AFROINNOVA - Innovation Group - Brochure - English1

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In Spain: Afroiberoamérica A multidisciplinary work group specialized strategic consultancy and management of cultural capital from African root in 33 countries of Europe, Africa and the Americas. It develops innovation opportunities of innovation focused on Regional Integratrion and Competitive Identity of cultures or territories. In Brazil: Afroreggae Non-profit Brazilian-based organization, pioneer in the promotion of justice and social inclusion through art, culture and education.


Did you know about the thousands of organizations and active initiatives working for the health, education, human rights, culture and integral development of Africa and its diaspora worldwide? Supported by AECID,the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for the Development, we tracked 200 of these organizations and selected 20 of them as particularly innovative and potential members of our program, the most outstanding being the following ones?

In Panamá: Afrolatino Travel This organization link Afro-diasporan populations in Latin America and the Caribbeans through cultural and educational customized travel plans that actually connect travelers with local community leaders. In South Africa: África 2.0 One of the top African organizations at the time. It is a 600+ network of Afro-diasporic visionaries, boosting entrepreneurship for the transformation of the continent. Africa 2.0 provides a platform for African emergent or already established leaders producing sustainable development solutions for their communities.


Tell us about how your connection with Africa and its diaspora

Foto: Angèle Etoundi


/manosvisibles acciones que transforman


As the first transnationally oriented project of Manos Visibles, AfroInnova looks to build Diasporic networks in a quest for common references and development models.


Our corporation's purport to meet structural needs of the Diasporic populations is shaped by a community innovation perspective.


The African diaspora is defined as the worldwide dispersion of original African populations. Although we look forward to connect with organizations in Africa and other regions of the world, the first phase of AfroInnova aims to construct an America-centered agenda.


Generate ruptures with obsolete modus operandi Transform stigmatizing imaginaries of ethnic groups Convey a positive discourse that promotes the image of the ethnic as innovative, empowered and development-oriented Take advantage of the local leadership and resources of the target communities, by fostering qualified co-creation and collaboration Produce actual transformation (results) through concrete actions

Foto: Proyecto Enamórate del Chocó – Andrés Mosquera.

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