This month will see expansion through philosophy, travel or education. It promotes the flow in your life so that things are easier than they have been in the past. You will find ways to express your unique identity in the outer world, preferably while promoting social justice. TAURUS (20 APRIL – 20 MAY) You will be preoccupied in issues ranging from the mundane study of the budget to important discussions with partners over the need for greater intimacy. You may be organising business issues related to an inheritance or your own legacy. You will back out of enviable professional commitments.
This is a propitious time for you to begin new things, especially if they involve travel or communications. Give special attention to investments and other shared resources. Ease up on the energy output. Your physical body may feel sluggish and your primary focus should be on internal healing.
You will feel the need to mature and to solidify your identity, in a new or additional field of work. Changes have come into your life through relationships with those who have minds of their own and they will teach you to set boundaries and claim your independence in a relationship.
You might encounter a physical or emotional blockage that demands healing before you move forward. If you do not recognize your feelings, a situation may drop in from the sky that will remind you of
circumstances of the past. You will be prone to overreact.
VIRGO (23 AUGUST – 22 SEPTEMBER) A new vision
for your life will take its place as the month moves forward, but be patient. It will be your responsibility to maintain the opportunities you’ve been given. You will be adding new spirit to an ongoing relationship. Many possibilities for reaching people will develop.
LIBRA (23 SEPTEMBER – 22 OCTOBER) This should be an
exciting month; something long in the making will show signs of fruition. There are still some loose ends that need to be tied up, though. You are setting and achieving goals and you must also learn compassion to manifest your best results.
SCORPIO (23 OCTOBER – 21 NOVEMBER) Positivity,
affirmations, being kind to yourself, celebrating your talents and successes – all of this will create fertile soil for your dreams to take root and grow. You will need to let go of any desire to have power over others and focus on developing your inner strength.
sense of ambivalence is creeping into your life just when you think it’s safe. You’ve been putting too much emphasis on some form of security: a relationship, job or lifestyle. It is holding you back as you’re overlooking an opportunity right in front of your eyes.
CAPRICORN (22 DECEMBER – 19 JANUARY) You should be inspired to achieve greater spiritual understanding by clearing your mind of past
MANISH’S ZODIAC PREDICTIONS MANISH KUMAT ARORA EMAIL: manish@ manishastrologer.com thoughts. Being true to yourself will bring about the happiness you seek. Progress will be made and stability is just around the corner! Take this inspirational energy and put it to good use.
on your strengths and abilities and let go of what you cannot complete or what you don’t possess. Start creating very specific financial plans and goals to get yourself there. It will help. Get your life on track and put more trust in your own thoughts and ideas.
PISCES (19 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH) You are in the midst
of warmth, brightness, and beauty. Keep reaching for the skies, to stay connected with nature and grasp the full power of your capacity and set yourselves free from all restrictions. Work on selfcare, self-assessment and the choices you need to make in life.