Simmy - Product Research Management

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Simmy S.p.A.

Product Research Management

Research & Proposal Marianna Redaelli

Premessa Dopo il nostro incontro del 6 Aprile U.S., come concordato ho fatto dello “scouting” verso Brands, Fashion Designer e uffici stampa presenti nel mio network di contatti per illustrare loro l’opportunità di avvalersi della Vostra azienda. Di seguito l’elenco degli stessi e alcune richieste/domande che mi hanno fatto, utili per definire quanto successivamente vi andrò a descrivere come opportunità di sviluppo per l’azienda.

Opportunità A fronte dei contatti da me effettuati, è nata dagli stessi l’esigenza di avere oltre che la solidità di una azienda produttrice ad alto livello di standards, quella di avere nella stessa un canale di Marketing e Distribuzione che si possa occupare di tutte le fasi al di fuori dell’ufficio stile. Non avendo loro la dimensione dei grandi gruppi attualmente Vostri Clienti, strutturati anche all’interno con responsabili di settore, l’offrire loro questa tipologia di servizio “post produzione” è sicuramente un plus positivo. A tal proposito, nelle slides successive, ho razionalizzato una struttura da proporvi, che faccia da “cuscinetto” alla attuale struttura di produzione e che si potrà occupare di: • • • •

Attività Marketing per l’Azienda e per i nuovi Brands Attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo nuovi clienti/settori Attività di Vendita e PostVendita attraverso canali specifici Attività di Procurement per l’Azienda verso nuovi Contatti/Clienti

La struttura si avvarrà ovviamente anche delle figure e delle strutture attualmente attive in Azienda (Finanziario & Commerciale), che concluderanno operativamente le operazioni una volta definita con i nuovi Clienti e con gli acquisiti, la visione generale. Il concept di questa proposta vuole implementare un circolo virtuoso tra case di moda e fashion designer che potranno avere nella struttura una sorta di “hub” dove poter usufruire di spazi espositivi reali e virtuali (showroom) e di vendita (e-commmerce) , senza necessariamente sfruttare i canali classici sino ad ora utilizzati e poco consoni per strutture giovani o di media/grande dimensione. Molti dei contatti inoltre hanno avanzato la richiesta eventuale che la struttura possa diventare loro licenziataria, e dando alla struttura un’identità come suggerita, potrebbe essere un’operazione sicuramente attuabile. Tutti si sono mostrati disponibili ad un appuntamento per approfondire possibili accordi da siglare anche in previsione di una collaborazione ad hoc (alcuni si sono mostrati interessati e disponibili ad aumentare, modificare e personalizzare il proprio prodotto ai fini di una produzione più massiccia ma meglio veicolata attraverso la proposta sopra esposta).

Schema Attuale

Brand A

Brand B


Brand C

Brand D

Brand ‌






Schema Suggerito

Canale Clienti Classico

Nuovo Canale Vendite New Brand A

Brand A

New Brand B

New Brand C

Brand B New Brands…


Brand C


Brand D


Marketing Brand … Specializzata Commerciale






“Catalogo Studio”

Brands & Fashion Designers

The utilitarian approach towards reduction, purism and concise tailoring, are imperative to Lucio Vanotti. It is this rational proposition of fabrics, surfaces and textures that shaped the contours of illusive design. The resulting crisp silhouette is one of efficiency and mathematical precision, sleek, clean and understated. It is in this balanced simplicity, a reflection on inner turmoil and the aptly surfacing editing process manifests itself. Lucio Vanotti aims to subtract garments from the ever turning wheels of seasonal time, allowing for a personal take on timeless sartorial awareness. For this eponymous line, a carefully monitored semi-artisanal production process, set entirely in italy, henceforth became a necessary condition for the final garments. Each collection introduces a myriad of interchangeable silhouettes, both for male and female dressers. Pieces can be rearranged at will, further underlining the suggestive play between form and stern function. Lucio Vanotti strives for a utilitarian approach to genteel design, stripping it of all ornamental elements. It is this fading or avoiding of certain detailing, that is pivotal to the collections composed momentum of suspension in time and space. Henceforth, his work symbolizes a return to innocence, to the grains of the fabric, their tessellate geometry, calmly enveloping our bodies. In this newfound purity, garments sway between second and third dimensions, seams and structure, ever so darting around our corporal interaction. Lucio Vanotti stands for dry muted structures, noted for their subtle embellishments, alluding to highly sensory eternal silhouettes. lunedĂŹ 7 marzo 16


ABOUT FLAVIA Born in 1985 in Rome, Flavia La Rocca is the founder and the designer of the brand that brings her name: flavialarocca. After a BSc in “Scienze della Moda e del Costume” at La Sapienza, in Rome, in 2007 moves to Milan where started her career in various and prestigious press office as Blumarine, Valentino, Vivienne Westwood and Prada. Experience, knowledge and a strong passion have brought Flavia to start working her own brand in the late 2011. A signature style of modular clothes defined by geometric lines was immediately apparent in her first collection together with her commitment to sustainability that is part of the brand’s ethos to being a responsible, honest, and modern company.

“I create clothes that lend themselves to the fashion game, in a responsible, dynamic, contemporary way.”- Flavia

CONCEPT Modular Fashion flavialarocca’s concept is to propose a new attitude towards clothing. A contemporary and modern way to dress up, starting from style matter, having the possibility to change the outifit and customize the pieces with a very simple action, saving time and space. Entire collections built on modular concept. The clothes are composed of interchangeable modules that, through the use of hidden zippers, can be detached and matched again to create different combinations. Modules from different seasons can be mixed together to create a never ending wardrobe. The design is based on bold and geometric lines with feminine attitude, a dialogue between seasonal perspectives and a timeless but also modern and functional design.

CONCEPT The Folded Looks project Dedicated to a conscious globe-trotter a unique set of four modules, that disclose eight different outfits. From morning till evening all in a clutch, without leaving aside the fashion attitude. In a very small space, there is the possibility to dress up in eight different ways according exactly to what’s happening to a woman or around her: spanning from an ‘office outfit’ composed of a top and a pencil skirt, to a mini-dress more adapt to a ‘cocktail’ or an evening outfit with a long skirt. For women who travel and stay aroud all day. For women that change their mind at the last second, however they feel like, they can dress up to the task.

Sogni nel cassetto? Troppi! Per ora, tra i tanti, mi piacerebbe poter partecipare ad un progetto di Moda Etica.

SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable why? The entire process and the concept itself of collections reduces the waste of water, energy and raw materials, bearing in mind the importance of protecting our planet. The possibility to wear the same piece of clothing in different ways or to renew it instead of throw it away make the life cycle of the product longer. The production is entirely Made in Italy in order to cutting down CO2 emissions and limit the transports environment impact. We directly control our supply chain to be sure that respects the planet as well as the people on it. The pieces are made out of recycled, made by new technologies or natural fabrics.

“I think that there is a big potential in sustainability, it is the future, the awareness is growing, tecnology help us to find new materials and new process with less impact on the planet, every reality at every stage has the possibility to control how much their work is sustainable, from small reality to the big ones. It is possible to adjust each step of the production in order to have also an ethical way of work. From my point of view, I am proposing a sustainable concept of clothing, I always keep researching new materials and the way to let them more interesting with new techniques. There is no limit , we just need to believe in it and let the people understand that fashion can be glam and stylish but at the same time sustainable and ethical.� - Flavia







BRAND ACHIEVEMENTS December 2015 – Selected to be part of “Fashion Lab”, a program for the acceleration and ongoing support, conceived by UniCredit Bank and the CAMERA NAZIONALE DELLA MODA ITALIANA in favor of the most promising Italian emerging brands. November 2015 – Selected as one of most interesting 100 fashion realities of Italian Fashion from 1998 to nowdays to be part of ‘The New Vocabulary of Italian Fashion’ exhibition held at La Triennale, Milan. 24th November 2015 - 6th March 2016. February 2016 and September 2015 - Selected by CAMERA NAZIONALE DELLA MODA ITALIANA as one of the 17 international emerging brands to showcase during the official calendar of Milan Fashion Week at Fashion Hub Market. September 2014 and February 2014 - Selected by the BRITISH FASHION COUNCIL to be part of London Fashion Week among the 5 international emerging designers doing Sustainable Fashion at Estethica.

March 2014 – One of the designer who took part at the ‘Forests for Fashion – Fashion for Forests’ event with Fondazione Pistoletto at ONU Palace in Geneve during the International Day of Forest. Speech + performace with a capsule collection realized for the event still displayed at the ONU Palace. February 2014 – selected by the American Model and Actress Amber Valletta for Master&Muse project – online on February 2014 – SUPER ,Talents – Milan Fashion Week – Selected by VOGUE TALENTS. September 2013 – One of the 3 winners of ‘The Talents Night’ – A competition promoted by VOGUE ITALIA & VISA September 2013 – Published on VOGUE ITALIA among the VOGUE TALENTS. May 2013 – one of the 18 designers at ‘The Talent Store’ – Fidenza Village with VOGUE ITALIA & Value Retail.


Brand Identity Prêt à Porter + Haute Couture = Prêt à Couture Una nuova moda senza tempo che abbia Eleganza e Femminilità. Haute Couture con la modernità e l’accessibilità delle collezioni ready to wear. Tutti i prodotti sono Made in Italy e fatti a mano. L’arte e l’architettura siciliane sono le fonti ispiratrici del brand. I riferimenti ai volumi architettonici, alle differenti culture ed ai momenti artistici dell’Isola italiana sono il cuore e l’anima del brand “Daricello”.

In questo modo si mostra uno stile italiano con un cuore multiculturale (Palermo come terra prima greca, poi romana, normanna, spagnola ed infine araba).

“Vestire la propria cultura è il modo migliore di mostrare l’anima”

L’imagine del brand si sviluppa mantenendo un permanente dialogo tra universi opposti: •

Il Barocco e il Minimalismo

Il Sofisticato e il Semplice

Le Curve e le Linee

Il Sud e il Nord

L’Erotismo e la Pudicizia

Contact Sergio Daricello (Art Director) +39.393.3989806

Chiara Simonetti (CEO) +39.329.2737846

Raffaella Lombardini (Sales Manager) +39.333.3667243

Press Office Totem Fashion London FLAT 3 66 WHITECHAPEL HIGH STREET LONDON – E1 7PL + 44 20 7247 8150

Totem Fashion Paris 6 AVENUE DELCASSE 75008 – PARIS + 33 1 44 43 84 21

Distribution Online Shopping Zef retail shop Via Giacomo Matteotti 7, Crema,Italia Saudi Jawahir Trading Company Ltd. 210 Olaya, PO Box 1001, Riyadh 11323, Saudi Arabia AL Khalid Trading Projects, Shuwaikh Industrial Area, BLDG 14-B, 13038 SAFAT, Kuwait True Boutique - Hilit Mor Nissim Aloni 7 st, Tel Aviv, Israel Chic Paris – 373 Renming Road, Lingxi, Cangnan, Zhejiang, China Previous Retail Shops Piave 37, Milano, Italy Twist, Honk Kong

MIAHATAMI, NARGUESS HATAMI: A STYLE PROJECT AND ITS SOUL. The family background of Narguess Hatami, the creative soul of the new line Miahatami, already talks of design and creativity at the same time. She was born in Teheran in 1981, her father is an architect and her mother a fashion designer. After earning a scientific degree, she choose to continue her studies in Italy, bringing with herself and in herself the heritage of an ancient culture, a valuable and incredibly refined one. She joined the Faculty of Humanities at the Università degli Studi in Bologna, following the Degree Course in Culture and Techniques of Costume and Fashion. Her privileged relationship with art plays a crucial part in her approach to the concept of style and elegance. From a very early age she felt the artistic attitude within the family and can improve her penchant for painting and drawing following a year a private course in the study of the master Aydin Aghdashloo. Starting in 2005, Narguess took her first professional step at Paola Frani. In 2008, she became Assistant Designer at PF, the line which joins the other two – Paola Frani and Scrupoli – and was the most significant in terms of turnover. In 2009, Narguess Joined Macerata, alongside Massimo Giorgetti, Creative Director of Manifattura Paoloni, working on the new Men’s and Women’s line MSGM, dealing directly with the realization of the designs of the collection, development of the prototypes and the preparation of the collection presented at Milan Fashion Week. She was also responsible for material and accessories research. In 2010, Narguess Joined Pesaro, cooperating with Marco Morosini, where she has the full creative and productive responsibility of the handbags and accessories line Brandina The Original. A year later Narguess became the designer and collection manager, as the right hand of the Creative Director of AVIU, a knitwear line produced by DFG, participating in the ideation and realization of the collections. She was also responsible for the U “capsule” of AVIU launch in 2009. This sequence of strongly articulated experiences and well-established expertise led Narguess to make the turning point… … And the turning point comes with the Fall/Winter 2015-16: the Miahatami Women’s line of clothing and accessories is launched and the company which owns the new brand is founded. Narguess Hatami offers the public a global style project which bears her name. Or rather, her surname, combined with the possessive adjective which underlines how this project belongs to the designer and fully reflects her aesthetic credo, her roots and her know-how which developed over these years. Miahatami shows an approach to fashion design with a well-defined identity which nevertheless has many facets and permits thousands of interpretations, It is an approach that aims to be a “meeting point between Middle East and European design”. Without the minimal concession to ethnicity, Narguess brings in her collection and in general in her style, her love and familiarity with a millenary, extraordinarily rich, noble and sophisticated culture: the Persian one. Nonetheless she expresses suggestions and references which come from far away thanks to the know-how acquired over the years and also thanks to her mental “habitus” inclined to planning and to a proper architectural rigour with an absolutely contemporary touch, fully belonging to the 21st century and even projected decisively towards the future, due to the strong contribution of technological know-how which runs the entire collection. The result? A style defined by the logic of a natural and relaxed “well dressing” which reveals a strong multicultural spirit in its DNA. A sartorial accuracy which makes each piece a project on its own. The attention paid by the designer to processings and to the most innovative interventions on materials rebalances and declines to present the magical kaleidoscope of colors, patterns, embroideries, images and glamour which come from ancient Persia, from the legendary “silk road”. The potential of Miahatami’s feminine seduction is certainly strong, but also fluid, multivalent and conceived so that the orientation between the looks which form the collection can be really free. Respecting a convention that Narguess sees as an imperative: “to choose and not to be chosen”.









Trousers: F15 NTR 801

Skirt: F15 NSK 809

Jacket: F15 NJK 811

Belt: F15 NAC 801

Overcoat: F15 NJK 804

Shirt: F15 NSH 817

Dress: F15 NAB 806R Belt: F15 NAC 804

Overcoat: F15 NJK 809

Collar: F15 NAC 806 Overcoat: F15 NJK 802

Trousers: F15 NTR 802

Dress: F15 NAB 805

Mini Dress: F15 NKN 805

Overcoat: F15 NJK 812


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