Welcome to the New World of Resilient Floors!
ne thing the pandemic has taught us: cleanliness is more important than ever! This will likely continue to be so for a long, long time. Thank goodness for Beautifully Responsible™ resilient floors. With so many of us work-
ing from home, our highways may be getting less traffic –– but not our floors! These days, our homes are doing double and even triple duty. For example, a bedroom might be used for a classroom or office in the morning and for sleeping at night. Lisbeth Calandrino, Associate Publisher, Fabulous Floors Magazine and Flooring Industry Educator & Trainer
The more traffic our floors are getting, the more time it’s taking to keep up with the dirt and germs. Now is an excellent time to consider changing your floors, and resilient options are your absolute best choice. Another issue when it comes to cleaning is what types of products are we using? Since we are spending so much time in our homes, air quality has become more important. Today we are more conscious of our floors because we are “living” on them. Since we spend 90% of our time indoors, the air quality has taken on new meaning. That’s why you need to choose the right flooring — flooring that has been endorsed by a third-party agency that tests indoor air quality. That’s resilient flooring. Cleanliness and hygiene are certainly not new to homeowners with pets and children. Mothers are continually wiping their hands and asking children not to eat things off the floor. With more home traffic, floor cleaning has become a daily chore. Focusing on cleaning high-traffic areas can help prevent the spread of dirt, dust, and germs throughout the rest of the house. Surfaces without germs have become very important, too. So the key is to keep everything clean, especially the floors. This is also concerning if you shop for groceries or items at the mall and are afraid of bringing germs back into the house. Not only are we walking on our floors, but we’re likely sitting on them, too.
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