DIVERSITY 2017-2018
2018-2019 UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY Marburn’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, formerly called the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, co-chairs were appointed in November of 2017. In December of that year, the co-chairs and the Associate Head of School attended the National Association of Independent Schools’ (NAIS) People of Color Conference (PoCC) where they gathered information on how to launch a DEI initiative in an Independent School. In January of 2018, the DEI Committee was organized and took on their first task of developing a committee mission statement to align with the school’s core values. The committee collaborated with Performance Con-
MEMBERS 14 Marburn Magazine 2020
sulting Services, a business and training consulting firm addressing the specific and general needs of individuals, teams, and organizations, to develop the foundational building blocks to launch the DEI initiative. Two professional development sessions with faculty and staff were led by the committee to break the ice around DEI topics. During the sessions, Performance Consulting Services introduced the Diversity Suite, a foundation for the vocabulary to be used at the school. In the summer of 2018, Performance Consulting continued its professional development training with Marburn’s leadership team.
UNDERSTANDING EACH DIVERSITY SUITE During the 2018-2019 school year, the DEI Committee met bi-weekly in order to establish professional development sessions to increase faculty and staff knowledge around DEI topics. Marburn’s faculty and staff participated in three professional development sessions. Each session, led by both the DEI Committee and Performance Consulting, took a deeper dive into the elements of the diversity suite: Awareness, Consciousness, Inclusion, and Integrity. In the summer of 2019, Performance Consulting Services continued its profes-
sional development training with Marburn’s leadership team, the DEI Committee members, and other faculty and staff members to understand ‘the why’ behind the importance of diversity in the workplace. The DEI co-chairs collaborated with Human Resources (HR) to develop a conflict resolution plan to support faculty and staff through DEI-related conflicts and added DEI language to the faculty/staff handbook. A presentation was also created to introduce new employees to Marburn’s commitment to DEI during the onboarding process.
Leigh Hill, Co-Chair
Kelly Hunter-Rice, Non-teaching academic
Archana Ramanujam, Co-Chair
Shetal Parikh, Administration
Rachel Ammons, Specials
Ruth Rubin, High School
Maggie Bender, Non-teaching academic
Thomas Savage, Administration
Leslie Dilley, Lower Division
Paul Van Dop, Middle Division