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Figure 69
the modal split and the mobility itself of Lisbon, which were a radical change in population numbers in the city of Lisbon to the neighboring municipalities. For instance, in the 1980s, the population on the city scale was more than 800,000 inhabitants, and nowadays, it has around 500,000 (Lisboa Câmara Municipal, 2020). In addition, MOVE has highlighted that car ownership has been increasing drastically since then. Therefore, MOVE has presented more information related to the other transport systems, such as the PT and the public bike share system (GIRA). Hence, Figure 69 recaps the MOVE analyses from SUMP Cycle Phase 1, where four activities have been covered, three partially covered, and another three have remained unclear.
Figure 69. Although the strategic document has not presented some essential elements for the first three steps, it could be said that MOVE has reached the milestone of the first phase to a certain extent. In addition, to develop the proper SUMP, it is necessary to address more information, such as preliminary evaluations of human and financial resources, among others.
4.5.2. Phase 2 | Strategy Development
MOVE has presented its strategy process throughout the entire document specifically in the last three chapters:
, and Hence, the steps from the SUMP cycle Phase 2 (Strategy Development) have been explored in the analyses below.
Step 4 build and jointly assess scenarios: MOVE has not displayed this step. Although Steps 5 and 6 have presented other strategy components as will be further shown did not share the future options that may have been raised through the discussion while the municipality was elaborating this strategic document. In other words, to further develop the proper SUMP, the vision and strategy must consider all possible scenarios to choose the one that fits most into their reality, as shown in the case studies for this thesis, i.e., Budapest and Rome.
Step 5 develop vision and strategy with stakeholders: MOVE has adopted a future vision based on six strategic pillars: 2. mais (in english, nore trust); (in English, more connectivity); (in English, more accessibility); (in English, more innovation); (in English, more responsibility). Therefore, MOVE nce, (in English, integrates new mobility services into the transport system); (in English, requalifies public space and pedestrian network), among many others. Therefore, MOVE has shared its vision and objectives, considering all transport modes and mobility components, as has been acclaimed by the SUMP guidelines.
Step 6 set targets and indicators: apart from the desired modal split for 2030, MOVE has not defined clear strategic indicators and measurable targets for its objectives, which for being only a strategic vision document, could be expected that this step could have been better explored and detailed based on the SUMP guidelines. Hence, for the future SUMP, it is recommended that this step be addressed better. In summary, Figure 70 recaps the MOVE analyses from SUMP Cycle Phase 2, in which, from the six activities in total, only one has been covered, another two have been considered partially covered, and three others have remained unclear.