THE LITTLE FISH Once upon a time, there was a little fish, he lived in a big river.
but, he was not happy. His body was white
he felt very sad. “I want to have a beautiful body like those other fish�He said
So, one day he went to see the king of the river. Who´s there, said aloud voice It´s me, Little fish, said the little fish. What do you want little fish Please Sir. give me colors. Tell me, what colors you want.
“ Please make my body RED” , said the little fish
And his body became red
“ Please make my tail YELLOW”, said the little fish
And his tail became yellow
“ Please make my fins GREEN” , said the little fish
And his fins became green
“ Please make my FACE ORANGE” , said the little fish
And his face became ORANGE
“ Please make my lips PINK”
And his lips became pink
“ Please make my eye BLUE” , said the little fish
And his eye became blue
Now, little fish was very happy because his body had many colors. He was very beautiful.