As we approach the end of the year and the nights are drawing in, it’s easy to sink into a ngative mindset but Lifestyle magazine is here to keep you motivated! Which is why this month’s issue is all about positivity and healing.
I have had the pleasure of speaking to some incredibily inspirational people who have faced rock bottom and unimaginable trauma, but have used these experiences to create a better life for themselves and they’re sharing their stories with you and, more importantly, offering their services to help you.
Louise Jacobs, an empowerment coach, Tracy McMahon a healer from Buddha Therapies, Jade McGuiness who is The Body Fixer Liverpool, but fixed her own life first, Richard Gair of GoGairy Hand Painted Leathers and Michael Bittner who overcame huge personal trauma. These people are showing you that you can create the life you want and deserve.
Last month saw The GoGairy Liverpool fashion Week which took the city by storm with some breathtaking designs, see all the highlights inside.My next fashion show is in Cyprus on May 3 so if you’re a designer and wish to get involved, email me
Following on from this I am launching the Lifestyle Music Awards in April 2025, showcasing the best musical talent not only from Liverpool but around the UK and our city, with its outstanding musical heritage, will host it. To get involved go to www.liverpoollifestyleawards.co.uk
Whatever you’re up to this month remember to be grateful for everything you have got and all that you have achieved. It’s so easy to forget how incredible you are.
Amanda Moss
Who am I? I am a personal life and mindfulness coach focusing on empowering women into a better mindset and giving them the motivation, inspiration and encouragement to create a betterand more fulfilledlifeforthemselves.
I am also a creative children’s yoga teacher and children’s entertainer and qualified in level2counsellingskills.
Why did you get into coaching? I have overcome and I have seen a lot of other women struggling with some of the same thingsIhavegonethrough
So over the last 12 years my ex-partner had severe mental health problems that he felt hisonlywayoutwassuicideinsuchahoffific way . He was on the front page of the Liverpool Echo so most people in my community knew before I did which was tough
I hadn’t even had a chance to let the shock hit me before I had to think on a much deeper levelaboutmykidsandhowthiswouldimpact themintheirlife.
And I had to figure a way to handle this sensitive situation all while carrying on as normal and getting them ready for bed. That’s something I never ever want to experience againbutthisshowedmethelevelsofwhatI’m able to do in regards to putting people’s needs paramount
We weren’t together at the time and hadn’t been for 5 years but even all these years later I’m still helping my children come through the aftermath left behind. Our daughter who’s 18 now struggles with this on visual level but our son19isinwardly.
To me this is proof that we have to deal with stuff and sometimes it takes much longer to accept and heal than it does for others. Grief is apersonalthing
The year later I lost my daughter.We knew from her20weekscaninOctoberthatshehadsome kind of life-limiting illness that I had to plan her funeralwhileshethievedinsideme IhadtochangemymindsettoembracewhatI couldfromthisdevastatingsituation.
Since lockdown where my daughter became temporarilyparalysedandwashospitalised She suffered from nerve damage for a year later after that (and still does) we never knew thereasonwhyandwereontenterhooksinvade ithappenedagain
In DEcember 2023 it did happen again she was hospitalised and a neuro consultant lakes into the ward and witnessed it and confirmed she had FND which is a neurological disorder . Through these years I have supported my childrenthroughmentalhealthbreakdowns.
How do you feel you can help people? I have lived the stories and experiences and qualifications needed and blended together that give me a strong powerful foundation to give others the mindset to overcome their challenges
I don’t have an ideal client. I have so much knowledgeandpersonalexperiencethatIam adaptable to all my clients hence I’m able to offerindividualpersonalisedcoaching
Each person is unique we all have our own blueprint
Although we may be similar and each situation me be similar when you break things down no two people or two situations arethesame
Motivation and empowerment blended with Minfulnessandlisteningskills Ihavesignatureprogrammesonselflove
And rediscovering yourself as we often get lost behind the role we play or thru somethingwe’vebeenthrough.
What3thingswouldyouadvisesomeoneto dotoempowerthemselves?
Fillingupyourowncupofselflovebecauseif we keep pouring into others and nobody’s pouring into us we run so low we can’t functionproperly
Changing your mindset so face the challenges that show up in our lives and instead of focusing on what we couldn’t do focus on our strengths turning them negativesintopositivesandthenweaknesses intostrengths
The conversations you have with yourself are up there in the top conversations you’ll ever havewithanyone
It is what I teach. We walk many paths in life but an empowered on where I can support you and your vulnerability in a safe non judgemental space to guide you through motivation.
To achieving small goals and tasks so you find thestrengthinsideyou
It’s you who does the inner work in here to guide you in a nurturing way showing you that motivation mindset and empowerment is all withinyou
This is your journey and I’m holding your hand alongtheway.
My signature programme is called Something InsidesoStrong Asthat’swhereitis.
Do you get many children coming to you with theirparents?
I’ve helped children as young as 3 who is my special guardian child to get into the correct mindset thru confidence building.It’s the most beautifulthingwhenaparentsendmevideosof their child flourishing now you can see the glow shine from within them and there is yes literally sparkle
It’s just giving a child the encouragement and tools to believe in themselves and that can be hard to do as a parent. Sometimes we need an outsidesource
As I mentioned earier everyone is unique so my energyandblueprintspeakoutforme
I’m not here to say I’m better than anyone else I don’tbelieveinpullingeachotherdown Sisterhood is about coming together and we are strongerwhenwearebuildingeachotherupnot tearing each other down that’s absolutely not something I agree with and I am not involved with Realstrengthisaboutsupportingeachotherand when we all come together beautiful things can comefromit
Some day I’d love to create a hub where all coaches and lifestyle and wellbeing professionals can come together so women childrenmenyoungandoldcancometoandwe haveanumbrellatohelpall. ContactLouise:
TThe Gogairy Liverpool Fashion Week took place recently at The LinerHotelinLiverpool.Supportedby the cast and producers of the new movie, Semolina Pilchard, GoGairy HandpaintedLeathersheadlinedthe catwalkcollections.fromaroundthe world. Liverpool fashion Weeks is a springboard for new designers launching their business into the industry.Forallthehighlightsvisit www.liverpoolfashionweek.co.uk
Tottering on the the brink of death, unemployed Richard Gair was offered a kidney and pancreas transplant It saved not only his life and cured his diabetes,butprovedthecatalystfora glittering new career in fashion which he had always dreamed of He is designing jackets for celebrities aroundtheworld
His bespoke hand painted leather designs have been endorsed by Saxon, Stone Roses and Iron Maiden andTheProdigyandheissoughtafter byadvertisingagenciesandwardrobe departments around the country for televisiondramas
Richard Gair, 52, from Doncaster quit hisjobinsocialservicesfearingforhis mental health as he said it was making him desperately unhappy, Over the following year he spiralled further into depression, fuelled by his deteriorating health. In 2013 he broke his foot. Due to his diabetes he wasn’t able to feel the injury and developed shark foot. “I didn’t know I had broken thebonesandwalkedaroundonitfor 3 weeks. Then I looked down and it was like a balloon. I went to the hospital and they said that all my bones had been crushed. I hadn’t felt a thing. “Added to his injury, he had responsibility of caring for his elderly dadwhowasdrinkingheavily,Richard says he put his life on hold, opening a small internet business in Barnsley MediaCentresellingartonlinewithhis best friend to tide him over but this also wasn’t going in the direction he wantedandtheworkdriedup "Ihidawayfor20years,“Richardsaid, “I was looking after kids who had a high risk of offending, I was a counsellor, I was also a carer for my dadwhowasdrinking Iwasfrustrated Once day I got a call that the studio was flooded I went home and my car broke down I just felt despair, I was thinking, there’s nothing else that can go wrong for me I just wanted it to end
Then someone had heard about me and asked me to paint a Metallica designonaleatherjacketsoIdid
Actuallyitwasreallygood Itwas like therapy and discovered by love of art and design again So I set up Gogairy Hand Painted Leather and I was planning to do Manchester Fashion Week last year but but I was ill so I had to shelve the plan. It was like one stepforwardand2stepsback.”
Fortunately doctors found a new kidney and he underwent the transplant where they offered himanewpancreasatthesame time which would cure his diabetes. “It was like I had been given a second chance” Richard said,“AndIcouldeatcakeforthe firsttime!”
Focusing on GoGary he sold a few more leather jackets, which retail on average £600,working from his spare room at home. He made enough to buy himself a Rolex watch, another ambition, within months and now he plans world domination He will be showcasing a doodle collecttion which is aimed at art therapy “Jackets you can actually colour in yourself and varnish them, so youcanwearyourownstyle”His collection opened Liverpool FashionWeekthisyear
“There’s no one doing what I am doingsoIamjustgoingtogofor it I am so excited for what the future brings I am getting commissions now I have the team, the talent and the determination Physically I may look drained but the fire in burninginmybellyandthemind isfullofcreativeideasIamready to develop. Eventually I want to open a creative studio and fill it with artists and dancers and skateboarders. It will be a hub that people can come together toexpressthemselvesartistically. That’s the dream, along with owningacanalboat.”
Richard is now expanding into furnituredesigns.
There’s nothing worse than a woman scorned and Mossy is on the rampage.
It’s Scorpio season too, the astrology sign of grudge-bearing and unforgiveness, so I am in my element.
I am talking about an ex-friend of mine, the latest in a long line of aquaintances who I have cut out of my life. I have no hesitation in doing this as I don’t like personal drama. A friendship should be balanced and supportive but I was beginning to feel it fraying. We originally connected as we were both going through break ups at the same time, but reflecting on our past conversations, our friendship was always centred around her and what she was doing and we would only go out if SHE wanted to. It came to a head when she got a boyfriend and dispensed with me. Looking back at our friendship we also shared a common problem of financially struggling, but as soon as my business started to pick up she pulled away from me. She was big on healing, apparantly too which I find amusing for someone so toxic, she obviously hasn’t learned anything from it. I was genuinely happy for her when she met someone and was always asking questions about how things were going. She wasn’t forthcoming to share any information so I stopped the questions, respecting her privacy, but when we went out for dinner she accused me of being jealous of her having a
boyfriend which wounded me profoundly.
Now I am quick to admit my flaws, but jealousy of my friends is not a is not a trait I have. I couldn’t possibly be friends with someone I am envious of and in fact the only time I have found myself jealous is when I have been so deeply in love with a man and they have looked at another woman.
Over the past few months I have been so busy with work projects and family which have been endless fun, but I never once didn’t think to include her in my plans and always extended invitations for her to join us. I messaged her several times to let her know I was thinking of her. She never wanted to go out so I stopped asking and the replies to my messages became shorter and curter. I asked her if there was a problem and she said no so I left it at that. Any reasonable adult would have discussed any problems but she is a self absorbed woman, her world revolves around herself 24/7 and we always did what she wanted, there was no compromise.
A week went by having gone from speaking several times a day to being on the end of the silent treatment.
As someone who grew up with being blanked by my parents, and my ex husband for years, being dismissed is not something I respond to well and she knew this.
Our paths crossed at the gym and she blanked me. So I called over to her.
by Amanda Moss
She spun round and started yelling at me so profusely that spit sprayed out of her mouth, telling me that she didn’t want to be part of the “Amanda Moss show” anymore.
I work in the media, my events are very public, I am also a smalltime influencer that gets paid to post reels on social media and of course, I do public relations so I am always er, putting on a show of some kind. My work shouldn’t have been a surprise to her as it was nothing new.
Being yelled at is intolerable and I realised that we never really had a friendship. She adds no value in my life. Her attack was the ultimate betrayal. Letting go of people has been a major flex for me in my personal quest for peace and happiness.I realise that cutting off people that don’t serve you the same respect is a major step in loving yourself. I am not even upset by the end of this friendship, I don’t miss tiptoeing around her mood swings . While she might not be interested in my life, with what I have planned in the coming year there’s plenty who will be.
engaging with 60,000 professional accounts on social media every month
Michael, 37, originally from Austria but nowsettledinLimassolwithhispartner and 11month old son, is a therapeutic mentor and soul alchemist He has dedicated his adult life to redefining what it means to be a man in today’s world and has created The Rising Men Network
His holistic approach is more than mentalorbusinesscoaching,heclaims his work is an odessey of self discovery that demands courage to confront the shadows and align their life with authenticpurpose
Michael has transformed his own life after suffering unimaginable childhood sexualabuseandasuicideattempt By failing in this attempt he believes his life’spurposewasthenmappedout.He
said, "By delving into the deepest corridors of the mind, heart, and soul,Ihelpmenbreakfreefromthe constraints of societal pressures, healtheir"fatherwound",andbuild healthier relationships Male masculinityisnottoxicmasculinity Women do want to be led by a manbutthatmanshouldn’tbean asshole, fathers of a new generation support women and empower their partner Uplifting notsuppressing”
He speaks with direct clarity and purpose, he is extremely passionate about his work and spending just a few minutes speakingwithhimwithfillyouwith inspirationandawe.
Michael, who is also a professional photographer,videographerand
drone pilot, as well as a musician, says he is a coach, and advisor and a storyteller and story creator “When you cometomethefirstthingwedo is extract your story and share it with your audience, get the soul of of it I kick asses if needed Behind the mask you are wearing, who are you? Because everyone wears a mask We go deep and find your story and where it got distracted from your original path because I really believe everyone has a soul’scalling”
Hebelieveshissoul’scallingisto risehumanityinawayeveryone opens their eyes, their hearts and their souls We have to shift somethinginsidecultures.”
A lot of his work is also through his photography, saying, “Everyonecantakeapictureon theirphonebutwhenyoureally take a picture of someone, you connect with that person, you feelthatperson.It’smoreabout ‘areyoubehindthewallsofthat image, behind the perfect mask, behind the eyes and that’s one of the reasons I do what I do. It’s humanness and we all wear a mask because of social constrictions We have to performastheperfectman,the perfect woman, wife, husband and child and chid but nothing is perfect Imperfections are perfect Uniqueness is what unitesusashumanbeings”
“I am focused on 1-2-1 coaching I don’t want to life coach , I come from a very holistic point of view Most men are trapped in a man box, You grow up and your father tells you how to be a man, your malefriendstellyouhowtoact as a man, whatever a real man is You can say the same about women, we’re all humans after all But this is where the construction starts of the images and the masks When you get shaped as a man and you have to express yourself in a different way. It might look more aggressive from the outset but it’s just their way.Thereisnothingwrongwith anypersonintheworld.”
The male masks of masculinity canbehelpful,andharmfulbut when you take it off and they start controlling you instead of youcontrollingthemask It’slike getting on the stage, for example, as a musician, you jump on the stage as a performer in your role It’s not harmful until it starts manipulating your life after you leavetheshow”
Michael has studied cultural anthropology as he wanted to understand human beings and society as a culture His sexual abusetraumaledhimto
but he said it didn’t work so he decided to go for a mental health coaching degree to healhimself.Hesaid,“Ididthisformyself,I was not thinking about anyone else then, I justwantedtodealwithmyownshit.” He talks openly about his abuse and failed suicide attempt, which left him clinically dead but he recovered, thankfully and started a journey to his heart and to his soul. He said, “ I didn’t want to bring everything from my past and my ancestors.I have aspergers and it took me 8yearsofmylifetolookpeopleintheeyes I have a ten year old daughter in Austria whoIdon’tseebutIhopetobepartofher lifeoneday,Ihavehurtheremotionallybut I get easilyemotionallyoverloadedandit’s taken a lot of work to get to where I am now But loving yourself for who you are, accepting who you and appreciating yourselfissogreat It’sasouljob”
He snuck into Iraq to fight during the war, saying “I saw dead children on the ground and women raped running I had to shoot back at ISIS I was so scared but I don’t know if I killed anyone but I don’t care if I did because I saw all these dead children and I am like, we’re in the 21st century, why are people killing children and raping women and for what? This is not acceptable Wehavemoreproblemsinthe world and this war is over what? Looking intothefaceofmyson,hehastheabilityto touch me in a way my daughter never could, maybe because I wasn’t allowed to getclosetoher Iamthefirstrolemodelof how he acts with his mother and other women, other people. I want him to be happy and the best version of himself. Be happy and be honest and follow his heart withwhateveritis.”
Michael is a truly magical human being and wise beyond his years “Age is just a number,” he says, “I have more life experiencethansome80or90yearolds”
As a musician too he says being on stage is his safe space and his story needs to be heard by millions, he is the most incredible man I have met who deserves a platform to tell everyone his story. He is launching himself as an inspirational speaker and is availablefortalksandtrustme,youwillbe abletohearapindropwhenhespeaksas his story is captivating, moving and motivatinganddeservestobelistenedto.
For those feeling lost and wanting help he says,“Ithinkthefirstpieceofadviceis,you aren’tnotalone
Butyouhavetoadmityouhavea problem or something is not going right for you and you may have to fall, and fall hard. But nothing will change if you do the same things the same way everyday Seeking coaching is a commitment to yourself that you loveyourselfandyouareworthit. It’s hard for a man to acknowledge he needs support so if he is coming to you with a problem,don’ttellhimtomanup as you will absolutely ruin his chance to rise beyond his limitations because the mask will take over and he will be able to get out there because he imprisonshimselfevenmoreand that’s the tragedy of today’s culture, even more so with social media The number one cause of deathformenunder45issuicide so I encourage men to talk, to open up, share their story with someonetheycantrust
Hi, my name is Tracy Kershaw, and Integrated Health Specialist, I am 45 yearsofageandownerof3 holistic award winning alternative, complementary health companies within Liverpool, England. Buddha Therapies Holistic Health Clinic, The Buddha Apothecary natural skin/body care, supplements, teas and tinctures, and Buddha TherapiesAcademy. BuddhaTherapiesAcademy is an Award Winning Training School of 6 years, specialising in Traditional East Asian Medicine, Traditional Thai Medicine and Complementary Therapies. We work with Doctors and International Professorstodeliverancient teachings from the greatest teachersandadvocates inhealthoverthousands ofyears Wealsohave atrainingschoolin Carlislewith HolisticAcademy.
Our ethos at Buddha Training Academy and for all of our businesses is that we offer a NATURAL approach to health and wellbeing for the mind, bodyandspirit.
We won Best Holistic Training Academy 2019 with Liverpool Lifestyle Awards and with The Beauty Guild for The Guild of ExcellenceAwardsin2022
Liverpool City Council’s Urban GreenUP project, which was recently shortlistedforaworldGreen City Award, won at the CIRIA 2024 Big Biodiversity Awards.
Held in London, the city’s innovative nature-based solution programme secured awards in the followingcategories:
CIRIA Habitat Creation Project of the Year Award
CIRIA Biodiversity Overall Winner
The EU-funded programme, which has introduced urban raingardens, green walls and pollinators posts around the city centre as well as a number of floating islands in the city’s docks and parks, was also Highly Commended in the ‘Living Green for Climate Change’ category at the World Green City Awards 2024 held in Utrecht.
The accolades follow hot on the heels of the programme scooping a golden pineapple trophy for its Climate Resilience submission at the 2024 FestivalofPlace..
Liverpool has also recently become the world’s first ‘Accelerator City’ for climate action, under UN Climate Change’s Entertainment and Culture for Climate Action (ECCA)programme.
The title comes in recognition of Liverpool’s impressive commitment to innovation and smart regulation to rapidly decarbonise the live music and TV/Film production sectors – both vital parts of the city’s economy – following several years of developmental work by ACT 1.5, an artist-led research and action effort, and climate scientists from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.
Liquid lipo Liverpool , also known as The Body Fixer Liverpool is taking the world by storm. Owned by Jade McGuinness, she turned her life around from planning her own funeral to winning business awards . Her salon is based on Gloucester Road in Tuebrook and offers nonsurgical liquid lipo. It beganwhen she was diagnosed with stage 4 carcinoma and as a single mum she about to take on the fight of her life. She said, “I was told by a palliative care nurse that nobody survives a carcinoma, never mind stage 4 but Liquid Lipo gave me something to focus on If I died , at least my boys would know their mum was a legend. And I have some money to leave them because I’m just a normal council estate girl . Not only did i survive and make my boys proud, i
opened up a shop. I won awards. I now have my own team of girls. Now I am number 2 in the uk for results and I offer training for anyone who wants to join my team. I owe it all to Kiki who founded Liquid Lipo, for believing in me. I was 1 of the first practitioners for Liquid Lipo, I sold the first 10 bottles every produced and I still have one of those bottles. I keep that with pride to show how far we have come. I look at it now and then. I am proud of myself, not only did I make it, but I have won at life. I’m making a life for my boys . I pride myself on helping others.
£50 Belly
£85 Belly/ love handles
£60 Full facelift
£50 Brazilian bum lift £60 Bingo wings 4 treatments for the price of 3
I sell home kits starting from £75, we even have our very own skin care range with the highest content of HA in the world i literally sell everything I use to get the results and it’s very simple to apply, so it can be done whilst doing a Netflix and chill its a netflix and fat burn!! offering couples packages to suit every budget i absolutely love my job . I got lymphodema and treated my own lymphodema I now help others with lymphodema and lipodema as it's a subject close to my hea I take on the most extreme cases as i have ADHD and I love a challenge.”
“I honestly believe I beat cancer because I'm here to help others” -Jade
Aries (21 March – 19
April) - This is a positive time for you to make more money or to get a new job or opportunity. You'll feel the need to express freely, in the chosen direction and any attempt to be confined in any way can lead to strong opposition on your behalfTaurus (20 April – 20 May) - You'll be in a great mood and have a lot of energy, so that you'd better do some sport or any other kind of physical effort to use the surplus.You may also build a business partnership or work closely with someone to further your education or career
Gemini (21 May – 20 June) - The next four weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and see an increase of work projects and tasks You'll either start a new sentimental relationship, or revitalize the old one.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July) - It is a great time for you to build connection and see an increase in customers
You will move ahead in your career and build more financial security
Leo (23 July – 22 August) –
This month is favorable to showing your talents and promoting your own image and products. You'll put your heart and invest a lot of energy into some collaboration or into signing a contract.The dream of reaching certain goals may come true.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September) – This month will see a boost of supreme inner confidence rise to the surface that will encourage you to take on many new things. You’ll enjoy a burst of energy and will probably take on more responsibility at work. A romance or deep friendship may flower.
Libra (23 September – 22 October) - You can be in fine creative form, bringing extra oomph to the work you do or bonding with a partner or special friend, particularly through conversation and entertainment.
Scorpio (23 October – 21
November) - This is a good time for looking and feeling good, stepping outside of your comfort zone a little in order to reach out to others or express a hidden side of yourself, and attempting projects that require more verve or confidence. Romance brings eroticism in this period.
Capricorn (22 December –19 January) - A sense of mission or purpose is with you now when it comes to business and possibly self-care and health efforts Projects seem to come together magically Much focus will be on harmonizing with a romantic interest, or getting in touch with your creative muse
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) - You might find powerful inspiration to enjoy and express yourself You’ll be trying to bring more harmony to your friendships. You’ll enjoy making others feel appreciated with your special attention Your affections might be kept especially private as you sort out what and who you truly want
Sagittarius (22 November -21 December) - You’re finding your voice and set to focus on new initiatives and interests. Decisions come more confidently now, and you’re looking ahead rather than behind you.Activities that feed your imagination can thrive now. Inspiration may come from a private moment with someone, or from within.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)- You might experience a sudden and powerful need to take a break if you’ve been focusing too much on your daily routines You may be looking at your intimate world by reassessing whether you’re deriving satisfaction from the relationships that are currently in place in your life
No one tells you when you start healing how hard and dark things canget.You’renotjusthealingfrom relationships or events that have happened in your life; you have to heal all the versions of yourself that youcarrywithyou.
When I first began healing from a domestic abusive relationship, it was hard to accept that I had to workonmyself.Itmeantconfronting theoldversionofmethatchosethis person, the bits I was missing that I sought in everyone else I found myself repeatedly drawn to toxic relationships, not realizing I was addicted to chaos it was all I had ever known. A nice man felt too boring, so I continued looking for toxic, insecure men, essentially dating the same type of person in different bodies. I became more masculine and independent, showing up as a version of myself I hardly recognised I thought I knew what I wanted, yet I kept finding the opposite. I had to sit with myself, to become aware of my behavioural patterns. The more masculine I became, the more I felt I needed a partner who matched that energy to feel safe—something I had never truly experienced. Eventually, I realised I had to give up on relationships altogether and commit to healing this version of myself, just as I had done with othersbefore.
I decided no more men, no dating, no hookups, until I truly knew what I wanted.. Everyone is battling their own demons, grappling with past relationships and difficult home lives Yet,sofewarewillingtodothe deep work required to make things better.
Our society often prioritizes ego and materialism, drowning out the call for genuine healing, self-discovery and deep relationships’.
Healing isn’t just about acknowledging the pain; it’s about actively engaging with it. This journey requires courage and honesty, and it often begins with creating a safe space for yourself. Start by taking the time to sit quietly with your thoughts and feelings Allow yourself to experience the emotions that surface instead of pushing them away.
Journaling can is powerful Writing down your thoughts can help you process your experiences and understand what you’re going through and feeling. Set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on your emotions, write down your progress, or explore memories that might come up for you. This practice not only allows you to articulate your feelings but also serves as a record of your healing journey, showinghowfaryou’vecome
Meditationisoneofthemostimportant practices of healing. It can help quiet the mind, offering a space for reflection and mindfulness Start with just a few minutes each day, focusing on your breathoramantra.Themoreyou
practice this, you’ll find it easier to observe your thoughtswithoutjudgment, creating a sense of inner peace Meditation helps in grounding yourself, allowing you to return to the present moment rather than getting lost in past traumaorfutureanxieties Healing your inner child is also crucial. This involves reconnectingwiththeparts of yourself that may have been neglected or hurt during your earlier years. Spend time reflecting on your childhood, understanding the wounds that shaped your beliefs and behaviors Engage in activities that make you happy,justasyouwouldas ifyouwereachild.
Practicing gratitude is essential in this process. Each day, take a minute to notice the things you appreciate in your life This shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have, fostering a mindset of abundance. Doingthiscan help rewire your brain, promoting positivity and resilience.
If you’re looking for skipper Peter Kenny, you’ll find him at the Royal Albert Dock onboard The Floating Grace.
He is the proud owner of Liverpool’s only floating restaurant, a beautiful 50 seater floating bar and restaurant that serves delicious three course dinners and afternoon teas while you can enjoy Liverpool’s finest waterways with a guided tour of the history of the docks The fresh food is prepared by awardwinning chefs and served piping hot. They offer a variety of cruises, including lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner cruises They also offer a variety of private and corporate event packages
Peter has been a sailor since he was 6 years old under the guidance of his father and has been on boats all his life with his family who introduced him to the water. For many years he ran a private boat hire business from Liverpool Marina until he swapped it for the canal boat, The Floating Grace, which has won several business awards. Working closely with army veterans, who he passionately supports, he runs a tight ship sailing every weekend and most evenings.
Enjoy a Christmas-themed cruise with a traditional Christmas dinner throughout December
Main Course
I love being on the water and love telling people about the rich history of the Royal Albert Docks. Liverpool has some of the richest history in the world.”
A typical cruise will start off onboard with some drinks and an introduction to Liverpool’s docks by the skipper. A brief guided tour will then proceed as you enjoy a gentle sail through the Liverpool South Dock whilst the food is served. Once the meal is over the party begins with music and dancing until it is time to dock. It’s a fabulous experience and a lot of fun and everyone leaves with a smile on their faces
Roast turkey, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, carrots, sage & onion
stuffing and gravy
A choice of Christmas pudding & brandy sauce or chocolate fudge cake & fresh cream
Vegetarian Options
1) All of the above with Quorn slices instead of beef/turkey
2) Spinach pasta with tomato & basil sauce
Vegan Dessert Option
Fresh fruit
£25 per person for a two-course dinner