Architectural portfolio 2013

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St udentpr oj ect" QRi nUf a"

( 10/ 2012)

phot or epor tofanexper i ment alact i on“QRcodesont hemonument sofUf a”

soci alsur vey( 100peopl ewasconduct ed) -74% knew aboutQRcodespr evi ousl y -86% shar edt hei ri deaswher et oappl yQRcodes -58% knew aboutt hecodesbef or e -27% notagai nstQRcodes,butdonotseet heneed oft hem -49% hadexper i encewi t hdecodi ngQRcode

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websi t eofapr oj ect

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Thepr ocessofpr omot i ngt hei deaofQRcodesi nUf a ( 11/ 2012-05/ 2013)

Dr .I l darSabi t ov Headoft heDepar t ment ofAr chi t ect ur e

Mr .I l darI br agi mov Chi efAr chi t ect ofUf aci t y

Republ i cI nt er netpor t al“ Openr epubl i c” wi t ht hesuppor toft hegover nment oft heBashkor t ost anRepubl i c

I mpl ement edof f i ci alpr oj ect“Cul t ur alcodesofourci t y” websi t eofapr oj ect

l anguages

( 06/ 2013)

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Moder nc i t i esar er api dl ydi gi t i si ngandQRi sac onveni entt oolf ori nt er ac t i onbet weent her ealandt hevi r t uall ayer sofourl i f e.QRc odespr ovi deauni que l i nkbet weent hephysi c alwor l dandal i mi t l esssuppl yofdi gi t alc ont ent .I nnovat i veadapt at i onsofQRc odesi not herc i t i eshavemadevi si t i ngt heset our i st dest i nat i onseasi er ,wi t hat t r ac t i onsaval i abl eatt het ouc hofasmar tphone.Thei deawast opl ac espec i almar ker sont our i standher i t agesi t esal lover Uf a. Themar ker sc ont ai nasni ppetofi nf or mat i onaboutt hesi t eandQRc odet hat ,whensc anned,opensanar t i c l eaboutt hel andmar k. Tobeabl et ol oadt he i nf or mat i on, user smustbec onnec t edt ot heI nt er netandt heymusthaveaQRc oder eaderi nt hei rdevi c es. Thepr oj ec twoul dhel pt opr eser vet heseher i t age si t esbyr ai si ngawar enesst hr ought heI nt er netandc ommuni c at i ont ec hnol ogi es.Bei ngal eaderi nast udentt eamofl i ke-mi ndedpeopl e,wec ar r i edoutt he exper i ment" QRc odesont hemonument sofUf a"whi c hwasf ol l owedbyasoc i ol ogi c alsur vey.Wepr esent edt her esul t sofourwor kt ot heHeadoft heDepar t mentofAr c hi t ec t ur eoft heUf aSt at ePet r ol eumTec hnol ogi c alUni ver si t yandher ec ommendedourpr oj ec tt ot heChi efAr c hi t ec tofourc i t yt ober eal i zedont heof f i c i all evel . Af t ert hatt hei deaofc r eat i onoft hi spr oj ec twast r ansf er r edt ot her epubl i cI nt er netpor t al" OpenRepubl i c " . Wi t ht hesuppor tof t hel oc algover nmentt hepr oj ec twasi mpl ement edandr ec ei vedt henameof" Cul t ur alc odesofourc i t y" .

temple complex in honor of the Holy Matrona of Moscow task: the development of the temple complex in the structure of the urban district

work in dubinsky studio





1 Source 2 Drawing 3 Graphic focus 4 Textures 5 Construction of logotype 6 Logotype 5 the development of logotype

6 design & drawing


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