Marian Matters (Summer 2015)

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Marian A N e wsl e tter

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M a ria n C ath oli c A lu mni , P a rents a nd F riend s ... B ecause M a ria n C ath oli c R ea lly D oe s M atte r SUMMER 2015

Sister Judine Hilbing prepares for life after Marian Catholic

Throughout life, I have always

enjoyed the feeling of freedom that comes from living along a working waterway. Barges trudging up the Mississippi, ocean vessels entering the International Port, and steamboats meandering along the Illinois River linger in my mind as nostalgic memories of movement and motion. The passage along these waterways is facilitated by the proper construction of bridges, the symbolism of which is very rich for me. Whether a suspension, lift, or drawbridge, each is a feat of engineering and often a work of art. The purpose of the bridge, however, is to serve, providing safe passage along the waters below and the roadways above. I have come to think of my time at Marian Catholic High School as one of serving on the bridge. I began my tenure as President at a time of great jubilation as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of academic excellence and looked to the next 50 years with hopeful expectation. The creation of our most recent strategic plan, 2020 Vision, compelled us to search out new strategies and formulate new objectives for our Next Generation Learners. Finally, the formation of a strong structure of Board Governance prepared for a new era in which local leadership might one day

be entrusted completely to the care of lay administrators, deeply committed to the Dominican charism. Marian Catholic has crossed, and will continue to traverse, the many bridges that connect its rich history to its future vitality. As an individual, I too, navigate the many bridges of life. At 72 years of age and with 52 years of continuous service in the field of education, I am beginning to imagine a bridge that will provide passage to a new phase of life’s journey. As much as I have cherished my full-time career as an educator,

Committee of the Board of Directors as they work to identify outstanding candidates who might serve as the next President of Marian Catholic High School, whose term will begin on July 1, 2016. I look forward to enjoying my final year as President in this outstanding institution. It has been my deep honor and pleasure to serve in the capacity of what I now fondly refer to as bridge administration. I am filled with active hope for the future and pray for all that is held gently in the hands of our Provident God. We are travelers


I have discerned that now is the appropriate time to pursue a part-time position. My appreciation for life and all that it offers, beckons me at this stage of life, to attend to activities for which I have not had time in recent years. Part-time employment will allow for greater flexibility in creating a space for the Prayer, Study, Community, and Preaching that we claim so proudly as our Dominican Pillars. I have made my intentions known to the Board of Directors and the Member Board. I am fully committed to collaborating with the members of the President

along the bridges of life that connect the past, the present, and the future success of Marian Catholic High School. We marvel at the wondrous ways in which our Gracious God has blessed our school community. My own heart is filled with gratitude for the goodness of God, the support of each of you, and the opportunity to serve in the Office of President at Marian Catholic. It has been a rich personal experience and an opportunity to grow professionally in my capacity as servant leader. For this opportunity, I am and will be forever grateful.


GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015! Marian Catholic High School celebrated

“During our time at Marian, it is a well-known fact that we received a first class education. With all of our AP scholars, state scholars, and nationally recognized students, just being a Marian Catholic graduate carries weight. However, what one cannot measure is the amount of spiritual growth we have had during our time as Marian students. This spiritual growth is the kind that can’t be measured with a numerical value like a GPA. The supportive environment created by our class has definitely helped all of us reach our potential as successful students.” Senior Class President Marcus Webster, (The Catholic University of America), took a moment to reflect on the Class of 2015 and their new responsibility as alumni. How each class representative must continue to follow the Dominican Pillars and preach as they were taught the last four years. “Our first duty as a Marian Catholic alumni is to the truth. It is the guiding principle on which our moral compass is based. Marian Catholic has cultivated these values and made us into the people we are today. No matter where we go and what we do, we will forever represent our Marian family. So when you’re on your own and all alone in an unfamiliar world remember that there is always someone a phone call, email, text message, or a snapchat away.” Lastly, Marian Catholic President Sister Judine Hilbing, O.P., greeted the newest members of the Marian Catholic Alumni Association with these remarks. “Grounded in the Tradition of Dominican Education, our students know that none of us can stand apart and alone. There will always be a person, a cause, an issue of social consciousness to which we are called to heal, to bless, and to bring to new life. As our most recent graduates of Marian Catholic High School, I pray that you, the Class of 2015, will use your education and your understanding of Mission to be the wings of flight and freedom for all who stand in need.”

its 54th annual commencement ceremony on Monday, May 18, 2015, at the Tinley Park Holiday Inn and Convention Center. Family, friends, and guests came together to honor the 278 graduating Spartans, as they received their diplomas. From National Honor Society members to AP Scholars and National Merit Scholars, the newest members of the Marian Catholic Alumni Association made the most of their college prep days at Marian Catholic. To begin the ceremony, Principal, Steve Tortorello ’04, addressed the audience and the graduating class of 2015. Tortorello ’04 spoke of the time spent at Marian Catholic and how classmates will remember them. “You will forget what your teachers and your classmates said. You will forget the trigonometry identities. You will forget the rumor you heard in the middle of second hall. You won’t remember which friend forgot to pick you up after practice or which friend dated which other friend. “What you will remember is how people made you feel. You will remember the coach or moderator who took a chance on you by making you a captain, a starter, a section leader, a solo performer. You will remember the teachers and friends who gave you a shoulder when you needed one. You will remember the laughs, even if you don’t remember the jokes. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Valedictorian Genevieve Helsel (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) spoke to her fellow classmates and reminded them of their collaborative spirit and what Marian Catholic gave to them.

Kayln DesJardins walks across the stage to receive her diploma from Steve Tortorello ’04.

Ronald Stemley, Lisette Villarreal, Julian Goods, Nicole Szewczyk, and Ben Collins 2

Jack Heneghan takes a photo with two individual 2015 graduates and IHSA State Champions, Joey Cifelli (Diving) and T.J. Newby (Basketball – 3-point competition)

Class of 2015


HIGHEST ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT (2nd row, L to R): Riley Harber, Yutong Mina Cai, Kellen Williams, Michael Lauer, Francesca Robinson, and Linda Salgado (1st row, L to R): Dana Zavesky, Deidre Johnson, Genevieve Helsel, and Robin Wilson


Senior Honors Night Senior Kellen Williams is greeted by Steve Tortorello ’04 as he gladly accepts one of his many awards throughout the evening. Kellen was a member of the Baseball and Soccer teams, along with being a Dominican Preacher and a National Merit Semifinalist. Honors Night is an evening to recognize the countless accomplishments the Class of 2015 has received throughout the students’ time at Marian Catholic.

Senior George Spainer shows off his new alumni pin as he is welcomed to the Marian Catholic Alumni Association. This pin is a visual representation of the tradition and devotion the Alumni Association shows to Marian Catholic on a yearly basis. This tradition began in 2009. George is accompanied with his sister Erin (Falucskai) Russell ’02, current MCHS faculty member.

Kaui Bradley receives her award from Steve Tortorello ’04. Kaui was a recipient of an athletic scholarship to University of Pittsburgh along with her other accomplishments.


APPALACHIA TRIP Having just finished their junior year of High School and looking forward to the summer, it would be surprising to find a group of students willing to do manual labor in Appalachia – but not for Sister Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P., head of the Marian Catholic Service Club. Sister Dorothy and chaperones take approximately 30 students on a service trip to Kentucky to help the most disadvantaged. The students live out the ideals of Christian service, learn to work together in teams, and learn how others can be helped by charitable actions. The first week of June, Sister Dorothy and 13 chaperones, took 30 Marian Catholic students to Appalachia, as part of a partnership with a group called Christian Outreach with Appalachian People. The group worked with low-income families in Harlan County, Kentucky as they rehab houses. On the trip, students and chaperones often help fix or build new houses, requiring long days hanging shingles, painting, and in general helping people have a place they can call home. While the trip is plenty of hard work, that does not mean it’s all work and no fun. “The most rewarding part of the trip is to see how our students’ hearts expand with compassion and understanding of the needs of the poor, how much the students support each other as they are learning new skills and doing their work, how much the students grow in confidence as they learn new skills in carpentry, painting and whatever work they are asked to do for those in need,” said Sister Dorothy Marie. While the trip takes much planning and preparation, Sister Dorothy Marie says, “it is always well worth it in the end.” A favorite memory included, “seeing students upside down in the post holes digging out the ground and of course, always a good memory is seeing the students bond with each other and build relationships based on conversation with each other without the use of social media as we do not get service up in the mountains” as well as “how much the students continued to give when they came back to the cabins after a day of work and were willing to help with dinner prep and clean up.”

(3rd Row, L to R): Elizabeth Johnson, Mckayla Brzeszkiewicz, Nicole Robinson, and Noah Goncher; (2nd Row, L to R): Julia Kapocious, Katie Serba, Rebecca Senick, Brendan Marz, Sophia Newhuis, Anna Grzybowski, and MCHS Faculty Justin Thirstrup ’08; (1st Row, L to R): MCHS Faculty Linda Savick, Adriana Garcia, Sarah Harrison, Emily Vellender, Julia Rivero, and Jamie Windish ’06


Anna Grzybowski ’16, Sophia Newhuis ’16, and Julia Rivero ’16


Ed Szymanski ’78, alum parent Jessica Lancaster ’06, Justin Thirstrup ’08, Campus Minister Sara Jo Ritchie ’05 Jamie Windish ’06 Jamee McCarthy, alum parent Linda Savick, alum parent Mary Mesterharm, alum parent Kevin Kulchawik, current parent Paul Henry, alum parent Caitlin Henry ’14 Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.

MARIAN STUDENT PARTICIPANTS (CLASS OF 2016): Joe Chmura Andrew Durbin Liam Ferguson Noah Goncher Brendan Marz Julia Kapocious Adriana Garcia Nicole Robinson Mckayla Brzeszkiewicz Anna Grzybowski Julia Rivero Elizabeth Johnson Tony Kurth Joe Fowler Maria Macuga Julie Javorka Christina Boland-Prom Sarah Harrison Sophie Newhuis Rebecca Senick Katie Serba Emily Vellender Kasia Kulchawik Melissa Brown Ariana Arriaga Alexis Wallace Dorothy Hodson Julia Palmer Ricki Ruzich-Sochacki Austin Fritzgerald

Janie Neal Awarded Gates Millennium Scholarship

Janie Neal a 2015 graduate was honored as a recipient of the Gates Millennium Scholarship. This is a good-through-graduation scholarship awarded to 1,000 students across the country.

After attending several different grammar schools, Janie Neal, a University Park resident, had her eyes set on Marian Catholic when it came to making the decision on her high school education. Although no one from her junior high would join her, Marian Catholic had all the opportunities she was looking for in a high school, including swimming, extracurricular clubs, and a number of

AP classes. With all of these options, Janie felt Marian Catholic would give her the best opportunity to succeed in High School. That could not have been more true when Janie was awarded the Gates Millennium Scholarship this past year. Janie’s family, especially her mother, has been a huge influence throughout her schooling years. It wasn’t easy for Janie’s mother to put her through 12 years of private schooling, but her mother always made it very clear that her education was the most important thing she could give Janie. As soon as her educational life began, Janie was continuously rewarded and supported with great strength through all the struggles she faced. “My family has been an irreplaceable part of my education.” Janie specified. With all of her involvement Janie hasn’t allowed her busy schedule to interfere with her goals. After enrolling at Marian Catholic in 2011, Janie became an Illinois State Scholar, scored a 31 on her ACT, and 2030 on her SAT. “It was very hard to manage my schedule. With playing two sports, working 15 hours a week and still having to come home and do hours of homework, my free time and social time was definitely reduced,” Janie explained.

Of all the awards and scholarships presented to Janie, the Gates Millennium Scholarship was the most significant. This scholarship, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, offers a good-through-graduation scholarship to 1,000 brilliant students. With over 57,000 applicants, Janie was selected as one of the recipients. She will be taking her talents to Pomona College in Claremont, California, in the fall where she plans to enter the Computer Science program. For the Gates Scholarship, the preliminary process is not simple. The participants are required to submit eight essays along with several letters of recommendation that includes her achievements and community involvements. Recommendations from Marian Catholic faculty and staff came high. Janie chose Marian Catholic Principal Steve Tortorello as her recommender. The goal of The Gates Millennium Scholarship is to promote academic excellence while providing an opportunity for outstanding minority students to reach their highest potential. Without a doubt Janie will represent herself, her family, and the Marian Catholic community at the highest level.

Marian Catholic Student Showcases Art Work at the U.S. Capitol Jordyn Bush a Marian Catholic Junior, took home top honors at the annual Congressional Art Competition this past spring. The competition consisted of 30 students representing four different high schools within the district of U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly. The high school art competition was established by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 to acknowledge and support the artistic talent of America’s young adults. “I was amazed by the talent of these young artists,” Kelly said in the announcement release. “Each one deserved a special award for creativity and imagination. I hope they will continue to express themselves through art and develop their remarkable talent. My thanks also go out to the art teachers for guiding their students and inspiring them to create such beautiful works.” Jordyn Bush’s entry was titled “Jordyn Alexis,” and will be displayed for a year at the U.S. Capitol. She also was awarded two round-trip tickets to Washington, D.C. to attend a reception honoring the winning artists from all 50 states.


Jordyn Bush ’16 stands with U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly to show off her award winning work. Jordyn earned a trip to Washington D.C. to be honored.


Claims 1st Place in Midwest The Marian Catholic Winter Guard competed in the Midwest Color Guard Circuit Championships in La Porte, IN this past spring. The Marian Catholic Winter Guard took 1st place in their class with their show titled “Sweeping Up the Spotlight.” In addition, Taylor Matthews ’15 was awarded the Midwest Color Guard Circuit Scholarship. The scholarship was presented to three individuals chosen by judges out of the 85 guards that competed that weekend. Winter guards from the Midwest region including Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana competed in the two day event. After taking home first place in the Midwest region, the guard turned their attention to the WGI National Championships from April 16-18. They finished in fifth place in the SO (Scholastic Open) Prelims and 23rd overall in the SO Semi-Finals. The field consisted of over 100 teams.

Winter Guard teammates come together for a team photo after their Regional Championship.

Marian Catholic Theatre ‘Climb Every Mountain’ in the returning of “The Sound of Music”

One of the greatest musicals of all time returned to the Marian Catholic stage after 35 years. The Marian Fine Arts Department soared to new heights with the 2015 production of “The Sound of Music,” a production that was last seen in 1980 at Marian Catholic. The students of Marian presented the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic on April 24, 25, & 26th in the Croakin Auditorium at Marian Catholic High School. The Sound of Music was one of the best area performances at the hands of Marian Catholic students as they performed an incredible show. Filled with magnificent signing and outstanding emotions from each performer, Mark Donaway states, “The Sound of Music was one of the best performances in the history of Marian Catholic Theatre productions.” Too high-spirited for the religious lifestyle, Maria, (Katie O’Shea’16) is dispatched to serve as governess for the seven children of a widowed navel Captain (Michael Lauer ’15). She gradually captures the heart of the stern Captain, however upon returning from their honeymoon they find that Austria has been invaded by the Nazis. The family’s narrow escape over the mountains to Switzerland on the eve of World War II provides one of the most outstanding and inspiring finals ever presented in the theatre. The unforgettable performance featured songs like “The Sound of Music,” “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria,” “16 Going on 17,” and “Climb Every Mountain.” Thanks to Music Director Greg Bimm and the orchestra who was spell binding, the magic of the performance drew large crowds and led to one of the largest responses the Theater Department has experienced. Donaway congratulates his performers, stating, “Bravo to Marian Speech, Theatre, Choral and Band program, truly just amazing kids.”

Spring Choral Concert The Spring Pops Choral Concert “Movie Music Magic” on May 5th featured music from the movies! Each choir sang selections varying from Disney to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to Pitch Perfect! The seniors were recognized for their years spent in choir. The choral program looks forward to next year and their 2016 Spring Break tour to Springfield, IL to sing at our State Capitol Building and the Mother House of our Springfield Dominican Sisters. (Right): Choir Director, Claire Aronson directs members of the choir during their Spring Choral Concert.



(Clockwise from the top) The Spartan baseball team gather for a team photo after their Regional Championship victory over Brother Rice. Bryce Hennessy ’15, delivers a pitch during the Spartans Sectional semi-final win over Lincoln Way North. • Senior standout, Allison Spence, delivers a pitch to the plate. • Matthew Martinson ’15 shows off his perfect form during the State competition.

Also on the diamond, the Marian Catholic softball squad broke out the heavy artillery this spring and set an all-time record with 35 home runs. The offensive onslaught, led by Illinois State University-bound senior Allison Spence, translated to an impressive 26-10 campaign, as well as a tie for second-place in the East Suburban Catholic Conference with a 15-15 mark. The 20-win campaign was Marian’s 23rd overall and the ninth time the Spartans have reached 26 victories. Seven of those seasons have come under the leadership of all-time winningest coach and alum Kerri Evans ’96, who now owns a 383-153 mark (.714) in 15 seasons. Along with ranking in some of the all-time record pitching categories, Spence graduated as Marian’s single-season batting average leader (.570) and is also first all-time in home runs (23) and doubles (44). Meanwhile, Southern Illinois University-bound junior Susie Baranski ranks second in career average (.489) and set single-season all-time bests for hits (72), runs (54) and doubles (20). The Spartans also excelled on the individual level, as senior high jumper Matt Martinson qualified for boys track state for a third straight year and placed 10th in state. In girls track, Marian had three entries qualify for state, highlighted by a seventh-place state finish from the 400-meter relay team of freshman Camille Osborne and sophomores Ashley Donald, Aliyah Griffin and Mee’Shaunda Roddy. Roddy also captured 16th place in state in the 200 meters, while Osborne was 14th in the 100-meter dash. Men’s tennis also made the grade at the Illinois High School Association state level, as freshman Donald Flynn qualified at singles and the doubles team of senior Ibrahim Ghazaleh and junior Trevor Evans qualified as well.

With such a young squad to begin the year, first-year Marian Catholic baseball Head Coach Tony DeCarlo knew he would eventually have a bright future for his squad. However, the future appeared early and just at the right time. Mixing in some talented underclassmen with solid senior leadership, the Spartans entered the Illinois High School Association postseason as the No. 9 seed in the Marist Class 4A Sectional. Starting with a pair of shutouts, the Spartans eventually advanced to the sectional finals with victories over #8 Shepard, #1 Brother Rice and #5 Lincoln-Way North. The Spartans, making their first IHSA Sweet 16 appearance since the 2012 state championship run, even gave eventual state champion Providence Catholic all it could handle in a 4-3 sectional title contest. “The kids finally started believing in themselves toward the end of the year and their true talent level showed with the end of the year success,” explained DeCarlo, who led Marian to a 21-15-1 campaign, including a 4-0 mark in the Cocoa Beach, Fla. Invite and a 9-9 ledger in the tough East Suburban Catholic. With so many young players developing as the season progressed, a senior class including the likes of All-Area pitcher Bryce Hennessy, class Salutatorian Kellen Williams, Chris Austin, Carlo Falcioni and Lavezz Middleton provided the leadership to key an impressive postseason run. “It was an honor to get such a great group of hard working, motivated young men as a first-year coach,” said DeCarlo, also on the Spartans’ football staff. “They are due more credit than given with the amount of work they put in everyday to get better.”


Marian Catholic High School


Monday, September 14, 2015 Olympia Fields Country Club Please join us for this special opportunity to golf at one of the premier golf courses in the country and support student scholarships at Marian Catholic High School. $295 per golfer $195 young alum golfer $100 for dinner only

Your Day Includes: Eighteen Holes of Golf with Cart Participation Gifts Course Refreshments Access to Practice Range and Locker Rooms Buffet Lunch Silent Auction Bidding Cocktail Hour Open Bar Dinner Buffet

2015 EGC Committee 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Registration & Coffee Service Practice Greens & Locker Rooms Open 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Lunch on the Patio 11:45 a.m. Assemble at Course 12:00 p.m. Shotgun Start 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Hour/Silent Auction Pavilion Room in Clubhouse 6:30 p.m. Dinner in Crystal Room in Clubhouse Awards and Program to Follow

For more information, contact: Pat Trebe, Director of Annual Programs & EGC Event Director (708) 996-4622 • 8

Co-Chairs Greg Underwood Mark Peifer ’81 Committee Andres Baltazar ’04 Kerry (Beukema) VanderWal ’00 John Brennan ’97 Eileen (Gallagher) Daw ’78 Lou Giannini ’82 Robert Gromala ’97 Paul Jenkins Chris Lilek ’04 Patrick Hanifin ’03 Tony Makarek ’64 Chris McDonnell ’01 Diana McDonnell Mike Murphy ’70 Michael Olszak Zach Peifer ’11 Tony Rosati ’80 Carol Burke Swanson ’81 Sandy Sweeney Pat Trebe Susan Van Etten ’80 Joe Zagone ’74


For the 13th year Tail Power Classic members and guests have come together to help raise money for the Spartan athletic programs. TPC was first started by the late Ed Ziltz ’80, Tim Swanson ’86, and Jim Dee ’80 back in 2002 before recently handing the reigns over to Matt Dee ’07 and board members. The group has come together to raise close to $150,000 over the years for Marian Catholic athletic programs.

PARENTS CLUB The Marian Catholic Parents Club is hosting a variety of events for the upcoming school year. We are excited to invite families and alumni to participate in the Marian Catholic community. (L to R): Mike Jedlica ’04, (TPC Board Member), Matt Dee ’07, (TPC President), Jim Dee ’80 (TPC Co-Founder), Ryan Dee ’18, and Nick Dee ’18



Sunday, September 13 PARENT’S NIGHT OUT

Friday, November 20 (Spartan Gold Raffle Drawing) TRIVIA NIGHT

Saturday, January 30 EVENING OF EXCELLENCE

Saturday, March 12 SIPS AND SAVORIES Wine and Beer Tasting - Marian Catholic courtyards

Friday, May 13 For additional information, please visit the Parents Club page on our website. (L to R): Blake Larkins, Sean Palumbo ’00, Marcus Jackson, and Chris Uhl ’00


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Career Day On May 4, 2015 the Marian Catholic Alumni Office held their annual Career Day, a day where Marian Catholic students have the opportunity to listen to professionals in diverse careers. Nearly 30 alumni and guests were gracious enough to give their time and educate students about their daily professions.

Students were given the opportunity to select three professions such as, architects, engineers, educators, lawyers, and many more. It was a great opportunity for the students to learn about several fields of work and meet many accomplished alumni and friends. “I really enjoy coming back,

Tim Tilton ’91 speaks with students about his career path.

but what I enjoy most is giving back. Marian made a HUGE difference in my life and I hope to never forget that,” said Tim Tilton ’91 - Education. “With all the tremendous success stories we have among our grads, we could have a line of guests out the door, so alumni get in contact with Marian for Career Day!” Please feel free to contact Marian Catholic Alumni Office at (708) 756-9775 to get involved in this fantastic day. Left: Guest speakers gather for a group photo before they discuss their careers with students.

Metro Chicago

ALUMNI & FRIENDS NETWORKING The Ninth Annual Metro Chicago Alumni & Friends Networking Event was held Thursday, June 4, at BlackFinn Ameripub in Chicago. Throughout the evening, alums and friends enjoyed food, drinks and lots of laughs. The upbeat gathering brought in alums of all ages and allowed attendees to reconnect with their Marian Catholic roots. If you are interested in becoming involved in the MCHS Alumni Association, please contact Carol Burke Swanson ’81 at

Mariany Padilla, James Murphy ’05, Jesse Tyler ’05, Val Ruiz ’05, and Matthew Schoonover


Amy Rasmussen ’89 and Jennifer Hudson Powell ’89

Todd Toborg ’88, Cristin Clifford ’88, Sandee Roemer O’Rourke ’88, Chris Smith ’88, and Janet Gesell Cassettari ’88


Dennis ’82 & Kristin Depeder ’82 Cortes Tim Fallon ’84 The Stevens Group Ron Slunecko Cook-Illinois Corporation John Benish ’84 Flossmoor Animal Hospital Dr. Raechel Willard ’88 Gphomestay



Friday, October 2, 2015 7:30 p.m. Football Game – Marian Catholic vs. Joliet Catholic

Classes of:

Alumni Homecoming Gathering (Following Game) All Alumni and Friends are welcome. Sister M. Paul McCaughey, O.P., Leadership Center

CLASS OF 1965 – 50 YEAR REUNION WEEKEND Friday, October 2, 2015 Welcome Home Reception Marian Catholic High School - 7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 3, 2015 50th Reunion Mass in Memory of Deceased Classmates MCHS Student Chapel - 6:00 p.m. (Enter Door #1 of Ashland Avenue parking lot) 50th Reunion Celebration Olympia Fields Country Club - 7:00 p.m. 2800 Country Club Drive, Olympia Fields, IL 60461

CLASS OF 2010 – INFORMAL REUNION Friday, October 2, 2015 Sister M. Paul McCaughey, O.P., Leadership Center Doors open for 2010 Alums at 8:30 p.m. Pizza, pop, and beer compliments of the Marian Catholic Alumni Association.


1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Saturday, October 17 Reunion Mass in Memory of Deceased Classmates MCHS Student Chapel 5:30 p.m. Reunion Celebration Midlothian Country Club 5000 147th Street Midlothian, IL 60445 7:00 p.m. Call the Alumni Office at (708) 756-9775 for questions.

Saturday, October 17, 2015 Mass, MCHS Student Chapel - 5:30 p.m. Reunion Celebration at Balagio, Homewood, IL - 7:00 p.m.

CLASS OF 2005 – 10 YEAR REUNION Saturday, October 17, 2015 Reunion Celebration at Seven Lions, Chicago, IL - 7:00 p.m.




Marian Madness is the school’s largest athletic fundraiser and this year was another great success. More than $27,000 was distributed to the participating teams and nearly $2,000 to the Marian Catholic Alumni Association. Held March 28 in the Sr. M. Paul McCaughey Leadership Center, more than 350 people attended for a night of food, games, and fun. The super raffle winners for the night were: first place ($3,000) Nancy Evans; second place ($1,000) Regina Cholewa; third through fifth place winners ($200 each) Keri Evans, Michael Smith, and Grant Drady.

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS We would like to thank our sponsors and silent auction donors for making the event such a great success!

Food and Beverage Sponsor

Conneen Family Information Integrators, Inc. Four Point Play: Colleen ’05, Tom ’07, Mike ’12, John ’15 Timothy and Eileen Bergen

Final Four Sponsors

Keith and Elizabeth Soucie Blue Class of 1983 and Class of 1984 The Cary Company

Final Eight Sponsors

Tim Fallon Class of 1984 LaVon Burks, Changing You for You, Inc. “All Natural Fitness” gphomestay

Sweet Sixteen Sponsors

Jeff Bona, DDS Christopher J. Cummings, Attorney Chicago Heights Anchor Bolt Joanne O’Neill Sicher ’81, Colleen O’Neill Ranieri ’83 & Bridget O’Neill Reed ’84 Country House Restaurant Dino’s Food and Liquor Phil ’79 & Livia Faso IJP Football Patriot Gaming and Electronics Kickert School Bus Lines The Zagotta Family Sister Juding, O.P., reaches in to grab the grand prize raffle winner

NCAA Bracket Sponsors Livia Faso, Mike Taylor, and Phillip Faso ’79

Friend of Marian Hair Design


(Back Row, L to R): Ray Gottardo, Mike Adducci, Jim Panozzo, and Mike Panozzo; (Front Row, L to R): Bobby Adducci, Rick Gottardo, Arlene Gottardo, Bill Bano, Scott Sparling, Mike Gardner, and Jimmy Panozzo 12

Adducci Family After the Game Aurelio’s of Homewood John Benish ’84 Tim and Eileen Bergen Bloom Township Athletics Jeffrey Bona, DDS The Cary Company Chicago Heights Park District - Joseph Stanfa ’75 Chio Family Coopers Hawk Bob & Debbie Davis Kerri Evans ’96 Keith and Wendy Fodness Fowler Family Glenwood Oaks Restaurant gphomestay Mark Haines - Lincoln Oaks Golf Course Homewood Florist HR Imaging & Root Studio Idlewild Country Club Kapers Family Kevin Kelly Key West Metal Industries Kirchner Family

TANYA BAKER ’05 Nominated as Finalist for the James Beard Awards Kulchawik Family Cyndi Lamacki Lagunitas Brewery Karen Maravilla ’83 Marc Alan Day Salon and Spa Marissa McDermott Kevin Marvinac ’05 MCHS Athletics MCHS Football MCHS Recruitment MCHS Recruitment MCHS Student Council Nicole Moore – Sweet Sensations Novak Family Pickett Family Powell Family Raymond Family Steve & Michelle Rivero Running for Kicks Schulz Family Schwartz Family Jim ’81 and Laura Schreiber Tim Sovereign Mike Taylor Wallace Family Wieringa Family Gail Young


Baseball - Tony Decarlo Men’s Basketball - Mike Taylor Cheerleading - Janelle Stubbs ’04 Cross Country - Tim Sovereign Fencing - Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P. and Ann Jones Men’s Golf - Jim Mendenhall Men’s Lacrosse Softball - Kerri Evans ’96 Women’s Swimming & Waterpolo - Sean Scanlon Track - La Von Burks

2015 MARIAN MADNESS COMMITTEE John Benish ’84 Jim Dee ’80 Daryl Forney Mark Haines Pat Healy ’79 Lynn and Dave Hilger Bill Hogan ’79 Ann Jones Kevin Kelly ’80 Sean Kelly ’85 Vince Krydynski ’81 Dave Mattio ’66 Chris Ormsby ’93 Terry and Jane Peabody Colleen Peabody ’05 Colleen Ranieri ’83 Jim Schreiber ’81 John Stibich Carol Burke Swanson ’81 Mike Taylor Pat Trebe LaVonia (Vonnee) Wells

Food has always played a big part in Tanya Baker’s ’05 life.

The memories she recalled and cherished most typically involve food, whether it be family gatherings, going out to eat with friends, or eating her grandmother’s fresh produce from her garden. As she grew, so did her passion for food. So it was only fitting that Tanya pursue a career in the food industry. Now the Executive Chef at The Boarding House, a well-known Chicago restaurant, Tanya has without a doubt, followed her dreams. After graduating from Marian Catholic, Tanya attended Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago where she received her degree. From there she went on to serve as line cook and chef de cuisine in several restaurants in the city before landing at the Boarding House. While rising through the ranks of her profession, Tanya continues to achieve professional success. Recently, Tanya was a finalist for the James Beard Awards Rising Star Chef, which spotlight the best of the best in the culinary industry. “Being nominated for a James Beard award has definitely been a huge accomplishment for me. It was completely unexpected and I was truly humbled to be recognized,” says Baker ’05. It was also a special moment for Tanya because this year’s James Beard Awards, known as the ‘Oscars of the food world’ was hosted in Chicago. Tanya is very thankful for the relationships she has built in the kitchen. But she could not be more appreciative of her parents and how they have been her biggest source of inspiration. Baker states, “I will be forever grateful for what they have allowed me to accomplish. Without their guidance, I would not be the person I am today.” Going into her senior year at Marian Catholic, Tanya had to make decisions about her future and looking into college. Culinary school was not first on the list. She eventually decided that culinary school was the right choice for her. “My education at Marian really gave me confidence that I could excel at anything I pursued if I gave it my all,” stated Baker. Tanya had some great memories as a Spartan and was thankful for a number of teachers who had an influence in her success. Tanya gave some guidance to the current Spartans saying, “Most importantly stay true to yourself, and push hard every day to be your BEST self. Life is full of surprises, failures, accomplishments, disappointment, and challenges, but if you stay focused on doing your best every day, you can reach great heights. Take responsibility and ownership for your actions, and always remember that hard work pays off!”



with 50th pick in the 2015 MLB Draft Brett was a two-time All-Pac 12 honoree, carried Marian Catholic Bids a Final a career 3.05 ERA, and a three-time Scholar Baller award winner. (Endorsed by the NCAA, this award Farwell to Faculty & athletes Staff is intended for student who possess academic

Marian Catholic 2012 graduate Brett Lilek has had quite a ride over the past few years. After being an instrumental part of the Spartan 3A State Championship team, Brett went on to have a successful run at Arizona State University. After completing three dominant seasons for the Sun Devils in Tempe, AZ. Brett was selected 50th overall by the Miami Marlins in the 2015 Major League Baseball Draft. Brett has continued to make drastic strides on his amazing path up the ranks of baseball’s best. Directly out of Marian Catholic and fresh off a state championship, Brett was selected in the 37th round by the Seattle Mariners in the 2012 Major League Draft. He decided to further his education at Arizona State where he continued to impress friends, family, and scouts. While at Arizona State,

Marian Alum Receives Grant from Exelon Betsy Soehren-Jones’97 is working hard to bring science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to Marian Catholic. Betsy is a corporate manager for ComEd and huge supporter of Marian Catholic. Because of her efforts and hard work, Marian Catholic was recently was awarded a $10,000 grant from Exelon Corp., the parent company for ComEd. This grant will cover expenses of an engineering program for 7th and 8th graders held at Marian Catholic and serve as seed money for the inaugural Engineering Program at Marian Catholic. The young students will spend their mornings learning to design and build computer programs. Some of the grant money will also be used for the AWE Program, which is an educational partnership with Northwestern University. The accelerated Saturday classes will be expanded to include third- and fourth-graders this year. Kevin Brookins, senior vice president with ComEd, said SoehrenJones worked diligently to recognize the opportunity, identified a partner and then put together a program specifically for her area. He said her work is significant because it helps to increase awareness of STEM education and it encourages students to consider such fields. If you know of any potential opportunities for Marian Catholic High School, please contact Vince Krydynski ’81 at 14

prowess and high end success athletically) Not a stride was broke after signing with the Miami Marlins as Brett contributed to a perfect game thrown by three pitchers from the Class A Batavia Muckdogs, an affiliate of the Miami Marlins. Brett came in relief to throw a perfect 8th inning by striking out the side just weeks after being selected by the Marlins. Congratulations to Brett and the Lilek family as Brett continues to grow with great success. The Marian Catholic family wish you the best of luck. Thanks for representing the Spartan Family with such pride!

MARIAN CATHOLIC BIDS A FOND FAREWELL TO FACULTY & STAFF The Marian Catholic Faculty and Staff would like to send warm farewell wishes to a number of people who have had an instrumental part in making Marian Catholic what it is now. Those who will be retiring after many years of hard work and dedication consist of Bill Feimer, Allen Marazas, Jim (Mendy) Mendenhall, Harvey Mazur and Linda Baltikas. Thank you for the countless hours and passion you provided every student who walked the halls at Marian Catholic. We are also see the departure of Craig Lowy and Josh Howe and wish them the best of luck in their future. Our well wishes also for Sr. Teresa Marron, O.P., who will be moving to St. Cabrini Parish near Springfield, IL. In her 21 years at Marian Catholic, Sr. Teresa played such an important role with the students and the community. Her famous visits across the country, “Sr. Teresa Travels,” visiting Marian Catholic Alumni at numerous colleges and universities will be missed. We thank her for the numerous memories and look forward to having her back on campus soon! Thank you to all for living the mission of Marian Catholic.

2016 HALL OF FAME AWARD NOMINATION Alumna/Alumnus of the Year* This award honors an alumna/alumnus who has contributed and distinguished service in his/her chosen profession and who reflects honorably on Marian Catholic High School.

Alumnus/a of the Year Athlete of the Year Spirit of Marian Fine Arts Distinguished Achievement

Spirit of Marian Award*+ This award honors an alumna/alumnus, staff member, or friend of Marian, who best exemplifies the Dominican traditions of unselfish service to others and outstanding contribution to Marian, his/her community, or church.

Lifetime Achievement Submitted by (Name) Phone

Athlete of the Year Award*+ This award honors the accomplishments of an alumna/ alumnus or staff member who has participated in the Marian Catholic High School Athletic Program and has achieved a high level of recognition in athletics, either professionally, collegiately, or at Marian.

Email Nominee’s Address City State Home Phone

Fine Arts Distinguished Achievement Award*+ This award honors the achievement of an alumna/alumnus or staff member in the Fine Arts—drama, art, music, broadcasting and choral. A nominee should have achieved a high level of recognition in his/her particular filed.

Work Phone Email Spouse’s Name Child(ren)’s Name(s)

*Marian alumna/alumnus must be at least five years from graduation. + Staff members must have served a minimum of three years.

Occupation Employer

All award winners must be able to attend the Awards Dinner.

Job Title

Please write a paragraph explaining why each nominee is eligible and enclose with this form. Nominations forms must be received by September 11, 2015 to be considered for the 2016 Hall of Fame.

Celeste Friel ’14 Celeste Friel ’14, who currently attends the University of Kentucky, played on the 2015 USA Athletes International Lacrosse Team. Celeste was nominated by several coaches and instructors across the country based on her abilities and leadership in lacrosse. She recently traveled to Germany and Austria to compete in the 35605 ReLAXin’ Around the Alps tournament where she played the position of attacker and midfielder. Being the youngest member of her team, Celeste took every advantage of her opportunity to compete on a national level. Celeste is also the lone team representative from the Midwest. As a growing sport, Celeste took a lot of pride in participating for the USA team as they help grow the sport internationally. She currently holds a majority of the Marian Catholic Women’s Lacrosse records. Celeste Friel ’14, member of the 2015 USA International Lacrosse Team.


ALUMNI NOTES Take a few minutes and let everyone in the Marian family know how you’re doing by updating your information on the MCHS website or email Malik McCray ’10

Kate Zielinski ’69 was elected alderman for Ward 5 of DeKalb, Illinois and was seated on May 11, 2015 for a four year term. Kate and her husband John have lived in DeKalb almost 20 years working and raising their two children ( Jennifer and John, adopted from Korea). Ms. Julia (Rohaly) Buckley ’83, has written a number of mystery novels, will soon be coming out with her latest publication. After publishing The Dark Backward and Midnight Ink, Julia followed with the Madeline Mann trilogy along with a number of other novels as well. Her latest writing will be called The Big Chili. You can look for her newest publication to hit the stores in October.

Shawna Sadler ’11 (pictured front row - center) and her Western Kentucky University teammates.

Michelle Krause ’85, Cardio Tennis Manager, recently traveled to Italy where she presented at the Italian Tennis Symposium in front of 3,000 Italian tennis coaches along with Nick Bollittiere. While there, Michelle attended a special symposium with Pope Francis where he spoke on how tennis relates to life and was presented with a customized racket. Vienna Colucci, a graduate of Marian Catholic in 1986, is the Director of Policy for Amnesty International USA, where she oversees human rights policy development. Vienna is also a graduate of The University of Notre Dame, where she is Distinguished Alumni Award recipient.

Dillon Domke ’12

Congratulations to Dr. Eric Pedone, a graduate of Marian Catholic in 2007, who graduated from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine. Eric recently began his residency as an Anesthesiologist. Malik McCray ’10 recently graduated from the United States Military Academy. Malik is a Lieutenant in the United States Army at West Point. Job well done, Congratulations Malik! Elizabeth Cummings ’11 graduated from William Woods University (Fulton, MO) this spring with a major in equine administration. Prior to graduation, she accepted a job as a show groom at Deeridge Farms of Buffalo, NY and Wellington, FL. Beth will be traveling to show jumping competitions with the horses and riders, living the dream! She is the daughter of Chris Cummings ’76 and Ann Jones, MCHS librarian and fencing coach. Molly Dettman ’11 was recently nominated for the Dorothy Reiner Mulroy Excellence Award at Dominican University. Molly is considered for this award because of her relentless efforts in the class room and earning at least 3.7 GPA or better. Congrats Molly! Shawna Sadler ’11 (Softball) and her Western Kentucky University teammates celebrated after their Conference USA championship. Shawna was a large part of the victory as she contributed with a late inning, game tying Home Run.

Cast members from the musical Sound of Music, last seen in 1980, come together for a reunion at Croakin Auditorium. The cast included - (Front Row, L to R): John Hausoul ’82, Janet Warfield Knight ’81, Joe King ’80, Maryann Flock Kelly ’87, Patti Thomas Gallinaro ’83, Steve Palanca ’83, Kathleen O’Brien Gentile ’83; (Back Row, L to R): Kathleen Hennessy ’81, Maureen Smyth Daugherty ’81, John Hemmerling ’81


Dillon Domke ’12 was in Springfield with President Baker, NIU president speaking to the Senate Appropriations Committee on cutting funding to colleges and universities. He looks good there! Marian alumni!

In Memory Of...

March 27, 2015 through July 17, 2015

May these souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Sr. Thomas Cowser Rose Crane Michael Crehan John Dallesandro Jack Dalton Marion Dandurand Scott Davidson Raymond Deabel ’63 Victor DeGuilio Christina DeLuca Warren J. Deubel John DiGiovanni Rich Diver Emanuel Easterling Lyla Eide Henry Errek Mary Jane Farrell Roberta Farrelly Marian Fay Nancy Felkamp Lorraine Fontana Billy Frank Margaret Franklin Rose Marie Fuechtman David Gonzalez Eugenia Gorecki Bess Greco Judy Groenewold Kenneth Groeper Sheryl Hamann Helen Hamilton Myles R. Hamilton William Hamilton ’62 Gary Henn Bonnie Herdina

Margaret Adams David Balfour ’68 Walter J. Barry, Sr. Ann Bartusiewicz Sr. Elizabeth Ann Bedinghaus, O.P. Henry (Hank) Behrends Daniel J. Bergin Glen Bernard Willim Biggerstaff Bonnie Black Sr. Mary Annette Boch, O.P. Betty Braccio Joan W. Brown Amadio Stu Bruni Michael Burke Colleen Burns Mary Louise Caffarini Howard Carpenter Dolores Cattando Thomas Cellini George Chandler Charles Chilla Arthura Ciamprone John C. Clark Brenda Clay Aimee Marie Coath Manley Coleman Francis E. Connors Rick Conway George Cook, Jr. Doris Corso Joseph Costello Josephine Costello Sam J. Costello ’71

Leo Heyne Sr. M. Roselita Holthaus, O.P. Donald Hunt Charles Ingolia, Jr. Angela Inguagiato Michael Janicek Else Jeneson Robert Jones Robert F. Jones John J. Kasperek Aldona Katos Patrick Kelly Dawn Kestner Stanley J. Klimas George Kline Sr. Kathryn Edward Knecht, O.P. Louis Knox Marion Knox Marilyn Konwinski Daisy Ann Kristie Daniel E. Kriszcziokaitis Beatrice Krol Jack Kubu Jacqueline I. Kuchyak ’76 Evelyn Kuchyak Alexander G. Kumskis Stanley Kuster Fred Lambert Cherie Grenier Larson ’64 Frank D. Lebar Bob Leli Genevieve Luzi Gloria Alitto Majewski Marie Essig Mally

Roland Manfredi Udo Mankiewicz Sr. Frank Manos Mary Maraffino Maedene Mascitti Americo “Pops” Mattio John Mattio Stephen Maurizi Margaret McConnell Andrew Medansky Victoria R. Melei Sylvia Miceli Rita Migacz Mitchel J. Mikolajczyk Wanda Mikolajczyk Maria Mikutowska Juan “Paul” Morales Sr. Dominga (Marie Dominic) Moore, O.P. Rose Morrissey Mary “Honey” Mulcahy Joseph L. Mulville Dr. Thomas J. Nykiel John D. O’Connor Rev. William O’Connor Arlene O’Farrell Linda O’Leary Raul Ortiz Robert O’Toole Sr. Terry Owen Robert Paradis Linda Patterson Diane Paulaskas David Piattoni Lee Porter

Margaret Potocny Alberio Primavera Anthony Puoci Robert Richter Sister Maxine Riker, O.P. Robert Robertson Myrtle Sampognaro Catherine Schafer Catherine Scheid Betty Jo Schichner Mary Schmitt John M. Schreiber MaryRose Schreiber Jeff Seubel Jack Sheehan Pasquale Simone Kenneth Siuba Joseph J. Skorick Robert Slobig Raymond F. Smaron Jason Surber Hannah P. Swacus Howard Sypole Alfred Szymkowski Judy Marie Turner Gerald Ward Rita Wasz Rosemary Weil Mary Ann Winkle Marie Wloch Chewy Zerante Raymond Zielinski Patricia Zowistowski

A ccelerated W eekend E xperience Opportunities for Academically Talented Students* - Grades 3-8

GRADES 3 & 4 Scratch: An Introduction to Computer Programming EXCITING TWO-DAY COURSES November 7 - 8, 2015 Marian Catholic High School Chicago Heights, IL Course Cost: $245


Create your own digital stories, animations, games, music and art on a computer. Share these creations on the Internet with Scratch, a programming language designed to produce rich, interactive media while developing important 21st Century skills.

GRADES 5 & 6 MIT APP Inventor

Design, create, and distribute mobile applications for theAndroid platform using the MIT App Inventor, a coding platform suitable for the creation of real-world apps, games, and socially-useful programs that take advantage of the device’s mobile features, such as GPS, texting, clock, and sensors.

GRADES 7 & 8 Programming with Python

Learn to design and build computer programs with Python, the fastest growing computer language and an important part of the development of Google.

For more information or to apply please visit | (847) 491-3782, ext. 4 *Defined as a score in math at the 90th percentile or higher on a nationally normed test such as the ISAT, MAP, or ITBS. 17


Academic Honors and Scholarships Antonio Abron–Illinois State University MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee John Adducci–University of Iowa ESCC Scholar Athlete French National Honor Society Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of Iowa Old Gold Scholarship Bradley University Presidential Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Saint Louis University Vice President Tuition Scholarship Sarah Andoh–Mount Holyoke College University of Illinois President’s Award Program MCHS Academic Letter National Achievement Commended Student Christopher Austin–Howard University Doug Damon Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of Missouri Diversity Award Ethan Backlin–School of the Art Institute of Chicago National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence School of the Art Institute Recognition Scholarship Kaley Barseth–University of Findlay Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Findlay Trustee’s Scholarship University of Findlay Trustee’s Scholarship William Woods University Academic Excellence Award Paige Basile–Loyola University Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship IUPUI Service Award

Mary Blewitt–Prairie State College French National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Amanda Blocker–Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Cougar Pride Scholarship Spanish National Honor Society Bradley University Deans Scholarship Bradley University Legacy Scholarship Western Illinois University Commitment Scholarship Joseph Blom–University of Missouri University of Missouri Diversity Award Christian Boblink–Indiana University Advanced Placement Scholar National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Butler University Fairview Scholar University of Delaware Scholar Award Kauai Bradley–University of Pittsburgh MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee University of Pittsburgh Athletic Scholarship Martin Breslin–Loyola University Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Dean’s Scholarship Ohio University Signature Awards Program University of Dayton Father Chaminade Scholarship University of Dayton Leadership in Service Scholarship University of Missouri-Columbia Mark Twain Nonresident Scholarship Valparaiso University Alumni Heritage Award Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship Xavier University Dean’s Award Michael Brewer Jr.–DePaul University French National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Deja Brewer–Illinois State University Kairos Retreat Leader

Carla Bennett–Augustana College Augustana College Biology Scholarship Augustana College Cultural Diversity Award Augustana College Dean’s Scholarship Kairos Retreat Leader National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Student Council 1st Vice-President Albion College Forks in the Road Scholarship Albion College Presidential Award

Allyson Brooks–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Butler University Academic Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship

Brasia Berryhill–Howard University National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society

Nicholas Brown–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Iowa National Scholars Award

Kayla Bickham–Ball State University Appalachia Service Trip Ball State University Academic Recognition Award Kairos Retreat Leader Gregory Biggio–University of Dayton French National Honor Society Illinois State Scholar National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Dayton President’s Merit Scholarship Iowa State University Academic Recognition Award Missouri University of Science & Tech Miner Scholarship Missouri University of Science & Tech Trustees Out-of-State Scholarship Missouri University of Science & Technology University Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award

Raven-Symone Brown–TBA ESCC Scholar Athlete MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society


Regina Brown–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Ryan Brown–Butler University Butler University Freshman Academic Scholarship Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Dominican Veritas Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Michigan State University Scholars Award Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award Micaela Bucci–Illinois State University Illinois State University Redbird Academic Scholarship Illinois State University School of Art Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Phoenix Burnett–Washington University in St. Louis Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor ESCC Scholar Athlete French National Honor Society Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter National Achievement Scholar National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Class Vice-President National Achievement Scholarship Yutong Mina Cai–Indiana University ESCC Scholar Athlete Indiana University Global Engagement Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of California Riverside Achievement Scholarship University of Georgia Classic Scholars Award Emily Callahan–Columbia College Chicago Columbia College Trustee Scholarship Illinois State Scholar Latin National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Aaron Camacho–Cardinal Stritch University Cardinal Stritch Non-major Performance Scholarship Cardinal Stritch University Franciscan Heritage Scholarship Lewis University Success Grant Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Heritage Award Saint Xavier University Resident Award Parrish Carter Jr.–University of Arizona Kairos Retreat Leader President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Missouri Diversity Award Alexis Castillo–Indiana University French National Honor Society National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Angelica Cazares–University of Missouri French National Honor Society Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Technical Theater National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Missouri Diversity Award University of Missouri Frank & Ruth Field Scholarship RIT Achievement Scholarship Rose Hulman Academic Scholarship University of Illinois at Chicago Merit Award University of Illinois President’s Award Program

Class of 2015 Academic Honors and Scholarships Shelby Chaney–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kairos Retreat Leader National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign ACES Academic Achievement Scholarship University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign President’s Award Program Joseph Cifelli–Purdue University MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee President’s Award for Academic Excellence Purdue University Athletic Scholarship Sydney Cimini–Purdue University Spanish National Honor Society Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship University of Iowa Heritage Award Marianna Ciscato–University of Nebraska Kairos Retreat Leader Sydney Clayborn–Tuskegee University Senior Class Treasurer Tuskegee University Academic Achievement Award University of Missouri Diversity Award Sarah Clemmer–Tuskegee University Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Robert Clifton III–Ohio University Ohio University Achievement Scholarship Ohio University Promise Scholarship Ohio University Trustee Award University of Missouri Diversity Non-Resident Tuition Waiver Nicholas Cohn–University of Missouri Kairos Retreat Leader University of Missouri Diversity Award Ohio University Signature Awards Program University of Missouri Diversity Award Benjamin Collins–Joliet Junior College National Honor Society President’s Award for Educational Excellence Grand Valley State University Award for Excellence University of Dayton President’s Merit Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award Brandon Craig–University of Missouri Dominican Preacher Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Kelsey Cook–University of Southern Indiana Appalachia Service Trip Kairos Retreat Leader Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Amy Cowser–Lewis University Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor Appalachia Service Trip MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Augustana College Presidential Scholar Catholic College Admission Association Scholarship Illinois State Scholar Lewis University Bishop Bernard Scheil Scholarship Northern Illinois University Scholar Awards Purdue University Presidential Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Presidential Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Casey Cusimano–Beloit College Beloit College Eaton Scholarship Aquinas College St. Dominic Out of State Grant Aquinas College St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship Carthage College Springfield Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award

Erica David-Johnson–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign French National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign President’s Award Program Ball State University Academic Recognition Award DePaul University Scholars Award Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Presidential Scholarship St. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship DeAngelo Davis–University of Kansas MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Speech Christina de Bustros–Butler University Appalachia Service Trip Butler University Trustee Scholarship ESCC Scholar Athlete French National Honor Society Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Snowball Staff DePaul University Dean’s Scholarship Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship Indiana University Deans Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Saint Louis University Deans’ Scholarship David DeRamus–University of Wisconsin-Platteville University of Wisconsin-Platteville Music Scholarship Eastern Michigan University Scholarship Western Illinois University Talent Service Award Kalyn Des Jardins–Syracuse University Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor Appalachia Service Trip Illinois State Scholar Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Alexis Diaz-Albertini–University of North Carolina-Greensboro Pace University Incentive Award Point Park Trustee Scholarship University of Arizona Academic Excellence Award Bailey Dixon–United States Naval Academy United States Naval Academy Appointment Albion College Briton Award Albion College Forks in the Road Scholarship Augustana College Founders’ Scholarship Augustana Cultural Diversity Award Beloit College Presidential Award DePaul University St. Vincent de Paul Scholarship Detroit-Mercy Dean’s Scholarship Elmhurst College Enrichment Scholarship Elmhurst College Founders Scholarship Loras College Merit Award Mount Union Heritage Award Matthew Dutczak–University of Illinois at Chicago Tennessee State University Out-of-State Scholarship St. Joseph University United Scholars Award Nathanael Eaves–Tennessee State University Bradley University University Scholarship University of Tampa Spartan Scholarship Kelsey Feldner–Olivet Nazarene University Olivet Nazarene University Academic Scholarship Student Council 2nd Vice-President Olivet Nazarene University Friends of Olivet scholarship Jordan Ferguson–Coe College Coe College Dean’s Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois President’s Award Program University of Illinois-Chicago Presidents Award University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of Wisconsin-Mil Engineering Excellence Scholarship


Diana Fernandez–Saint Mary’s College Spanish National Honor Society St. Mary’s College Bertrand Award Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Jada Flynn–Xavier University Kairos Retreat Leader Xavier University Catholic Leadership Award Bradley University University Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Saint Louis University Billiken Catholic Award University of Dayton Father Chaminade Scholarship Ibrahim Ghazaleh–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advanced Placement Scholar ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois President’s Award Program Julia Giannini–Benedictine University Benedicitine University Catholic HS Award Benedictine University Out of State Residency Award Olivet Nazarene University Grant for Academic Excellence Karissa Givens–University of Missouri National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Missouri Diversity Award Joel Godinez–University of Missouri Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Latin National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Julian Goods–University of Michigan Advanced Placement Scholar MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Band MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Uplift Foundation Scholarship Twenty Pearls, Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Duquesne University Academic Scholarship Duquesne University Laval Scholarship Duquesne University Music Scholarship Hampton University Merit Achievement Scholarship New York University Steinhardt Scholarship University of Michigan Presidential Scholarship Thomas Gorski–University of Iowa MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Business President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Dayton Deans’ Merit Scholarship Allison Gregorovic–Iowa State University Appalachia Service Trip ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Iowa State University Award for Competitive Excellence Iowa State University College of Engineering Scholarship Iowa State University Johnson-Engel Scholarship Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Christopher Griffith–University of Arizona Spanish National Honor Society Noah Griffith–Prairie State College Kairos Retreat Leader Emily Grybas–Joliet Junior College Augustana College Music Scholarship Augustana College Opportunity Award Alec Guarino–Butler University ESCC Scholar Athlete President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Indiana University Provost Scholarship Spanish National Honor Society Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship

Class of 2015 Academic Honors and Scholarships Riley Harber–Indiana University ESCC Scholar Athlete French National Honor Society Indiana University Provost Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Presidential Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - English MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - French MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Snowball Staff Tulane University Founders Scholar Rebecca Hauser–University of Iowa Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Chorus MCHS Dominican Veritas Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Illinois State University Redbird Academic Scholarship Indiana University Deans Scholarship University of Illinois President’s Award Program Joshua Haynes–University of Missouri University of Missouri Diversity Award Genevieve Helsel–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction Class Valedictorian ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Ladies Auxillary to the Catholic War Veterans, Chicago Heights Memorial Post 1060 Award Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Mathematics MCHS Student Athlete Award Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Purdue University Trustees Scholarship University of Illinois-UC Computer Science Visionary Scholarship University of Illinois-UC Engineering Premier Scholarship University of Southern California Dean’s Scholarship Troi Henderson–Howard University Advanced Placement Scholar Howard University Capstone Scholarship Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter National Achievement Finalist National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Student Council Secretary DePaul University Presidential Scholarship Fordham University Loyola Scholarship Fordham University Tuition Award Hampton University Merit Achievement Scholarship Hofstra University Presidential Scholarship Pace University President’s Scholarship St. John’s University Provost Scholarship Jennifer Hickey–Luther College Appalachia Service Trip Luther College “Become” Award Luther College Presidential Scholarship Luther College Weston Noble Music Scholarship MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Bradley University University Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Marquette University Pere Marquette Award

Nathan Holley–North Central College Appalachia Service Trip MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee North Central College Achievement Award Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society Senior Snowball Staff Lewis University Bishop Bernard Scheil Scholarship Loras College Merit Award Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Monmouth College Achievement Award Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Michael Horan –Loyola Universityn Loyola University Loyola Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society DePaul University Dean’s Scholarship Elmhurst Presidential Scholarship Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship Lewis University Alumni Legacy Scholarship Lewis University Frank J. Lewis Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Spanish National Honor Society Kennedy Horton–University of Missouri President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Missouri Diversity Award Paige Horwath–Saint Mary’s College Saint Mary’s College Bertrand Award Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Madeline Huekels–Loyola University New Orleans Appalachia Service Trip Kairos Retreat Leader Loyola University Dean’s Scholarship Loyola University New Orleans Athletic Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Corron Hughes–Tougaloo College National Honor Society Tougaloo College Academic Scholarship Northern Illinois University Centennial Scholarship Christopher Huller–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois President’s Award Program Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Southern Illinois University Carbondale Dean’s Scholarship Alexis Humphrey–Saint Louis University Kairos Retreat Leader President’s Award for Academic Excellence Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Trustee Scholarship Saint Louis University University Scholarship Corinne Jackson–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Student Council - President Ball State University Academic Recognition Award University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of Missouri Diversity Award Deidre Johnson–Northwestern University Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Social Studies MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Achievement Scholar Northwestern University Kerr Academic Achievement Scholarship Northwestern University University Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Abby Foundation Scholarship Indiana University Deans Scholarship Indiana University Kelley School of Business Dean’s Council Scholarship National Achievement Scholarship


Jacqueline Johnson–Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis Appalachia Service Trip French National Honor Society IUPUI Dean of Faculties Scholarship Kairos Retreat Leader Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Class Secretary Indiana University Hudson & Holland Scholars Program Indiana University Provost Scholarship University of St. Francis Trustee Scholarship Sierra Jones–Wayne State University Latin National Honor Society MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Latin National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award University of Illinois President’s Award Program Taylor Jurgeto–Indiana University Kairos Retreat Leader Snowball Staff Director Indiana State University Laptop Award Shannon Kelly–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Snowball Staff Michigan State University Scholars Award University of Arizona Excellence Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award Vickie Kennedy–Joseph’s College-IN Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society Saint Joseph’s College SJC Scholarship Saint Joseph’s College Theater Performance Scholarship Indiana State University Academic Merit Scholarship Indiana State University Laptop Award Hannah King–Knox College Books for a Lifetime Award French National Honor Society Kairos Retreat Leader Knox College Founders Scholarship Knox College Writer’s Scholarship MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Drama MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Visual Art MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Beloit College Presidential Award DePauw University Merit Award DePauw University/Holton Memorial Scholarship Debra Kistner–Eastern Illinois University Appalachia Service Trip Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Cassidy Komorowski–University of Michigan National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Trustee Scholarship University of Kentucky Bluegrass Spirit Scholarship for Non-Residents Abigail Kresal–Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Appalachia Service Trip Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Athletic Scholarship Taylor Krueger–Saint Mary’s College Franciscan Spirit Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Saint Mary’s College LeMans Award Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award St. Xavier University Catholic High School Scholarship Competion Hope Lang–Governors State University MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Drama President’s Award for Academic Excellence

Class of 2015 Academic Honors and Scholarships Michael Lauer–Iowa State University Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction BP Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Illinois State Scholar Iowa State University Award for Competitive Excellence Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Physical Sciences Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society National Merit BP Foundation Scholarship National Merit Commended Student National Merit Special Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Iowa National Scholars Award Jiajun Jaden Li–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ESCC Scholar Athlete Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Julianna Lolli–Indiana State University Kairos Retreat Leader

Killian McDonald–Loyola University Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Dean’s Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence DePaul University Scholars Award Jaymie McGee–Aurora University Aurora University Opportunity Scholarship South Suburban Association Chief of Police Police and Support Staff Dependent Scholarship Elmhurst College Enrichment Scholarship Millikin University Merit Award Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship University of St. Francis Catholic School Scholarship University of St. Francis Franciscan Fellows Award

Janie Neal–Pomona College Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor ESCC Scholar Athlete Gates Millennium Scholars IHSA All-State Academic Team Honorable Mention Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Achievement Scholar President’s Award for Academic Excellence National Achievement Scholarship Tuskegee University Achievement Scholarship

Kaleb McMurray–Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Southern Illinois University Carbondale Dean’s Scholarship Tuskegee University Achievement Scholarshipp

Emilio Nordengreen–Illinois State University Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship

Morgan Meyers–Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship

Abigail Novak–Valparaiso University Senior Snowball Staff Valparaiso University Alumni Heritage Award Marquette University Pere Marquette Award

Bianca Madden–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Appalachia Service Trip Kairos Retreat Leader National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Snowball Staff University of Illinois President’s Award Program Dominican University Dean’s Scholarship Dominican University Residence Life Award Lawrence University More Light Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Trustee Scholarship Northern Illinois University Northern Academic Scholarship Northern Michigan University National Academic Award

Lavezz Middleton–Bucknell University Bucknell University Academic Scholarship Bucknell University Campus Enrichment Scholarship

Ashaunti Mahone–DePaul University Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society

Payton Millhouse–Saint Louis University Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - English MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Saint Louis University Deans’ Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Loyola Scholarship Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship

Sarina Maldonado–University of Missouri Kairos Retreat Leader Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Serina Mancha–DePaul University National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society DePaul Scholars’ Award Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Trustee Scholarship St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship Valparaiso University Honors Award

Debra Miller–University of Iowa Appalachia Service Trip MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Theology MCHS Dominican Veritas Award National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Dominican University Merit Scholarship IUPUI Dean’s Recognition Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award

Adrian Milos–Saint Mary’s College Kairos Retreat Leader Saint Mary’s College Bertrand Award

Matthew Martinson–University of Iowa University of Iowa Athletic Scholarship

Matthew Mindak–Saint Xavier University Kairos Retreat Leader

David Mason–Columbus College of Art and Design Columbus College of Art and Design Animation Scholarship Columbus College of Art and Design Faculty Scholarship

Cassidy Mitchell–Benedictine University Benedictine University Catholic HS Award Benedictine University Eagle Award Benedictine University Leadership Award Benedictine University Sibling Recognition Award Senior Snowball Staff

Bria Matemane–TBA MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society University of Northern Iowa Multicultural Scholar Award University of Northern Iowa Out-of-State Scholar Award Jerell Matthews–Stony Brook University MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Stonybrook University Athletic Scholarship Taylor Matthews–Southern Illinois University-Carbondale French National Honor Society Concordia University Faculty Scholarship Aysia McCondichie–University of St. Francis Ratjhe Campus Family Scholarship Award University of St. Francis Athletic Scholarship University of St. Francis Catholic School Scholarship University of St. Francis Franciscan Fellows Award

Taylor Musgrove–Lindenwood University Lindenwood University Scholarship MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee

Jeffrey Molitsky–Valparaiso University MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Senior Snowball Staff Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship Abigayle Morgan–McPherson College Appalachia Service Trip Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Technical Theater McPherson College Bulldog Excellence Award McPherson College Presidential Scholarship Jacob Morgan–Columbia College Chicago Columbia College Achievement Award Alise Morrow–University of Illinois at Chicago Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award


Tatiyana Oates–Purdue University Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Northern Illinois University Huskie Legacy Award University of Kentucky William C. Parker Scholarship Kenechukwu Okafor–University of Pittsburgh Pitt Club of Chicago scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Pittsburgh Book Award University of Pittsburgh Diversity Award Teniya Page–Pennsylvania State University Penn State University Athletic Scholarship Emerson Pavur–Savannah College of Art and Design Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Savannah College of Art & Design Academic Honors Scholarship Ball State University Heartland Award SCAD Academic Honors Scholarship Brandon Payne–Illinois State University Kairos Retreat Leader Iowa Wesleyan Dean’s Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award John Peabody–Marquette University Appalachia Service Trip ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Marquette University Pere Marquette Award MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society DePaul University Presidential Scholarship Indiana University Deans Scholarship Loyola Marymount University Achievement Award Saint Louis University Vice President Tuition Scholarship Spanish National Honor Society Zachary Pensinger–Roosevelt University Roosevelt University Trustees Scholarship

Class of 2015 Academic Honors and Scholarships William Perkins–University of Illinois at Chicago Eagle Scout University of Illinois at Chicago Business Scholars Program Bradley University Legacy Scholarship Northern Illinois University Centennial Scholarship Cortney Phillippe–Regis University Regis University Blue and Gold Award Regis University Catholic HS Award Anne Piatt–University of Kentucky Appalachia Service Trip Dominican Preacher Four Years Perfect Attendance Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Snowball Staff Director University of Kentucky Bluegrass Spirit Scholarship for Non-Residents Butler University Academic Scholarship DePauw Alumni Legacy Award DePauw University Merit Award IUPUI Academic Excellence Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Trustee Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Saint Louis University University Scholarship University of Kentucky Bluegrass Spirit Scholarship for Non-Residents Xavier University Dean’s Award Isaiah Pickett–Clark Atlanta University Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Jason Pinkus–University of Missouri Kairos Retreat Leader Jacqueline Poe–Carroll University WI Carroll University Trustee Scholarship French National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence John Powers–University of Illinois at Chicago Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Asa Radcliffe–Loyola University Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Frank Raymond IV–University of Iowa University of Iowa Engineering Opportunity Scholarship Advanced Placement Scholar ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Marquette University Pere Marquette Award MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society University of Iowa Engineering Opportunity Scholarship University of Iowa National Scholars Award Glen Reno–TBA National Honor Society Lauren Ringo–Belmont University Belmont University Academic Merit Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Carthage College Founders Scholarship DePaul University Scholars Award University of Dayton President’s Merit Scholarship

Stephen Rivero–Western Illinois University Appalachia Service trip Kairos Retreat Leader Senior Snowball Staff Francesca Robinson–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advanced Placement Scholar Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Theta Rho Omega Chapter scholarship. Four Years Perfect Attendance Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction National Achievement Scholar National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Psi Psi Zeta Chapter, Chicago Scholarship Soror Laura H. Banks Scholarship Spanish National Honor Society University of Illinois President’s Award Program University of Illinois-UC James Scholars Honor Program Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Presidential Scholarship National Achievement Scholarship Northern Illinois University Scholar Awards Northwestern University Founder Scholarship Northwestern University University Scholarship Purdue University National Achievement Scholarship Purdue University Presidential Scholarship Ron Brown Leaders Network University of Missouri Diversity Award University of Notre Dame Provost Scholarship University of Notre Dame University Scholarship Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Cody Rodas–Millikin University Kairos Retreat Leader Millikin University Long-Vanderburg Scholarship Millikin University Merit Award Carthage College Springfield Scholarship Eastern Illinois University Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Monmouth College Achievement Award University of St. Francis Athletic Scholarship University of St. Francis Catholic School Scholarship University of St. Francis Trustee Scholarship Aliya Rodriguez–Michigan State University Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter President’s Award for Academic Excellence Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship University of Missouri Diversity Award Jared Rogers–Michigan State University ESCC Scholar Athlete MCHS Academic Letter Michigan State University Scholars Award Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Missouri Diversity Award London Ross–Illinois State University University of Missouri Diversity Award Megan Ross–Saint Louis University French National Honor Society University of Missouri Diversity Award Leah Rouse–Stephens College Northern Illinois University Huskie Legacy Award Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Academic Scholarship for Freshmen Stephens College High Honors Scholarship


Linda Salgado–Loyola University DePaul Scholars’ Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship Regis University Trustees’ Scholarship Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Presidential Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Spanish National Honor Society University of Dayton President’s Merit Scholarship Xavier University Dean’s Award Illinois State Scholar Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Spanish Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Emily Schenck–University of Mississippi French National Honor Society Meghan Schmidt–Indiana University Four Years Perfect Attendance Indiana University School of Education Direct Admit Scholars Program MCHS Academic Letter President’s Award for Academic Excellence Owen Shrader–University of North Dakota Kairos Retreat Leader Snowball Staff Director Jana Simon–University of Illinois at Chicago President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois-Chicago Presidents Award Birmingham Southern College Cornerstone Award Marquette University Pere Marquette Award University of Tampa Minaret Scholarship Lea Sims–Ball State University Ball State University Academic Recognition Award Rycki Singleton–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois President’s Award Program Alec Smith–Saint Xavier University Appalachia Service Trip Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship Saint Xavier University Resident Award Benedictine University Catholic HS Award Benedictine University St. Benedict Award Lewis University Bishop Bernard Scheil Scholarship University of St. Francis Catholic School Scholarship University of St. Francis Franciscan Fellows Award Patrick Smith–DePaul University DePaul University St. Vincent de Paul Scholarship Ebony Smothers–Northern Illinois University Northern Illinois University Centennial Scholar Rebecca Sosa–American Academy of Art President’s Award for Academic Excellence Allison Spence–Illinois State University Illinois State University Athletic Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence Ronald Stemley–University of Illinois at Chicago Illinois State Scholar Kairos Retreat Leader President’s Award for Academic Excellence Lauren Storiz–Indiana University Advanced Placement Scholar Indiana University Provost Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence DePaul University Presidential Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Loyola Scholarship Miami University Redhawk Excellence Scholarship Saint Mary’s College Dean’s Scholarship

Class of 2015 Academic Honors and Scholarships Joseph Strus–Ball State University MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Valparaiso University Forte Scholarship Nicole Szewczyk–Northwestern University Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Band Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship Michigan State University Professorial Assistantship University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of Iowa Old Gold Scholarship Alexander Tama–Marquette University Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar Latin National Honor Society Marquette University Pere Marquette Award MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Latin Miguel Tavarez–Marquette University President’s Award for Academic Excellence Dominican Preacher Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Siena Heights University Academy scholarship Tia Taylor–Kentucky State University Kentucky State University Excellence Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence Eastern Michigan University Emerald Scholarship Hampton University Merit Achievement Scholarship Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Cougar Pride Scholarship Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Haley Scholarship Tennessee State Academic Out of State Scholar Terri Thomas–Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Cornerstone University Scholarship Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Award Wartburg College Music Ensemble Scholarship Wartburg College Scholarship Females of African-descent Modeling Excellence Abigail Tierney–Columbia College Chicago Dominican Preacher Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Senior Snowball Staff Columbia College Chicago Achievement Award Justin Tigue-Tolley–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign President’s Award for Academic Excellence Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award Matthew Udani–Saint Louis University Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Biological Sciences MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Psychology MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Theology MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Saint Louis University Martin Luther King Scholarship Senior Snowball Staff Spanish National Honor Society Indiana University Distinguished Scholar Award Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship Ifeoma Ukpaby–Saint Louis University Saint Louis University Billiken Catholic Award Michael Valentino–Clark Atlanta University Four Years Perfect Attendance Kentucky State University Academic Grant Roosevelt University Heritage Scholarship

Jenae’ Vaughn–Illinois State University Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Sabrina Vellender–TBA Senior Snowball Staff Lisette Villarreal–Nova Southeastern University Illinois State Scholar MCHS Academic Letter Nova Southeastern University President’s Scholarship President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Saint Xavier Catholic HS Scholarship Saint Xavier University Merit Scholarship University of Illinois President’s Award Program University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award University of St. Francis Catholic School Scholarship Stephanie Wallace-Teliz–University of Tampa MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Tampa Dean’s Scholarship George Mason University Recognition Award IUPUI Service Award Lewis University Michael & Francis Fitzpatrick Scholarship Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Loyola Scholarship Michigan State University Scholars Award Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship Western Illinois University Commitment Scholarship Ruo Xu Henry Wang–University of Arizona Mu Alpha Theta President’s Award for Academic Excellence Marcus Webster–The Catholic University of America Catholic University of America Academic Scholarship Catholic University of America Alumni scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Award for Academic Excellence - Social Studies MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Senior Class President Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Andrew Whitehead–Iowa State University ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Iowa State University Award for Competitive Excellence Iowa State University George Washington Carver Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society University of Missouri Diversity Award Howard University Legacy Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Michigan State University Scholars Award Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship University of Illinois President’s Award Program University of Iowa Advantage Iowa Award University of Iowa National Scholars Award Kellen Williams–Stanford University Advanced Placement Scholar Class Salutatorian Dominican Preacher ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee MCHS Student Athlete Award Mu Alpha Theta National Achievement Scholar National Honor Society National Merit Finalist President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society National Achievement Scholarship


Lindsey Williams–DePaul University National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence David Willis–Northern Illinois University President’s Award for Academic Excellence Robin Wilson–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advanced Placement Scholar Illinois State Scholar Latin National Honor Society MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence University of Illinois-UC James Scholars Honor Program ITW Foundation Scholarship Program Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Presidential Scholarship Marquette University Pere Marquette Award Saint Mary’s College Presidential Scholars for Academic Excellence Carlee Wisniewski–University of Florida MCHS Academic Letter National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Olivet Nazarene University Award Stephanie Wisniewski–University of Kentucky Appalachia Service Trip Kairos Retreat Leader MCHS Academic Letter MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Senior Snowball Staff Spanish National Honor Society University of Kentucky Bluegrass Spitir Scholarship for Non-Residents North Central College Dean Scholarship St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship Joshua Woods–Howard University Howard University Laureate Scholarship National African American Insurance Association - Chicago Chapter Scholarship Olympia Fields Presidential Scholarship South Suburban Cultural Exchange Organization Scholarship Xi Lambda Educational Foundation of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship Dillard University Dean’s Scholarship Hampton University Academic Achievement Scholarship Theta Mu Lambda Charitable Foundation Scholarship Tuskegee University Achievement Scholarship Dana Zavesky–Loyola University Advanced Placement Scholar Appalachia Service Trip ESCC Scholar Athlete Illinois State Scholar Kairos Retreat Leader Loyola University Catholic Heritage Award Loyola University Damen Scholarship MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction MCHS Dominican Veritas Award Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society President’s Award for Academic Excellence Spanish National Honor Society Student Council Treasurer Saint Louis University Vice President Tuition Scholarship Yi Carol Zhou–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MCHS Academic Letter DePaul University Scholars Award ESCC Scholar Athlete French National Honor Society Georgia State University Campus Atlanta Scholarship Indiana University Global Engagement Scholarship Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society

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700 Ashland Avenue Chicago Heights, IL 60411 (708) 996-4621



FAMILY WELCOME MASS AND BREAKFAST Sunday, September 13, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. 26TH ANNUAL ENDOWMENT GOLF CLASSIC Monday, September 14, 2015 Olympia Fields Country Club CLASS OF 1965 – 50 YEAR REUNION WEEKEND Friday, October 2, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Home Reception, Marian Catholic Saturday, October 3, 2015 Mass, MCHS Student Chapel - 6:00 p.m. Class Reunion, Olympia Fields Country Club - 7:00 p.m. ALUMNI HOMECOMING GATHERING Friday, October 2, 2015 7:30 p.m. Football Game – Marian Catholic vs. Joliet Catholic Alumni Homecoming Gathering (Following Game) All Alumni and Friends are welcome. Sister M. Paul McCaughey, O.P., Leadership Center CLASS OF 2010 – INFORMAL 5 YEAR REUNION Friday October 2, 2015 Sister M. Paul McCaughey, O.P., Leadership Center Doors open for 2010 Alums at 8:30 p.m. Pizza, pop, and beer compliments of the Marian Catholic Alumni Association. CLASS REUNIONS Saturday, October 17, 2015 Mass, MCHS Student Chapel - 5:30 p.m. Class Reunions - 7:00 p.m. Midlothian Country Club 5000 147th Street, Midlothian, IL 60445 1975 – 40 Years 1980 – 35 Years 1985 – 30 Years 1990 – 25 Years 1995 – 20 Years CLASS OF 1970 – 45 YEAR REUNION Mass, MCHS Student Chapel - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Reunion Celebration at Balagio, Homewood, IL


COLLEGE DAY Wednesday, January 6, 2016

October 11, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Marian Catholic High School

For more information call Carol Burke Swanson ’81 (708) 756-9775

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 OLYMPIA FIELDS COUNTRY CLUB For more information call Carol Burke Swanson ’81, (708) 756-9775



SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 Entrance and Raffle Tickets going on sale in January through The Marian Catholic Athletic Department $30 Admission Includes: Unlimited Food, Drinks, & Fun! NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED | PHOTO ID REQUIRED AT ENTRANCE

CLASS OF 2005 - 10 YEAR REUNION Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Reunion Celebration at Seven Lions, Chicago, IL If you are interested in helping with reunion planning, contact Carol Burke Swanson ’81 at or (708) 756-9775

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Marian Catholic High School is a Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory high school within the Dominican tradition of study, prayer, community, and preaching. Marian Catholic students seek truth, exhibit personal responsibility, cultivate their individual talents, and demonstrate ethical leadership and Christian service.

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