorer Rick O’Connell to combat the resurrected Han Emperor (Jet Li) in an epic that races from the catacombs of ancient China high into the frigid Himalayas. Rick is joined in this all-new adventure by son Alex (newcomer Luke Ford), wife Evelyn (Maria Bello)

and her brother, Jonathan (John Hannah). And this time, the O’Connells must stop a mummy awoken from a 2,000-year-old curse who threatens to plunge the world into his merciless, unending service. Doomed by a double-crossing sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) to spend eternity in suspended animation, China’s ruthless Dragon Emperor and his 10,000 warriors have laid forgotten for eons, entombed in clay as a vast, silent terra cotta army.

In cinemas from August 2008 60 Sunshine Magazine

But when dashing adventurer Alex O’Connell is tricked into awakening the ruler from eternal slumber, the reckless young archaeologist must seek the help of the only people who know more than he does about taking down the undead: his parents. As the monarch roars back to life, our heroes find his quest for world domination has only intensified over the millennia. Striding the Far East with unimaginable supernatural powers, the Emperor Mummy will rouse his legion as an unstoppable, otherworldly force...unless the O’Connells can stop him first.

John Hannah ... Jonathan Carnahan Luke Ford ... Alex O’Connell Liam Cunningham ... Mad Dog Maguire Albert Kwan ... Chu Wah Isabella Leong ... Lin Tian Liang ... Eunuch Anthony Wong Chau-Sang ... General Yang Russell Wong ... Ming Guo Michelle Yeoh ... Zijuan

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is directed by action regular Rob Cohen of Dragonheart, Fast and the Furious, xXx, and yes, that terrible movie Stealth. The film is the third movie in the series, coming after The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mummy (1999). The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor hit theaters everywhere this summer on August 1st.


Brendan Fraser ... Rick O’Connell Jet Li ... Emperor Han Maria Bello ... Evelyn Carnahan O’Connell

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The final resting place of a legend Photos courtesy of Jo Grimes and Jim Phillips.

Elvis Aaron Presley, was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in Mississippi on January 8, 1935. Twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. The family moved to Memphis, Tennessee in 1948, and Elvis graduated from Humes High School there in 1953. In 1954, he began his singing career with the legendary Sun Records label in Memphis. With a sound and style that uniquely combined his diverse musical influences and blurred and challenged the social and racial barriers of the time, he ushered in a whole new era of American music and popular culture. He married Priscilla Beaulieu in 1967 and their daughter Lisa was born February 1st 1968. Elvis starred in 33 successful films, made history with his television appearances and specials, and knew great acclaim through his many, often record-breaking, live concert performances on tour and in Las Vegas. Globally, he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist. His American sales have earned him gold, platinum or multiplatinum awards for 150 different albums and singles, far more than any other artist. His talent, good looks, sensuality, charisma, and good humor endeared him to millions, as did the humility and human kindness he 62 Sunshine Magazine

demonstrated throughout his life. Known the world over by his first name, he is regarded as one of the most important figures of twentieth century popular culture. Elvis died aged 42 at his Memphis home, Graceland, during one of his daughter´s visits, on August 16, 1977. She was only 9 years old at the time. Graceland is the name of the 13.8 acre estate which Elvis bought for approx $100,000 in 1957. The grounds were named after the original owner´s daughter, Grace Toof, and the portion of the land designated as Graceland today, was given to a niece who, in 1939 had the present American “colonial” style mansion built. The mansion consists of 23 rooms including 8 bedrooms and bathrooms. After purchasing the property, Elvis carried out extensive modifications including: a fieldstone wall surrounding the grounds, a wrought iron music styled gate, a swimming pool, a racquetball court and the famous “Jungle Room” which features an indoor waterfall. One other addition was the meditation Garden where Elvis used to go to reflect on any problems or situations that arose during his life. The garden was made public in 1978 and is where Elvis, Gladys, Vernon and his grandmother are now buried.

How good is your Elvis knowledge? 1. What is Elvis Presley´s home called? A. Graceland B. Kingsville C. Presley Palace 2. Elvis´ favourite car was a ? A. Jaguar B. Cadillac C. Rolls Royce

3. What was the first song Elvis ever recorded? A. That´s all right (Mama) B. Blue Suede Shoes C: My Happiness 4. What was the title of Elvis´first film? A. Love Me Tender B. Jailhouse Rock C. GI Blues 5. Elvis´personal motto was? A. Carpe Diem B. Taking care of business C. Nothing ventured, nothing gained 6. Which US state was Elvis born in? A. Mississippi B. Tennessee C. Arkansas 7. Which of the following is NOT an Elvis song? A. Treat Me Nice B. Little Brother C. Teddy Bear 8. One of Elvis´favourite foods was? A. Pork fried rice B. Omelettes with peppers and cheese C. Fried mashed banana & peanut butter Sandwiches 9. Which branch of the military did Elvis serve in? A. Army B. Air Force C. Marines 10. What is the King´s middle name? A. Darren B. Aaron C. Jessie 11. What was the name of Elvis´private jet? A. Satellite B. EPE Inc. C: Lisa Marie 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10b, 11c

Priscilla became chairwoman and president of Elvis Presley Enterprises and opened Gracelands to the public as a museum in 1982 as it was costing in excess of $500,000 a year in upkeep, dwindling the inheritance of their daughter to $5 million. After Graceland opened to the public, the enterprise´s fortunes soared and eventually the trust grew to be worth over $100 million. Graceland is now the second most visited private residence in USA, behind the White House. In Aug 2005, Lisa sold 85% of the business side of her father´s estate. She kept the Graceland property itself, as well as the bulk of the possessions inside, and she turned over the management of Graceland to CKX. Inc, an entertainment company that owns 19 Entertainment, creator of American Idol TV show. In 2006, CKX announced plans to turn Graceland into an international tourist destination or par with The Disney or Universal, and doubling the 600,000 annual visitors. The company is working to improve the tourist area around Graceland, which is located in an economically-depressed area of Memphis, while keeping intact the historic home. They are asking local governments to help improve some of the public spaces around Graceland while CKX will expand the visitor centre, build a 500 room convention hotel and a high-tech museum with exhibit space to showcase thousands of pieces of Elvis memorabilia that have never been seen. The current museum contains many Elvis artifacts, like his famous Vegas jumpsuits, awards, gold records, the Lisa Marie jetliner, and Elvis´extensive audio collection. An annual procession through the estate and past Elvis´ grave is held on the anniversary of his death on 16th August. There was an estimated 40,000 people assembled for the 25th anniversary in 2002.

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Spot the 10 differences

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Water Sports Word Search waterskiing snorkeling fishing sailing waterpolo diving surfing boating swimming windsurfing

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REF: 0383

In Las Paganes, a detached property on a fully fenced plot of 650m2. This lovely house has 3 double bedrooms and a very large bathroom, There is telephone point and satellite TV. Excellent Value. Price 168,00€ plus VAT

REF: 281

REF: 0367

Near Los Canovas, a large detached rural property of 365m2 with stables, on a plot of 7000m2. There are 4 double bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, 2 lounges and separate dining room. In addition there are further buildings for renovating. Price 288,750€ plus VAT

REF: 0385

REF: 259

At the foot of the Sierra Espuña Natural Park a detached villa on a plot of 5000m2, fully fenced with electric gates. This lovely villa has 3 beds, 2 baths a conservatory and a large underbuild. Price 330,000€ plus VAT

REF: 0389

On the outskirts of Totana a detached bungalow in superb condition, on a fully fenced plot of 5000m2 mostly set with shrubs and trees. The property has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a swimming pool, satellite TV, flyscreens, security grills etc… Price 359,000€ plus VAT

10 minutes drive from Alhama this quality villa has 3 beds and 2 baths. It has H/C air conditioning in every room, satellite TV, alarm etc.. There is a covered terrace, a beautiful garden and lovely views. The plot is 6,700m2. Excellent condition. Price 315,000€ plus VAT

Very near to El Pareton and Camposol in a rural setting, a good size plot of land with a ruin of approximately 190m2 therefore possibility of reconstructing a new property. There is water on the plot and electricity close by.

REF: 0396

REF: 199

REF: 0395

In Capillo de Abajo, near Cuevas del Reyllo, a large detached property with 5 beds and 4 baths on a plot of 7000m2. There is heating, telephone, security grills. To the outside there is a BBQ, fountain and swimming pool. Price 390,000€ plus VAT

In the small, pretty village of Gañuelas, a typical Spanish property with 4 beds, 2 lounges, one with log burner. Outside there is a store, BBQ, oven and seating area. The property also has a steep plot of 2000m2 approx. Only 15 minutes drive from the beaches of Puerto de Mazarron Price 165,000€ plus VAT

In El Pareton a superb village house - restored to a very high standard retaining the beams and many other original features. This large property has a private garden, 4 beds (2 ensuite), 2 lounges both with fireplaces, fully fitted kitchen etc. Telephone and satellite TV. Price 220,000€ plus VAT

70 Sunshine Magazine

Price 80,000€ plus VAT

Ideal situation for nature lovers, set at the foot of the Sierra Espuña Natural Park. The bustling market town of Totana is only 15 minutes drive and the beaches of Puerto de Mazarrón only 30 minutes drive. The airports of Murcia and Alicante are approximately 45 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. These beautiful detached villas are furnished to a high standard and consist of: Ref A5

Ref A6

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

4 double bedrooms (to sleep 8) 3 bathrooms lounge/diner with TV and DVD Fully equipped kitchen Off road parking Swimming pool with Jacuzzi Sunbathing terraces BBQ and garden furniture Air conditioning & central heating

Jan – May and Sept – Dec June (special offer) July, August, Christmas & Easter Prices are per week

508€ 651€ 840€

3 double bedrooms (to sleep 6) 2 bathrooms lounge/diner with TV and DVD Fully equipped kitchen Off road parking Swimming pool Sunbathing areas BBQ and garden furniture Air conditioning & central heating

Jan – May and Sept – Dec June (special offer) July, August, Christmas & Easter Prices are per week

461€ 629€ 777€

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72 Sunshine Magazine


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74 Sunshine Magazine

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76 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 77

Win an air conditioning Unit!!! fully installed worth 399, - Euros!! From

- the friendly company!

The highest ever measured temperature in Murcia? (in grad celsius) 44.9 47.8 52.3 Fill out this form please, send it to the address on the bottom and from the right answers received until 1st August 2008, will be drawn the winner. Win and cool down with an AC unit fully installed from Cool Solutions worth â‚Ź399, - ! The winner will be published in the Sunshine Magazine August issue! Fill out your address please: Name: Address: Town-Village: Tel: Send the form please soon to: Cool Solutions, Gerard Mark C/Progreso 20, 30860 Puerto de MazarrĂłn 78 Sunshine Magazine

Call Gerard 600 418 200

Air conditioning • Why does the prices of air conditioning range so much? (between 150,- and 1000,- Euros?) • What does all this jargon mean like: Inverter, frigorias, normal machine, conducts, 2 x 1, ecological gas etc? • Why are manuals never in your language? • Does air conditioning really heat your home in the winter, and is it energy saving? • Which units make the most noise and which are the quietest? • Does AC pass on illnesses? • Does unprofessional installation cost you more in the long run? • Why should you choose COOLSolutions when you think on air con?

After 10 years in air conditioning we are able to answer all these questions and any others you may have. All our brands are purchased locally so there is no problem in guarantee claims. We come to your home and make a survey so we can advice on size, make and where to install the unit you require. Buying from us you are guaranteed a tidy, professional job and we believe that to be in time is for us the start of a good installation. Payment on completion, no deposits. Free quotes, no obligation. We are qualified and registered fitters. For further information call Gerard today on 600 418 220

Call Gerard 600 418 200 We belive a good job is a tidy job and the best means of advertising.

Sunshine Magazine 79

80 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 81

SAMURAI SUDOKU Samurai sudoku puzzles consist of five overlapping sudoku grids. The standard sudoku rules apply to each 9 x 9 grid. Place digits from 1 to 9 in each empty cell. Every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box should contain one of each digit. Samurai Sudoku puzzles have one unique solution which can be found with pure logic, no guessing required.

Good Luck Answers in next month’s issue of the Sunshine Magazine.

82 Sunshine Magazine

What is Blogging?

Well now you can, and if you do, you’ll be joining the phenomenon that has become ‘blogging’.

by Amanda Judson

Blogging is a way of collecting links to webpages and sharing thoughts and ideas with people online. Blogs (or Weblogs) are basically online journals or diaries which are great for sharing information and ideas. says: “A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.”

Blogging has become something of a big thing in the last few years, and some of the biggest and best known weblogs attract the kind of traffic that even big name e-commerce sites would be jealous of. Weblogs are more than pages of links - they tend to reflect the personalities of their owners. They are personal web pages, updated very often. They are the product of their owners’ imaginations, interests and wit, and it’s probably this personal touch which has made them so popular, especially for political issues.

Surfing’s no fun if you can’t tell people what you’ve found. How many times have you sent e-mails to your mates with the address of a To create your own blog go to: particularly interesting web page, annotated with your own hilarious comments? or Wouldn’t it be good to get your own web page where you could publish these comments, plus the links you find, turn it into a daily journal of thoughts and ideas and make the whole thing available to the world?

Next month we´ll look at Social Networking

Palabras del Mes

Spanish word: tomar el sol English translation: to sunbathe Part of speech: verb Example sentence Spanish: Si tomas el sol mucho es malo para la piel. English: If you sunbathe a lot it’s bad for your skin.

Spanish word: rocoso English translation: rocky Part of speech: adjective Example sentence Spanish: La colina es rocosa English: The hill is rocky Spanish word: barbacoa English translation: barbecue Part of speech: noun Example sentence Spanish: Mis tíos hacen una barbacoa este fin de semana. English: My aunt and uncle are having a barbecue this weekend.

Sunshine Magazine 83

84 Sunshine Magazine


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Camposol Fitness Club Your own fully fitted gym + work programme etc. No Joining Fees Set up for the more mature person Phone 696 000 341

86 Sunshine Magazine

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88 Sunshine Magazine

Sunshine Magazine 89


Earn extra cash. Sell anything under 500€ for free!! RENT-TO-BUY

Unique opportunity to purchase a 2 bed bungalow on Mazarrón Country club in excellent location, 170,000€. Don’t rent when you can rent-to-buy. For more information call 649 353 478 or visit: http://mccrenttobuy.

FOR HIRE Cycle Hire-7€´s per day Special offers 3 days 20€ 5 days 30€ 7 days 40€ Avoid disappointment, book today. Tel: 630 580 704 FOR SALE Pure bred pedigree Guinea Pigs. Rare long haired texels in gorgeous colours. Guinea pigs make fun pets for children as they never bite, they love to be handled and they don´t smell. For further details call Val on 639 500 930 or come and see me on the plant stall at the Cañadas carboot SITUATIONS OFFERED Do you need a good, honest and reliable cleaner who has many years UK.

Other duties inc, ironing, shopping and childcare. (Reg. UK Childminder) Tel: 649 744 229

FOR HIRE Baby equipment inc travel cot, high chair, care seats, baby seats. Free delivery to Camposol & MCC Tel: 646 475 367 Babyequipmenthire@ HANDYMAN SERVICES No call out charges. Only pay for the work done. Fix a drippy tap, cracked tile, sticky door - no job too small! FREE Safety & Security Assesment avail. Legally registered. Call 649 353 478 or visit FOR SALE Kymco Xciting 250 Scooter, 2006, low mileage, perfect condition. Plus back box, 2000€ Tel: 649 353 478 SALES EXEC WANTED For expanding magazine. Good communication skills, proven track record and own transport required. Minimum wage + comm. Must speak some Spanish. Send C.V. to

FOR SALE Party Bunting. 15 metre length packs. 50 flags to each length. Large quantity available. €3 new or €1 used. Tel: 671 752 233 FOR RENT 1 Bed Apartment - Puerto de Mazarrón. Fully furnished incl bed linen, towels etc. Communal pool and bar. Beside Sunday market. From 150€ per week Tel: 968 199 457 or 646 310 232 CHAIRS AVAILABLE Exciting New Hairdressing Salon - Open in Las Palas Chairs available to rent. Only 10 mins from Camposol Tel: 669 443 162 FOR SALE The following items are from a Masa furniture pack. Pine table and 4 chairs €85 Pine double sofa bed with blue and yellow pattern €95 Pine coffee table €35 Tel: 627 340 897 Camposol FOR RENT 2 Bed detached villa with air-con on Camposol. Long or short term. €400 per month Tel: 659 159 948

property, pets, vehicles, furniture, job vacancies & any other junk 90 Sunshine Magazine


Earn extra cash. Sell anything under 500€ for free!! WANTED Flying club/group forming in the Costa Calida region. Looking for group members, pilots and enthusiasts for flying and social events. PPL revalidation possible. Contact Hans Beckler Tel: 671 902 929 FOR RENT 2 bed villa (Fiesta) with communal swimming pool available for holiday rentals. Located on Sector A, Camposol. Sleeps 6. Fully furnished with gas central heating and UK tv. Rooftop solarium with sun-loungers and patio furniture. Close to shops and bars. From €150 pw Tel: 646 475 367 FOR SALE Generator - Brand new. Worth €4500. Selling for €2500 ono Tel: 628 505 733 FOR RENT 2 bed, 1 bath house in La Pinilla with private swimming pool. Also available with 1 bed apartment. Tel: 630 198 177

FOR SALE Kenwood Food Processor 2 blades, 3 discs plus liquidiser and spice/ coffee grinder attachment. Hardly used. Bargain at €25, Vacuum Cleaner (Samsung,hose type) Tile, carpet head plus upholstery/crevice tool. Hardly used only €15 Tel: 699 161 957 FOR SALE Double Bed with headboard, unused €50 Masa blue/ yellow three seater sofa. As new €50. Masa blue/yellow two seater sofa. As new €40 Masa coffee table and standard lamp. €10 each Tel: 691 883 191Camposol FOR SALE Intex Easy Set Pool. Use in 15 mins. Dia 457cm x H91cm. Complete with ladder and pump. Unused €75. Solid fuel BBQ. 42cm €20 Tel: 691 883 714 Camposol FOR SALE Bosch B1 RKM 09000 mobile floor standing air conditioner (as new) Price new £635 - offered for €275 inc attachments. Edesa stainless steel 4 ring

electric hob (not ceramic). Suitable for kitchen or underbuild work top - €50 Tel: 968 199 913 or 646 444 942 Camposol

FOR SALE El Faro, Pto de Mazarron: Large 3-bedroom flat with stunning sea views. Small balconies both front and rear of the property. Allocated car parking. Swimming pool. Fully furnished complete with white goods and ready to let if required as an investment. €139,000 Tel: 968199325 or Mobile 680913840 FOR RENT 2 bed villa (Rosa on Camposol sector D Fully furnished, SKY tv, central heating, A/C Short or long term rent good rates (Long term available from October) Tel: 968 131 843 or 692 400 914 FOR SALE 2 pine bedside tables €15 each. Pine double sofa bed - not masa. FOC but buyer collects. Tel 646 475 367

property, pets, vehicles, furniture, job vacancies & any other junk

Sunshine Magazine 91


Earn extra cash. Sell anything under 500€ for free!! Sell anything under 500€ for free!! All property for sale 10€ to advertise Do you have something you want to advertise? A car... A job... Free for situations vacant, and personal items. Call us today or fill out the form below to get into the next issue of the Sunshine Magazine. Tel: 968 429 113, or mail to: Sunshine Magazine, Apartado de Correos 1039, 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia, or you can email to Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Item to advertise:


2004 Ford Focus Estate 1.8 TDCI 115BHP 85,000 kms Excellent Condition Very Economical ITV 2010 Air Con/Radio/CD LHD Spanish € 8,995 Tel: 649 353 478 92 Sunshine Magazine



Sunshine Magazine 93

JULY 2008

TRADERS Dentista / Dentist p34 Clinica Dental Olivier p75 La Purísima

968 153 645 968 592 002

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents p88 Inmobiliaria La Pinilla p69-71 Villas Solmar S.L.

968 157 510 968 484 366

Muebles / Furniture P42 El Pajero p81 Fulgencio p27 Furniture Plus p12 Muebles 4 Plumas p54 Que Idea p48-49 Z Beds

968 592 126 968 420 250 678 083 491 968 332 121 968 154 618 968 199 222

Restaurantes y Bars p17 Bar Club La Raspa p17 Bar La Sirena p16 Braseria Odre y Hogaza p84 Cafe Bar Sol y Mar p3 El Saladillo p18 La Fundicion p19 Pekin 5 p18 Rest Coquus

619 464 435 606 719 728 902 998 209 968 138 211 616 371 868 968 155 912 968 636 104

Servicios / Services p39 Alpha 1 968 159 012 p86 Alumen 968 594 209 p35 All Round Services 670 296 189 p53 Amanda Judson Design 649 353 490 p96 Aquabel p45 AR Construction & Landscaping 646 045 237 p86 Aranixa Torres 968 595 844 p86 Atmosfera Sport 968 155 982 p74 Avance 968 424 819 p73 Baby Equipment Hire 646 475 367 p2 p73 Bare Necessities 646 475 367 p93 Bolnuevo Cars 968 150 979 p80 Bricoalhama 868 921 390 p86 Camposol Fitness 696 000 341 p89 Calida Technical Services 968 131 950 p80 Carpenter Armaryco 686 733 405 p59 Chicas 968 423 060 p28 Ceramica Iris 968 421 875 p86 CM Construction 659 159 948 p75 Cool Solutions 600 418 220 p23 Crismetal Alhama 968 633 629 p45 Curtain Call 616 240 171 p55 Dola Papeleria 968 590 592 p59 Dragontours 902 194 766 p35 Ebasa 670 693 510 94 Sunshine Magazine

p84 p52 P29 p85 p52 p85 p86 p45 p89 p96 p16 p85 p32 p87 p42 p85 p80 p18 P85 p68 p34 p73 p34 p73 p7 p76 pFP p73 p34 p75 p34 p84 p23 p45 p22 p29 P75

El Arrui 868 920 049 English Funeral Director 650 631 719 Esparza Marble & Granite 968 484 177 Flash Construction 609 931 314 Fred Elliot´s 664 746 505 Freedom Mobility 968 153 620 Garden Features 968 131 891 Greg Green 671 188 808 Hifx 968 191 918 Imetalia 968 422 151 Janes Celebrations 630 198 177 Jardin Alcayna 680 374 230 JCF 968 471 590 Jens Mahncke Construction 671 658 071 Kay´s Music 968 420 724 Kohn Pool Service 968 138 638 La Gardenia 968 154 204 La Maison Belge 968 594 479 La Via Electrodomesticos 968 592 065 La Voz 968 592 459 Lifestyle Enclosures 950 459 060 Llamas Chimeneas 968 591 030 Locomurcia 671 682 579 Marin Cristales 968 590 471 Max Confort 968 960 141 Mona Lisa Spas 968 595 721 Pividal 968 424 753 PMS 649 353 478 Puerto Aluminio 606 462 988 Puerto Baño 968 595 145 Rainbow Satellites 686 358 475 Rotulos Canovas 968 427 385 Sanle 968 591 913 Solmoto 968 439 024 Steve Darby Heating & Plumbing 669 977 986 Toldos del Puerto 968 154 351 Vitro Alhama 671 644 809

Vehiculos / Vehicles p4o-41 Automoviles Emilio p32 Cristalauto p85 Ford Fuente Alamo p5 Opel

968 627 115 968 592 569 968 597 447 968 590 277

Veterinaria / Vets p22 Clinica Veterinaria Huellas 968 595 161 p52 Veterinary Clinic Puerto 968 153 931

Sunshine Magazine 95

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