Keys to success in working out

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KEYS TO SUCCESS IN WORKING OUT By | ALBERT HIPPOLYTE | LEVEL 2 TRAINER I’m happy to have the opportunity to share what I believe, is the key to success when training. With my experience I have been able to identify four key factors to help assess if an individual will reach their goals. Whether they are physical goals (gaining muscle mass or weight-loss), intellectual goals (succeeding academically or professionally) or financial goals (saving for specific events or milestones), etc, these four principles can be integrated into every aspect of your life and are identified by the acronym: C- P -O- D.

Focusing on your physical goals, here are the four standards you need to embrace to get there! C - CONTROL: If you want to achieve a goal you must fully invest yourself and take control of your choices at any given time. Catch up on your favourite tv show or spend an hour outside? Opt for a plate of lasagna with a bottle of wine or fish with vegetables and a glass of water? It’s all up to you! Learning that you have control over your decisions and your emotions is a key factor in achieving your fitness goals. P - PERSEVERANCE: To get results, you need to work hard, sweat, seek the advice of experts or conduct your own research. Whatever your path, you need to put in the time. You will face obstacles that will make it hard to succeed but those who abandon their goals often lack perseverance and the courage to make long-term changes, even if it’s one step at a time. As a trainer, I hear people say: “It’s so hard, no matter what I do I always end up in the same situation!”. There are different reasons for failure but persevering past your comfort levels will help you achieve the goals you have set. O - ORGANIZATION: No one can succeed without careful planning and organization. It’s important to take things in your own hands and plan for unexpected obstacles. Things like preparing meals in advance or scheduling your workout sessions for weeks to come, can help you stay on track! D - DISCIPLINE: Last but not least, discipline is what keeps us focused on our goals EVERYDAY. This means diligence and it’s the difference between someone who wakes up in the morning thinking about what they can do to make their day a success, and the person who does whatever suits them best. Nothing can be accomplished without discipline; it should be the first and foremost concern of any individual looking to achieve a fitness goal. No matter what program you are using, if you do not follow it regularly, it will not yield results.

You now have the guidelines you need to achieve anything you want and to reach your full potential. Prove to yourself that you can!

Contact Anne-Julie Charron ( ) for more information.

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