Uruguay Natural Country Brand

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Building our country brand together

A country brand we can grow into

A strong country brand is a competitive advantage


In today´s globalized world, countries, cities and regions compete for attention from tourists, investors, students, entrepreneurs and organizers of sports events and cultural events. Countries that manage to create a strong, positive country brand have a clear competitive advantage over others. How do we get there? The first step is to understand we are all builders of our country brand.

A brand is much more than a logo, it´s the broader image our audiences have of us.

Creating a country brand is a challenge that includes all of us

Our brand image forms in the minds of our audiences as a result of a carefully constructed reputation, a delicate equilibrium between planning and execution. A brand is all that´s behind it, what is said through it, its communications, actions and representatives.

When talking about a country brand, this reality encompasses a wider dimension. The experience each person has when coming in contact with Uruguay—its people, products, services, landscapes—is what builds our reputation. Making the URUGUAY EXPERIENCE a positive one is in our hands.




We are the country brand

Performance 5

A country brand expands its horizons: tourism, residency, products, services, investments.


And expands its audience: tourists, residents, visitors, investors, business people.

A country brand will help us: attract new businesses. Maintain current businesses. Build a clear identity in a globalized world. Promote our products. The country brand will in turn be promoted by its products. Promote internal improvements.

To enhance our country brand we need an integrating concept that identifies and describes us.


What the experts are saying

Simon Anholt Nation Brand Index editor, international expert in national image

Today our world is a marketplace. With the advancement of globalization, each country—rich or poor—each city or region, competes for participation from the world´s consumers, tourists, investors, students, entrepreneurs, organizers of sports events and cultural events, as well as for the attention and respect from the international press and the citizens of other countries. 8




What does Uruguay have to say to the world that is attractive, relevant, that identifies us and promotes us? Let´s take a look‌ HMM...



1. 1. Uruguay, a country that values all that is authentic and natural


In Uruguay we set ourselves apart by valuing the authentic and natural, for example, our rivers, countrysides and beaches. However, we also appreciate the authentic and natural character of our people, our traditions as together we have built a profile, an idiosyncrasy, which identifies us, differentiates us and makes us proud.

What foreign residents are saying

Nuria Jiménez Catalan, monologuist. She has lived in Uruguay for 2 years.

The South American country with the highest percentage of renewable energy in its energy grid. 2015: + 90% renewable energy

«I travelled for almost half a year around Latin America, and Uruguay was the only place I felt I had to go back to, it was something almost physical. The solidarity impacted me. When someone really needs something, Uruguayans give what they don’t have, whether a little or a lot, it is shared…»


Uruguay is one of the few countries in the world where tourists outnumber locals Uruguay is a case study for the World Tourism Organization


More than 3,000,000 tourists in 2013


2. A country with heart, capable of surprising achievements


We are a small country with heart and a strong personality, we do things our own way to our own rhythm, but with determination and resolve, often discovering surprising achievements at the end of the road which call the attention of the world and identify us.

May Uruguayans be as erudite as they are brave

Our North is the South. Let´s turn the map around, not like the rest of the world wants it.

Fulfilled, only if we are champions

JOSÉ GERVASIO ARTIGAS Protector of the Free People of the United Provinces of the River Plate. National hero.

JOAQUÍN TORRES GARCÍA Founder of Constructive Universalism, the first modern art movement in South America.

OBDULIO JACINTO VARELA Uruguayan soccer player. Captain of the mythical national team, world champions in Brazil 1950.



Capable of triumphs yet unimagined


21 20 Š AUF


Capable of innovating for the future, hand in hand with the new generations 1.000.000


Ceibal Project: one example of how we are incorporating technology Thanks to the Ceibal project, all children in public education centers are receiving a laptop with a wireless internet connection (Wi-Fi), for use in or outside of the classroom, thus providing connectivity to educational centers as well as their surroundings throughout Uruguay.


With the ability to make tradition and technology compatible

Uruguay is today the only country in the world able to guarantee the traceability of beef from the portion of meat on the plate all the way back to the live animal.

Traceability in 100% of bovine production 24


3. We are a country that searches for balance and harmony in every sense


Everything in Uruguay has a characteristic flavor: its countryside with rolling hills, its tranquil beaches, its mild and agreeable climate; everything in Uruguay invites peace and calm. To discover Uruguay is to get to know a place where harmony and balance reign.

The most egalitarian country in Latin America

The most democratic country in South America

The country with the lowest score on the Corruption Perceptions Index in Latin America along with Chile

This is also expressed in our way of being: peaceful and friendly, in our way of organizing ourselves, living together, and problem solving with respect and without extremism or stridency. 27

What investors are saying

BERTHOLD EBNER Managing Director BASF Services Americas

«Our project of centralizing all of the BASF group´s accounting services in one country led us to choose Uruguay since it is a country that offers a stable economy and society, where it´s easy to do business, bureaucracy and corruption don’t interfere, and there is a low crime rate. We transport data so we need adequate equipment and technology; that functions well and without interruptions. And the most important point, naturally, is the people: we found good professionals and good universities. Because of this combination of reasons Uruguay is a very good choice.»


What students are saying



ARTEMIZA MEJÍA Colima University, Mexico. Exchange program in the School of Communication and Design at the ORT niversity.



Investment Kindness


«As an exchange student I have been exposed to things that have opened up a different way of seeing things than journalists look for in this part of the world. I´m a journalism student at Colima University in Mexico and as a positive reflection on the ORT University in Uruguay I can say I get along well with all of the professors, in addition to the students’ natural penchant to ask questions and the sense of responsibility. I think, as are my fellow exchange students, I´m enjoying a city that moves slowly but with sure footing.»


4. We have a unique vision reinforced by generations 1877 Secular, free, and obligatory education The second nation in the world to establish this by law


1914 8 hour work days Enshrined in the labor reforms of the beginning of the century

1918 Separation of church and state Freedom of Religion is established

Due to its size and demography it has been said that Uruguay is a country on a human scale, a country of closeness, of integration, of freedom; we are a small country that has had a vision of building a culture based on respect and tolerance,

1927 Women’s suffrage The first country in Latin America to institute it

1952 - 2003 Literacy rate at 98% In 1952 we had 72%. Today, with 98%, we are historic leaders in Latin America.

with a basic sense of equality and justice, which fosters a characteristic devotion toward liberty. Our forte is not quantitative but qualitative, and precisely for that reason we are chosen time and again by visiting investors and businesspeople.

2007 Ceibal project A computer with an internet connection for each child in public school in Uruguay

What managers of companies are saying Juan Carlos Chomali Chilean, General Manager of Santander Uruguay

«In Uruguay we haven’t seen that regulation of neighboring countries in private banking or investment has had the effect of slowing business. On the contrary, having things set out more clearly makes business faster and more dynamic.»

2013 Equal marriage Legalization of marriage between people of the same sex


Honoring Uruguay’s legacy as a courageous country, that is not afraid of being at the cutting edge Sexual and Reproductive Health Law


Tobacco Control Law

Marijuana Regulation Law


Uruguay as a Maverick A maverick is someone or something that distinguishes itself from the crowd. An independent individual, unconventional, rebellious, individualist, unique in its class, dissident, nonconformist, that swims against the current, that breaks from conventional wisdom and isn’t afraid to experiment.



Technology enterprises that trust in Uruguay

MARIO MARTINI Regional Product Manager at Blaupunkt

«Blaupunkt set up in Uruguay primarily because of its geographic and strategic location, its clear rules for conducting business and the lasting investment policies immune to changes in government. The capacities of the businesspeople and a workforce able to adapt to the widest range of methodologies, products and new situations were also influential themes…»

Uruguay in international rankings

Freedom of Speech

Tolerance – #1 in Latinoamérica


– #1 in Latinoamérica

Regulatory Framework

Political Freedom

Best Place to Live

Educational System

Employment Opportunities

– #1 in Latinoamérica

– #1 in Latinoamérica


– #1 in Latinoamérica

– #1 in Latinoamérica

– #1 in Latinoamérica

– #1 in Latinoamérica


Uruguay sets itself apart on the continent for its social achievements

Value System Environmental ly Friendly


Global Peace

– #1 in Sudamérica

Quality of Life

– #1 in Sudamérica

Prosperity Index – #1 in Sudamérica

Freedom of Speech



Legal Framework Stability

Political freedom



Quality of Life




1 3



Hotels and resorts

2 Employment Opportunities


Social Harmony 7

Best Place to Live



Beaches 8





10 10



Uruguay is the country with the most first places in the 2012-2013 Country Brand Index published by Futurebrand, leading in eight of the twenty-one attributes analyzed. If we look at Uruguay´s performance in the various rankings in 2013, this privileged positioning is reinforced since the country scored highly in categories that constitute the different dimensions that shape the value system and quality of life.

Standard of Living


2 6



Healthcare – #1 in Latinoamérica

Information Technology Development – #1 in Sudamérica

Rule of Law Index – #1 in Sudamérica

Radar chart In the radar chart the numbers indicate the country´s ranking for each specific attribute, while the percentage of real answers which qualify the country as “strong” or “very strong” in each attribute is indicated by the distance from the center of the grid which goes from 1 to 100%

Art and Culture

Authenticity History

Patrimonio y cultura

Natural Beauty

Advanced Investment Technology Climate

Business Sense

Regulatory Framework

Skilled Labor

®FutureBrand, All Rights Reserved

®FutureBrand, All Rights Reserved


Our country brand´s various messages can be conveyed by a single concept:


from what we can see in the rankings, what differentiates Uruguay in Latin America and the world are the values and attributes that are linked to social achievement. This is what we are recognized for, and we recognize

ourselves as excelling in these areas. These values and attributes can be synthesized in one concept: quality of life. This concept is broad enough to apply to all products and services that Uruguay offers the world.

Uruguay is quality of life 41

An appropriation of the quality of life concept

Uruguay is quality of life based on harmony and vitality

Harmony is recognizing each piece of ourselves that together create a whole, and integrating them in a balanced way. It is to grow while respecting who we are, our surroundings and all who are around us.


Quality of life as a brand concept aligns with the perceptions of the country held in the region and the world. Our challenge is to express it in our own way.

Vitality is an energy that springs from self acceptance, from finding our potential and talent, which allows us to exceed limitations and reach yet unimagined heights. It´s something that nourishes us with durable values and that pushes us forward.


How we articulate this concept in dialogue. Quality of life: harmony + vitality


Why does Uruguay represent quality of life? Because it is a country that respects nature and integrates with her in a careful and balanced way. Because it is a country looking to develop to its maximum potential, without forgetting its identity and values. Because it is a country that offers stability and safety so that we can all have a chance to grow. Because it cares for its people and offers them as much as it can for their development. Because it is an open and accessible country based on respect and cooperation. Because it is a country that tries to balance dedication and effort with enjoyment. Because it sustains itself on two main attributes: a unique and original spirit of vitality, and harmony in its widest and deepest sense. Because it transmits the complete singularity and originality of itself in each action, in each word, in each of the things it initiates and achieves.

What it means as a tourist destination It means an authentic place where culture is expressed freely and creatively. A place that values natural beauty, respecting it and creating infrastructure that permits both enjoyment and conservation. It means discovering a way of being and standing out: the warmth and cordiality of its people.

What it means as an investment destination An entrepreneurial, stable setting, clear rules of the game. That maintains a strong desire for self-improvement and a great work ethic. That offers opportunities to grow business and the country. That has professionals who shine in the international arena.

What it means as a provider of services That its professionals are responsible, creative, supportive and open; they feed on respect and humility and transmit their uniqueness and originality in each task they do. Its professionals develop their potential in pursuit of excellence.

What it means as a source of products for exportation It means starting with the best raw materials. It means crafting and manufacturing with conscience, respecting natural cycles, conserving nature and natural resources. It means aspiring to perfection in each instance. It means integrating tradition with the development of technology.

What it means in relation to its people That it feeds on respect and humility as sources of strength. That it is warm, supportive and open. That it possesses a spirit of selfimprovement and a work ethic. That it understands the rhythms of life and adjusts to them, it doesn’t overpower and it doesn’t allow itself to be bullied by hysteria or fraud. That it understands that life is a balance between work and enjoyment.

What it means as a place that offers residency That it is a country that is open to immigrants, respects them, integrates them and offers possibilities for personal development. That it invites new residents to build their homes and to enjoy the best of life. That educates and cares for its people through a very good education system and healthcare. That offers a safe and calm environment and harmony where everyone is free to express themselves. 45

Page 14: Ramón Méndez, “La inversión extranjera en el marco de la política energética” – 2014 Page 16: “El crecimiento responsable y la accesibilidad, elementos clave del desarrollo turístico, manifestó el Presidente de Uruguay al aceptar la Carta Abierta sobre los viajes y el turismo de la OMT y el WTTC” - 2013 Source: http://media.unwto.org/ es/press-release/2013-02-15/ el-crecimiento-responsabley-la-accesibilidad-elementos-clave-del-desarro-0 Page 22: Ceibal Project: “Evaluación Anual en Primaria – 2013” – 2014 Page 24: “Trazabilidad: 100% del ganado vacuno uruguayo está registrado e identificado” Source: http://www.presidencia. gub.uy/wps/wcm/connect/ Presidencia/PortalPresidencia/Comunicacion/comunicacionNoticias/trazabilidad

Page 37: Freedom of speech. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Tolerance. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Safety. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Regulatory Framework. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Political Freedom. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf

i+D Diseño [www.id.net.uy]


Page 38-39: Global Peace Index. “Institute for Economics & Peace” – 2013 Quality of life. “Mercer” – 2014 Prosperity index. “Legatum Institute” – 2013 Healthcare. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Development of information technology. “Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT)” -2013 Rule of Law Index. “World Justice Project” - 2014 Radar chart. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf

Best place to live. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Education system. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf Employment opportunities. Source: http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_Latinoamerica_2013.pdf


Rincón 518, Planta Baja (598 2) 2915 3838 marcauruguay@uruguayxxi.gub.uy @marcauruguay



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