Tamariki A Ihowa, (Gods children)

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TAMARIKI A IHOWA Tamariki Me Te Taiohi Pukapuka MAORI POSTAL AOTEAROA Issue 14, Hui-tanguru 2020 Children’s and Teens Magazine - MAORI POSTAL AOTEAROA

Maori words used in this issue: Aka – Ark Aniwaniwa - Rainbow Aroha – Love Awhina - Help Hari - Happy Hau – Wind Haumaru - Safe

CONTENTS Ko Te Kirimana A Te Atua Ki A Tatou .… Colouring In ………………………….…..…..

Ihowa – God Iwi – People

Kenehi 9:16 ……………….……..……………

Kaiawhina - Helper Ka Pai – Good Kapua - Cloud Kararehe – Animals Kenehi - Genesis Kino – Bad Kuwaha - Door

Kei te Pupuri Te Atua I Ana Kupu Whakaari ……………………………..……….

Manu – Bird Maunga - Mountain Paipera Tapu – Holy Bible Parakuihi - Breakfast Poti - Boat Pouri – Sad

Colour by Number ……..…...…………..….. Me Pehea E Tango Ai I Nga Kupu ……….. Can you Awhina Noah? …………………….. Movie Time ………………….…………………. How to Make a Paper Kite …………………

Rangi - Sky Rua - Two

Te Whenua …………………………..…………

Tama - Son Tamaiti - Child Tane – Man Toru – Three

Te Tunu Me Te Maraki ………………………

Ua - Rain

3 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16

Rakiraki ………………….…………………….. 18 The Chronicles of Paki …………..………… 19

Wai - Water Waipuke – Flood Whakamarie - Comfort Whakarongo - Listen Whanau – Family Whenua – Earth / Land Whitu - Seven

PRODUCED BY: Maori Postal Aotearoa P O Box 10, Whanganui info.maoripostal@gmail.com www.maoripostal.co.nz



A very very long time ago, there was a tane named Noah. Noah aroha and obeyed Ihowa. During Noah’s lifetime, iwi were acting very kino. This made Ihowa pouri that iwi were thinking more about themselves than they were about Ihowa. Ihowa aroha Noah. In fact, Ihowa had aroha for all the iwi as much as He had for Noah, but at that time, only Noah chose to whakarongo. Ihowa was sorry that He had made iwi. He saw how kino the world was and decided to get rid of His ruined creation and make a new start. But Noah was different. Noah aroha Ihowa, and obeyed Him. Ihowa told Noah of His plan to end the human race by sending a waipuke to destroy the whenua, but that He would keep Noah and his whanau safe. He told Noah to build an aka – a really really big poti. Noah followed the instructions Ihowa gave him and built a poti that was 1½ football fields long and e toru stories high. That’s a massive poti that took Noah over 50 years to build!


During the years that Noah was building the aka, Noah’s neighbours laughed at him. Noah warned them that Ihowa was going to destroy the whenua but they thought he was crazy. They had never seen ua, or even heard of a waipuke. Noah didn’t give up. He continued building the aka until it was finished, and warning the iwi to change their ways and listen to Ihowa, but they laughed at him.

When the aka was finished, Ihowa told Noah to collect e rua of all the creatures of the whenua, and e whitu pairs of every type of manu and take them into the aka. He also told Noah and his family to board the aka. When everyone was inside, Ihowa shut the kuwaha. Noah, his whanau and the kararehe lived in the aka for e whitu days before the first ua fell. Noah was 600 years old when the heavens opened and ua poured down, and the underground springs erupted. The ua poured for forty days and forty nights. The waipuke got worse and soon the whenua and everything in it was covered with wai.


After it stopped raining, the wai continued to rise for 150 days. The aka landed in the maunga range of Ararat during the seventh month of the waipuke. Ihowa sent a big hau and the wai began to evaporate. Noah and his floating zoo had to stay in the aka for several more months while the whenua slowly dried out. Finally, Noah sent out a raven to look for land. It flew back and forth waiting for the waipuke to dry up. Then Noah sent out a dove. It couldn’t find a place to rest so came back. Noah waited e whitu more days and sent the dove out again. This time it came back with a freshly picked olive leaf in its beak. Noah waited another week and then sent the dove out again. This time it didn’t come back so Noah knew the waipuke had dried up. Ihowa told Noah to leave the aka and take all the kararehe with them. So Noah and his whanau left the aka to start life again. Noah gave an offering to Ihowa and thanked Ihowa for keeping them safe. Ihowa told Noah that He would make a covenant (contract) that never again will He send a waipuke to destroy the whenua. As a sign of this agreement, Ihowa put an aniwaniwa in the rangi. Whenever we see an aniwaniwa, we can remember this promise from Ihowa.





The aniwaniwa

shall be in the kapua, and I will look on it


to remember


between Ihowa

and every living creature of all flesh that is on the whenua.


He aroha us forever.

He is our kaiawhina.

Whakawhetai ka a Ihowa, he pai hoki ai: he mau tonu hoki tana mahi tohu.

No reira nei te awhina moku. No Ihowa te awhina moku, no te kaihanga o te rangi, o te whenua.

Waiata 136:1

Waiata 121:1-2

He is our haumaru place. He pai a Ihowa, he pa kaha i te ra o te raru; e mohio ana hoki ia ki te hunga e whakawhirinaki ana ki a ia. Nahumu 1:7

He gives us whakamarie. Ko ia hoki te kaiwhakamarie i a matou i o matou paweratanga katoa. 2 Koriniti 1:4

He is always with us. He kore ahau e whakarere i a koe, e kore ano hoki e mawehe i a koe. Hiperu 13:5

His aroha and promises never fail. Raniera 1:9 Na ka inoi atu ahau ki te Ariki, ki toku Atua, ka whaki, ka mea, e te Ariki, e te Atua nui, e te atua whakamataku, e pupuri nei i te kawenata.



Nga Tae: 1. Whero 2. Kikorangi Pouri 3. Kikorangi

4. Karaka 5. Pounamu 6. Kiwikiwi 7. Parauri

8. Kowhai 9. Parauri 10. Kiwikiwi 11. Poroporo

12. Kakariki 13. Kikorangi


ME PEHEA E TANGO AI I NGA KUPU HOW TO RECEIVE GOD’S PROMISES! Did you know that Ihowa knows everything about you? He knows what you ate for parakuihi. He knows which toys you aroha the most. He knows what makes you hari, and He knows what makes you pouri. And guess what?!! Ihowa aroha you very, very much!! In fact, Ihowa has so much aroha for you, He wants you to be His tamaiti and part of His whanau. But there’s a problem. You and I, and everyone else in the world, are not like Ihowa. Ihowa is always ka pai, but we sometimes do kino things. Have you ever told a lie? Ihowa says to “obey your parents”. Have you ever disobeyed your parents? We may steal, hurt others, and do lots of other kino things Ihowa tells us not to do. In the Paipera Tapu, these kino things are called “sin”. Sin does something pouri to our friendship with Ihowa. It puts space between us and Ihowa, so we can’t know Him very well. But Ihowa thought of a solution! Because He has so much aroha for you and for me, He sent His tama to earth so all the kino things we have done can be forgiven.


Did you know Ihu Karaiti lived a perfect life, died on a wooden ripeka and then came back to life e toru days later? Ihu Karaiti was punished for my sin and for your sin and died in our place. He did this because He aroha you and wants you to become a hoa of His and a tamaiti of Ihowa? Roma 10:9 “Ara ki te whakaae tou mangai ko Ihu te Ariki, a ki te whakapono tou ngakau na te Atua ia i whakaara ake i te hunga mate, e ora koe.”

(“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”)

You can pray/talk to Ihowa and tell Him you are sorry for your sin. Tell Him you understand Ihu was punished for your sin so you didn’t have to be punished. Thank Him for dying for you. Ask Ihu to take charge of your life. You are choosing to live for Him and aroha Him with all your heart, mind and soul. Would you like to do this now? Hoani 1:12 “Tena ko te hunga i manako ki a ia i tukua e ia ki a ratou nga tikanga e meinga ai ratou hei tamariki ma te Atua, ara ki te hunga e whakapono ana ki tona ingoa.”

(“To as many who received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”) When you receive Ihu you will still be a tamaiti of your whanau, but you will also be a part of the whanau of Ihowa!


Can You Awhina Noah? Noah needs to finish building his aka before the waipuke comes. Can you awhina him by connecting the dots and completing the aka?


Life changes overnight for coach John Harrison when his high school basketball team and state championship dreams are crushed under the weight of unexpected news. When the largest manufacturing plant shuts down and hundreds of families leave their town, John questions how he and his family face an uncertain future. The school’s principal wants John to coach cross country. John doesn’t even think running is a real sport, and the only student who tries out is Hannah – a transfer student who’s living with her grandmother because her parents have died, and who has asthma. After reluctantly agreeing to coach cross country, John, inspired by the words and friends of a new found friend, becomes the least likely coach helping the least likely runner attempt the impossible in the biggest race of the year.





INGREDIENTS: FRUIT TRAY: Strawberries or other whero fruit Oranges or other karaka fruit Pineapple or other kowhai fruit Kiwifruit or other kakariki fruit Blueberries or other kikorangi fruit Purple Grapes or other poroporo fruit

DIP: 450g Vanilla Greek Yoghurt 450g Pineapple (crushed, drained) 2T Honey


METHOD: FRUIT TRAY: Create arched rows of fruit on a serving tray that represent the nga tae of the aniwaniwa. DIP: 1. Fully drain juice from crushed pineapple. 2. In a large bowl, mix together yoghurt, crushed pineapple and 1T honey. 3. Separate into two small serving bowls to put at each end of the aniwaniwa. Drizzle with honey.



Nā, ka kawea mai ki a ia ētahi tamariki nonohi, kia pā ai ia ki a rātou; otirā, ka rīria e ngā ākonga te hunga nāna i kawe mai. Nō te kitenga ia o Ihu, ka riri, ka mea ki a rātou, “Tukua ngā tamaraki nonohi kia haere mai ki ahau, kaua hoki rātou e āraia atu; nō ngā pēnei hoki te rangatiratanga o te Atua. He pono tāku e mea nei ki a koutou, ki te kāhore e rite te tango a tētahi i te rangatiratanga o te Atua ki tā te tamaiti nohinohi, e kore ia e tomo ki roto.” Makā 10:13-15

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