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6. Conclusions

6. Conclusions

2022b). Although, the private vehicles fleet has been considerable, with 812,160 in 2020, among cars (718,819) and motorcycles (93,341) in the capital of Austria (Stadt Wien, 2021), meaning that there are at least 423 private vehicles for every 1,000 people.

Undoubtedly, urban mobility has been playing a key element in the Viennese urban development, as previously mentioned and recognized through different prizes over the years. Hence, to conclude this brief introduction to Vienna, it is essential to look into its modal split since it is a standard indicator that helps evaluate the transport behavior (Ungvarai, 2019). Therefore, one of the main goals of the STEP 2025 Urban Mobility Plan Vienna one of the strategic documents analyzed for this thesis is the desired - modal split by 2025. In other words, Vienneses must make 80% of all trips within the city by PT, bicycle, or on foot, while the intention for private vehicles is to decrease to 20% (Vienna City Administration, 2014a).


Notwithstanding Wiener Linien updates its modal split annually and has already presented the 2020 and 2021 ones; for this research, it has been considered the scenario before the COVID-19 pandemic since most of the selected case studies which will be presented in the next subsections did not officially update their modal shares with the pandemic impacts and implications. Hence, this thesis does not consider the pandemic scenario as its primary topic although it has been mentioned briefly throughout its development as additional information since there are still many uncertainties throughout this theme. Thus, the Viennese modal split presented in Figure 12 is related to 2019. As can be seen, the total amount of trips between PT, bicycle, and walking was 73%. Hence, to achieve the STEP 2025 modal split goal of 80- on time, the Austrian capital is targeting to reduce 7% (from 27% to 20%) of its displacements made by cars or motorcycles, which means a reduction of approximately 26% of its current private vehicular traffic. Although Vienna has demonstrated exceptional initiatives and actions through its different urban mobility systems, to be able to meet STEP 2025 goals, it will need to implement even more powerful, and integrated measures to have a better redistribution of its modal share and, consequently, improve th

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