The tools and methodologies to identify innovation
International Conference BioMaH 2018 Round Table on the Technology Transfer Frascati (RM), October 9th, 2018
Barbara Angelini
THE SCIENTIFIC NETWORK • 7 Departments: • Earth System Sciences and Technologies for the Environment • Agri‐food and Biosciences • Biomedical Sciences • Physical Sciences and Technologies of Matter • Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport • Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage • Chemical Sciences and Technologies of Materials • 102 Research Institutes • 20 Research Areas
Barbara Angelini
Barbara Angelini
The Process
Production of new knowledge
Autonomous and / or in collaboration with universities and other PROs
Technological development
‘Triangular' Partnership with businesses and others (public‐private relationship)
Researchand transfer contracts signed with end users
Creation of spin‐off companies and exploitation on the market of IP and know‐ how
Barbara Angelini
CNR TTO organizational pillars
Support and Coordination of activities to develop the research results of the CNR Scientific Network
Promotion and coordination of the exploitation of research results Vs. companies, national and local authorities
Promotion, management, support and assistance related to the creation of spin‐off companies and management of the CNR's shares in these companies
Support for internationalization activities
Promotion, management, support and assistance regarding protection of IP, protection of results, negotiation and contracts, including preliminary assessment of patentability
Barbara Angelini
Promotion & Marketing (1): What we do for SMEs
• Promote the external access of the Scientific Network’s Know‐how and competences, favoring an approach based on specific needs, through a scouting of supply and demand. • Organize meetings that can turn into direct collaborations. • Catch the opportunities by participating proactively in the processes. • Use IPRs as a tool to foster collaborative research.
Barbara Angelini
Promotion & Marketing (2): methods and tools The promotion and marketing actions of the office are integrated with those carried out by the CNR and are focused both on the IPR portfolio and on the partnerships that can lead to new collaborative or commissioned research, and more in general to institutional collaborations, including creation of new companies.
100+ ACTIVE COLLABORATIONS • Relationships and framework agreements, eg. Confindustria, Confartigianato, Federchimica Invitalia, ENI, United Arab Emirates; • Participation in TT projects with external partners (national and / or international patents Road shows; BioTTasa, PoCN, ItaliaCamp Network EEN); • Patent Database online; • Creation of new spin‐off companies; • Partnering with Technology Brokers; • Training and information activities.
Barbara Angelini
Technology Readiness Level
Barbara Angelini
How to give a successful technology description 1. PROBLEM 2. SOLUTION 3. COMPETITORS 4. SWOT Analysis 5. MARKET 6. IP 7. TIME‐LINE 8. COST 9. PRODUCT PRICE 10.TEAM
State of the Art Proposal (from idea to product) Presence on the market Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Absolute innovation, incremental innovation, impact on existing markets, opening new markets Patent, industrial secret, trademark, other Realization times Required capital Cost / revenue estimated Professional structure
Barbara Angelini
An example of a route
To move on to the development phase of a new product, about 8 steps must be carried out: 1.Idea generation 2.Selection of the idea 3.Market test development 4.Development of marketing strategy 5.Economic analysis 6.Product development 7.Market test 8.Marketing Once the product has been developed to move to the marketing phase, it will be necessary to choose where, how and when to launch the product.
Barbara Angelini
Joint management agreement
Patent ownership (filing, maintenance, extension and related costs); Use of the patent (for research or commercial purposes); Dissemination of the patent and scientific publications; Sale of the individual shares of the patent; Waiver of the patent; Defense of the patent, violation by third parties; Improvement of the invention; Duration; Confidentiality; Use of the name, brand and citations; Applicable law and disputes.
Barbara Angelini
Difference between valorization and commercialization of IPR and Know‐how
Barbara Angelini
Different types of IPR and Know‐how valorization
Projects Participation; Consortium Participation; Cluster participation; Collaborative Research; Commissioned Research.
Barbara Angelini
Different types of marketing of IPR and know‐ how
License Agreement exclusive/not exclusive; by sector of application; by geographical area
Sale contracts
Barbara Angelini
Main conditions to be met in a contract with the Public Research Institution: the CNR case Real possibility of developing the technology; Initial lump sum (usually provides for the recovery of expenses incurred); Payment of future expenses (agreeing among the interested parties); Milestones and / or direct royalties and sub‐licenses; Activation of a research contract with the Institute for the further develop of the technology
Barbara Angelini
Barbara Angelini CNR‐ Valorizzazione della Ricerca +39.06.49932415