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Figure 40. Vienna STEP UMP Results - Principles of SUMP
results have been displayed in Figure 40, and the full version is available in Appendix C, including the answers the author filled in the online questionnaire. Moreover, it is crucial to mention that the principles of SUMP are eight in totality, as previously illustrated in Figure 3. Nevertheless, the results exhibit only seven because the SUMP guidelines th SUMP principle.
Figure 40. Vienna STEP UMP Results - Principles of SUMP. Source: Author based on the SUMP SAT Results Therefore, based on the SUMP SAT results, Vienna has shown an average performance regarding its mobility planning process since most of the SUMP principles have achieved percentages above 60%. However, the 5
principle, -term vision and a clear has the lowest rate, around 40%. This principle is associated with the implementation plan details such as timetable, budget, delegation of responsibilities, and resources framework which confirms what has already been identified in the SUMP 12 Steps analyses as critical points that needs improvement. In contrast, the 4
principle, has received the highest score. It is associated to the comprehensive analysis of the current mobility situation in order to propose future conditions, which should specify objectives, and ambitious but pragmatic targets aligned with the central vision of the plan.
reaffirm and summarize the successes and challenges that the SUMP 12 Steps analyses
4.2. Brussels | GM | Good Move Plan Régional de Mobilité 2020-2030
The Good Move, Plan régional de mobilité 2020-2030 (GM), approved by government in 2020, is aligned with the vision from Plan Régional de Développement Durable (PRDD in English, Regional Plan for Sustainable Development) adopted in 2018, which GM is integrated into it. In addition, Brussels has decided to put the user at the core of the development of its urban mobility plan. The goal has been to let the person choose only to traffic infrastructure problems. For this reason, it seeks a paradigm change, which has influenced the planning process, where it has integrated different perceptions from many citizens, actors, and stakeholders (Bruxelles Mobilité, 2020b).
Additionally, GM has been split into two main parts. The first part, the core, is called (in English, General Part), which shows an i. introduction; ii. the strategy, including the city vision, the mobility vision, the actions programs, and the conditions for success; iii. the action plan; and iv. the regulatory aspect, with definitions, general and special requirements. Further, the second part, (in English, Specific Part Road Development Plan), is short, at the end of the plan, and it identifies road development or infrastructure projects to be carried out. Moreover, it presents the strategy, regulatory aspect, and budget information. Hence, GM has addressed analytical and collaborative approaches, breaking the traditional planning structure (Bruxelles Mobilité, 2020b).
In summary, GM guidelines are well organized and comprise many necessary fields for Steps to a certain extent (Figure 41); however, it needs some more clarifications and definitions associated with some activities. Additional meticulous outcomes have been shown in the next subsections, indicating the 32 SUMP Activities that have been covered (26), partially covered (3), and also specifying the ones that are unclear (3).