Spring Catalogue

Page 21

English for SEN?

The challenges in language learning and learning difficulties are different. Add to that each individual has different learning styles that are developed personally and socially - learning by doing, thinking, rote learning, learning through discovery - these too have a cultural relevance. So, what can a TA do when a new pupil, often in transition, joins their class with very little English? Complexity in assessing EAL, EAL with SEN, is huge and assessment methods are always developing. A pupil advanced in Home languages but weak in English, can have misleading results in standard tests. Then, assessing those with EAL with very little English and SEN requires even more sensitivity and extensive use of home languages.

Special Education Needs

can I tell if an EAL pupil has special education needs? “ How Can I find out in a sensitive way and avoid mistaking lack of

We do not have answers. But we think that some of the instruments mentioned below may help in “Observation Methodology”. (Mantra Lingua have over 10 years experience working with Visually Impaired people. We partner with the RNIB, and our PENfriend is one of their best selling products.) Oral language Interventions

Language through Music & Action

Reading assisted with home language

Your Audio Journal or A3 Play Chart


On average, pupils participating in Oral Language intervention make about 5 months additional progress …

Psychologists and consultants have proven that music, birdsongs are very therapeutic, especially for autistic children. Music can also be useful for language learning*. The main issue is in managing the playlist of songs and generating sufficient volume for groups of pupils to respond to. The CRPEN+Bluetooth speakers + Createlink Software help to allocate songs to individual stickers or sound spots in the Audio Journal. Each spot doubles up to include users’ voices!

The dual language ebook library has over 550 titles in English with 37 home languages. All books use dyslexic friendly fonts and have audio in two languages. We recommend that the SEN/EAL coordinators look at the EAL Teachers Notes on our website. They can copy them into any page of the ebooks using the note-making tool. The Teachers Notes advise on recommended progression from story to story, trip points on each page and suggestions for questions, and importantly, how to keep control of progress on each child new to English.

Manage all recordings with the FREE label manager software.

£8.50 for 160 songs Audio Journal, £120 for CRPEN + Bluetooth Speakers

School licence from £50 for 5 users for 550 books.

For visually impaired pupils the PENfriend is a tried and tested device that works on all our recordable labels. Use them to extend spoken vocabulary, articulation of ideas and spoken interventions, collaborative learning to promote and retain pupils’ talk and interaction within groups and presentation to stakeholders.


0044 208 44 55 123 | uk.mantralingua.com | 21

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