Town and Country Mag 09

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Audi Medcup Pet Passports Direct delivery to: Fuente Alamo, Torre Pacheco, Los Alcรกzares and surrounding areas

ISSUE 9 MAY 2009

Publisher Per Jensen Sunshine Mediahouse Town and Country Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paret贸n, Totana, Murcia


Office Tel 968 429 113 Office Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 am - 2 pm E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Sales, Per Jensen, 699 501 508 Sales, Pamela Robson, 671 948 475, English

Dear Readers,

Now I am an animal lover with 4 dogs and 3 cats in our household and I know that for some these are desperate times but I cannot understand how someone can just abandon their animals when the going gets tough.

Translated by: I.K.G Language Services

Have a look at page 12 to find out all you need to know about the Pet Passport scheme which you will need if you want to take your animals with you to the UK. This way if you do need to return at least you can be prepared in advance or have time to make alternative arrangements.

Layout & Graphic Design:

Also have a look at page 30 to see a selection of dogs looking for a new home.

Editor Wendy Darby

Deadline for all advert changes is 25th of the month No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. 漏2008 Per Jensen / Sunshine Mediahouse

2 Town & Country

Wendy Darby Editor

If you would like your business to be included in the next issue of the new Town and Country Magazine, please contact the office on 968 429 113 or Per Jensen 699 501 508 and if you have any ideas for future topics or contents, please do let us know as we value your opinions.

COUNTRY pg 20 Sudoku

pg 10/18 Horoscopes

pg 11 Crossword

pg 06 Jennifer Garner

pg 08 2009 Audi Medcup

pg 24 Jummy Summer Recipes pg 12 Pet Passports

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pg 04 Movie: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

: : table of contents Country Town &



McConaughey’s character is named Connor Mead. On his way to attend the wedding of his brother, Paul to Sandra, Connor simultaneously breaks up with three women while seducing a fourth, which at least saves the audience some time in getting to know how big a cad he is. At the rehearsal dinner, Connor goes briefly off-book to borrow from one of Dickens’ contemporaries, basically claiming that marriage is the opium of the masses, and a drug in which he would never indulge. Overhearing from the hereafter is Connor’s late uncle Wayne, a man who lived (and dressed) like Hugh Hefner, allegedly invented the term MILF and raised Connor like a son (or, to be more precise, like a son of a - well, you get the idea). Connor, like Scrooge before him, at first believes the shade of his uncle to be an undigested bit of Scotch, a blot of Champagne, a crumb of olive, a fragment of fine port - in short, that there is more of spirits than of spirit about him, whatever he is. Cue the ghosts, the first of whom reminds Connor of his sordid romantic past. The second shows him what people think of him in the here and now. And the last? Well, if you’ve read Dickens - you’ll know what to expect. Along the way, wedding cakes get knocked over, the bride-to-be’s parents are revealed to be amalgams of characters from Meet the Fockers, and we are given the opportunity to ponder in how many ways a line like “He’s not as dumb as he looks” can apply to the likes of McConaughey/Connor.

4 Town & Country

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Matthew McConaughey as Connor Mead, a womanizer Jennifer Garner as Jenny, the best friend of his brother’s bride, an old flame of Connor’s Michael Douglas as Uncle Wayne, Connor’s mentor & 70s playboy Emma Stone as the “Ghost of Girlfriends Past” who guides him through his romantic history. Daniel Sunjata as Brad, the charming almost “too perfect” love interest of Jenny who almost tempts her away from Connor . Noureen DeWulf as the “Ghost of Girlfriends Present” and also as Connor’s assistant. Breckin Meyer as Paul, Connor’s younger brother . Lacey Chabert as Sandra, the woman whom Paul is marrying. Anne Archer as the mother of the bride. Amanda Walsh as the only bridesmaid Connor hasn’t “conquered “ - also as the Ghost of Girlfriends Future. please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement

Garner & McConaughey’s Smelly Introduction Garner left the cast and crew holding their noses thanks to a run-in with a skunk before work. One of the actress’ dogs was sprayed the night before her first day on set - and she couldn’t get the stench out of her hair and clothes. Garner thought she’d avoided on-set humiliation - until co-star Matthew McConaughey’s sharp senses picked up her odd scent. She says, “This was unlike any skunky smell I had ever smelled. The next day it was my first day at work and I was with Matthew and he’s so dreamy and so I showered and showered and washed and washed. “I was sitting next to him and they always make you kiss on the first day. And we’re about to do this scene and he’s like, ‘Does anybody smell something? I smell skunk.’ The skunk stayed with us for months.”

Town & Country 5

Jennifer GARNER Born April 17, 1972, Houston, Texas Best known for her role as CIA agent Sydney Bristow on the TV show Alias, as well as for her roles in the films Juno, Pearl Harbor, Dude, Where’s My Car?, 13 Going on 30, Catch Me if You Can, Daredevil, Elektra, Catch and Release, and The Kingdom.

6 Town & Country

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Garner enjoys cooking, gardening, hiking and kickboxing (a hobby picked up during training for her Alias character). She is close friends with Reese Witherspoon. In December 2007, Garner was named The Charleston Sunday Gazette-Mail’s 2007 West Virginian of the Year “for her dedication, work ethic and unique role as role model and ambassador for West Virginia.” She has a golden Labrador Retriever named “Martha Stewart” (after the television personality of the same name), which appeared with her on the television show Martha on January 24, 2007. She married Ben Affleck on June 29, 2005 and they have 2 children - Violet Anne Affleck and Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck.

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Town & Country 7

The world’s leading regatta circuit, the 2009 Audi MedCup Circuit made up of five events in four European countries, starts on May 12th. Eleven TP52s from nine countries will race for the The City of Alicante Trophy. The American Quantum, helmed by former Star sailor Terry Hutchinson, is defending champion. Other Star sailors helming are Guillermo Parada for the Argentine Matador; Paul Cayard with Spain’s Desafio, Riccardo Simoneschi for the Italian Audi Sailing Team; Afonso Domingos with the Portuguese entry, Bigamist; and Sergey Shevtsov on Valars from Russia. A fleet of six GP42s will also compete on the Audi MedCup Circuit for the first time, racing one day after the TP52s. Jose Maria van der Ploeg will be at the helm of the Spanish entry, Madrid About Sailing.

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Whilst each of the five regattas stand alone as an individual event, winning the circuit requires the best score from all events. Sailing is a mechanical sport draws comparisons with to motor racing. The obvioussimilarities are profressional team, the competition, the equipment and different strategies for different race tracks. As in Formula 1 racing success comes to the team with the right combination of preparation, speed, driving skill, reliability and good tactics. With the Audi MedCup Circuit the classes of boat used are the TP52 and the GP42 and although they all look similar to the untrained eye, they are as subtly different from each other as the starting grid of a Formula 1 motor racing Grand Prix. The Audi MedCup Circuit represents the top of the sport today and attracts the very best designers, sailors and please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement

technicians, and this has inspired many owners to participate and to continue to participate along the four year history of the Audi MedCup tour. The Audi MedCup Circuit, now in its fifth year, will travel to five different venues from May through to September. But it is not all about work. Summer racing means taking in some of the most beautiful sailing locations in the world. The Mediterranean has many ports capable of staging prestigious competitions. One key feature of the circuit is to take it on a logical, pragmatic route making it easiest on the teams in terms of logistics and travel, starting in Alicante and finishing up in Cartagena only (120 kms) to the south, having taken in the South of France, Sardinia, Portugal’s Algarve. The cross section of sailors continues to be remarkable - Olympic medallists like Ross Macdonald, Thierry Peponnet, Luis Doreste, Jordi Calafat, Natalia via Dufresne, Sofia Bekatorou, Jochen Schuemann, Ian Walker, Mark Reynolds, José María van der Ploeg, Rafa Trujillo,... have all competed or sail on the MedCup Circuit. Round the world sailors, Ray Davies, Terry Hutchinson, John Kostecki, Andrew Cape and Roberto Bermudez sail on, or have competed on the Circuit as have America’s Cup sailors like Dean Barker, Russell Coutts, Paul Cayard, Tomasso Chieffi, Paolo Cian,... In addition to this one cannot underestimate the support of HRH Juan Carlos of Spain, a regular sailor on the Circuit aboard Bribon. please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement

52 Series Boats:

China - Pisco Sour USA - Quantum Racing - bow no. 1 Spain - Bribon - bow no. 2 Argentina - Matador - bow no. 3 UK - Cristabella - bow no. 4 Sweden - Artemis - bow no. 5 Italy - Audi TP52 Sailing Team Powered By Q8 - bow no. 6 Portugal - Bigamist7 - bow no. 8 New Zealand - Emirate Team New Zealand - bow no. 9 Spain - El Desafio - bow no. 10 Russia - Synergy - bow no. 13

42 Series Boats

Spain - Isla Canarias Puerto Calero Italy - Airis Japan - Swing - bow no. 1 Italy - Roma (MK2) - bow no. 2 Spain - Caser-Endesa - bow no. 3 Spain - Turisomo Madrid - bow no. 4

Circuit Schedule:

May 12th to 17th Alicante, Spain June 9th to 14th Marseille, France July 20th to 25th Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy August 18th to 23rd, Portimao, Portugal September 14th to 19th, Cartagena, Spain

Town & Country 9

Horoscopes - May Aries



You’re making up for lost time! While your love life has been complicated recently, and others may have undervalued your worth, you’re now strutting your stuff. Extremely magnetic, the world is appreciating your unique and straightforward style. Gifts may be forthcoming, and friends delight. It’s time to review your finances, especially with a potentially high-spending month ahead of you.

While you’re certainly getting noticed there is a lot going on behind the scenes. A deliciously private love affair might figure this month. Support for your career, or a whole new vision of where you want your professional life to go, comes now. Professional charisma runs high, but try to avoid situations that could lead to gossip.

You have a lot of energy to pour into friendships, group projects, or goals. Personal charisma and creativity in group settings is powerful all month. Singles might very well meet their match through friends and group associations. Attached Geminis will find much joy and understanding with their partner. A business partnership is a strong possibility, and travel through business especially rewarding.




Professionally speaking, you’re enjoying an invigorating and creative peak. Your charisma is brilliant this month, and singles might find opportunities to meet a special someone through business events. Those of you looking for a job will find this a strong period for getting noticed in a most positive way.

Relationships are likely to be deliciously complicated this month. Professional pursuits get a lot of attention, but you still manage to find time for exciting adventures that break the routine. It’s a strong month for creative communications, whether they involve promotional efforts, creative writing, or simply reaching out to others in an especially personable way. Avoiding risks on a financial level is especially important in May.

Financial creativity runs high this month. You’re in a position to come up with unique and powerful ways to increase your income. Career matters might challenge you with occasional complications and the need to sacrifice more of your time. You’re entering a period in which attracting what you want on the job front is easy.




This is a close to idyllic time for enhancing or attracting a romantic relationship. Your major focus is on a partnership, and putting your own personal agenda aside for the time being. Stimulating and spicy moments are par for the course. On a romantic level, the potential to be starryeyed is great. However, you should watch for keeping your expectations reasonable, or you’re liable to gloss over facts.

Wonderful energy is with you for work and health. Charisma on the job can mean getting noticed for your creativity or opportunities to socialize through work connections. Some of you will find an office flirtation or romance is heating up. Negotiations or conversations with a partner may be revisited this month, perhaps with some frustration.

An exciting, playful, and stimulating month is ahead. May brings abundant opportunities to enjoy hobbies, entertainment, and romance. Your charm is natural and finds an adoring audience. Recently there was a lot of talk and “busyness” on the job and this month you’ll be revisiting them, and perhaps redoing tasks that you thought were completed.




Your home and family life is lively and spirited. You’re in demand and more than willing to help out a friend in need. Money-making ideas are abundant and you’ll have to take the time to sit down and judge how realistic each is before acting upon them. Singles will find romantic opportunities close to home.

Focus on family and communications feature strongly. Conversations with family members are revisited but care should be taken in expressing yourself with clarity, as misunderstandings are likely. However, in general, your conversational skills are superb this month, attracting more than one admirer! Romantic or creative communications figure strongly.

You are likely to expand your career pursuits and business connections. Opportunities on the career front can seem to arrive out of the blue, and could come from past connections. Impulsive buying is a real tendency this month. A partnership requires attention, and going over recent conversations could be frustrating but necessary in order to clear up confusions.

10 Town & Country

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Coffee Break C ro s s Word Across 1 Slapstick sound effect 6 Charge towards 11 Chatter 14 1836 battle site 15 Distinctive period 16 Tram cargo 17 Carpenter’s tool 19 Ingmar’s protégée 20 Finished 21 Long Island daily 23 Has to spend 24 Eraser material 26 Grandstander 27 Disposable driers 32 Eighteen-wheeler 36 ‘’Unbelievable!’’ 37 Screen sensation 38 About to explode 40 Twister 42 Fine steed 43 Alpha particle, e.g. 45 Juvenile raptor 46 Brittle confection 49 Place for coal 50 Specialty 51 Large-scale 55 Car-radio buttons

59 Celebrate 61 Was holding 62 Musket predecessor 64 Coiled material 65 Tabriz resident 66 Nancy Drew byline 67 USMC rank 68 Kingdom near Fiji 69 Revered figure

Down 1 ‘’Paradise Lost’’ character 2 Armadillo feature 3 Wash against 4 Emphatic assents 5 Hefty volume 6 Gather information (on) 7 FedEx alternative 8 It may be proper 9 Chunk of land 10 ‘’Tommy’’ band 11 Olympian’s quest 12 Oratorio piece 13 Group of quail 18 Practice 22 Homebuilding activity 25 Manx cry 27 Chinese zodiac beast

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28 Nonsense 29 Doubly dangerous 30 1850s bonanza 31 Coin destination 32 Carry 33 Cross inscription 34 Reached for rudely 35 Synagogue figures 39 Bugs’ epithet 41 Particle stream 44 Nail 47 In the least 48 Lewis’ fantasy land 51 Gourmet mushroom 52 Went public with 53 Bakery buy 54 Urban conduit 55 Many profs. 56 Called 57 Spanish charger 58 Park swimmer 60 Copacetic 63 Director Lee

Town & Country 11

Pet Passports

Give your pets a thought! You do n’t need to abando n them if you ha ve to move away.

Most UK residents in Spain, have moved here ¨permanently¨, however most of us have left family, friends and loved ones behind. In case of an emergency return to the UK, do you know what you need to do to take your much loved pet with you? Too many times, people have had to leave Spain at a moments notice and have not thought about their ¨cherished pet¨ and have either left them behind as strays or taken them to a ¨rescue society¨ for re-homing. How sad

You can never sa y “I will never go back to the UK to live.”

for the pet who does not understand. I once saw a dog abandoned by its owners at a roundabout near the country club in Camposol. I came back to the roundabout 5 hours later and the dog was still there, looking scared and ¨waiting for its owners to return¨. It was a lovely friendly dog, but stayed where it was left and was probably thinking, ¨they will be back for me soon¨ as would any lost child. The dog was taken in by a local family who fostered the dog until a permanent home was found. A happy ending, but so un-necessary. To help keep you all as ¨one happy family¨, get your pet a passport and keep it up to date.


To bring your dog or cat into the UK or to another EU Country, you must have it micro chipped first, then vaccinated against rabies and then blood tested. You can check out the Defra web site to obtain all the relevant details. Although this is a UK site, the procedures from Spain are the same.

12 Town & Country

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THE PROCEDURES Have your pet micro chipped

Your pet must be fitted with a microchip so that it can be properly identified. Your local vet can do this for you.

Have your pet vaccinated

After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. There is no exemption to this requirement, even if your pet has a current rabies vaccination. This can be done any time after it has been implanted with a microchip.

Arrange a blood test

After your pet has been vaccinated, it must be blood tested to make sure that the vaccine has given it a satisfactory level of protection against rabies. A satisfactory blood test result must show that the rabies neutralising antibody titre was equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml. Make sure your vet gives you a certified copy of the blood test result with the microchip number correctly shown. If your pet’s blood test is satisfactory, you should ask a vet to issue you with an EU pet passport. You will not be able to bring your pet into or out of the EU under the Scheme until 6 calendar months have passed from the date that the blood sample was taken that gave a satisfactory result.


The entering or re-entering the EU:

Pets may not enter or re-enter the UK until 6 calendar months have passed from the date that a vet took the blood sample which gave a satisfactory test result. Your pet requires only one blood test and 6 months wait provided

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Town & Country 13

all subsequent rabies booster vaccinations are given by the required date. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary documentation for your pet to enter or re-enter the EU. Make sure that it is correctly completed and your pet meets all the rules. If you do not, your pet may not be able to enter the country or may have to be licensed into quarantine on arrival. This will mean a delay and cost you money.

HOW TO GET AN EU PET PASSPORT For animals in EU countries, a vet in that country will issue the passport. When you go to get the passport take your pet, its vaccination record and, if applicable, the blood test results. The documents must show your pet’s microchip number. Also take evidence of the date your pet was micro chipped. Make sure that the vet correctly completes sections I-IV of the passport, and V if the animal has had a satisfactory blood test.


Do the honourable thing Now! Remember, Pet’s are for life. They ask for nothing but love! 14 Town & Country

The passport will become valid for entry or re-entry to the EU 6 calendar months from the date that the blood sample that gave a satisfactory test result was taken. The re-entry date is not shown on the passport so you should make a careful note of it. For example,

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if the blood sample was taken on 1 January, the earliest your pet would be able to enter the EU is 1 July. The passport will remain valid provided your pet is re-vaccinated by the “Valid until” date in section IV.


For EU countries where more stringent entry requirements do not apply, the EU has introduced a wait of 21 days from the date of the first rabies vaccination before a pet can enter those EU countries. However, if the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet requires more than one vaccination to complete the primary vaccination protocol, the 21 day wait applies from the date of the final vaccination of that protocol. Your vet will advise you further. Booster vaccinations are valid for entry from the date given provided they are given on time (according to the instructions in the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet where the previous vaccination was given).

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Town & Country 15

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Town & Country 17

Horoscopo - Mayo Aries



Estás recuperando el tiempo perdido. Mientras que tu vida amorosa se ha visto complicada, últimamente los demás no te han valorado tanto y ahora estás en posición de presumir. Estás hecho un imán y el mundo está apreciando tu estilo único y sencillo. Te llegarán regalos y tus amigos estarán felices. Es tiempo de revisar tus finanzas, sobre todo ahora que te llega un mes con bastantes gastos.

Aunque la gente se está fijando en ti, hay muchísimo ajetreo detrás del telón. Puede que haya una aventura amorosa privada este mes. Ahora te vendrá el apoyo para tu carrera y una nueva visión de cómo deberás encarrilar tu vida profesional. Tu carisma está muy alto actualmente, pero intenta evitar aquellas situaciones que te conviertan en objeto de marujeo.

Tienes energía de sobra para repartir entre amistadas, proyectos en grupo y objetivos. Todo este mes figurarán tu gracia y creatividad personal en ámbitos de conjunto. Es probable que los Géminis solteros tropezaréis con una pareja a través de amigos o asociaciones. Los que ya estéis emparejados encontraréis mucha alegría y comprensión con vuestra pareja. Una asociación de empresa es una fuerte posibilidad, y un viaje corporativo será bastante gratificante.




Desde el punto de vista profesional, estás gozando de estar en una cima vigorizante y creativa. Tu atractivo sobresale este mes, y es posible que los solteros encontréis a alguien especial a través de un acontecimiento laboral. Los que estéis buscando trabajo verán que éste es un buen mes para que tomen nota positiva de ti.

Las relaciones serán deliciosamente complicadas para ti este mes. Te concentras más en las actividades profesionales, aunque todavía tendrás tiempo para unas aventuras excitantes que rompen la monotonía. Es un buen mes para la comunicación creativa, tanto si se trata de asuntos de promoción, la escritura creativa o simplemente conectar con los demás de una forma personal y afable. Evitar los líos financieros también es muy importante en el mes de mayo.

Este mes figura la creatividad financiera. Estás en una posición de inventarte formas únicas y potentes de aumentar tus ingresos. Asuntos laborales te presentarán pequeñas complicaciones y el tener que dedicarles más tiempo. Entras en un periodo donde escoger lo que quieres profesionalmente se te dará muy fácil.



Esto es un momento casi idílico para atraer o mejorar una relación romántica. Tu principal enfoque está en tener una pareja, y de momento apartar tu agenda personal. Momentos picantes y estimulantes están en la carta para ti. A nivel romántico, las posibilidades de estar enamoradísimo son grandes. Sin embargo, deberás vigilar que tus expectativas sean razonables o te encontrarás pasando por alto los hechos.

Tienes una energía maravillosa para asuntos de salud y trabajo. Tu atractiva personalidad en la oficina supondrá que tomen en cuenta tu creatividad u oportunidades para socializar a través de vínculos profesionales. Puede que este mes las negociaciones o conversaciones con un socio se vuelvan a dar, aunque quizás con un grado de frustración.

Te espera un mes divertido, juguetón y estimulante. Mayo te trae una abundancia de oportunidades para disfrutar de los pasatiempos, el ocio y lo romántico. Tu carisma es natural, y cae sobre un público que te adora. Últimamente hay mucho discurso y ajetreo en los negocios y este mes los reanudarás: quizás desempeñando tareas que dabas por terminadas.




Tu vida doméstica y familiar está animada y con valor. Estás muy solicitado y mas que dispuesto en ayudar un amigo necesitado. Son muchas las ideas que te vienen en cuanto a proyectos rentables y necesitarás tomar tu tiempo para asesorar el grado de realismo de cada uno antes de actuar. Los capricornios solteros encontrarán oportunidades románticas cerca del ambiente doméstico.

Destacan el enfoque en la familia y las comunicaciones. Conversaciones con parientes se reanudan aunque deberás tener cuidado en cuanto a expresarte con claridad, dado que es probable que haya malentendidos. Este mes, por lo general, tus destrezas comunicativas son magníficas, atrayéndote más de un admirador. También destaca lo romántico y comunicaciones creativas.

Es probable que extiendas tus actividades profesionales y asociaciones empresariales. Te dará la impresión de que las oportunidades laborales serán completamente inesperadas y pueden provenir de viejos vínculos. La compra compulsiva es algo real este mes. Una asociación requiere tu atención: repasando recientes conversaciones puede ser pesado aunque, eso sí, necesario par aclarar las confusiones.

18 Town & Country


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Town & Country 19

Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Town & Country Magazine. Good luck! 20 Town & Country

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Town & Country 21

When you visit one of the restaurants listed here, remember to say you saw them in the Town and Country Magazine 22 Town & Country

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Town & Country 23

24 Town & Country

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A light Lunch...

Salmon and Broccoli Quiche This home-made quiche recipe combines the natural partners, salmon and broccoli, and is sure to become one of your firm favourites. Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes

175g (6oz) plain flour 100g (3 1/2oz) salted butter 4 free range eggs 100g (3 1/2oz) broccoli florets 240g (roughly 2) salmon fillets 25g (1oz) mature cheddar cheese 250ml (9fl oz) semi-skimmed milk 150ml (5fl oz) single cream cling film baking paper Method Preheat oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Place the flour in a bowl or a food processor. Cube butter and add. Rub in or process until it resembles breadcrumbs. Separate 1 egg and add the yolk to the mixture with 15–30ml (1–2tbsp) cold water. Mix to a dough. Wrap in cling film; chill for 20 minutes. Roll out the pastry to fit in a 23cm (9in) loose-bottomed flan tin. Lay the pastry in the tin and press into the fluted edges. Fill any holes with pastry then trim. Chill for 10 minutes. Bake blind by placing baking paper and baking beans inside the pastry case. Cook for 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans. Continue cooking for 10 minutes until pastry is lightly golden. Remove from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Boil broccoli for a few minutes. Drain and run under cold water. Skin and cube salmon. Grate the cheese. Beat together the remaining 3 eggs with the milk and cream. Add the grated cheese and black pepper. Place salmon and broccoli over the base of the flan case and pour the egg mix over the top. Cook for about 40–50 minutes until lightly risen, golden and set.

Chilling time: 20 minutes

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Town & Country 25

Something different...

Barbecued Peaches With Almond Shortbread

50g (1 3/4oz) plain flour 40g (1 1/2oz) butter 25g (1oz) Caster sugar 15g (1/2oz) flaked almonds 4 peaches or nectarines Method Preheat oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. To make the shortbreads, place the flour in a bowl. Cube the butter and add to the flour with 15g (1⁄2oz) of the sugar. Rub in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs then press together to make a dough. Roll out on a floured work surface to about 1⁄2cm (1⁄4in) thickness. Cut into 8 round 5cm (2in) biscuits, then place on a baking sheet. Heat the remaining sugar with 15ml (1tbsp) water and allow the sugar to dissolve. Brush the tops of the biscuits with the syrup and sprinkle with the almonds. Cook for 7–10 minutes until lightly golden. Cool on a wire rack. Halve the peaches by cutting through the middle with a sharp knife, then twist firmly to separate and remove the stone. Place the fruit on the barbecue over medium coals. Cook for several minutes each side until warm and beginning to soften. Serve with the biscuits and a spoonful of crème fraîche.

Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

26 Town & Country

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Town & Country 27

At The Dog


28 Town & Country


Wordsearch Answers

Sudoku Answers

Crossword Answers

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Town & Country 29

g o D A e v i G A Home

If you think you can offer any of these dogs a home please call us on

968431265 or 627118738

Linda is a 2 year old Dalmatian bitch fully

vaccinated and spayed,she was found in a shocking condition with a litter of 8 puppies,3 of which still need homes. Linda has now recovered and ready for a new start in life with a loving family. If you could offer Linda or her puppies a home please get in touch.

Rusty is approx’

2 years old. He is fully inoculated and castrated and is a beautiful medium size cross bursting with love and affection he would dearly love a home and family to call his own.

Lost is a German


Cammie is a crossbred

3year old spayed and innoculated female. She was found abandoned, thin and undernourished. She is now well fed, is looking great and is very affectionate. If you are looking for a companion pet, look no further

Lola 30 Town & Country

shepherd cross Doberman approx. 2 years old, inoculated and castrated. He was found wondering on the motorway. He is a medium to large dog with a big heart and wonderful nature. He is strong on the lead and needs further training but his recall is excellent. He mixes very well with other dogs and loves to be with people.


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TRADERS - MAY 2009 Dentista / Dentist pg27 Clinica Indent pg6

Clinica Dental

San Agustin

968 596 306 968 568 481

pg21 Clinica Dental Teresa

M. Liberatore

968 589 691

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents pg16 Costa Calida Property


966 763 672

Restaurantes y Bars pg24 Indian Rest. Haveli

968 191 019

pg23 L.A. Lounge

608 911 971

pg24 Royal India Rest.

697 450 953

Servicios / Services pg15 Avimotor

968 580 715

pg15 AXA Insurance

968 171 005


649 353 478

pg21 David Mason

Insurance Services

968 137 719

pg27 G & L Interiors

677 241 382


968 171 542

pg19 Jeniifer Cunningham

966 461 690


902 123 967

Linea Directa

pg27 MC Consulting

968 137 407



968 596 189

pg32 Printwithus

968 429 113

pg27 R & C Builders

968 151 385

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Town & Country 31

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