I don’t believe in the new year, new me changes, you canmakeatanytimeofthe year,allyouhavetodoisbe consistentanddon’tgiveup! So what are your plans for this year? I am planning on launching Lifestyle magazine in India alongside thismagazineinCyprusand theUK.Ialsoplanafashion show in Los Angeles in the autumn. and a Lifestyle Awards here in Cyprus as well as my annual event in Liverpool.
This will be my third year of living in Cyprus and I am really excited for growing the magazine and arranging lotsofnetworkingevents to bring people together, afterallIalwayssaythat businesses are built on good people working together. I am looking to recruit sales people so if you’re looking for a new direction for your career then drop me a message by emailinfo@lifestylelivingcypru s.com or whatsapp97827636
Whatever goals you are setting they will be achieved by breaking them down into small steps. Remember, everything is possible Have a great month
Cyprus is an all year round holiday destination and away from the beautiful beaches in summer is a winter sports emporium in the Troudos mountains where you can go husky sledding, skiing or snowboarding in the snow.
Ali Rhind, originally from Australia, was working in Afghanistan as a political advisor when she came to Cyprus on holiday to visit some friends, she said, “I was visiting friends and i got drunk one night and bought a house. I was ready to leave myjob in Afghanistan and I needed something to do and somewhere to live. And on way to airport stopped to buy some cat food and bought a husky as well.
Ali now owns three huskies with a fourth arriving on 22 January. “Dolce was the first one i bought as a baby, then I adopted Lulu as a rescue . I read that huskies get bored on their own so Dolce needed a friend. Dante arrived just before lockdown, he is super attached and doesn’t like be left on his own.”
“They’re a big responsibility, they need walking 23 km a day, starting first thing in the morning . I take the two boys first, they do 20 km between them and then I go on a little walk with Lulu as she is retired , she is 13 in March. In summer I have to walk them at 4.30am in morning before it heats up."
Ali also runs a curry business but was looking at doing something alongside it. She said, “I was staying at a cafe up the mountain having a drink and the dogs were playing in the snow. My friend's partner hired a sled, and he said, “You have huskies, put them on it it. As soon as I put them on the sled off they went ,
they knew what to do instinctively without anyone showing them so the idea just came to me as there’s nothing else like it in Cyprus."
“The following Christmas a friend of mine had serious cancer and we were doing somefundraising for her so I decided to give away a sledding session with the dogs. By then i had another sled built was ready to be used with the dogs, And the business took off from there. Ii started in the December of 2016 and now open from January to March, sometimes, April, as long as there’s snow. I go up the mountain just after Christmas and see if there is any hint of snow, some years it is earlier than others."
“I don't follow a life plan, you cant follow life plan in Cyprus as it is one of the most difficult places to work and hardest places I have found to make money. But when you do something you love it never feels like work. Summer sees me working with my catering company and this year I am opening my catering business up to a pizzeria cooking pizzas at different events island wide."
" The Husky Sledding & Adventure Sports Cyprus is advertised mainly through facebook and news articles. "Some years we have a myriad of article about us and then other times there’s nothing.” Ali said.
At Husky Sledding and Adventure Sports Cyprus, we offer a "hands on" experience from the start. After being introduced to the dogs, you immediately help handle and get to know them, before we begin sledding.
“I think when you take people on a sled and they’ve never been on it before they think they’re on a guided tour and they think have to go to somewhere like Finland. But they can go here in Cyprus. , What is important is that we offer something different, everywhere else you sit on the sled and they guide you and control the dogs. Here we teach you how to control the dogs. It's all about you being interactive. You control the sled and managing the dogs and we encourage everyone to form a relationship with them, even with children , we use a small sled for children and if they fall off they're falling nine inches into the snow, they’re not going to hurt themselves., We do have problems with the snow and we have to adapt the business to suit the snowfall. All we ask is that no one wears pom poms as the dogs like to play with them.
A the end of the session we stop for photos and play time, the dogs are really interactive and want to be cuddled like a baby, Lulu wants to snuggle up, is a chance for people to get to know the dogs and be confident with them. It’s all about learning about the dogs and we educate people especially children who may be way about them that they’re safe.
New for this season are a variety of interactive experiences, including our Husky Snowboarding and/or Ski Package. Or for those celebrating, our Husky Prosecco & Canapes Package. There really is something for everyone and all our packages are tailored to your needs and wants. It's all about how you would like to spend you time with our friendly dogs.
The cost 195 euros per session for a group of up to 6 people. A deposit required in advance. For more details visit https://www.facebook.com/HuskySleddingAdventureSportsCyprus/
Cyprus faces a downturn in property boom in 2023 according to industry experts. The Council for Registration of Real Estate Agents president Marinos Kineyirou said recently that the organisation took significant steps to address critical issues concerning both real estate agents and the general public in 2022, a year defined by uncertainty and global instability, ahead of a challenging2023.
Aftertwoyearsofhavingto dealwiththepandemic,thewar thatbrokeoutinUkraineatthe beginningof2022onceagain changedthesituation,” Kineyirousaid.
“Despite this, the real estate sector proved resilient, continuing to grow and strengthen, something which is reflected in the comparative sales figures, which the council now receives on a quarterly basis from the Land Registry, before processing them for publication,”headded.
Kineyirousaidthatinthethird quarterof2022,atotalof5,566 transactionsworth€1.65billion wererecorded,comparedto€1.2 billioninthesecondquarterand €1.3billioninthefirstquarter of2022.
Moreover, he explained that demand throughout 2022 had beenaffectedbyseveralfactors, including the war in Ukraine, the government’s incentive scheme to attract international companies to Cyprus, as well as the subsidising of interest rates, whichwasinplaceuntiltheend of2021.
For more details visit https://ktimatomesites.com/
“All of these factors contributed to the increase in demand for real estate from both locals and foreigners,”Kineyiroustated.
“Weexpectthecomingmonthsof the new year to be full of challenges, which may ultimately affect demand and, by extension, the real estate sector’s growth rate, potentially resulting in the sectorslowingdown,”headded.
People are reluctant to move due to high inflation, while Cypriot businesses may postpone investment decisions until both uncertainty and high costs subside.
What is more, the rise in lending rates is another factor which may affect the plans of those who are thinking of buying a house or apartment for homeownership purposes, he explained, while also noting that the low VAT rate of 5 per cent may also add to the challenges facingthesector.
Also there is also the issue of increased raw material prices, which is also driving up the final selling prices of both houses and apartments as construction costs increasetothosebuildingnew houses or upgrading existing ones.
One example is that title deeds willnow carry a clarifying statement, saying that the general valuation assessment is only useful for tax purposes and does not represent the market valueoftheproperty.
The Council for Registration of Real Estate Agents has launched an online platformproviding a benchmark for reliable deals and opportunities for the general public, as they can search and locate properties solely from licensed real estate agents with thousandsofpropertiesonoffer
So often, people come in to see me saying something like “I have been meaning to come to see you and write /amend my will for ages”. Frequently they bring an old article that I have written, sometimes from two or three years ago which they have cut out of a magazine or paper.
Each January, we write to our clients wishing them a Happy & Healthy New Year and remind them to review their will in case their circumstances and beneficiaries may have changed since they last looked at their wills Putting off to tomorrow, what you can do today, can sometimes have serious consequences.
A new year resolution for wills can be a great way to start off the year with a renewed focus on your estate planning. It can help ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your passing and can also provide you with peace of mind knowing that your affairs are in order.
Another resolution could be to create a will if you don't already have one. This is especially important if you have any assets or dependents that you want to provide for. Without a will, the distribution of your assets and the care of your dependents will be determined by legislation, which may not align with your wishes.
One resolution for wills could be to review and update your current will. This is important because your will should reflect any major life changes, such as getting married, having children, or buying a new property. If your will is not up to date, it could lead to confusion and conflict among your loved ones after your passing.
Additionally, you may want to consider creating a UK Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney, which is a document that outlines your wishes for medical treatment if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. This can be especially important if you have specific wishes regarding end-of-life care. There is also a similar document to enable your UK Property & Financial Affairs to be managed for you, should you lose mental capacity or the ability to speak etc.
Overall, a new year resolution for wills can be a great way to start the year off on the right foot and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your passing. By reviewing and updating your will, creating a will if you don't already have one, and discussing your estate planning with your loved ones, you can provide yourself and your loved ones with peace of mind.
I once had a client who related a story about her parents who had previously been very wealth and twenty years ago had written their wills leaving £10,000 to each of their nephews and nieces. Over the years their assets had diminished, partly due to care home fees, and when they did pass away, without having updated their wills, the nephews and nieces received their £10.000 each but the children received virtually nothing.
Most days you'll feel you can cope and think today's okay I cando this. You feel like you're coping then whoosh something happens. Maybe someone in passing asks how you are or tells you how great you are doing and that they're proud of you. Yep guess what, you're a jabbering wreck yet again.
Believe me I know, I'm there with you right now! Other days you'll be ok but you'll still have a few tears into your pillow. You'll catch yourself talking into the darkness to your loved one, telling them howmuchyouloveandmiss them, I certainly do.
Everything will remind you of them, from their daft jokes down to the baubles on your tree at Christmas. The smell of them that just seems to linger, encompassing everything you touch. Sitting down to watch telly and their favourite film comes on. Their voice in your head. Even phrases in sentences, remind you of them.
I never thought I would be a widow in my 50s, we should have grown old together but last year my world came crashing down and my darling husband died last year I have felt as if I am on this constant merry-go-round, that never stops turning around and around and around. My heart hurts so very much. It's like it's been ripped into tiny pieces and thrown in the recycling bin. That's what grief feels like!
Link to the NHS site https://www.nhs.uk/mentalhealth/feelings-symptomsbehaviours/feelings-andsymptoms/grief-berea
All I can tellyou is that you need to give yourself time to heal andto listen to your heart. Try and get out in the fresh air, do the things you want to do and be kind to yourself.. Don’t let people around you dictate to you, it's your life not theirs and your grief will be unique toyou.. Try to take each day step by step and don't rush things.Also I hope that reading this, it helps in some small way. Lots of love.
The memories of our loved ones are never ending and to be honest I'm personally grateful for that. Grief is hard! It can hit you like a stack of bricks or it can come at you in soft waves.
Today’s best hearing aids, like our Evolv AI devices, have become very technology forward. This may seem daunting, especially if you are not comfortable around evolving technology. Between streaming, remote control features, accessories and more, it’s understandable if people feel intimidated wearing hearing aids and managing all their features in day-to-day life.
But the truth is, today’s technology is specifically engineered to make wearing and using hearing aids fool proof. Yes, they’re leaps and bounds more sophisticated than ever before — but at the same time, they’re more effortless than ever to use.
Here are a few ways Evolv AI are designed to simplify hearing aid technology:
Sound Quality – Evolv AI hearing aids are adapting to the environment 55 million times per hour. This means you don’t have to constantly “play with” and adjust the aids every time you change listening environments or activities. Instead, the hearing aids adjust automatically for you.
Edge Mode – No matter how well set up your hearing aids are, sometimes you encounter situations you weren’t expecting. Our proprietary and popular Edge Mode feature was made for those situations, optimizing your environment for both clarity and audibility with just the push of a button.
No Smartphone Needed –
Pairing your Evolv AI hearing aids with our Thrive Hearing Control companion app is the best way to maximize their many benefits — but it’s not necessary to enjoy their superior sound quality. Evolv AI’s sound processing and noise management technologies are built into the device itself, and will provide exceptional sound quality even with no smartphone or other accessory.
Streaming – For people who are looking for smartphone connectivity (for phone calls
and other uses), Evolv AI features direct connections to over 34 Apple devices and 56 Android devices. This makes streaming directly to smartphones possible without any additional devices or accessories.
User-friendly App – If you do want to pair your Evolv AIs with our Thrive app, we offer two different use modes:
Basic — for wearers who are looking for a simplified and streamlined app experience, like remote control functionality.
Advanced — for wearers who are looking for advanced features like translations, reminders and fitness and health monitoring.
Accessories — Starkey’s line of wireless accessories are designed to pair easily and fit seamlessly into your daily life — to provide additional listening benefits in challenging situations.
To confirm your hearing loss with a hearing test or consult with a hearing professional about treatment, call 77772627 and set up a free hearing consultation appointment with one of our hearing experts near you.
Houseplants need to be kept warm over winter to ensure they stay healthy over the colder months and thrive into Spring.
Despite being inside, plants are still vulnerable to dramatic temperature changes throughout the day, causing the soil to freeze and thaw.
This process could result in heaving, where the roots become exposed, exposing the indoor plants and putting them at risk of disease and withering.
Tips to keep plants warm include insulating your plant pots with bubble wrap and investing in space heaters or heat mats to keep the warmth contained for indoor plants.
Unusually, another tip is to make use of the fridge. This kitchen appliance does produce some warmth out of the top, so by keeping plants there the fridge can act as a useful heat mat at no extra cost.
Remember to ensure plants aren’t over-watered - they’ll require less water than in the warmer months, but do still need watering especially if kept in a humid and dry room. Using a water mister can help with this.
A spokesperson for Garden Buildings Direct said: “Whilst we try and keep ourselves warm this winter, don’t forget to also care for your indoor plants as the colder temperatures set in. Whether you are moving some plants from the outdoors in, or caring for indoor succulents, it’s important to keep them warm this winter.
“There are several budget friendly ways to keep your plants cosy, like using some of that bubble wrap you might have lying around. Wrap it around your plant pots and the air in the bubbles will keep the heat in. Of course there are also options which are more expensive, but also very effective. Investing in heat maps or
space heaters will keep your indoor plants warm year-on-year.
“Unusually, keeping plants on top of the fridge can also help preserve heat, and of course chasing round the sunlight in the warmest room in your house is another great tip for this winter.”
Here are some top tips to keep indoor plants warm this winter:
1. Find the warmest room The easiest way to make sure indoor plants stay an ideal temperature this winter is to find out which room in
to contain as much heat as possible around the plants. Bubble wrap is an effective and affordable way for horticulturists to prevent heat loss during the colder months as the layer of air in the bubbles acts like a double-glazed window.
Heat mats can be a bit more expensive, but they are a fantastic option for keeping indoor plants warm as the weather gets colder. Heat mats are thin sheets of plastic which have heating elements inside. The mat is plugged in and the surface heats up. Simply pop any indoor plants on top of the heat mat to help keep them warm.
This may seem an unusual idea to keep plants warm – but in fact electric fridges act as heat maps themselves. The top of the fridge often produces some heat, so keeping plants on top of the fridge will allow the plants to absorb some heat for no extra cost. It’s also a good idea to wrap the pots in bubble wrap too as the top of the fridge likely won’t provide enough heat alone.
Using indoor space heaters for plants is a more costly idea but provides an effective source of heat to keep indoor plants at the right temperature. If using space heaters, make sure that plants aren’t placed directly in front of the heaters, otherwise they could get too hot.
the house is the warmest. Make sure that this room has a good level of sunlight during the day and keep moving the plants to the warmest, best lit spot in the room. Every few days rotate the indoor plants to keep an equal amount of sunlight shining on each one.
Another simple trick to keep indoor plants warm is to wrap layers of bubble wrap around the plant pot
Indoor plants are susceptible to over-watering during the winter months, since they don’t need as much water as they do during the spring and summer. Obviously the plants will still need watering, especially if they are in a humid room. Spraying water mist over the plants will help them grow in the dry air whilst avoiding over-watering. A good tip is to push about 5 cm deep into the soil - if it is completely dry, then it needs more water.
For more expert tips on how to care for plants as the colder weather approaches, head over to https://www.gardenbuildingsdirect. co.uk/.
GEMINI ( 21 MAY – 20 JUNE)
You would climb up the ladder of profession now. It is time for you to assert your capabilities in the work field. Determination is the key- word to succeed in your profession. The period will bring extra energy, tenderness or curiosity and lend thirst for adventure.
CANCER ( 21 JUNE – 22 JULY )
The results of your efforts put in forthelastfewmonthshallbegin togiveresultsnow.Almostallthe aspects of your life would be feel a change now. Success is on the cards when you work with a groupwithcommoninterests.
LEO ( 23 JULY – 22 AUGUST )
Your finances would improve a lot on a positive scale. If you put in much effort you can certainly increase your standard of living in your current society.. Confidence is the key to a positive relationship with your partner.
(21MARCH - 19 APRIL)
A month of considerable effort, of ambitions and initiative, in which you cantakebigstepsinthedirectionyou want. General career trends seem to be satisfactory for this month. It will be a month with lovely romantic trends.
You'llbewillingandcourageoustotry things you wouldn't have tried before. It'll be a privileged period for creativity and for promoting aptitudes, products, brand. There'll be opportunities you'll speculate quickly; you'llberesourcefulandpersuasive.
Your sense of creativity need to be boosted for best performance throughout the month. New ventures, new businesses, or new positions are in for you now. You seem to be oscillating between a romantic-adventurous approach andarealist-reservedone.
Your creativity shall be at it bestthisperiod.Putitintogood use for financial or monetary benefits. Your financial inflows this month would be quite satisfactory with inflows coming much from external sources rather than your own efforts.
Yourprojectsarelikelytomove in a o positive direction. Team efforts shall give good rewards hence go with the gang. Possessiveness is likely to wreak havoc on your relationships and hence try to keepyourselfcool.
You'll benefit from a big mental strength and an extraordinary capacity for concentration. A well-planned budget based financialperformanceshallhelp you a lot. You'll constantly move, communicate, write, persuade,andnegotiate.
A general slow and steady approach is better else you would lose steam at the end of the race. Patience is much needed for this period as also a tab of your diet and exercise. Material benefits shall not entice you and you get into a morespiritualphaseinlife.
Careershallremainsatisfactory and pleasant. Put your creativity into full good use rather than the back burner. Talents and creativity will be strong points that you can use with success.. Some amount of socializing shall also help in the professionalfield.
Progressneedtobemadeinthe right direction so that your financial ship stays afloat. Expenses related to family and friends would burn your fingers to some extent. Take some time off now and then to retreat into your own personal shell that shall rejuvenate you for the longrunahead.
MANISH‘Are you still living the dreamers? It’s been a while since we spoke but I have found a new home with Lifestyle magazine and I can’t wait to share my stories with you every month.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and happy new year! I’m glad everyone in Cyprus doesn’t make such a big song and dance over it like they do in the UK, I mean I am all about going over the top but Christmas does become rather crazy there and unecessary. All that fuss and extravagance for a day.
I’m still gardening, though there’s not much to do in winter. and the recent rain keeps drowning my plants. I am still a Busy Lizzy queen and while they aren’t thriving as much as I hoped, at least I haven't killed them off! (there’s still time I am sure ) My friends know that every plant I get usually ends up dead but fingers crossed they thrive, they just need some water like us, right?
I’ve been painting and pottering about. It easy to pass the time doing nothing and I am an expert on that. As always though, I do have time to find time to look after myself, you’re never too old to get your hair and nails done, as for the face, well that’s an entirely different story.
I may look a little old and creased round the edges but in my head I am still 35. Why does my face have to drop? I could do with dragging it up and tying it above my head with a big bow.
Ok that’s silly but my friend in the UK is an expert skin specialist and has promised to come over soon and offer a pop up skincare clinic. She’s offering antri wrinkle tratments, skin boosters and facials.
I know we’re supposed to get wrinkles and bags but the only bags I want to see are filled with shopping. Talking of which, where are your favourite places to shop? Let me know.
Take care, keep laughing and most of all, keep living the Cyprus dream
Laraine PassesNNew year, new goals, new you.The turn of a new year is always a great starting point to reignite your desire to get fit, burn some caloriesandlooktowork
towards an event or sporting season. The trick is to work out how you can sustain the ‘new you’ and not drop of the wagon mid-February when you realise keeping active is hard work. The desire comes from you and you alone, do not start too hard but start being active at a comfortable and steady frequency/ Whatever you do, don’t starve yourself, don’t stop eating, don’t start being unrealistic. It is really simple, increase your activity level and reduce the calories consumed.
January is always an exciting time for Papa Luckman as I start my Sports Specific Training for Speedway riders. The sessions are perfect for anyone who rides on the dirt oval tracks and a perfect opportunity to develop your knowledge of what Sports Specific Training. A lot of riders blame their machinery or track conditions for poor performance which is acceptable if your body is in the best physical shape it can be. Riders will not understand how hard their body actually works when riding until they have done one of my sessions.
So why train for the sport your take part in? it is really simple. Break down the sport you do into physical components and then match the exercise to that component. Let’s take football. The Goal keepers, defenders, midfielders and strikers will all train differently according to the skills they need. I have held preseason training for British Youth Speedway and Dirt Track Events for the last two years. I am proud to say I have trained a lot of good young riders who are now racing in the professional Speedway leagues.
I am very honoured to have trained Cooper Rushen who is multi-time British Speedway and Grasstrack Champion. Cooper has been racing since he was knee high to a dumbbell. This year he moves up to the 250cc class. Our journey started two years ago and this year will be a true test to my ethos of Speedway Sports Specific training. I am willing to put my reputation, as the only personal trainer in the UK who offers Speedway Sports Specific training, on the line.
So how do my sessions work. Pre-season runs from January to March when the season starts. In January I will focus on general body conditioning and cardio, moving into February I will start to focus on bike fitness and then move into race fitness in March. My sessions are based around a typical Speedway meeting with riders getting a minimum of 4 rides. Each race last approximately 1 minute, however there is a 2-minute time allowance before riders have to be up at tapers and then time to recover back in the pits after a race. Each round of exercise last 4 minutes with a 1 minute break. The key to all my sessions is to work the heart rate to simulate how hard the heart works during a race meeting. During a race riders are maxing out their heart rate. last year Eurosport introduced riders wearing heart rate monitors so viewers could see how riders coped with the stress of racing when they were at the starting tapes. The heart is the most effective measurement of how the body is functional under physical and mental duress. My sessions focus on training to manage these physical demands, reduce fatigue which in turn gives the mind a clear focus on the riding.
Hello you beautiful souls,
It’s ���� �������� to re-connect and have the chance to wish you thee happiest, healthiest, and most prosperous new year ever!
You may ( ) recall but I’m known for calling a spade a spade and my no BS approach. So brace yourself for a bit of the old tough love…( * * ).
Here’s where you have a choice to make. You can either roll your eyes and turn the page. Or, you canreadonandchangeyour entire life TODAY.
However I must warn you, I only have about a hundred and fifty words left to help you, so buckle up!If you’re living the life you dreamed of when you were growing up - “That’s down to YOU.”
.”However, if you’re ready to change the trajectory of your life for you and your family.Ifyou’rehungryfor more and want to get UNSTUCK by learning how to stop ‘unintentionally’ holding yourself back from the kind of lifestyle you deserve.
So it’s January, the time when all the excessively idealistic, mostly unrealistic, and sometimes downright delusional resolutions and intentions are set.
By February, around two-thirds of you will have abandoned them (Aka F@*ked them off) and be left feeling notably worse than if you hadn’t bothered making any.
And arguably worst of all. you’ll go and do EXACTLY the same thing all over again. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result’ is the definition of madness?!
If your bank balance ’ exciting AF and more than you ever thought possible - “YOU need to take radical responsibility for that.”And if you’re spooning with the love of your life every night“It’s YOUR OWN making.” Im not gonna rub it in by elaborating here because im sure you get the gist.
Now, let me make this *crystal clear*.NONE of this is your fault. It’s 100% YOUR responsibility… but it’s not your fault.
No-one taught us how to make real money, how to make decisions or how to live consciously instead of on autopilot. And no-one taught us about relationships or how to break unhealthy relational patterns.Seemingly, school decidedto teach us shit we didn’t need instead.
If you want to understand the workings of your psychology so you can finally lay those solid foundations that’ll set you up for sustainable success in every area of your life.
Follow me on Insta @ZENZ.TRANSCENDENCE and send me a DM with the word “LIFESTYLE” If you want more info on the different ways you can work with me.
Truth & Transparency Always Berny.xo.
Decide which part of your life you want to start from and end... (The childhood that shaped you? The start of a relationship that changed you? The trauma that moved you? The successes that empowered you? The job you walked away from to pursue your dream?)
Write a list of the essential themes and stories around this, the emotions you experienced and how they impacted your life. Focus on key turning points that will resonate
with your readers.
Write a brief bullet list of events in chronological order.
Draft scenes from your life and describe them illustratively, such as meeting your best friend, giving birth, breaking a bone, listening to your favourite piece of music for the first time, waking up in a new country for the first time.
Piece them all together with emotion and humour.
What is the purpose of your autobiography? To share your story? To inspire others? To fulfil a personal ambition? How will it end?
By giving it to AmandamossPR to help you create it, publish it and promote it.
Email amanda@ amandamosspr.uk or WhatsApp 00357 97827636. www.amandamosspr.uk
Sixteen years ago the Morton Family relocated from Essex to Paphos, with four young children.
Soon after arriving Peter and Debbie started PMR Cyprus. At first it was only going to be a small man with a van service but they soon
saw a huge gap in the removals industry. This was something Peter had done when he first left school.
They employed their first couple of staff and started taking on the larger removals.
Within a short timespan customers were
asking them to ship their goods primarily back to the UK.
They looked in to the option of this and found it was another service they could offer. Leading on from this they found partners in the UK to start importing customers personal effects back to them in Cyprus.
From starting within their kitchen with a computer and just one van, they now boast 26 full time employees, 17 removal trucks and have a 7500 square meter storage facility incorporating the offices.
The storage facility holds over 700 storage crates starting from just 12 euros plus VAT per
week. They can also offer outside container storage if needed. They have vast amounts of open storage areas within the warehouse and outside for storage of vehicles, boats or oversized items. Post Brexit they have realized, as with all industries, the huge increase in costs with shipping and destination
services in the UK and indeed worldwide.
To this end they decided to look in to opening PMR UK!
They now have a storage facility in Essex, not the size of the Cyprus one but a solid base for future growth.
They are running two vehicles and have five full time staff on board.
This makes them the only company both sides of the water owned by the same people. This is totally unique and it also allows them to be in full control of your shipments. The office staff whilst miles apart are working together as if in the same office. They offer the full in-house services to assist you with either Transfer of Residency (TOR) or if you are paying Duties & Taxes along with full car registration in Cyprus, should you require it.
To summarise, if you need any advice or guidance on a local move, worldwide relocations both to and from Cyprus, along with first class storage facilities please do not hesitate to contact us.
Take a look at their website, Facebook pages and Instagram to see exactly what they are all about, along with some excellent reviews from customers.
Visit their website www.petermortonremoval.com or call us on on 26923588 - Paphos office or 25722180 - Limassol office.
Facebook: Peter Morton Removals for Cyprus and PMR UK for England Instagram: peter_morton_removals – petermorton.removals – petermortonremovals for Cyprus and pmrbranchuk for England
Email: Cyprus – headoffice@petermortonremovals.com England – ukbranch@petermortonremovals.com
Gin is a very stable spirit and if unopened and stored correctly it will retain its quality and flavour.
How long can you keep gin once opened?
Once opened, gin can be stored for years without going bad, unless you keep it in an unsealed bottle next to a radiator or in direct sunlight. However, even if tightly resealed, the taste and quality of gin in an opened bottle will very gradually start to change as it reacts with oxygen in the air. Therefore it is recommended that you finish a bottle within 2 years of opening it. The less gin there is left in the bottle, the sooner you should drink it or decant it into a smaller bottle. Please note that this information relates to pure gin. Some gin liqueurs and gins flavoured with natural ingredients and juices are more likely to change or deteriorate in flavour within a few months of opening.
How should you store gin?
Whether opened or unopened, gin should be stored in a tightly sealed bottle in a cool, dry place that is away from heat sources (such near radiators or above cookers) and away from direct sunlight. Do not store gin in the bottle with a pourer attached. This will allow the liquid to evaporate, and since alcohol evaporates faster than water, your gin will become weaker in ABV as the months go by. If the bottle is less than half full and you don’t plan to drink it in the next few weeks, it is worth pouring the gin into a different, smaller bottle. Gin reacts with oxygen, so the more space in the bottle there is for air, the quicker the gin may deteriorate in quality and taste.
The typical household freezer is set to minus 18 C (zero Fahrenheit). Pure gin shouldn’t freeze until the temperature falls to minus 27 C (-17 F), so it is safe in your freezer. Gin liqueurs have a lower ABV and therefore freeze more easily.
Some gins which are flavoured with natural ingredients or are unfiltered (with visible particles in them) may partially freeze or subtly change when stored in the freezer. Those who enjoy drinking gin neat or over ice will often store their gin in the freezer or put it in the freezer and hour before serving it as the lower temperature softens the harshness of the alcohol.
Gin can typically be stored on its side without changing the quality or flavour. However, gins with natural cork stoppers should be stored upright as some corks can begin to be broken down by the gin and impart flavours into the spirit when in contact with it.
2022’s final album chart then saw his perennial festive favourite ‘Christmas’ climb all the way to the #1 spot – the fourth time that the 10 x Platinum-certified album has topped the charts since its originalreleasein2011.
26th – London, The O2
28th – London, The O2 (ADDED SHOW)
21st – Manchester, AO Arena
22nd – Manchester, AO Arena (ADDED SHOW)
24th – Leeds, First Direct Arena
27th – Glasgow, OVO Hydro
28th – Glasgow, OVO Hydro (ADDED SHOW)
29th – Aberdeen, P&J Live MAY
1st – Newcastle, Utilita Arena
2nd - Newcastle, Utilita Arena (ADDED SHOW)
7th – Nottingham, Motorpoint Arena
8th – Nottingham, Motorpoint Arena (ADDED SHOW)
10th – Birmingham, Resorts World Arena
11th – Birmingham, Resorts World Arena
The mutiple Grammy-winning superstar Michael Bublé recently completed a unique achievement as he became the only artist to score two #1 positions on the UK’s Official Album Chart in 2022 –making him the first artist to land two UK #1 albums in a year since Taylor Swiftandonlythesecondthisdecade.
In April, Michael’s eleventh studio album ‘Higher’ went straight to #1, assisted by thehugeairplaysuccessofthesingle‘I’Il Never Not Love You’ which included an A-listandTuneoftheWeek’atradio2
. The success of the two albums means that Michael now has a total of five UK #1 albums to his name (completed by ‘Crazy Love’, ‘To Be Loved’ and ‘Love’) which have spent a total of 10 weeks at the top of the chart. Remarkably, Michael’s back catalogue has amassed a total of 140 weeks in the Top 10 of theUK’sOfficialAlbumChart.
There’s already much more to come from Michael in 2023. His European headline tour commences at the end of the month, and phenomenal demand for tickets saw another six UK arena shows added to the eight that were initially scheduled. PleaseseebelowforalistofallUK dates and here for details of all upcoming international shows. ‘Higher’ has also been nominated at next month’s Grammy Awards, which could see Michael win the fifthGrammyofhiscareer.
Michael says, “I’m deeply moved by support the UK has shown me for the last 20 years. Having two Number 1 records in the same year is mind blowing and I know I’m in rare company. Thank you.”
Let December 31st be the dark night of the ego, and January 1st the dawn of the absolute glow up of your Higher Self! These are my unconventional New Year’s wishes to you for a happier, healthier and more abundant 2023, building the foundation for creating your best life. Because everything starts from within.
It is actually supposed to be the dark night of the soul leading to the ego death but, as we are talking about New Year’s Eve, I decided to use this analogy... This reflection related to the ego came particularly to my attention recently due to very personal circumstances. There are in fact moments and situations in our life when we allow our ego to dictate our actions, reactions and thoughts, most of the time with catastrophic results. But first let me clarify, for those of you who are not familiar with all this spiritual stuff, the difference between ego and higher self.
The ego is connected to logic, the physical senses and the material world, and in general to negative emotions. The higher self could be defined as the voice of our soul, it operates on a spiritual level and is connected in general to positive emotions.
The ego is fuelled by a sense of lack and fear, it gets in the game when we compare ourselves to others, or when we judge ourselves or others, or play the victims. It could also be defined as the lower self.
The higher self is ruled by intuition, balance, awareness and mindfulness. It is about who we are at our very core, and it leads to actions and words that are positive because filled with love.
Given the above, you can easily understand that when we overreact, or when we are judgemental, or intolerant, we are letting our ego determine our actions, and influence our thoughts. This may cause us to hurt people or generate miscommunication, maybe just because our pride didn’t allow us to forgive, to ask how the other person feels, or why they are acting in that particular way. When instead we allow ourselves to feel compassion, when we are understanding and willing to consciously and carefully listen to our counterpart, we can build or improve the relationship, and avoid drama, misunderstanding and eventually a break-up.
How can we choose our higher self (HS) over our ego (E)?
For example by saying:
I am responsible of my actions (HS) instead of It’s not my fault (E)
I am enough (HS) instead of I cannot do it (E)
I learnt a lesson (HS) instead of I made a mistake (E)
I like them because... (HS) instead of I dislike them because... (E)
I create my own reality and attract opportunities (HS) instead of I was born disadvantaged / other people are luckier than me (E)
Why did I react like that? (HS) instead of They shouldn’t have said/done that (E)
Whether it is just relating to yourself or it involves anyone else, do not let your ego rule your life for worse. Use it for your good only when you need to be analytical, or for boosting your confidence as a reminder of how proud you are of yourself. Let love rule, and your life will be happier.
So now, gorgeous, just go out there and start living your best life!
Who am I? I’m an Italian living in Cyprus and loving it crazily. My name is Stefania Bongiovanni, some of you will know me as the founder of The Girlfriends’ Circle, but as well as the woman who believes in #sisterhood and in #womensupportingwomen.
The unusual name of Monsieur Doumani makes you wonder whether the award-winning trio are French, but I assure you they are not. Formed in Nicosia in 2012, the talented trio all grew up and have strong roots in Cyprus. They have been described by The Guardian as ‘one of the most entertaining, confident and inventive groups in this scene’. Their unique music is full of fresh compositions, unusual, sharp witted and savvy lyrics, with powerful messages expressed through their music. I describe their music as Cypriot music with a twist – Cyprus Avant folk; quirky, happy, joyful but with
emphasis on their choice of content and lyrics. The band has released four albums to date and their music progression has led to their last album sounding more psych folk with a raw edge.
Monsieur Doumani draw inspiration from contemporary Cypriot society with the base of their music being traditional Cypriot music influenced by various genres of music, including Greek Rebetiko (so called Greek blues) music of Southern Italy, west African music, jazz, and Baltic music. The result is the amalgamation of different styles around the
Cypriot traditional music core. With the addition of their various musical backgrounds and Cypriot folklore influences, their ideas and inspirations of their songs are born from political issues of the island including reunification and peace, Cypriot society and problems of racism, xenophobia, environmental deprivation, corruption, and injustice, where they attempt to confront these issues through their music.
The initial identity of MD is determined by the adaptation of Cyprus traditional influences using subject matter from 70 - 80 years ago. Their sound is not the traditional Cypriot music ensemble and does not belong to any genre of music but is greatly influenced by Cypriot roots. Their goal was not to revive Cypriot music, but the simplicity and originality helped them to create their music and get them where they are today.
Monsieur Doumani have ventured into an untouched
territory of music and with the addition of their choice of instruments; the acoustic guitar, trombone, flute and the tzouras; used purely because these are the instruments that they know how to play. Together the combination has proven successful and with the presence of the traditional instrument, the tzouras enables the artist to express feelings which reaches his soul and psych. “I was so relieved the moment I realised that I don’t need to force things…to pretend….to just be myself.” Antonis Antoniou
Their unique sound has attracted diverse audiences worldwide for the last ten years. They have performed in festivals and venues across the world,
including France, Denmark, Slovenia, Belgium, Netherlands, also in London and Japan, which was a dream fulfilled for them. They have received many awards and in 2018 received the Transglobal World Music award for best album 2018, which received international interest and acclaim.
Monsieur Doumani are Antonis Antoniou, Demetris Yiasemides and Andys Skordis.
The trio will be performing on the 9th of December at Savino Live, Larnaca, so if you are looking for something traditional, something Cypriot and some interesting and entertaining music then this may be the concert for you. Come and see the continuing
and exciting journey of Monsieur Doumani and be assured, you don’t need to understand the lyrics to appreciate the music.
To brighten up this Christmas season even more, feast your eyes upon this great line up of events offered by Savino Live music venue over the festive season. From Live music to DJ events, performers from Cyprus and Greece, English and Greek Rock, Pop, Metal, Hip Hop and RNB….
Christmas is a time to celebrate and come together and this is accomplished through music!
Merry Christmas music lovers!Photo by: Eric Van Nieuwland