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Figure 21. Rome Modal Split 2016
to help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from old vehicles that tend to emit more.
After all, Figure 21 shows the Rome modal split from 2016. Hence, the total of displacements between PT, bicycle, and walking was 35%, and the desired scenario in 2029 defined by PUMS has been targeted in 52,3% 42,1% PT, 5,1% bicycle, 5,1% walking (Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, 2019b). Moreover, private vehicles have a total percentage of 65%, accounting for cars (50%) and motorcycles (15%); in addition, PUMS aims to decrease to 47,7% in total, 37,4% related to cars and 10,3% to motorcycles. Thus, the expected decrease is approximately 27% regarding cars and motorcycles, similar to Vienna, although in a bigger scale and more complex scenario, especially considering the high current presence of private vehicles displacements in Rome. After this reduction, if achieved, Rome will still have almost 50% of its modal split associated with private vehicles, which means there will still be lots to be improved.
Figure 21. Rome Modal Split 2016. Source: Author based on data from Roma Servizi per la Mobilità (2019a)
3.1.5. Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon is part of Southwestern Europe (CIA, 2022), located in the west of Portugal (Figure 22), on the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus River, which has played a crucial location role