Bar Graph Lesson Plan Written By: Maria Pelletier 000 222 352 Teacher: Maria Pelletier Subject Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Unit Title: Data Analysis Lesson Title: Bar Graphs General Objectives: Statistics and Probability: Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems Specific Outcomes 2: Construct, label and interpret bar graphs to solve problems Materials/Resources Needed: A large bar graph constructed from black plastic and masking tape A template of a bar graph projected on the smart board, with stars representing the number of students A laminated blank bar graph for each student 21 unifix cubes for each student 100 photocopied blank bar graphs 20 dry erase markers 4 small pieces of cardstock, approximately 4x8 inches Students must have their math journal as well Anticipatory Set: Large plastic bar graph is laid out onto the floor Students are told that we are going to collect some data to make a bar graph Input: Students will be led through a series of activities dealing with concrete, symbolic and abstract bar graphs
We will build and analyze different types of bar graphs Gather students around the large plastic bar graph Model: Interactive Instruction Ask what colour eyes it is possible to have Write the colours on the cardstock sheets Place those at the edge of the large bar graph Have students look at each others eyes to determine their colour According to the colour of their eyes, have students one colour at a time starting at the top, stand in the squares of the bar graph Each student should have their own square, and discuss what the problem might be if they have not stood in each consecutive square Because the students are so close together, they now have difficulty standing in their square and seeing which colour has the most students Teacher then asks, “What could take the place of each student that would take up less space and that everybody has?� This is an example of direct questioning Answers will vary: pencil, eraser, shoe, etc. Students replace themselves with their choice of item and we study the new graph Check for Understanding Which colour of eyes do we have the most of? Which colour of eyes do we have the least of? Do we have an equal number of any two colours of eyes Do we have more ___________ eyes than ___________ eyes? Do we have less ___________ eyes than ___________ eyes? Guided Practice: Demonstration Recreate the graph on the smart board using the stars Have students replicate the bar graph on a photocopied bar graph, asking what they could do instead of drawing a star in each box You are attempting to lead them to colouring in the entire box
Independent Practice: Graphic Organizer Distribute the laminated bar graphs and unifix cubes and have students construct their own bar graphs using their own topics and by surveying other students ex. favorite foods, TV, shows, animals etc. Have students complete and hand in 4 of their bar graphs Closure: Journal Writing/ Learning Logs Upon completion of the four individual bar graphs (per student), each student uses their math journal to write about what they have learned about bar graphs using the words more, less, equal, total and so on Evaluation: Students & Self Were the students able to complete four correctly labeled and shaded bar graphs? Were the students actively involved? Did they demonstrate an understanding of creating and representing a bar graph? Did I provide an engaging learning experience? Were the children on task throughout the lesson? Were my instructions clear and simple?