CHILDREN'S INDEPENDENT MOBILITY A child-oriented perspective on walking, playing and socialising in

Page 56

Did someone accompany on this journey? Who? How many times do you take this route a week?

Reasons NOT to walk and cycle

Walking experiences

There are numerous reasons NOT to walk or ride your bike on this route. Please check the one that applies to you.

Multiple choice, single answer question

Never true Rarely true Occasionally true Almost always true Always true

Very bad bad poorly good very good

Someone can rob me A stranger can harass me or attack me An acquaintance known can harass me or attack me They can run me over Crossing the streets is dangerous Cars and motorcycles go very fast The sidewalks are unsuitable for walking Cycling paths are unsuitable for cycling There is a lot of noise and/or pollution I am offered drugs along the way People say obscene or unpleasant things to me Thinking about your wellbeing and the dangers you may have encountered; how did you feel during the journey? Thinking about your wellbeing and the dangers you may have encountered; how did you feel during the journey? Category Why did you feel this way in particular? Why did you feel this way in particular? Category Comments

Appendix 2. Caretakers' questionnaires Interpretation

General information



Question/statement Relation to child Gender Age Age child Gender child Is your home multi-family/multi-home? How many people live in your household? How many are minors?


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