Town and Country February 2009

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DATING FOR GROWN-UPS SUDOKU CROSSWORD PINK PANTHER 2 Plus coming soon SUNNY NUMBERS 2009 Direct delivery to: Fuente Alamo, Torre Pacheco, Los Alcรกzares and surrounding areas

Coming Soon....

The Only Phone Directory You’ll Ever Need! This is our third year of publication and this year will be slightly different as we are increasing the number of copies printed and printing the guide twice during the year. Once in April 2009 and the other in October 2009. There will be 14,000 copies printed each time making a total of 28,000 copies distributed during the year. We are now taking bookings for the new issue of the free Sunny Numbers guide.


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Estamos haciendo reservas para la nueva edición de la guía gratuita Sunny Numbers Guide. Este es nuestro tercer año de publicación y el formato será un poco diferente debido a que estamos aumentando la tirada y sacando dos guías en vez de una durante 2009. La primera edición estará lista en abril y la otra en octubre. Habrá una tirada de 14,000 ejemplares en ambos meses, que sumara 28,0000 en total durante 2009.

With prices starting at 40€ for a line entry once a year and 60€ for line entry twice a year, can you afford not to be in the Sunny Number 2009? To see some of the advisers already advertising in the Guide and the online directory visit Look out for the radio adverts telling you all about the Sunny Numbers Guides. If you would like to talk to one of our representatives about your entry for the Sunny Numbers 2009, please call 968 429 113. All prices quoted are plus IVA. Los precios empiezan en €40 para anuncios de una línea para una edición, o €60 para las dos. ¿Se puede permitir el lujo de no estar anunciado en Sunny Number 2009? Para ver algunos de los anunciantes que en estos momentos se encuentran en la guía y su versión de Internet, pique aquí Manténgase atento a los anuncios de radio donde les informan de toda la información sobre Sunny Numbers Guides. Para más información y comentar su anuncio en Sunny Numbers Guide con un agente por favor llame al 968 429 113. Los precios NO INCLUYEN IVA. The areas we cover are also being extended to include También estamos ampliando las zonas de distribución e incluirán; Ahama de Murcia, Camposol, Fuente Alamo, Isla Plana, La Azohia, La Manga, Los Alcazares, Mar Menor, Mazarrón, Mazarrón Country Club, Puerto de Mazarrón, Torre Pacheco and Totana.

Sunshine Mediahouse Publishers of: Sunshine Magazine, Town and Country Magazine, SMD Discount Book & Sunny Numbers Directory Apartado de Correos 1039 El Paretón, 30858 Totana, Murcia Tel: 968 429 113

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Publisher Per Jensen Sunshine Mediahouse Town and Country Magazine Apartado de Correos 1039 30850 El Paretón, Totana, Murcia Office Tel 968 429 113 Office Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 am - 2 pm E-mail Sunny Numbers E-mail Advertising Manager Per Jensen 699 501 508 Editor Wendy Darby Translated by: I.K.G Language Services Layout & Graphic Design: Deadline for all advert changes is 25th of the month No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher All rights reserved. ©2008 Per Jensen / Sunshine Mediahouse

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Dear Readers, At last the days seem to be getting warmer and the nights are staying lighter. The almond trees are starting to blossom and the orange and lemon trees are in fruit. It won´t be long until we are compaining about sleepless nights due to the heat! At least we are not suffering from snow like the UK has been although it has been one of the coldest winters for 20 years in the Costa Calida region. We hope you are continuing to enjoy the Town & Country Magazine and if anyone has any ideas or articles they would like to include, please email them to townandcountry@sunnynumbers. com Happy Reading,

Wendy Darby Editor If you would like your business to be included in the next issue of the new Town and Country Magazine, please contact the office on 968 429 113 or Per Jensen 699 501 508 and if you have any ideas for future topics or contents, please do let us know as we value your opinions.

COUNTRY Spring has Sprung! pg 20 Sudoku

pg 10/18 Horoscopes

pg 14 Crossword

pg 25 Recipe of the Month pg 06 Dating for Grown-Ups

pg 12 New Movie Release.... pg 26 For the Kids

: : table of contents Country Town &


Dating for grown-ups Valentine’s Day has passed but if you spent it on your own and want to get back into the dating scene what do you do? Lots of things get easier as we get older. But when it comes to finding love, there are few situations more terrifying than dating again. At least you are not alone: over 40 daters are out there in their multitudes. If you’re one of them, here are a few things to help you navigate your way through... How to find a date The first place to look is among your circle of acquaintances. Is there anyone who might be suitable who you haven’t had the opportunity or the courage to ask out? Remember, women no longer have to wait for men to ask them out. If there’s no one in your life you could imagine dating, the next step is the internet. You can start the process from home - it’s relatively cheap, you can control the pace through email and get to know a bit about someone before meeting.

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The disadvantage is that people don’t always tell the truth online. It’s easy to project your dream partner on to a profile and waste time on fantasies that are dashed when you finally meet. There are also newspaper ads with phone messages where you can hear the person’s voice and leave a reply. This speeds things up, but the downside is that you don’t have as much information and you haven’t seen a photo. Ask your date to send a photo via email before arranging a meeting (you can set up a separate email account if you don’t want them to know your usual one). If you’re shy and find the whole idea of dating terrifying, then an introduction agency might be better. If they’re good, the agent will hold your hand, find people you have plenty in common with and set up dates. It’s expensive, but can save you a lot of time and effort. Deciding who to date It’s a good idea to think about what qualities you’d

like in someone - and what you’d find unacceptable. This doesn’t mean the superficialities (yes to nice eyebrows, no to grey shoes) but the personality and behavioural traits - yes to a brilliant sense of humour; no to someone who wants to give up his job and become an Elvis-impersonator (unless, of course, that’s your thing). Once you’ve decided that the person seems to fit more or less within the guidelines you’ve set, it’s time to move the situation on. Meeting up If possible, make your first meeting in the daytime. Tell a friend where you’re going and ask them to call you at the beginning of the date so you can let them know all is well. It’s a good idea to make it somewhere you’re known - your favourite coffee shop is always good. Never, ever, meet at your house or his. What to wear on a first date 1 Keep it simple. It’s nerve wracking enough being on a first date without worrying about wardrobe malfunctions like straps falling off your shoulders, your bra showing or skirts riding up. So keep your clothes easy, comfortable and confidence boosting. 2 Don’t scare the horses. Men are not known for their love of directional fashion - hence their universal dislike of Sex And The City’s Sarah Jessica Parker. So steer clear of strong fashion statements, big bright prints or weird shoe styles. And leave your daughter’s clothes in her wardrobe. Some discreet décolletage is sure to be alluring and so is revealing a shapely leg (keep the skirt knee length). Don’t go as far as opting for plunging necklines or short skirts - you risk looking either tarty or ‘trying too hard’. And don’t obsess about your weight men (unlike women) actually seem to prefer curves. 3 Nothing beats a dress. A good dress is a life saver - just put it on and you’re ready. A pretty colour that

works with your skin tone is always a winner. Try a wrap dress - a style that’s flattering for every body type. Slip a camisole underneath (not a safety pin) if the neckline is a bit low. Then just add a chic heel and a touch of jewellery. 4 Avoid warpaint. Go easy on the make-up and keep the look fresh and pretty. Think natural rosy glow rather than sparkle. And don’t forget to update your make-up - we often cling to the same look for years. If it’s been a while, products will have changed a lot since you last went on a first date, so seek advice from your nearest make-up counter. 5 Be happy. Wearing a smile is the best way to look beautiful. Once there, forget about your clothes, relax and have fun. What to talk about No talking or asking about exes until at least the third date - then limit the discussion to one question or statement. The temptation is to interrogate but, remember, it isn’t a job interview. Just concentrate on having a good time. Reading the signs How do you know if he likes you? How do you feel? Allow time for impressions to sink in. Ask yourself after the date: was there a connection? Did you have a moment of deep eye contact? Did you find yourself laughing, feeling happy for no apparent reason? Do you want to get to know this person better? If you do, the chances are that they do, too. So speak up - if you feel there was a real connection and they haven’t contacted you yet, be brave! Call and say, ‘I had a nice time - do you fancy meeting again?’ If they sound reluctant to get involved, move on. But more likely, they’ll be relieved you’ve been honest about your feelings - and the relationship can develop.

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Where do we go from here? Don’t worry about how to decide whether or not to take the relationship any further. You’re a lot wiser than you were at 17 and will be able to identify more quickly if you’re interested. Try to avoid situations that you feel are going to involve too much work or compromise. If you like him, then move it along - but slowly and gently. If you decide you don’t like him, be honest about it. No avoiding phone calls, just the truth (more or less): ‘I’ve really enjoyed myself but I don’t think you’re quite right for me...’ That way it’s obvious you think that he’s nice, but not for you. You’d be amazed at how often men say, ‘I thought she liked me but she never said anything.’ A lot of the time these ‘men who never call’ aren’t staying away because they’re sorry excuses for mankind. It’s often because they’ve no idea whether or not you liked them. We tend to assume our dates are reading our signals and will just know. But don’t ever assume that. If you’re really shy, send an email or a text and add, ‘looking forward to seeing you again’. If you’re really, really shy, then wait a week or so and invite him out with friends.

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You won’t seem desperate - you’ll seem interested. There’s a huge difference and, if he’s the kind of man you want, he’ll be clever enough to know that. What to do if it doesn’t work out First of all, deal with what’s happened by taking time to think about it. Were there signs at the beginning that you didn’t pay attention to? Were there fundamental incompatibilities that you brushed aside? Did you find yourself getting involved too quickly? Whatever happened, don’t take it too personally. Some things just aren’t meant to be, and relationships in midlife can be complicated as we try to integrate a new person into our already full lives. People hungry for love can find themselves getting involved way too fast, and we can also be resistant to love due to past hurts. These stumbling blocks can cause relationships to falter in the early stages. If we’ve done what we can and the bond doesn’t stick, it’s usually for the best in the long term. When you’ve done some thinking to digest this short-lived romance, move on. Don’t waste any more time - just set up your next date!

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Horoscopes - January Aries



You are pouring a lot of energy into generating business income, building your dreams, and planting the seeds for ideas this month. Your social agenda is hopping! You are more impartial than usual, and you can use this easy energy to enhance friendships. Romantic relationships require considerable attention, especially since the demands of your larger goals in life have been eclipsing your pleasureseeking activities.

Career and professional matters become a top priority and while career is at the forefront of your mind, your instinct is to retreat from the hustle and bustle. House repairs, family dramas, and other such issues, crop up now. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and energy put into domestic matters is essential now.

The urge for more from life than what you get from everyday mundane activities is strong. You want to broaden your horizons in any way that leads you into unexplored territory, whether this is intellectual or physical (or both). Events call your attention to communications, schooling, means of transportation, mobility, neighbours, or siblings. Whether or not you want to, you need to run errands and take care of paperwork.




This month, you are pulling back a little, strategizing, observing, and researching your options. While work and other public matters are not making headlines for you, your personal life is certainly heating up. You take little interest in anything superficial now, and you are a true student of human nature..

Much of your attention is drawn to improving your close relationships. It’s best to give the stage to others now, and to put your personal projects on the back burner just for now. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what is happening now. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now, and whether you can succeed as a leader is “tested” right now.

Any suspicions that you are a workaholic will probably be confirmed this month! You are making a dent in your “to do” list. . You’ve been deeply involved in your work and routines. It’s time to balance your life with some down time--otherwise, you simply won’t feel whole.




A truly fun month is in store for you. In 2009, you are discovering (and rediscovering) all the things that bring joy to your life. Entertaining, recreation, romance, children, and hobbies—all of these things appeal more than ever. Your charm soars, and your romantic life picks up pace. Responsibilities to others become very clear. Domestic matters move forward after a lull.

The year 2009 brings much contentment on the home front for you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be busy in this area of life! In fact, this month, activities in and around your home and involving family occupy much of your time. On a moment’s notice, you are called to perform. It’s best to keep your cool and do whatever you can to show your competence.

You can’t seem to sit still this month! With all that’s going on around you, be careful not to let the little things cloud your perspective of the bigger picture. Information overload could be an issue, if you let it become one. With all of the attention you’ve been giving to mundane affairs, you could be wondering when you’re going to have some fun.




This month you are busy building your resources, buying new things that have long-term “shelf life”, and thinking up ideas about how to make more money. Financial matters are in focus. What makes you feel comfortable and secure needs to be balanced with your attention to other people’s needs.

February is a banner month for your personal interests, energy, charm, and initiative. Few Aquarians will end the month without having changed some aspect of their personal appearance, manner, or style. The need to strike a balance between your own needs and those of another becomes clear. It’s time to compromise and negotiate.

Taking time out to research, reflect, and develop your inner resources figures strongly this month. Much of your energy is channeled into private matters. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you need to do in order to feel more balanced and healthy.

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Inspect the Unexpected the daring cat burglar, The Tornado, who has returned after a decade of inactivity.


he Pink Panther 2 is the 2009 sequel to the 2006 film The Pink Panther, a reboot of the popular comedy series. The film is currently scheduled for release on February 6, 2009 in North America. In the film, Inspector Clouseau must team up with detectives from other countries to rout

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Steve Martin, who will reprise the role of Clouseau, originated by Peter Sellers, polished the original script written by Scott Neustadter and Michael M, Weber in November 2006. Columbia Pictures, partnering with MGM on the sequel, hired the team of Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel to perform a further rewrite in January 2007. Principal photography began in Paris on August 20, 2007, then moved to Boston several weeks later, where filming ended on November 2, 2007. Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai appears in the female lead as criminology expert, Sonia. John Cleese replaces Kevin Kline as Chief Inspector Dreyfus with Jean Reno and Emily Mortimer

reprising their roles as his partner Ponton and his girlfriend Nicole. Andy García and Alfred Molina round out the cast as detectives, Inspector Vicenzo Brancaleone and Chief Inspector Randall Pepperidge. Harald Zwart is directing the sequel. Clouseau is sent away from France on holiday by Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus, only to have the vacation turn out to be an elaborate ploy to make him leave. When he leaves France the Pink Panther diamond and several other artifacts are stolen (once again). Along with a team including Inspector Pepperidge (Great Britain), Vincenzo (a wealthy businessman from Italy), Kenji (an electronics specialist from Japan), and Sonia (a researcher and criminology expert from India), Clouseau has to solve the case of the Pink Panther diamond, identify the robber known only as “the Tornado”, and solve the theft of the Magna Carta and other of the world’s most valuable items.

Yuki Matsuzaki Kenji Mazuto Johnny Halliday Laurence Millikin Lily Tomlin Yvette Berenger Molly Sims Marguerite Release Date was February 6th 2009


Steve Martin Inspector Jacques Clouseau John Cleese Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus Jean Reno Gendarme Gilbert Ponton Emily Mortimer Nicole Nuveau Andy García Inspector Vicenzo Brancaleone Alfred Molina Chief Inspector Randall Pepperidge Aishwarya Rai Sonia

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Coffee Break Crossword Across

1 __-control (will power) 5 Likely (to) 10 Bits of hair cream 14 Wicked 15 Yellow citrus fruit 16 Cincinnati’s state 17 Butte relative 18 Get out of bed 19 Butterfly catchers 20 Very soon 22 Brief film role 23 Religious image 24 Beret, for instance 25 Register at a hotel 28 Spanish dance 33 Old saying 34 Prepare ground for planting 35 __ de Cologne 36 Very soon 40 Brit. flyers 41 Walked on 42 Without interuption 43 Pushed higher 46 Record player 47 Anger 48 Grand-scope film 49 Lake boat

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52 Very soon 57 Kind of vaccine 58 Literary category 59 It surrounds the Vatican 60 Ready to harvest 61 Café patron 62 Vicinity 63 Toward Europe 64 Overact 65 Change for a $20 bill


1 Prefix for final 2 Tied, as a score 3 ‘’Mona __’’ 4 Long-legged bird 5 Anticipate 6 TV ‘’encore performance’’ 7 Leave out 8 Odor detector 9 Pt. opposite WSW 10 Be charitable 11 Throat-clearing sound 12 Food sample 13 Not so hot 21 More frosty 22 Video recorder, for short 24 Bird of prey 25 British cavalry sword

26 Perfect example 27 Minor mistake 28 Deluge 29 Strongly audible 30 More recent 31 ‘’The __ Mutiny’’ (Bogart film) 32 Perform better than 34 Flammable pile 37 Suffix for kitchen 38 ‘’Tag’’ player’s cry 39 Engagement-ring size, perhaps 44 ‘’Blue’’ flower of rhyme 45 Exist 46 Globe shape 48 Marsh bird 49 Apple center 50 Opera solo 51 Short sleeps 52 Package of paper 53 Look __ (investigate) 54 Had on 55 Prayer ender 56 Affirmative votes 58 “That’s amazing!”

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Horoscopo - Enero Aries



Estas gastando mucha energía en generar


Lo más importante para ti ahora mismo es la carrera profesional, y mientras que el trabajo esté en la vanguardia de tu mente tus instintos se retiran de todo el ajetreo. Reparaciones de casa, dramas familiares y otros asuntos semejantes empiezan a surgir. En este momento es esencial encontrar el equilibrio entre lo profesional y lo domestico.

Es muy fuerte en ti el deseo de sacarle más provecho a la vida que lo habitual. Quieres expandir tus horizontes hacía cualquier dirección que te lleve a nuevos terrenos, tanto si se trata de cuestiones intelectuales o de físicas o más bien ambas. Te llaman temas de comunicación, enseñanza, modos de transporte, movilidad, vecinos o hermanos. Por mucho que no quieras, tendrás que encargarte de recados y de papeleo.




Este mes te estás frenando un poquito, hacienda estrategias, y observando y analizando tus opciones. Mientras que no destaca ni el trabajo ni asuntos públicos para ti, tu vida personal sí que se está calentando. Ahora te interesan poco los temas superficiales y eres un verdadero estudiante del carácter humano.

Mucha de tu atención se centra en mejorar tus relaciones cercanas. Ahora es mejor dejar que protagonicen otros, y echar atrás tus proyectos personales, por ahora. Encontrar el equilibrio entre la autonomía y la dependencia es lo que te está pasando en este momento. Llevas las emociones colgadas de la manga. El hecho de poder tener éxito como un líder se está ‘poniendo a prueba’ este mes.

¡Cualquier sospecha de que eres un adicto al trabajo se confirmará este mes! Estás machacando bastante trabajo pendiente. Has estado bastante liado en asuntos de trabajo y dicha rutina. Es tiempo de equilibrar tu vida con un descanso, de lo contrario, simplemente no te sentirás completo.



Un mes verdaderamente divertido te espera por delante. En el 2009 estás descubriendo (y redescubriendo) todas las cosas que te traen alegría en la vida. Dar muchas fiestas, tener un romance, los niños y los pasatiempos- cosas que te llaman la atención más que nunca. Tu encanto se sube por las nubes y tu vida romántica coge ritmo. Las responsabilidades hacia los demás se hacen claras. Después de una tregua, los asuntos domésticos también vuelven a comenzar.

El 2009 te trae mucha satisfacción domestica, aunque esto no quiera decir que no estarás ocupadito en este campo de la vida. De hecho, este mes actividades alrededor de tu casa y con familiares te ocuparán mucho de tu tiempo. Con poca antelación, se te llamará para rendir. Es mejor mantener la calma y hacer todo lo que puedas para demostrar tu capacidad.

¡Parece que no te puedes quedar quieto este mes! Con todo lo que está pasando a tu alrededor, no dejes que las cositas pequeñas te distraigan de los objetivos más importantes. Te puedes agobiar con tanta información si te dejas. Con toda la atención que le has estado prestando a los asuntos triviales, te estarás preguntando cuándo te tocará pasártelo bien.




Este mes estás ocupado preparando recursos, comprando cosas que tengan ‘larga caducidad’. También estarás pensando en ideas de cómo ingresar más dinero. Estás enfocado en los asuntos financieros. Tienes que balancear lo que a ti te hace sentir cómodo y seguro con tu atención a las necesidades de los demás.

Febrero es un mes importante para tus intereses personales, tu energía, tu encanto y tu iniciativa. Pocos acuarios acabarán el mes sin haber cambiado algún elemento de su aparición personal, manera de ser o estilo. Hay una clara necesidad de encontrar el punto entre tus necesidades y las de otras personas. Es tiempo de llegar a un acuerdo y negociar.

Tomar un tiempo para reflexionar, investigar y desarrollar tus recursos interiores son elementos esenciales para ti este mes. Mucha de tu energía se concentra en asuntos personales. Puedes usar esta oleada de energía emocional para hacer cambios positivos en tus rutinas. Comienza tu programa de ejercicio y nutrición, ya que sabes que esto te hará sentir mas sano y equilibrado.

ingresos empresariales, construyendo tus sueños y sembrando las semillas de las ideas este mes. Tu agenda social está repleta. Eres más objetivo que lo habitual, y usas esta energía para mejorar amistades. Relaciones románticas te quitarán más tiempo de lo normal, sobre

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Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. There’s no math involved. The grid has numbers but nothing to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning. Solving time is typically 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. Solutions in the next issue of Town & Country Magazine. Good luck!

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Ham, Potato & Pepper Frittata Preparation time*: 5 minutes Cooking time*: 15 minutes Serves*: 2 Ingredients: 300g (10 1/2oz) potatoes, cut into 2cm (3/4in) dice 5ml (1tsp) vegetable oil 1/2 red pepper, diced 4 eggs 45ml (3tbsp) semi - skimmed milk 25g (1oz) ham, shredded 25g (1oz) cheddar cheese grated Method Bring the potatoes to the boil in a small saucepan. Simmer for 7–8 minutes until tender. Drain. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a medium, grill-proof non-stick frying pan and fry the pepper for 2 minutes. Add the potato. Fry for a further 1–2 minutes. Beat together eggs and milk. Pour into the pan. Cook gently for 4–5 minutes. Use a spatula to stop the edges sticking. Sprinkle ham and cheese over. Place under a preheated grill for 3–4 minutes until golden and cooked through.

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Colour Us In

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TRADERS Dentista / Dentist pg9 Clinica Indent pg9 Clinica Dental San Agustin pg28 Clinica Dental Teresa M. Liberatore

968 596 306 968 568 481 968 589 691

Inmobiliaria / Estate Agents pg16 Costa Calida Property Management 966 763 672 p15 pg29 Town & Country Spain 968 334 336 Restaurantes y Bars pg27 Café Bar La Lomas pg23 L.A. Lounge pg27 Pearl’s Plaice

968 582 903 608 911 971 637 798 983

Servicios / Services pg11 Ace Construction Services 620 460 311 pg27 AXA Insurance 968 171 005 pg28 pg21 Changing Spaces 619 868 393

pg27 David Mason Insurance Services 968 137 719 pg27 Drew Ryder 660 326 194 pg9 G & L Interiors 677 241 382 pg30 H2O 968 437 270 pg28 968 171 542 p21 968 335 738 pg21 JD Joinery 628 878 007 pg19 Jeniifer Cunningham 966 461 690 pg11 Linea Directa 902 123 975 pg29 MC Consulting 968 137 407 pg28 Opel 968 596 189 pg29 Parasol Property Management 680 906 404 pg24 R & C Builders 968 151 385 pg32 Salon Gran Via 968 597 448 pg21 Sinless Beauty 606 835 166 Veterinarian pg9 Veterinary Clinic Maskota 968 597 929

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